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The document provides details about the history, rulers, cities, geography, deities, magic, and rituals of the fey realm of Arnothoi.

The realm of Arnothoi refers to the coastal forest lands settled by the Green Elves along the northern shores of the Inner Sea in Faerûn.

The Hierophant Druid Arnothaer Galanodel led the Green Elves to establish the realm of Arnothoi after emigrating from other elven lands approximately 17,000 years before the present day.


The Fey Realm of Flowers

Lost realms of Cormanthor Volume IIX

Compiled, edited & in parts written by



The Green Elf realm of Arnothoi

The History of Arnothoi
-17,000 DR beginnings and within a century is a tree
top metropolis of 50000 beings.
Led by the Hierophant Druid Arnothaer
Galanodel, Green Elves emigrate from
Eiellûr, Syorpiir, and Thearnytar to the -16224 DR
Inner Sea for the next seven millennia.
Many clans decide against living beneath Unseasonably heavy rains combining with
the waves and settle upon the northern a spring thaw sees flooding along all the
shores of the Inner Sea. One of the more major rivers of the realm. Hundreds are
prominent settlements is established in drowned when their river side tree
the coastal forests of the Vaalash villages are washed away. Part way
Peninsula, (almost directly across the through the flooding and terrible
waters from the Three Leaf realms. For earthquake causes further destruction
much of the next seven millennia the altering the course of the Aluivyn River.
Green Elves spread out from this point
establishing themselves in most of the -15981 DR
coastal lands and inland as roving bands
throughout the lands of the Great Mother Large numbers of forest goblins begin
Forest. appearing in the eastern reaches of the
Great Mother fleeing before them are
The indigenous Green Elves maintain clans of forest gnomes who come seeking
their worship of the Seelie & Unseelie shelter beneath the trees of the elves.
Courts with Titania & Oberon, along with Warmly welcomed the gnomes alongside
the Queen of Air & Darkness being the the Green Elves and several clans of forest
patron deities of the people. The Green giants manage to drive off the goblins by
Elves name the coastal forests Arnothoi in setting fire to large tracts of forest
honour of druidess who lead them here removing the heavy undergrowth that the
and name her High Queen until the realm goblins had been using to hide their
is established. movements. After a long and wise reign,
High Queen Arnoth enters hibernation for
-16500 DR the last time, eventually transforming into
an Elder Treant at the heart of Arnoth.
The Green Crescent Druids raise up the Her sacrifice marks the beginning of
first forest giants to house the ever communal rule by elders of all 27 clans of
increasing numbers of Green Folk from the Great Mother Forest.
the west. The tree city of Arnoth is
established on the steep northern heights -15490 DR
overlooking the upper Aluivyn Valley. Set
amongst towering oaks, shadowtop, blood A party of Aryvandaaran dragon riders
ash and wierwood trees the bustling discover the hidden city of Arnoth in their
community soon out grows its humble hunt for fugitives from their rule. Their

attacks cause great destruction before upon the shores of the Vaalash. These
they and their draconic mounts are slain mysterious raiders begin attacking villages
by a family of emerald dragons allied with and settlements up and down the coast,
the elves. This clan of psionic wyrms taking many hundreds as slaves for their
settles within the dark confines of the wars in the west. The Council of Elders
forests around Lake Yeventha. selects the Bladesinger, Zalaandra
Rathofaer to lead the remaining clans in
14006 DR their fight against the Vyshaan raiders.

Deadly raids by bands of frost giants and -12873 DR

ogres begin alongside packs of
winterwolves and wargs all along the A gathered force of clan warriors are
northern frontiers. Dozens of villages and routed at the battle of Kestrel’s Run by
scattered nomadic tribes are slain. In raiding elven knights and raiders as they
response the Moot of Calaer sees the sack the Arnothan city of Athyllaar. In all
Giant Slaying Druid-Ranger, H’malaar 20000 Green elves are either captured or
Aulgyr elected as the next High King and slain as the eastern half of the realm falls
war leader. He proceeds to untie the to the tyrannical slavers from Sharlarion.
clans in their war against the giants of the
Great Ice Sea. -12500 DR

-13992 DR High King Zalaandra is slain in the first

siege of Arnoth as an army of Sun and
An army of 20000 Green Elves, Voadkyn Moon Elves reduce the outlying
Emerald Dragons and Forest Gnomes settlements to ash and rubble. Leading a
destroys a horde of Frost & Hill Giants, final desperate charge from inside the
Ogres, wolves and goblins 10 times their city, the Green Elves manage to drive off
numbers in a titanic battle along the the invaders after capturing of killing their
fringes of the Great Ice Sea. When the 90 commander, Prince Sareael Vyshaan. The
day running battle is over, not one giant in new High King Qorann Rathofaer holds
10 is left to return home. Large groups of the evil prince until his father negotiates a
goblin & orge-kin with their lupine peace and pays a mighty ransom for his
companions roam deeper into the forest sons release.
bringing death and destruction with them.
-12400 DR
-13780 DR
After letting his disgraced son stew in
With the death of the last winterwolf and captivity for almost a century, the
the slaughtering of the last Ice Sea Ogre Vyshaan prince is finally released as his
band High King H’malaar renounces his forces retreat from Athyllaar handing back
crown returning rule to the High Counciil over to the forces of Arnoth. Within a
now that peace has been restored. decade the peace breaks down and the
Vyshaan raiders are back up to their old
-12874 DR tricks, raiding a pillaging coastal and river
side communities all along the inner seas
Coastal villagers report great gallees filled coasts.
with scores of Sun & Moon Elves landing

-12,000 DR High Queen with them. There they
remain as a constant thorn in the
The Crown Wars Begin/Rise of the kingdoms side for the next 3 ½ centuries.
Vyshaantar Empire: After centuries of The Sun & Moon Elves of Hollidaar
fruitless diplomacy, the impatient, continue to use the citadel and its harbour
grasping rulers of Aryvandaar attack as a base from which to raid a pillage
Miyeritar and begins putting political across the inner seas, but never again do
pressure on Shantel Othreier to join them they seek to challenge the rights of the
or suffer the same fate. Green Elves to roam the Great Mother in
relative peace.
-11998 DR
-11404 DR
High King Qorann is assassinated by the
pro-Vyshaan chieftain, Ferellda Yhendorn The last forces of Aryvandaar pullout of
who after having rounded up and Hollidaar, recalled back to the heart of the
imprisoned the clan elders has them elect empire to defend the capital from an
her the next High Queen of Arnoth. uprising in Illefarn. Before they leave the
Vyshaan cronies are soon appointed to last High mage implodes the citadel
positions of power and influence within leaving naught but the windswept
the capital. The surviving clan leaders foundations and hastily abandoned tunnel
abandon the Heartwoods heading north complex. Searchers amongst the ruins
to the wilderlands of the Great Mother. find the skeletal remains of High Queen
Ferellda. With her death the High Council
decides to abandon the ravaged capital,
-11784 DR restoring clan rule with the court
establishing itself within the shadow of
A small fleet of galleys head up river to Moon Rise Tor upon the shores of
the Lake of Yeventha and the Moon Tor Teu’alum’en Lake.
lands in an effort to destroy the last
resistance to their rule. In a surprise -10357 DR
attack hundreds of wyvern and giant eagle
riding green elf wizards, druids and The Halls of the Nexus is established as a
spellblades descend upon the hapless clearing house for refugees from the
fleet as elementals and tree spirits attack Crown Wars. The vast covered portal
the invaders from all sides and destroy nexus becomes a way for the distant
every last elf within the fleet. From this realm of Ilodhar to stay in touch with the
time on the Vyshaan are on the defensive disapora of the shattered western realms.
slowly losing ground until they themselves Small numbers of immigrants begin
are trapped within the besieged capital. moving into the icy reaches of the western
Great Mother. Many settler groups clash
-11782 DR with the local Green Elves resulting in
dozens of unrecorded deaths on both
After a lengthy and bloody siege the sides.
forces of Aryvandaar finally crack the
prohibitions on the use of portal magic - 10082 DR
and retreat to their harbour citadel on the
tip of the Vaalash Peninsula taking the

Fleeing the growing population of the Illefarn & its colony in the Llewyrrwood is
lands around Ilodhar, the first Green Elf annexed by Aryvandaar as its nobility of
clans move into northern Arcorar. The priests and High Mages died under the
people rename it Rystallar in honour of persecution of the increasingly-crazed
their leader Rystalln’har Audark who leads Coronal Giilvas Vyshaan. Many elves of
the people out of slavery into freedom in both lands flee to the remnants of Shantel
the east. Meeting their ancient kin for the Othreier and Ilodhar to the east. This
first time in millennia the people of sudden influx of powerful magi and priests
Arnothoi and Rystallar meet often to sees the raising of a powerful mantle over
celebrate and trade but their differing the city. The population swells to over
religious and cultural practices prevent 50000 elves of all races and creeds (except
closer ties from being established. Dark Elves). The city continues acting as a
clearing house for those seeking to flee far
-10,000 DR from the grasping reach of the Vyshaan
devils. This continued influx of refugees
The Green Elves of Arnoth are ignored by into the northern reaches of the Great
the Seldarine and are not invited to Elven Mother sees increasingly violent clashes
Court council. In response to the between the interlopers and the
increasing presence of foreigners the indigenous clans seeking to protect their
leaders of the various clans and homelands and livelihoods.
homelands gather at the Moot of Cafraer
at G’las’orin and elect the Ranger -9200 DR
Heldalanin Phenthae as their first High
King and War Leader. High King Heldalanin and another 300
Green Elf warriors and spell slingers are
-9980 DR massacred at the ‘battle’ of Redmoon
Glade’ by a company of Sun Elf knights
High King Heldalanin establishes his court and a trio of High magi led by the prince
north of the old barrows in the dense oak Norastum Irithyl. This loss sees the last
and fir forest of the upper Aluivyn Valley Arnothan clans driven from the north-
within the over grown ruins of old Arnoth. western woodlands of the Great Mother.
He renames his renewed capital and The clan elders elect the Blade Singer –
realm Arnothoi, in honour of the original Druid, Yrstagon Phenthae as the next war
founder. Green Elf Druids and High Magi leader/high king of the realm.
begin restoring and regrowing the trees
defences and buildings of the city. Within -9000 DR
six months they have laid the first Green
Elf made mythal set down around a city in The Vyshaan are utterly defeated and
more than 2000 years. Aryvandaar is dissolved. Much of the High
Forest is abandoned for an age, leaving
-9900 DR the forest open so the gods might restore
its peace. The madness of the Vyshaan
Aryvandaar’s covert persecution of High clan compelled even their most fervent
Mages and priests begins, as they attempt followers to abandon them before all the
to destroy or control any who might elves lay dead at their hands. Many elves
somehow force their descent as they did begin migrating back to Elven Court in its
the drow. While not destroyed utterly, eastern forest. With the relentless

increase in the number of Sun, Moon and Hills mourning the loss of their most
Green Elves migrating from the ravaged sacred and spiritually significant lands.
and war-torn west, the elves of Arnothoi
continue their resistance based guerrilla -8400 DR
war picking off the leaders and elves most
opposed to the aboriginal presence. After centuries of intermittent guerrilla
warfare against the hostile Green Elves of
-8800 DR Arnothoi, the immigrant Moon and Sun
Elves clear the western forests, driving the
After much consultation and guidance last aboriginal elves south of Lake Sember.
from the matriarchs within Ilodhar Lady The realm of Jhyrennstar is founded, the
Allyssa grants the charter for the founding Coronal is crowned and the First Rysar
of a fresh colony resulting in the founding starts.
of Rystall Wood and the crowning of its
first Coronal. -8210 DR

