SAVol 7 Dec 09 Indian Color Part 3
SAVol 7 Dec 09 Indian Color Part 3
SAVol 7 Dec 09 Indian Color Part 3
09:12 09:36 Ê´É´Éɽþ¶É֦ɠxÉèEò®úÒ Ê´É´ÉÉnÂù®úʽþiÉ VɪÉ|ÉnÂù |ɪÉÉhÉ ¦ÉÆMÉ Eò¹]Âõ xɹ]Âõ EòɪÉÇ xɹ]Âõ
Good for Job No controversy Successful Hurdles in Journey Difficulty & Loss Losses in the
marriage proposed work
09:36 10:00 ʨÉjÉ´ÉÞÊrù Ê|ɪɦÉÉäVÉxÉ ¶ÉiÉަɪÉ |ɪÉÉhɦɪÉ EòɪÉÇʶÉÊrù ºÉÉèJªÉ |ɪÉÉhÉ Eò¹]Âõ
Wide friends Feast Trouble from enemies Break in joueney Proposal will be Safety Difficulties in
circle fruitful Journey
10:00 10:24 ¨ÉÞiªÉ֦ɪÉ ºjÉÒ±ÉɦÉ ºjÉÒ±ÉɦÉ ®úÉVɺÉx¨ÉÉxÉ ´ªÉÉ{ÉÉ®Âú VɪÉ +xÉÖEÚò±É ´ÉºjÉ-ºjÉÒ±ÉɦÉÂ
Life threat Gains through lady Gains through lady Honored by officials Success in trade Favorable Dress / gains
10:24 10:48 +É®úÉäMªÉ ®úÉVÉnù¶ÉÇxÉ EòɪÉÇxÉɶÉ vÉxÉÂ-vÉÉxªÉ ¶ÉjÉÖxÉɶÉ ´ÉºiÉÖ ´ÉɽþxÉ ¨ÉxɶSÉÉÆSɱªÉÂ
Healthy Interview with Failure in work Money and grains Enemies will be Material and vehicle Fickle minded
Official destroyed comforts
10:48 11:12 ¶ÉÖ¦ÉEòɪÉÇ EòɪÉǦÉÆMÉ Eò¹]Âõ xÉèEò®úÒVɪÉ ʴɴÉɽÂþ VɪÉ IÉä¨É - ±ÉɦÉ ʨÉjÉxɹ]Âõ
Auspicious deeds Hurdles in the Difficulty Success in Job Success in marriage Safe and Profitable Loss of friendship
proposal dealings
11:12 11:36 |ɪÉixÉ¡ò±É ®úÉäMÉ {ÉÒb÷É VÉÉx´É®Âú ¦ÉªÉ ±ÉɦÉ ®úÉäMÉ xÉɶÉ EòɪÉÇVɪÉ ʨÉjÉ|ÉÉÎ{iÉ
Try and succeed Diseases Fear from animals Profitable Disease cures Successful proposal Friendship
11:36 12:00 Ê´É¹É ¦ÉªÉ EòɪÉÇʺÉÊrù +ÎMxÉ{ÉÒb÷É |ɪÉixÉ VɪÉ Eò±É½þ|ÉnÂù ¶ÉºjɦɪÉ ºjÉÒ±ÉɦÉÂ
Fear from poison Proposal will be Problems with fire Try and succeed Quarrelsome Fear from weapons Gains through
fruitful ladies
12:00 12:24 xÉèEò®úÒ ¶ÉjÉÖxÉɶÉ ®úÉäMÉ {ÉÒb÷É {ɺjɱÉɦÉ =tÉäMÉxɹ]Âõ ¶ÉjÉÖxÉɶÉ vÉxɱÉɦÉÂ
Job Destruction of Disease May buy dress Danger to job Destruction of Monitory gains
enemies enemies
12:24 12:48 ®úÉäMÉ MÉÉä ±ÉɦÉ {ÉÖjɱÉɦÉ ºÉÆiÉÉä¹É iÉÒμÉ xÉÉ®úÉVÉ +ÊiɦɪÉ |ɪÉÉhÉÂ
Fever / disease Gains from Cow New arrival / baby Happiness Mad with rage Much More fear Journey will be
boy may born fruitful
12:48 1:12 ®úÉVɺÉx¨ÉÉxÉ EòɪÉÇVɪÉ EòɪÉÇVɪÉ IÉä¨É EòɪÉÇVɪÉ ʴÉtÉʺÉÊrù |ɪÉÉhÉxɹ]Âõ
Official Honors Success Successful work Safe Successful work Good Education Loss in Journey
1:12 1:36 |ɪÉÉhÉ ±ÉɦÉ +É®úÉäMªÉ ºÉ¨ÉºªÉÉ iÉÉäb÷ɱÉɦÉ ºlÉÉxÉ xÉɶÉxÉ ®úÉäMÉ {ÉÒb÷É IÉä¨ÉÂ
Gains through Healthy Problems Minimum gains Loss of position Diseases Safe
1:36 2:00 Ê´É´ÉÉnÂù ʨÉjÉi´É ®úÉVɺÉx¨ÉÉxÉ Eò±É½Âþ SÉÉä®Âú ¦ÉªÉ nÖù&JÉ ´ÉɽþxɪÉÉäMÉÂ
Controversy Friendship Official Honor Quarrel Fear from thieves Sadness Vehicle comfort
2:00 2:24 ʨÉjÉi´É ºÉÉèJªÉ EòɪÉÇxɹ]Âõ <¹]õʺÉÊrù Ê´É´Éɽþ Eò±É½Âþ ´ÉɽþxÉ|ÉÉÎ{iÉ YÉÉxÉ´ÉÞÊrù
Friendship Safety Failure Wishes will be fruitful Quarrels in marriage Vehicle comforts Gain the
dealings Knowledge
2:24 2:48 V´É®Âú EòɪÉǦÉÆMÉ EòɪÉÇxɹ]Âõ {ÉÖjɱÉɦÉ ʴɴÉÉnÂù VɪÉ ºjÉÒ±ÉɦÉ ʴÉxÉÉänÂù
Fear of getting Failure in the work Loss in the work New arrival / baby Win over controversy Gains through Entertainment
fever proposed boy may born ladies
2:48 3:12 vÉxÉ ±ÉɦÉ ʴɴÉɽÂþ VɪÉ +{ÉVɪÉ =tÉäMÉVɪÉ ªÉÉjÉɶÉֶɠº{ÉÉä]õEÂò {ÉÒb÷É Eò±É½Âþ
Monitory Gains Good for Marriage Failure Good for job Good for Pilgrimage Fear from Poxes Quarrels
3:12 3:36 ¤ÉÆvÉxÉ EòɪÉÇ|ÉÉÎ{iÉ ¶ÉjÉÖxÉɶÉ |ɪÉÉhÉ ʺÉÊrù vÉèªÉÇ ½þÉxÉÒ Ê´É¹É VÉÉx´É®Âú ¦ÉªÉ =tÉäMÉxɹ]Âõ
Imprisonment Success in work Destruction of Good for Journey Fear Fear of a poisoned Loss of job
enemies animal
3:36 4:00 ºlÉÉxÉ §ÉƶÉ vÉxÉ ±ÉɦÉ =tÉäMÉ ½þÉxÉÒ ´ªÉ´É½þÉ®Âú VɪÉ EòɪÉǦÉÆMÉ |ɪÉÉhÉ Eò¹]Âõ |ɪÉixÉ ¡ò±ÉÂ
Transfer Monitory gain Hurdle in job Successful dealing Failure Difficulty in Try and succeed
4:00 4:24 Ê´ÉtɦÉÆMÉ ʴÉtɱÉɦÉ VɪÉ|ÉnÂù Ê´É´Éɽþ¶É֦ɠ|ɪÉÉhÉ IÉä¨É ¶ÉjÉÖ ¦ÉªÉ ¨ÉxɺiÉÉ{ÉÂ
Failure in Good for education Successful Good for marriage Safe in journeys Fear of enemy Sadness
education dealings
4:24 4:48 ºjÉÒ¦ÉÉäMÉ κlÉ®úEòɪÉÇxÉɶÉ EòɪÉÇʺÉÊrù EòɪÉÇVɪÉ ʴɴÉɽþ ¶É֦ɠEòɪÉÇxɹ]Âõ ¶ÉjÉÖxÉɶÉÂ
Comforts Loss in the fixed Proposal will be Success in completing Good for marriage Loss in the work Destruction of
through ladies dealings fruitful the task dealings enemy
4:48 5:12 |ɪÉÉhÉ VɪÉ =tÉäMÉVɪÉ EòɪÉDZÉɦÉ ¨ÉxÉ& C±Éä¶É Eò±É½Âþ |ɪÉÉhÉ ºÉÉèJªÉ ʴɮúÉäÊvÉ xÉɶÉÂ
Gain in Journey Success in job Profit in deal Feeling bad Quarrel Safety in journey Destruction of
5:12 5:36 |ɪÉÉhÉ xÉɶÉ ªÉÉjÉÉ|ÉÉÎ{iÉ ºÉÖJÉ-ºÉÉèJªÉ ¤ÉÆvÉÖ-ºÉ¨ÉÉMɨÉ V´É®ú-¶ÉºjÉ {ÉÒb÷É nÖù&JÉ |ɪÉÉhÉ ±ÉɦÉÂ
Journey is not Pilgrimage Comfort – safety Relatives may visit Fever – problem in Sadness Gains in journey
fruitful operation
5:36 6:00 ¦ÉÚ±ÉɦÉ ®úÉVÉ {ÉÒb÷É Ê¨ÉjÉi´É ´ÉɽþxÉ |ɨÉÉnÂù Ê´ÉtÉ |ÉÉÎ{iÉ ®úÉVɺÉx¨ÉÉxÉ Ê|ÉªÉ ´ÉÉiÉÉÇ
Landed gains Fear from Officials Friendship Danger of an accident Good for education Official Honor Good news
Now days in this speedy world it is very difficult to consult astrologer / a Panchang for immediate / urgent works / routine works. To make it convenient the
Sages have prepared a ready made table for its use.
This is being published in all Panchangas in Telugu every year – This is taken from the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthan Panchanga and it is got translated into
Hindi and English. This is followed in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and some parts of Kerala. The results are Amazing and Superb.
Agni Puran 105th
Establishing Methods
- City and Houses
Translated by
Rahul Vedi, Australia.
Sapta Rishi Team Member
8 Deities Of East Direction
1. Isha,
2. Dhana (Parjanya),
3. Jaya (Jayant),
4. Shakra (Indra),
5. Ark (Aditya or Surya {Sun}),
6. Satya,
7. Bhrisha and
8. Vyoma (Akasha {Space}
These eight devatas are "ASHTAKA" for the four directions. These eight devatas should
be offered 'puja' on the steps in the East direction.
These eight devatas are worshiped on the steps in the Southward direction.
These eight devatas are worshiped on the steps in the Westward direction.
Vastu-Mandala - Blocks
In the blocks, 4 squares between Brahmaji and Ish, 2 are for worshipping "Apa" and
the lower 2 are for worshipping "Apavatsa". In the next six squares, worship
"Marichi". Next to Marichi, and between Agni angle, next two blocks are "Savita"
and below that are two for "Savitri". Below these, the six blocks are allocated to
"Vivasvan". Vishnu-Indu is present in the two blocks between Brahmaji and Pitar,
and the two blocks directly below are for Indra-Jaya. Worship all of these too.
Worship "Mitra-Devata" in the six blocks that lie between Brahmaji and Varun. In
the blocks located diagonally between Brahmaji and Roga, two are for worshipping
Rudradasa and the two below that are for Yakshma.
The six blocks on the northern side of Brahmaji are for worshipping Prithvidar.
Outside of the Mandala, in cyclic order from Ishan etc. directions, worship the
following balgrahas
1. Charaki,
2. Skanda,
3. Vidari,
4. Vikata,
5. Putana,
6. Jambha,
7. Papa (Paparakshi) &
8. Pilipiccha
Vastu-Chakra Of 81 Steps
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Isha Dhan (Jayant) (Indra) (Aditya) Satya Bhrish Vyoma Havyav
32 33 34 10
Diti Apa Apa Marichi Marichi Marichi Savita Savita Pusha
31 44 37 38 11
Aditi Apavast Apavast Marichi Marichi Marichi Savitri Savitri Vijaya
30 12
North South
Giri Prithvidar Prithvidar Vivasvan Vivasvan Bhouma
Pilipicch (Yama)
29 43 45 39 13
(Soma Soma Prithvidar Prithvidar Brahma Vivasva Vivasva Kridanta (Viakt
Kuber) Kandarp)
28 14
Bhallata Prithvidar Prithvidar Vivasva Vivasva Gandharv
27 42 41 40 15
Mukhya Rudrad Rudrad Mitra Mitra Mitra Vishnu Vishnu Bhringa
26 36 35 16
Ahi Yaksha Yaksha Mitra Mitra Mitra Indra Indra Mriga
35 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
Roga Yakshma Shesha Daitya Varun Pushpa Sugriva Dvarpal Pita
This is the description of the "Vaastu Chakra" containing 81 steps. There is also another 100
steps "Mandap" (pavilion) where the 'devatas' should be worshipped. In the 100 steps
"chakra", the central 16 steps are for worshipping Brahmaji. Around Brahmaji, in the four
directions starting from the East, the set up is similar. The quarters are allocated to Marichi,
Vivasvan, Mitra and Prithvidhara and they should be worshipped in 10 steps each. In the
four corners starting from Ishan, are stationed other devatas such as the Daitya's mother,
Diti, Ish, Agni, Mriga (Pusha), Pitar, Papayakshma and Anil (roga). They all occupy one
and a half step each."
B hagavan Shankar continues, and says "Skanda, Now I shall describe the 'Mandap'
(pavilion) for performing the Yagya. Thirty hands long and twenty eight hand wide
is the pavilion of the base for Shiva. Shorter by eleven hands in both directions i.e.
nineteen hands long and seventeen hands wide is the Shiva-identifier. Twenty two hands
long and nineteen hands wide or optionally eighteen hands long and fifteen hands wide
pavilion, is the identifier of Savitra. The dimensions of the other planets are contained
within these. The wall should be three times high compared to the base. There should be an
equal area of open land in front of the 'Mandap' (pavilion).
In the rooms named 'Bhadra' and 'Shri Jaya', is placed a 'dvaara-viithii' (alley). If the
door passage is reduced from the alleys, then the room thus obtained is called 'Bhadra'.
The expanse of the alley is proportional to the central quarters. It can be as much as a
quarter or half of the central area. Sub-alleys are built using half of the alleys dimensions.
These lead to one, two or three rooms. Should a house be constructed in this manner,
then it shall fulfil all desires and needs. This is comprised of one, two, three, four and
eight sections. The house with one section is made on the South side and has a door
facing the North side. If two sections are required, then these should be constructed in
the East and West sides. Their doors should face each other - that is to say, the Eastern
section should have its door opening in the West; and the Western section should have
the door opening towards the East. A house with four sections contains four doors and
balcony’s. This house has a door in each of the four directions. This is for the welfare of
the householder. The house that has two rooms in the western direction, is called 'Yama-
Suryak'. House with rooms in the East and North, is called 'Danda' and the house with
two rooms in East-South direction is 'Vaata'. A three room’s house which does not have
a room in the East, is called 'Sukshetra' (good field). Such a house is good for wisdom.
If there is no room in the South direction, that house is called 'Vishaala' (large). Such a
house is fearful and destroys the clan. The house that does not have a room in the West,
is called 'pakshaghna' (side destroyer). Such a house is harmful for the progeny and
creates many enemies. Now I shall describe the eight rooms starting from the East
In the eastern direction should be the wash room and the room to greet visitors. East-
south angle should accommodate the kitchen. Sleeping and dining rooms should be
located in the South direction. South-west direction should be for tools and arms etc.
Treasures and wealth should be kept in the Western quarters. Food grains and provisions
should be stored in the West-North direction. North is for the cattle and household
animals. East-north corner should be allocated for a decent study room.
North Cattle Dining
Animals Sleeping
food grains Arms Tools
provisions Ammonition
A ii
North West South
West West
The house agglomerate measured by the hand of the house lord, multiplied by three and then
divided by eight determines the income quarters of the house. The remainder left after such
division indicates the quarter starting from Dhvaja to Kaaka. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 or 8 provide results
accordingly. If it is in the middle (5th) or in the last (8th) then that is all-destructive
situation. Therefore, the eight parts are left and the 'Mandap' (pavilion) is made in the ninth
part which is beneficial and considered good. This pavilion should be either a square (equal
sides) or a rectangle of sides such that the length is twice the width.
One can see a row of houses, from East to West and from North to South in the streets in
the bazaar. Each building can have eight doors in each of the directions. These doors have a
different set of results each.
Eastward Facing Doors
Fear, women's fickleness, victory, advancement, magnificence, dharma, confliction and
poverty - these are the results of Eastward facing doors.
Lomasha Samhita-1
Chapter On The Fructification of Bhavas
अथ लोमशसंिहताितः भावफलाायः
atha lomaśasaṁhitāsthitaḥ
Ashok Kumar Pandey, India
Anup Das, India
Shri Ashok Pandey is a M.Sc. M.D. LL.B. work Lomasha Samhita is unavailable and a
mine of information exists in that is what has
been hinted in some scattered verses that one
P. G. Diploma in Yoga &Philosophy, can find. Mr Pandey translated it from Sanskrit
Chhattisgarh State Higher Educational to Hindi and then Mr Anup Das translated it
Services, Working as Professor in into English and typed the shlokas in devanigiri
Department of Zoology& Biotechnology, script for scholars to enjoy and work more on
these verses. Once again we bow to Mr Pandey
Govt. College of Science, Raipur. He has
and Mr Das for their effort in bringing this
been a student of astrology, Occult and work out which had been a pending task from
Tantra since 20 yrs. our end since 3 years.]
First Lord
ं ु ः देहः भजाबमी॥
लेश े लगे पस ु
manasvī caticāṁcalyo dvibharyāparigāmi bā ||1||
If the Lord of the Ascendant is in the Ascendant then the native is healthy (of good built), is
valiant by his own means, thoughtful, too much fickle, and is keeping relation with two
ु षे िसंहत
लेश े ऽितये ु पराबमी॥
सवर्सधतो ् खी॥३॥
ु मिन िभाय मितमान स ु
lagneśe trutiye ṣaṣṭe siṁhatulyaparākramī ||
sarvasampadhuto mani dvibhāryo matimān sukhī ||3||
If the ascendant lord is in the third or in the sixth place, then the native is valiant like a lion,
is bestowed with all types of wealth, arrogant, is attached to two wives, intelligent and happy.
लेशः समे य भयार् त न जीवित॥
िवो वा ूवसी च दिरिो वा ुपोऽिप वा॥६॥
lagneśaḥ saptame yasya bharyā tasya na jīvati ||
virukto vā pravasī ca daridro vā nrupo'pi vā ||6||
The native who has the ascendant lord in his seventh house, his wife doesn’t live long (death of
the wife), ascetic, stays away from motherland (Prabasi), and becomes a pauper even if he is a King.
ं ु ां भाग्यवान गजवभः॥
लेश े नवमे पस
िवभु ो पटुवार्िग्म पऽदारधन
ु ैयतुर् ः॥८॥
lagneśe navame puṁsāṁ bhāgyavān gajavallabhaḥ ||
viṣṇubhakto paṭurvāgmi putradāradhanairyutaḥ ||8||
If the lord of the ascendant is placed in the ninth bhava then the native is lucky, is bestowed
with horses and elephants (Gajabalhabha, Janabalhabha – liked among masses), is a Vishnu
devotee, is an expert in communication and is happyily attached with wife and sons.
Second Lord
् र्संयतु ः॥
ं ु ो धनवान गभ
धन ेशे धनगे पस
भायार्यं ऽयं चािप सतहीनोऽिप जायते॥९॥
dhaneśe dhanage puṁso dhanavān garbhasaṁyutaḥ ||
bhāryādvayaṁ trayaṁ cāpi sutahīno'pi jāyate ||9||
If the lord of the second goes to the second house the native is rich, is a landlord
(garvasanyukta – fertile land), is with two/three wives, not blessed with a son, or is known as
a person without son.
ु तयु र् िवबिम मितमाणी॥
धन ेशे ऽितये
् १०॥
ु ॥
परदरिभगामी च िनलो देवभियक
dhaneśe trutiye turya vikrami matimānguṇī ||
paradarabhigāmī ca niścalo devabhaktiyuk ||10||
If the lord of the second is placed in the third or the fourth house then the native is
chivalrous, daring, intelligent, skilled, adulterer, innocent, is a devotee.
ु ॥्
ु शऽौ धनूािभवर् े वम
धन ेशे िरपगे
ु नासिव गदेु चौरो भवेिुजा।११॥
dhaneśe ripuge śatrau dhanaprāptirbhavedduvam ||
śatruto nāsavittasya gude cauro bhavedrujā |11||
If the second lord is in the satru bhava (Enemy Bhava – 6th Bhava) the native gets riches from
the enemies / gets riches by the enemies, is a destroyer of enemies, wastes riches because of
enemies, secretive, conquers problems, he splurge his wealth because of his enemies, may have
diseases related to heart and colon/rectum.
ु हे भिमिं
ु गे
धन ेसे ॆ ु लभेद्वु म॥्
् ंट्ॅाऽस
जायासौं भवेदम े ु खं
ु न िह॥१३॥
dhanese mrutyugehasthe bhumidravyaṁ labhedddhuvam ||
jāyāsaukhyaṁ bhavedalpam jyeṣṭbhrātrusukhaṁ na hi ||13||
If the lord of the second bhava goes to the eighth bhava then the native gains less from land
and precious metals (drabya riches– gold, silver etc.), gets brief/less happiness from wife, is
not happy by the elder brother.
धन ेशे नवमे लभे धनवान धािमर्
कः पटुः॥
ु प्ात यावदाय
बे रोगी सखी ःु समाते॥१४॥
dhaneśe navame labhe dhanavān dhārmikaḥ paṭuḥ ||
balye rogī sukhī pścāt yāvadāyuḥ samāpyate ||14||
If the lord of the second house is placed in the ninth bhava then there are plenty of gains,
native is rich, religious, skilful, is diseased in childhood, later part life is happy till end and he lives
a long life
ु कुटु कारक॥
धन ेशे च तनौ पऽः
् ुरः कािम परकायष ु तरः।१७॥
धनवान िन
dhaneśe ca tanau putraḥ svakuṭumbasya kāraka ||
dhanavān niṣṭhuraḥ kāmi parakāryeṣu tatparaḥ |17||
If the second lord is placed in the Ascendant placed native is a supporter of his son and his own
family. Native is rich, cruel/ruthless, sensual, and is always ready to work for others.
Third Lord
ु यतु ः॥
ु श े ऽतु ीयो िवमी ॅसं
ु ो महाो भनि
धनय ु ु
सखमि ्
ु तम॥१८॥
trutīyeśe trutīyastho vikrmī bhrutyasaṁyutaḥ ||
dhanayukto mahāhruṣṭo bhunakti sukhamadrutam ||18||
If the third lord is placed in the third house then the native is Brave, chivalrous, is attached
with servants (has lots of servants), rich, very powerful and enjoys miraculous happiness
ु श े सखे
ऽतीये ु कम पमे वा सखं
ु सदा॥
ु र्वेत॥्
ु शऽे मे धनू े राजारे ॆितभ
चौरो वा परगामी वा बाे कं िदन े िदन े॥२२॥
trutīyeśe'ṣṭame dhūne rājadvāre mrutirbhavet ||
cauro vā paragāmī vā bālye kaṣṭaṁ dine dine ||22||
If the third lord is in the 7th or the 8th bhava then the native is a thief and indulged in
adultery. He dies of punishment by the King. His childhood days are full of grief.
ऽतीये ु तिववान॥्
ु श े तनौ लाभे भजािजर्
ु बुशो महाबोधी साहशी जनसेवकः॥२३॥
trutīyeśe tanau lābhe svabhujārjitavittavān ||
sukhī kruśo mahākrodhī sāhaśī janasevakaḥ ||23||
If the third lord is placed in the 1st or the 11th house then the native is rich from his own efforts,
happy, of thin stature, of very angry temperament, a social worker and brave.
ु जिनक ल
गदाभं ु ो परभायार्धन े िचः॥
ु न ात ऽ् तीये
ारंभी सखी ु श े धन े गते॥२४॥
gudābhaṁjanika sthulo parabhāryādhane ruciḥ ||
svalpāraṁbhī sukhī na syāt trutīyeśe dhane gate ||24||
The native is obese, suffers from the diseases of colon/rectum, is afflicted to others riches and
wives, and doesn’t work much. He is never happy if the lord of the third has gone to the
ninth bhava.
...........To Be Continued
Jambunatheeyam -1
Results of Twelve
S. Karthikeyan, Australia
into Tamil and since the book deals with astrology or Jyotish, the word ‘Jataka’.
That means Jataka has been added and named as ‘Jataka Jambunatheeyam’. Gratitude is
hereby acknowledged to those who have helped in bringing out this edition. I request the old
and the young alike to take only the essence of the writings leaving out the errors in writing
or spelling and will appreciate the assistance of anyone who may be interested in improving
this work. What is important to understand via classics which many new entrants and even
scholars at times miss is the underlying principle behind the Rishis statements, why he has
said this statement, is there a basic principle he is trying to exhibit to us. Read the following
with this backdrop.
Chapter – 1
1. Benefic planets placed in the Ascendant (Janma Lagna) bestow long life on the native,
along with wealth and knowledge. Malefics placed in the Ascendant also give the same
result provided they are in their exaltation, friendly or own house.
Andree: This good man whose life was threatened because of his controversial writings many
years ago is still hopping around at 62 years already. We can see that Lord Mars in placed in his
Aries Ascendant forming a Ruchaka yoga. Mars also faces Lord Jupiter and is in mutual aspect
with Saturn, the mighty so, many yogas are found in these strategic placements.
2. If Ascendant is Aries and Sun is placed therein, the native will be a wealthy person.
3. If the Ascendant is Taurus and Sun is placed therein, the native will have dreary eyes.
Notes: This verse and the next four verses up to 6, talks about the eyesight. The exact translation of
the Tamil word gives you the meaning as blind or eyes that cannot see light – So you can use the word
dark also here. If the original Sanskrit word was known, this could be corrected. Here we have to take
that the eyesight will get affected.
4. If the Ascendant is Gemini and Sun is placed therein, the native will have full
blossomed eyes.
Note: The meaning conveyed by the Tamil word is blossom. The native will have attractive eyes and
there will be no problem as far as eyesight is concerned. This meaning we have to derive by looking at
the other two verses.
5. If the Ascendant is Cancer and Sun is placed therein, the native will have only quarter
of the eyesight/partial vision.
Andree: Around 270 charts were found with Cancer Asc and Sun placed in the 1H, but only 3
charts were found to suffer from eyesight problems. One must bear in mind that a rule cannot
be applied blindly and also at the same time people might suffer from eyesight problems at a
later date but at the time of recording the data their eyesight might have been healthy.
American police officer who became a security guard in 1988. Her husband often beat her,
causing her to develop amnesia. After roaming the street after one beating, she was picked up by
police who took her to a hospital and called her mother. Medical problems abounding, she has
had gallbladder surgery, a tubal ligation and her head and neck injured. In mid-1956 she fell on
her face after being pushed down a park slide. The injury resulted in blindness and a tumor
behind one of her eyeballs. In the fall of 1956 she went to a healing service conducted by Oral
Roberts. He prayed for her and laid his hand on her head, causing the tumor to instantly
disappear. She was able to see out of both of her eyes and has kept the healing ever since the
service. She has Sun in Cancer in 1H.
American normal male who was blinded due to the lack of oxygen following a stabbing.
When he was engaged in a fist and chain fight with his ex-girlfriend's new lover, his ex-girlfriend
stabbed him four times in the back with an eight inch butcher knife. The lack of oxygen to the
brain caused permanent damage in the form of blindness. He copes well with his four dogs,
walking to town and around, a familiar figure on the streets of Yucaipa, CA. He has Sun in
Cancer in 1H.
Egyptian-American political activist. She joined the Young Zionist Underground movement
at 15 and was black-listed as a subversive wanted by police. She fled to French army legionnaire,
escaping by boat at Port Said; her dad had paid for her escape. She moved to France, then to
the U.S. where she married and began raising a family. She lost eyesight for a year and has Sun
in Cancer in 1H.
6. If the Ascendant is Leo and Sun is placed therein, the native will have night blindness
and will be strong (physically vigorous or robust).
Andree: Not many charts agree to the above and why a Swagrahi Sun being placed there is an
uncommon verse. Only one chart we found where there was an accident to the eye and not night
American accident victim, this three-year old was struck by a car on October 1, 2004.
The horrific accident occurred just outside Stoneham, MA Central Elementary School as the
children were being released for the day. A car driven by a schoolchild’s 65-year-old grandfather
accelerated forward onto the sidewalk instead of onto the street and crashed into a crowd of
children and adults. The split-second accident occurred at about 2:15 PM EST. Nicole's five-
year-old brother David lost one leg to amputation and had reconstructive surgery on the other
and she suffered a fractured eye socket. Native has Sun in Leo in 1H.
7. Person born in Libra Ascendant with Sun placed therein will be abandoned by his
parents, will beget stillborn child and will have heart diseases.
Notes: The word conveyed by the text is that the native will get a stillborn child.
Andree: Only one chart found which does not make it a dictum.
French homicide, a thief and killer; he has written several books, none of which were
translated into English. Lucas' young mother was unmarried and left the infant to be raised by
his grandmother in St-Malo. His father was a married man with a family and his mother moved to
La Baule to avoid a scandal in St. Malo. When Lucas was 18 months old, his parents took their
own lives. He did not learn about this tragic love-affair and suicide until he was 14. When he
found out in, April 1958, he was devastated. Formerly an excellent student, his school work fell
dramatically and he made a suicide attempt. As per the text he has Sun in Libra Asc, he was
abandoned by his parents.
