Separator Vessel: Ms. Shreya Sahajpal

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Ms. Shreya Sahajpal

Generally, there are two types of vessels in industry: those substantially without internals and those
with internals. The first types are commonly used as an intermediate storage or surge of a process stream
for a limited or extended period, or to provide a phase separation by settling. The second category includes
the shells of equipment such as heat exchangers, reactors, mixers, fractionators, and other equipment whose
housing can be designed and constructed largely independently of whatever internals are necessary.
Separator vessel thus simply means as a vessel or tank without internals to provide a phase
separation. This separator vessel furthermore can be classified into several categories based on their
function. However, generally the classification in this guideline as pictured on Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. General types of separator vessel

Separator vessels usually contain the following sections:
• Primary section
• Secondary section (gravity settling)
• Coalescing section
• Sump or liquid collecting section

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Figure 2. Major components of horizontal separator
Geometrically, all process vessels might be horizontal, vertical, or spherical. The horizontal and
vertical types are commonly used, while the spherical separators are occasionally used for high pressure
service where compact size is desired and liquid volumes are small.

 Vapour-Liquid Separator
A vapour-liquid separator is a vessel into which a liquid and vapour mixture is fed and wherein the
liquid is separated by gravity, falls to the bottom of the vessel, and is withdrawn. The vapour travels
upward at a design velocity which minimizes the entrainment of any liquid droplets in the vapour as it
exits the top of the vessel. Vapour-liquid separators are very widely used in a great many industries and
applications such as:
• Oil refineries
• Natural gas processing plants
• Petrochemical and chemical plants
• Refrigeration systems
• Air conditioning
• Compressor systems for air or gases
• Gas pipelines
• Steam condensate flash drums

A vapour-liquid separator might consist simply of an empty vessel, which causes the fluid
velocities in the entering pipe to be reduced by enlarging the cross-sectional area of flow. Usually,
however the separator includes internal parts, to promote separation of the process, such as:

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1. Primary separation section (entrance): for separating the bulk of the liquid from the gas. It is
desirable to remove the liquid slugs and large droplets of liquid quickly from the gas stream,
and to remove gas from the liquid.
2. Secondary separation section: for removing smaller particles of liquid by gravity settling
depends to a large extent on the decreased gas velocity and reducing the turbulence of gas.
3. Liquid separation section (or the liquid accumulation section): for removing gas bubbles
which may be occluded with the liquid and for sufficient storage of the liquid to handle the
slugs of liquid anticipated in routine operation.
4. Mist extractor or eliminator section: for removing from the gas entrained drops of liquid, that
did not separate in the secondary separation section. Mist extractor might be used to decrease
the amount of entrained liquid in the gas and to reduce diameter of the vessel.
5. Vortex breaker (at the bottom of the vessel): prevents potential pump suction problems if a
pump is used to remove collected liquids.

Figure 3. Internal parts of (a) vertical separator and (b) horizontal vapour-liquid separator

Separators may be designed with or without mist eliminator pads and may also have inlet
diverters. Some separators may also have proprietary impingement or settling internals. An inlet
diverter produces the initial gross separation of liquid and vapour, as the sudden change in
momentum occurs when the fluid enters the separator and hit it. Commonly, the inlet diverter
contains a downcomer that directs the liquid flow below the oil or water interface. The inlet diverter
assures that little gas is carried with the liquid. Some functions of inlet devices are:

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• Reduces momentum of inlet stream
• Provides primary (bulk) separation of gas and liquid
• Enhances flow distribution of gas and liquid phases
• Prevents droplet shattering and re-entrainment of bulk liquid phases
• Stable liquid level control and reduced foaming

The impingement or settling internal might be added to optimized separation process. As the
descriptive name suggests, the impingement separator allows the particle to be removed to strike
some type of surfaces. There are basically three construction types for impingement separator: wire
mesh, plates (curved, flat, or special shaped), and packed impingement beds.
The vapour-liquid separators which are generally used in industries might be classified into
1. Gravity separators
The separation process in this gravity separator occurs by settling and sedimentation and
depends on gravitational force. Liquid droplets or solid particles will settle out of a gas phase if the
gravitational force acting on the droplet or particle is greater than the drag force of the gas flowing
around the droplet or particle. The same phenomenon happens for solid particles in liquid phase and
immiscible sphere of a liquid immersed in another liquid.
Gravitational forces control separation; the lower the gas velocity and the larger the vessel size, the
more efficient the liquid/gas separation. Because of the large vessel size required to achieve
settling, gravity separators are rarely designed to remove droplets smaller than 300 microns.
Gravity separators are not recommended if high separation efficiency is required. Gravity
separators are sometimes also called scrubbers when the ratio of gas rate to liquid rate is very high.
These vessels have a small liquid collection section and are recommended only for the following
• Secondary separation to remove carryover fluids from process equipment such as absorbers and
liquid dust scrubbers.
• Gas line separation downstream from a separator and where flow lines are not long.
• Miscellaneous separation where the gas-liquid ratio is extremely high
2. Centrifugal vapor-liquid separators
Utilize centrifugal action for the separation of materials of different densities and phases, might be
built in stationary and rotary types. In centrifugal separators, centrifugal forces act on droplets at
forces several times greater than gravity as it enters a cylindrical separator. Generally, centrifugal

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separators are used for removing droplets greater than 100 μm in diameter, and a properly sized
centrifugal separator can have a reasonable removal efficiency of droplet sizes as low as 10 μm.

 Applications of Vapour-liquid filter separators

They are used in separation of liquid and solid particles from gas stream. These separators have
higher separation efficiency than the centrifugal separator, but use filter elements which must
periodically be replaced. Typical applications are as follows:
• Compressor stations to protect compressors from free liquid and prevent cylinder wear from
• Metering and pressure reduction stations at city gates: to remove liquid hydrocarbons, water,
sand and pipe scale.
• Protection of desiccant beds and collection of dust carry-over from beds.
• Gas storage systems: to prevent injection or withdrawal of solids, dust, and small amounts
of liquids.
• Fuel lines to power plants and engines.

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1. NLL – Normal liquid level is the liquid level at which the separator is usually operated.

2. LLL – Low liquid level lowest level till which the separator should always be filled. The liquid

level should never be lower than LLL.

3. HLL – High liquid level is the highest level up to which liquid should be filled in a separator.

4. Residence time is the retention time of each phase in the separation compartment of the vessel,

which is used as a criterion for phase separation. In other words, this is the effective time available

for each phase droplets to be separated from the other phase.

5. Holdup time is defined as the duration that the vessel can supply liquid to downstream equipment,

unit or plant if incoming flow is cut off. Holdup time is usually defined by the client depending on

the function of the vessel and the fluctuation of the feed and the sensitivity of downstream

equipment to the variation of flow. Holdup time is the time required for liquid to empty from

Normal Liquid Level (NLL) to Low Liquid Level (LLL). Typical holdup time is 10 minutes for

smooth operation.

6. Surge time is defined as the duration that the vessel can accommodate inlet flow rate if outgoing

flow cuts off. Surge time is the time required for liquid to fill from Normal Liquid Level (NLL) to

High Liquid Level (HLL)

7. Gas-liquid separation time is the time required for a liquid droplet to settle down from gas phase

and reach the liquid level. This time is based on terminal velocity of the targeted liquid droplet.

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