-8506 DR The population of Ilodhar continues to

grow as migrants pour in from the west.
King Yrstagon and his family are The non-gold elf clans of Ilodhar abandon
kidnapped by Sun Elf troops from Ilodhar. that realm due to overcrowding and
A message is sent back to the elders in constant harassment by orcs and ogres.
Arnoth that unless they discontinue their Several clans travel north to Rystall Wood,
raids the king and his family will be while others led by the Blade Singer
executed. Their response is to elect the Fallasar Taurntyrith, travel east to western
blood thirsty crusader, Felserianna Arcorar eventually founding the city of
Galanodel as the new high queen and to Braceldaur.
begin slaughtering any sun elf they find
south of the Verire and Duathamper -8000 DR
Rivers. Before the month is out a silken
bag full of royal heads is dropped into the With the destruction of the last Arnothan
market green of Arnoth signalling an villages on the northern shores of Lake
escalation in the war between Arnothoi, Lakes Sember the Coronal of Jhyrennstar
Ilodhar (and her colonies). manages to negotiate a peace treaty with
the High Queen of the Arnothoi. With the
-8502 DR establishment of a shared border along
the south bank of the River Verire (Ashaba
The battle of Moonrise Tor sees River) founding of Semberholme is
thousands of Arnothan Green Elves announced.
massacred and the survivors driven south
by the armies of Ilhodhar led by Prince –7790 DR
Norastum Irithyl. This rout of the
indigenous green elves end the first The King Killer Star appears and the many
‘Searing War’, and clears the way for the dragons of the region gather in several
establishment of further colonies in the flights rampaging about the lands near
central heartlands of the Great Mother. Sea of Dragons. Included in this is a flight
The retreating green elves flee south into of black dragons from the Thunderpeaks
the primordial forests below the Owl Bear who swoop down to lay waste to the sea

side villages of Gothmonai and Everessh. Yhendorn as the next High King of
The raging wyrms then clash head on with Arnothoi.
an equally insane with the red dragons of
the Earthspurs and are slain in the skies -6299 DR
above the Sehanvael.
The Gilden Librarium of Tyrithtael is
-7557 DR completed, and quickly becomes the
largest library of Elven art, literature and
Lady Paerisia of Ilodhar orders the people music within Arcorar. Scholars and
to begin a full evacuation of the city. This artisans from Arnothoi are invited to
influx of the more xenophobic Sun Elves journey north and contribute their realms
see pressure placed upon the rulers of the history and lore to the growing collection.
various Arcoran realms to open up new High King Hathren travels north to visit
lands for settlement south of the Verire the library and gifts the lore keepers with
and Duathamper Rivers. In response the a complete history of the Arnothoi in 21
Arnothans begin building watch towers bound dragon leather volumes.
along their northern border each linked to
the next by portals that enable the elves -6182 DR
to maintain the integrity of their borders
with patrols patiently reminding The High king dies suddenly of natural
trespassers of their transgressions with causes in his sleep after a long illness. His
blunt arrows and frightful illusions nominated successor, Prince Gelaer
designed to turn the intruders peacefully Yhendorn, the high priest of the Dark
around. Queen becomes the next ruler of the
kingdom. This attempt to establish a
-7400 DR dynasty imitating the rulers of Arcorar
causes much discussion amongst the
The Third Rysar of Uvaeren begins after disgruntled elders, outraged that their
the sudden death of the Coronal, after an ceremonial prerogatives have been
apparent hunting accident. Arnothan usurped.
assassins manage to retrieve the dead
coronals sword and scalp as evidence of -5556 DR
their success. High Queen Felserianna has
them executed and the stolen relics The unpopular High King is
returned as an act of good faith in an unceremoniously stripped of his crown
effort to keep the peace between the and executed for consorting with demons
north and south. by a triumphant High Council. Sensing an
opportunity land hungry Sun Elves
-7210 DR attempt to establish settlements south of
the border. In response the clan leaders
High Queen Felserianna is killed by a giant elect the Ranger-Sorceress, Tanthyll
owlbear whilst hunting the dangerous Aulgyr who leads raids to drive the
beasts that have been menacing villagers interlopers back across the border. The
in the hills north of the capital. From the retreating Sun Elves are stripped of their
many potential candidates the clan elders belongings which are then distributed to
elect the Arcane Archer – Druid, Hathren the Green Elf families they displaced as
compensation for the losses.

Cormanthyr. High Queen Tanthyll uses
-5000 DR the ensuing chaos to send her forces
north to reclaim lands lost around the
The Twelve Nights of Fire (Midsummer) Wyrms Tooth (Haptooth), and along the
northern edge of the Owl Bear Hills
The red hot pieces of a shattered meteor driving hundreds of Moon and Sun Elf
rain down upon the forests of the Great colonists back across the old borders.
Mother setting enormous swathes of
woodland alight. One piece gouges a long -4195 DR
path of destruction through the eastern
forest, whilst another flaming chunk sets The Warrior Queen Tanthyll of the
the coastal woodlands of the Gulf of Flaming Blades dies battling Sun Elven
Selune ablaze, creating both the Vale of knights in a running battle along the
Sehanine and the Plains of Samphire. Moonrise Vale. Forces from both sides
continue to battle each other for many
days resulting in hundreds of pointless
-4700 DR desths as the border remains static for the
next several hundred years. The clan
An earthquake rocks the region damaging elders disheartened by the lack of
many stately buildings and homes progress in their war with Cormanthyr
throughout the region. elect the Crusader Scout Tanallthor Aulgyr
to prosecute a more vigourous push to
–4400 DR reclaim their old homelands around
Moonrise Tor and Lake.
The Dark Court Slaughter: Given exact
details on the times and dates of the -4000 DR
Grand Moot between the Rulers of
Arcorar and Sarphil, by agents working for The Five realms north of Arnothoi unite
the narcissistic megalomaniac, Lord under the banner of Cormanthyr, the High
Gel’danyth, Drow and Duergar attack and King warns the elves of the new empire to
destroy the Elven Court and Sarphil stay out of his peoples lands upon pain of
beginning on Midwinter Night. Within death, or worse. There are many minor
days, the Elven Court is in ruins and skirmishes along the two kingdoms shared
Sarphil is occupied by the drow and border and the region becomes a wild and
duergar. The Dark Court Slaughter claims violent region belonging to no one but
the lives of many clan leaders of the Elven claiming many lives.
Court and the coronals of both Rystall
Wood and Jhyrennstar. -3900 DR

Roving bands of dark elves are picked off The violent warrior king Tanalthor is slain
by small troops or Arnothan arcane by Orcish shamans who summon several
archers and scouts who play a deadly demons to attack the king and his warriors
game of cate and mouse with the dark as they hunt the roving orcs through the
elves as they sweep south to protect their western Owl Bear Hills. In a rare instance
flanks. Their losses prove prohibitively of co-operation troops from Arnothoi and
high and they quickly fall back north to Cormanthyr combine to hunt down and
ther woods around the ruined court of destroy the orcs and their demonic allies.

Forcing a rethink in their agreesive cross and an uneasy, tension filled ‘peace’
policies a small group of influential priests ensues.
use their influnec toi have the Druidess
Tanalassra Aulgyr elected the new High -3001 DR
Queen and instruct her to open up a
dialogue with the rulers in Cormanthor to Arnothan high magi raise a new mythal
try and find a peaceful solution over the city of Arnoth, set amongst
dense, almost primordial forest the city
-3520 DR exists only in the middle and upper
canopy with no clear way to ascend.
Elves of the North begin aiding in the Forbidden to outsiders, the Arnothans set
escapes of gnomish slaves from their up the temple town of G’las’orin as the
Netherese captors, helping them move main trade and market place for goods
south and east across the Realms. High from all over the known worlds.
Queen Tanalassra and representatives
from the various Forest Gnome clans of -2475 DR
Arnothoi invite many of the refugees to
settle within the Yeven Vale under the The Great Glacier continues to expand as
care and watchful silence of the archers of a mini ice-age grips the northern lands
Arnoth and Cormanthor. covering much the the northern forest in
ice ½ a mile thick, the city of Braceldaur is
-3333 DR destroyed and its people migrate south.
Green Elves from the region are invited by
A sudden rise in the number of births the rulers of Arnothoi to settle in the
across the realms co-incides with bumper lightly populated western hinterlands and
crops of grains, seeds, nuts and berries as the coastal forests long left vacant after
favourable seasons continue for the next the Slave Taker Wars. Many influential
decade as the climate slowly warms. families with long held grudges against
the northerners open up long hidden
-3227 DR gates and begin migrating west to the
Great Dale Forests and to warmer lands
The nature loving high queen dies whilst far to the east.
attending a peace conference in
Semberholme, on the eve of signing a -2344 DR
treaty forever sealing a peace bond
between the two nations. Her sudden The aging high king orders the
unexplainable death throws the peace establishment of a new colony far away
talks into disarray as the Arnothan envoys from their troubled homeland. Scouts
storm out of the meeting accusing the and magi combine to scout the planet for
Cormanthans of treachery and regicide. a new home of virgin forests far away
The disgusted clan elders declare a state from the growing troubles of the
of war once again between the two Arnothan people. The high king dies of a
realms and elect the Lythari archer, long illness on the eve of the first scouts
Roarkan Fethrael as the next High king of returning. He lasts long enough to learn
the realm. The armies of both realms of the discovery of an archipelago on the
march to the border but neither of them far southern side of the planet completely
devoid of humanoid life yet covered in

primordial forests.....The new high king, -982 DR
Goathrynn Fethrael immediately sets
about recruiting families to migrate south A nest of Green Dragons settle within the
through a new portal nexus to the newly forests north of the Emerald Tor, for
located islands hidden by distance in the centuries they prey upon the people on
great south seas. both sides of the River Verire. Several
lesser wyrms of the brood are brought
-2208 DR down by Green Elf dragon hunters but at
enormous cost in retaliatory raids by the
After centuries of cold dry winters, great elder wyrms. High Queen, Ethelfaor leads
fires rage across much of the southern her eagle & griffon riding Green Knights
and western forests. Despite the valiant north to harass the wiyms driving them
sacrifices made by ordinary elves of the north into the snow covered forests of the
Great Mother, the druids and tree herders northern lands. In a rare stroke of luck
actively encourage the fires attempting to she and her followers find and seize the
renew the forests and clear the of the hoards of several dead dragons and spirit
choking under growth. The green elves the many rare and powerful Moon and
clash frequently with their Sunn & Moon Sun Elven treasures they find to their
Elf cousins as they attempt to continue a colonies far tho the south where they can
practice patch burning of the forests on an do no harm.
annual basis.
-980 DR
-1798 DR
Geomancers raise the first towers of the
The aging high king tired of the constant Palace Beyond Time in Aavenglas. High
bickering and petty wars of the noble Magi loyal to the Reithel clan raise a
border lords & clans, resigns his throne mantle over the palace that effectively
and migrates west to Shalhoond to be slows aging to a crawl within the palace
with his kin in his twilight years, upon his grounds. The Principality of Orva is
departure Lord Goathrynn hands the officially proclaimed. High Queen
sword and sceptre to his great niece, the Ethelfaor cautions the new comers against
Druid, Ethelfaor Galloglar and leaves crossing the Shadowsil and establishes a
without another word. series of beacon towers linking the
western forces set to watch Orva, to the
–1535 DR capital Arnoth.

