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Pile Load Tests Including Quick-Load

Test Method, Conventional Methods,

and Interpretations
FRANK M. FULLER, Raymond International, Inc.; and
HORACE E. HOY, Texas Highway Department

This paper covers the general principles of pile load testing, including
objectives of pile testing, importance of planning, various types and methods
of testing, instrumentation, data to be obtained, and interpretation and use
of the test results. Also included are some typical case histories together
with correlative data between standud test methods and the constant rate
of penetration test method.

•THE PURPOSE of pile load testing can be either to prove the adequacy of the pile-soil
system for the proposed pile design load or to develop criteria to be used for the design
and installation of the pile foundation. Tests in the first category are generally routine,
are carried to twice the proposed working load, and are conducted at the start of the
job. Tests to develop design and installation criteria involve more elaborate programs,
and piles are usually tested to failure.
Pile load tests are expensive and can be quite time consuming. For small projects
the cost of pile testing can represent a considerable portion of the overall foundation
cost. In many cases, prior experience combined with adequate subsoil data and sound
judgment can preclude the need for pile testing, especially if the pile design load is
relatively low.
Routine pile load testing is often the decision of the foundation engineer, but may be
required by the general specification or building code having jurisdiction over that type
of construction. The decision to embark on an advance test program to develop design
criteria is usually made by the owner and the foundation engineer and is based on the
scope of the project and the complexities of the foundation conditions. Such test pro-
grams can often result in substantial savings in foundation costs, and these can more
than offset the investment in the test program.
The prime objective of a test program is to produce data to determine the most eco-
nomical and suitable pile foundation, including the pile types to be used, the most effi-
cient or highest working load for each type of pile, the required length for each type of
pile, and the installation methods necessary to achieve the desired results.


Proper planning for any type of pile testing is necessary, but it is absolutely essen-
tial for the test program conducted to develop design criteria. Planning starts with a
detailed review of the subsoil data in conjunction with the design requirements of the
proposed structure. This analysis leads to the following decisions:
1. Final test data to be developed;
2. Type or types of testing to be performed;
3. Extent of the testing that will be required;

Paper sponsored by Committee on Foundations of Bridges and Other Structures and presented at the 49th Annual

4. Special testing procedures necessary to achieve the desired results;

5. Selection of test locations;
6. Effects of soil conditions on test results, and the need for any additional sub-
soil data;
7. Selection of the different types of piles to be tested;
8. Determination of approximate pile lengths;
9. Outline of possible installation methods to be used; and
10. Preparation of the technical specifications.
Although thorough planning of a test program is essential, the overall plan must be flex-
ible enough to permit modifications that might be necessary as the driving and testing
data are produced.
The technical specifications for the pile test program cover the following points:
1. Prequalification of the pile contractor-This is necessary if the contract for the
pile test program is to be awarded on the basis of competitive bidding. However, the
complexities and importance of a pile test program require that serious consideration
be given to negotiating the contract with a carefully selected contractor.
2. Types of piles to be tested and maxi.mum lengths to be furnished-It should be
noted that where a proprietary type of pile is to be included in a test program, any
special equipment or material necessary to properly install this type of pile must be
made available to the test pile contractor. This problem of proprietary types of piles
may be handled by subcontract or separate negotiation with the pile contractor special-
izing in that piling system.
3. Size and capacity of basic pile-driving equipment to be furnished-This is to
eliminate the problem of starting the test program with inadequate pile-driving equip-
ment that might preclude any extension o:f the test program beyond that originally con-
templated or even the proper execution of the original program . Proprietary types of
piles may have special equipment requirements.
4. Driving criteria and special installation methods that may be required.
5. Types of tests and maximum testing capacity to be furnished-This will permit
the contractor to properly plan for the necessary equipment and to build into the test
program some degree of flexibility.
6. Required testing equipment and instrumentation including calibration.
7. Testing procedures to be followed.
8. Data to be recorded and reported.
9. Payment method and schedule of bid items-The flexibility mentioned earlier
should be reflected in the pricing and payment method for the test work, for example,
lump sum for mobilization and demobilization, unit price for materials, and hourly rates
for various types of operations such as pile driving, moving, testing, or standing by.


