Zombicidegn 1
Zombicidegn 1
Zombicidegn 1
this question, and a nice reward too! Choose your priorities
and play them all in the order of your choosing. In the end,
you might have a definitive guess on the subject.
The Gaming Night Mode allows you to play all night long
without being bothered by sudden death. Defeated Survi
vors rise up in the middle of the battle to keep on fighting with
their friends. The goal here is simple: never getting singled
out of a game because your Survivors were defeated! To
play with the Gaming Night Mode, apply these rules.
~Z-ombi.es Ave akead^ A-(+ev as. At*o+kev deA+k **Ace Start the next Mission with two pimpmobiles set
Kas beAAKt. on the Player starting area. They can be driven but
can't be Searched. Survivors can begin the next
Tiles needed: 1B, 1C, 2B, 2C, 4B, 4C, 4D, 5E & 7B. Mission in the cars.
1- Find all the car keys. Car keys are spread all across
the place. There is a red "X" in each room containing one of
Player Exit Police car you Pimpmobile you
them. Take all Objectives.
starting area can't drive could drive
2- Crush zombies until everyone reach the Red Danger (see special rules)
Level. Reach the Red Danger Level with all Survivors.
SPECIRt RUtES Door Open Door token Spawn Zone Objectives (5 XP)
5 experience points to the Survivor who takes it. The player
can also look for a food card (Canned Food, Rice or Water)
in the Equipment pile and discard pile, and put it in his Sur
vivor's inventory. If you look in the Equipment pile, shuffle it
Skeetr |Ack. V/e -fou.^d a custom-made so|av pAytel afterwards.
SO«+J>A OA+ 0-( A VOO-f 14" leAds S+VA«aM" +0 A ^AS+
J(ooJL. V/e -H\c>\k c+ could fov/er +ke ^rid^es. nfteAM>\A • Fatty's fate. The survivor finally got infected and came
■rkctre is some .fresk J{ood ©a+ +keire! Havi'i^a a *eA| back as a zombie. A Fatty and his escorts are hanging in the
meal could. briY\Q us bAck some ef\erAh Ahd rnovAle. fast food. Before the beginning of the game, put a Fatty and
Comi^ closer. We see *H\e -plAce is \?esieQed b% its 2 Walker escorts in the fast food.
zombies. Tke^ soiwekoW rviArAAAed +© eyvhev wi+koAT
• Hell of a TV. The solar panel was feeding a TV with a VCR.
WeaMir>^ +ke door. Ar>d wk a+ a!?o a+ -rkts loASg nriASic
We keAtr .fror* a yxeAvbg koAse? It must have lured zombies with music, as the volume is set
on the maximum right. A Noise token is set in the marked
Tiles needed: 1B, 5B, 5E & 6C. Zone at the beginning of the game and is not removed at
the end of each turn. At the cost of 1 Action, a Survivor can
destroy the TV and remove the Noise token for good.
• Zombie feast. Lured by the TV sound and the smell of
1- The right place to be. The previous owner obviously an open freezer, zombies have dig a hole in the ground and
died. There is plenty of food waiting to be eaten. All Survi keep on coming from the sewers to the fast food's back
vors have to eat in the fast food and get an Objective token room. The blue Spawn Zone activates if there is one or more
(see special rules) noise Token on the board (Survivors don't count).
2- Stock for the hard days to come. Reach the Exit with all
Survivors. Any Survivor may escape through this Zone at the
end of his turn, as long as there are no Zombies.
Note: Taking as many food cards as you can will give your
team a reward. Taking Objectives allows you to look for food Fast food Noise 1 Fatty and
cards in the Equipment pile. starting area Zone token 2 Walkers
Spawn Zone Door Objectives (5 XP)
• Burger assault. At the end of each Zombies' Phase, a
T T T T ▼▼▼
single Survivor standing in the fast food can receive an Ob
jective token. This token figures his full belly, is put on his ID
card and doesn't grant experience points. A Survivor can
carry only one of these tokens at any given time. It can't be
granted if any Zombie stand in the fast food or if you don't
have enough Objective tokens available (take Objectives on
the board to get some).
to play. Each food card discarded that way gives
back the Survivor all his Actions. He can spend
them again. Multiple food cards can be spent that
way in a row to refresh Actions.
This dangerous Mission requires a simple and robust plan.
Follow each step.
1- Seek and destroy. Explore each house, empty them of
Zombies and take all Objectives.
2- Assemble for the next operation. Reach the Player
starting area with all Survivors. You win if, at any End Phase,
they all stand here while there are no Zombies in the building
• Objective: 0 zombies. An Objective can only be taken if
there is no Zombie in the whole building containing it. Each
Objective gives 5 experience points to the Survivor who
takes it.
Ammo cards they have at the end of this Mis
sion. They begin their next Mission with them. All
other cards in inventories are discarded, including
Wounded cards.