8. Sun placed in Capricorn Lagna makes the native a miser but with abundant wealth.
9. If Ascendant at birth is Pisces and Sun is placed therein, the native will have female
10. Placement of Sun in Ascendant along with malefics OR Sun conjoined with Rahu and
Moon is placed in 8th from Ascendant, the native at the time of birth itself will die through
Note: The sentence is confusing. Two aspects are formed by this sentence. Sun is conjoining malefics
or Sun is conjoining Rahu. Rahu himself is a malefic but then why it is separately mentioned. The first
part viz. the conjunction of Sun with malefics is to be in Ascendant. Probably the second part viz.
conjunction of Sun and Rahu can be in any bhava but then Moon should be in the 8th from Ascendant
for such a conjunction is probably what the author wants to convey.
11. Ascendant Lord conjoined with malefics and is placed either in Ascendant or in 6th or
in 8th or in 12th will give the native a disease prone body.
Note: In this verse, the author has used the word “Kroora” the original Sanskrit word for a malefic.
Malefic is not the correct translation for Kroora nor benefic is correct for Soumya.
His most prominent feature was his large, watery eyes, due to thyroid problems. He was actually
very ill when he arrived in Oregon, a location that was recommended as beneficial to his health.
His health was always fragile.
For this gentleman, his mind was at fault and the situation degenerated because of his
contacting syphilis. The first signs of insanity appeared in 1862. In his final years his skin was
discolored and his joints affected. He collapsed in March 1866 while admiring an architectural
point of beauty with friends in Belgian. He returned to Paris in a private railroad car some
months later and over the next 12 months suffered a slow death from syphilis (GPI). By early
1867 he scarcely remembered his own name.
12. If Ascendant Lord is a malefic and is weak and placed in Ascendant, it also makes the
native prone to diseases and he will be an angry person.
13. If the Ascendant Lord is placed in Kendras and/or Trikonas, the native will have no
This Canadian born native has been living in India for the past 20 years. He did get
malaria once which he got over soon and has not experienced any kind of major health problem
before or after. He is now a chi kung master.
14. If the lord of the house where the Ascendant Lord is placed is in the 8th house, the
native will get only bad results. If such a lord of the house where Ascendant Lord is placed
goes to the 6th or 8th house, such houses also become weak and their results will be weakened.
Note: Here the 8th house is getting repeated twice in the verse. In the first instance, the author says
that when the Lord of the house where Ascendant Lord is placed goes to the 8th house only bad results
will be felt. In the second sentence when such a planet goes to the 6th or 8th house, then those houses
become weak and the results also. A better clarification may be available if we refer to the original
Sanskrit version if it is available with anyone.
15. If Saturn is in association with Rahu or Ketu and resides in 5th or 9th house, or Rahu
placed in Ascendant along with malefics and Gulika is placed in the Trikonas viz. 5th or
Note: This verse is not complete. One more line is missing in the verse which might throw light on the
effect of the placement of Saturn and Rahu or Saturn and Ketu or Saturn and other malefics in
trikonas or the association of Rahu with malefics and placement of Gulika in trikonas.
16. If Rahu is placed in Ascendant along with Gulika or Ascendant lord is associated with
malefics in Ascendant itself & Rahu is placed in Ascendant; the native will have fear from
snakes, thieves and cheats or evil-minded persons.
17. If in Ascendant, Sun and Saturn are conjunct or aspected, the native will have fear
from thieves.
Note: The author probably means that Saturn and Sun should be placed together in Ascendant or both
should aspect the ascendant.
18. If Saturn and Rahu are conjoined in Ascendant, the native will get abundant semen.
Note: The word “Bruhat Bheejam” is given as it is – probably as appearing in the original Sanskrit
text. So I have taken it to mean – bruhat – means large, broad, abundant etc. bheejam means – origin,
source, seed, semen etc.
19. If Mars is placed in Ascendant, native’s navel and testicles will be large.
Note: In this verse, also the author has given a Sanskrit word as it is. Vrushanam – This is a Sanskrit
word meaning - The Scrotum, the bag containing the testicles. I have taken this meaning and
translated this verse.
20. If Sun aspects Ascendant, the native will have wealth from father, will be working
under the King, will get wealth from marine sources and will be righteous.
21. If Sun aspects the 2nd house, the native will be very angry, will have diseases, will be
less famous, will adore the king, will observe rituals/fast, will have connection with
prostitutes, will have wealth and will be in comfort.
Note: One word “Sthula Sinam” requires elaboration. Normally the Sanskrit word sthula means
bulky, heavy and it is used to denote the physical body. Sinam is a Tamil word meaning anger. How
these two words are combined is not understandable. Hence, I have given a literal translation as Very
22. If Saturn aspects Ascendant, the native will associate himself with older women,
beautiful, soft and immoral women.
French writer, poet, dramatist, novelist, essayist, gifted painter, architect and critic who,
as an eclectic genius, was hard-working, politically active and a humanitarian. Many of his
works were criticisms of social and political injustice. The actress Juliette Drouet who had
become his mistress in 1833 and was to be his companion for the rest of her life. Hugo was a
lusty man and Juliette was not his only mistress, but she was his most faithful. He recorded his
many sexual encounters, the last of which took place in the spring of 1885 seven weeks before
his death.
You can use the BSP technique that I wrote about in the last editorial as to what happens
when Jupiter Saturn are together and how Aries is effected, as you can see that Hugo’s Jupiter
Saturn are together and Aries is the 7H of relationships, it is spoilt from the conservative point of
view & abundant from the non-conservative point.
23. If Sun aspects the Ascendant, the native will be courageous and comfortable. He will
be liked by his father and he will live by performing the affairs of the father.
24. If Moon aspects the Ascendant, the native will be famous and intelligent.
American First Lady, wife of US President John F. Kennedy. A socialite, noted public figure in
her own right, and publisher, she was married and widowed twice to two of the world's most
powerful men. Raised with advantage and culture, she became a journalist.
Famous here is obvious and we can rightly assume that besides being beautiful, she was also
intelligent – the facts are that she did marry two of the world's most powerful men (one time
could have been an accident but with two times, we’ll give her the credit).
25. If Mars aspects Ascendant, the native will be wealthy, fond of wars and adventurous.
The gentleman above is a media agent, a writer and art painter – Mercury is quite active for him.
27. If Jupiter aspects Ascendant, the native will have morality (performing his religious
duties), dear to the king and a famous celebrity.
28. If Venus aspects Ascendant, the native will be fond of prostitutes, will have all
comforts and be wealthy.
29. If Saturn aspects Ascendant, the native will be in abject poverty, stupid and will be a
death causing person (probably to others).
30. If Ascendant is aspected by benefic Moon and Venus, the native will be wealthy,
famous (if the native is a woman, will be dear to the husband) and dear to his master.
31. If Ascendant is aspected by Moon and Jupiter, the native will be respected by all and
will be wealthy.
32. If Ascendant is aspected by Mercury and Moon, the native will acquire wealth and
will be a writer.
This native is actually a litigation lawyer, earning very well and doing a lot of legal writing in
accordance with the dicta.
33. If the Ascendant is aspected by Mercury and Jupiter, the native will be a commander-
Andree: Let’s see some cases
Obviously not all Commanders in chiefs would have Jupiter Mercury aspecting the Asc but let us
see if it is true in some cases.
German military, a Major General and WW II Panzer Commander. He served under Rommel,
then succeeded him in command in Africa, he was captured by the British 5/1942. Cruwell died
in 1958. He has Jupiter Mercury in the 7H aspecting the Ascendant matching the rule given in
Jataka Jambunaatheeyam
Italian general; declared a traitor when he voted against Mussolini 7/1943; executed by firing
squad 1/11/1944, Verona. Jupiter’s 9th aspect and Mercury’s 7th aspect on the Asc satisfying
the condition.
German Lieutenant Colonel in the SS who drew up a "doomsday book" of 11 million Jews
scheduled for extermination. At the time, he was a hero in Nazi Germany. However, Eichmann
went down in history as an unspeakable monster. He escaped in 1945 and was hunted for years.
After he was captured, Eichmann went through a lengthy trial and was convicted as a war
criminal. Eichmann was hanged on 5/31/1962, 11:30 PM, Ramla, Israel. Mercury’s 7th aspect
and Jupiter’s 5th aspect to the Asc satisfies the criteria
If you notice all the 3 charts have Mercury in the 7 H and in Pisces sign.
34. If Ascendant is aspected by Mercury and Venus, the native will acquire wealth, will
be a writer, will become a King and be wealthy also.
For this famous personage, by exchanging the ‘writing’ for ‘painting’ which is a form of artful
writing, the rest of the elements mentioned fit in quite well even though the ‘King’ turned out to
be a dictator.
35. If the Ascendant is aspected by Jupiter and Venus, the native will become a minister.
36. If the Ascendant is hemmed in between friendly planets or malefics and also aspected
by malefics, then the native will be stubborn, valorous, will be an angry person and will be
very brave.
37. If the Ascendant is aspected by three benefics out of all the benefics, the native will
have special wealth or will become King.
Despite the fact that Manson was the illegitimate son of a teen prostitute and an army colonel
and that he spent his youth and adulthood in and out of prison, he still became a ritual cult
leader, a psychopath with a band of drug-numbed followers. Manson mesmerized his gang with
liberal sex and drugs while living on a ranch in the desert of southern California. He gathered
adoring women around him by giving out LSD. Soon he was able to attract young men to his
group by promising sex with his "young loves." Manson was befriended by celebrity children like
Terry Melcher, Doris Day's son and rock singers like Dennis Wilson of the "Beach Boys."
The dicta holds true even if in a perverted kind of way (we’ve spared you some murders).
38. If the Ascendant is aspected by inimical planets, friendly planets, native will be prone
to diseases and will have wealth also.
39. If the Ascendant is aspected by Jupiter, native will become a minister or will have
equal wealth and happiness to equal to that of a King.
40. If the Ascendant is aspected by benefics or malefics, the results will be the same1.
American light-heavy weight gold medalist, the only man to win the heavyweight championship
of the world three times. We see that the Sun along with three benefics aspect the Ascendant.
41. If the Ascendant is not aspected by any planet, then the native will be bereft of all
Publisher: The meaning of the verse is not clear, it can probably mean that the results would be both
good and bad, that is mixed.
Mr. Bundy is such a case where the Ascendant is receiving no aspects. In fact, despite being
good-looking, he was an American serial-killer; a man who killed women totally unknown to him,
for no other reason that his desire to kill. So despite some pleasant physical characteristics,
morally, he was a wreck. Still one cannot take the rule given in the above verse as a dictum.
42. If the Ascendant and the fourth house are aspected by the above said planets or if all
the planets aspect the Ascendant or fourth house, then the native will become a King.
American actor and top star of long duration whose first film, "The Silver Chalice," was dreadful,
but led to career development and a rise into the stratosphere of Hollywood stardom. Jupiter,
Venus and Mercury in his Sagittarius Ascendant have proved very beneficial. Guess we could
appropriately equate Hollywood and Bollywood stardom to kingship these days.
44. If benefics are placed in the 7th, 6th or 8th house from Ascendant without any malefic
association, a yoga called Adhiyoga is formed. Those who were born under this yoga are
Kings and Ministers.
45. If Full Moon (Waxing) is placed in Ascendant, the native will have wealth in the
forms of gems, jewels and pearls. If New Moon (Waning) is in Ascendant, the native will
be a lethargic and angry person with malicious and revengeful thoughts.
46. If Cancer and Aries are Ascendant and if waning Moon is placed therein, native will
have wealth, will be of good character. If such a Moon is there in Dvipada, Chathushpada,
Bahupada rasis, the native will be a rogue, deaf, lame, dumb, or stammering.
Note: It is mentioned as “Dwipada, Chathushpada and Bahupada rasis” which needs explanation.
Whether the Author means Dwisvabhava by the word dwipada is not clear. “Dwisvabhava” Rasis
are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. I.e. all the four corner signs. If we take the meaning as a
dual sign as “Dwi” in Sanskrit means dual, then we have to omit Virgo as Dual means double bodied
signs and Virgo has only one girl whereas the other signs have 2 bodies. He has also used the word
“pada” meaning foot. So Dvipada refers to double footed signs, Chathushpada refers to four footed
signs and Bahupada refers to many footed signs. However, the definition available in the classics is
given below from which readers may decide the results for the verse.
Biped Rasis: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius first 15 degrees, Aquarius.
Quadruped Rasis: Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius last 15 degrees, Capricorn first 15 degrees.
Centipede Rasis: Cancer and Scorpio.
Footless rasis: Capricorn last 15 degrees and Pisces.
47. If the Ascendant is aspected by benefics, native will get good results, will become
famous, will be getting wealth, will have good personality, will get minister ship, will have
comforts and will be without diseases.
48. If the Ascendant is aspected by benefics, good results will be there. If along with
benefics Moon also aspects, even if the native is a hunter or a barbarous person, he will
become a King. If placed in own house or Great friend’s house (Athi Mithra) or in
Exaltation house also the above results will follow. (Note: Probably this sentence refers to the
position of Moon as well as the benefic planets referred to in the first part). If they are in
debilitation houses or enemy’s houses or if Jupiter is placed in these houses (i.e. in the
debilitation or enemy houses) and Moon aspects, the native will have sorrows. In that case,
the lord of the house where Moon is placed, is not aspected by Moon, all the obstacles will be
Note: This verse is a little complicated. The first 2 sentences talk about the aspect of benefics alone and
benefics with Moon. The third sentence doest not specifically state about aspects. It merely says if
“placed” in the houses of Great friends, Own or exaltation houses. Whether this refers to the Moon or
the benefic planets or both is not clear. Again, in the next sentence also we get the same doubt. The
placement of Jupiter and aspect of Moon is mentioned which means that we have to consider only the
benefic planets as Moon as been specifically mentioned.
49. At the time of birth, if all the nine planets are in the hora of Moon and Moon is in his
own Hora or if the Moon placed in his own Hora is aspected by other planets, which are in
Moon Hora, the native will become a King.
50. At the time of birth, if the planets are in the hora of Sun and Moon is also in Sun’s
hora and Moon aspects the other planets, native will have wealth earned from his own
51. At the time of birth the planet aspected by Moon, if it has attained its own Drekkana,
the native will become a King. He will have endless happiness or prosperity.
52. At the time of birth if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun and Moon aspect
Aries sign, the native will become a King.
53. At the time of birth if Mercury aspects Aries sign, native will become a minister, will
be of good character, wealthy, thief.
Note: Why the word thief has been included in this verse is not clear. A natural doubt arises as to
when a person is likely to become a minister, he is going to be of good character and also wealthy, how
we can expect him to be a thief. Seems to be an odd man out or like today’s ministers.
54. At the time of birth, if Mercury is in Taurus, native will have aversion to sour taste,
will have wealth, will become a King, will be a noble person and will have compassion.
British musician who is most widely known as being a member of the mega-star group "The
Beatles." Starting in 1961, the group began setting world records in sales and by 1977 it was
estimated that the group had sold 100 million singles and 100 million albums. In 1965,
McCartney and the rest of the "Fab Four," were dubbed Members of the Order of the British
Empire, which is one step below knighthood. After traveling the world with sold-out tours, he
formed his own record label, Apple. On 1/01/97 he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for
"Services to Music" in 1996 and inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, as a Solo Artist,
He was married in March 1969 to American photographer, animal rights activist and vegetarian
Linda Eastman. After an exceptionally sound and caring marriage, he lost her to breast cancer
on 4/17/98, Tucson, AZ.
Re: animal rights - Paul McCartney is taking over where Linda, his soul mate of 30 years, was
forced to leave off after working as an animal rights activist for 28 years. After her death, many
wondered what would happen to the void she left behind. This past summer Paul chose Viva!
(Vegetarians International Voice for Animals), to show the world that he and 'the kids' (Heather,
Stella, Mary and James) plan to continue Linda's ardent promotion of a compassionate
vegetarian lifestyle.
What motivated the McCartney's in the first place? “It's always been and will always be
compassion for animals.”
So, Mr. McCartney fits the dicta exceptionally well – only his aversion to sour taste was not
mentioned anywhere we looked but hey, not bad for a Mercury in Taurus fellow!
55. At the time of birth, if Mercury is in 7th house in Gemini (i.e. Gemini should be the
7th house means Ascendant should be Sagittarius), native will be valorous, will be a good
weaver and wealthy.
56. If the said Mercury is in own house in Virgo, the native will have poetical knowledge,
wealth like a King, a Jyotishi (astrologer), rule the lands, fond of women, cruel,
Commander-in chief, dull, will be associated with poverty stricken people.
57. At the time of birth, if Mercury occupies Libra, native will be a cruel King, will be
doing a goldsmith work i.e. will work with gold and other ornaments, will be the foremost
among traders and foremost among the wicked men.
58. If the Ascendant is Cancer and the fifth house Scorpio becomes the house for progeny
and if Mercury is placed there, the native will have two sons, will be lame, may be a dhobi,
will be without wealth.
59. At the time of birth, If Mercury is in Libra, the native will be a brave person, best
person, will become a King, will be liberal, and will have the flag of righteousness.
60. At the time of birth, if Mercury is placed in Capricorn, the native will become a King
among Kings and will never be bereft of wealth.
Amazingly, here is a Christian king: he was crowned Pope Pius XII 3/12/1939. At the beginning
of World War II he spoke out against the Nazis, helped Jews with false baptismal certificates, and
allowed thousands to stay in Vatican City, convents and cloisters.
61. At the time of birth, if Mercury is placed in Aquarius, the native will be a King
running after women, will be a minister to King, will be after kingly comforts and will be a
62. At the time of birth if Mercury is placed in Pisces, the native will be a sinner, knows
jokes, will become king, will have old age qualities, will have severe cruelness.
63. This result is applicable to Ascendant or to Moon Ascendant (i.e. Taking the position
of Moon in the chart as Ascendant) or to the Ascendant Lord.
64. If Full Moon is there in Ascendant, native will have good character and Wealth.
65. If waning Moon is placed in Ascendant, native will have sluggishness, will be a
wicked man, an angry person.
66. If the Ascendant is Cancer, Aries, Taurus and if Waning Moon is placed therein, or if
such a Moon is in Biped rasis or quadruped rasis or in the Vargas of the quadruped rasis, the
native will have wealth, character and also a debauchee, deaf, dumb and of less intelligence.
67. At the time of birth Sagittarius, Libra, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn are to be the
Ascendant and if Saturn is placed therein the native will be a king with beautiful limbs, will
be a learned man. He will be a head of a town or village.
This dicta matches somewhat with the last US elections… Maybe because both Mr. Obama and
Mr. McCain fit within its parameters as we can see here…
Publishers Note:
In these series, we will publish the translation
of Sri Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri’s BPHS
commentary. In his commentary, Sri Sastri has
extensively quoted various other commentaries on
Jaimini system when commenting on BPHS’s Arudha
chapter. Like any scholarly approach towards a
One of the oldest authorities on Jaimini subject, he as a scholar has quoted the various
viewpoints needed to understand arudhas. We hope
Astrology, he graced the Astrological this will enable the readers to appreciate and
Magazine in 1960s under immense understand the Jaimini system in detail & understand
for the first time that arudhas are not easy as it seems
persuasion of Late Dr Raman and gave us and ancient scholars like Somanatha, Neelakantha,
some rare jewels in Jaimini Astrology. At Gautam Rishi & KrishnaMishra also had divergent
the age of 80, he lives in a small town in views which are not known so far thus for students in
Andhra Pradesh. Incidentally not many in this era to say with surety that only one way of
India & West know that Andhra Pradesh calculating arudhas is the only truthful way is non-
productive & non-scholarly.
has been the land of Jaimini Astrology after
Banaras. Revered Sastriji leads a strict An apology to Shri Madura Shastri is due from
Brahminical life along with being very our end for the delay & slackness in our publishing.
open minded & extremely humble. His Also apologies to Shri Venkat Raman who has
translated this since a year. Shanmukha must be
humility only shows his supreme mastery thanked for typing the Sanskrit devanigiri, proofing &
over astrology. He and Iranganti formatting this translation which is dear to us. Shri
Rangacharya are considered as the Shastri has in his magnanimous nature granted us
permission to translate his BPHS commentary for the
foremost authorities alive today in Jaimini benefit of English readers. One must note that K.N.Rao
Astrology. Mr Sastri has supported has praised Shri Maduraji’s translation as one of the
Saptarishis Astrology right from its finest in the old ‘Jyotish Group’ forum if memory serves
inception stage. us right. Though many have taken Shri Shastri’s
BPHS & quoted on forums & blogs without giving him
credit what is important to note is that a commentary
like this with so many shlokic reference on Arudha
chapter has never appeared ever before & lets not forget
Maduraji did it first.]
1.0 आढ पदााय - ārūḍha padādhyāya
1. कथयाथ भावानां खेटानां च पदं िज।
तिशेषफलं ज्ञात ं ु यथों ूािष र्िभः॥
kathayāmyatha bhāvānāṁ kheṭānāṁ ca padaṁ dvija |
tadviśeṣaphalaṁ jñātuṁ yathoktaṁ prāñharṣibhiḥ ||
Translation: Oh! Maitreya! Now I shall explain the Arudhas of all the twelve bhavas and
the planets as told by the great sages of yore to know the special results.
2. लाावितथेराशौ ितंथे ेरः बमात।्
ु ते॥
ततावितथेराशौ लपदम
3. सवषामिप भावानां ज्ञेयमेव ं पदं िज।
तनभावपदं ु म
तऽ बधा ु पदं िवः॥
lagnādyāvatitherāśau tiṣthe llagneśvaraḥ kramāt |
tatastāvatitherāśau lagnasyapadamucyate ||
sarveṣāmapi bhāvānāṁ jñeyamevaṁ padaṁ dvija |
tanubhāvapadaṁ tatra budhā mukhyapadaṁ viduḥ ||
Translation: Count the number of Signs where Ascendant lord is posited from Ascendant.
The Arudha can be arrived at by counting the number of signs from Ascendant lord as he is
away from Ascendant. Similarly, the Arudhas of the remaining bhavas are to be arrived at.
Of the 12 Arudhas, Arudha of Ascendant is very important.
M.K.S Explanation: For a native of Aries ascendant the lord Mars is posited in the 9th Sign
Sagittarius. For this native the Arudha will be 9th from Sagittarius i.e., Leo. This is also
known as Tanubava Pada or Arudha Lagna. For the same native second house lord Venus if
posited in Capricorn, the Arudha of the second house will be Virgo as Venus moved nine
signs from the second. Therefore the Arudha of the 2nd house would be 9 houses from
Capricorn which is Virgo. Similarly the Arudhas of other bhavas are to be calculated.
Lagna Arudha Lagna or
Tanu Bhava Pada
2nd Kosha Pada
3rd Vikrama Pada
4th Matru Pada
5th Putra Pada
6th Sahtri Pada
7th Jamitra Pada
8th Ayu Pada
9th Bhagya Pada
10th Rajya Pada
11th Labha Pada
12th Upa Pada
As per the above verse of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra as well as the following Jaimini
यावदीशाौयं पदमृक्षणं
yāvadīśāśrayaṁ padamṛkṣaṇaṁ
Twelve Arudhas from Arudha Lagna (AL) To Upapada (UL) are to be calculated. Where
as, In “Gautama Samhita” also known as “Arudha Padadyayi”, only 8 padas are mentioned.
Translation: According to Yavanas, the names Arudha of the Ascendant are also known as
Knowledge, EAST (Purva), Destiny, Vyanjana, Pada, Cause (nimitta), Bhava, Appearance
/Form, Place/Region/Country, Arudha and Existence
Translation: Kosa Pada, the Arudha of 2nd house is also known as Kosha
(Treasury/Bank), Dhana (Money), Vastra (Cloth), Padartha (Article), Vitta (Money),
Dravyam (Money/wealth), Auspiciousness/good fortunes (Sowbhagya), Mridu Vaakya
(soft speech), Kutumbha (family)
Translation: The Arudha of 4th house is also known as Forest, Wall, Vacation, Friendship,
Growth, Happiness / Comfort, Temple, Strength/power, Water, Vehicle and Throne
(Arudha -4 is also known as Simhasana (Throne)Arudha)
ं मंऽ ं च ूभाव माया िवभेधनं िवमहसंिधबि
मंऽीमतः पूव र् सपु ण्य
ु भाव िऽकालिवञानपरैमनर्ु िैः
taṁtraṁca maṁtraṁ ca prabhāva māyā vibhedhanaṁ vigrahasaṁdhibuddhi
maṁtrīmataḥ pūrva supuṇya bhāva trikālaviñānaparairmunīṁdraiḥ
Translation: Arudha of the 5th house is also called as Tantra, Mantra, (incantation),
Might/Force, Illusion / Deception (Maaya), Difference, Idol / Form, Sandhi (Compromise
/ reconciliation), Intellect, Minister, Children, Purva Punya, Trikalajnata (Knowledge of
Past, Present and Future).
M.K.S - Commentator’s Notes: The verse for Jamitra (Seventh) Pada was not available in
the Gautama Samhita manuscript available with us.
िवशेष संपि समृिभाग्य मदु ार धम सकृु तं ग
किनिना तपभाव संज्ञाः भाग्यािधकं कालिवधो महांतः
viśeṣa saṁpatti samṛddhibhāgya mudāra dharmaṁ sukṛtaṁ guruśca
kaniṣṭhaniṣṭhā tapabhāva saṁjñāḥ bhāgyādhikaṁ kālavidho mahāṁtaḥ
Translation: The Arudha of 9th (Bhagya Pada) is also known as Riches, Affluence, Bhagya,
Dharma (Righteousness), Magnanimous/Generous, Sukruta (Good Deeds), Guru,
Nishta(Devotion / Discipline), Kanishta(Youngest), and Tapa (Penance).
Translation: King, Power, War/Battle, Kingdom, Enjoyment, Affluence, Chastity, Intellect,
Recognition, Knowledge, Name and Fame are the names of the Arudha`10 which is also
known as Rajya Pada (A10).
Translation: The Arudha of 12th house (UL) also known as Upapada, Skill/Genius, Final,
Edge, Neighborhood, Fag End of Life/Death, Last Pada, Immediate Proximity and
Translation: The Pada of a house will be the sign obtained by counting the number of houses
from lord of lagna as he is away from the concerned house. The prosperity of the Pada is
decided by the benefic and malefic influence on it. Pada can be calculated for the 1st, 2nd, 4th,
5th, 9th, 10th and 12th houses. The Pada of 12th house becomes the Upapada (UL).
M.K.S Explanation: From the above shloka, it is clear that the Arudhas for 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th,
9th 10th and 12th houses (as per Uttarakaalamrita) are to be calculated. It has been specially
mentioned by Kalidasa that the Arudha of 12th house is known as Upapada (UL) and the
Arudha of 7th is known as Dara Pada (A7).
and Kalidasaa in ‘Uttarakaalamrita’ have taken only eight arudhas. The rationale in taking
only eight arudhas by Gautama Samhita and Kalidasa in Uttarakaalamrita appears that, for
establishing the Yogas like Dhana (Wealth), Bhagya (Luck), RaajyaPrapti (Gain of
kingdom), Keerti (Fame), Sarwabowma (Emperor), Rajavandya (Appreciation from King),
Raja Sambanda (having good relationship with king), the above eight Arudhas are sufficient
and other Arudhas of 3rd, 6th, 8th and 11th bhavas need not be seen for the dhana, bhagya
yogas. These (3rd, 6th, 8th and 11th) Arudhas can be used to know the general good and bad
effects of respective houses.
This author could lay hands only on the Gautama Samhita which uses Arudha for
predicting these Dhana and Raja Yogas. The other classics ‘Jatakaparijata’, ‘Phaladeepika’
and ‘Sarvartha Chintamani’ have neither dealt nor discussed about the Arudhas.
Uttarakaalamrita has dealt very briefly on these Yogas.
We give below the yogas given in Gautama Samhita using Arudha Padas.
The above yogas can be delineated according to the respective Arudha, lord of Arudha and
the aspect and association of other planets.
Translation: The concerned house and its Seventh house cannot become Arudha of the
house. If Own House happens to be the Arudha, the 10th House should be considered instead,
as the Arudha of the house. Similarly, if the 7th house happens to be Arudha, then 4th house
should be considered as Arudha.
Here house means the Rashi/Sign for which Arudha is being calculated. For Example when Arudha for Scorpio is being
calculated then this sign (Scorpio) is treated as own House and not Aries though owned by Mars.
5. यथातयु र् ितेनाथे तयु मर् वे पदं भवेत ्
समेच िते नाथे िवज्ञेय ं दशमं पदम ्
yathāturya sthitenāthe turyameva padaṁ bhavet
saptameca sthite nāthe vijñeyaṁ daśamaṁ padam
Translation: If Lagna/Ascendant Lord is in the 4th from Lagna, in the normal course 4th from
the 4th House i.e. 7th becomes the Arudha. But when we apply the above exception, 7th
cannot become the Arudha, then 4th it self becomes the Arudha. Similarly, if Ascendant
Lord is posited in the 7th house, Ascendant itself becomes Arudha in normal course, and then
the 10th house becomes the Arudha as an exception to the general rule. Similar procedure is
to be followed for other Bhavas also.
In ‘KaTaPaYa’ numeric the word svasthe gets numerical values~4 and the word dārāha (Da
~8 and Ra ~2. If these are written in reverse order it becomes 28. This number when divided
by 12 gives a reminder ~4) also gets a value ~4. Therefore, when bhava/Sign Lord is in 4th
from itself then 4th becomes the Arudha. For Aries Ascendant if Mars is in fourth house
Cancer according to the normal calculation fourth from Cancer viz, Libra will become the
Arudha. But as per the exception explained above Cancer itself becomes Arudha. Similarly,
the second lord Venus from Aries Ascendant is in Leo (fourth from Taurus) Leo becomes
the Arudha of the 2nd house.