Pile load testing usually involves the application of a direct axial load to a single
vertical pile. However, load testing can involve uplift or axial tension tests; lateral
tests applied either horizontally or perpendicular to the pile axis (e.g., if battered);
group tests; combined axial and lateral tests; any of these tests applied to batter piles;
or any of these tests applied to pile groups consisting of vertical piles, batter piles,
or a combination of such.
Pile load testing also generally involves the application of a static load to the pile.
However, other methods of load application have been used, such as dynamic, vibra-
tory, and explosive. Neither dynamic nor explosive testing is too reliable, and these
methods are infrequently used. Vibratory testing is only used where structure loading
conditions warrant. The test lo::i.d, whether it be for a bearing test, uplift test, or
lateral test, is usually applied statically by a force acting directly on the pile either
by direct weight or by hydraulic jacks in combination with some type of reaction system.
Where the test load is applied directly to the pile by means of a loaded platform
(Fig. 1), the load must be capable of being applied and removed in increments of known
weight. The test beam and platform are considered part of the test load and included
in the first increment of loading.

Figure 1. Test load applied directly to pile by using loaded platform and water-filled
interconnected steel tanks.

The load and platform must be kept balanced at all times. Usually timber cribs are
placed under the platform edges to prevent tipping of the load in case the platform be-
comes unstable. Wedges between the timber crib and platform edge are tightened only
while the load is being added or removed. T hese wedges must be kept loose as the pile
settles under the direct load.

Figure 2. Test load applied to pile with hydraulic jack reacting against a test
frame and anchor piles.
Most test loads are applied with hydraulic jacks reacting against either a stable
loaded platform or a test frame anchored to reaction piles (Fig. 2); there may also be
some other type of reaction. The use of hydraulic jacks has several advantages. For
example, it is the only practical way to apply load-unload-reload cycles, and hydraulic
jacks are more suitable for uplift tests, lateral tests, and tests on batter piles.
Regardless of the method of load application, the load should be kept constant under
increasing pile deflection. For direct loading this presents no problem. When hydrau-
lic jacks are used this can be accomplished by activating the jack pump with a com-
pressed gas control system. Precautions should be taken to avoid eccentric loading
by carefully centering test beams or jacks and maintaining a balanced load.
Anchor piles or the supports for a reaction load must be placed a sufficient distance
from the test pile to avoid influencing its performance. This minimum distance will
depend on such things as the magnitude of load to be applied and the subsoil conditions.
Such influence could reflect a greater or lesser ultimate bElaring capacity than actual.
It is recommended that, during a lateral load test, an axial compressive load equal
to the minimum design dead load, be applied to the pile. This type of combined test
loading would give a more accurate indication of the actual lateral load capacity of the
pile under service conditions. When a vertical load is applied during a lateral load
test, the pile butt should not be restrained from lateral movement. This can be accom-
plished by using a system of rollers between the vertical load and the pile. The point
of application of the horizontal load should, if possible, simulate in-service conditions.

