Star Frontiers Players Guide

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The document provides an overview of character creation and equipment for a roleplaying game set in a science fiction universe.

The document discusses attributes like skills, hindrances, edges and primary skill areas that characters can have.

The document describes equipment categories like weapons, defenses, toolkits, robots, computers, vehicles and miscellaneous equipment that characters can acquire.



Forward and Acknowledgments
This conversion is an attempt to bring the original Star Frontiers game, published in 1980 by TSR, to the Savage Worlds system. The first printing
was released in a single box set and went under the name Star Frontiers. The original box set was later titled Star Frontiers Alpha Dawn after the
release of the expansion set Star Frontiers Knight Hawks, so as to not cause confusion between the two. Alpha Dawn was based primarily on the
players’ characters and their adventures on alien worlds. Knight Hawks expanded the game by introducing space ships and ship to ship combat
This conversion is focused on the Alpha Dawn set only. Vehicles, both ground and air borne within a planet’s atmosphere, are included. Characters
are shuttled around the galaxy, but no rules are included for the characters owning, piloting or being crew members of star ships.

The following were sources of inspiration in the development of this text: : This website has the original Star Frontiers game “digitally re-mastered” in PDF along with many fan
created articles and adventures. I STRONGLY recommend this site for any Star Frontiers fan.

Savage Star Frontiers by John Parker: Another Star Frontiers to Savage Worlds conversion whose weapons charts helped me
“flesh-out” my charts.

Science Fiction World Builder and Science Fiction Gear Toolkits by Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams, who in my opinion is THE guru
and best writer for Savage Worlds products.

Original Star Frontiers game design: TSR staff

Cover Art : Larry Elmore

Savage Worlds Conversion: Greg Bruni

STAR FRONTIERS, is a are trademark belonging to Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used here without permission. © 2001 Wizards of the
Coast. All Rights Reserved. The free distribution of this edition of the out-of-print game converted to the Savage Worlds system is not intended to detract income from
Wizards of the Coast.

Table of Contents

History 3 Weapons Descriptions 14

Introduction 4 Ammunition 16
Creating Characters 5 Defenses 17
Attributes 5 Toolkits 17
Languages 5 Miscellaneous Equipment 18
Secondary Statistics 5 Robots 20
Hindrances 5 Standard Robots 21
Edges 5 Customizing Robots 23
Skills 6 Computers 24
Primary Skill Areas 6 Parabatteries 25
Raising and Learning Skills 6 Vehicles 25
Computers, Knowledge Skill 6 Vehicle Power Sources 27
Computers, Repair Skill 7 Travel Range 27
Demolitions, Knowledge Skill 7 Other Forms of Transportation 27
Healing Skill 7 Weapons and Equipment Charts and Tables 28
Lockpicking Skill 8 Ranged Weapons 28
Machinery, Knowledge Skill 8 Ammunition 28
Repair 8 Melee Weapons 29
Robotics, Knowledge Skill 8 Power Sources 29
Science, Knowledge Skill 9 Defenses Chart 29
Races 10 Miscellaneous Equipment 30
Dralasites 10 Toolkits 30
Humans 11 Computers 30
Vrusk 12 Computer Programs 30
Yazirians 13 Standard Robot Cost Table 31
Equipment 14 Robot Design Cost Table 31
PSA Kits 14

Some of these planets have been claimed and settled by only one of
the four races, while others were set up in cooperation and have
mixed populations.