Ylraphon is established in the eastern -853 DR

woods across the River Lis by exiled
families from Sharrven, seeking a new life Major floods pour down the Shadowsil
again away from the arrogance, stupidity and Aluivynn valleys inundating vast
and greed of the Gold Elves ruling in tracks of forest, whilst at the same time a
Cormanthor. Arnothan Green Elves king-tide forces a storm surge up river
already living within the forests here flooding the lowlands. Many low lying
welcome the new comers with cautious communities of gnomes and elves arte
optimism sharing as they do a common washed out and many survivors flee north
view of the people of the west. into the Owl Bear Hills seeking lands
where floods are not a factor. High Queen

Ethelfaor grants several hundred elves Cormanthor or east through the portals to
and gnomes the right to migrate south. Shalhoond.

-800 DR –722 DR

Queen Ethelfaor resigns her crown, taking Elves of Ylraphon suffer attacks by drow
up the mantle as Chief Hierophant of the forces from Tel Verinal in winter, and the
Southern Forests. In her place, the High orc hordes of summer overwhelm them,
Mage – Druid, Felless Galloglar becomes causing the fall of the city.
the new high king of the realm. His first
order of business is to deal with an -701 DR
increasing number of refugees fleeing
from religious and ethnic violence in Orva. In a single, horrifying night of blood and
There are several clashes with extremists slime, the tiny kingdom of Orva is
from Orva attempting to extend their annihilated and the Vast Swamp doubles
religious influence into the coastal in size, to more or less its present
communities of western Arnothoi. dimensions.

-766 DR Fleeing refugees bring stories of violence

and horror. Several border Arnothan
Suffering from increasingly vivid and border communities are over run by devils
debilitating visions, Prince Ashalwyth before the beacons are lit and help
leaves the day to day running of the realm arrives. High King Felless leads Arnothan
to his trusted lieutenant, The Mage Royal. spellblades and archers as they battle
The mad, petty, power-hungry Laranlors hundreds of devils and their undead
fractured mind is filled with delusions of servitors on the bloody banks of the
empire. Acting upon the the advice of his Shadowsil. After a battles lasting many
chief retainer Lord Ashalwyth orders his days, Cormanthan High Magi arrive and
high-magi who reside within Orvaskyte to combine with their Arnothan counterparts
devise a means of expanding Orvas’ to put an end to the Hellish invasion and
borders with minimal effort. the Orvan heresy that spawned it all.

-745 DR -671 DR

Disgusted at the increasingly violent and The first great hordes form as Orcs grow
paranoid actions of their lord, several so numerous as to gather into raiding
noble and pious families attempt to hordes every dozen summers or so. These
overthrow their tyrannical prince. After a great, undisciplined hosts of warriors build
brief and bloody civil war the surviving or seize ships and sail away south to
rebellious nobles and their many followers plunder and slay. Many coastal
are sacrificed one and all, young and old, communities come under increasing
upon the alters dedicated to Chronos the attack by the Orcish reavers. In response
Destroyer in Orvaskyte. Thousand of travelling bands of Arnothan archers and
commoners flee east seeking refuge spellblades, accompanied by portal magic
within the borders of Arnothoi. Seeing using magi, set up a series of coatal watch
them as a direct threat to his realms high towers linked via portals to protect their
king Felless allows them to pass north to lands. After several false starts they

manage to destroy several dozen Orcish
flotillas over the next 30 years, as they Lord of Scepters Iliphar Nelnueve of
attempt to raid elvish communities House Amaratharr is granted rule of the
further inland. Wolf Woods of Old Orva upon his besting
of Thauglorimorgorus the Black Doom in a
-255 DR dragons “duel of honor”. High King Felless
sends envoys west to negotiate with the
Jhaamdath is destroyed by a tidal wave new Laranlor a mutual co-operation
created by high elven magic. Percussive treaty, but Lord Iliphar dismisses them as
waves rebound throughout the inner sea backwards bumpkin not worthy of his
causing great destruction to many time. In response High King Felless closes
communities hundreds of miles away the Shadowsil crossings and strengthens
from the source of the wave. Amongst his forces presence upon Arnoths western
the dead are thousands of sea elves and border.
hundreds of Arnothan fisher folk caught
on the coasts of their much ravaged -200 DR
coastal homes. Fearin a resurgence of
the abusive, nature dsstroying former Chondathan emigrants, fleeing
uses of high magic, High King Felless persecution in their homelands, cross the
suggests to the clan elders that a retreat seas becoming the first humans to settle
to their southern colonies might be in the southern reaches of Cormanthor. At
order to prevent further losses. first they are treated with caution by the
elves of Arnothoi, but soon the diseases
-246 DR they bring with them ravage many of the
coastal fishing communities and the elves
Human refugees from shattered then use arrows and fire to drive the
Jhamdaath begin arriving on Arnothois humans east and north to the wild
southern coasts. Alarmed at this sudden Moonfire lands of the Sehanvael.
arrival of what are regarded as viscious
pests no better than orcs, High King -64 DR
Felless orders the immediate slaughter of
all humans encountered upon Arothan Green Elves from fallen Rystal Wood
shores. In this way thousands of humans migrate south to join their distant kin,
looking for a new home, find nothing but they are permitted by High King Felless to
death beneath the forested shores of a settle in Raph’tlor, beneath the looming
hostile realm. shadow of the Thunder Peaks. They soon
establish the thriving community of
-225 DR Raph’llon which becomes a steadfast
bulwark against orcish invasions from the
Horrified at this continued slaughter of western mountains.
hapless refugees, the priests of Arnoth
unite against ther high king and mange to -26 DR
persuade the elders to overrule Lord
Felless’ policy of persecutiuon against the Blacklung, a previously unknown disease,
humans. sweeps through Arnothoi, reducing Green
Elf populations by nearly 50% in many
-205 DR communities. Amongst the thousands of

dead is the aging Lord Felless. Many elves
flee west to Shalhoon or through the High King Fethren is killed in an ambush
secret portal nexus to their southern by human warriors at the mouth of the
colonies. The few surviving elders elect, Aluivyn whilst he and his escort are
the High Priest of Sehanine, Fethren inspecting the burning ruins of an isolated
Galloglar as the next High King of the village. Other elves hunt down and kill the
rapidly shrinking realm. reavers slaughter them as they arrive back
at their ships pulled into the mangrove
1 DR flats of Greensun Bay. The new high king,
Faorantyr Yhendorn orders all coastal
The Standing Stone is raised by the elves dwellers to abandon their holdings
of Cormanthyr and the Dalesmen, offering river side homes along the
ratifying the Dales Compact between Aluivyn Valley as compensation. Before
them and starting the Dalereckoning the decade is out every coastal village and
calendar. In the south High King Fethren hamlet is raised and their former
grudgingly cedes lands to the human occupants relocated inland or down
settlers, along Arnothoi’s northern border south.
to act as a buffer zone between his realm
and the usurpers of the northern forests. 26 DR

6 DR The humans of House Obaskyr, seek and

are granted permission by Lord of
Humans fleeing plague and tyranny and Scepters Iliphar Nelnueve, to establish a
lead by Ondeth Obarskyr settle a tract of realm upon the coastal plains of Lyth’tlon.
land on the outskirts of the Wolf Woods High King Faorantyr forbids them to
west of Slivermoon Bay. The scouts of expand beyond the boundaries of Old
Lyth’tlorn quickly send word to the Royal Orva.
Courts in Eveningstar and Arnoth alerting
them to this growing threat. 200 DR

16 DR The armies of Cormyr led by King Moriann

defeat the goblinkin of Hlundadim north
In retaliation for the killing of several of Suzail and drive them out of the
Elven families who had sought to kingdom and into the Stonelands.
peacefully trade with the encroaching Companies of elven archers from
humans and who objected to the clear Lyth’tlorn and Arnothoi protect the flanks
felling of so many trees, Green Elven of the human army and prevent the
troops from Lyth’tlorn and Arnothoi goblinoids from using their vastly superior
attack the Bleth farmstead and other numbers from outflanking and over
more remote wood cutter and mining running the heavily armed by not very
settlements outside Suzail, killing all mobile human troops. This battle marks
occupants. Baerauble Etharr (a human the beginning of the first full time alliance
mage from Netheril living at the royal between the south –western human and
court in Eveningstar) counsels Ondeth elven realms.
against further expansion into Lyth’tlorn.
220 DR
24 DR

The Coronal of Cormanthyr opens the
forest of Cormanthor to non-elves, this is
the cause for much consternation 398 DR
amongst the more conservative families
of the realm, some of whom move south Seven Dragons attack Myth Drannor and
or east. In Arnoth the High King Faorantyr are driven off three of the wyrms head
allows select humans to travel through his south to continue their attacks upon the
lands but refuses permission for any to hapless elves and humans of Sehanvael. A
live anywhere but within the border dale red wyrm Gatorexashaar is slain by the
lands of the north. human crusader ‘Botharan Ironside’ in an
epic one on one struggle. Spells and
261 DR arrows of a combined human and elven
army manage to slay the other two after
The elves of Cormanthyr lay a mythal over they have slain hundreds and caused
the city of Cormanthor and open the city untold damage. This is the first time that
up to all non-elves. Horrified at this many the humans of the dales and the Green
conservative families leave the city, with Elves of Arnothoi have co-operated on
many minor nobles and their followers mutual defence.
finding a warm welcome within Arnothoi.
High King Faorantyr gladly welcomes 400-15 DR
these new comers seeing them as a boost
to his realms flagging population and Invaders from the human logging
defences. fortresses of Chondathan and
Chauncelgaunt come under increasingly
274 DR savage attacks by orc and goblin raiders as
these bands are forced south by
High King Faoantyr is summoned to the Arnothan efforts to rid the eastern
Council of Elders and unceremoniously Thunder Peaks of the goblinoid threat.
stripped of his throne charged with The elves drive the goblinoids deep into
consorting with Cormanthan nobles to the the human lands in hopes that each will
detriment of the realm. The council destroy the other. Defenders of future
immediately elects the hauntingly Sembia battle the nonhuman hordes for
beautiful and staunchly patriotic, Ciyradyl the next fifteen years.
Phenthae as the next High Queen of
Arnothoi. Even as the Goblin Smasher Wars
continue, Chondath continues to send
380-6 DR: more troops and colonists into their ever
expanding colonies. So despite the
Humans from Chondath seeking new increasingly militant stance of the elves,
markets and trade opportunities help their efforts only stiffens the humans’
establish the trade forts of Chondathan resolve to establish themselves on the
and Chancelgaunt. They are quickly north side of the Sea of Fallen Stars.
followed by timber fellers looking for new
forests to cut. This brings them into direct 429 DR
conflict with the elves of Arnothoi who
are quick to punish any perceived hmna Pushed west by an Arnothan offensive
transgressions. deep into the Thunder Peaks the humans