The basic information to be developed from the pile load test is usually the deflection
of the pile butt under the test load. Probably the fundamental method of measuring the
pile butt movement is by reading a target rod (or scale fixed to the pile) with an engi-
neer's transit referenced to a fixed bench mark. In most cases, the degree of accuracy
obtained with this type of instrumentation is sufficient. Quite often, measurements with
the level and rod (or scale) are used as a secondary or backup system to check other
measuring systems.
Direct readings of the pile butt movement (either vertically or horizontally) can be
made by using the mirror, scale, and wire method. A measuring scale is fixed to a
mirror, which in turn is attached directly to the pile or the test plate. A taut wire
passing in front of the scale permits direct readings of pile movement. Consistent
scale readings are obtained by aligning the wire and its image in the mirror. The wire
can be kept taut by a weight and pulley system or by springs.
The most common method for measuring the pile movement is with dial extensometers
mounted on an independent support system, and with gage stems bearing against the top
of the test plate or on angle irons attached to the sides of the pile (Fig. 3). At least 2
dial gages mounted on opposite sides of the pile should be used to compensate for pos-
sible tilting or lateral movement of the pile under load. Sometimes a gage sensitivity
of 0.001 in. is specified, but usually gages reading to 0.01 in. have sufficient accuracy
to meet the normal settlement criteria. With ultra-sensitive dial gages, it is often
impossible to satisfy some of the specification requirements such as "until settlement
When the instrumentation for a compression test is set up, it is often advisable to
mount dial gages to measure lateral movements of the pile under test. Such movement
could be due to eccentric loading and contribute to the apparent vertical movement of
the pile butt.
The instrumentation system must be supported independently from the loading system
with supports protected from extreme temperature variations, effects of the test load,
and accidental disturbance by test personnel. It is advisable to have a secondary or
backup instrumentation system in case of an accidental disturbance of the primary sys-
tem or the necessity to reset dial gages so that continuity of data is maintained.
Data on load distribution and the elastic behavior of the pile can be obtained with dis-
placement (or so-called "strain") rods or strain gages. This type of instrumentation
can be installed in almost all types of conventional piling but more readily in cast-in-place

Hydraulic jack
w/pressure gauge-------!!+--
100 ton c.:ip.:icity

12 I 50 beams --==::::::==:it----~-::_-::;t____ Dial gavg"s ror

telltale readings
:!'.--ff-- - - - Dial gauge support

Direct reading ------:-~--rn

scale and mirror

r-;;~~"-Dial gauges for

primary measuring
5/8" I D. polyethelene system
tubing w/ 1/2" O.D. - - - - + - - --iHll l
steel inner-rod

Figure 3. Instrumentation of test pile.

concrete piles. Strain gages or the terminal points of "strain" rods can be located at
various positions along the pile.
In general, strain rods are less complicated, are less subject to malfunction, are
more easily handled by field personnel, and produce direct elastic shortening data over
a long gage lengtti between the terminal point and the pile butt. The proper installation
of strain gages, so as to avoid malfunction and produce reliable data, is an extremely
sensitive operation.
The installation of strain rods or gages results in a physical change in the cross
section of the pile and thus its elastic pr9perties. Although data at frequent intervals
along the pile shaft are desirable, it is sometimes advisable to sacrifice some data in
the interest of practicality. Often a single strain rod to the pile tip is sufficient to pro-
vide the essential information on the elastic behavior of the pile and the basic load dis-

Most routine tests are carried to one and one-half or twice the proposed design load
for a single pile, or one and one-half times the design load for a pile group. Carrying
the test load any higher merely wastes job time and money. Rarely can such additional
data be used advantageously, such as for redesign, without seriously affecting the job
Most test programs that are specifically executed to produce design data should in-
clude testing piles to failure in order to develop the most efficient design. However,
this is not always essential, and definite design decisions can be reached if sufficient
routine testing is done on piles of different types, sizes, shapes, and lengths.