Besides these settled areas, the sector contains 21 unexplored star

systems that could have habitable (or inhabited) planets. No one has
explored the routes to these stars for navigational hazards, so no one
knows whether these stars even have planets. Even the settled sys-
tems are not fully explored. There are many moons, asteroid belts
History and uninhabited planets that are largely ignored in the day-to-day
business of earning a living in the Frontier. These areas could hold
lost alien treasures or rich deposits of precious metals and gems.
Near the center of a great spiral galaxy, where stars are much closer
Because they are isolated, these spots quickly become hiding places
together than Earth's sun and its neighbors, a Human race devel-
for outlaws and space pirates. Many of the settled planets them-
oped. They were not identical to the Humans of Earth, but they were
not very different, either. When these Humans discovered that waves selves are not fully explored. Most have been mapped by spaceships
and satellites that take pictures from orbit. Very few have been ex-
of sub-space pi-tachyon particles could cross interstellar space faster
than light, they realized they had found a link to the stars. A radio plored on the ground. When adventurers travel more than a few hun-
dred kilometers from a settlement, they are entering an area where
message that would have taken years to travel between stars could
be sent with subspace communicators in months or even weeks. The very few people have ever been. They could be the first people ever
to cross that land, or they could be walking in the footprints of a race
Humans started broadcasting news of themselves to the neighboring
that built a civilization and then collapsed, leaving its relics to be dis-
stars, and soon found they weren't alone.
covered centuries later. It’s a frontier waiting for discovery and adven-
The Humans made contact with an inventive race of insect-like crea- ture.
tures called Vrusk, who had developed limited space travel decades
earlier. One of the Vrusks' mining colonies had already contacted Picture Story
another race, the shape-changing Dralasites. The two races had
been exchanging information for several years. The Vrusk and Drala- The treacherous double agent aimed his needler pistol at me as he
sites were pleased to learn of another race. They sent a wealth of prepared to escape. I didn't think he could kill me with one shot from
scientific information to the Humans. Using this new knowledge, the
industrious Humans quickly developed interstellar spaceships.

The three races met in a large area of space known as the Frontier.
There they also discovered the Yazirians, a race of tall, maned hu-
manoids. Soon settled, worlds in the Frontier became melting pots
for the four races, with dazzling mixtures of architecture and alien

To supply the needs of these worlds, the first interstellar company,

the Pan-Galactic Corporation, was formed. It developed interests
everywhere, from scientific research to farming to spaceship build-
ing. PGC even created its own language, Pan-Galactic, which soon
became the most common language of all races on Frontier worlds.
Many large companies which started later were modeled on PGC, the small weapon, but I didn't want to find out. Dalmor was working
but none approach the size or power of the Pan-Galactic Corporation. for the Sathar, that mysterious, evil race of intelligent worms who were
trying to conquer and destroy peaceful worlds.
Then the Sathar appeared. No one knows where they came from or
why. They attacked and destroyed lonely systems on the edges of I knew he was ruthless. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my
explored space, moving slowly inward. Survivors described Sathars Vrusk partner, C'hting. The eightlegged insect man had faster re-
as wormlike creatures 3 to 4 meters long. That was all that was flexes than I, and I knew he was calculating whether he could draw
known about them, because they would rather kill themselves than be his blaster and fire before Dalmor could shoot.
captured. As the danger increased, the Humans, Dralasites, Vrusk
and Yazirians formed the United Planetary Federation (UPF) to de-
fend their worlds. The mysterious Sathar were forced back, but
before long they returned in a more sinister form.

The Sathar had learned that they could not beat the UPF in battle.
Instead, they began hiring Yazirian, Human, Dralasite and Vrusk
agents to sabotage interstellar trade and interfere with local gov-
ernments. The UPF created the Star Law Rangers, an interstellar
police force, to track the Sathar's agents from planet to planet and
fight them on their own terms. But despite the efforts of the Rang-
ers, the sly Sathar agents have become the most dangerous threat
ever to face the United Planetary Federation and the frontier corpo-

Today’s Frontier
STAR FRONTIERS adventures take place in an area of space
called the Frontier Sector, or simply the Frontier. The Frontier con-
tains 17 inhabited star systems, with a total of 23 colonized planets.

The thought was still in my mind when one of C'hting's arms flashed had to shoot him in public. I called to tell you that while we were inter-
in a lightning-swift draw. I dived to the floor as Dalmor swung his pis- rogating him we got a lead on a lime job you might...''
tol, but the needles whizzed harmlessly past C'hting and me.
C'hting's laser beam only grazed Dalmor as he dashed out the door. "Hold it, Beren," I growled. "You promised us we could take a week
We charged after him, but my curse was echoed by C'hting as we off after this mission and, by the stars, I'm going to take a week off!''
watched Dalmor leap aboard the monorail. C'hting and Bakchu rumbled in agreement, and Tiu looked disap-
We jumped into my waiting skimmer and maneuvered into traffic,
gliding smoothly above the road. ''It is fortunate Bakchu the Yazirian
is guarding the spaceport,'' C'hting rasped. "If that big monkey can't
handle Dalmor, no one can," I replied. "That's only if Dalmor's going
to the spaceport, though," I added. "There are two other monorail
terminals on the way. Maybe we can get to one of them before his
car does."