of Cormyr battle & defeat an Orcish army catacombs beneath shadow of the newly
in central Lyth’tlorn. Meanwhile pirates named Queens Tears Tor.
and slavers lead by Magrath the Minotaur
begin raiding elven coastal villages located 523 DR
along the edge of Slivermoon Bay.
Younger moon elven members of the
430 DR Starym clan return from Eaerlann, Illefarn,
and elsewhere to Myth Drannor. A sub
In petulant defiance of the Council of branch of the house seeks and gains
Elders High Queen Ciyradyl marries her permission to establish a residence and
lover, the human bard, Auros of Elmere in arcane academy within the royal capital
a secret ceremony within the Grand Arnoth. This marks a shift in political
Gardens of G’las’orin. Their union forces attitudes as the High Queen looks
the stiff necked elders to accept Lord northwards for the defence of her rapidly
Auros as a member of the royal family and shrinking forests in the face of continuing
their 17 children become active defenders human aggression.
of the realm.
600 DR
432 DR
High Queen Ciyradyl is slain battling
King Duar of Cormyr seizes Dheolur and human mercenaries as they attempt to
defeats Magrath the Minotaur, whilst this push their way north into the upland
is happening a combined force of human forests of old Arnothoi. This incident
sailors and elven warriors from Arnoth triggers a war that see eleven volunteers
track down, attack and destroy the answering the call to arms from all across
pirate’s hidden base within the fens of the the Great Mother abd beyond. The new
Shadowsil’s mangrove filled estuary. High Queen T’lathra Phenthae places a
bounty on the heads of any Chondathan
512 DR human caught beneath the boughs of the
rapidly vanishing woodlands.
Orc hordes rampage out of Vastar and
other strongholds, engulfing many lands 619 DR
in war. Many roving bands sweep across
the Dragon reach and into the eastern An orc horde pours into western
lands along the Wyverns Claw Rift, Cormanthyr and the Dales, threatening to
pouring into the the Arnothan lowlands overrun Semberholme and the southern
they slaughter hundreds before being Dales. The ballad “Battlestars at Tilver’s
stopped at Oldalyr’s Ford, amongst the Gap” tells the tale of the destruction of
many dead is the aged minstrel Lord the orcs from Thunder Peaks by the
Auros, killed along with his youngest combined Dalesmen militias and elven
daughter and her family in the village of armies from Cormanthyr, Lyth’tlorn and
Moonbriar Way. High Queen Ciyradyl Arnothoi.
insists that her husband be buried
amongst the nobles. At first the elders 649 DR
refuse but after a long and protracted
negotiations they agree to allow Lord Orcish numbers again reach plague
Auros to be buried at tyhe entrance of the numbers and all too soon, they rise again,

and the surface dwarven kingdom of forests begin moving the remnant old
Rolidar vanishes like an elephant swarmed growth forests surrounding Sehanvael
by a million ants. north and west to the dense primordial
forests of Arnoth and the southern
654 DR districts around Lake Yeventha.

Druid enclaves, made up of both human 700 DR

and elf followers of Rillifane, are
established in the woods north of After five years the forests of Moondale
G’las’orin, within Moondale and inside a are completely cleared by this date even
deep, wooded dell in the northern Owl though no living tree is ever felled by its
Bear Hills. people. High Queen T’lathra redraws
Arnothoi’s borders establishing watch
667 DR towers along the eastern and southern
edges of the rapidly shrinking forests of
A Council of Twelve now rules over Myth Arnothoi.
Drannor, much to the delight of the High
Queen who bore no great love for Lord 711 DR – 715 DR
Eltagrim. Agreeing to a new treaty, Queen
T’lathra negotiates a new military alliance The Weeping War: Absorbed by its own
with Cormanthyr in the face of the war against the humans of Chondathaar,
growing military threat from the human the elves of Arnothoi are unable to send
realm of Sembia. help north to help the people within
besieged Myth Drannor. Instead they
684 DR open up their northern borders to
refugees from the war and High Queen
Dwarves of the Clan Tarynstone are found Allysara sends spearmen, archers and
digging deep tunnels under Myth Drannor spellblades to protect the refugees
despite the long-held prohibition against gathered in camps around Lake Yeventha
such actions. Clan Tarynstone’s three and in southern Semberholme.
hundred fifty dwarves are exiled from
Myth Drannor and Cormanthyr. Invited by 716 DR
High Queen T’lathra the clan emigrates
west into the Thunder Peaks. Settling A remnant horde of goblinoids and
within the hidden valley south of Queen’s daemons is chased out of the eastern
Tears Tor the dwarves establish their new tangled Vale and onto the Moon Dale
citadel “Thunderholme”. Allying plain. There they are met by a combined
themselves with the beleaguered elves of force of humans and elves from Arnothoi
Arnothoi, they start supplying arms and and Semberholme. The battle rages for 4
armour to the increasingly war like elves days before the last daemon is banished
helping them in their war with the forest and the final orc is slain. Amongst the
hating humans of Chondathaar. hundreds of elven & human dead are
many Arnothan nobles including the High
695 DR Queen and most of her Green Knights.
With these deaths the final martial
The druids of Arnothoi, in co-operation strength of the once proud Arnothoi is
with the tree-herders of the southern broken and the new High Queen, the

Hierophant Druidess, Anastrianna
Galanodel calls all the remaining clans and The elves have similar arrangements with
families together of a Grand Moot to the Dalesmen and have no difficulty with
discuss and decide their realms and their the concept of such an agreement.
own futures. However, the inhabitants of Velarsdale
(now Harrowdale) refuse the proposal,
884 DR not wanting or needing such a road as one
already exists along-side the River Lis. The
The Battle of Singing Arrows: The elves elves, not wishing to offend long-time
destroy a large mercenary force in the allies, refuse Raven's request. Rebuffed,
Dragon Reach north of the Wyverns Claw the Raven then threatens to exterminate
Rift. In attempting to force a coastal trade the isolated elves in Amothoi, the last
route north to the Moon Sea the humans embattled remnant of the elves in
are crushed by the combined forces of Sembia, if the Elven Court does not
Cormanthor and an increasingly savage cooperate.
and desperate Arnothoi. The resultant
devastation and series off battles across The elves agree under this pressure, and
the region leads to the creation of a Sembia's financial future is secured. The
blasted moorland known to most as the route the elves choose runs past the base
Cold Fields (named as such for the of the Standing Stone as a reminder of
summoned blizzards used by Sembian earlier, less-hostile dealings between
wizards to try to defeat the elves...these humans and elves. Over the years the
unseasonal elements remain even at the elves of Amothoi come north to join their
height of the short northern summer). brethren or slip away to seek Evermeet,
leaving their wood to gradually disappear
913 DR with only the primordial heart known as
the Archwood left behind.
The Dragon Sea's mineral wealth is
discovered by humankind at about this 921 DR
time, and pressure begins to grow for a
trade road through the elven woods to High Queen Anastrianna officially
make Sembia the world's gateway to all dissolves the kingdom of Arnothoi,
these riches. The merchant "prince" retreating to the southern colonies with
called Rauthauvyr the Raven (leader of the royal seals and regalia, finally
the merchants council) travels alone as an abandoning the last remnant of the old
envoy to the Elven Court and asks the forest and leaving the old capital Arnoth
elders of their Council to approve a road in the care of a circle of elven and human
open to humans linking Sembia to the druids to care for what becomes known as
shores of the Dragon Sea (an earlier road the Great Arched Wood. With the queens
had been destroyed during the conflict departure, the portal nexus is deactivated
and was now overgrown). Raven proposes and the key stone destroyed, thus ending
that the elves choose the route and retain once and for all the oldest Elven kingdom
control of it and the woods around it, so in the heartlands of Faerûn.
that no woodcutting or human settlement
can occur.

Rulers of Arnothoi
Ruler Length of Reign Race & Gender
Arnothaer Galanodel -17000 DR to -15981 DR Green Elf Female
Council of Clan Elders -15981 DR to -14006 DR Green Elf Elders
H’malaar Aulgyr 140001 DR to -13780 DR Green Elf Male
Council of Elders -13780 DR to -12874 DR Green Elf Elders
Zalaandra Rathofaer -12874 DR to -12500 DR Green Elf Female
Qorann Rathofaer -12500 DR to -11998 DR Green Elf Male
Ferellda Yhendorn -11998 DR to -11404 DR Green Elf Female
Council of Elders -11404 DR to -10000 DR Green Elf Elders
Heldalanin Phenthae -10000 DR to -9200 DR Green Elf Male
Yrstagon Phenthae -9200 DR to -8506 DR Green Elf Male
Felserianna Galanodel -8506 DR to -7210 DR Green Elf Female
Hathren Yhendorn -7210 DR to -6182 DR Green Elf Male
Gelaer Yhendorn -6182 DR to -5556 DR Green Elf Male
Tanthyll Aulgyr -5556 DR to -4195 DR Green Elf Female
Tanallthor Aulgyr -4195 DR to -3900 DR Green Elf Male
Tanalassra Aulgyr -3900 DR to -3227 DR Green Elf Female
Roarkan Fethrael -3227 DR to -2344 DR Green Elf Male
Goathrynn Fethrael -2344 DR to -1798 DR Green Elf Male
Ethelfaor Galloglar -1798 DR to -800 DR Green Elf Female
Felless Galloglar -800 DR to -26 DR Green Elf Male
Fethren Galloglar -26 DR to 24 DR Green Elf Male
Faorantyr Yhendorn 24 DR to 274 DR Green Elf Male
Ciyradyl Phenthae 274 DR to 600 DR Green Elf Female
T’lathra Phenthae 600 DR to 709 DR Green Elf Female
Allysara Galanodel 709 DR to 716 DR Green Elf Female
Anastrianna Galanodel 716 DR to 921 DR Green Elf Female

Cities of Arnothoi
Population: 59800 (Green Elf 80%, Lythari 5%, Forest Gnome 5%, Voadkyn 5%, Other 5%)
Products: Leather goods, timber products, herbs, fruits & vegetables, magic items, lore
storage devices, education, music & instruments, weapons & armour, furs, kites, rare plants
& pets, alluvial gold, gems.
Who Rules: The High Queen or King with a council of advisors.
Who Really Rules: The High Council of Clan Elders
Armed Forces: The Green Knights, The Gaernthor Star Archers, Ssreeshan Spellblades,
Spears of Hollow Oak.
Temples: Seelie Court, Unseelie Court, Eachthigern, Emmantiensien, Verenestra, Segojan
Earthcaller, Baervan Wildwanderer, Iallanis
Magi of Note: Gaernthor High Mage Circle, Azure Leaves – Tree & Plant Shapers, Sisters of
Twilights Tears – Shadowmancers.
Organisations of Note: The Borderers – Hunters & Scouts of the border regions, The
Firebirds – Eagle Riders, Elmanaer Arms & Armourers, The Fluted Lyres –spellsingers &
minstrels, Romaeas Butterflies – Sorcerers & Witches Coven.
Locations of Note: Moonleaf Springs & Piccanna’s Pond, The Chiton’math Stone Circle, The
Great Grand Mother Tree, The Skyarch Atrium, The High Council Aerie, The Gates of the
Shadosilth, Golden Hives – Beekeepers Grove, Dwyynt Historical Society.
Local Lore: Located on the high northern slopes of the upper Aluivyn Valley, Arnoth is a
sprawling tree city set high amongst the branches of the oldest trees within the southern
Great Mother. The magically enhanced trees stand over 200 feet in height, with the central
trees being much, much higher. There are no ladders leading from the forest floor to the
many tree homes and flets (open platforms), but several trees have winding spiral stair
cases set deep within their ossified trunks. The forest floor is filled with winding paths
guarded by sentient plants such as blood vines & chiming moonroses. Small streams &
creeks criss-cross the forest floor with small islets and clear grassy dells found frequently
hidden amongst dense thickets. The trees and underbrush are all fire & rot proof (part of
the mythal that reinforces and permeates the very fabric of the forest.