The next Sutra (Rule) “sutasthe janma” the word ‘suta’ gets numerical value ~7 (Su~7 and
Ta~6. If written in reverse order it becomes 67 and when divided by 12 reminder is 7). The
word ‘janma’ gets a numerical value~10 (JA~8 and Ma~5. when written in reverse order it
becomes 58. If divided by 12 the reminder would be 10). Therefore, if Ascendant lord is in the
7th house then 10th becomes Arudha.
The above two exceptions shall be applied for calculating the Arudha for other bhavas as
M.K.S Important Note: When Ascendant lord in the 10th house (10th from 10th house) 7th
becomes the Arudha and Ascendant lord is in Ascendant then Ascendant itself becomes
Arudha. In these two cases the above Exception i.e., own house, Seventh house cannot
become Arudha of a house, is not applicable.
बृहत परशर होरसरंशा - ौीधर ाा
यिदलेर क्ष कलऽ संितोऽथवा
र् लगं िजोम
yadilagneśvara ssarkṣe kalatra saṁsthito'thavā
aruḍhalagnamityāhurjanmalagaṁ dvijottama
Translation: When Ascendant lord is either in Ascendant or 7th house Ascendant becomes
Arudha. No exceptions are given for this rule in these two BPHS versions.
अथाढोदहरणपं सूऽयमाह
लाे चतथु र्े लािमिन दराः सपतमःाािशलर्ा
ु तपयािद संज्ञापेम ्
ढं भवित संकेतमाऽापेक्षिमदं नतक
लातु े समे ल ािमिन लमाढं भवतीथ र्ः
ू य मदु ाहरणारा ाथ पिठतिमित
े ैविसे एतऽ
यावदीशेित सूऽण
athārūḍhodaharaṇarūpaṁ sūtradvayamāha
lagnātsvasthe caturthasthe lagnasvāmini darāḥ sapatamasthrāśirlagnā
rūḍhaṁ bhavati saṁketamātrāpekṣamidaṁ natukatapayādi saṁjñāpekśam
lagnātsute saptame lagna svāmini lagnamārūḍhaṁ bhavatītyarthaḥ
yāvadīśeti sūtreṇaivasiddhe etatsūtradvaya mudāharaṇadvārā spaṣṭārthaṁ paṭhitamiti
Translation: As per Neelakantha the word ‘Darah’ in the Sutra “Swasthe Darah” indicates
only the Seventh (Kalatra) house. He suggests that when Ascendant lord is in 4th House 7th
house becomes Arudha. Similarly, if Ascendant lord is in 7th House Ascendant becomes
Explanation: Neelakantha mentioned that the above Sutras were only examples and had not
given any basis for his interpretation and also not shown any supporting arguments for the
same. Further, the opinion is given without applying the ‘Ka Ta Pa Ya’ numeric
values which is very crucial in interpreting Jaimini.
अऽ ामी े िन (=४) िततीित लातथु लनाथेसित दारः (२८/१२= ४) चतथु र्गतो
् ते
रािशलर्पदं ात स ु ु (६७/१२ = ७ ) िततीित लामेिते लनाथेसित ज
(५८/ १२ = १०) दशमगतो रािशलर् पदं ात अ र्
नीलकं ठ वृौ दारा शेन समरािशज
शेन जरािशिरित ाउयानं सवर्ऽ सवणर् भावाराशय १-१-३३ ईित सऽु िवापेम ्
atra svāmī svasthe svasmin (=4) tiṣṭhatīti lagnāccturthe lagnanāthesati dāraḥ (28 /12 = 4)
caturthagato rāśirlagnasyapadaṁ syāt sutasthe sute (67/12 = 7) tiṣṭhatīti lagnātsaptamesthite
lagnanāthesati janma (5812 10) daśamagato rāśirlagnasya padaṁ syāt asya nīlakaṁṭha vṛttau
dārā śabdena saptamarāśirjanma śabdena janmarāśiriti vyāyānaṁ sarvatra savarṇa
bhāvārāśayaśca 1-1-33 īti sutra viruddhatvādupekṣyam
Translation: Durga Prasada Dvivedi explained that 4th will be Arudha if lagna lord is in 4th
and 10th will be Arudha, if lagna lord is in 7th. That means he agreed with the exceptions
given by Parasara and also clarified that the explanation given by Neelakantha is not
agreeable according to Jaimini sutras.
d) bālakṛśṇānaṁda svāmi:
अथ भावेष ु कारकिवशेष ं कं चन दशर्ियित े दाराः | िितये ीिवचारणीयेथ र्ः |तेन ितीयभाव
् ते
ीकारकिमित यावत|स ु र् िवात ्|तेन े तृकारकमेकादशिमित
ज एकादशे े ॅातज
यावत ् |िवशेषाहकारक िवशेषाम ् दशर्यित ||े ं ितीयं तऽेमहे दारािंतनीयाः| तथाच
ु पंचम
तऽोमहाः ीकारकः| तऽी िवचरः कथ र्ः इथ र्ः|कारकामे दारा इितवाथ र्ः| सतः
तऽमहे पऽजन ् चम महः पऽकारक
जानीयात|पं ु ु समे िततीित सतः
इथ र्ः || सते ु तिन ्
समशेमहे पऽज ्
ीज भतृज वा यथायोगम जानीयािदित वाथ र्ः| अनने सूऽयेन भावकारका
भाव महाकारका सवयथायोगमपु लिक्षता || इितवेिदतम ्
atha bhāveṣu kārakaviśeṣaṁ kaṁcana darśayiti svasthe dārāḥ dvitiye strīvicāraṇīyetyarthaḥ
tena dvitīyabhāva strīkārakamiti yāvat sutasthe janma ekādaśe jyeṣṭha bhrāturjanma vidyāt
tena jyeṣṭha bhrātṛkārakamekādaśamiti yāvat viśeṣādgrahakāraka viśeṣām darśayati
svasthesvaṁ dvitīyaṁ tatratyegrahe dārāściṁtanīyāḥ tathāca tatratyograhāḥ strīkārakaḥ tatrastī
vicaraḥ karthavyaḥ ityarthaḥ kārakātsaptame dārā itivārthaḥ sutaḥ paṁcama tatratyagrahe
putrajana jānīyāt paṁcama grahaḥ putrakāraka ityarthaḥ sute saptame tiṣṭhatīti sutasthaḥ tasmin
saptamaśegrahe putrajanma stījanma bhatṛjanma vā yathāyogam jānīyāditi vārthaḥ |
anena sūtradvayena bhāvakārakā bhāvastha grahātmakārakāśca sarveyathāyogamupalakṣitā
Translation: Bala Krishnanadas Swami, one of the greatest commentators of Jaimini Sutras
states that, from 2nd house matters pertaining to Spouse, 11th house elder brother, from the
Planet in the 2nd house matters pertaining to Spouse, 5th house birth of Child, and from 7th
house Birth of the Spouse should be considered.
e) Ayodhyanatha:
सख़े ु ूनभे कमर्भ ं च
suasthesuaṁ dyūnabhe karmabhaṁ ca
Translation: Ayodhyanatha in his commentary on Jaimini Sutras states that when
Ascendant Lord is in 4th House, 4th House becomes Arudha and if Ascendant Lord is in 7th
House then 10th House becomes Arudha.
f) Somanatha - Kalpalatha
ऋक्षानां राशीनां एशाौयं यावावत तादिमित िववेकः
एवम सित क्षेऽित समित महाणं िवशेषः कते
क्षेऽगत मह चतथु र्न माढं भवित
तदेव सम ित दसममाढं भवित
ṛkṣānāṁ rāśīnāṁ eśāśrayaṁ yāvattāvat tasmātpadamiti vivekaḥ
evam sati svakṣetrasthita saptamasthita grahāṇaṁ viśeṣaḥ kathyate
svakṣetragata grahasya caturthasthana mārūḍhaṁ bhavati
tadvadeva saptama sthitasya dasamamāruḍhaṁ bhavati
Translation: Somanatha Mishra opines that if Ascendant Lord in own house, 4th house is the
Arudha and when in 7th house then 10th house becomes Arudha.
aiśvarya māyuśca vibhajyakālevadetprayatnena dhṛḍhaṁ sabhāsu
Translation: kṛṣṇamiśra explains that if Ascendant is an Odd Sign then the calculation of
Arudha should be done from the Ascendant and if the Ascendant is an even Sign then the
strength of the Ascendant and its Frontal Sign is to be considered and Arudha should be
calculated from the stronger of the two Signs (Ascendant or its frontal sign).
Frontal Rasis: For the even Signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces
Frontal Rashis are Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius respectively. For
example Native of Capricorn, Arudha lagna has to be calculated either from Capricorn or
Leo whichever is stronger.
Translation: After calculating the Arudha as above, the placement of Planets to be decided
either Clockwise or Anti-clockwise from AL depending on the signs being Odd or Even.
This is explained in the following Para.
• For a Native of Libra Ascendant if Venus is posited in Gemini (9th House) along with
Mercury, 9th sign from Gemini that is Aquarius becomes the AL. In such a situation
we can say that Venus and Mercury are located in 5th house from the AL (counting
• For a Native of Taurus Ascendant if Venus and Mercury located in Gemini (2nd
sign) the 2nd from Gemini (Cancer) becomes the AL. In this case if we say Mercury
and Venus are in 12th from AL it is wrong. Since Cancer is an Even Sign the
placement of the Planets is to be counted Anti-Clockwise. Therefore, it is right to say
that Mercury and Venus are in the 2nd from AL. There will be a lot of difference in
the results announced considering the planets in the 12th house rather than in the 2nd
house from AL (Mercury and Venus in this case).
Translation: Some Scholars have opined that the Arudha has to be calculated either from the
Ascendant or its Lord whichever is stronger. If this argument is accepted, for Scorpio Mars
and Ketu and for Aquarius Saturn and Rahu are considered as the Lords. Here, even if Ketu
is stronger than Mars and Rahu is stronger than Saturn, Arudha should be calculated only
from Mars or Saturn as the case may be and not from Rahu or Ketu. The strength of Rahu
and Ketu should be considered only for calculating the Dasha (Directions) periods.
Translation: While discussing the exceptions for calculation of Arudha, Krishna Mishra
states that if Ascendant Lord is in Ascendant, 4th House and if he is in 7th House, 10th
House becomes Arudha. Further, if Ascendant Lord is either in 4th or 10th House then 7th
House becomes the Arudha.
MKS Notes: It is felt that Sri Somanatha has applied the analogy as followed by Krishna
Mishra for the exceptions of calculation of Arudhas. This requires further thought by the
Shri Gottumukkala Raghava Bhatta in his “Jataka Sarasangraha” dated the year
Shalivahana Saka 1626, considered these sutras refer to only for calculations of Dasha
े दाराह १-१-३०
सते ज १-१-३१
svasthe dārāha 1-1-30
sutasthe janma 1-1-31
ु रािशार्दश वषार्िकऽथवा
इितायेन ािमय
ािमिन समे दशा दशवष र्िका भवित
itinyāyena svāmiyukta rāśirdvādaśa varṣātmika'thavā
svāmini saptamasthe daśā daśavarṣatmikā bhavati
Translation: He took the word Daraha (828 / 12 = 12) instead of Dara, further states that if
the Lord is in Own House, the Dasha period of that sign will be for 12 years and if Lord is
in 7th House, the Dasha Period of that sign will be of 10 years.
i) nṛsiṁhasūri - jaiminī sūtrārtha prakāśikā
Explanation: Sri Nrisimha Suri, the author of Sutrartha Prakasika, a Sanskrit exposition of
Jaimini system, supported the view of Raghava Batta and stated that when Ascendant Lord
is in Ascendant then Ascendant itself becomes Arudha and give 12 years of Dasha Period
and when Ascendant Lord in 7th House Dasha period would be 10 years. He further stated if
Ascendant Lord is in 10th house then 7th House becomes the Arudha.
MKS Conclusion: After going through various commentaries on the subject, it is felt that
the view adopted by this commentator appears to be in conformity with the views expressed
in BPHS on Jaimini concepts.
Further, Neelakantha and various other scholars in their commentaries mentioned that
Ascendant and 7th House becomes Arudha on two occasions. For Example when Ascendant
Lord is in Ascendant or in 7th House, Ascendant becomes Arudha. Similarly, 7th house
becomes Arudha, when the Ascendant Lord in 4th or 10th house.
The views of Krishna Mishra and Samantha are tabulated below. In their system Ascendant
never become Arudha and 7th House becomes Arudha on two occasions.
4th house 7th house
7th house 10th house
10th house 7th house
When ‘Ka Ta Pa Ya’ Numeric’s are applied to the Sutras ‘Swasthe Darah’ and ‘Sutasthe
Janma’ if Ascendant Lord in 4th house then 4th House is the Arudha and if Ascendant lord
in 7th House, 10th House becomes the Arudha. Further, when Ascendant Lord is in
Ascendant or 10th House then Ascendant or 7th house becomes Arudha. In this method all
the four houses 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th are getting the status of Arudha. BPHS is also
supporting this view of this author and therefore this can be adopted as the standard. As
many of the scholars are in agreement with the authors’ view on the exceptions in
calculation of Arudha, which are given here in a tabular form for easy understanding. The
same is applicable for calculating Arudha Pada for all the Bhavas
Location Arudha
Ascendant Lord Own house Ascendant
Ascendant lord Fourth House Fourth house
Ascendant lord 7th House Tenth House
Ascendant Lord 10th House Seventh House
Special Note: In Jyothisha Shastra (Astrology) and Aagama Shastra (traditional view) when
there is a difference of opinion among the scholars the opinion accepted by majority of them
should be followed.
To Be Continued …
Guru Nadi - 3
Chandrashekhar Sharma, India
BrahmI nadi or Brahmaamsha continued:
3rd NadiAmsha - kälaküöäàçam
Results Of KaalakUta Amsha/nadi:
Note: For Kaalakuta Amsha this means
A) 0°36' to 0°48'for Moveable Ascendants
B) 29°12' to 29°24' for Fixed Ascendants &
C) 15°36' to 15°48' for Dual Sign Ascendants
One born in the second half of AhIamsha (serpent meaning the kalkuta amsha or nadi) is a Quiet (or
peaceloving) person who is of fair complexion with a proportionate body. He is expert in all fields of
learning, religious, wealthy, lustful (or virile), pious and a devotee of Lord Shiva.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
Kālkoota is a poison that was churned form the seas by the Devas and Danavas. The reference to
Ahiamsha seems to indicate that the reference is to Kālkoota amsha as Ahi means a serpent or serpent
of skies, and serpents being poisonous this could be refering to Kālkoota amsha or nadi. The manuscript
copier also seems to think this way as he has written Kālkoota in red letters before this shloka.
He has five brothers (or siblings), sixth is born out of a servant girl (from his father) and the next is
born (again) of his mother. In his 18th year he marries one whom he loves much.
-(The wife is) either born in his own clan or someone with whom he falls in love. Should the 7th bhava
be in aspect of a benefic, the wife is from own clan (or class).
sÝme ièyte mata sÝiv<zeiptum&Rit>,
His mother dies at the age of 7 and father dies in his 27th year of age. He marries when 22 years old
and gets a son (or progeny) when 28 years old.
He goes to the eastern direction when 18 years of age and does not travel from there (stays there) .
23 years onwards his fortune grows day by day. In his 28th year of age his employer dies due to some
great addiction.
He befriends his employer or King at the age of 30 years and will get great amount of wealth, vehicles,
without any doubt.
He does many pious works like building of temples, lakes etc. Even his enemies join him in this (good
His wife dies at the age of 39. At the end of 40th year his younger brother-in-law also dies.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
There appears to be some coruption of words in the last line of this shloka. I have tried to interpret by
common sense. However, it could also mean that his second wife also dies at 40th year of age.
At the age of 41 he comits some great sin and as a result his landholdings get reduced due to the order
of the King (fines are imposed by the king).
v&iÏmekaenpÂazTprmez àp*te,
From the 49 years of age he (his finances) grow again. When he is 56 years of age he looses wealth in
a great forest (either as he is robbed or his investment there comes a cropper perhaps the later as the
earlier shlokas indicate his wealth in form of lands).
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
I think the word Sattamshe is a corruption and it should be SatapaMcaashe and have translated as such.
Query: Sir so far the text is only mentioning one wife, the second wife is not being mentioned?
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: He is talking about kanika, which could be corruption of word kanishtha meaning
the junior wife. That is why I have pointed to the possibility of corruption of words and possibility of Kanika
referring to the second wife and not the brother in law. The word Devaa also means heavenly and could refer to
his beautiful second wife. If we look at the first shlokas that describe him being Kusty is also given as his qualities
and so he could as well have two wives as was common in those days.
Éiv:yTyópÂaze mEÈy< tSy mhaÉujaE,
After his 58 years of age he befriends two great warriors (literally one with great arms) and one eye
of the son of his stepmother (step brother) will be afflicted (he will loose eyesight of one eye or an
eyeitself) .
m&gec tiSm;ò(Bde Ê>ove; gim:yit,
puÇaíxnsMpÚaSsm&Ïa n&pv‘Éa.
mågeca tasmiñañöyabde duùkhaveña gamiñyati |
puträçcadhanasampannässamåddhä nåpavallabhä||
He will have sorrow on account of a deer (or a wild animal) at the age of 60. He will have sons,
wealth and prosperity and shall be liked by the King.
He serves (the king) with devotion and is endowed with wealth, lands etc. In his 65th year, he shall be
troubled by Meha disease (diabetes or urinary disease).
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
There appears to be some corruption in the second line of the above shloka. There is no reason one
should be troubled by urinary disease due to doing some good deeds (Punyeshu), that the said line seems
to imply and sharaadya would mean 15 years if adi is taken to be beginning and shara as 5. In the
background of all that is given earlier, it does not seem to be the correct age. So I have taken the liberty
of treating the word adi as the age of 60 mentioned in earlier shloka. I am sure that if I am wrong the
learned will correct me.
sampadaàçam |
Sampada amsha
He proceeds to the higher world ( after death) due to the wealth of his good deeds, which act as an
armour (against any misdeeds that he might have done).
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
There is an annotation in red, prior to this shloka indicating that this could relate to Sampada amsha.
However the Guru nadi does not give Sampada as the name of any amsha. Addditionally what happens
to the jataka after he is troubled by Meha disease is not mentioned in earlier shloka and this shloka
might be explaining what happens to him after he, perhaps, dies after contracting the urinary disease at
age of sixty five.
I must mention here that at some places the amshas indicated by the transcriber of the original text do
not match the names given in the Guru nadi itself and I have then taken the liberty to indicate which
might be their correct name after looking at the meaning of the word. If I have misinterpreted this, the
fault squarely lies at my doorsteps and not that of the original Author of the nādi, Achyuta, nor the
I think the following refers to the next nādi (to kalkoota) that is Shankari nadi.
za»rI nafI
çäìkaré näòé
4th NadiAmsha – Shankaryamsham
Results Of ShankarI Amsha/nadi:
He has a pleasant speech, is devoted to his mother and a great favourite of his father. He is religious,
knower of Vedas, intelligent is always happy and has two wives.
dzaSy saedra> kNya;qœpuma<s> àkIitRta>,
He has 10 siblings and 6 daughters and famous amongst menfolk. He marries at the age of 11 years and
his father dies when he is 21 years of age.
xnva<TyaÇyiÇ<zadvaRgiv pir¢ha.
dvipaïcäçe måtämätä tataù kiïciddaridrataù |
dhanaväntyätrayatriàçädarvägavi parigrahä ||
He becomes wealthy at 33 or/and accepts a cow in donation. His mother dies when he is 52 years old
and at that time he may suffer losses.
When he is 20 years of age a king befriends him, as do wealthy people, travels to many countries and
receives great wealth from kings.
He receives much unhappiness from some king in this world due to jealousy of Brahmins (may be
adviser or Guru of the king) and at 52 years of age gets fined much.
AòpÂazdBdeSyadpm&TyuÉy< Évet!,
There is a possibility that he may meet with untimely death at 58 years of age. (If he survives the
untimely death) he loses everything at 59 or 60 years of his age.
To Be Continued…….
Sukra Nadi Grantha -1
Translated By
N.Sundara Rajan, India
[SA Publisher:
We wish to thank humble R.Ramanathan, core
team member of Saptarishis Astrology & Mr R.Chandra
Mohan, Curator of Oriental Manuscript Library, Chennai
University Campus for making available 500 pages of this
manuscript of Sukra Nadi to Saptarishis Astrology which is
presented at the end of the translation. In total there are
5000 pages. Mr Ramanathan worked very hard to get this
and inspite of his & our efforts to contact many scholars it
was only Shri Sundara Rajan who finally agreed inspite of
his old age and health issues to translate into English this
Tamil Sanskrit Grantha Lipi Manuscript into English for
the readers of Saptarishis Astrology. We had almost given
up on this rare knowledge piece but Mr Sundara Rajan
came forward to do it. We wish to request all readers of
Sundara Rajan's name needs no Saptarishis Astrology to pray atleast once a week for Shri
Sundara Rajan to get the desired energy to translate this
introduction; he has played mentor and rare work as fast as possible. If others can come forward in
translating this work they would be doing the highest
friend to most astrological magazines service to the Rishis. On a last note one must compare our
whether it be R Santhanams, B V Ramans or current methods of predictions and see how and what the
Star Teller and now Saptarishis Astrology. rishi is predicting, the huge gap found will only make us
He started astrology in 1956, created one of realize that we know nothing of astrology.]
the first astrology softwares, has written
more than 1000 articles since 1963 in Dr Foreword
Ramans magazine and others, has published
4 books, created the Vincity ephemeris, his
ayanamsa is called the Sundara Rajan
Ayanamsa adopted by 2 international
T he translation is from the very
beginning and whatever was there
in the original manuscript has been
translated by me. The salutations, obviously
to Sri Pranatharthihara Swamy is at the
softwares and his friend, mentor was the very start. Yes, this is the full chart
legend of legends of yesteryears the predictions, as given so far in the Nadi.
Highness of Nadi Astrology Late C G However, on a cursory glance of the pages
Rajan. Although Shri Sundara Rajan has emailed by you, I think Page 4 starts with
numerous stunning world predictions to his delineation of a new chart. I have given
credit but he is phenomenally humble man word by word translation of whatever the
which only shows the grace of Rishis. original contains. You may see from the translation, at the end, the Rishi has said
that predictions should be based on Dhruva
Soothra and Dhruva Nadi. It is obvious that
the author of both Sukra Nadi and Dhruva
Nadi is the illustrious sage Sathyacharya,
the author of SATHYACHARYAM.
Srimad Pranathaarthiharavarma Parabrahmane Namaha
P erson born in Chara Lagna Kubheramsa with 9th Lord in 5th and Moon in Vipra Kala
will be fortunate from birth; He is the 5th issue; He will have three elder brothers;
One brother and sister are twins; The sister is elder; That sister will have sons and
daughters; But she will die young; That twin brother will marry, but will have no children;
Eldest brother will have daughters and sons; One daughter will die young; Younger sisters
for native will be two; One will die young; One will have daughters and sons;
Chart As Per Manuscript
SA Publisher: It is not clear as to which Panchanga (ephemeris) the Rishi must be using and which method of calculation
to arrive at the position of planets. An attempt made shows 31st Jan 1829, 01:30 as the approximate time to match Rasi Chart
but Navamsa position of Jup, Ketu does not match nor does nakshatra pada of Jyeshta.
11th Lord in 3rd and 4th Lord in Kendra Rasi; birth will be in village near river bank
with temple of Lord Siva in it.
Birth will be in Mother's house; If birth is in Uttharamsa, birth will take place in Father's
house; There will be minor differences in effects for native born in Poorva Bhaga; Saturn is
in Kataka in Lalanamsa (Virgo Navamsa); Jupiter in Vrischika in Neecha Amsa; He will be
born in the year Sarvadhari in 60-year cycle starting from Prabhava; when Sun is in
Uttarayana; In the month of Makara in Krishna Paksha Ekadasi Thithi on Friday in Jyeshta
Nakshatra third Pada; He will be born in night in the beginning of the third Yama, in Thula
Lagna. Same is Shiro Lagnam; The consummation of nuptials (Garbhadhanam) will be in
the month of Mesha; Adhana Lagnam is Dhanur Lagnam;
The predictions should be made firstly on Adhana Lagnam, secondly on Shirodhaya
Lagnam and lastly on Bhoo Pathanam; Based on this, predictions should be made; Future
should be predicted on the method advocated by Vasishta, Past on the method of Gargya
and the Present on the method of Jaimini ; thus should studies be made; Effects of predictions
will take place according to Dhruva Soothra and Dhruva Nadi.
Vasishta said:
F or this native born in Chandra Hora, in Mithuna Drekkana, in Mithuna Navamsa and
Sukra Thrimsamsa, Moon in Makara and 9th Navamsa in Dual Amsa; Mercury in
Kumbha in Thula Navamsa which is 9th Amsa (Kumbhe Sowmye Thulamsa
Bhagyamsa yukthaha);Mars in Minamsa with Ketu; Mars in Makara Navamsa in Uchcha
Navamsa and 11th Amsa; Ketu in Nadhyamsa and Sudhyamsa; Saturn in Kataka in Lalamsa
and Rahu in Lalana in Katakamsa and Bhagyamsa; Moon in Vrischika with Guru; Moon in
Kumbhamsa and Pankajamsa; Venus in Dhanus and Thulamsa and own Amsa; A person
born in such yoga is famous, educated, wise and foremost in his family. Lagna lord in 3rd
and 9th Lord in 5th, 11th Lord in 4th and 4th Lord in Kendra; The predictions for native born
in such yoga is:
If Lagna lord is in Dual sign, 8th Lord in Dual sign and 12th Lord in Fixed sign, will have
long life, maximum of sixty-seven years of life. Will live with comforts till sixty seven age;
Will have three sons and two daughters all happy; Will have increase in children and
grandchildren, will earn Ten thousand gold and lands, three houses, yoga and bhagya and
increased property prosperity and children, grandchildren; Will die at sixty seventh year;
Will die in the year Manmatha of cycle of years starting from Prabhava; Will die in
Uttaryana, Makara Masa, Sukla Paksha Ekadasi Thithi in first quarter of daytime in Makara
Lagna; Because of good deeds of this birth, he will attain Gnana in the end.
In the months of 6, 8, 12 (i.e..when Ravi is in 6, 8, 12) when Saturn is in 8th from any
Bhava; Jupiter is in trines from Sun; when Jupiter is in trines of Venus, the predictions will
SA Publisher: As per the chart description 11th lord is in 4H but here in the relevant line in the manuscript it says 3rd, it
could be an error of copying on the palm leaf. Shri N Sundara Rajan says ‘The relevant shloka, transliterated:- Labhese
Vikramsthane Sukhendre Kendra Rasige Nathee Pranthye…. Etc which means 11th lord in 3rd and 4th lord in kendra in
handwritten manuscript, I feel it is an error in manuscript; it could have been Lagneshe instead of Labhese which would
mean Lagna Lord (Venus) in 3rd, but I have simply translated the original as it was in the scan copy sent by you.’
SA Publisher: This kind of verse & verse before it has never been found in our classics nor written by any modern writers.
This verse throws open a huge wide world of research & journey for the honest student, kindly ponder on it. One must note
that like the Bhrighu method of predictions so also Vasishtas and Gargas methods of predictions is lost forever.
4 5
happen based on the Nakshatra (of Moon) . For Kuberamsa Chara Lagna, 9th Lord in 5,
Karaka in 4th, the Native's father will be long-lived, will be educated and wise, fortunate,
well versed in one language, will be devoted to Brahmins and devotees of God, daily will do
Pooja to Siva, will take daily bath and observe religious rituals, will observe the conduct
prescribed in Vedic shastras; He will live comfortably till end of life by agriculture and land
property.(All this about father of native). He will have wife and children. He will have sons
and daughters total Eight in number. Two daughters and sons will have children while two
sons and two daughters will die. The native's father will have four brothers and four sisters
of whom two sisters and two brothers will have children, while two brothers and two sisters
will not have children. This is the native's father's life. In Native's 19th year, in Uttarayana,
Makara month (Jan-Feb) Sukla Paksha (Bright half of Moon) Thritheeya, the father will
die. For native born in Kuberamsa Thula Lagna, 4th Lord in Kendra, Karaka in Neecha
(debilitation), his mother will have medium life. His mother will be soft natured, of good
conduct, devoted to husband, will have children; She will have eight children, four daughters
and four sons; Two sons and two daughters will be blessed with children while two sons and
two daughters will die. She will have two brothers and one sister all will have children. This
is the life of native's mother; She will die at age of sixtyseven, in Dhakshinayana, in Kataka
Masa, Krishna Paksha, Thritheeya day. The native is born in Kuberamsa, Thula Lagna, in
Venus Thrimsamsa, will be dark in complexion, will have bilious and rheumatic, windy
constitution, will be educated and wise. He will be fully conversant in one language and will
learn two languages; He will live by writing, and for sometime will live on his father's
property. Then he will try for Government and Private jobs, but will be unsuccessful. After
that, for some time will live in relative's house; Will again try for job, but will fail; but after
marriage, through wife's relatives, he will get job, lands, and house. Native at age two, he
will have Bala Roga, parents will be prosperous; In his second or third year (age) a brother
will be born. In 4th, 5th year, will have sister born; In his 6th or seventh age, mother will
die. In his 8th year he will wear the sacred thread. In 9th or 10th year he will have
vidhyaaramabham (Start of education/school), will continue education in 11 and 12, in 13th or
14th year will become well versed in writing; in 15th and 16th will be comfortable, in 17th year
will become expert in writing and will witness prosperity of father and brothers. In 18 or 19,
his father will die. Will have comforts through brother in 20, In 21 and 22, will try for job in
Government or Company, In 23 and 24, will live on father's property and through help of
elder brother; In age 25 and 26, will live in relative's house and try for Government job and
try for marriage; In 27 and 28, will continue to live with relatives and will have difficult
times; In 29 will have marriage forced on him in North or North-East and after marriage
will live happily and in the same year will get a job fetching one or one and half sovereign of
gold as salary. In 31 and 32, will have comforts through job; In 32 and 33 will have peace and
happiness through wife; In 34 and 35, will have promotion in job with salary of three
sovereigns. In 36 and 37, he will have son born and will get lands and house through wife's
relatives; In 38 and 39 will have birth of son and promotion in job with salary of four
sovereigns and vehicles drawn by horses, and prosperity. In 40, 41 and 42, will have fame and
prosperity and increased income and properties. In 43, 44 and45 and 46, increased income,
SA Publisher: Why is the author saying that upon such and such a condition of transit ‘Predictions will happen based on
nakshatra of Moon?. On this question Shri N Sundara Rajan writes back ‘Even if other planets transit unfavorable places, if
Moon occupies favorable Nakshatras on the particular day/days, such unfavorable effects will not take place. Moon also
should transit unfavorable Nakshatras, if bad things should occur’.