"All right," he said, "if you're not interested in 200 credits apiece, I'm
not going to force you to..." Two hundred credits! The three of us
looked at each other, and Bakchu curled his lips in a knowing smile.

"What's the job?" I asked.

The skimmer was running at top speed, but I clenched the controls in
frustration at every corner as the magnetic control fields slowed us to
a safe speed. We arrived at the terminal just as Dalmor's car was
pulling in.
Welcome to the Savage Worlds edition of Star Frontiers. A game of
Leaping from the skimmer, we ran to the exit ramp. Both C'hting and I science fiction adventure in which each player in the game plays a
crouched behind the polycrete wall and aimed our weapons at a very character either as a Human or alien living in the far future. Players
surprised Dalmor as he stepped from the car barely 10 meters away. use the same rules for making characters as given in the Savage
"You are under arrest, Dalmor. Do not move," clicked C'hting. With a Worlds Explorer’s Edition book with the following changes and addi-
desperate cry, Dalmor drew the needler from his coat. C'hting and I tions as shown below.
fired before he could aim. Both shots hit Dalmor and he sprawled
There are four playable races for players to choose from and more to
across the platform, unconscious but still alive.
come in optional additions to the game. These four races make up
the most predominant races which have mastered faster then light
travel and communications and thus populate the majority of the de-
veloped worlds.

Humans are similar to Earthmen, but these Humans developed on

another planet closer to the center of the galaxy. Humans are con-
sidered the average characters in Star Frontiers games, so their abili-
ties are not modified when the character is created.

Dralasites are rubbery, elastic aliens sometimes called “blobs.” They

can change their shape at will, creating as many artificial arms and
legs (pseudopods) as they need at the moment. They are stronger
than Humans, but are also slower. They enjoy philosophical debates
and have a very strange sense of humor; they love telling old jokes
and puns they hear from Humans.

Vrusk look like large insects, and are sometimes called “bugs.” They
are quicker than Humans, but are not as strong. Vrusk are excellent
businessmen and merchants. They love art, beauty and music.

Yazirians are tall, light-boned humanoids with furry manes around

their necks. Humans nicknamed them “monkeys” because they look
a little like chimpanzees. Thin membranes that stretch between their
arms, torso and legs allowed Yazirians to glide between the trees on
After filing our reports with our contact at the Pan-Galactic Corpora- their native planet. They are generally smarter and quicker than the
tion, C'hting, Bakchu and I drove to the Spacer's Rest to celebrate other races, but are not as strong. Their eyes are very sensitive to
over a few mugs of thick Yazirian ale. We were discussing what we light, so they usually wear dark goggles during the day. Yazirians
would do with the 100 credits each of us had earned for the mission were very warlike in the past, and are still considered pushy and ag-
when all three of our communicators signaled incoming calls at once. gressive by other races.
Bakchu snarled in dismay when the face of Beren Tiu, our contact at
PGC, appeared on the tiny screens. "Ah, I'm glad I've got all of you
together," he smiled. "Nice job on Dalmor, though it's a shame you
Creating Characters Ace
Level Headed,
Imp. Level Headed

Players choose from one of the four races given. The full description Alertness p.20 Luck, p.21
and Special abilities for each race are given on the following pages. Ambidextrous p.20 Great Luck

Attributes Attractive, p.21 Marksman p.24

Ve r y A t t r a c t i v e McGyver p.30
Unless stated specifically in a race’s description, each Attribute starts Berserk p.21 Mighty Blow p.34
at a d4. As with normal Savage Worlds character creation, each Block, p.23 M r. F i x I t * p.30
player has 5 points to distribute amongst their five Attributes; Agility,
Improved Block Natural Leader p.26
Smarts, Spirit, Strength and Vigor. The point cost to raise an attrib-
Brawny p.21 Nerves of Steel, p.24
ute is 1 point per die type, which may be modified by one’s chosen
race. No Attribute may be raised higher than a d12. Charismatic p.31 Imp. Nerves of Steel
Combat Reflexes p.23 Noble p.21
Languages Command p.26 No Mercy p.25