The very forest surrounding the city radiates primordial power that fairly bristles with
venom and loathing for those seeking to bring harm to the elves and the trees in which they
live. Many beasts of the forest dwell amongst the ferns and thorny thickets. Many
intelligent and carnivorous plants that have taste for human and goblinoid flesh are
cunningly tended and dwell along all the main paths through the forest, paths that
constantly shift and change like an ever changing maze. The use of fire is strictly controlled
and the weather within the forest is strangely dry and dusty. There is little light in much of
the forest surrounding the city and only creatures with low light vision have any chance of
avoiding the many subtler natural hazards of the city’s many layered defences.

Population: 12000 (Green Elf 60%, Moon Elf 20%, Lythari 7%, Hill Dwarf, 3%, Voadkyn 5%,
Forest Gnome 3%, Other 2%)
Products: Furs & leather goods, precious metals & jewellery, weapons, armour & metallic
magical items, scrolls & books, fruits & vegetables, food stuffs, cloth, bows & staves.
Who Rules: Local Laranlas/Laranlor & Council of Advisors
Who Really Rules: Local Lady/Lord & The Shadowhood of Air & Darkness
Armed Forces: The Green Runners – Ranger Scouts of Eachthigern, Watchers in the
Darkness – Wilderness Assassins (worshippers of Shar), The Tiger Knights of Ghendrin.
Temples: Seelie Court, Unseelie Court, Eachthigern, Emmantiensien, Verenestra, Segojan
Earthcaller, Baervan Wildwanderer, Iallanis
Magi of Note: Galadorn Ervaes, Celedonia Phaeral, Armatnai Gerghaer – The Bright Leaf
Master High Magi, Silkswift Sisters – Shadowmancers.
Organisations of Note: New Moon Runners – Smugglers & Traders (Lythari), Seven Pearls of
Wisdom & The Nine Opals of Creation – nature magic academy & druids college.
The Solarium – Temple of the Moon, Sun & Stars (portal nexus), Lake Nevermind, High
Grove Hall, The Abraxius – Temple to the Unseelie Deities.
Local Lore: Settled late within Arnothoi’s long history, Raph’llon is the city with its eyes
firmly settled on a future very different from its overlords. Settled by refugees from various
wars the city is a clearing house for those seeking a life away from the hustle and bustle of
the larger more cosmopolitan cities to the north. Holding the largest population of Moon
Elves within the kingdom, the city is the centre of worship for the Queen of Air & Darkness
and the Unseelie Court. In later times, agents from Netheril would smuggle Elven and
Netherese magical items through the city via the New Moon Runners and the Abraxius. One
of the early students of the Silkswift Sisters was an ambitious young mage named
Telamont of House Tanthul who excelled under the sisters tutelage. Many Netherese
arcanists were welcomed here in the early days and even more so when the humans warred
against the elves. Many a covert operation against Cormanthyr utilising Netherese agents
was begun here within the halls and bowers of wild Raph’llon.

Population: 6500 (Green Elf 85%, Voadkyn 5%, Forest Gnome 5%, Lythari 3%, Other 2%)
Products: rare wooden & soap stone sculptures, wooden coins & enamel currency ware,
silks & linens, ropes, leather goods, musical instruments, herbal medicines, giant sized
weapons & armour, unusual pets, portal construction, grave goods & mausoleums.
Who Rules: The Local Laranlas/Laranlor
Who Really Rules: Clan Elders who advise the local lord/lady.
Armed Forces: The Ladies in the Starlight – Knights, Brotherhood of the Wolf – Lythari
Scouts, Lords of Scarlet Thunder – Voadkyn Rangers & Warriors.
Temples: Seelie Court, Unseelie Court, Eachthigern, Emmantiensien, Verenestra, Segojan
Earthcaller, Baervan Wildwanderer, Iallanis
Magi of Note: Derqet Aluthail, Sephrania Aulgyr, The Saffron Rose Sisterhood,
The Lightbringers in the Darkness.
Organisations of Note: Athrillia’s Portal Builders, Gravesend Guardians – Tomb builders &
guards, Amber Wraiths – messengers & guides, Trillibuim trading coster,
Locations of Note: Zurealia’s Palace & Archery Greens, Thunderliteholme – Voadkyn Kraal,
Lake Peppermyst, Porfarth Silverways, The Adromaaeda – Sculptre’s, The Anatheru –
Theatre, Verqtyre – markets.
Local Lore: Settled amongst the rolling foothills of the northern Owlbears, this sprawling
community of artisans, farmers, herders and traders is famous for the quality of its lifelike
soapstone sculptures that adorn many monuments and buildings throughout the kingdom
and beyond. Besides the statues the ladies in the Starlight are famous as champions of the
weak and down trodden, even in defiance of the edicts of the elders and the king. Set upon
the steep banks of the Othrentyne Stream (a tributary of the Aluivyn), the town is a mixture
of styles and archetuctures taking in elements of auld elven designs mixed with styles
straight out of the Seelie Court, and the more rustic Voadkyn designs.

The city propers is centred around Zurealia’s Palace & Archery Greens, home of the local
ruler and meeting hall of the local clan elders. Once a twenty day, a great market is held
within the sweeping glenn of the Verqtyre. Here gather merchants, farmers, crafters,
traders and small stall holders from across the kingdom for the purposes of socialising and
trade. One unusual trade item keenly sought after by the major domo’s of the many noble
leaders and clan elders are the services of the tomb builders of the Gravesend. The many
wards and curses laid upon the many hundreds of barrows that litter the kingdom are the
work of the priests and magi that make up this organisation that is charged with protecting
the dead of Arnothoi and their many treasures.

Population: 18500 (Green Elf 80%, Voadkyn 10%, Forest Gnome 5%, Lythari 3%, Other 2%)
Products: horses, elk, deer, tack & harness, leather goods, stock feed, grains & legumes,
fruits & vegetables, timber & wood products, silks & linens, weapons & armours, herbs &
spices, jewellery, enchanted timber currency, flowers & rare plants.
Who Rules: The local Laranlas/laranlor
Who Really Rules: The Council of Trees (the local lord/lady along with elder druids/high
Armed Forces: Keepers of the Silent Green, Sisters of the Moons Tears, The Guardians of
Titayaer – tree herders and their warriors guards, Sehandaal Lancers – Light Cavalry.
Temples: Seelie Court, Unseelie Court, Eachthigern, Emmantiensien, Verenestra, Segojan
Earthcaller, Baervan Wildwanderer, Iallanis
Magi of Note: Graera High Magic Circle, Fetherstan Academy of Animal Husbandry,
Bluebriar Brotherhood, Edlarwood Treant Sorcerers Circle.
Organisations of Note: Delfenyr Horse Breeders & Stud Master, Tree Lords – Tree Herders &
Rangers, Bathfanth’tlar – Timber Growers & Traders, Merrydell – Silk Growers & Weavers.
Locations of Note: Crescent Moon Deep, Sellend’far Green – market common, Blue Briar
Hall – home of the rulers family, Gethernvof’s Amphitheatre, Vaelsehan Bardic College &
Concert Green, Moondog Manor, The Apfwerth – Circle of Menhirs dedicated to the Moon.
Local Lore: Created when a falling star ploughed into the forest leaving a deep and wide
furrow of blasted heat riven forest that forever more refused to grow anything larger than a
Gorrigal Berry Bush (bright blue edible fruits the size of large plums). The valley left in the
meteorites wake became known as the Valley of Sehanine, a place of two meter tall Sallar
Grass, and rolling meadows of wildflowers. Several small streams formed upon the pushed
up slopes and over time a small lake formed at the eastern end. The still, deep blue waters
contained little aquatic life except at the edges where many startling varieties of rainbow
fish and small crustaceans found nowhere else did dwell. A mile west of the lake known as
the Tears of the Moon Maiden, was the city of Sehanvael, a sprawling collection of wood
and stone buildings linked by hedgerows and copses of carefully tended timber lots. Many
horse and elk breeding kraals dotted the valley floor surrounded by carefully maintained
pastures where herds are rotated on and off on a seasonal basis to guarantee a continual
supply of fresh sweet grasses all year round (even in the depths of winter).

The elves here were perhaps the most forward looking and closest to nature working
closely with the many hundreds of treants and druids who dwell in the pristine forests that
surrounded the vale. When humans first appeared and were granted living room within
Arnothois’ borders, they were granted lands within the previously cleared valley and told
they could not clear any more lands. The early Moondalesmen, honoured this pact utilising
the open coastal plains to feed their growing needs for pastures and lands for farming whilst
the more urban population dwelt within the heart of the valley. When the humans came
inm greater number than the elves could handle, they rulers of the vale and the treants and
druids combined to move the entire firest west to the shores of Lake Yeventha and the
northern woods of the Aluivyn Hills. Cedeing the valley to the humans the greatest
achievement of the treants and the elves was to remove the entire surrounding woodlands

without ever losing a single tree to the axes of the invaders. In modern times the Yeven &
Arkhen Woods are the sentient remainder of this once vibrant and fey woodland realm. The
forest has a long memory and never forgets a slight or axe wielded against it.

Population: 3600 (Green Elf 50%, Moon Elf 20%, Forest Gnome 15%, Other 15%)
Products: fish, gold, jewellery, leather goods, bows, arrows, forest herbs & medecines, fruits
& vegetables,
Who Rules: The Greenways Council of clan elders with input from various guild & druid
circle leaders.
Who Really Rules: The Lady of the Falls – Hierophant Druidess/Treant Spirit of the Land &
former High Mage.
Armed Forces: Order of the Black Mirror – Archers & Spellblades, The Silvermoon Militia.
Temples: Seelie Court, Verenestra, Sehanine Moonbow, Rillifane, Baervan Wildwanderer,
Magi of Note: Alderlath Tree Shapers, Hessfaer Diviners Circle, Falangoth Shadowslayers.
Organisations of Note: Black Hart Runners – scouts & trailblazers, Helleborant’s Raiders –
local beast hunters & game keepers (smugglers/spies/asassins), The Amberrose Forest
Locations of Note: Blackfeather Ford, Archers Green, Tellathyr Hall, Icerin’s Dell & Cavern
Complex, The Wardens Watch Tower, Yn’raphor’s Rest - Open Air Market & Caravnserai.
Local Lore: A scattered collection of hamlets, tree homes, burrows, flets & kraals that sit
either side of the River Verire (Ashaba), in a disputed border area that both Cormanthyr and
Arnothoi claimed as their own. The independent border dwellers have no time for the
politics of rulers, but the bridge across the steep and narrow gorge is quite firmly controlled
by the Green Wardens who guard the crossings and the sacred falls. Despite numerous

battles to gain control of the bridge and the various hidden fords Cormanthyr only gained
control when the Arnothans retreated and the elves of the Tangle Trees took control. The
Blackfeather Falls gained their name from fletchings used by the local Arnothan elves,
gained from the wing feathers of the giant black tailed cockatoos that inhabited the valley.
The black feathered arrows appearing in an intruders chest were often the first and last sign
that Arnothan archers were present. In time the forests receded but the name of the
Blackfeather Ford remained in turn giving its name to the bridge and town in later years.