SA Publisher: It is suspected that this could be a Nadiamsa; readers are requested to probe deeper & refer to C G Rajan’s,
Santhanams & C S Patel’s Nadiamsa tables or our Guru Nadi translation done by Chandrashekhar Sharma.
property and promotions and fame and name in job. In 47, 48 and 49, will have birth of
child, and increased money and properties; In 50, 51 and 52, will conduct marriage of son and
daughter, In 53, 54 ,55 and 56, will have more income, money, lands, and happiness and son
will become famous In 57, 58 and 59, will get vehicle drawn by horses, two fortunes, Ten
thousand money, Houses and Lands and son and daughter will be prosperous; In 60, he will
celebrate Shashti-Abdh-Poorthy. In 61, 62, 63 and 64 his son will become more famous, In 65,
66 and 67 he will see prosperity in family with birth of grandchildren and Lakshmi
Kataksham (Prosperity) in family and till death happiness. In 67 Native will die. The
predictions given for Kuberamsa Thula Lagna are absolute truth and can be truly seen before
the eyes. (Kubremase Phalam Sathyam Prathyakshancha.)
Relevant Sukra Nadi Manuscript Made B & W Compressed (colored original version would be
uploaded in the manuscript section of the website)
Sukar Nadi - 6
Venus In Different Houses
Saptarishis Astrology Team
SA Publisher
We have received a lot of mails on how people have tested the verses of Sukar Nadi that was
printed earlier in this column. For those who came in late, they must keep in mind that what is
given in Sukar Nadi is not to be found in the normal texts of Vedic Astrology, thereby showing the
brilliance of Sukar Rishi. Also, one must not follow the rules blindly but test it vigorously and not
get carried away by the examples posted by us.
Venus in I House
Long life, astrologer, late marriage, knowledge of music (the term raga can also be
interpreted as ‘will earn lot of name and fame), mathematician, fond or lover of sensual
pleasures of woman, will complete or achieve what ever he thinks or plans.
Publisher’s Commentary:
Whenever one sees such a simple classical statement it is obvious that one cannot take it
blindly yet it is often found that obsessive forum writers pounce on anyone who would ever
quote a similar above statement as done by Sukar Rishi. It is this habit of obsessive critics
which has blocked many from studying the science in the scientific manner in which the
Rishi wrote it. Rishi wanted us to study the deeper meaning behind his statements and if we
can criticize in today’s worlds such statements by Rishis, do you think the Rishis would
have been foolish to write such a statement in his era when Jyotish knowledge and teaching
was so critical and Shastriac (scholarly). Lets take it this way after a search in Astro Data
Bank one gets 2172 approximate charts, out of which only 212 cases where found to be that
of musicians, rock stars who exhibit ‘knowledge of music’ as given by Sukar Rishi. Venus in
the 1st house the Rishi says can make one an astrologer and thus out of 2172 charts only
231 charts were those of astrologers & only 20 cases of late or never married & only 7 cases
of mathematicians & 101 cases of long life. These 2172 charts were from a database of
32,000 charts. Lets quickly see few charts
American visionary and cultured man of letters. A remarkable 19th century scholar, he
exercised a profound influence over his friends Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Thoreau and
Nathaniel Hawthorne. An improvident idealist, he made his home a cultural center.
Married to Abigail (b. 10/08/1800, Boston), he had four daughters who included Louisa
May Alcott.
Died 3/04/1888, Boston. Venus is in 1H the native lived for more than 80 years.
American astrologer, a popular professional and author whose books include, "Guide To
Horoscope Interpretation." Prior to becoming a professional, he was a Hollywood script
writer in his youth. Greatly interested in metaphysics, he and the gifted clairvoyant Elsie
Wheeler set about to find a set of symbols for every degree of the zodiac that was an
improvement on degree symbology existent. One day in 1925 in San Diego's Balboa Park,
Jones took a series of 360 small blank cards on each of which was noted a sign and degree
on the back and held them up for Wheeler to describe her vision. The cards were shuffled
continually to keep the selection random. The images did not seem entirely appropriate, or
some were exaggerated, so the cards were put aside until 1931, when the definitions were
revised, a process that was repeated in 1948. The results were first published in 1951.
In 1978, two years before his death, Jones was given a respectful and affectionate 90th
birthday party by 200 colleagues while planning his next book. Jones died on 3/05/1980,
Stanwood, WA. He had Venus in the 1H.
With thousands of night clubs and personal appearances, he was also a gifted numerologist,
who wrote a prophetic column on international trends for years. Lopez died of liver and
pancreas failure 9/20/1975. He has Venus in the 1H.
Publishers Commentary:
Sukar Rishi says that Venus in 2nd house can make a person be in government service
relating to Justice Service which means judges/jurists/legal system employees. We found
only 40 charts of judges/legal system employee/attorney/court reporter out of a total of
1995 charts with Venus in 2H. In these 34 cases we extended the interpretation from just
Govt job to even private attorneys otherwise only 9 cases of Govt employees who are judges.
Pls find below only 2 illustrations
– Putra Karaka – putra means children which is 5H and 5H is also the Seat Of Power, an
oft forgotten fact in vedic astrology. Venus here did give him the seat of power by making
him Jurist for the Ministry of Trabalho.
American attorney, judge and government appointee, the first black Supreme Court jurist.
The son of a dining car porter and a domestic, Manuel was first in his law class, earning his
degree in 1953. He became assistant to the Attorney General of California 1970-71 and was
appointed to the California Supreme Court 2/12/1977. A Grand Knight of the Berkeley
Council of the Knights of Columbus, Manuel was also a rector at St. Paschal's Catholic
Church in Oakland, CA. You can see that it matches with Sukar Nadi with native having
Venus the 10th lord of profession is in the 2H of income.
Sukar Rishi further writes that one with Venus in the 2H can be born with a silver
spoon. See cases listed below.
American heiress, No. 18 on Forbes magazine list of the 400 wealthiest people in the U.S. in
1993. She had three marriages and divorces with one baby daughter who died shortly after
birth in 1940. At age 25, Duke inherited an estimated $100 million in trusts from her dad,
James Buchanan Duke, a coarse but brilliant self-made man who founded the American
Tobacco Company and the Duke Power Company. He also instilled in her his own complete
distrust of anyone. She was instructed from childhood that no one would ever love her for
anything but her money. You can see that Venus is in 2H
German-American astrologer who began her studies in 1966 and was a top professional by
1970. She co-authored, with Joan McEvers, the best-selling six volume series entitled "The
Only Way To Learn Astrology,” By 1984, 50,000 books had been sold. Marion was the co-
founder of Aquarius Workshops in 1973 and editor of Aspects journal from 1973-1979. Her
parents had lean years as her father would not accept help from his wife’s father, a well-
known publisher, wanting to make his own way. When Marion was born, they lived in a
walk-up flat.
Here is a case of not being born in a Silver Spoon and it is purposely illustrated so that
young ones don’t get carried away when a shloka is exhibited with more number of
examples making one predict blindly. The native has Venus in 2H and was not born with a
silver spoon but later her father went on to buy the bank where he worked for.
Sukar Rishi says in Sukar Nadi that Venus in the 2nd house can make one have eye
diseases or can even cause blindness. One cannot forget that 2H is the house of eyes,
division of right and left eye comes later but primary house of eyes is 2H and that is the
reason the Rishi has written the above statement. Now 13 cases of the eye ailments were
found. One must not forget the Puranic story of Bali and Vishnu in Vamana Avatar where
Sukracharya (Venus) was made blind by the straw. The straw was pierced in the pot by
Vamana who is considered the Jupiter Avatar of Lord Vishnu (Mercury). So one can watch
for Venus in Jupiterean signs or vice versa. Those interested in finding out astrological clues
from Puranas should venture into it wholeheartedly as a lot from it has still not been written
in English Vedic Astrology writings.
Dutch royalty and fourth daughter of Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard, sister of Queen
Beatrix. While pregnant with her, her mother visited an orphanage where she caught
German measles, leaving Marijke born with an incurable visual handicap. You can see that
Venus is in the 2nd house which can cause eye ailments or blindness as per Sukar Nadi and
it is in Jupiter’s sign. Incidentally Mercury (Vishnu) is in the 4H of mother, her mother
visited the orphanage where she caught German measles leaving Marijke (Christina) being
born with an incurable visual handicap.
Italian ecclesiastic, elected Roman Catholic pope 7/12/1730. Though he was blind and
bedridden after his election, his activities were phenomenal. Died 2/08/1740, Rome.
Other Examples:
1) Name: XAVIER, FRANCISCO "CHICO", Date: 4/2/1910, Time: 01:00 LMT (+2:56), Gender: M,
Place: Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil, Lat: 19 S 38, Lng: 44 W 03
Biography: Brazilian mystic, a famous channeler from the time he was a teenager. In spite of being semi-
literate, he "wrote" more than 80 books on romance, poetry and technical subjects. With legendary fame,
he was considered by many to be a saint. He answers letters and question from thousands of people about
their deceased relatives, year after year. Almost completely blind, he does not take any money for his books,
but turns it all over to charity. He died on June 30, 2002 around 7:30 PM in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
His son claimed that Chico was the reincarnation of Allan Kardec (born October 3, 1804 at 19:00 LMT in
Lyon France and died on March 31, 1869, between 11 and noon in Paris, according to Marcello Borges
citing a biographer.
2) Name: MILTON, JOHN, Date: 12/19/1608,Time: 06:30 LMT (+0:01), Gender: M, Place: London,
England, Lat: 51 N 30, Lng: 00 W 10
Biography: British writer and poet who is best known for his "Paradise Lost," 1667. His work is generally
regarded as surpassed only by Shakespeare.
Milton became more radical in his views as he aged, becoming the master of invective. Losing his sight from
his mid-30s, probably from retinal detachment, by March-April 1652 he was wholly blind and worked
through secretaries. He adapted well to his blindness, but gout was a torment. Milton spent his last nine
years in a cottage (now a museum) and died on 11/08/1674, Chalfont St. Giles, England.
Now after you have seen the above 4 examples read the BSP-15 on Graha Sutras of Venus and you can see
it applies aptly on above charts with Venus where he sits, there he causes medical problems. 2H is the
house of eyes, division of left and right eye comes later but 2H is the house of eyes.
of life but will recover from it, chance of siblings is very low, attached to wife, deep
thinker, many woman voluntarily (on their own) will have affairs with him, he will have affairs
with woman without bothering about nature of relationships
Publishers Commentary:
Sukar Rishi says that if Venus is in the 3H then native will be fond of drama, music and
literature. Venus is a planet of fine arts like music and it is placed in the 3H which is the
natural house of mercury in the natural zodiac of Aries Asc hence the Rishi could have said
literature and drama too as Mercury is significator of literature. Rishis also points out that
such a native will have many affairs with the woman willing to do so with him.
Venus is placed in the 3H and he was a great musician whose songs are immortal. He had
admitted to having slept with more than 10,000 woman is what is rumored. Others who
share Venus in the 3H includes Pamela Anderson, Patrick Swayze, Kate Holmes, Sarah
Bernhardt and author Stephen King.
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Venus in IV House
Good person, will become commander in chief or such position in his field, fond of rice mixed
with milk, will own many pets including horses, money and wealth will grow, will have
multi-story bungalow, charitable nature, cheerful and good name and reputation
Publishers Commentary:
Sukar Rishi says many things for Venus in the 4H, lets see few things of it for e.g. rishi
mentions that the native will be top most in his position like a commander in chief and if
this Venus is aspected by Jupiter then native will be attached to his mother and his fame
would growth is indescribable, will earn unique popularity in his state, will not work expect
money from anybody and will accumulate it through his hard work. All these qualities are
rarely to be found in one chart unless the planet is very strong.
You can see that Venus is in the 4H and is also aspected by Jupiter from 8H of occult who
is with 9L of higher knowledge Mars, now this writer vaguely remembers reading that
Paramhansa Yogananda was attached to his mother but other points are clear that he did
not work for money. Regarding fame everyone knows that today his book Autobiography of a
Yogi is one of the most widely read work and he revealed Kriya Yoga to the West and
instrumental to the East in modern day India. This Venus which is aspected by occult
Jupiter (light) is the 3L of writing and 10L of karma making his work immortal and
matching with the text. If you have read this issue’s editorial you would have remembered
the technique of Sage Bhrighu of Ketu & name, here it is in the 3H of writing and he
established his name in esoteric writing.
Sukar Rishi says that the native will be top most in his position like a commander in chief if
Venus is in 4H, this is observed in the chart of Jawaharlal Nehru who became the 1st Prime
Minister of India inspite of there being other contenders.
Principle: Just to re-iterate, the most common mistake committed by young ones and even
many scholars is to take everything Rishi wrote blindly and then get disappointed when as
in this case with Venus in 4H not everyone is at the top of his/her profession. What is
important is to try to decipher the underlying principle in what Rishi wrote and remember
the logic and apply it in charts along with Yogas and other combinations to arrive at a
prediction, otherwise why would the Rishi write such a loose statement, would he not know
that there would be many charts where his sutra would not work. Take the above example
of Venus in 4H can make one Commander in Chief/Head of State, see 4H is the house of
Throne, 7H is the naisargik arudha of this 4H, hence when the 7L sits in the 4H it doubly
fortifies it especially if it is a good planet that can give position in life. 7H is also the house
of Public Life. The natural 7L is Venus and it is a Rajasik planet (position craver) so this
Venus coming in the 4H will make one sit on the throne and thus make him head of state.
If aspected by Jupiter, will have land, buildings, house, ability to achieve the task taken, If
aspected by malefics, he acts as if controlled by somebody, spoilt behavior, having alcohol and
non-vegetarian foods daily, splurges his money and other valuables, no sensible intellect
Publishers Commentary:
Sukar Rishi says many things for Venus in the 5H but says if this Venus is aspected by
Jupiter will have lands, ability to achieve the task taken and if aspected by malefics he acts
as if controlled by somebody. A chart which matches this is that of Alexander the Great
As you can see 5th house has Venus and associated by Jupiter, Alexander had huge
amounts of lands and great power and most important had the ability to achieve the task
undertaken as mentioned by the rishi. At the same time this Venus is also aspected by
malefics like Rahu Ketu and his enthusiasm to conquer the world was only described the
way Rishi has described ‘as if controlled by somebody’.
Fond of dressing, good personality, charitable nature, less speech, womanizer, enjoy
comforts, fond of many things, will accumulate wealth in later part of life, will inherit uncle’s
property, will suffer illness (caused by affairs with woman) in the mid part of life and will
Publishers Commentary:
Sukar Rishi says Venus in 6H the native will a) Destroy his enemies b) will earn name and
fame through his own hard work c) Danger in mid part of life but will overcome the same d)
charitable nature d) friends to wealthy people. Let us see a chart where all this works
His was a story Americans grew up, a story of heights and falls and then what American are
known for ‘The Great Comeback Story’. In 1978 he was fired from Ford when he was the
President of Ford Motors, it was a big humiliation at the age of 54. As Rishi says danger in
mid part of life but will overcome it. If you use the Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi as revealed by
us in Vol 3 of Saptarishis Astrology 54 age would be the 6th house (54 – 48= 6), which is
where Venus is sitting and it matches with what the Rishi is saying, apart from Venus in
this chart being the 8L of humiliation and 3L of Break in Career and also ‘Unlocking of
Career’. If Lee would not have been fired he would not have Unlocked his karma of writing
the revolutionary inspiration work Iacocca: An Autobiography which was published in 1984,
his 60th year which is the 12H as per Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi. Now see Venus in 6H so
12H is the 7th from it, 7th as explained in previous writings of ours is the ‘Coming Out of the
Self’ or the ‘House of Co-Self’ that FulFills you like the wife (7H) fulfills you. So the result of
this Venus in the 6H getting fired was to fulfill his karma of writing a book in the 60th year
which would fulfill his karma and give to the world an inspiration of never giving up. The
rishi also writes man would be charitable which he is
having donated $10 million dollars for diabetes foundation (Venus/Jupiter). His stint at
Chrysler was aimed at destroyed Ford, which in a way he did and matches with what the
rishi says.
Indira Gandhi also had Venus in 6H and she was known to destroy her enemies
which is what the rishi says and she also suffered a major downfall like Lee Iacocca in the
mid part of her life but overcame it exactly as the Rishi says.
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Venus in VII House
Excessive libido, enjoys other’s wife
Publishers Commentary:
One can note that Charles Chaplin had Venus in 7H and multiple marriages, so does
Elizabeth Taylor who again has had multiple marriages, Antonio Banderas considered as
one of the sexiest men alive today. Readers are requested not to take this verse on sexuality
blindly as it is found in modern day forums and to restrain from predicting about ones
sexuality when they see Venus in the 7H.
rarely, self acquired proficiency in music
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Publishers Commentary:
Albert Einstein, Jack Nicholson, Brooke Shields, Uma Thurman, Marilyn Monroe all have
Venus in 10H.
Sukar Rishi says that Venus in the 10H makes one have gold like Kubera. This chart is of
one of the wealthiest spirituality writers he has Venus in the 8th sign of Scorpio, the sign of
occult and hidden in the 10H with Ketu which denotes spirituality, he made wealth out of
spirituality and as this happens from the 3H from Moon, he wrote and spoke and made
wealth like Kubera. One must note that Ketu is in his own house
Nakshatra Padas in
Ravana Samhita -
Punarvasu Nakshatra
Anuj Bahl, India.
Commentary: Saptarishis Astrology
Example Charts Assistance: Ashutosh
Kumar, India.
Readership Level: Advanced
deg 20 minutes in Cancer. The Lord of this nakshatra is Jupiter. The easiest way to
interpret the result of any graha in any asterism is to note down its nakshatra lord
& also the lord of the sign it is placed in, these two planets will always influence the results
of the planets placed in the said nakshatra.
P unarvasu constellation is the 7th constellation located in the sign of Gemini & has the
Navamsas of Mars, Venus, Mercury & Moon. 1st Navamsa is that of Aries, 2nd
Navamsa is that of Taurus, 3rd Navamsa is that of Gemini, 4th Navamsa is that of
Cancer. This must be borne in mind when reading the results of various 4 padas (quarters)
as per some scholars, at times one finds the traits of the navamsa sign and lord giving results
as per padas but at times it does not make sense. The toughest part of astrology for the non-
obsessive predictors that is the ‘Real Explorers’ is to understand why the Rishi has given
such and such a result, to understand the basis of the results given in classics for a particular
combination but unfortunately the sages never explained the reasoning nor have the past
scholars been successful in explaining it all. Please note that it is very difficult to find charts
where planet would be in exact pada and it takes a long time to find one, here a young promising
astrologer from Ranchi, India Mr Ashutosh Kumar, a new entrant in the Saptarishis Astrology family
having a huge collection of data has painstakingly worked on it for 3 full days and found some real life
examples from his collection and helped in this article. So at times we have taken charts examples,
ignoring the pada number given by Ravana and only tried to understand if the results in actual charts
are atleast nearby. This will be followed in all examples. True to the nature of the ‘Expansive’ Jupiter,
its nakshatra lord this Punarvasu nakshatra piece has become one of the biggest articles in the Ravana
Samhita series.
Punarvasu Nakshatra
Sun In Punarvasu
If Moon aspects Sun, then, the native fears his relatives. Even though staying away from
one’s native place one is unable to gain enough wealth.
If Mars aspects, the native is lazy and remains fearful of the enemies.
If Mercury aspects, the native suffers on account of one’s children, but, gains securities
from the government.
If Jupiter aspects, the native is able and an expert in Tantra-Mantra and Astrology. The
native has differences in opinion with his wife and children.
If Venus aspects, the native goes to foreign lands, gains immense wealth and
governmental support, but, gets injured by weapons and fire.
If Saturn aspects, the native takes to foul/impure work and is cruel to the subordinates,
but, is responsible and dedicated towards the work.
SA Commentary: The benefit out of such verses in Ravana Samhita is not to prove if the verse works on
all charts with similar combinations but to arrive at the reasoning behind such statements of King
Ravana, but even to understand the logic behind the basic traits of a graha mentioned in classics is not
easy for even the Gurus or scholars, how can we arrive at such intrinsic results given in such a rare work
of the Great Ravana. But an effort needs to be made, first to test if these principles are working on some
charts (a) and then to find charts where combination is there but the result is not being arrived at (b).
Then to think deeply as to the reason it is not working (c) by first finding out the logic behind Ravana’s
statements. Here we will limit ourselves to (a) and leave the rest due to our incapability. Some examples
Saturn Aspects Sun in Punarvasu
avana says if Saturn aspects Sun in Punarvasu (irrespective of pada it seems) then native will do foul
or impure work, be cruel to subordinates but will be dedicated towards the work.
German military, an SS General and one of Himmler's foremost experts on racial selection. As Commander
of military operations in Slovakia in 1944, he showed brutal efficiency. On 2nd April 1949, he was tried for
war crimes and given 25 years, of which he served 6 1/2 years in prison.
Re-read what Ravana wrote, Sun is in Punarvasu in 11H aspected by Saturn from the 2H of
administration, in Saturn MD and Saturn AD in 1944 he showed brutality in Slovakia and this is as per
the Ravana text, Mr Berger was very dedicated in his work too and be cruel to sub-ordinates, which
should be interpretated here as people he considered lower than him.
American homicide; a serial killer with his wife Charlene, convicted of ten kidnap-rape-sex-
murders between 12 Sept 1978 and 1 Nov 1980. They were the rarest of breeds among homicide cases, the
husband and wife team. He had spent five years in reformatories and six years in prisons by the time he
met Charlene Williams on 10 Sept 1977. Both were sexually deviant, involved in freak scenes and
sadomasochism. They worked out an easy method of operation. Charlene would entice young girls into
their van and they would abduct them, driving to a remote place where they would indulge in whatever sex
and torture scenario they chose. Gerald would then kill the girls and bury or dispose of their bodies.
Again in the above chart you would find Sun is in Punarvasu and Saturn is in the same house though in
different nakshatra but being only 3 degrees from the Sun its power on Sun is tremendous. All this Sun
Saturn play indicates as per Ravana that some impure action can happen, this happening in the 12H of
sex and torture and imprisonment. Use the method previously written in SA volumes that Rahu
implements itself in the 3rd from it and this Rahu (maniac activity) is influencing this Sat-Sun combo in
Punarvasu and it was during Sept 78 to Nov 80 when Saturn dasa had started they committed their
crime. In both above cases you can see how easily Saturn dasa has been operative, giving some hint that
this verse by Ravana cannot be easily ignored.
avana says that if Sun is in Punarvasu & aspected (associated) by Venus the native goes to foreign
lands, gains immense wealth and governmental support, but, gets injured by weapons and fire. Out
of a search for Sun in Punarvasu, with criteria of accidents/deaths in fire or by weapons, we got
around 15 plus charts but in all Venus was loosely conjunct in 2 cases but in all cases it was 1 or 2 signs
ahead or behind Sun hence it cannot be taken at all. But in the following 3 cases one can see Ravana’s
principle working to some extent.
American victim of nightclub fire, this landscaper was a huge sports and music fan. His father noted that
Robert was the inquisitive sort who loved being outdoors. He leaves his parents and four brothers. As you
can see from the chart Sun the 12L of exit is in Punarvasu, associated with Venus in the same house but
in Rahus nakshatra, Rahu sits in the 5H of music fan, and he died of nightclub fire whereas Ravana says
injured by weapons and fire. One can note that Sun Venus is in the 6th house of accidents from 5H of
obsession and Sun is the 12L of night. He died on 20th Feb 2003 when Rahu PD (Nak lord of Venus) was
running in Mer MD (Venus Sun in Mer sign).
American accidental fatality, killed in the crash of the Avianca Boeing-707 travelling from
Columbia to New York which ran out of fuel and crashed in Cove Neck, NY January, 1990. His
grandparents survived the crash.
One can see that Sun is in Punarvasu Asterism in the 6th house of accidents along with Venus, thereby
satisfying Ravana’s criteria of Venus associating with Sun. It is doubly strong as it is with Rahu (sudden)
and 6L of accidents Mer (travelling). He died of the crash while travelling.
Norwegian scientific polar explorer, the first person to sail through the northwest passage. He discovered
the South Pole in 1911 as the first to reach and record his passage. He also flew over the North Pole in a
dirigible three days after Byrd's air expedition, arriving there 12 May 1926. Amundsen died in a seaplane
accident in the Arctic Ocean 18th June 1928.
The time of birth is not validated and gets a C rating but even approximate time of birth won’t change the
nakshatras of Sun Venus who both are in Punarvasu, he died of a sea plane accident.
Sun in 1st Pada – 20 deg Gemini to 23.20 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Aries
If Sun is in the first part (charan/pada), the native is highly educated, wealthy and a
writer of astrology books.
The fortune rises after the age of 38 years.
Some saint shall bless the native and bestow godly qualities.
The native is loved by all.
SA Commentary:
Example 1: Sun in 1st Pada – Astrology
As per the above text of Ravana Samhita if Sun is in the 1st quarter of Punarvasu nakshatra then native
is wealthy & has astrology orientation, here in this chart you find that Sun is in Punarvasu nakshatra 1st
quarter. Native is an educated and wealthy person. He has keen interest in astrology. He is 32 years old
and he believes in God. Some prediction of this Samhita is exactly working out in this chart.
As per our text Ravana Samhita, other areas of rise in fortune or blessed by a saint is difficult to
find out in known charts, but what does stand out is writer of astrology books and after our search we
found out 8 charts of international astrologers who are writers of astrology books. The above chart belongs
to Lohlein, Herbert A. a German newspaper astrologer, columnist and writer. Representing serious,
popular astrology, he was the author of over 45 astrology books, including "Handbook of Astrology" and
"Stars, Fate and Character." You can see that Sun is in Punarvasu in the 1st quarter (pada/charan) which
matches our text and is BK (writer) in the 11H of astrology and is with Venus the 3L & 10 L which is
retrograde which shows extreme past life desire to write these books aspected by Saturn R who is
dispositor of A3 (writing), no doubt he wrote so many books (Saturn).
American pro astrologer involved with astrological research, writing, lecturing, teaching and counselling
since 1975. Arielle is the author of one book and co-author of two books; "Astro-Compatibility," The
Astro*Carto*Graphy Book of Maps" with Jim Lewis, and "Mythic Astrology" with Kenneth Johnson. She
maintains a busy counselling practice and pursues her special interest in relocation astrology at her home
in Santa Fe, NM. As you can see Sun is in Punarvasu in the 1st quarter and the most interesting part is
see where the Sun is it in the 4H of residence/location and she does Relocational Astrology and wrote
books on it, don’t forget that this Punarvasu 1st quarter Sun is BK (writing).
American pro astrologer, editor and publisher. Perry is the founder and president of the
Association for Astrological Psychology and former editor-publisher of the Journal of Astro-Psychology.
The author of "Post-Modern Astrology, Theory and Practice," Perry has published over 30 articles on
psychological astrology.
One can notice is that Sun is in Punarvasu 1st quarter in the 3H of writing and is BK again (writing) along
with Mercury the planet of writing.
Sun in 2nd Pada – 23.20 deg Gemini to 26.40 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Taurus (Pushkara
If Sun is in the second part (charan/pada), the native is an expert in mathematics, languages,
is clever in making estimations and is a high quality administrator.
The native gains high position in politics and social work. The complexion is yellow.
In the above chart Sun is in the 2nd pada, you can see that the text says such a native will be an expert in
mathematics, this need not be the case for all having Sun in Punarvasu in 2nd pada but in this case this
native from Gopalgang Bihar, is an expert mathematician working in an MNC.
As you can see the Sun of Cartan, the noted French mathematician is in the 2nd pada of Punarvasu
and as per the text he is was a mathematician.
Sun in 3rd Pada – 26.40 deg Gemini to 30.00 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Gemini (Vargottama
If Sun is in the third part (charan/pada), the native becomes an administrator in the
government or a minister.
Help comes from political friends.
For some time the native shall remain involved with studying and writing.
American President 1825-1899. His time of birth is suspect. He had four public careers; diplomat,
law-maker, Secretary of State and President. A Harvard graduate in 1787, Adams was admitted to the bar
in 1790 and opened a law office in Boston. He was elected to the Senate in 1802 where he served until
1808. Under Madison, he was Minister to Russia and then to England, becoming Monroe's Secretary of
State 1817-25. Adams was inaugurated the U.S. 6th President on 4th Mar 1825. In 1828 he was badly
defeated for re-election by Andrew Jackson. After 1831, he was actively opposed to slavery.
Ravana Samhita says that Sun in 3rd quarter of Punarvasu nakshatra becomes administrator in
the govt or a minister, here in US President Quincy Adams chart you would find the technique working
with Sun in the 10H of political life containing Saturn in 10H an oft seen combination in politicians.
American scientist, the brilliant engineer-inventor of the Geodesic dome which combines a series of
tetrahedron skeletons, a writer and lecturer. Labelled both a crackpot and a genius, he was awarded
nearly 40 honorary degrees from universities in the U.S. and the UK and was the author of 20 books,
including his perhaps best-known work, "Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth," 1970.