The time interval between pile driving and testing depends on the type of pile and
subsoil conditions. For example, sufficient time should be permitted for the proper
curing of cast-in-place concrete piles before they are tested. Where test piles are
driven into cohesive soils, it is advisable to wait several days for the soil to regain its
shear strength, which in all probability was reduced because of the remolding effects
of pile driving.
The test load can be applied in various increments and time intervals. In general,
the load should be applied over an extended period of time, with increments equal to
about 25 percent of the proposed or assumed design load. However, in the interest of
saving time, the increments can be larger during the early stages of the test and, in
the interest of obtaining accuracy, they should be smaller as the total load is increased.
A normal time interval between load increments is from 1 to 2 hours. Frequently,
specifications will require that the load be held until the rate of settlement is less than
some fixed value such as 0.01 in. per hour, but in most cases a maximum time interval
between increments will also be specified. Providing that the pile-soil system has not
failed, the full test load should be held for some period of time, such as 24 or 48 hours.
Specifications will often establish a maximum rate of settlement under full load that
cannot be exceeded over a certain period of time in order for the test to be considered
satisfactory. Where specifications use language such as "until settlement has stopped,"
the impracticality of using highly sensitive dial gages is obvious .
Instrumentation readings should be taken before and after each increment of load and
at sufficient intermediate intervals in order to define the load-time-deflection curves .
When piles are not tested to failure, and after the full test load has been applied, read-
ings are taken at least every 30 minutes for the first 12 hours and every hour there-
after. During removal of the test load, readings should also be taken before and after
each load decrement, and a final rebound reading should be taken about 12 hours after
the full load has been removed.
Among the several special testing techniques available are cycle loading and the con-
stant rate of penetration (CRP) method. When piles are tested to establish the design
load, cycle loading can help determine more accurately the load that satisfies the al-
lowable deflection criteria. Also, cycle loading can provide some indication as to the
distribution of load between friction and end-bearing. Van Weele (1) has suggested a
method by which a plot of the elastic recovery at each unloading cyc le versus load ap-
plied at that cycle is used to separate friction from point-bearing. The curve usually
becomes a straight line soon after the early load increments (Fig. 4). The distance
between the plotted curve and a line drawn through
the origin and parallel to the straight part of the
curve represents the portion of the load carried
0 50 !00 150 200 250 by friction. At best, this is only an approxima-
Cycle loading should not be mandatory for
routine testing because it could add unnecessary
I -,
expense without contributing significantadditional
' u \ data. Such special procedures should be included
~ 021--~-1-...+~+-,..---+-~~-1--~-1

at the engineer's option.

~ The constant rate of penetration method was
6 a.J first experimented with in 1957 by Whitaker but
w did not receive wide publicity until after 1961 (2).
u Under favorable conditions, this method has shoWn
~ 04 1--~--~~+-~~~~~+-~--<

reasonably good correlation with standard test
w methods. For the CRP test, a force or load of
sufficient magnitude is applied to the pile to main-
tain a constant penetration rate into the ground.
This means that the applied load might have to
be adjusted as the test proceeds. In general,
the recommended penetration rate is about 0.03
Figure 4. Approximate distribution of test in. per minute for cohesive soils and about 0.06
load between point-bearing and friction (1). in. per minute for granular soils. However, the

penetration rate could vary over a rather wide range and still produce satisfac-
tory results.
The CRP method is applicable to friction types of piles, and sufficient testing capac-
ity of the pile-soil system.
Special testing procedures can be used to prorluce specific data. For example, the
distribution of applied load between friction and point-bearing can be approximated by
driving and testing piles of different lengths. Some would be driven just short of the
end-bearing stratum, while others would be driven to full embedment. An uplift test
might also produce approximate data on the amount of load carried by friction.
Another special test procedure would be the casing off of that portion of the test pile
that extends through soils offering temporary support so as to determine the capacity
of the pile - soil system within the permanent bearing strata.
The basic purpose of the pile test is to determine or verify the safe working load for
the pile-soil system. In most cases, tests are not carried to failure, and some arbi-
trary criterion is applied to determine if the test results are satisfactory. Some of
these criteria are rather vague, such as "where the settlement is disproportionate to
the load" or "where the load-settlement curve breaks." Others are based on a maximum
allowable gross or net settlement that can either be a fixed number, such as 1 in. or
related to the amount of test load applied, such as 0.01 in. per ton.
When definite failure does not occur, such as plunging of the pile into the ground,
some arbitrary definition of "failure" must be used. Such criteria should be realistic-
neither too conservative nor too liberal. The important factors to be considered are
the permissible differential settlement under the design load and safety.
Settlement usually governs and requires consideration of the elastic shortening of
the pile under the design load. Assuming that all the piles are of the same material,
of approximately equal length, and driven into substantially similar soils, the elastic
shortening will be approximately equal for all piles and thus will not contribute to dif-
ferential settlement.
Many methods have been suggested for determining the safe allowable pile load or
for defining the "failure" of the pile-soil system. The application of these various
criteria can produce a wide range of "safe" pile loads from the same test data.
Unless failure actually occurs, it would appear reasonable to define the point of
"failure" by a maximum slope of the load-settlement curve. For example, the failure
load could be defined as the load that results in a slope greater than 0.05 in. per ton
on the gross load-settlement curve or a slope greater than 0.03 in. per ton on the plas-
tic load-settlement curve, whichever is smaller (Fig. 5). This is still an arbitrary
definition of failure: but is a more generalized approach. The total criterion would
include a maximum allowable gross
settlement under the design load, with
consideration given to elastic shorten-
ing of the pile and to safety.
Where failure results from some
arbitrary criterion, the factor of safety
could range from one and one-half to
two. Where actual failure of the pile-
soil system is determined by a plung-
ing of the pile into the ground, this
factor of safety could range from two
to two and one-half.
- ----- The complete analysis of the test
results should include consideration
of all factors, such as the elastic be-
havior of the pile (from instrumenta-
Figure 5. Slope criteria for determining "failure" load from tion or cycle loading) and an evaluation
load-settlement curves. of the long- term performance. This