Geographical Features Arnothoi
At its height the kingdom of Arnothoi stretched from the northern shores of the inner sea,
all the way north to the feet of the great ice wall. With the coming of the refugees from the
Crown Wars, and after much bloodshed the borders were redrawn such that the new much
reduced kingdom was all rolling forest and grassy meadows defined as a large plain cut in
half by the river Aluivyun. In the northern part of the eastern side appeared a few small hills,
hills and mountains scattered. Due to relief and the great extent of coastline, most of the
kingdom had the same temperate climate, well defined seasons, with pleasant summers
and winters that were very poor. Its boundaries were defined by geographical features: The
western border was marked by the Thunder Peaks and the Shadowsil River. In the north,
Owl Bear Hills and the River Ashaba and its canyon Ashaba marked the nation’s northern
reaches (those these areas were often in dispute). The southern and eastern boundaries
were marked by the ever changing coasts of the Inner Sea, and gradually gave way to the
advancing humans from the south.

This great forest once stretched from the coast all the way to the Thunder Peaks and was
part of the mighty coastal forests stretching all the way around the northern shores of the
Inner Sea. This forest contained the mightiest coastal beech and bloodwood trees and was
heavily logged by early human and Aryvandaran raiders. The native forests of the region
were home to many wandering tribes of Green Elves who sought a life away from the civil
strife that gripped much of the kingdom and it was these remnants from the earliest days of
the kingdom that moved south the kingdoms southern colonies to re-establish their ideal
world. It is said that the gates to these island remain, hidden in isolated stands of ancient
trees dotted about the plains.

Aluivyn Valley
This valley has been described as the “most beautiful landscape east of Evereska”. It takes
the form of a long narrow valley surrounding a deep, steep sided gorge cut through by the
Aluivyn River. The gorge begins where the river cascades down out of the mountains at The
Whispering Falls and proceeds along the river’s south-easterly run between the eastern
Thunder Peaks and Arnoth’tlor, a thick wall of shadowtop, duskwood, ash, oak, and elm
trees that fill the hills that flank the gorge and spread out in all directions. The heartland of
the Arnothoi Forests is a beautiful valley of ferns, lilies, mosses, and clear pools. The valley
and its surrounding area is warm through most of the year, and covered with heavy, wet
snow in the winter. Dotted all along the valley are the homes of thousands of elves who live
within magnificent tree homes, or in palatial cliff side villas set deep into the face of the
gorge. Whilst there is no one central settlement the valley is like one long narrow suburb
within the forested valley with not one dwelling to be found at ground level.

Ravens Tor
This quiet and lonely barrow sits upon the southern shore of the Aluivyn River at the south-
eastern end of the gorge. A ring of mighty oaks surrounds this forlorn grassy covered hill,
where no trees will grow. It is the sight of one of the darkest moments in ancient Arnothan
history. In the early days of the settlement of the Great Mother by Moon and Sun Elves,
bitter rivalries still existed between families as a legacy of the Crown Wars. A now forgotten
Moon Elf clan had recently settled upon the southern end of the Aluivyn Gorge with the
blessing of the High King. They came with the intent of returning to a simpler life devoid of
the trappings of their former city based lives. The unfortunate elves were pursued by their
bitter rivals, a Sun Elf clan from Sharlarion, and betrayed by one of their own who hoped to
seize their powerful magics. The betrayal came at a celebration of the High Summer
Harvest feast when the clan priests were assassinated and the clan members poisoned
young and old through subtle poisons placed in the water they drank and the air they
breathed. By sunrise of the next morning, over 300 elves were dead or dying. Any survivors
were quickly rounded up, put to the sword and their bodies thrown into the raging waters
of the gorge. However before the Sun Elves could loot the bodies, the High King and a force
of arcane archers arrived and massacred the offending interlopers, burning their bodies
whilst leaving the fallen Moon Elves where they lay.

They were laid to rest with their belongings by gnomes who feared that keeping any magic
or garb of the dead would bring misfortune, so a lot of ancient elven magic must await
anyone who can break into the barrow. Many have tried to break in and failed. At least four
Baelnorn (undead elven mages) sit unsleeping in the bone-filled darkness inside the hill.
They are able to use all the magical items of their people, and at least two spells of
awesome power: The first creates the flying phantoms, who soar up out of the earth to
swoop and moan, chilling beings who dig, burn, or use any magic to scry or penetrate into
the hill. The second instantly enacts a powerful curse on all who persist in trying to pry loose
the hill’s secrets after a phantom has visited them. The curse is a year-long iron-guard effect
that cannot be dispelled. The cursed person cannot touch any metal, from coins to armor,
all such things just fall through them!

The sacred grove and stone circle of G’las’orin occupies the site of an faerie cross roads that
was ancient when the first Batrachi rose up out of the primordial swamps. In the times of
the first migrations the refugees from across the seas were welcomed here by fey spirits and
allowed to settle with the forests surrounding the site. This was in part because they
worshipped the same sylvan deities but also because the arrival of the Green Elves spelled
and end to the rule of the green wyrms who had previously dominated the forests. In time
a large arboreal community came into being in the dense forests surrounding the site as
druids dedicated the sacred ground to their gods Titania & Oberon. G’las’orin in tunr
became a market town where tel’quessir, dwarves and even a few trustworthy humans
could come and trade with the Arnothan elves. It was here that one of the last great
atrocities of the Screaming Arrows War took place. Human reavers riding north along the
Aluivyn Valley, pillage and burn every elven village and manor they come across.

Eventually their murderous rampage takes them to the temple & market town of G’las’orin
where they ride down many hundreds of elves caught within the market grove. Amongst
the dead is the high queen, ridden down by heavily armed Chondathan Knights and raped
before being slaughtered alongside 700 men women and children. In retaliation Arnothan
archers and spellblades wipe out the human army leaving not one survivor. Later in the
year the new high queen, Allysara Galanodel and her Green Knights obliterate outlying
communities around Chondathan before attacking the main citadel within the city from
dragon back, razing much of the town to the ground. The dwarven block houses to which
the dead queen was vainly fleeing to were among very few stone buildings known to have
been used by elves and harboured much magic. Treasures, often exquisitely beautiful
filigree-and-gems Elven jewellery, but sometimes magical items were housed here for trade
and sale to those from outside the realm.

Queen’s Tears Tor

The location of the Tor is a dell overlooking the midpoint of the Aluivyn Vale where a spring
rises at the top of a rock pinnacle, The Queen’s Tears Tor, to create a lovely bathing pool
before cascading down out of the mountains to join the River Aluivyn. A rampart of natural
rock walls in the dell hides it from the valley and it is often used by Elven scouts and
lookouts who use mirrors and signal arrows to communicate with look outs in the valley and
hills beyond. Rare plants can be found in the dell that are highly prized by mages,
alchemists, and perfumers alike and b exotically coloured birds and game animals are
plentiful. A curse lies up on the Bell of Auros, a bell-shaped rock next to the bathing pool
that stands as tall as two human males and has an archway carved in one of its sides. The
inscription over the arch reads: “Auros of Elmere, Bard Beyond Peer”.

Would-be grave robbers do find something, though: an identical curse to the one found in
Raven’s Tor. The curse is said to have been put in place by elves who grieved for the loss of
Auros, a man who loved the Fair Folk and their forests and stubbornly fought against the
tree-clearing that took Archen dale from the elves who dwelt along the Aluivyn and gave it
to the humans, axe blow by axe blow, in the early days of settlement in the Dales. The
Howling Harp that Auros played for most of his life was a gift from the Elven queen Ciyradyl
Phenthae, who gained it from a dying archmage of Shantel Othreier .

The Howling Harp has the powers of a philosopher’s stone, a robe of eyes, a rod of lordly
might, the ability to evoke continual light and to make all magical auras within 90 feet glow
brightly with a white light, and the powers of pipes of haunting. Each ability is evoked by
different played tunes. The tomb itself is a portal that leads to the real tomb hidden deep
within the mountain. The Bard Auros lies in state within a glass steel sarcophagi, alongside
his wife and lover, the High Queen Ciyradil who had her remains placed here upon her
death. Laying upon the remarkably well preserved remains of the bard is his infamous harp,
a harp crafted by the wife of Coronal Oacenth at the height of the Crown Wars. The tomb is
guarded and heavily warded, and the harp is not the only Arnothan treasure housed here
within the royal tombs.

Samphire Plains
These rollings plains of Samphire Grass dotted with isolated pockets of woodland are the
skeletal remnant of stands of huge, high-quality Iliyr-wood timber so prized in shipbuilding.
The grasslands are frequently beset by huge wild fires that sweep through the dry lands at
the end of each summer. The Green Elves would often use a system of mosaic-patch
burning of the grasslands and remnant woodlands to control these crown fires and
encourage the new grasses and the breeding of deer, elk and bison that the elves herded
and hunted in great numbers. The many rivulets lined with Goldslips, that cross these plains
are home to many species of fish that once fed numerous Green Elf fishing communities
that vanished almost overnight with the coming of the humans.

Plains of Avenor
Like the Plains of Samphire these wild, copse dotted grasslands are home to sprawling
meadows of Avenorani Flowers, derived from the family name (Avenoran) of the Arnothoi
arcanist/botanist who first bred them and infused them with magic. Shallow vales filled
with violet flowers, the avenorani flower,has deep violet petals surrounding the black core
of the stigma. The fading light turns the vast fields into iridescent violet seas. Any breeze
causes the flowers to sway as one. They undulate like waves and cast a cloud of sparkling
pollen into the twilight air. The silver motes tinkle like faint bells as they rain down. The
meadows look otherworldly, a fey land of silver rain, tinkling bells, The elves say that if you
inhale enough pollen while standing in a field of avenorani, your wishes will come true. The
blooms flourish even in winter, change colour with the seasons and chime in the rain.

The Owl Bears

This rolling range of fold hills was once a high mountain range but over countless millennia
has been worn down to their current state of gently rolling slopes and small hidden valleys
and dales. The heavily forested hills take their name from the preponderance of giant
intelligent owl bears who are the apex predators of the region. With the owlbears in control
goblinoid and troll numbers are never very high. The local druids tend to leave the owlbears
alone, only authorising a hunt if one becomes a hazard or goes rogue and develops a taste
for Elven flesh. Great stands of blueleaf, featherleaf, blue fir, blood ash, ironbark, chime oak
and slipper elm cover the meandering heights and countless rills and streams emerge from
amongst the rocky outcroppings making this area the most well watered region of the
realm. Few Arnothans live within the hills but there are dozens of forest gnome steadings
and voadkyn kraals to be found within their heights.

Wyverns Claw Rift

The ‘Rift’ as this steep granite gorge is known, is home to countless wyverns of unusual size
and ferocity. The elves generally leave them alone unless their numbers grow to the point
where they being moving south to prey upon the deer and hippogriff herds of the Sehanvael
elves. There are several societies that actively seek the wyverns as mounts or trophies as
part of their initiation ceremonies. The gorge itself is ancient and its multicoloured walls
reveal layers of granite and sedimentary rock revealing the areas ancient history. The start

of the gorge is marked by the Tears of the Moon, a series of foaming, spray filled cataracts
that on moonlit nights glow with their own inner light. An ancient series of caverns behind
the largest falls is dedicated to the ancient primordial powers who gave life to the world and
their primal power rests their still.
Plain of Singing Arrows

The Plain of Singing Arrows is a dweomer blasted treeless plain that stretches from The
Wyverns Claw Rift to an ancient valley through once flowed the Elvenflow. The former ash,
shadowtop and oak forest is a place of the dead. Ancient battlefield of the Singing Arrow
War between Cormanthyr, Arnothoi and Sembia lie scattered over the grassy downs, and by
night many of the restless spirits of the fallen human end elven warriors walk the moors.
The Cold Field is particularly inhospitable in wintertime this is particularly so at the ancient
battle sights as Sembian conjured ice elementals continue to torment any living beings they
find. Flat and shelterless, it is swept by bitter northern winds. Most travellers try to avoid
the open fields, choosing more sheltered paths. One night each year that the dead of the
Cold Field walk seeking to finish the battles they died in. It comes in the deepest, darkest
night of winter. Ghostly legions mass to fight again the great battles that ravaged this land
hundreds of years ago. During this night the dead claim any living soul unfortunate enough
to be out on the Field when they rise.