Ravana Samhita says Sun in 3rd pada will give for some time involvement with studying and writing,
though most charts around 11 were of politicians that we got in our data search and only of 3 writers,
here in Buckministers case, the Sun is in the 2H in 3rd pada with Jupiter who is BK (writing) and as it is
Punarvasu one can note that Sun is in the Jupiter’s (BK-writers) nakshatra in this case along with a retro
Special Note: Bucky, as he was affectionately known, died of a heart attack on 7/01/1983 while at the
hospital visiting his ailing wife, Los Angeles, CA. Please refer to the above chart and use the BSP-15
method on Graha sutras on Venus and disease/death.
Portuguese politician, elected President of the country on January 22, 2006. Prior to that he
served for ten years as Prime Minister, from November 6, 1985 to October 28, 1995, the longest of any
democratically elected Prime Minister in Portuguese history. During those ten years, he set another record
when he won an absolute parliamentary majority and then repeated that feat.
With a doctorate from the University of York, he began his career as a college professor of economics (note
Ketu in 10H). In 1980 he entered politics when he was appointed Minister of Finance by then-Prime
Minister Francisco Sá Carneiro.
Sun in 3rd pada of Punarvasu being 2L of administration has given him high govt posts being
associated with 4L Venus and also Venus is MK (Throne) in 7 Charakaraka scheme, in 8 it won’t make
sense. In 1985 when he became Prime Minister for a long streak of 10 years a record in Portugal, just 4
months before his Chara Dasa of the 5H of Power had started that is Sc (KNR-Vemuri Shastry Version)
whereas Narayana Dasa of Sc starts in 1984, in this case KNRs version of Rasi dasa is easy to identify the
period with Sc lord in 10H of political power and co-lord Mars exalted in 7H of public platform.
Sun in 4th Pada – 0 deg Cancer to 03.20 deg Cancer – Navamsa of Cancer (Pushkara &
Vargottama Navamsa)
If Sun is in the fourth part (charan/pada), the native is afflicted with difficult diseases;
remains drowned in debt and carry his life in poverty.
Through paltry trade dealings the debt is payed pack.
There is suffering from indigestion and on account of eye problems.
SA Commentary: Around 301 cases were found with Sun in Punarvasu in the 4th quarter via the ADB
software but only one contained case of bankruptcy, maybe our limitation in search abilities showed up.
See one case below of eye problems
Sun is in the 4th pada of Punarvasu and as per Ravana Samhita it can give eye troubles or
afflictions of difficult diseases. Here is chart of a British male, who lost the sight of his left eye as a result
of splintered glass in a slight railway accident, age 28.
American playwright, actor, director and artist. A leading U.S. playwright in the '30s, his works are
marked by a strong social conscience which grew out of the Great Depression. He died of cancer on
8/15/1963, Los Angeles, CA. This chart has Sun in 4th pada of Punarvasu and as per the text it should
have a difficult disease where the native died of cancer.
Other Examples
1) Name: AIDS 19305, Date: 7/16/1945, Time: 09:30 BZT (+3:00), Gender: M, Place: Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, Lat: 22 S 54, Lng: 43 W 14
Biography: Brazilian male: AIDS
2) Name: SUTHERLAND, DONALD, Date: 7/17/1935, Time: 11:30 ADT (+4:00), Gender: M, Place: St.
John, Canada, Lat: 45 N 16, Lng: 66 W 03
Biography: Canadian-American actor onscreen from 1963 in a variety of character and lead roles ranging
from the stage to TV series.
Sutherland has suffered from ill health, as he has combated pneumatic fever, polio, hepatitis, an
appendectomy, scarlet fever and pneumonia. He had a near-death experience when he had spinal
meningitis. His son with Shirley Douglas, Kiefer, has followed in his footsteps to become a noted actor.
3) Name: MEDICAL: CANCER 5332, Date: 7/18/1920, Time: 03:00 EST (+5:00), Gender: F, Place: Lat: 35
N 16, Lng: 81 W 11
Biography: American colon cancer case.
Moon In Punarvasu
If Sun aspects Moon, then, the native is intelligent, honourable, but, poor.
If Mars aspects, the native is kind, intelligent and gains wealth through science related work.
If Mercury aspects, then, the native gains favours from the government.
If Jupiter aspects, the native’s work is appreciated and respect is earned in society.
If Venus aspects, then, all joy of life are gained.
If Saturn aspects, the native is divorced from his wealth, family and wife.
SA Commentary:
Ravana says that Moon if in Punarvasu and Mars is aspecting it, wealth through science related work can
happen. We got a total of 14 charts of scientists where Moon is in Punarvasu but only in 2 Mars was
Example 1: Oppenheimer, Robert – American Nuclear Physicist dubbed Father of Atom Bomb.
American scientist, a nuclear physicist and head of the Atomic Energy Commission's General Advisory
Committee 1947-1952. He was known as the "Father Of The Atom Bomb." Declared a security risk in
1953, he became head of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, 1953-1966, and received the Fermi
Award in 1963. You can see that Ravana’s rule of Moon in Punarvasu aspected by Mars is satisfied here to
give him gains through science related work.
German philosopher, psychologist, naturalist and physicist. He studied the relationship between the
strength of stimulus and the intensity of sensation, therefore discovering and developing "psycho-physics."
Fechner died 11/18/1887, Leifzig. He has Moon in Punarvasu conjunct Mars and thus Ravana’s rule is
applying here giving gains through science related work and a very intelligent man.
Moon in 1st Pada – 20 deg Gemini to 23.20 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Aries
If Moon is in the first part (charan/pada), the native’s body is free from blemishes.
The native having a sweet and pleasant nature is raised by two mothers.
The native has more daughters than sons.
Wealth is gained number of times in life.
There are adequate brothers and sisters. The enemies fear the native.
This native can multi-task different activities and earns respect of the learned and the
Moon in 2nd Pada – 23.20 deg Gemini to 26.40 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Taurus (Pushkara
If Moon is in the second part (charan/pada), the native is adored by the women.
He is an expert in women’s diseases and sexual diseases.
He is attached to bad habits.
He works as a top scientist, an ambassador or a representative.
He marries more than once and after marriage continues to associate with other women.
Moon in 3rd Pada – 26.40 deg Gemini to 30.00 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Gemini
(Vargottama Navamsa)
If the Moon is in the third part (charan/pada), the native is clever, fond of gambling, sensual
pleasures and music.
If Moon is with Mercury, then, the native is humble, an expert in discrimination,
reasoning and judgements in the subject of languages and is respected.
If Saturn affects Moon, then the native loses happiness from father.
SA Commentary:
avana says Moon in Punarvasu 3rd pada can make one fond of gambling, sensual pleasures and
music. Let us see charts of some natives without judging as to what or why they are doing it.
Moon is in 3rd pada of Punarvasu and as per Ravana Samhita such a native can be fond of sensual
pleasures, this native is from Brazilian Prostitute.
The Moon is in 3rd pada of Punarvasu and the native Eric Evans is an American gay video porn star. The
time of birth is suspect but still if we take it as correct we can see that Moon is in the 3rd house of TV and
Video and the native being fond of sensual pleasures has taken up Gay Videos as a professional.
It does not mean that all having Moon in 3rd pada of Punarvasu will be fond of sensual pleasures and
subsequently take up that as a profession and hence if we search more we would find that David
Hasselhoff & Harrison Ford also share Moon in 3rd pada of Punarvasu
Moon in 4th Pada – 0 deg Cancer to 03.20 deg Cancer – Navamsa of Cancer (Pushkara &
Vargottama Navamsa)
If Moon is in the fourth part (charan/pada), the native is expert in the art of lovemaking,
and is a celebrated prose writer.
He is fond of eating and has reddish eyes (especially the ones wherein the blood vessels
can be seen).
If Mars aspects this Moon, then, the native is attached to black and illegal money. For the
same he mortgages his wealth and possessions.
If Jupiter aspects, then, he becomes the head of the family and is wealthy and respectable.
SA Commentary
avana says that if Moon is in 4th pada of Punarvasu and aspected (associated) by Mars, the native
resorts to black and illegal money and in the next he says if Jupiter’s aspects then he becomes the
head of the family and is wealthy and respectable presuming that Jupiter’s aspect is good. Lets see
the below example
Moon in the above chart is in the 4th quarter of Punarvasu and also associated with Mars which as
per Ravana can (note can) indicate black money and illegal money. The native was Italian mafia chief,
gangster and killer. He was shot to death while in the barber's chair 10/25/1957, New York, NY. The
moment we read he was shot dead in barber’s chair, then while constructing the chart in the software we
were anxious to see which planet is in the 3H and we were expecting something to do with Saturn but
incidentally Saturn is not there but Jupiter, a debilitated Jupiter in Saturn’s house, then we checked the
dasa at the time of death it was Jupiter’s sub period (AD) not to our surprise. And as you can see Ravana
also says that if Jupiter aspects this Moon placed in 4th pada of Punarvasu the native will be head of
family, here he being a Mafia boss and that too Italian, one can expect him to be the Head of his family a
la Godfather but since Jup is retro and debilitated things turned otherwise.
Example 2: James, Jesse – American Noted Outlaw
American noted outlaw, famed along with his brother Frank leading a gang in the old west. Noted for his
unerring pistol accuracy, he was a dangerous killer as well as a robber. A huge reward for that time period
($10,000) was placed on his head dead or alive and one of his own gang members shot him in the head, at
home with his wife and two small kids. He died immediately, 3rd April 1882, St. Joseph, MO.
Again as per Ravana’s text it matches the native has Moon in 4th pada of Punarvasu, getting the 4th aspect
of Mars from sign of head, the native was a robber and procured illegal money, matching with the text of
the illustrious Ravana.
Mars In Punarvasu
If Sun aspects Mars, then, the native is very wise, wealthy and possess inner strength and
If Moon aspects, then, the native provide service in security agency or army and fills his
stomach and remains happy amongst the company of women.
If Mercury aspects, then, the native is a mathematician, a lover of poetry and music and a liar.
If Jupiter aspects, then, the native faces difficulties in foreign lands. After 40 years an
excellent situation arises and the native remains happy.
If Venus aspects, then, the native spends most of time in the company of characterless
women and through criminal and unethical acts one accumulates wealth.
If Saturn aspects, then, the native is a deceiver, is lazy and gains wealth through trade of
wood and objects obtained from the jungles.
SA Commentary:
Ravana says that if Mars is in Punarvasu and Mercury aspects then native is either a mathematician or
lover of poetry and music. Out of a total of 96 charts of mathematicians none had Mars in Punarvasu and
with Mars in Punarvasu we got 16 poets. But in these 16 poets there was no aspect of Mer on Mars, but
an interesting thing emerged is Mars and Mer in these 16 were mainly in 3/11 position to each other,
many a times Mer was in the 3rd to Mars or Mars was in 3rd to Mer signifying the 3H of writing. When we
expanded the search to include musicians/music related professionals we got 78 charts of Mars in
Punarvasu. Out of these few had Mars Mer conjunction in Punarvasu, but many of them still had Mars
and Mer in 3/11 to each other which is again significant and worth exploring further.
American country singer, songwriter, actress; small, buxom and endearing with a cheerful genuine
sweetness. Parton came up from being dirt poor to country music stardom in the 1970s. She has written
more than 3,000 songs, including "I Will Always Love You" which Whitney Houston shot up to the top of
the pop charts in 1992. She has written her autobiography for Harper Collins, "Dolly: My Life and Other
Unfinished Business," 1994.
Mars is in Punarvasu in the 11H and aspected by Mer from the 5H of entertainment.
Austrian opera singer who sang oratorios, concerts, in movies and vaudeville. She sang at the
Metropolitan Opera House in 1899. She died of leukaemia on 17th Nov 1936. You can see that Mars is in
Punarvasu and Mercury is also in Punarvasu in the 3H of singing.
American musician, a pianist and organist who achieved a level of fame on Lawrence Welk Show. Ralston
has recorded over 300 record albums including 31 solo albums. In 1963 he joined the Lawrence Welk
Champagne Music Makers and was a regular on the Lawrece Welk Show until its demise in 1981. In all,
he spent 40+ years with the orchestra as pianist/organist and arranger. Ralston has produced several
videos and still gives concerts in his 70s. If you notice his Mars and Mer both are in Punarvasu aspecting
3H of hands (he was a pianist and organist).
avana further says that if Mars is in Punarvasu and aspected (associated) by Saturn, it indicates
that the native can be a deceiver. Let us see some examples of financial deceivers only.
French-American producer of computer software, responsible for the sale of Nintendo network and video
games. He went to prison in Virginia for piracy, reproducing computer disks illegally. You can see that his
Mars is in Punarvasu with Ketu (computers) in 6H of law and aspected by Saturn, he went to prison for
reproducing computer disks illegally.
Example 2: Ambrosio, Francesco – Italian Millionaire
Though Mars and Saturn are in two different houses but association of Saturn on Mars is through both
being in the same nakshatra which is Punarvasu. One can note that Saturn AD in Moola Dasa of karmic
retribution was when he got jailed. In Kalachakra dasa the sign of was Saturn (Cn) MD and AD was of Li
and PD was of 6 months of Ge where Mars is placed.
French Mafia figure, France's last godfather. The son of a Flemish dock worker and an Algerian-born
Spanish mother, he was brought up in the streets where he learned as a kid to emulate Lucky Luciano
and Al Capone. At 23 he was already figuring on the police's file of organized crime as being a member of
the French connection of drug running. You can notice that Saturn’s association is on Mars by both of
them being in the same nakshatra of Punarvasu in the 1H of Life, his whole life was the Mafia.
On3/16/1978, Belge was sentenced to 14 years in jail for heroin traffic. In the major part of the Saturn
Mahadasa he was in jail for 14 years.
Mars in 1st Pada – 20 deg Gemini to 23.20 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Aries
If Mars is in the first part, then, the native gains wealth by trading in herbs.
Women born in this part of the nakshatra are deceivers, stubborn, characterless and
riddled with diseases and experts in looting other people’s wealth.
SA Commentary:
Ravana says that Mars in 1st pada and if a woman then experts in looting other peoples wealth, we could
not find in our limited time charts of women with such combination but it in a males chart.
British nobility, the sixth Lord Byron and one of the great romantic poets of the English language. Deeply
in debt, he made an advantageous marriage in 1815. As you can see Mars is in the 1st pada of Punarvasu
in the 1H (double AA rating for time of birth) of character with Mars being 11L of marriage, it is written
that he did an advantageous marriage. Also previously Ravana has written that when Mercury aspects the
Mars in Punarvasu it makes one a poet, Lord Byron was known for his poetry. His epic poem, "Childe
Harold's Pilgrimage," begun in 1812, made him a celebrity, but his affairs outraged London society and he
was forced into exile in 1815 after a scandal over a liaison with his half-sister, Augusta Leigh. Mars is
karaka for siblings.
Mars in 2nd Pada – 23.20 deg Gemini to 26.40 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Taurus (Pushkara
If Mars is in the second part, then, the native is skilled in warfare and envious of the
progress of others.
He gains wealth through sale and purchase of items and stock (like purchase function in
a company).
He remains sick due to many different diseases.
Mars in 3rd Pada – 26.40 deg Gemini to 30.00 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Gemini
(Vargottama Navamsa)
If Mars is in the third part, then, the native is forever busy in wealth and securities, the
means to get more and in seeking sensual pleasures.
This native has a disposition of providing service and spends money on important people
of the society.
Mars in 4th Pada – 0 deg Cancer to 03.20 deg Cancer – Navamsa of Cancer (Pushkara
& Vargottama Navamsa)
If Mars is in the fourth part, then, the native gains wealth via writing.
He enjoys life to the fullest.
There remains a possibility of having vehicular accidents.
He has blood disorders and sexual diseases. Women have bodily difficulties.
SA Commentary
Ravana says that Mars in 4th pada then native gains wealth via writing and possibility of vehicular
accidents and blood disorders and sexual disorders. Mainly here the wealth via writing would be examined
but before we forget one can note that Cheiro had Mars in Punarvasu in the 4th pada in the 9H of higher
knowledge (lets not forget the knowledge what he attained in astro-palmistry none of us know it today)
aspecting his 3H of writing and also 3L of writing. Cheiro’s books after so many decades are best sellers
and what most of us have started our astro careers with here in India. In total 52 writers charts were
found in ADB with Mars in 4th Pada of Punarvasu.
The native enjoys his life fully. He is very humorous person. 8 to 10 times he got accident while driving
Ravana says that Mars in 4th pada can give wealth via writing. Chart below belongs to Stephen Ling,
American prolific writer and screenwriter. A former English teacher, he accomplished the feat of writing
more than 40 successful horror novels by 1999 with the first, "Carrie," published in 1974. Movies were
made of 26 of his books; he wrote the screenplays for five and did bit parts in three. King's last two years'
income has been $22 million and his entire product grosses more than $100 million per year. His books
have sold over 100 million copies in 33 languages. Note the 3/11 condition of Mars and Mer in Stephens
Ravana also says that this Mars in 4th pada can give accidents. Please see how this works in Stephen’s
chart but don’t forget that Mars is GK (accidents) & also is the 6L of accidents in D6 (accidents) sitting in
Lagna (Body) in D1 (this technique of bring divisional lord in D1 was hinted first by C S Patel in his books
but it has gone unnoticed by scholars and subsequently unappreciated).
Stephen King while out walking on 19th June 1999 near Lake Kezar, ME., he was struck by a van and
seriously injured. First taken to a hospital in Bridgton, he was then flown to a trauma center at Central
Maine Medical Center. No charges have been filed against the driver of the van; he was not speeding and
just lost control while trying to subdue a loose dog inside his van. King was operated on three times over
five days to stabilize a collapsed lung and multiple fractures to his right leg and hip. He had a long period
of recovery from devastating injuries that left him on crutches, losing 100 lbs. In a strange twist of fate,
Bryan Smith, the man whose van had hit King, was found dead of no known cause on 9/22/2000 in his
mobile home. Ravana gives Mars in 4th pada as accident as a result and on 19th June 1999 Stephen King
was running Moola Dasa AD of Mars & in Vimshottari Dasa his Mars AD was just about to start in 10
days (with 365 days calculation) and with 360 days calculation he was already running Mars MD the
planet listed for 4 pada of Punarvasu.
American director, writer, producer and film genius. He is the creator of the epic "Star Wars" first
released in 1977, and its two sequels, "The Empire Strikes Back" in 1980 and "The Return of the Jedi" in
1983. The space fantasy had brewed in his mind ever since he first became interested in film and finally
reached the screen as a movie phenomenon of unprecedented magnitude. Shot in Tunisia and Death
Valley and on 11 sound stages in England, it had a relatively modest budget but some of the most
imaginative and complex special effects the screen had ever seen. The response was incredible, to the
tune of some $200 million in sales. The first film alone copped 11 Academy Award nominations and seven
Oscars in 1977
Lucas has been one of the most fantastic writers, producers and directors especially as a story teller in the
last century which captured the hearts of all genres of audiences worldwide. He has Mars in 4th pada of
Punarvasu & Mars is PK (writer/Filmmaker karaka) along with Rahu (movies) and Jupiter (expansive like
Rahu and also 9L of Fate) with AL (Cosmic Asc is correct modern term for Arudha Lagna if critics allow
one to say so).
Now Ravana says that this Mars in 4th pada can also give accidents. Lucas was a racing-car enthusiast as
a kid until, he was involved in a car accident that resulted in broken bones and crushed lungs. The
accident happened on 12th June 1962. His Mars our planet of discussion is in the 4H of vehicles and with
Rahu & Jup. It was during Rahu/Saturn/Rahu he got the accident in Cn AD of Kalachakra dasa & in
Moola Dasa it was Rahu/Saturn/Jup. If you have read the BSP-15 rule of Venus, you can see that Venus
is in the 1H of body with Mer (travelling/movement) and the damage can be seen or forecast.
avana further says that Mars in Punarvasu in 4th pada can give wealth via writing and also give
blood disorders or sexual diseases. Let us see some examples.
American writer, a journalist and the author of a groundbreaking best-seller, "And The Band Played On,"
1987, an expose and report on the situation of AIDS in the U.S. On the day that Shilts finished "Band," he
had a doctor appointment, at which he was told that he himself was HIV+. The gripping story was made
into a TV special drama that played in September 1993. That year he published "Conduct Unbecoming:
Gays and Lesbians in the U.S. Military." Shilts died of AIDS on 17 Feb 1994. In this case the sayings of
Ravana fits in well, Mars is in Punarvasu in the 5th house of authorship and Mars the 8L of sexual chronic
diseases in natural zodiac is with Sun the 6L of diseases in D1 (dispositing Venus) and 8L of chronic
diseases of D6 again dispositing Venus. In D6 Venus is the 8H of sexual chronic diseases in the sign of
Sun and it was in Moola Dasa of Ven/Mo/Venus he died, which was the Venus AD of Vimshottari.
American homosexual male; recently diagnosed HIV+. Interior designer. His mom, a Theosophist, took him
to alternate healing centre but he left abruptly. You can see that he has Mars in 4th pada in Punarvasu.
Mercury In Punarvasu
If Sun aspects Mercury, then, the native gains from the government. He attains high
position and despite the same, remains truthful.
If Moon aspects, then, the native is sweet spoken, brings unity to the family and
maintains himself by serving the government.
If Mars aspects, then, he dresses in attractive clothing and is an expert in many different
art forms.
If Jupiter or Venus aspects, then, he is a representative of high class people, is an
effective and influential public relations officer. He is an expert in reaching agreements
by solving conflicts and defeats his enemies.
If Saturn aspects, then, he gains fame immediately in his field of activity, keeps everyone
in control, is respectful towards all, and is medium wealthy.
SA Commentary:
This is the 2nd time in a classic it has been mentioned of Sun aspecting Mercury or vice versa, one should
make a note of this since as per current knowledge of ancient astrology this is not possible. If Mercury is
in Punarvasu aspected by Venus or Jupiter then he becomes an expert in reaching agreements, this
combination one would find a lot in Politicians and Diplomats.
Mercury in 1st Pada – 20 deg Gemini to 23.20 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Aries
If Mercury is in first part, then, the native earns by being a government servant.
In the beginning he has a lower designation, but gains a higher designation later. Slowly
he gains wealth and fame.
He is knower of many arts and science subjects; respects others, hopes to live life in a
peaceful manner and is a husband to two wives.
SA Commentary:
Out of 238 charts of Mer in 1st pada of Punarvasu, only 30 were found to be government employees. Some
examples below
Latino-American politician, the Mayor of San Antonio Texas, once considered as a potential Democratic
Vice-Presidential candidate. He was the first Hispanic to ever serve as chief executive of a major US city.
In June 1989 he left public office to begin work in a pension fund management firm. He returned to
government work after being appointed Director of the Federal Reserve Bank in January 1991. In August
1992, he resigned from this position to become Senior Campaign advisor to Bill Clinton. Clinton selected
Cisneros as Secretary of HUD (Housing and Urban Development) in December 1992.
As one can see he has Mer in the 1st pada of Punarvasu qualifying all conditions laid down by Ravana and
since Mer is in the 2nd house of administration he had a career in it as a govt employee.
American industrialist and politician, the governor of Pennsylvania from 1971-1979. He died on November
24, 1994. You can see that he has Mercury in 1st pada of Punarvasu; it is also with Sun the govt and
administrative planet which made him the Governor
Mercury in 2nd Pada – 23.20 deg Gemini to 26.40 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Taurus
(Pushkara Navamsa)
If Mercury is in the second part, then, the native has wisdom of control over one’s
speech, gains wealth through different types of work and becomes an astrologer.
He is much appreciated from the elderly and the prominent.
He takes to any task without any differentiation.
He remains in high position. People listen and agree to him.
SA Commentary:
Let us see some examples of only point mentioned above which is native can become an astrologer, out of
our database matching Mer 2nd pada Punarvasu around 13 charts were found.
He has interest in Astrology. He is very nice person by heart. You can notice that Mercury is in 2nd pada of
Punarvasu exactly matching Ravana’s text and is in the 8H of occult with 5L of intuition Jup looking at
the 2nd house of speech.
British astrologer known as Zadkiel I, a pro from 1830 and the founder of an astrological almanac. You
can see that Mer is in the 2nd pada of Punarvasu in the 11H of Jyotish and is the 11L himself. Mer is
known for astrological calculations too.
Brazilian astrologer, one of the pioneers in Brazilian astrology. A pro in private practice, he also teaches
return and prediction techniques. He is rumored to be one of the astrologers to counsel President Color.
From the bio above you can notice that the astrologer must be gifted. He has Mer in 2nd pada of Punarvasu
and as per Ravana this can make one an astrologer. Mercury is with Rahu the planet of research in
astrology and the ‘King Of Stunning Predictions’.
avana also says that if Mercury is in the second part, then, the native has wisdom of control over
one’s speech, gains wealth through different types of work. Let us look at some charts where voice
modulation is necessary like in singing, TV host, MC fields.
Brazilian TV host and MC of variety programs, he has Mercury the karaka of speech in the 2nd pada of
Punarvasu and that too in the 3H of communications and talking with 5L of fame and showman ship. All
this Sun Mer is happening in the 3H of Television Industry.
Belgian opera singer and teacher, has Mercury in the 2nd pada of Punarvasu aspecting the 2nd house of
speech. For Opera Singing one needs a great amount of voice modulation and it matches Ravana’s text.
With Ketu in the 2H very few would have ventured to predict the chart owner would be an Opera Singer.
One can note that Mer is her BK (3H of singing).
Example 3: Journet, Marcel – French Opera Singer
French opera singer who made his debut at the Montpellier in 1893. Blessed with a bass voice of great
beauty, good acting abilities and versatility, his operatic performances included Brussels in 1894, London
in 1897, New York Met in 1900, Paris in 1908, Chicago in 1915 and Milan in 1917. Journet died
9/25/1933, Vittel.
As you can see Mer is in the 2nd pada of Punarvasu & then 2nd lord of speech apart from being the AMK
Mexican-American musician, leader of the band "Santana." First formed in 1967 in San Francisco as the
"Santana Blues Band," they played local gigs. Virtually unknown before appearing at the 1969 Woodstock
Festival, this stunning lead guitarist along with the band captured national prominence for their
performance in a segment in the film "Woodstock." On 1/04/2000, he received ten Grammy nominations
for his blockbuster commercial album "Supernatural" followed by Best Album honors at the American
Music Awards on 1/17/2000.
Mercury is in the 2nd pada of Punarvasu with 2L Venus in the 3H of hands. He plays Guitar, clarinet,
Mercury in 3rd Pada – 26.40 deg Gemini to 30.00 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Gemini
(Vargottama Navamsa)
If Mercury is in the third part, then, the native lives ordinarily, is interested in societal and
religious works and is a scientist.
Even if he invests extra wealth in trade, he only gains a little from it.
SA Commentary:
Ravana says that if Mercury is in the 3rd quarter he can be a scientist.
German organic chemist and lecturer who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1930. As a young man,
he studied chemistry and medicine simultaneously. He was lecturing on internal medicine in 1912,
physiology in 1913. A professor of medical chemistry from 1916, and from 1921 until his death, he held
the Chair of Organic Chemistry in Munich. He died on March 31, 1945 in Munich, Germany.
Matching the words of Ravana, Mercury is in the 3rd pada of Punarvasu and Hans Fischer is a scientist
who won the Nobel Prize.
American chemistry professor and dean of Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Science for
several years beginning in 1967. He has Mercury in the 3rd pada of Punarvasu.
Mercury in 4th Pada – 0 deg Cancer to 03.20 deg Cancer – Navamsa of Cancer (Pushkara &
Vargottama Navamsa)
If Mercury is in the fourth part, then, the native gains wealth from one’s expertise.
He is a writer and a head of educational institute/organization and is close to the
government. He remains famous and wealthy.
SA Commentary:
Example from Ashutosh Kumar’s database on Mer in 4th quarter and native being in govt service as per
the text. Chart not given so as to reduce size of article.
DOB : 06 September 1978, TOB : 00:50 AM, POB : Samastipur (BIHAR)
The native is an Audit Officer. He is in Govt. Service. He talks very sweet & sometimes he turns talkative.
Jupiter In Punarvasu
If Sun aspects Jupiter then the native has a finest wife, has children and is respected by
family members.
If Moon aspects then the native is the caretaker of many villages and cities, gains fame
after a struggle and has sattwic (pure) values.
If Mercury aspects then he is knower of Jyotish Shastra, has a fine family, and is soft spoken.
If Venus aspects then, the native has less wealth, remains under stress on account of
women, and never makes a commitment.
If Saturn aspects, then, the native gains from the government, is wealthy, respects
everyone, and remains in a high position in the government.
SA Commentary:
Ravana says that if Mercury aspects Jupiter in Punarvasu nakshatra then one is knower of Jyotish
Shastra. These kinds of combinations till date are not mentioned in any classic text and we must be
thankful to those unknown preservers of astrology by which this has finally reached this digital medium.
The construction of this chart gave us a lot of pain consuming huge amounts of time as the correct birth
chart was not being constructed as Julian Calendar was not accounted for. A slight miss from our end
and confusion reigned in for 3 days. Hence French astrologers Francois Carriere and the senior astrologer
Marie Christine Sclifet must be thanked who finally guided us. For those who do not know about
Julian/Gregorian Calendars are requested to read and
Inspite of being aware of this while constructing the chart we forgot the exact year when Gregorian
Calendar was introduced hence the confusion. Still if any mistake it’s ours but the fact that Jupiter will
still remain in Punarvasu and will still be aspected by Mercury.