All of the four major races speak a common language known as Pan Common Bond p.31 Professional, p.35
Galactic, or common. Other races and creatures may have their own Connections p.32 Expert,
language which will be given in their description. Players may choose Danger Sense p.33 Master
to speak one or more of these languages as a separate skill for each. Dead Shot p.34 Quick p.22
The GM will have to let the players know if a race or creature will be
Dodge, p.23 Quick Draw p.25
common in their campaign and what language that being speaks.
Improved Dodge Rich, p.22
Characters may also purchase a device known as a Poly-vox, which Fast Healer p.21 Filthy Rich
translates spoken languages into another language form. This device
Fervor p.26 Rock and Roll p.25
is further explained in the equipment section.
FIrst Strike, p.23 Scholar p.30
Secondary Statistics Improved First Strike SIdekick p.35
Fleet Footed p.23 Steady Hands p.25
A character’s secondary statistics; Charisma, Parry, Toughness and
Pace, are determined as per original Savage Worlds rules. Some Florentine p.23 Strong will p.32
races such as the Dralasite and Vrusk have modifiers to their Pace. Followers p.34 Sweep, p.25
The Yazirian also has the Glide ability for movement which is ex- F r e n z y, p.23 Improved Sweep
plained in their race description. Improved Frenzy Thief p.31

Hindrances Giant Killer p.24 To u g h a s N a i l s , p.35

Hard to Kill, p.24 I m p . To u g h a s N a i l s
Players may choose one Major Hindrance and up to two Minor Hin- Harder to Kill Tr a d e m a r k We a p o n , p.25
drances as per original Savage Worlds rules. All Hindrances from the Healer p.33 I m p . T r. W e a p o n
Explorer’s Edition book are used in Star Frontiers except Doubting
Hold the Line p.26 Tw o - f i s t e d p.26
Inspire p.26 W e a p o n M a s t e r, p.35
New Hindrances Investigator p.29 Master of Arms
J a c k - o f - a l l - Tr a d e s p.30 Woodsman p.31
Xenophobe (MInor/Major)
The character has an intolerance of other races. This intolerance is
for sentient races and not towards alien “creatures”. As a Minor Hin- New Edges
drance the character suffers a -2 Charisma modifier when dealing
with other races, or to initial reactions if that character’s intolerance is Martial Arts (Novice, Fighting d6, Military PSA)
known by others. As a Major Hindrance the modifier is -4. Through military training your character has been trained to use his/
her body as a weapon. Your character does Str+ d4 damage with his/
Space Sickness (Minor or Major) her hands and fee.t and when fighting unarmed your character is con-
Your character becomes ill and disorientated when in zero gravity sidered armed. In addition, opponents do not receive a gang up bo-
environments. Whenever your character enters 0- gravity (free fall) nus against you. Shock gloves may be used with this edge doing the
he/she must make a Vigor roll or become Shaken. Each round after, damage listed under the Shock gloves themselves.
the character must make a Vigor roll to become unshaken. On sub-
sequent rounds, once the character is unshaken, they suffer a -2 to Secondary Skill Area (Novice, Smarts d8)
their Agility rolls during combat for the sake of losing control (as per Your character is adept at learning skills. You may choose another
Weightless combat). In campaigns where zero gravity environments Skill Area as being your Secondary Skill Area. All skills in this Secon-
for the characters will be uncommon, Space Sickness is considered a dary Area are purchased as if they were skills in one’s Primary Skill
Minor hindrance. Area, thus they do not suffer the cost penalty as they would for learn-
ing skills outside your Primary Skill Area. The cost for learning or
Edges increasing a skill higher then the skill’s linked attribute still applies.