Moonrise Tor
Moonrise Tor is a great bald knob of rock that marks the northern most border of Arnothoi
prior to the second Searing War of -659 DR. On the west, it rises from the trees as a ferny
meadow that gives way to lichen and broken rocks and thence to a bare, windswept rock
shoulder that sweeps to a jagged face pointing east. Below this hooked rock face is the old,
thickly grown stand of ash, duskwood, and oak trees where the Arnothan elves dwelt prior
to the second Searing War. Moonrise Tor is very porous, and on the exposed, broken east
face it has dried out almost to powder. When strong winds blow, the rock crumbles away
and blows east into the forest as a gray powder. Sometimes small, but very high-quality
rubies hitherto trapped in the rock are blown with it. Drift gems blow most thickly during
and after lightning storms and have included rubies as large as the first joint of a human
woman’s thumb.

Black Arrow Ridge - Hunters Down

This stark ridge is named for the horrible battles between the armies of Cormanthyr and
Arnothoi led by the rival Princes, Gaeronn Hlaarr of Semberholme and Affalael Yhendorn of
Arnoth. Black Arrow Ridge is a tranquil ridge cloaked in soaring shadowtop trees. A deep
pool rests midway along it, reputed by legend to have magical powers. The hill is an ancient
elven barrow tomb of the dead from a great battle in the Searing, the first bitter war
between rival elven races in the region. The Searing weakened the Fair Folk so much that
they could not hurl back the humans who later invaded the Dragon Reach lands. The dead
of both sides, the armies of House Hlarr and the followers of Prince Yhendorn, lie buried
here together, watched over by a dozen Baelnorn who sit unsleeping in the dark passages
arguing over what the elves should have done. These undying ones are desperate for news
of what has befallen since the Searing. They often freely give minor magical items to folk

who find a way into the heart of the hill and try to answer their questions or recount events
in Toril without offering any violence. They can also provide healing for the diseased and
wounded and recharge most magical items.

Everyone who has met the Baelnorn has reached them by diving into the depths of the pool.
A great hole in its limestone walls that swimmers can readily find opens into the tomb. A
magical barrier holds back the waters from flooding the tomb passages, but living things can
freely pass through in both directions. The baelnorn can use their spells and the magical
items stored in the tomb. The tomb contains many magical staffs and rods. The spell the
baelnorn most often employ is cast whenever non-elves dig, burn, or use magic to scry or
penetrate into the hill. It is a specialized summoning that instantly brings a crimson death
mist from the nearby Glaun Bog to Black Arrow Ridge to attack the offenders. The baelnorn
can also enact a curse on all who defeat the mist and persist in disturbing the barrow: a
year-long iron-guard effect that cannot be dispelled.

The Watchers Eye

This is the site of an elven watchtower, one in a series of towers the elves of Arnothoi
erected to protect their shrinking kingdom from firstly the encroaching usurpers from the
north and later they extended the next work to guard against the increasingly violent raids
by humans from the south and east. The tower guards can access a hidden dimensional
cache that sits within the top chamber of the tower. This safe hold is crammed with
preserved foods, water containers, weapons and magic. On the far side of each multi
roomed safe-hold is a portal arch that leads to either the next tower in the row or to a
central gathering point just south of Arnoth in a place known as the Sword Arms Meadow.

The Deities of Arnothoi
Long before the coming of the Tel’quessir from Tintageer, the Green Elves who inhabited
the shores and forests of the Shining Sea had worshipped the Fey Gods of the Seelie Court.
Chief amongst these deities were the warring sisters Titania and Cailleach. To the
Arnothans they represented to twin sides of life, the light and the darkness each balancing
the other. Besides these twin deities, other lesser gods found equal reverence amongst the
nature loving elves. Lord Oberron (Titanias consort and chief deity of war and defense),
Verenestra (The Goddess of Beauty), Damh the God of Mischiouf, Sqeulaiche the God of
tricksters and hidden troves, Eachthigern (Lurue), Emmantiensien (the Lord of Trees),
Segojan Earthcaller (patron of hidden places), Baervan Wild Wanderer (patron of the Forest
Gnomes), and Lallanis (the goddess of love & mercy). Many shrines and temples dedicated
to the various deities can be found in most cities, towns, villages and settlements, where
ever the people gathered. Places of great natural beauty each had their patron deity who
worked alongside the resident nature spirits and guardian druids (who worshipped Titania
and Cailleach in equal measure) to maintain a careful balance within the kingdoms many
unique environments.

Queen Titania
The Faerie Queen who cares for all the Fey Folk, even the evil ones, seeks to bring peace to
all her people. Her creed is that of mercy and goodness. Her patience is as infinite as her
power and she is rarely driven to anger unless the offence given is truly evil. Despite the
continued animosity between Titania and her sister, the real enemy of the Seelie court is the

Being at the End of Creation, the Nameless Dread, the Great Enemy, Chaos Extremis. The
eons old battle between Titania and this evil goes back even before time itself.

Lord Consort Oberron

The taciturn and intelligent Lord of Beasts and Titania’s husband was worshipped by the
Arnothan’s as their Lord of War and Protector of the Innocent. Never the politician, he was
the patron of the scouts and hunters who prowled the wilds of Arnothoi to keep the land
and its inhabitants safe. Many a knightly order was founded upon the tenets of Oberron’s
teachings and they combined well with the more subtle ways of the worshippers of Titania
and her many servants.


The Lord of Unicorns and Pegasi, he represents bravery, strength, faith and loyalty. He is
chief deity amongst those who ride the many hundreds of unicorns and pegasi found
throughout Arnothoi. Many hidden temples and glades dedicated his worship were
devoted to the protection and healing of the sick, helpless and innocent and moist houses of
healing within the kingdom were staffed by priests worshipping Eachthighern and they
turned no one away (ever).


Emmantiensien is the god of time, wisdom, secrets, mysteries, sagacity, philosophy, treants,
trees, and deep and hidden magic. His name is a contraction of a far, far longer Treant word
meaning "one who is slow to rouse but is great in might when stirred to action." He was
worshipped by all within Arnothoi as the Father of all living beings, especially his warring
daughters and the ultimate nemesis of the Great Enemy. Druid circles in every district of
the kingdom acted as librarians, lore lords, judges, and teachers. Even the clan elders had to
bend to the will and dictates of the druid councils and judgements. None who lived within
the kingdoms was above the laws of the kingdom. To be ostracized by the druids of the
Tree Father was considered a fate worse than death.


Verenestra, the fickle and vain daughter of Titania is the goddess of love, romance, poetry,
song, music, beauty, serene places of grandeur, dryads, hamadryads, nymphs sylphs,
fertility, motherhood and women. Her favourite places of worship are deep pools and
springs alongside stands of birch, larch, sycamore and willows. She is the patron of lovers
and crafters of fine clothes, wines, and jewellery. She is placated by all young women at
their wedding ceremonies and at the births of children. Many bardic and minstrel colleges
and academies donate temples dedicated to her in the larger cities and settlements of the

Cailleach - The Queen of Air & Darkness

The bitter and angst filled fey deity, and daughter of the Great Treant, Caileach is seen by
many Arnothans as the harbinger of winter, of war, death and change. She is the destroyer
and the being behind the end of all things. Her priests and druids officiate at all major
funerals, are appeased at births and are consulted before major decisions are made. It is
said that unless she is placated or distracted with votive offerings her wither gaze is
misfortunes blessings. Her worship is wide spread throughout the realm but is not seen as
an evil act. Cailleach is seen as the balance in life. As Titania is light, energy heat and
beginnings, her sister is dark, cold, death and endings. One cannot exist without the other.

Segojan Earthcaller
Venerated by Arnothan Rock Gnomes and farmers who till the soil to feed the people, this
nature deity is popular amongst most Arnothans and is seen as the god of the harvest,
growing things, plant crops and harmony in the forest. The many Rock Gnome burrows
were seats of worship and it is said that an avatar of Segojan lived continuously amongst the
gnomes in the roots of the trees deep beneath the canopy of Arnothoi’s capital.

Baervan Wildwanderer

The god of the Forest Gnomes, the outdoors, wild places, harmony between species,
balance within the wild places, and of utilising the forest and its bounty in a sustainable and
low impact manner. The patron of the Forest Gnomes is fond of pranks and of taking those
overbearing and proud, down a notch or two.


The patron deity of the Voadky, peace loving woods giants with an outlook even more
nature oriented than the Arnothan Green Elves. The original inhabitants of the Great
Mother Forest, the Voadkyn worshipped and venerated Iallanis as the deity who saved them
from the ferocious wars between the dragons and giants eons before. She is seen by most
ASrnothans as the goddess of peace, forgiveness, mercy, love beauty, tolerance, majesty,
diplomacy, understanding, harmony between races, justice and wisdom in judgements.

Magic of Arnothoi
Singing Bow of Shalloaann

An ornately decorated recurved bow of heart yew, and tempered ivory. The size and weight
of a short bow, with the range of a long bow and the stopping power of an arbalest. The
Singing bow requires a strength of at least 17 to draw, and adds +4 to all damage rolls. Such
is the power and enchantment of the bow that it is accurate up to 900 m and can unseat a
knight of kill a warhorse at such a distance. This however is not its main claim to fame.
Whenever an arrow is loosed from the bow, it literally sings with a high pitched hum that
temporarily negates all sound based attacks directed at the bow bearer and all within 5’.
Likewise the string can be plucked to achieve the same effect and lasts for 1-2 rounds unless
the string is plucked again. The sound is quite audible thus making the bow the last choice
for assassins.

In addition to these mundane powers the bow has a number of specialist abilities each
usable 3 times per day.
The bow bearer can upon command cause the bow to wail and hum for up to one
turn – this sound negates all sound based attacks and prevents spells and magical
effects with auditory components from functioning within 30’ of the bow.
An arrow released from the bow hit upon hitting its target unleashes a shatter spell
at 16th level of ability.
The bow can be commanded to hang in the air and sing when anything larger than a
door mouse comes within 50’. The bow emits either s barely audible buzzing that
alerts just the bows wielder, or a high pitched scream that can be heard for at least 1
Lastly the bow can emit a sonic boom 50’ long x 20’ wide at its open end that does
16d6 sonic damage and forces solid objects to save vs disintegration of be destroyed,
reduced to piles of dust. This power drains the bow of all magic, and the bow then
disappears only to reappear 5 years later in another realm, plane or place randomly

Loss of the bow forces the loser to save verses spell and make a wisdom check. The first is to
avoid going permanently deaf and mute, and the second is to avoid a curse that forces the
subject to become manically obsessed with reacquiring the bow at any cost.