could involve an analysis and evaluation of the subsoil data in conjunction with the test
It should be noted that observed settlements made at the top of the pile may not
necessarily indicate downward movement of the pile into the ground. Where high
load tests are performed, the possibility of local failure of the pile above ground sur-
face, or crushing of the grout under the test plate, should be recognized as possible
factors contributing toward observed "settlements."

Because it is impractical to test every pile on a project, the results of the testing
must be applicable to other piles to be driven. This is a reasonable and accepted pro-
cedure, providing that the following conditions exist:
1. The other piles are of the same type, material, and size as the test piles;
2. Subsoil conditions are comparable to those at the test pile locations;
3. Installation methods and equipment used are the same as or comparable to those
used for the test piles; and
4. Piles are driven to the same penetration depth or resistance or both as the test
piles to compensate for variations in the vertical position and density of the bearing
The results of tests on single piles can usually be applied to pile groups, especially
in granular soils. The group effect, if any, depends a great deal ·on the subsoil profile
to some depth below the pile tips. Unless the bearing stratum is relatively thin and
( underlain by deep deposits of soft compressible soils, there should be no detrimental
effects from group loading. However, where the piles receive their principal support
in cohesive soil, group action should be analyzed.
I The application of the results of the advance test program to the foundation design

I ~;-~
and specification can often produce substantial savings in foundation costs. Although,
as a practical measure, the test results would lead to the selection of a single design
loati, the requirements for various types of piles as to size, length, shape, weight per
I· foot (stiffness), installation methods, and driving requirements could vary over a rather
wide range. These differences should be reflected in the specifications and, in turn,
will be reflected in the alternative costs to produce the most economical foundation for
the conditions involved.


In 1963, correlative pile load test field studies were initiated by the Texas Highway
Department between the standard 48-24 hour test method (3) versus a quick test method
(4) that was modified after the constant rate of penetration-methoddescribedbyWhitaker
and Cooke (3_).

Purpose of Pile Load Test as Used by the Texas Highway Department

Design values, construction procedures, and anticipated performance of a piling or
drilled shaft foundation should be substantiated by load tests in certain cases.
Load testing of piling is especially recommended when it has been established by
soil studies that static resistance (design load as indicated on the plans) will be obtained
at specified plan tip elevation but dynamic resistance l:iy hammer formula will not be
reached. If it is apparent that considerable savings may be attained by load testing,
this procedure should be used and specified on the plans.
For design purposes, a static loading test is performed for the following reasons:
1. To prove the piling adequate for the proposed design load at the selected pile
tip elevation; and
2. To determine the true relationship between static and dynamic capacity of
the piling in a particular soil condition and thereby to obtain a K-factor that is
applied to the dynamic formula. The K-factor is determined by the following

K =-p

L = maximum proven design load as indicated by pile load test, and
P = "safe" load capacity determined by the dynamic hammer formula used on the
test-loaded piling before the K-factor is applied.