Zero-G Tolerance (Seasoned, Agility d8)

Players may purchase Edges as per the original Savage Worlds rules.
Your character has become accustomed to functioning in zero gravity
The following is a list of Edges from the Explorer’s Edition book which
environments. Whenever your character makes an Agility roll during
most closely fit the Star Frontiers universe. The Explorer’s Edition
combat to maintain control in zero gravity, your character receives a
book page number is given next to each Edge. Humans receive one
+2 to his or her roll.
free Edge as per original Savage Worlds rules.

Skills A character can learn a new skill or skill level from a teacher in two
Skills in Star Frontiers works the same as the original Savage PRACTICE Characters with enough experience points for an ad-
Worlds rules, with some slight differences. Starting characters vance may learn new skills or skill levels simply by practicing. This is
receive 16 points to distribute amongst their skills, with Humans not always possible, however, especially with skills that require spe-
receiving 2 bonus points. cial equipment. The amount of time required is up to the GM.

Skill Points and PSA’s All three of these methods are optional. Some referees may want to
ignore this rule, and simply allow players to pick new skills when their
In Star Frontiers players take on the roles of Galactic peace keepers, characters have earned enough experience points. Training is more
agents, explorers or mercenaries. Each character either has, or had, realistic, but also more complicated.
a career within the Pan-Galactic Rangers and as such was trained in
an area of expertise. The skill list is categorized into three areas PSA Skills
called Primary Skill Areas or PSAs, and one list called common skills.
PSA’s reflect the specialized training the character received in their Military Technological Bio-Social
career. Climbing Investigation Climbing
When a player creates a character they choose a PSA that their char-
acter was trained in. With the 16 points that a character is given for Fighting Know. , Computers Healing
skills, the player may distribute 12 of these points on skills in the list of
their chosen PSA. These are called PSA Points. The cost is a 1 Intimidation Know. , Machinery Investigation
point for one die ratio up to the skill’s linked Attribute, and then 2
points for each die increase beyond the skill’s linked Attribute as per Know. , Demolitions Knowledge, Robotics Know. , Science
original Savage Worlds rules. Skills chosen outside one’s PSA with
these 12 PSA Points cost one extra point per die type purchased. Shooting Lockpicking Persuasion

Of the initial 16 skill points, 4 may be spent outside of one’s PSA on Stealth Repair, Computers Stealth
skills either from another PSA list, or from the skills listed on the
Common skills list at no cost penalty. These 4 points reflect per- Survival Repair, Machinery Streetwise
sonal interests or training outside one’s career. Humans receive 2
skill points as a racial bonus. These skill points are added to their Throwing Repair, Robots Survival
personal interest points.
Piloting Tracking
Example: Steve plans to make a character with the Technician PSA.
From his 12 PSA points, he spends 2 points in Knowledge Computers
(which is within his PSA) and thus starts out with a d6 in that skill.
However he also wants his character to have Stealth (which is outside Common Skills
his PSA). He spends 2 points in Stealth only acquiring it at a d4 be-
cause of the extra point cost for Stealth not being within his PSA. If Boating Notice
he uses 2 points from the 4 points which reflect personal interests to
acquire the Stealth skill, he could avoid the cost penalty and his Driving Riding
Stealth would be at a d6 for only 2 points.
Gambling Swimming
Raising and Learning Skills Guts Taunt