Nostradamus needs no introduction and everyone knows him as the finest No.1 astrologer ever in the last
600 years. Ravana says that if Jupiter is in Punarvasu and also aspected by Mer then he is a knower of
Jyotish Shastra, it matches exactly in this chart of Nostradamus. Jupiter is in the 4H of Vidya (Knowledge)
& is the Amk (career) and is aspected by Mercury from 10H of profession apart from being BK (writer). His
writing work has survived. If one believes this time of birth to be very correct then one can see that Planet
of Jyotishas ‘Ultimate’ Predictions that is Rahu, the King maker for Astrologer1 is right on the lagna
degree. Rahu/Ketu axis near the Lagna degree not more should be said. Before we depart his chart use
BSP technique of Jupiter Saturn written by Andree Leclerc, with Jup-Sat conjunction Aries the 2H of
family for him should be destroyed. Nostradamus lost his wife, Henriette d’Encausse, and their two sons
to the plague in 15332. He remarried circa 1534 to a young girl ‘of high estate, very beautiful and
admirable,’ but her name is lost to history. They had six children. In November 1555, he married a third
time, to Anne Ponsart Gemelle, a rich widow.
Jupiter in 1st Pada – 20 deg Gemini to 23.20 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Aries
If Jupiter is in the first part, then the native gains all kinds of worldly pleasures and leads
a respectable life.
Till middle life, his family life is unhappy.
Differences with wife remain on account of one’s profession.
One has to move to a different city for one’s work.
SA: Rahu is often ignored by scholars and most take Jup or some Mer for Jyotishis, but as previously
mentioned by us, Rahu is the Predictor of Predictors. B V Raman had Rahu in the 2nd house of speech
and earnings, his predictions were well known. KP the most phenomenal predictor ever who gave
Traditional astrologers a run for their money had a double whammy Rahu and Jupiter both aspecting his
2H. K.N.Rao one of the last predictors of previous century also has Rahu and Jupiter aspecting his 2H.
Cheiro’s 2L was Jupiter aspected by Rahu.
2 SA: Wikipedia gives the year of death of his wife and children as 1534 whereas ADB gives as 1533
Jupiter in 2nd Pada – 23.20 deg Gemini to 26.40 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Taurus
(Pushkara Navamsa)
If Jupiter is in the second part, then the native is helpful to others, is a pundit or a pujari.
The native is wealthy but unhappy on account of family members.
The wife is narrow-minded.
The children are well educated and have good values. Because of the children, one’s
fortune rises in the middle age.
Jupiter in 3rd Pada – 26.40 deg Gemini to 30.00 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Gemini
(Vargottama Navamsa)
SA Commentary:
avana says that when Jupiter is in the 3rd quarter of Punarvasu, the native is a teacher or minister,
let us look more for teachers.
Jupiter is in 3rd pada of Punarvasu as per Ravana text and the native is a teacher. American writer and
educator, a prolific author and head of the Skeptic Society ( He lectures internationally
when not at his university teaching post, Assistant Professor of History of Science at the Institute for
Human Progress. He taught psychology and the history of science for 11 years at Glendale College, and
occasionally teaches the history of science and culture at Occidental College.
Example 3: Ashutosh Kumar’s Example – Sr in Jharkhand Govt
Jupiter is in 3rd pada of Punarvasu, he is wealthy and famous person. He is one of the senior most
persons in Jharkhand Govt. He has done graduation in Political Science.
Jupiter in 4th Pada – 0 deg Cancer to 03.20 deg Cancer – Navamsa of Cancer (Pushkara &
Vargottama Navamsa)
If Jupiter is in the fourth part, the native gains a lot of fame in one’s life.
The native feels a shortage of wealth and happiness.
He feels unhappy on account of one’s family and friends, but, others respect him.
If Mercury aspects then the native lives like a king. He has wealth, many followers and
houses/buildings. If women have this yoga in their chart, then their husband gains a lot
of wealth.
SA Commentary:
avana says if Jupiter is in the 4th quarter of Punarvasu the native gains a lot of fame in one’s life.
Obviously we must reiterate that nakshatra predictions are ‘Indicators Towards A Prediction’ and
one must use the basic tenets of astrology to further confirm if such and such combination exists
on account of supporting yogas etc. This point will not be repeated often but most critics forget this when
they criticise others articles but point it out when their articles are criticised – a Vipareet Raja Yoga
American musician, singer and guitarist who became a rock superstar. His first major popularity came to
him in England before his fame swept America, particularly in the hippie rock culture. Exalted Jupiter is
in the 4th pada of Punarvasu which is ruled by Jupiter in the amsa of ‘Amrita’ (Nectar) in the sign of Moon
along with a Panchami (5H) Moon in the 8H of immortality after death.
Example 2: Crichton, Michael – Jurassic Park Writer & also Movie Director
American writer, the author of best-selling sci-fi thrillers, many of which were made into movies.
He wrote and directed the movie "Westworld." Other major works include "The Great Train Robbery" (he
also directed the film) "Travels," "Congo," "Sphere," "Jurassic Park" and "Rising Sun."
The 9L Jup is exalted in Asc in Punarvasu 4th pada in sign of Cancer with Moon in quadrant to it, Jupiter
is the PK (5H of author) supported by exalted Mer in Virgo in 3H of writing.
Venus In Punarvasu
If Sun aspects Venus, then, the native works in the armed forces.
If Moon aspects then the native loves fine food and beautiful clothes. One is fair and has
long hair.
If Mars aspects then the native is fortunate and trades in land.
If Mercury aspects, then, he is decorated with many titles, and has a happy family life.
If Jupiter aspects then the native is an expert in writing.
If Saturn aspects then the native remains knowledgeable and wealthy. The native is deceived
many a times. Due to less intelligence, one is made fun of and has to tolerate unhappiness
many a times.
SA Commentary:
avana says if Venus is in Punarvasu and Mars aspects it then native is fortunate and trades in
land. We got only 4 charts in Astro Data Bank with Venus in Punarvasu and dealing or trading in
land /real estate and out of it only one had Mars aspect on Venus.
As per the text it matches in above chart Venus (luxurious things) is in Punarvasu and Mars (land karaka)
gives its 4th aspect on this Venus. American astrologer based in Key West, FL who has worked
professionally since 1976. Married to a builder for 15 years and involved in the construction business for a
decade, in the late '90s she went back into real estate sales to supplement her income from astrological
3 SA: See the beauty of the statement in one breath Ravana says the person will be knowledgeable and at
the same time will be deceived due to less intelligence, this kind of charts we often find in real life but
never get any verse that shows it.
American clerical worker who began buying and selling property for herself in 2/1976 and became a
realtor in 1979. Married and divorced three times. She had a nervous breakdown in 1973-1974 and
rebuilt herself.
As you can see Venus is in Punarvasu with the 4L of property Saturn but no direct aspect of Mars, instead
the dispositor of Mars is conjunct Venus within 3 degrees. Unfortunately this particular Sun Saturn
conjunction with Venus the 7L can give her 2 or 3 marriages.
avana further says that if Venus is in Punarvasu and aspected by Jupiter then the native is an
expert in writing. With the criteria that Venus be in Punarvasu and the charts be of writers, one
approximately gets 160 plus charts of writers. With additional criteria of Jupiter’s aspect to be on
this Venus one gets few charts only of writers. Presented are 2-3 charts below of some famous names
recognisable by Indians and Westerners both.
American writer and journalist, a nationally syndicated astrologer and newspaper columnist. Omarr is the
author of "My World of Astrology," 1965, and 12 annual sun-sign paperback books with indications for the
year. In 1996, with more than 40 million copies of his books in print and a column in 300 daily
newspapers, Omarr published his memoirs, "Answer in the Sky - Almost."
Matching Ravana Samhita, he has Venus in Punarvasu aspected by Jupiter thereby making him
an expert writer as per the text.
Rodden’s gives a C rating for his time of birth. East Indian Kundalini researcher and author. In 1937 he
experienced a spontaneous awakening of Kundalini energy. He was first published in 1949. Married;
three kids. Died of a severe lung infection 7/31/1984.
Even if the time of birth is not correct, one can notice that Venus who is in Punarvasu will always be
aspected by the 5th aspect of Jupiter at any time in the day. Assuming for a second that the time of birth is
correct then we can see that Venus is in the 5H of authorship with Neptune (awakening) with dispositor of
Ketu (spirituality) being Jupiter in the Asc and Mars the 3L of lungs with Rahu in the 8H of chronic
diseases, he died of severe lung infection. Another snap shot method of seeing his cause of death is if you
read the BSP-15 series on Graha, Venus is in the sign of Gemini which is lungs and he died of lungs
infection being with 6L of disease Moon.
American professional astrologer for 25 years and a founding father of NCGR. As an astrologer, he was
the author of many articles that reflected his special interest in medical and Uranian astrology and also
lectured on Mundane. He was the Editor of "Astrological Review" and assistant Editor of "In Search."
Emerson died 9/19/1992, 9:05 PM EDT, New York, NY.
As you can notice Venus is Punarvasu in the 11H of astrologer aspected by Jupiter from the 3H of writing.
Venus in 1st Pada – 20 deg Gemini to 23.20 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Aries
If Venus is in the first part then the native has much jewellery and clothes,
Is a trader of fruits and flowers,
Remains a leader of society and is loved by the people.
SA Commentary:
Out of a search for Venus in 1st pada of Punarvasu around 230 prominent people were found but no
trader of fruits or flowers due to probably lack of database. Among leader of society we found many one of
them is presented below
Venus in 2nd Pada – 23.20 deg Gemini to 26.40 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Taurus (Pushkara
Venus in 3rd Pada – 26.40 deg Gemini to 30.00 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Gemini
(Vargottama Navamsa)
If Venus is in the third part, then, the native is wealthy and knowledgeable.
He changes his profession quite often, and is appointed at a special position in the
He remains a top notch government officer, administrator and educator.
His wife is in a similar trade, has fine qualities and entertains good values.
Venus in 4th Pada – 0 deg Cancer to 03.20 deg Cancer – Navamsa of Cancer (Pushkara &
Vargottama Navamsa)
If Venus is in the fourth part, the native leads life happily. He is especially happy in his
married life.
His wife and children are obedient and talented.
In life’s last part, the native gains respect and becomes wealthy.
If Saturn aspects then he is interested in other people’s work.
He gains less happiness from one’s own family.
Saturn In Punarvasu
If Sun aspects Saturn then the native finds no happiness. He remains with the lower
class of people.
If Moon aspects, then the native has an attractive personality, powers and a respectable
position and gains from the government.
If Mars aspects then the native has knowledge of the ancient wisdom and customs and science.
If Mercury aspects then the native is good in trading, has patience to overcome obstacles, is
wealthy, and has common sense.
If Jupiter aspects, then the native has good qualities, is wealthy, and remains in service to
the government or a highly reputed person.
If Venus aspects, then the native is a trader of gold and bronze, gains from ladies, but
remains sorrowful on account of wife.
SA Commentary:
avana says that if Saturn is in Punarvasu and aspected by Mars the native can have knowledge of
ancient wisdoms, customs and science. Let us try to fit in some logic and it will be only our logic
and not the logic of the King Ravana, without which our logic will only be presumptions. Saturn is
known for all ancient things, old manuscripts and old mystic knowledge since Saturn is a Yogi and in
Kalapurusha (Natural Zodiac), the 8th (occult) from the 4H of knowledge and the Pot Bearer of Knowledge.
At the same time Mars is the 8L of the natural zodiac and the occult lord, oft ignored point. Both of this
combining together or aspecting or associating in some form can give some form of knowledge of the
occult/jyotisha. Diverting for few minutes from Ravana Samhita one of our studies of Bhrighu Astrology
shows that Mars Saturn association is an important combination in charts of astrologers and would
produce a paper on it in the future issues. Right now let us take into ancient customs and take into
account the most ancient customs known in the west which is of Shaminism and Wicca and look at an
unknown method of divisional charts which should not be too blindly used.
Example1: Wiccan
Mars and Saturn both are in Punarvasu and fitting the text the native has knowledge of ancient customs
of Wiccan. Astro data bank says ‘American witch, a member of a Wiccan group.’
Example 2: Luciferia, Diane -French Wiccan high priestess
French Wiccan high priestess who descended into black masses and orgies until she herself became a
homicide victim. Saturn is in Punarvasu and not aspected by Mars which as per Ravana’s rule should be
aspecting, but Saturn’s dispositor Moon is very closely conjunct Mars thereby forming relation. In a
particular divisional chart of highest significance this Mars Saturn is in the 5H of mantra-tantra ‘carrying
the energy’ back into the natal chart.
American leader in the Goddess and Pagan Spirituality Movement. A Wicca priestess for 18 years, she was
an Elder in the Covenant of the Goddess, a Board Members of "Cuups" and author of "Drawing Down the
Moon," a classic study of contemporary Paganism. In her mundane life, Adler is a correspondent for
National Public Radio. She had a child in January 1991. Saturn is in Punarvasu with Rahu and Rahu’s
nakshatra lord is Mars, thereby creating an association with Mars. Again like previous chart one finds it
that particular divisional chart Saturn and Mars are aspecting each other and Mars is with Moon, if you
read the above bio on her, it says that she is author of Drawing Down the Moon.
Saturn in 1st Pada – 20 deg Gemini to 23.20 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Aries
If Saturn is in the first part, then the native gains through gambling.
Through technical work, he leads his life. Because of illegal activities he takes on debt,
and causes a sympathetic situation to arise.
SA Commentary:
Ravana says that Saturn in the 1st pada of Punarvasu indicates the native gains through gambling.
Saturn is in the 1st pada of Punarvasu nakshatra but in the 12 H of losses. Late astrologer C S Patel was
known as the 1st astrologer who did stock market and commodities astrology research, he developed new
principles through his observation skills and even dabbled in commodities market making huge profits as
promised in the Ravana Samhita but as Saturn is Vakri (retrograde) and in the 12H and is the 7L in 12H,
he later lost money inspite of knowing finer astrology principles of commodities astrology. He later taught
these principles to his famed student now 75 year old R G Krishnan who is based in US and has taught
several courses in stock market astrology to the west, contributing his own researches in stock market
The native has Saturn in the 1st pada of Punarvasu and as per the Ravana Samhita the native can gain
through gambling. He was a rich person, but he lost a great of his wealth in shares & Stock Market. You
can see the natives Saturn is with Venus who is the 6L of losses and also is the GK (signifying losses).
Saturn in 2nd Pada – 23.20 deg Gemini to 26.40 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Taurus (Pushkara
If Saturn is in the second part, then the native earns through interest.
He engages in small-big trade and leads his life.
He can remain engaged in building houses.
SA Commentary:
Ravana says that Saturn in the 2nd pada of Punarvasu indicates the native remains engaged in building
houses. We have actually not gotten a single chart and but with Saturn in other padas of Punarvasu got
few people who are engaged in building houses. Only one of them is being reproduced below
American executive and CEO of Centex Homes, Inc., the largest builder of single-family homes, also
industrial contracting and selling of construction products. Hirsch has a BS in Economics, a JD degree
and also is head of a profitable Texas S&L.
One can see that Saturn is in the 4th pada of Punarvasu and not in the 2nd pada (quarter) which is the
requirement of our text but still it has given the result of being engaged in business of building houses.
The time of birth is suspect completely as per records and if we look at just the rashi it is in, it is in the 4th
sign which is the natural house of ‘Houses’ the native is no doubt engaged in building houses and
Saturn’s hard work has made him the largest builder.
Saturn in 3rd Pada – 26.40 deg Gemini to 30.00 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Gemini
(Vargottama Navamsa)
If Saturn is in the third part, the native remains satisfied in his trade.
He is excited and hardworking in chemical trade and alchemy.
People in high position work under him.
Saturn in 4th Pada – 0 deg Cancer to 03.20 deg Cancer – Navamsa of Cancer (Pushkara &
Vargottama Navamsa)
If Saturn is in the fourth part, the native remains short or medium statured, but, yet is
His health suffers in childhood.
He does not receive parental love.
He helps others, but, remains tense and stressed.
Rahu In Punarvasu
Rahu in 1st Pada – 20 deg Gemini to 23.20 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Aries
If Rahu is in the first part, the native is clever in his estimations, expert in his work and
remains attached with writing, education and trade.
He has swelling on his hands, feet and ears.
Some natives are afflicted by “Vata” (wind) caused problems.
SA Commentary:
Ravana says Rahu in the 1st pada native will have swelling of hands feet and ears.
American writer. Professor of English at Cornell University since 1976. Her first novel, "Love and
Friendship," was published in 1976. Lurie is the author of ten novels, including "Foreign Affairs," which
won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1985. Alison was skinny, plain, odd-looking, and deaf in one ear from
a birth injury with resulting atrophy of the facial muscles that by her own account, "pulled my mouth
sideways whenever I opened it to speak and turned my smile into a sort of sneer."
As you can see Rahu is in the 1st pada of Punarvasu in the 12H of ‘Diseases from Previous Life’ and
with A8 (Chronic and Karmic in Nature). As you can read above in her bio that she was deaf from a birth
injury. Rahu is in the 3rd sign of Gemini which signifies ears also and probably that’s the Ravana has
indicated ears and arms but why feet will be explained in a future BSP methodology but this verse of
Ravana cannot be forgotten.
Other Examples of Rahu in 3rd pada (not 1st pada which our text says) of Punarvasu but still ear &
leg problems
1) Name: MEDICAL: MENINGITIS 13873, Date: 6/4/1963, Time: 18:57 EDT (+5:00), Gender: M, Place:
Chester, PA, Lat: 39 N 50, Lng: 75 W 21
Biography: American case of spinal meningitis at age 16 months that left him with severe deafness. A
brother, born 11/20/1965, is also deaf from illness at the age of one. The boys both had six operations
each to remove fluid from the ears. They both play on handicapped football and wrestling teams.
2) Name: MEDICAL: AMPUTEE 6095, Date: 3/19/1926, Time: 20:00 EST (+5:00), Gender: F, Place: New
Brighton, PA, Lat: 40 N 44, Lng: 80 W 19
Biography: American amputee; due to lupus, she had her leg surgically removed February 1975 in San
Antonio, and died 12/17/1975, 3:15 PM.
Rahu in 2nd Pada – 23.20 deg Gemini to 26.40 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Taurus (Pushkara
If Rahu is in the second part, the native is kind hearted and wears high quality and
expensive clothes, is successful in science and research work and gains fame in it.
He remains involved in trade of clothes, gold or bronze and earns through interest too.
Rahu in 3rd Pada – 26.40 deg Gemini to 30.00 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Gemini
(Vargottama Navamsa)
Rahu in 4th Pada – 0 deg Cancer to 03.20 deg Cancer – Navamsa of Cancer (Pushkara &
Vargottama Navamsa)
If Rahu is in the fourth part, the native has expertise (siddhi) in writing stories.
If Mercury is with Rahu, then the native is an extraordinary astrologer.
He is a distinguished mathematician and remains in touch with suspicious characters.
SA Commentary:
avana says Rahu in the 4th pada native has expertise in writing stories. Let us take varied charts
quickly though 12 charts were found.
Indian guru, author of "The Primal Power in Man: The Kundalini Shakti," 1950. He has Rahu in 4th pada
of Punarvasu and is the Amk (Karma) in the 8H of Kundalini (presuming that the birth time is correct but
there is no noteworthy source on his time of birth), he wrote book on Kundalini and Rahu also signifies
Kundalini Shakti, as it is the serpent.
Example 2: Bosco, Henri – French Writer of 30 books
Rahu is in the 4th pada of Punarvasu. French writer, a novelist and poet who wrote over 30 books. As an
educator, he was Professor of Comparative Literature at the French Institute in Naples 1920-'30. Died
5/04/1976, Nice, France.
avana further says that if Rahu is in Punarvasu 4th pada and aspected by Mercury then the native
is an extraordinary astrologer and/or a mathematician.
Brazilian professional numerologist who developed her own numeric system and, as of 1990, was
writing a book. She became interested in the occult when she was in her twenties and specializes not only
in numerology but astrology as well. She received a B.S. in Law and has studied psychology, but retired.
You can see that the natives Rahu is in the 4th pada of Punarvasu and is aspected by Mercury, for a
numerologist one needs to be a mathematician and one can loosely translate that extraordinary astrologer
would mean here a predictor like a numerologist.
Ketu In Punarvasu
Ketu in 1st Pada – 20 deg Gemini to 23.20 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Aries
If Ketu is in the first part, the native is wealthy, has children and is long lived.
He is inimical to his siblings, but, maintains good behaviour.
Ketu in 2nd Pada – 23.20 deg Gemini to 26.40 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Taurus (Pushkara
If Ketu is in the second part, the native is diseased, physically challenged or has a weak
Born into a wealthy family, but, he lives like a pauper.
If Ketu is with malefics, the native is an orphan or is sent to an orphanage by his own father.
SA Commentary:
avana says Ketu in the 2nd pada native is an orphan if Ketu is with malefics. As to why Ravana gave
Ketu in Gemini in 2nd pada a result of adoption is not clear. One make a broad attempt to justify it
by saying that Ketu means new beginning, also Ketu in 2nd pada would be Gemini the sign of
siblings and owned by Mercury (neutral) so step brothers sisters and at the same time being in 2nd pada
would mean Taurus Navamsa which is the 2nd house of family hence different family combining the nature
of Ketu and Mercury by saying that new beginning in a new family and also Mercury was not owned by his
parents initially. Let us broadly look at Ketu in Punarvasu in other padas and aspected by malefics, since
from our existing database one was not able to find out Ketu in 2nd pada and cases of adoption.
Italian heir with the death of the painter Renato Guttoso in 10/1986, as Guttoso had adopted him three
months before his death. The final papers had been signed four days before the painter died. His
inheritance of the estate was contested by Guttuso's natural son; Antonello Cuzzaniti.
Ketu is in the 4th pada of Punarvasu (not in 2nd as per text requirements) and is aspected by Saturn
who is with Mars in the 3H of brother. Saturn always brings in the element of Step, that is step brother,
step father or step mother and so on. Its aspect on this Ketu brought in the contest of inheritance by his
step brother.
Ketu is in 4th pada of Punarvasu (not in 2nd pada) and is aspected by Mars Saturn by Saturn’s 10th aspect.
Ketu sits in 2nd house of family.
Ketu is in the 4th pada of Punarvasu (not in 2nd) and is associated with malefic Mars who is 6th lord of
separation (separation from parents-9H it is sitting) and aspected by Saturn
There are few more charts where Ketu is in 1st pada but not being presented here in order to keep things
But the most striking thing that you can observe is instead of the drama happening in the 2nd pada
the adoption cases in all the above 3 charts are happening with Ketu in 4th pada and in all the cases
Saturn is aspecting this Ketu. This does not create a dictum but atleast helps us all in seeing this
trend more in other charts.
Ketu in 3rd Pada – 26.40 deg Gemini to 30.00 deg Gemini – Navamsa of Gemini
(Vargottama Navamsa)
SA Commentary:
avana says Ketu in the 3rd pada native dies either due to heart trouble or commits suicide.
Regarding suicide with Ketu in 3rd pada what is the logic is difficult to determine as Ravana like
most sages has not given any logic anywhere. One can procrastinate it like this, Ketu shows new
beginning as per Satya Jatakam one of the finest classics predating Varahamihira and Ketu in 3rd pada
means Gemini, which is the 3H in natural zodiac and it is the house of free will, ketu in 3rd pada would
mean Gemini Navamsa which again shows free will by hands and so on. Ketu being in 3rd pada in
Vargotamsa makes it double strong and being in a Mercury’s Rasi and Navamsa makes it more mind
oriented or mercurial. People who commit suicide can do it with their free will (3H) or due to mind being
afflicted during that period, probably for this reason Ravana could have prescribed suicide for Ketu in 3rd
German politician, a governor during the Third Reich and Nazi gauleiter of occupied Sudetenland during
WW II. Upon the close of the war, he was taken into custody as a war criminal in Pilson prison, where he
committed suicide before he could go to trial, 5/10/1945.
Now see this chart Ketu is in the 3rd pada of Punarvasu matching Ravana Samhita’s description, this Ketu
is in the 12H of exit and 12H also shows bandhana (captivity). You can see that he was taken into custody
(bandhana) and on 10th May 1945 he committed suicide in the Vim dasa of Ketu/Moon – Moon is LL with
A8 (death) whom Ketu aspects with 5th aspect and in Moola Dasa of Mars/Mars – Mars aspects Ketu with
4th aspect and in Kalachakra dasa of Cancer/Cancer – Ketu from 12L of exit aspects Cancer with its 5th
aspect where the Lagna Lord (body) is sitting with A8.
Now use Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi combined with this verse of Ravana Samhita, he died on 10th May
1945, 4 days after his 47th birthday which means 48th year and that is the 12H of Focus as per Bhrighu
Chakra Paddathi where Ketu the planet of suicide if in 3rd pada Punarvasu as per Ravana Samhita is
sitting. Ketu is at degree 28.44 and ketu is retrograde so minus it with 30 as taught in earlier articles and
you get around 1 degree 16 minutes, which roughly comes 16 days approx and he died within 4 days of
48th year setting in, how synchronistic that all techniques match in this chart.
Example 3: Nimeno II
German bullfighter who performed under the name Nimeno II. He was severely wounded on September 23,
1978 in Logrono, and again gored in a bullfight in Arles, France on September 10, 1989. The great
toreador committed suicide by hanging himself on November 25, 1991, Caveirac, France.
Ketu is in the 3rd pada of Punarvasu satisfying Ravana’s shloka, the German native committed suicide in
the dasa of Jupiter Ketu in Vimshottari where Jupiter is in the 8H of death being the 6L of mishaps and in
Moola Dasa as soon as his Ketu AD ended in 45 days he was gone in the AD of Moon who is in the 8H and
MD of Saturn who is in the Lagna (body).
American suicide case by hanging who died 4/24/1969, 15:45 EDT, Manhattan, NY. Ketu is in the 3rd
pada of Punarvasu with 3L of free will Sun & GK (mishaps) Mercury (free will), all this aspected by BK (3H)
of actions and free will Jupiter, she died on Rahu (other half of Ketu) MD and Jupiter AD in Vimshottari
and in Moola Dasa it was Rahu/Rahu/Jup.
There were 4 more cases of Ketu in Punarvasu of suicide of Ketu in other padas but that has not been
exhibited here.
Ketu in 4th Pada – 0 deg Cancer to 03.20 deg Cancer – Navamsa of Cancer (Pushkara &
Vargottama Navamsa)
If Ketu is in the fourth part, the native is hard working, but, his income is less.
He leads his life with hard work.
The native gains happiness through the efforts of wise children.
Thus ends the chapter on Punarvasu of Ravana Samhita and we hope this exhaustive piece
fulfils all those loved ones who wrote to us in the month of May 09 on Ravana Samhita
encouraging us by their heartfelt words that mean a lot to us.
Khannar Vachan - 1
Varamihira’s Daughter-In-Law
Abhishekha & Amrita, USA
Bengali Typing: Amrita D, USA
be yours. Upon which Prithuyasas agreed. When they reached the banks of India, some say it
is Kanyakumari, they saw a calf being born. The general accompanying Prithuyasas and his wife asked
him to predict the skin colour of the calf. From far Prithuyasas saw the calf and drew a prashna and said
it is going to be white in color, but when they reached the spot, he saw that it was pink in color, he was
so distraught with his failed prediction that he threw his books in the sea sensing that all his knowledge
in astrology was useless. The books of astrology were titled as per the Tatva i.e. Prithvi (earth), Agni
(Fire), Jal (water) and so on. Later when he returned to the spot where the calf was there, he saw the
calf licking his skin and the pink filament was coming off, his skin was actually white. He realized that
his prediction was correct and ran to get his books back but Mother Sea had taken it back in her womb.
ater Prithuyasas and his wife met the father that is Varahamihira in the city of Ujjain. As time
L went back the daughter in law of Varahamihira became very famous for her predictions as she too
had learnt secrets of astrology from the Lanka King. Now comes the part that is indigestible & hope
not true and may Varahamihira forgive us. It is said Varahamihira got jealous of his daughter in law
as everyone in the city would throng to her and not him and he said to his son that if this continues they
no longer would occupy the seat of honor in the Kings court i.e. Navaratna (9 gems) of the Court. So
they agreed to cut off the tongue of Prithuyasas’s wife and when she came to know of it she said ‘Dear
Husband, you are God to me (in olden times women treated their husbands as Gods in India) and whatever
you say I will do it willingly but first you learn astrology from me, what the King never taught you’ and then she
started teaching rarest of secrets of astrology to Prithuyasas and these rumblings of hers has come to be
known as Khannar Vachan. The reason for her name of Khanna is after her tongue was cut, still she
would stutter and predict and thus her name got changed to Khanna is one version of the story. It is
difficult to imagine that a great astrologer like Varahamihira would cut of his daughter in laws tongue, we all have
grown up loving Varahamihira but at the same time none of us know the real story. It is also seen by all of us that
astrologers do anything to be famous and remain famous, they try to catch on to self created thrones that no longer
belongs to them and still many astrologers in India resort to Sadhana of the negative type of occult practices to
remain famous or to get knowledge. This practice of using such type of occult mantras tantras is now becoming
more prevalent in the era of Internet Astrology Forums & blogs where for 2 minutes of fame everyone tries to
stamp upon the other. Infact some organisations offer you a mantra to start with when you join their astrology
course or parampara, 99 % of astro students are the gullible lot and believe that mantras are a necessity to learn
astrology or to predict, if that was so Indians or Paramparas would have 1000s of years back written articles on
how to time marriage to the day, date of death, date of every event through their mantras. Unfortunately more
harm to one’s life is done via mantras than good which though was the original purpose of it, this conclusion you
would arrive after 30-40 years of intense observation on lives of 1000-2000 astrologers but by then it’s too late as
you yourself would be one of the case studies.
s Khanna spoke the rules of astrology combining it with her poetic skills; some part of it which
was easy for the common man to remember got passed on as her sayings. It is very interesting
to note that sayings of Khana are found in other parts of the region such as Nepal, Assam,
Bihar, Orissa and Tripura, which support the idea that the sayings are a part of our common heritage
with regional variation. It is said they are also found in Bangladesh. Another version of the story is she
was from South Bengal or Sri Lanka and was the wife of Mihira. Hasna J Moudud in a book review of
Anthology of Bengali Proverbs and Bachans by Muhammad Zamir Published by Bangla Academy, April, 2003
writes ‘The author has classified into broad categories the present collection of 139 proverbs. 1. Social
Adages and Proverbs, 2. General Adages, 3. Khana and Agriculture, 4. Adages on Agriculture. The main
features of Khana's Bachans are agricultural wisdom or advice. Khana also included livestock and dairy
farming as important tools for agriculture and livelihood. She gives a lot of importance to paddy as the
most important crop then and now. She also was an ecologist and encouraged the merits of local fruits
rich in food nutrients such as banana. To this day her sayings and advice have not proven wrong inspite
One must note that Ravana who was from Lanka was supposed to be the greatest astrologer ever born. His knowledge was
supposed to be unparalleled.
of so called agricultural advances made. The present book will throw light on ancient folk
literature and merits of indigenous knowledge.’