The specification hammer formula is then modified, to conform to the maximum

proven design load as determined by the load test. For the Engineering-News formula,
this modification would be
p = K 2WH
s + 0.1
Standard 48-24 Hour Test Method
Prior to January 1963, the Texas Highway Department (THD) used the basic AASHO
48-24 hour test method as modified by the THD specifications (3). This method consists
of first loading the pile to approximately the design load with successive load increments
(in multiples of 5 tons) equal to about one-third the design load (Fig. 6). Gross settle-
ment readings, loads, and other data are recorded immediately before and after the
application of each increment of load and at 15-minute intervals between load applica-
tion. Load increments are not added until 2 hours have elapsed without measurable
settlement, which is considered to be 0.005 in. or more.
If the estimated net settlement exceeds 0.25 in. before the application of twice the
proposed design load, the pile is unloaded and the rebound recorded. If the actual net
settlement is more than 0.25 in., the pile is driven to a greater resistance.
When the estimated net settlement (gross settlement minus estimated elastic rebound)
has reached a value of 0.25 in. (Fig. 7), or when a minimum of two times the design
load is on the pile and an estimated net settlement does not exceed 0.25 in. the addition
of load is discontinued and a standard AASHO 48-24 hour test is run.
The 48-24 hour test consists of holding the load on the pile constant for a minimum
of 48 hours and for 24 hours of no measurable settlement. Readings for gross settle-
ment are made every 15 minutes during this period. If the gross settlement at the end
of a successful 48-24 hour test is less than 0.3 in., additional load is applied until the
estimated net settlement is about 0.25 in., and the standard48-24hourtestisrunagain.
At the conclusion of the standard 48-24 hour test, all load is removed and rebound
readings are taken every 15 minutes for 4 hours. If the recorded net settlement is less
than 0.25 in., the pile is reloaded to twice the proposed design load, and this load is
held for 4 hours without measurable
settlement. Following this the load
is increased until the anticipated
net settlement is 0.25 in., and the
standard 48-24 hour test is repeated.
Such testing is continued until the
actual net settlement equals or ex-
ceeds 0.25 in. or until the testing
capacity is reached.
The theoretical "failure" load is
z considered to be the load that results
w in a net settlement (gross minus re-
bound) of 0.25 in. The maximum
proven design load is interpreted to
be 50 percent of the load that, after
a minimum of 48 hours, causes a
permanent net settlement of not more
Figure 6. Load-settlement-time relationship for one load in- than 0.25 in., measured at the top
crement (48-24 hour test method). of the pile. If the test load causes
U111•1111t • Bu1 h1 t
a permanent net settlement of more LOAD ON PILE Co1tu l1t

than 0.25 in., then the allowable

design load is 50 percent of the load
- - -
---- .l_
C:•111.1111 u • N•I S • tl lu11111

N11 S11!l1m1n1
obtained by interpolation from the
computed net settlement line value ,__
of0.25 in. This line is obtained by :i;
calculation based on the actual re- --'
corded recovery. w

Constant Rate of Penetration Moahn11m Proven Dul9n Lood• Ult1n11111t1 Beorln 9 Cop11111•/2

In January 1963, Engineering
News- Record published an article Figure 7. Interpretation of results (48-24 hour test method).
by Esrig (5) in which he discussed
anewpile-testing procedure devel-
oped by Whitaker and Cooke (2).
Whitaker termed the new testfiig procedure the constant rate of penetration (CRP)
test. This method requires that the test-loaded pile be forced into the ground at a con-
stant rate with the loads corresponding to specific penetrations being measured.