When players earn an advance, and want their characters to learn a

new skill, or raise existing skills, they may do so in the following man- Most skills follow the original Savage Worlds rules descriptions, a few
ner; are explained below as to how they function within the Star Frontiers
Each Advance one may:
• Raise two skills within their PSA, that are below their linked attrib-
utes one die type each. Computers, Knowledge (Smarts)
• Raise one skill within their PSA that is above its linked attribute one
die type. Computer programs have levels ranging from 1 through 5, depending
• Raise only one skill outside their PSA (which is either above or be- on their complexity. Each level is interpreted as a die level, for exam-
low its linked attribute) one die type. ple: a level 1 program would be a d4, level 2 a d6 etc. Computers
• Learn a new skill either within or outside of one’s PSA. also have levels from 1 through 5, depending on what programs they
hold. These levels are explained in the descriptions of computers in
When characters learn new skills or increase a skill they must be the Equipment section.
trained somehow. Three methods are described below. Each time a specialist tries to perform a task, a skill roll is required.
HYPNO-TRAINING Hypno-training is a teaching system that involves This roll is an opposed roll based on the specialist’s skill die type ver-
hypnotism, memorization and the use of drugs that improve the sus the Program’s level die type. Computer specialists get only one
mind’s ability to learn. A character with enough experience for an chance to try a skill roll on a computer per task. If the roll fails, they
advance may learn a new skill or increase a skill level at a hyno- may not make further attempts at that task. If the computer was built
training center in five days (100 hours) for 100 Cr. by aliens (not Dralasites, Humans, Vrusk or Yazirians) the success
rate for the skill roll is modified by -2.
TEACHERS A character with enough experience points for an ad-
vance may learn a new skill or skill level from another character. The
teacher’s skill level must be at least 1 level higher than the student’s.
The various tasks a computer specialist may perform are; defeating or Demolitions, Knowledge (Smarts)
by-passing security, displaying information, manipulating programs,
interfacing computers and writing programs. There are two tasks to the demolitions skill: set charge and defuse
charge. Only a character with demolitions skill can legally buy or use
Defeating/ By-passing Security explosives or detonators. Tornadium D-19, sometimes called
If a computer has a Computer Security program, characters must kaboomite, is the standard explosive.
break or bypass this program before they can perform any other skill
task except repair. Defeating a security program involves a Setting Charges
decoding process that can take a long time. Characters trying to Only characters with demolitions skill can set charges. The number of
break security must spend 1-4 hours working at the computer. The Rounds needed to set a charge is as follows:
specialist may try to reduce this time by half, but there is a -1 to their Skill Level Number of Rounds
skill roll. d4 5
A computer specialist can bypass a security program manually by d6 4
rewiring the computer. This takes only 1d l0 minutes, but has several d8 3
disadvantages: the chance for success is lower (-2 to skill roll), it re- d10 2
quires a robcomkit, and failing the roll will set off every alarm the d12+ 1
computer has. If a character fails the skill check to set and detonate the charge, the
charge has not exploded and must be re-set. The referee should feel
Displaying Information free to have the charge explode prematurely or late. A critical failure
A specialist can use this skill to display any information in the com- on the character’s skill roll results in the charge exploding during the
puter's memory. It is especially useful for getting lists of programs that setting of the charge.
are stored in the computer, personal records, and raw, unprocessed Charges can be detonated by timer, radio signal or weapon fire. A
data that is loaded and waiting to be fed into a program. A specialist timer lets the character set a time when the charge will explode. The
gets a +2 modifier if he is trying to display information about a timer can be adjusted to delay from 1 second to 60 hours. If a
program he knows. He can display information about programs he chronocom or subspace radio is available, charges can be set to ex-
wrote in the computer with no skill roll required. If a specialist dis- plode when a particular signal is beamed at them. The chance to ex-
plays an item successfully, he never needs to roll to display it again. plode a charge with a radio beam incurs a -1 to the skill roll.

Manipulating Programs Diffusing Charges

A computer specialist has a chance to successfully run a program, A demolitions expert can try to defuse a charge that was set by an-
change it or purge it from the computer. This is a normal skill roll ver- other expert. Defusing a charge takes one round no matter what level
sus the program’s level as explained above. If the program is one that the expert is. The expert's chance to succeed is an opposed roll
the character has learned, he gets a +2 bonus to his roll. based on the skill level of the one who set the charge. A character can
A specialist can run a program automatically if it is one he pro- defuse one of his own charges automatically.
grammed into the computer himself, or if he has run it successfully in
this computer before. Also a character can purge a program auto- Healing (Smarts)
matically if he wrote it in the computer.
The following rules make some slight changes to the standard healing
Interfacing Computers rules in Savage worlds. A character that has the Healing skill is called
This task lets a character try to link two computers together, either by a medic. Medics need a medkit to use their skill. If a medic does not
connecting them with wires, communication lines or radio link. Once have a medkit then there is a -2 to their Healing skill rolls. Standard
the two computers are linked, the computer specialist can perform all Savage Worlds rules for wound modifiers also apply. If the patient is
tasks (except bypass security and repair) from either computer. The an animal or an unfamiliar alien, all skill rolls to heal the patient suffers
skill test is resolved using the highest level of the two computers. a -2 modifier.