A Blog3 post writes: ‘Khanar bachan or Khana’s verses are in local and Bengali languages in poetry form
along with rhymes and they exist as oral form only. Khana, a Bengali woman, is the compiler of these
verses. She was an expert astrologer too. Her verses were the most basic guidelines for traditional
agriculture in Bangladesh. Though most of Khana’s verses are associated with agriculture yet, there are
some verses which are related to some other aspects like social life, cooking, food, habit astrology etc.
Khana’s contribution in agriculture is unforgettable and is widely accepted by the farmers. In fact,
farmers in villages are still following some of khana’s verses in modern agricultural practices. Khana’s
verses are mostly highlighted some key factors of crop management like time of sowing, harvesting,
seasonal adaptation, etc. In some of her verses astronomical influences on agriculture are present too.
Some examples of Khana’s bhachan are as follows:
Another one:
“Mathe giye age koro dik nirupon
Purbo dik hote hal koroho chalon
Khan bole mor kotha shuno mohashoy
Phashal pholibe odhik nahi sonsoy”
After going to the field, first the farmers should select the spot to start plowing and it should be from east
side. Khana says if someone follows this suggestion he definitely will have good harvest.
We at Saptarishis Astrology tried finding manuscripts on Khanna but could not get our hand on
Khanna’s Vachan, assuming that some rare astrological principles might be unearthed. Our search lead
to a Kolkata based contact cum publisher Mr Manish Agarwalla who kindly sent us a free copy of two
versions of Khanna’s book that he said might not be authentic. Then we had traced the name of one
published work of 1908 which we could not get our hand on which is supposed to be most authentic. The
link has now become inactive4. If someone has any of Khanna’s authentic work kindly write to
us. Unfortunately getting this one document scanned, sent to various people who knew astrology and
Bengali both, begging them to translate took us years. Finally one girl got it translated from Bengali to
Hindi and then it was sent to Baroda astrologer B.L.Parmar who started translating it but took time due
to his old age and other engagements. In total 6 people were approached who promised to translate and
every time after 3-4 months of constant tireless follow up we discovered that none were doing it, at a
time we felt that maybe there is nothing of importance in this work of Khanna and that might be true eventually but
that is the process of publishing, you spend a long time hunting for a manuscript, long time hunting for
a scholar who understands astrology and that language, then after months and years you find out if
there is anything worth in it. So in total it took us 2 years of constant efforts to get this out and still
nothing substantial to publish here. But in the meanwhile a man from US came in our contact and he
readily agreed for this project with the able help of Amrita who typed the Bengali font & disciplined the
translator from his busy schedules. In the meanwhile Parmar Saheb finished his translation and when
we told him our dilemma he said in a second no worries let this man from US do it, that is his destiny.
Parmar could easily do it since he is one of the only men in Gujarat who donates 1000 copies of rare
books every year to astrologers through his Baroda Astro Club.
This man from US and our interaction grew and he understood the philosophy of jyotish that is
needed now & came forward that he wants to not put his name but a pen name and he thus accepted the
pen name of Abhishekha. There is another work in Bengali that is culled from 27 classics out of which
many ancient works are not available today, that task is pending and we hope Abhishekha either does it
or his efforts inspire other Bengali astrologers to come and do it. May Abhishekha’s work live forever is
our request to God.
খনার বচন
Khannar Vachan
pথম aধয্ায় :
First Chapter
raised is a good omen. A crying person on the left side of an individual is better omen than a
laughing one.
ঊষা যাeা :
Omen’s for journeys at dawn
ম েল ঊষা বুেধ পা । যথা icা তথা যা ।।10
রিব গুরু ম েল ঊষা । আর যত ফাঁসা ফুঁ সা ।।11
ডােক পািখ না ছাড়েয় বাসা। তাহারi নাম জািনেব ঊষা ।।12
বiেব খােব েহন আশা । যিদ িফের না পায় বাসা ।।13
নেড় পিখ,তবু uেড় না।14 তখিন েকন েস যায় না ।।15
Journey done on the dawn of Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday is considered good.
Dawn is the time when birds chirp without leaving their nest. When the night is at its end and the hour
is darkest, that is when we say it is dawn. This is when birds feed in their nest. Even though they would
want to fly, they don’t do so at this hour. All around is darkness and Khanna says that is when it is
ছায়া যাeা :
If someone sneezes or a lizard drops during a journey then the good results obtained from such a journey is
multiplied eight times.
িdতীয় aধয্ায়
Second Chapter
শসয্ািদ েরাপণ, শয্ািদ গণনা, শসয্ সাফলয্, কতর্ ন o আিলবnন pভৃ িত সাধারণ িনয়ম :
Study of the auspicious/inauspicious time for agricultural activities
Universal Rule
Radish’s sowing should be sixteen days. Cotton’s sowing should be eight days. Four days of sowing for
শসয্ সাফলয্ :
Success in Agriculture
হল চালনার িবিধ-িনেষধ :
Do’s and Don’ts of Ploughing
aমায় আার পূিণর্মায় েযবা ধের হাল ।
তার দুঃখ থািকেবক জািন িচর কাল ।। 35
তার বলেদর ধের বাত । ঘেরেত না থােক ভাত ।। 36
খনা বেল শুনের বাণী । হাল ধিরেল দুঃখ গিণ ।। 37
বলদ আােছ না কের চাষ । তার দুঃখ বার মাস ।। 38
One should not plough the field on full moon or new moon. If one does so then sorrow shall follow
him forever. The bullocks will not move as they will suffer from musculoskeletal disorders due to the
lunar tides. The farmer will not have rice to eat. This is the reason that Khana has suggested her farmer
brothers not to start ploughing the field at this time.
If seeds are sown in the month of Ashad, the harvest will be less. If done in the month of Shravana, the
harvest and crop growth will be very good. If sown in the month Bhadra, very little growth is seen and
if sown in Ashwin, it results in useless efforts since growth and harvest is almost negligible.
ধান o পান :
Rice and Betel plant
eক a ােণ ধান । িতন াবেন পান ।। 49
েডেক েডেক খনা গান । েরােদ জেল হয় ধান ।। 50
ছায়ায় শুধু বােড় পান ।। 51
Rice grows in sunlight but Betel plant grows in shade.
After twenty days from seeing the head of the crops, Khana advises the farmers to reap the fields. It will
take ten days to harvest and then the crops should be loaded on carts.
If fields are reaped in the month Margashira, the farmer gets full harvest. If it is done in the month of
Poush, the farmer gets 6/16th of the harvest. If done in the month Magha, the farmer gets only dried crops
and if done in the month Phalgun, the farmer gets nothing.
পান :
Betel leaves/plant
পান েপাঁত াবেণ েখেল না ফু রায় রাবেণ ।। 62
If Betel seeds are sown in the month of Shravana, the harvest is excellent and there will be no shortage
of the supply.
সিরষা :
খনা বেল চাষার েপা । শরেতরেশেষ সিরষা েরা ।। 63
In the end of the month of Sharad, one should sow mustard to get best results.
কলাi :
Split white Urad bean (Kalai)
ভাdেরর চাির আি েনর চাির । কলাi েরােব যত পাির ।। 64
From Bhadra month’s last four days to the first four days of Ashwin month is the best time to sow
মূলা o ikু :
Radish and Sugarcane
খনা বেল শুন শুন । শরেতর েশেষ মূলা বুন ।।
মূলার ভূঁ i তু লা । kশেরর ভূঁ i ধূলা ।।65
At the end of the month Sharad, radish is grown. For growing radish, the field has to be smoothened
like cotton. The soil has to be properly fertilized.
কলাi o মুগ :
Kalai and Moong (both are types of lentils)
সিরষা বুেন কলাi মুগ । বুেন েবরাo চাপের বুক ।।66
In the same field, ‘Shorchey’ (mustard) and ‘Moog’ (mung bean) can be grown. This makes the farmer
delighted with joy since two crops can be grown on the same field.
িতল o মান :
White Sesame (Teel) and Black Sesame (Maan)
মটর কলাi :
আি েনর ঊিনশ আর কািতর্ েকর ঊিনশ ।
বাদ িদেয় মটর কাi বুিনশ ।।68
Between the last nineteen days of the month Ashwin and the first nineteen days of Kartik, one should
plant ‘Motor Kalai’ (Chickpea).
To Be Continued
Appendix By Abhishekha
K hona on Zee Bangla (Mon-Sat, 7 pm) is the story of the mythological child Khona, a young girl
soothsayer whose life and prophecies are considered timeless and contemporary.
Khana is born as a princess in Sri Lanka to the king Upatissa and got the knowledge of jyotish
from Saptarishis themselves. She was poisoned in her childhood by her step-aunt when in her
unconscious state Saptarishis gave her the knowledge of jyotish.
In the serial on Zee Bangla, till now she is pretty much a kid and has a childhood bond with Mihira who is
shown as the son of the King's priest. However, later in the serial, the priest unveils the mystery that he
found this child on the sea-coast floating in a casket. Here, in the serial it seems she would be the wife of
Mihira (who may have been the son of Varahadev, one of the Navaratna in the court of Vikramaditya).
Mihira is not the original son of the temple priest but he found him on the sea coast. They also showed
Varahadev as one of the nine gems of Vikramaditya. So, it is possible that the original story line (as reported
in this article) is valid.
Khona was born around 1500 years ago to Upatissa, the King of Ceylon. From
early childhood, Khona showed traits of being distinctly different. She was intelligent and smart,
studied astrology and was very good at mathematical calculations. She was called the Bhagyalakshmi of
the kingdom. The life of Khona was very dramatic… astrology, politics, conspiracy, love… her journey
encompassed them all. Khona’s prophecies are still relevant today as most of them are based on
mathematics and science.
Over the years, many different views have emerged about the life of Khona and curiosity about
her life abounds endlessly. The show’s (TV serial) unique storyline is backed by extensive historical
“He has read some couplets in Bengali of the girl astrologer, Khana, who was a genius. She
put in couplet forms some of the finest secrets of astrology.’’
~ Yogis, Destiny and Wheel of Time, KN Rao quotes his Guru's words.
samvat २०६६, śrāvan kriśna tritiyā
Sri Narpati
Translated by: Alok Jagawat,
Alok Jagawat is a young astrologer with with an extensive commentary but it is the
first step to bring it out in english. Some
deep study in astrology. He is a Graphic say that ‘It is a wonderful ancient text
Engineer and has done MA in Astrology.He written by the scholar Narapati in the year
started astrology at a very young age of AD 1232, and describes the Jaya charya i.e.
'Acts to win the wars' that should be
nineteen and has had many credible
followed by the kings. It is a text that deals
predictions to his credit. His website is
with prashna, omens and swara (breath)
related predictions & chakras. On forum
someone wrote ‘Jaycharya means the
behaviour of kings and the book shows the
use of astrology by the kings for various
purposes like war etc.). This is the text
which says that a king should never reveal
his true horoscope as his enemies can
misuse the info. This text is written in
peotic phrases and is mostly a shakun
shastra based on swara science.
Chapter 1
ātha ṣhastrasangrahādhyaya
Shloka 1 to 2
I pray to universally existent Brahma, the undefined, the beloved of all Yogijan,
the symbol of eternal happiness.
I “Narpati”, With a heartfelt devotion to Goddess “Saraswati”, who is the
beloved of many Devatas and knowledgeable men, embark upon the journey of
writing the Grantha” (the book) which will be a key to success of kings.
With this, I start the epic work called “ṇarpatijayacarya ṣvarodaya”
Shloka 3 to 7
तन्ऽं रणाह्वयम ् ख्यातम ् िसद्धान्तं जयपद्धितम ्
पुःतकेन्िं च ढौकम ् च ौीदशर्ंज्यौितशम ् तथा ५
tantraṁ raṇāhvayam khyātam siddhāntaṁ jayapaddhatim
pustakendraṁ ca ḍhaukam ca śrīdarśaṁjyautiśam tathā 5
Before writing this grantha Sri Narpati practiced the Seven Yamalas (Yamalas
are a part of Sakta Agama and hold Sakti as Supreme Goddess. Both Vama and Dakshina
hold Sixty-four agamas or more. Most of them are in the form of Siva-Sakti conversation).
Sri Narpati grasped and practiced the mention from these scriptures before he
finally condensed them to “ṇarpatijayacarya ṣvarodaya”.
1. Brahmayamal.
2. Vishnuyamal.
3. Rudrayamal.
4. Aadiyamal.
5. Skandayamal.
6. Kurmayamal.
7. Deviyamal.
Commentator: Most of the Granthas mentioned above are not present in their exact form.
It is difficult to find them.
Shloka 8 to 9
अथ ःवरशास्तर्ःय ूधानत्वम ्
atha svaraśāstrasya pradhānatvam
पत्यश्वगजभूपालैः सम्पूणार् यिद वािहनी
तथािप भऔगमायाित नृपो होनःवरोदयी ८
patyaśvagajabhūpālaiḥ sampūrṇā yadi vāhinī
tathāpi bhaṛgamāyāti nṛpo honasvarodayī 8
The author mentions that warriors can win the battle only to the extent till
they lose all good swaras expounded by a “Swara Shastra’ expert.
Shloka 10 to 12
कथंिचिद्वजयी युद्धे ःवरज्ञेन िवना नृपः
घुणवनोर्पमम ् तत्तु यथांघचटकमहः १०
kathaṁcidvijayī yuddhe svarajñena vinā nṛpaḥ
ghuṇavarnopamam tattu yathāṁghacaṭakagrahaḥ 10
A king can win a battle even without the help of a “Swara Shastra” expert, but
then his triumph will be as short lived as the letters formed through floor
beetle or as the blindness of a Pied Crested Cuckoo (Chataka).
Commentator: Floor beetles are fast and alphabets will vanish if beetles are used for
formation of words. Pied crested cuckoo has a short-lived desire for rainwater; which is
referred as blindness over here.
A king, who is not assisted by a “Swara Devagya” (expert of Swara) has his
kingdom standing on the poles made of stem of a Banana tree.
The king will be bestowed the wealth of victory; if he follows the man who is
righteous, who has controlled his cravings; and who is an expert of
Shloka 13 to 19
द्वादशाब्दम ् तथाब्दम ् च अब्दाधर्मत
ृ ुमािसकम ् १८
mātrā varno grahojīvo rāśirbhaṁ piṇḍayogakau
dvādaśābdam tathābdam ca abdārdhamṛtumāsikam 18
A king with strong Swara Bala can win ten fighters with one, hundred fighters
with ten and one thousand fighters with hundred fighters. One with a weak
Swara Bala should avoid fighting everyone, even a flower.
With proper Swarabala one can fight with the strongest man carrying heavy
weapons. Sri Narpati says that a king should have Pancharatnas (Five gems) in
his court. They include:
Sri Narpati now explains the twenty chakras been defined in Shadangas. This
includes Swarachakra, Chakra, Bhubala, Bala, Sahakuna and Jyotisha. They
are the six parts, which carry twenty types of Chakras.
1| ṁatrasvara
2| varnaṣvara
3| ġrahasvara
4| zeevasvara
5| aśisvara
6| ṇakśatrasvara
7| pindasvara
8| yogasvara
9| ḍvadaśvarśiksvara
10| varśik svara
11| āyanasvara
12| itusvara
13| ṁasiksvara
14| pakśhsvara
15| ḍinasvara
16| ṇadisvara
17| ṭithi var ṣanyoga ṣvara
18| ḍiśasvara
19| ṭatkalik ṣvara
20| ḍinaphalsvara
Commentator: Swara refers to cosmic sounds or nada. A human body has different
nadas inside. One can hear these cosmic sounds during the awakening of Kundalini. As
the shadchakras get “bhedan” or are pierced, several nadas are produced. In super-
conscious state, these nadas provide keys to the kala gyana or knowledge of time.
The Swaras correlated to chakras of human body, which produce cosmic nada. They
influence human psyche by different patterns. Knowledge of these swaras gives us the
key to physical, psychological and transcendental state of mind.
The all-pervading Maya chakras mentioned by these chakras are projections to your
original six inside. Once you know what is inside; you will always know what is outside.
Once you know what is outside (swara chakras), you will know what is inside.
In short, these chakras are cosmic sound patterns that hold the golden key of
Shloka 20 to 32
र् क्त
ु े षु शास्तर्ेषु मया ज्ञातिन यािन च
चतुरशीितचबािण तेषाम ् नामािन वच्म्यहम ् २०
pūrvamukteṣu śāstreṣu mayā jñātani yāni ca
caturaśīticakrāṇi teṣām nāmāni vacmyaham 20
र् ालानलं चबं चन्िकालानलं तथा
घोरकालानलं चबं शोलकालानलं मतम ् २३
sūryakālānalaṁ cakraṁ candrakālānalaṁ tathā
ghorakālānalaṁ cakraṁ śoolakālānalaṁ matam 23
र् मायोगे चबं कालानलं मतम ्
संघट्टं सप्तमं ज्ञेयं सप्तकालानलािन च २४
śaśisūryasamāyoge cakraṁ kālānalaṁ matam
saṁghaṭṭaṁ saptamaṁ jñeyaṁ saptakālānalāni ca 24
अिहलांगलबीजोिप्तिोषाख्यं सप्तनािडकम ्
चबं सांवत्सरःथानं मासं चबं िदनाह्वयम ् ३१
ahilāṁgalabījoptivriṣākhyaṁ saptanāḍikam
cakraṁ sāṁvatsarasthānaṁ māsaṁ cakraṁ dināhvayam 31
Sri Narpati now explains the few chakras from eighty-four different
chakras that have been defined in shastras. This includes:
1| Padatmaka
2| ṣatpadchakra
3| ṇavmanśa chakra
4| chatra chakra
5| ṣinghasan chakra
6| kurma chakra
7| bhu
8| ḍeś
9| ṇagarchetra chakra
10|ġrahkoorma chakra
11|Pakśa chakra
12| ahukalanal carka
13| ṣuryakalanal chakra
14| chandrakalanal chakra
15| ġhorkalanal chakra
16| ġoodhkalanal chakra
17| chandrasuryajanitkalanal chakra
18| ṣanghat chakra
19| Kulakul charka
20| umbha chakra
21| Varna prastar chakra|
22| ṭumburuchakra
23| bhucarchakra
24| hecar chakra
25| ṇadichakra
26| Kaālchakra
27| Phani chakra
28| ṣthanchakra
29| halakchakra
30| Kotachakra
31| ġajchakra
32| āśva chakra
33| atha chakra
34| vieuchakra
35| Kuntachakra
36| angachakra
37| chuhrichakra
38| ḍhanuchakra
39| ṣanichakra
40| ṣevachakra
41| ṇarachakra
42| ḍimbhachakra
43| Pakśichakra
44| vargachakra
45| āāychakra
46| vriśtichakra
47| ṣaptaśalakhachakra
48| panchaśalakha chakra
49| ṣyenchakra
50| ṭoranchakra
51| āhibalchakra
52| ḻangalchakra
53| bijotpattichakra
54| vriśchakra
55| ḍinphalchakra
56| Matrikachakram
57| Saptanadicharam
55| Sawantasar chakram
55| Sthanchakram
55| Maaschakram
According to Narpati, a king can win over a battle with “Indra”, if he starts his
combat after a thorough knowledge of all these chakras.
Commentator: Sri Narpati has mentioned about eighty-four chakras in the starting of the
sloka and actual mention of names is far less. Either some slokas of this part are missing,
or Sri Narpati himself avoided the same. Reader’s discretion is adviced.
Shloka 33 to 45
ु त
र् ी ूवरा गौरी काली नारहरी बला
खेचरी भूचरी गुह्या द्वादशी वृिष्टकेवला ४०
durmatī pravarā gaurī kālī nāraharī balā
khecarī bhūcarī guhyā dvādaśī vṛṣṭikevalā 40
Sri Narpati is praising Bhubala which is usable in great wars, in these shlokas. He says that a
king who is adorned with Swara strength of Matradi Twelve kala swaras in a battle; can only be
defeated in a war, if the opponent king is given the power through Bhubala. Sri Narpati has not
explained Bhubala as yet. It seems that this is an important Swara strength which renders
extreme power to an individual.
Sri Narpati is praising Tantra, Mantras and Yantras over here. He says that if the enemy is more
powerful because of Bhubala in swarachakras, and if his strength and power is impenetrable;
then the opponent should employ the strength of mantras. He mentions the different types of
mantras and tantric instruments which can be devised for victory:
1. Ranabhisechan
2. Deekasham
3. Ranarcha’
4. Ranakankan
5. Veerpata
6. Ranapata
7. Jayapata
8. Mekhla
9. Kavach Nyas
10. Mudra Raksha
11. Kanchuki
12. Tilak
13. Ghutika Kapdirka
14. Weapons made during auspicious Muhurtas
15. Weapons smeared with different types of chemicals.
16. Bandhan of arrows
17. Kahla
18. Dahhaka
19. Muraj
20. Bhasma Sadhan’
21. Maran-Mohan
22. Stambhan
23. Videshan-Ucchatan
24. Vashikaran
25. Pataka
26. Pichhak
27. Yantras that destroy Parkrityas
28. Shanti Upayas for your own army
Sri Narpati claims that a person who understands and uses all these strengths can even defeat
the king who is as powerful as Indra*. Everything will be possible for that person.
Commentator: Please note that several strengths mentioned in these shlokas are very sacred and
powerful. It takes time to fully comprehend these powers. Moreover these powers are shared only
through Guru shishya parampara. These techniques are not shared with anybody. A teacher will
only impart this knowledge when he acknowledges that his student is humble and will not misuse
this power.
*Indra is mentioned in many classics and puranas. Indra is referred as King of Devatas. Indra is a
word which refers to Indriya or sensory organs. Indra enjoys heavenly pleasures and it actually
means our happiness and joy derived from maya. You can conquer Indra means; you can conquer
all your desires, and become an Indrajit or Yogi.
Shloka 54 to 70
अथ ज्यौितषाङ्गम ्
atha jyautiṣāṅgam
ग़िणतं व्यवहारं च होराज्ञानं पिरःफुटम ्
िऽःकन्धं ज्यौितषं वआये जयचयार्ःवरोदये ५४
ġaṇitaṁ vyavahāraṁ ca horājñānaṁ parisphuṭam
triskandhaṁ jyautiṣaṁ vakṣye jayacaryāsvarodaye 54
महितथ्याद्यानयनमुदयाःतौ च िशयगौ
शऽुिमऽसमाः खेटा राँयधीशा बलाबलम ् ५५
grahatithyādyānayanamudayāstau ca śighragau
śatrumitrasamāḥ kheṭā rāśyadhīśā balābalam 55
िसद्धच्छायािऽषिष्टम ् च दष्ट
ु भा सप्तिवंशितम ्
लग्नोदयं ःवदे शीयं यंऽतो लग्नसाधनम ् ६३
siddhacchāyātriṣaṣṭim ca duṣṭabhā saptaviṁśatim
lagnodayaṁ svadeśīyaṁ yaṁtrato lagnasādhanam 63
वाःतुदीपाधर्िवन्यासो कालिवंशोपकःतथा
जलयोगोऽधर्कांडश्च वषर्मासाहिनणर्यः ६६
vāstudīpārdhavinyāso kālaviṁśopakastathā
jalayogo'rdhakāṁḍaśca varṣamāsāhanirṇayaḥ 66
Sri Narpati mentions that a king can also use the power of astrology to conquer his opponents.
He mentions the names of different methodologies employed in astrology like the uccha neecha,
drishti bal, gochara, vedha sthanam, grahas vastha, yamardha etc. He also mentions that one
should use Vastu Pad vinyasa as well. This increases the strength. He is also mentioning the
different names of methods used in omens. He is claiming that one should seek the help of
astrology, vastu and omens to get power.
To Be Continued………….
Jyotish Kalpadruma - 1
Shri Maharaja Shambhu Singh
Translated By
A. K. Singh, India
Sanskrit Typing: Virendra Battu, India
making prediction using the birth chart of native so that each and every minute details
of the different incidents can be foretold with full precision. Some claim this style of looking
at prashna cum natal chart is a new or parampara technique that was existent in their own
parampara but you can see that author Maharaja Shambhu Singh has stressed on it in print
much before paramparas came on internet.
In this article I have tried my best to find out some principles which are found in
native horoscope and they work as ready reckoner, what is not to be missed is the section in
this article on finding deity one can pray to, given in Jyotish Kalpadruma is a different
version of what is followed in internet forums but you will find with observation that these
principles of deity given in Kalpadruma does hold good in practice though orthodox. The
writer has discussed Prasna related astrological principles in more details which will be
discussed in upcoming issues of this magazine. I can only stress how much this work of Shri
Shambhu is given preference in Varanasi thereby exemplifying its importance.
Consideration of Bhava:
zsÉÉåMü –
1. Sun is the significator of father hence 10th house from sun should be considered as the
house of father.
2. In the same way 4th house from Moon is the house of mother.
4. 5th from Jupiter is considered for children.
6. Mercury is the karaka for maternal uncle so 6th house from mercury is considered for
maternal uncle.
7. Death should be seen from the 8th house from Saturn as it is the karaka for death.
Note: In the same way we can add for checking one’s career we should check the 10th house
from Saturn. I have observed many times people getting job in the dasa of the planet placed
in the 10th house from Saturn or lord of 10th house from Saturn. Double transit of Jupiter and
Saturn when activates the 10th house from Saturn the person gets a new job.
Here we should remember that Parasara has stated that Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn
are the karaka for the 10th house. In some nadi methods Saturn is said to be karma karaka
and in experience it is found to be true.
Different planets get matured at different ages. Their effects can be experienced at that
particular age.
All these planets exhibit their benefic and malefic effects at above given years according to
their lordship and their placement. If benefic planets are placed in Kendra in their exaltation
sign they produce excellent results at their maturity age.1
Publisher: Very few texts have given maturity age of planets though many various tables of maturity ages are in
circulation in various modern authored astrological literatures. One unknown method of using maturity ages of
planets which readers are requested to experiment is using the ages when 2 or more planets are in combination, e.g. if
Venus & Saturn are in 12H for Ge Asc, then add Venus (26) + Saturn (36)= 62, divide it by 2=31 years. So in 31st year
the native will have high sexual & spiritual activity and the love affair could be with an older woman or in whose chart
Saturn is prominent and it would be an affair from a chronic past life (12H placement) giving lot of grief and a child
would be involved (Venus is 5L) in this story of the 31st year of the native and/or the woman can either be from same
Yoga related with kingdom, wealth and poverty
AjÉ xÉÔ§ÉÈ |
(sÉalÉåzÉÉå oÉëļÉ, xÉÑZÉMüqÉåïÇzÉÉå ÌuÉwÉhÉÑÈ, kÉÏkÉqÉåÇzÉÉ ´ÉÏÈ, aÉѽåzÉÉå ÂSìÈ, kÉlÉåzÉÉå kÉlÉSÈ lÉaÉåzÉÉå rÉqÉÈ,
xÉWûeÉåzÉÉå SåuÉålSìÈ, ËUmÉÑurÉrÉåzÉÉå UɤÉxÉÈ, sÉÉpÉåzÉÉå uÉÂhÉÈ, oÉë¼ÉsɤqÉÏlÉUÉrÉhÉÉprÉÉÇ UerÉ´ÉÏ:, xÉÑZÉÇcÉ
1. If the lords of 1st, 4th, 9th, 5th and 10th houses are interconnected at the birth time, the
person becomes emperor.
2. If lord of lagna 4th house and 10th house are together the person gets benefit from
3. If lord of lagna, 5th and 9th are together and placed in Kendra or Trikona the person
gets enormous wealth.
4. If lord of lagna and 6th house are placed in 6th house the native suffers from illness by
5. If lord of lagna and 12th house are situated in 12th house the person becomes poor.
6. If lord of lagna and 7th house are placed 6th or 8th house the native has short life.
7. If lord of lagna and 8th house are situated in 6th, 8th or 12th house then native loses his
health and wealth in a short duration of life.
8. If the lord of lagna and 2nd house is situated in 5th house with lord of 5th house the
person gets immense wealth from kingdom.
9. In the same way if lord of lagna and 2nd house are situated in 9th house with the lord of
9th house the person is very wealthy and his richness increases day by day.
10. If the lord of lagna and 11th house are together in Kendra or Trikona the wealth
increases due to business.
If all these yoga happens in Kendra or Trikona the full benefic results are obtained and if it
happens in 6th, 8th or 12th house both benefic and malefic results are felt by the native during
his lifetime depending upon the ongoing dasa. The writer has emphasized that if the bhava
lord is associated with the yoga formed in that particular yoga, the yoga becomes very
effective. It can be understood as if lord of lagna and 5th house are placed in 9th house it
forms very good dhana yoga (wealth giving combination) but if at the same time lord of 9th
house is also placed in the 9th house the yoga becomes very effective and blesses the native
with immense wealth and a first order of Rajyoga.
In the same way if lord of lagna and lord of 6th house are placed together the native has weak
constitution but if both are placed in 6th house itself the effect of this yoga increases and
land or a foreigner. Another method is supposed Saturn is at the 20th degree then take 66.66 percent of the 36 years
allotted to Saturn which would be 24 years of maturity for Saturn to give some result. Often cases of early death e.g.