Quick Test Method

After publication of Esrig' s article, plans were immediately rriade to perform load
tests not only in accordance with the Texas Highway Department standard specifications
but also by a modification of the constant rate of penetration (CRP) test.
The CRP test calls for records of time and jacking force to be made at equal inter-
vals of movements of the pile head with the rate of jacking being adjusted so that read-
ings occur at equal intervals of time. For convenience and simplicity, the CRP test
was modified by the Texas Highway Department to produce the quick test method. Es-
sentially, it requires that loads be added in increments of 5 or 10 tons with gross set-
tlement readings, loads, and other data recorded immediately before and after the ap-
plication of each increment of load. Each increment is held for 21h minutes, and the
next increment is then applied.
When the load-settlement curve obtained from these test data (Fig. 8) shows that the
pile is definitely being failed (i.e., the load on the pile can be held only by constant
pumping of the hydraulic jack and the pile is being driven into the ground), pumping is
stopped. Gross settlement readings, loads, and other data are recorded immediately
after pumping has ceased and again after intervals of 21/2 minutes and 5 minutes. The
load on the pile in the case of constant pumping is called plunging failure load. Then
all load is removed, and the pile is
allowed to recover. Net settlement
readings are made immediately after
all load has been removed and at in-
tervals of 2% minutes for a total
period of 5 minutes.
z All test loads are carried to plung-
~ ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY/2 ing failure or to the capacity of the
equipment. The maximum proven
design load is considered to be 50
percent of the ultimate bearing capac -
--- -- - ity, which is indicated by the inter-
PtOMGl ~O FAILURE LOADsection of lines drawn tangent to the
2 basic portions of the load-settlement
curve as shown in Figure 8.
For this method of interpretation,
the scale to be used for plotting the
Figure 8. Interpretation of results (Texas Highway Depart- load-settlement curve should be 1 in.
ment quick test method). for each 10-ton load increment and

, o:--~~~ 00

Figure 9. Correlation of proven design load between Figure 10. Correlation of proven K-factor between
standard 48-24 hour and quick test methods. standard 48-24 hour and quick test methods.

0.10-in. settlement respectively. The maximum proven design load is the value used
to establish a K-factor for use with the dynamic hammer formula as stated earlier.

Correlation Studies
From January 1963 until March 1965, llpileloadtestswereperformedbythe Texas
Highway Department by using both the standard 48-24 hour and the quick test methods .
Out of this number of tests, eight were test-loaded to theoretical failure by the 48-24
hour test method. All of the tests were taken to plunging failure with the quick test
method. A s ummary of the data for thes e tests is given in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. The
maximum proven design load obtained by the quick test method and the 48-24 hour test
mf!thod are s hown i n Figm ·e 9. The ave rage deviation of maximum p r oven design load
values obtained from the quick test method versus the standard 48-24 hour test method
was about 4 percent.
The K-factors given in Tables 3 and 4 for both load test methods are shown in Figure 10.
Agreement is considered to be very good in all ranges of value.

Based on the results of these tests,
the Texas Highway Department began
TABLE 1 using the quick test method as the stan-
LOCATION OF PILES TESTED FROM dard testing method in Apr il 1965. A
special provision to Item 405, Test
County &tructure
Bent and Loading Piling, was prepared for this
Number Test Pile test method and has been in use by the
Brazoria Chocolate department since that time (4).
Bayou Bent 6, C From the 1963-1965 study as well as
2 Wharton Colorado
River Bent 4 from the department's experience to
3 Arkansas Capano Bay Pile 1 date, the following observations and con-
4 Vicluda MP RR OP I'llc 1
5 Harris Ramp F Bent 9
clusions have been reached relative to
6 Jefferson US-69 and the quick test method:
FM-365 Pile 1
7 Harris Pierce Bent 94 1. A pile load test can be expeditiously
8 Harris 183 Bent 3
9 Harris SP RR UP Bent 2
performed in about 1 hour with resultant
10 Galveston GC and SR savings in money and time ;
RR UP Bent 24 2. Construction delay to the project
11 Harris SP HR UP Bent 2
caused by load testing is greatly reduced;

Total Effective Pile ENF

Test Pile Pile General Design Type of Bearing
Pile Type Penetration
Number Length Length Soil Type Load Hammer Value
(toru;) (in./blow)
(ft - in.) (ft - in.) (tons)