Writing Programs Administering Stimdose

Computer specialists learn to write their own programs. For every skill A medic can use one dose of Stimdose to revive an incapacitated or
level the specialist gains, he learns how to write two computer pro- shaken character, or to restore the immediate negative affects to a
grams. The player should pick a program from the list of programs in character that was poisoned or contracted a disease or infection.
the Equipment section. When a specialist writes a program, its level is Some poisons or diseases that have recurring effects may require the
the same as his current level, no matter when he learned the pro- medic to make a Healing roll to cure the poison or disease, as de-
gram. For example, a computer specialist that learned the Installation scribed below. Stimdose can only be given by a medic. If more than
Security program at d4 Computers skill level, can write a 4th level one dose is given in a 20-hour period, the second dose has no effect.
(d10) Installation Security program when he reaches d10 in his Com-
puters skill. Administering Staydose
A specialist that knows how to write a particular type of program can A medic can use one dose of Staydose to place an individual in a
buy that type of program, (regardless of level) at half-price for his own state of arrested animation if the character has suffered up to five
computer. He also gains a +2 bonus when trying to manipulate that wounds (but no more than 5) and died. The Staydose must be ad-
type of program or detect security on it in any computer. ministered within 1 minute after death. The character immediately
stabilizes but remains unconscious and must seek medical attention
Computers, Repair (Smarts) in a hospital (or facility with supplies beyond a field medkit) within 24
hours. Any effects from poisons, diseases or infections within the
When computers break down or are damaged, they can be repaired character also halt for the 24 hour time while in this state.
only by a computer specialist. The level of the computer does not
affect the specialist's chance to repair it. Computers are repaired
according to the original Savage Worlds repair rules.

First Aid Lockpicking (Agility)
A medic can heal 1 wound level automatically (no skill roll is needed)
by using one dose of Biocort plus any appropriate items from the Lockpicking is used for both mechanical and electronic locks and de-
medkit (local anesthetics, plastiflesh spray, etc.) Only one shot of Bio- fenses. Below is a list of some examples as to what may be found in
cort can be given to a character in a 20-hour period. If a second shot the Star Frontiers universe:
is given within 20 hours, it has no effect. Biocort has no effect on poi-
sons, infections or diseases. Simple Mechanical and Electrical locks
Motion and Pressure Sensitive alarms or defenses
Infra-red Beams and Sound Sensitive alarms
Video surveillance
Heat Sensitive alarms
Personalized Recognition Devices (fingerprints, voice patterns, etc.)

Machinery, Knowledge (Smarts)

This skill gives the technician working knowledge of any machinery
not covered by the Computers or Robotics skills. Devices including
weapons, Para-batteries, power plants, heavy weapons batteries,
generators, vehicles etc. If the device is of alien origin the technici-
an’s skill roll suffers a -2 modifier.