24/28 years and people say does the maturity age of higher planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu does not function in
such charts, but we must use the degrees of planets and find the year of the planet.
native becomes born sick. His resistance power is very less so he succumbs to environmental
hazards very easily.
Sun and Moon are the luminaries so their affliction along with the 2nd or 12th lords which are
the eyes of Kalapurusha chart causes blindness. The degree of blindness depends on the
degree of affliction.
1. If lord of lagna is in lagna or 7th house, lord of 7th house is in Kendra in the sign of
Venus or Saturn and at the same time benefic planet (SA: note benefic) is in the 4th
house this yoga constitutes first order of infidelity.
2. If lord of 7th house is with Rahu and Saturn and aspected by Mars the person has physical
relationship with many women.
3. Moon in 8th house also signifies infidelity.
4. If lord of 7th house is situated with Venus, Mercury and Ketu in 7th house itself and
aspected by lord of lagna. The person has at least two wives. If at the same time any
planet is situated in 8th house, it becomes yoga of high order infidelity.
5. If lord of 7th house is aspected with Moon, Saturn and lord of lagna, this also makes a
person characterless.
6. If Gemini sign occupies 7th house and any planet that is inimical to this sign is placed
here the native’s character becomes questionable.
7. If Sun and Mercury are posited in 7th house in inimical sign the person becomes characterless.
2. If in female chart Mars is in Taurus or Libra the native has good fertility. But if this yoga is
present in male chart, the native’s wife is not fertile. If in the same chart both yoga are
present both husband and wife has very less fertility that is why they become
3. If lord of 5th house and lord of lagna are together in 6th, 8th or 12 house the native
adopts a son.
4. If Jupiter is situated in 5th house in the sign of Libra or Jupiter is placed in 11th house in
the sign of Aries native is blessed with Son but the longevity of the son is very short.
5. The native is issueless or blessed with only daughter’s when Jupiter is in 5th house in the
sign of Aquarius.
6. If Moon, lord of 4th house and lord of 8th house are in watery signs and Moon is in 4th,
6th, 8th or 12th house the person has fear from water. The person drowns but escapes from
7. If lord of 7th house is in 9th house in inimical sign then the native suffers from the hands of
women. It may be his wife or other women who come in his life.
8. The person becomes characterless if Sun and Mercury are situated in 7th house in
inimical sign.
9. If Mercury and Saturn aspect 7th house or situated in 7th house and Mars and Saturn both
aspect 7th house the native becomes Gay.
10. A person gets immense wealth when Jupiter and Venus are situated in 11th house in
Vargottama position but he spends his large amount of wealth on women.
11. If Saturn is in 12th house the native spends all his life on loans and the beauty of this
yoga is that he manages to get loans anyhow. In his old days he loses his vision or he
has very less eye sight.
12. If lord of 10th house is situated in 6th, 8th or 12 houses the native gets very less
happiness from his father.
13. If Jupiter is placed in 12th house native spends his income in pilgrimage and auspicious
14. The native becomes fraudulent Pandit (priest) if Jupiter is placed in 12th house in the sign
of Cancer, Leo, Sagitarius or Pisces.
15. If the above said Jupiter is placed in 5th house the native is proficient in mantra sastra but
he manages to be blessed with male child after difficulties. It means he has to perform
Yagna or propitiate Jupiter planet through its Vedic mantra.
16. Saturn, Sun and Rahu are said to be seperative planets. If they are posited in 7th house they
cause separation from wife. If they are placed in 12th house the native does not enjoy sexual
pleasure fully. The native has to wander here and there in his whole life for achieving
success but mostly he meets with the failures in his life.
Different Opinion On Gochara
zsÉÉåMü –
²ÉSzÉSzÉqÉcÉiÉÑjÉåï eÉlqÉÌlÉ wɸÉqÉå iÉ×iÉÏrÉå cÉ ||
1. If Jupiter transits from 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th or 12th house the native travels abroad.
He faces enmity from his friends in that year. Such transits are not considered as
2. When Jupiter transits from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses the native gets all his
ambitions fulfilled. He is benefited from all worldly desires in that year and leads
happy life.
3. When Sun, Mars, Saturn or Rahu transit from 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th
houses they destroy wealth. They also affect the health of the native in that year.
As a whole benefic planets transiting from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses give good results and malefic
planets produce good results when they transit from 3rd, 6th and 11th houses. Mercury and Venus
provide very good results when they transit from the 8th house from the moon.
Sri Madvarahmihiracharya’s
Lagna Varahi
Hindi Translator: Pandit Sri
Kamlakant Tripathi Jyotishacharya
Re Translated For Saptarishis
Anuj Bahl, India
A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative
Male Horoscopy
Anuj Bahl is an engineer with body; Mars brings impurities in the blood,
Saturn causes many types of sorrowful
MBA finance and belongs to a experiences; Jupiter, Venus, Moon and
family of entrepreneurs and Mercury confer beauty, satisfaction and
joyful experiences.
scientists. He has remained deeply
interested in exploring human 2nd House Results
nature since the age of 18. To start In the 2nd house, Sun, Saturn and Mars
with, he employed Graphology afflict the native with many types of
(handwriting analysis) and soon sorrows and destroy wealth; Moon,
after picked up Hindu Astrology, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus increase
the study of which he continues till wealth through many means.
date. He has been deeply influenced
by Vedanta and continues to study 3rd House Results
In the 3rd house, Sun destroys diseases,
under the guidance of Arsha Vidya
Moon makes the native influential and
Gurukulam of His Holiness Swami powerful, Mars increases the treasury,
Dayananda. Mercury gives accomplishment and
expertise; Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, give
a fine intellect, knowledge of science of
ethics and makes one a favourite of ladies.
4th House Results
In the 4th house, Sun, Mars and Saturn deprives the native of comforts of the body and
results of actions in life; Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus bring happiness, joys, honour
and fame from the king and expansion of wealth.
12th House Results
In the 12th house, Sun gives a large body to a person, Moon makes the native one-eyed, Mars
causes one to do many sins, Mercury makes a person destroy wealth, Jupiter makes one lean
in body; Saturn and Venus makes the native destroy one’s own kingdom.
Female Horoscopy
the translator. It is best to check this translation with some scholar), widowhood, bondage,
destruction of wealth, diseases, and foreign journeys.
Other Yogas
Verse 1
If Saturn and Moon are in the ascendant, and if Trikona (fifth-ninth house) has Jupiter and
Sun and the 10th house has Mars, then, it is a Rajayoga.
Verse 2
If Sun is in its own sign in the 9th house, then no brother of this native lives and he remains
Verse 3
If Sun and Rahu are in their own sign in the house of Karma (10th house) and Mars, Venus
and Mercury are with them, then one achieves wealth and becomes happy, in an instant.
(Translator’s note: How can Sun and Rahu be in their own sign, since their houses are different? If
10th house is Leo, then Sun is in its own sign and Rahu aspects its own in Aquarius and vice versa)
Verse 4
If malefics are in ascendant, 12th house and in 7th house and benefics in other houses, then the
native is a destroyer of one’s own family.
Verse 5
If 6th house has Moon, 7th house has Rahu, 8th house has Saturn, and then, the native’s wife
does not live long.
Verse 6
If ascendant has Saturn, 6th house has Moon, 7th house has Mars, and then, the father does
not live long.
Verse 7
If the 10th house has Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, or Moon, then, all the natives work bear fruits
and he/she receives recognition from the Government (Kingdom)
Verse 8
If Saturn is in Aquarius, Sun in the house of wealth (2nd house), Moon in Aries and Venus
in Capricorn, then, father of the native enjoys the pleasures gained from wealth.
Verse 9
If Venus, Mercury, Jupiter are not in the angular houses (Kendras), and Mars is not in the
10th house, then that native cannot do or achieve anything.
Verse 10
If at birth, three planets are in their own signs then the native becomes a minister; three
planets are in exaltation then the native becomes a king; three plants in debilitation then, a
native becomes a helper or a servant, and if three planets are combust, then the native is
Verse 11
If the ascendant has Venus and Mercury and angular houses (Kendras) has Jupiter, and
Mars in the 10th house, then, the native brings glory to its family lineage.
Verse 12
If Jupiter is in the ascendant, Venus and other planets are consecutive from the middle,
without a break, then the native helps increase his household.
(Translator’s note: The books says “Madhya se Nirantar”- meaning unbroken from the middle – it
does not give what it means by middle)
Verse 13
If 4th house and 2nd house have malefics, then it is a Daridra Yoga (Yoga bringing poverty).
The one having this yoga brings destruction to his father’s lineage.
Verse 14
If ascendant has Jupiter, house of wealth (2nd house) has Saturn and 3rd house has Rahu, then
the native’s mother dies quickly.
Verse 15
If the seventh house has Moon, Sun, Rahu and Mars, then the native dies in either seven
days or certainly, in seven months.
Verse 16
If Mars is exalted and is with Sun and Rahu, then, there is great pain in the body and the
pain keeps shifting from one place to another.
Verse 17
If Sun, Rahu, Mars and Jupiter are in malefic houses (6, 8, 12), and Venus is in the 7th house,
then, body is afflicted.
Verse 18
If Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn are in own signs, then, the native is long lived and in every step
his wealth increases.
Verse 1
Check the direction which the questioner’s faces while asking questions. Take the number
counting that direction from East, take the number of the Prahar in which the question was
asked; take the nakshatra number in which the question was asked, counting from Ashwini;
take the number of day counting from Sunday onwards. Add the four numbers and divide
the total by eight. If the remainder is 5 or 1, then work will get done quickly; if remainder is
4 or 6, then, work will get done in 3 days; if remainder is 3 or 7 then work will be delayed, if
remainder is 2 or 8 (0), then work will never get done as was asked by the questioner.
Verse 2
Take the Tithi count, the day count (as counted from Sunday), the nakshatra count and the
count of the sign of the Prashna Ascendant. Add these together and add 3 to the sum.
Divide the new Sum by 5. The remainder number shows the different Tattvas (Earth,
Water, Fire, Air, and Space) connected to the question. If 1 is the remainder then it denotes
the Earth element, and the lost article is inside the Earth denoted place and will be found. If
the remaindeer is 2 theen it denotes the Water
W elem
ment, and the lost aarticle has been kep pt in
watter denoteed place annd will noot be foun nd. If 3 is the remaiinder, thenn, it deno
otes the Sppace
ment; the lost articlle is in spaace denoteed place annd will not be foundd. If the reemainder is
i 4,
then, it denotes the Firre elementt, and the lost articlle is kept in
i a Fire reelated placce and willl be
und by thee king. If the remain
fou nder is 5 (00) then it denotes Air
A elemen nt and the lost articlle in
thiss case wou
uldn’t be found
f and will also give
g sorroow to the one
o who loost it.
May The Sage Guide & Protect
Bhrigu Nadi
Chandrashekhar Sharma, from Nagpur, Jyotisham - 1
has good knowledge of sanskrit and a well Translated
known name in the internet forums for his By
humbleness & kindness to teach each and Chandrashekhar Sharma, India
everyone. He has been an ardent student of
this science from decades with deep
A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative
thoughts into various disciplines. He is the
author of the book "Vedic Astrology
Demystified", published by Parimal
Publications Delhi ".
Page 2-
I must admit I was somewhat overwhelmed when I accepted translating this manuscript and
on receiving it saw that I was only 4 months and 4 days old when this was copied from
original records of the Oriental Library by the transcriber. By no stretch of imagination
could I aspire to touch the heights of astrological knowledge achieved by the original
transcriber of the text. That the manuscript remained un-translated for more than 63 years
does point to the difficulty in translating it. I am translating this in the spirit of trying to
bring hidden gems of ancient classics to light, as did the initial transcriber, for the benefit of
modern day astrologers and trust that I shall be pardoned if I commit some mistakes in that
1 - 32
imwun l¶m! - za»y¡zm!
mithuna lagnam - çäìkaryaàçam
2 - 33
tula l¶m! - p»ja<zm!
tulä lagnam - paìkajäàçam
Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur. 2
3 34
lúmI ;ó(<zm! k…MÉ l¶m! - muÌra<zm!
lakñmé ñañöhyaàçam kumbha lagnam - mudgaräàçam
4 35
v&;É l¶m! - m¼la<zm! kqk l¶m! - suàÉa<zm!
våñabha lagnam - maìgaläàçam kaöaka lagnam - suprabhäàçam
5 36
v&;É l¶m! - AMbuja<zm! is<h l¶m! - inv&Ty<zm!
våñabha lagnam - ambujäàçam siàha lagnam - nivåtyaàçam
6 37
v&;É l¶m! - za»ya¡zm! tula l¶m! - suxa<zm!
våñabha lagnam - çäìkaryäàçam tulä lagnam - sudhäàçam
7 38
v&;É l¶m! - inv&Åya<zm! tula l¶m! - p»ja<zm!
våñabha lagnam - nivåttyäàçam tulä lagnam - paìkajäàçam
8 39
v&;É l¶m!- kala<zm! v&iík l¶m! - xnda<zm!
våñabha lagnam- käläàçam våçcika lagnam - dhanadäàçam
9 40
v&;É l¶m! - k…Nda<zm! v&iík l¶m! -
våñabha lagnam - kundäàçam våçcika lagnam -
10 41
v&;É l¶m! - p»ja<zm! is<h l¶m! - xnÃya<zm!
våñabha lagnam - paìkajäàçam siàha lagnam - dhanaïjayäàçam
11 42
v&;É l¶m! - p»ja<zm! is<h l¶m! - suàÉa<zm!
våñabha lagnam - paìkajäàçam siàha lagnam - suprabhäàçam
12 43
v&;É l¶m! - suxa<zm! imwun l¶m! - kmlakra<zm!
våñabha lagnam - sudhäàçam mithuna lagnam - kamaläkaräàçam
13 44
v&;É l¶m! - sma<zm! kNya l¶m! - raEÔa<zm!
våñabha lagnam – samäàçam kanyä lagnam – raudräàçam (234)
14 45
v&;É l¶m! - gda<zm! iÖtIykaeze ivStar<
Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur. 3
våñabha lagnam - gadäàçam dvitéyakoçe vistäraà
15 46
v&;É l¶m! - ztavya¡zm! tula l¶m! - ikÚra<zm!
våñabha lagnam - çatävaryäàçam tulä lagnam - kinnaräàçam
16 47
v&;É l¶m! - vE:[va<zm! tula l¶m! - kala<zm!
våñabha lagnam - vaiñëaväàçam tulä lagnam - käläàçam
17 48
v&;É l¶m! - vE:[va<zm! tula l¶m! - kala<zm!
våñabha lagnam - vaiñëaväàçam tulä lagnam - käläàçam
18 49
v&;É l¶m! - saEMya<zm! kNya l¶m! - p»ja<zm!
våñabha lagnam – saumyäàçam kanyä lagnam – paìkajäàçam
19 50
v&;É l¶m! - $zana<zm! xnu l¶m! - vsuxa<zm!
våñabha lagnam - éçänäàçam dhanu lagnam - vasudhäàçam
20 51
v&;É l¶m! - vsuxa<zm! imwun l¶m! - suxa<zm!
våñabha lagnam - vasudhäàçam mithuna lagnam – sudhäàçam
21 52
v&;É l¶m! - kaeikla<zm! is<h l¶m! - muÌra<zm!
våñabha lagnam - kokiläàçam siàha lagnam - mudgaräàçam
22 53
mIn l¶m! - ïIxra<zm! is<h l¶m! - mala<zm!
ména lagnam – çrédharäàçam siàha lagnam - mäläàçam
23 54
is<h l¶m! - $ñra<zm! is<h l¶m! - cMpka<zm!
siàha lagnam - éçvaräàçam siàha lagnam - campakäàçam
24 55
kqk l¶m! - kmla<zm! kNya l¶m! - cMpka<zm!
kaöaka lagnam - kamaläàçam kanyä lagnam - campakäàçam
25 56
tula l¶m! - inmRla<zm! k…MÉ l¶m! - ÇElaeKya<zm!
tulä lagnam - nirmaläàçam kumbha lagnam - trailokyäàçam
26 57
kqk l¶m! - prmeñy¡zm! tula l¶m! - sumNya<zm!
kaöaka lagnam - parameçvaryaàçam tulä lagnam - sumanyäàçam
27 58
mIn l¶m! - tarkaxIñr ;ó(a<zm! kqk l¶m! - kmla<zm!
ména lagnam - tärakädhéçvara kaöaka lagnam - kamaläàçam
30 61
mkr l¶m! - suàÉa<zm! mIn l¶m! - vaé{ya<zm!
makara lagnam - suprabhäàçam ména lagnam - väruëyäàçam
31 62
tula l¶m! - suàÉa<zm! kqk l¶m! - AMbuja<zm!
tulä lagnam - suprabhäàçam kaöaka lagnam - ambujäàçam
63 94
-l¶m! - sicva<zm! me; l¶m! - xnÃya<zm!
-lagnam - saciväàçam meña lagnam - dhanaïjayäàçam
64 95
kNya l¶m! - xnda<zm! xnu l¶m! - izvda<z
kanyä lagnam - dhanadäàçam dhanu lagnam - çivadäàça ?
65 96
mkr l¶m! - kmla<zm! xnu l¶m! - suxa<zm!
makara lagnam - kamaläàçam dhanu lagnam - sudhäàçam
66 97
v&iík l¶m! - kmla<zm! xnu l¶m! - muÌra<zm!
våçcika lagnam - kamaläàçam dhanu lagnam - mudgaräàçam
67 98
mIn l¶m! - äaü(a<zm! kqk l¶m! - ivñ<Éra<zm!
ména lagnam - brähmyäàçam kaöaka lagnam - viçvambharäàçam
68 99
cr l¶m! - m¼la<zm! mkr l¶m! - mÃuSvna<zm! 568
cara lagnam - maìgaläàçam makara lagnam - maïjusvanäàçam
69 100
kqk l¶m! - p»ja<zm! is<h l¶m! - vrda<zm!
kaöaka lagnam - paìkajäàçam siàha lagnam - varadäàçam
70 101
kqk l¶m! - vaé[a<zm! v&iík l¶m! - @eNÔa<zm!
kaöaka lagnam - väruëäàçam våçcika lagnam - aindräàçam
71 102
kqk l¶m! - ÈyElaeKya<zm! kNya l¶m! - kmla<zm!
kaöaka lagnam - tryailokyäàçam kanyä lagnam - kamaläàçam
72 103
xnu l¶m! - vsuxa<zm! v&iík l¶m! - kmla<zm!
dhanu lagnam - vasudhäàçam våçcika lagnam - kamaläàçam
End of page 2
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The third page onwards we have shlokas, which I have tried to decipher
to the best of my abilities. If there is anything that is wrong with the way I have deciphered this, the
blame lies entirely with me and my lack of understanding of the language, the handwriting of the copier
and the principles of the divine science of Vedic astrology.
It should also be noted that in some places the shlokas have some words missing and in such cases,
where possible, I have tried to indicate what may be missing based on the results indicated coupled with
the principles of astrology. The learned may correct me where I have gone wrong.
Svmatairòmaßaeit --------------------,
When Chandra (Moon) occupies (4th?) – bhava the jataka has a long living mother. (however) if
Shani (Saturn), occupying Mithuna (Gemini) rasi, in natal chart, in transit comes to end of
Vrishabha (Taurus) in the Ketu bhukti or antardasha of the 4th Mahadasha, his mother suffers some
calamity (Including death), say the wise.
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: I think the first word that is missing in the first line of the shloka is
“Hibuka” or “Matri”, meaning the 4th bhava. The second part of the 3rd line seems to indicate some
condition when the harm coming to the mother, because of Shani moving to the last part of Vrishabha,
is minimized. The Lagna is perhaps Makara lagna when Shani will be aspecting the 8th from 4th (the
11th) from Vrishabha rasi and occupying the Maraka, that is 2nd, bhava of the 4th bhava representing
the mother. Ketu will be the lord of the 8th from the 4th (dual lordship). The second shloka seems to
suggest that the shloka is about one born in Sudhā nadi of Makara lagna. I leave it to the learned, to
further investigate this shloka. Should I be able to unravel it, I shall write about it, when the Lords wills
For one born in the Sudhā nadi (or amsha) of Makara (Capricorn) lagna, should Guru (Jupiter)
conjoining Rahu occupy the third bhava in aspect of Mangal, his younger brother will die.
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The yoga appears quite clear as for Makara lagna Guru the lord of the 3rd
indicating younger brothers/sisters is afflicted by conjunction with Rahu and the fact that it is also the
12th lord for Makara robs of its innate benefic quality. Rahu by its conjunction with Guru in the third
bhava, not only weakens Guru the 3rd lord but also the 3rd bhava. Mars being the 4th lord though
Karaka for 3rd bhava becomes Maraka for the 3rd bhava by being lord of its 2nd bhava and being a
natural malefic, its aspect on the 3rd bhava can lead to death of the younger brother. Personally I think
the yoga would be become more malefic should Mangal aspect from the 9th bhava when it will become
conjunct Ketu robbing the karaka of its strength as well.
Though the last few words of the 2nd line are missing, I think they are “vinaashnam” due to similar
yoga in other nadi texts and I have given those words at the end of the said line. I would try to do this
where ever I can find missing words of the manuscripts in other standard texts, for similar yoga, or they
become apparent due to context or sound astrological logic. Since the words are identified by giving the
numbers, the learned will be able to understand what is original and what I have added as a possiblility
for the missing words. I am sure the learned will pardon my efforts to amplify the text, should they
think I am transgressing my limits.
àStaraòkvgeR;u æat&saEOyaivin[Ry>.
------------------------------------------samanvitaù |
prastäräñöakavargeñu bhrätåsaukhyävinirëayaù||
êp ----------------------------------.
sudhäàçe makare lagne çané triàçäàçajätake |
rüpa------------------------------------------------------------------------ ||
Should ----- be conjunct------- one should decide about the happiness from brothers, after taking into
consideration the prastaraashtaka varga. One born in Sudhā amsha of Markara lagna and in
Trimshamsha lagna of Shani is ---- in looks.
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: This is an incomplete shloka and it is difficult to translate keeping the
intent of the original Author. I think what is being hinted is that should Mangal be conjunct Mercury in
the 9th and aspect the 3rd, while Guru conjoins Lagna with Rahu. In this case Mercury will be strong
due to being in exaltation in trine in own raasi and we know that aspect of Mercury also strengthens the
bhava it aspects. Such a strong Mercury is, perhaps, likely to dilute the malefic aspect of Mars, who
would be weakened by occupying its enemy rasi. I think the reference is to the strength of the 3rd bhava
in the prastaraashataka varga of Guru the 3rd lord. The comments about looks of the Jataka, maybe
indicating his being a bit on the dark side as befits Shani and being lean.
His Pitta humour is active (acidity and erruptions come under pitta humour) and he has well
proportioned body. He is extremely intelligent, learned, polite, upholder of religious tenets and talks
He is easily satisfied (or has few worldly needs), very deep (secretive about his own worries/ losses)
and lusty ------------------- He is deovtee of Lord Shankara (Shiva) and a great philosopher (or
knower of the ultimate truth).
He writes music/songs for dramas and is an extremely good speaker. If Guru conjuncts Rahu…..
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The missing words are, perhaps, pointing to Guru conjoining Rahu and
Shukra (Venus) in the second bhava of speech, where Guru will give him the ability to speak with
authority, Rahu being co-lord of 2nd (Aquarius) will give good results and Shukra will indicate the
ability to write good poetry since he also rules the 5th.
--raizgte jIvazaNtàk«itkaepvan!,
When Ketu occupies kendra (square) from Lagna, the jataka is of a weak constitution. When Guru
occupies ----- rasi one is ever disturbed and given to anger.
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: I think the missing word for rasi occupied by Guru, is Mithuna (the 6th
bhava rasi for Makara Lagna). Of course I could be wrong.
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: I have tried to decipher this shloka, though it has almost one complete
line missing. The reference to “Jeeva” being a source of wealth could be reference to the Jataka either
being a Doctor or being supplier of human labour. He would also earn from trade and especially real
estate including farm lands as a form of business.
bälye saukhyaà çubhäpanno manuvarñasamävadhé |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------n ||
He is happy in his childhood till 14 years of age.
pÂme A]r}an< Aòme maENjIbNxnm!,
Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur. 10
ÖadzaBde ivvahí Çyaedz c vTsre.
païcame akñarajïänam añöame maunjébandhanam |
dvädaçäbde vivähaçca trayodaça ca vatsare ||
He gets to understand letters (begins learning how to write), at the age of 5 and his thread ceremony is
performed at the 8th year of his age. He gets married at 12 or 13 years of age.
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The reference to knowledge of letters is connected with the ancient
tradition of teaching to write letters as the first class indicative of beginning of serious studies for a
student. Once thread ceremony is performed the young boy used to go to the Gurukula for formative
studies. So this means he begins to learn letters at home before his formal education begins.
;aefze s --------------------,
--------------------------r laÉvan!,
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The above two shlokas, as the following ones, have very few words per
line to be able to understand exactly what they mean. Yet from the few words that are available, I think
the above is the import of those shlokas. The next shloka also gives some indication of which graha
could be said to cause this delay in marriagre, when in the 7th and I think it is position of the great
Shani which can give somewhat delayed (as compared to twelve years indicated earlier) marriage and
which can give a wife who is either sick or one doing austerities.
- ---------------------ÔaegsmiNvta,
----------------------- rüòhe grahäbhäve candra vä |
-------------------------------------------------------------------kaù ||
Should there be no graha occupying --- arudha or Chandra Arudha----------- he suffers after marriage
and his wife is sickly.
Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur. 11
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: Now the sage is telling of absence of some graha in Arudha of some
bhava or graha or Chandra Arudha. I think the reference is to Saptama or Chandra Arudha. For Makara
lagna Cancer is the 7th bhava ruled by Chandra and so I think position of some graha, other than Shani
in either Saptama Arudha or Chandra Arudha is being hinted at for causing some ( perhaps beneficial)
modification to the health of wife and the troubles after marriage, when some graha joins such Arudha.
ktRrIyaegjatSy }aitzÇuk…lapvan!,
Jataka subject to Kartari yoga (When there are grahas (malefics) on either side of Lagna) looses his
savings and undergoes much suffereing due to enmity from of his own clansmen or relatives.
;aefza ------------------,
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: I have taken the partial word “ra” to mean “Aara”, that is Mangal, since
it is both the lord of the 4th and of the 11th and happens to be lord of the 8th from 9th indicating
ancestral property of his father. If I am wrong in my assumptions, I am sure the learned shall correct
sMpÎaye % ------------------.
sampaddäye tathaiva syät uttarärdhe manorujam |
sampaddäye u -------------------------------------------------- ||
Similarly he will have some mental ailments during the second half of the 2nd dasha. -------------------.
Without any doubt, he will have much suffering during the 2nd dasha, whereas during the 3rd dasha
he would get much happiness from Shudras (low caste or lowly people).
le -------------------vnm!,
During the first half of Ketu dasha he will beget a son. -------------- in forests.
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The next shloka suggests the jataka being taken a prisoner in forests,
perhaps in the second half of Ketu dasha.
---------- bNxinvtRtam!.
guroståtéyaparyäye gocare siàhage |
------------------------------ bandhanivartatäm ||
When Guru comes on its third round of the zodiac (perhaps during the Ketu dasha second half) and
enters the rasi Simha (Leo) he (the Jataka) is freed from his imprisonment.
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The reference to loosing hair at the top of head, indicates death of father
or mother as in Hindus the head of the son is tonsured on death of parents, as a mark of respect. So this
could indicate death of parents in the seond half of Ketu dasha when Guru on its third round enters
Simha (Leo) rasi. In Simha rasi, for Makara lagna the reason is easy to understand as the owner of the
9th bhava of natural zodiac enters 8th from it and looses strength ocupying the rasi of king. The Learned
author (Achyuta) has gone ahead and stated that this is applicable to all chara lagnas. So the author may
be wanting to draw attention to the ability of Guru in harming the rasi lord occupied, by him, since
Simha is owned by Surya who is the Karaka for father. Chara rasis being weaker amongst the three
types of rasis, this result of harming father appears to be more prominent for Chara Lagnas.
paçcädärobhyasaukhyaà ca ravébhuktau mahadvyathä |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ||
The Surya antardasha/bhukti causes much suffering and he gets happiness after second marriage.
SvàÉaeí ivraexen ¬ez< àaßaeit ÉUirz>,
____________________________________________ or.
The bhukti of Mangal gives him much happiness and also land and prosperity.
puÇ ---------------------.
kñemadäye uttärärdhe viçeñaçriyamädiçet |
putra ------------------------------------------------------------ ||
In the second half of the 4th dasha it is indicated that he becomes possessed of wealth. Son--------------
suxa<ze mkre l¶e ma¦vIyaegjatke,
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: In my opinion, this is statement of the principle of nodes taking away
the strength of the bhava and the bhava lord, and is universally applicable, not to just those born in
Sudha Amsha and Makara lagna. Ketu by its occupation of the kendra owned by Shukra or its rasi of
exaltation, that is Meena (Pisces) Rasi, makes the lord of the bhava weak. It further weakens Shukra by
conjoining with it, thus taking away the strength of the Mahapurusha yoga.
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: I have translated “Pashu” as draught and milch animals, though Pashu
means animals in general, as in an agrarian society like India of yore, the “Pashu” when mentioned in
connection of prosperity, indicated these animals for one with large landholding as an indicator of his
wealth. The classics categorize Horses and Elephants and other animals separately and distinctly as
Horses or Elephants.
SvÉedæat&mUle àblÂaeÄraeÄrm!,
----------------------- c iïyaixk>,
------------------------------------------------- ca çriyädhiakaù |
In the 5 dasha he becomes fortunate through help of his son and due to the help from his stepbrother
and becomes more and more powerful. ______________and_has much wealth.
To Be Continued……..