Koralonian Light Spear
Created by those Arnothans opposed to the followers of the Unseelie Court. The shaft is
tempered yew heartwood stained a deep ochre red, then decorated with intricate arcane
runes of a language lost to all but the most learned of Arnothan druids. To those
unschooled in their use, the spear appears as nothing more than an ornate, mundane staff.
When activated the staff sprouts a blade at one or both ends of pure blue-white light about
7-10 inches in length. The blades are razor sharp and capable of carving through most
materials with ease. Against normal armours and protections the blades will cut through
them as if they are two levels less in their protective ability. Thus chainmail giving an AC of
5 (or the 3rd & 4th edit equivalents) will only provide an AC of 7 against a lightspear.
Magical bonuses are unaffected, though armours piecred and slashed by these spears must
save vs acid to avoid permanent damage. The lightspears true power comes about against
armours and protective devices created using shadow magic. Whenever a shadowmagic
device comes into contact with a lightspear’s blade it must saves vs spells or be destroyed in
a blinding flash of light and colour to which the wielder is immune. This applies to both
permanent and temporary magic items, fields and spells. Against creatures from the
shadow realms the spear adds a +5 bonus to hit and causes double damage.

In addition to its set powers the spear can be hurled to a distance of 300 yards before
returning to the hand of the wielder. It can give off radiance bright enough to light up a 30’
radius, and vibrates when shadow items, magic or creatures come within a ½ mile of the
spear. The vibrations increase in urgency the closer the spear is to the shadow based device
or being.

Astral Eagles

Simple soap stone carvings of eagles rampant that once per 10 day are transformed into
giant eagles large enough for two elf sized beings to ride. The eagle summoned is native to
the astral plane, and can exist outside of its home for 12 hours maximum. Any damage
taken adds a day for each hit point taken before it can be summoned again. The eagle is
loyal to the one it chooses not necessarily the being who summons it or holds the figurine.
The eagle has true sight always active as well as vastly superior vision even in total darkness.
It is telepathic to anywhere within the same plane (or crystal sphere). It is immune to miknd
affecting powers as well as cold and electricity. Magical weapons of +3 or better
enchantment to damage it, and any physical damage taken on the prime is healed
completely in the astral even if reduced to zero hit points.

AC 0 HD 8d10 – 14d10+32 to 56 Atc Beak & Claws 1d8+8 (x2)/2d10 dg. Mv 96.

Arcane Rituals of a Fey Realm
Level: 1

Spell Name: Fireflies

School: Conjuration
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 1
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/level
Effect: 1-10 fireflies
Duration: 1 trun + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: ½
Spell Resistance: yes

A simple spell that conjures 1 magical firefly per 2 levels to a maximum of 10 at 20 th level.
Each fly can be directed to fly independently and each gives of enough light to fill a 3’ globe,
with enough light to read by. The flys can also be directed to attack targets inflicting 1d2+1
hp of heat damage per fly, save for ½ damage. The flys can set flammable liquids and tinder
dry items alight.

Level: 2

Spell Name: Hummingbirds Wings

School: Conjuration/Alteration
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 3
Range: self or 5’/level
Effect: 1 set of wings
Duration: 1 turn + 2 rds/level
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: yes

This spell creates a pair of rapidly beating humming bird wings on the back of the spells
recipient. Whilst they cannot support more than the wearer + 50 pounds they are mainly
used for hovering, short jaunts, slowing falls, ascending narrow vertical passages etc. The
wings are great for flying amongst tightly woven branches of a forests canopy, the move is
only 12, but with a manoeuvre class of A. If combined with a haste spell the caster must
check against their constitution each round to avoid dying of sudden exhaustion.

Level: 3

Spell Name: Screaming Darts of the Web

School: Invocation
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 1
Range: 1 bowshots length
Effect: 1x 40 ’ diameter sphere of silk web at point of impact
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: to avoid
Spell Resistance: yes

Specially prepared arrows with blunt heads bound with spider silk unleash a huge entangling
ball of web trapping anything within its 40’ diameter. Creatures & items hit by the arrow
receive no save to avoid being enmeshed in the iron strong bands of sticky silk. Others
caught in the area of effect get to save vs spells to avoid being entangled, provided there is
enough room for them to escape. The bonds are the equivalent to that of viscid glob glue
and are dissolvable by at least 40 gallons of alcohol. Acid will destroy them in a single
round, but flames will take 1d10+10 rounds to burn away causing 1d6 hp damage per round
whilst burning. The webbing in highly conductive and electricity pushed through the web
will conduct through whatever is attached to it at the time.

Level: 4

Spell Name: Lightning Spray

School: invocation/conjuration
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 1
Range: 30’ hemisphere
Effect: fan of electrical energy in 30’ wide semicircle.
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: ½
Spell Resistance: yes

Like burning hands this spell produces a 30’ wide arc of waves of electrical energy from the
casters outspread hands. The energy released does 1d6+1 hp dg up to 15d6+15 hp damage.
Creatures affected by the spell need to save vs spells twice; once to reduce the damage,
twice to avoid being stunned for 1d4+1 rounds as a result of electrocution.

Level: 5

Spell Name: Tree Pocket

School: Alteration/Conjuration
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 5

Range: 100 yards + 10 yards/level
Effect: 1 tree
Duration: 1 day + 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: no
Spell Resistance: no

This spell creates and extra dimensional pocket within the heart of a living tree at least 3’
across at the base. The dimensions are up to the caster but cannot exceed 10 cubic feet per
caster level. Entry to the space is limited to those the caster nominates during the casting
and those to whom she teaches the pass word and symbol. The space lasts as long as the
caster wishes or up to the spells limit. If the tree is damaged severely enough the space it
contains is ruined and the contents dumped into the astral plain. The space can be made
permanent with the trees permission, and many Arnothan magi used such spaces as hidden
redoubts and caches. Many were well known and used by scouts, couriers messengers,
merchants and guides as way stops hidden ‘within’ the forest.

Level: 6

Spell Name: Wood Bind

School: alteration
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 9
Range: 30’+10’/level
Effect: bind wooden and non-wooden items
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: no/yes
Spell Resistance: yes

This spell is used by Arnothan magi to bind wooden and non-wooden objects together
seamlessly. The caster can combined 2 cubic feet of wood to another solid substance per
caster level. In this way groups of spear shafts & sheafs of arrows can be welded to metal
heads. Hinges to doors, windows to frames, artificial limbs to bone etc. The uses of this
spell are limited only by the casters imagination. If used to combine wood to a creature
against its will a saving throw applies. In this case the spell has a duration of 1 turn per level
unless made permanent. So treants stuck to boulders will only stay that way for a short
time. The spell is reversible so that repairs can be initiated or changes made. Dispel magic
will not work, only the reversed version of this spell cast y an equal or higher level spell
caster. Weapon smiths and those artisans making house hold goods and furniture find this
spell most useful.

Level: 7

Spell Name: Organic Tempering

School: alteration
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 9
Range: 50 yards + 20 yards per level
Effect: makes organic substances as strong and as hard as the finest steel.
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

Organic tempering is used by Arnothan magi to make non-living organic substances, bone,
ivory, timber as strong as the hardest steel. The caster is able to temper 10 pounds + 2
pounds per level with this spell. Arnothans used this spell to harden their tree homes and
fortifications, weapons, armours, magical items, coins, utensils, sculptures, musical
instruments etc into hardened objects. The weight and general physical make up does not
change but hardened wooden swords could be given a honed edge as sharp as any metal
weapon. Once tempered the organic material is permanently hardened and generally as
durable as steel without the problem of rust. Wood rot and wood worms can still destroy
an item but it takes 10 times as long.

Level: 8

Spell Name: Call of the Wild

School: conjuration
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 10
Range: 1000 yards
Effect: summon 1 greater nature spirit
Duration: 1 hour or until the spirit decides otherwise
Saving Throw: no
Spell Resistance: no

Arnothan magi and druids use this spell to request an audience with the living spirit of a
major natural feature. The spirits so long as it has not been destroyed will always appears.
But it won’t always be friendly, but for up to one hour it will listen to the pleas of the
supplicant so long as what they want is in service to the lands around them. Such spirits
appear as giant elemental beings of tremendous power. Most are ancient druids or other
beings dedicated to the preservation of the natural world. At a minimum each nature spirit
is a druid or high magi of at least 21st level who instead of passing to Arvandor, petitioned
the Seelie Court to help them become one with the land they served in life and in death.
Such spirits have all the powers of a greater elemental lord combined with whatever
abilities they had in their formers lives. Frivolous or unworthy requests are ignored and the
supplicant usually geased or quested to perform some service for the spirit. Worthy
requests for help or knowledge are met with benevolent patience. Direct threats to the

lands and its people invoke great wrath or the elements themselves. At most this spell can
be performed but once a year per spirit. Any more attempts will simply fail as will an
attempt to summon a spirit from a natural feature that has been destroyed.

Level: 9

Spell Name: Sow the Wind

School: elemental/conjuration
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 12
Range: 1 mile + ½ mile / level
Effect: 1 tornado
Duration: 10d4 rounds + 1 round per level
Saving Throw: yes
Spell Resistance: yes & no

Used with great caution by Arnothan magi because of its shear raw power, the spell brings
into being a tornado of awesome destructive power. At its base the funnel is 2 feet wide per
level of the caster and 5 feet wide per level at the top. Winds start out at 80 mph and add 5
mph per level of the caster. Each 5 mph add 1d6 to the damage above 50 mph due to
debris picked up. Trees are uprooted and loose objects including living beings are picked up
whirled around and hurled 5’ per level of the caster in a random direction possibly taking
more damage upon landing. Structures take 1d100 + 1 per points caster level of structural
damage per round that the tornado is upon them. Stone buildings take half this except their
roofs when they are timber or tiles. Beings caught within the tornado (even giants and
dragons must save vs death or be torn apart if they try to resist the winds. A save means
that they have been hurled clear. The spell caster must save vs spells each round or lose
control of the tornado which will continue to run amok for the duration of the spell unless
dismissed earlier by a disjunction or a control weather spell cast by a being of a higher level
than the spells original creator. They themselves can dismiss the storm in 1d4 rounds so
longs as they are in control of it at the time of their attempt to end the storm.

Level: 10 (High Magic)

Spell Name: Song of the Green

School: summoning
Components: vsm
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 10 miles per level
Effect: summons all sentient and ambulatory plants to the caster
Duration: 1 day per level
Saving Throw: yes
Spell Resistance: yes

This ritual of compliment us used by High Magi to summon all trees within a given radius to

a focal point. It allows the caster to converse directly with all who answer the summons.
Whole woodlands have been moved in this way, when once summoned the combined
efforts of tree herders, druids, priests, treants, nature spirits and can be pooled to animate
and entire forest. Another name for this spell is the Greenwar Saga. The casters
concentrate to keep all the beings and plants co-ordinated for the duration of the move and
direct the greater movements and actions of all the plants and beings involved. Whole
armies of orcs have been destroyed through the use of this spell when high magi have
awakened whole forests to annihilate the troublesome goblinoids. This spell was used to
great effect to clear away the forests of Sehanvael and create the primordial woodlands of
the Yeven and Arkhen Forests.

Resources Used
Grand History of the Realms
Monster Mythology
Demi-Human Deities
Forgotten Realms Campaign Settings 1st -4th Editions
Lost Empires
Volo’s Guide to All Things Magical
Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves
The Fall of Myth Drannor
The Ruins of Myth Drannor
Elves of Evermeet
Complete Book of Elves
Forgotten Realms Adventures
Grand History of the Realms
Volo’s Guide to the Dalelands
The Dalelands
Realms of War (Continuum – Paul Kemp)
Shadow Bred – Paul Kemp


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