16 in. sq Clay, sand,

PC/PS 40 0 36 0 silty 47 Link-Belt 520 40.2 0.429
2 12BP53 51 0 49 0 Sand, clay 46 McK-T DE-30 42.8 0.260
3 18 in. sq Vulcan 014
PC/PS 103 0 83 6 Sand, clay 40 Vulcan 014 83 .7 0 .385
4 12BP53 32 4 25 0 Sand, clay 36.4 Vulcan 1 15.0 0.90
5 14 in. sq PC 28 8 21 0 Clay, silty,
sandy 53 Vulcan 1 65.2 0.130
6 16 in. pipe 63 8 60 0 44 Delmag D-12 25.3 0.444
7 14 by 11 in.
step-taper 31 0 31 0 Silt, clay 60 Raymond 1-S 39.0 0.400
8 12BP53 29 0 24 0 Clay, sand,
silty 60 Delmag D-12 79.8 0.150
9 12BP53 32 0 31 0 Clay, sand,
silty 60 Delmag D-12 97.1
10 16 by 11 in. Clay, silty,
step-taper 47 10 44 0 sand 31 Raymond 1 11.22 1.20
11 12BP53 21 1 21 0 Sand, clay,
silty 52 Delmag D-12 63.7 0.170


Maximum Maximum Proven

Duration Gross Net
Test Load on Load Held Design
of Test Settlement Settlement K-Factor
Number (hr) Pile 48 Hours Load
(In .) (In.)
(tons) (tons) (tons)

1 102.25 110.0 105 .0 0 .313 0 .251 52 .5 a 1.31

2 55.67 110 110 0.420 0 .167 55 b 1.28
3 57 95 90 0.156 0 .049 45 b 0.54
4 140.25 80 80 0.324 0.161 40 b 2.67
5 258 155 155 0.379 0.259 77 a 1.18
6 83 .25 75 75 0 .412 0.349 35 a 1.38
7 114.5 120 115 0 .562 0 .447 56.9 a 1.46
8 132 160 160 0.501 0.281 79 a 0.99
9 192 115 115 0.496 0.362 57 .52a 0.59
10 140.25 115 110 0.566 0.448 52.5 a 4.67
11 111 105 105 0.390 0.262 50 a 0.784
Note: Piles loaded by hydraulic jack and reaction beam supported by anchor piling. Settlement was obtained by
a1n those cases where the standard 48-24 hour test load caused a permanent net settlement of more than 0 .25 in . and
other criteria were met, then the maximum proven design load is taken to be 50 percent of that load obtained by inter·
polation from the computed net settlement line value of 0.25 in. This line was obtained by calculations based on actual re-
corded recovery.
bNot failed .


Plunging Ultimate Proven

Duration Gross Net
Test Failure Bearing Design
of Test Settlement Settlement K-Factor
Number Load Capacity Load
(min) (in.) (in.)
(tons) (tons) (tons)

1 65 120 109 0.185 0.087 54.5 1.36

2 45 145 125 1.151 62.5 1.46
3 55 180 150 0 .65 1 0 .379 75 0.89
4 65 140 96 0.818 48 3.2
5 190 166 0.397 0.256 83 1.27
6 50 85 74 0.666 0.596 37 1.46
7 134 121.5 0.476 0.356 60.7 1.56
8 75 170 162 0.597 0.371 81 1.01
9 120 113.5 0 .301 0 . 168 56.75 0.58
10 105 120 109 0.403 0.284 54.5 4.86
11 67 115 103 0.337 0.226 51.5 0.81
3. Substantial decrease in bid price of load test setup ensures feasibility of testing
on small projects;
4. Simplicity of the testing procedure ensures standardization of the test and easy
interpretation and utilization of results without reliance on arbitrary definitions; and
5. Load-settlement curves can be easily duplicated by repeated tests.

1. Van Weele, A. F. A Method of Separating the Bearing Capacity of a Test Pile Into
Skin-Friction and Point-Resistance. Proc. Fourth Internat. Conf. on Soil Me-
chanics and Foundation Eng., London, 1957.
2. Whitaker, T., and Cooke, R. W. A New Approach to Pile Testing. Proc. Fifth
Internat. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Eng., Paris, 1961.
3. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Texas Highway Department,
4. Special Provisions to Item 405 of 1962 Standard Specifications. Texas Highway
5. Esrig, M. I. Load Test on Pile in as Little as Ten Minutes. Engineering News-
Record, Jan. 31, 1963.

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