Repair (Smarts)
The repair skill has been split into three separate skills; Computers,
Machinery and Robots. In Star Frontiers, skill at repairing one of
these types of devices does not grant the character skill with the oth-
Surgery ers. If a computer, robot or type of machinery is of alien design, the
A medic may perform surgery on a character who has suffered one or technician has a -2 to his repair skill roll. Computers and Robotics
more wound levels. A success heals up to two wounds and three repair require the use of a Robcom kit while Machinery repair requires
wounds on a raise. Normal modifiers for wounds for the patient and/ a Techkit. Both of these kits are further detailed in the equipment
or medic apply to the skill roll. One dose of Biocort and anesthetic per section.
wound level are used during the surgery. This use of Biocort is in
addition to any that may have been used with first aid. If the skill roll Robotics, Knowledge (Smarts)
fails, the Biocort and anesthetic are still used.
A robotics expert specializes in robots. Robots are complex, mobile
Activating Freeze Fields machines that are designed to perform specific jobs. Each robot has a
A freeze field is a device that places a body in stasis and preserves it level ranging from 1 through 6. Several types of robots and further
until it can be revived. Only a medic can activate a freeze field cor- explanation of their levels and missions are discussed in the equip-
rectly by making a Healing roll. No modifiers for the wounded patient ment section. If the robot is of alien design, then the robotics special-
apply to the medic’s roll, but any wounds the medic has does. ist has a -2 modifier on his Robotics knowledge and repair skill rolls.
A freeze field must be activated within two minutes after death, or the A character must have a robcom kit to work on a robot.
body can not be revived. Activating the field takes five Rounds. The
process can be interrupted, as long as the field is completely acti- Adding Equipment
vated within the two-minute time limit. If the medic does not pass his A robotics specialist can install new equipment on a robot himself with
Healing roll to activate the field and there is at least one minute left in a successful Robotics Knowledge skill roll. Adding equipment re-
the time limit, he has two options: he can make a second attempt to quires both the Robotics Knowledge and Robotics Repair skills.
activate the field, or he can inject the body with Staydose. If the sec-
ond attempt to activate the field fails, the body can not be revived. Activate / Deactivate
Freeze fields are further described in the equipment section A robotics specialist can deactivate (turn off) a robot regardless of its
level by making an opposed Robotics Knowledge roll versus the ro-
Curing Infection, Diseases and Toxins bot’s Smarts. The expert also can activate robots that have been de-
Controlling infection requires a dose of Omnimycin and a successful activated with no roll necessary.
Healing roll. If the attempt fails, the Omnimycin is used up and the However, before a robotics specialist can deactivate the robot, list its
infection is out of control. The effects and/ or damage caused by the programs, or alter its programs or mission, he must get at the robot's
infection varies for each infection. internal circuitry. This requires removing a protective plate. The plate
Curing a disease requires a dose of Antibody plus and a successful can be removed in one round even if the robot is fighting the charac-
Healing roll. If the attempt fails, the antibody plus has been used up ter. The character must make a successful Grapple attack against the
and the disease has not been cured. A 24 hour period must pass robot. On the following round (assuming the character maintains the
before the medic can make another attempt. “grapple”) the character removes the protective plate on the internal
Neutralizing a poison inside a victim's body requires a dose of circuitry. Once the plate is off, the robot can be deactivated in one
Antitox and a successful Healing roll. Poisons have varying round.
strengths and effects. Most cause temporary or permanent Ability
loss. Neutralizing a poison stops the poison from causing any more Listing Programs / Missions
damage, but does not heal damage the poison already caused. Abil- A robotics specialist can learn a robot's exact mission and programs.
ity loss usually heals over time from over several hours to several This is an opposed Robotics Knowledge roll versus the robot’s
Smarts. Once a character has successfully listed the robot's No Malfunction - The robot continues to function normally.
program's or mission, he can always list them in the future with no roll
required. Program Destroyed - One of the robot's programs (picked randomly
by the referee) has been destroyed. If the program was an Edge this
Adding /Altering Programs or Missions may alter some of the robot’s skills or Secondary Characteristics. If all
Adding programs or missions to a robot must be done one at a time. the programs in a robot are destroyed, the robot shuts itself off.
It takes 1d10 minutes per added program or mission and the charac-
ter must make a Robotics Knowledge roll separately for each program Short Circuit - The robot is still operating, but has been damaged.
or mission added. For example, a robot with a short circuit might stop suddenly every
A robotics specialist can try to alter a robot's mission. This takes 1d10 other turn, or rattle and spark while it works. The referee chooses an
minutes plus the robot's level and requires an opposed Robotics appropriate Hindrance or effect for the robot.
Knowledge roll versus the robot’s Smarts. Once a mission has been
changed, changing it back to the original mission requires another roll. Haywire - The robot is completely out of control. It might attack at
If the new mission requires programs the robot does not have, the random, spin in circles, recite the Gettysburg Address, or do anything
robot will still try to follow its new mission however it can. else the referee thinks fits the situation.

Robot Malfunctions Explosion - The robot's parabattery explodes, causing 2d6 points of
If a character rolls a 1 on both the skill die and Wild die while trying to damage multiplied by the parabattery's type to the robotics specialist
add or alter a robot's mission, or add a program, the robot can mal- and robot.
function. When this happens, the referee should roll d100 on the Mal-
function Table. Science, Knowledge (Smarts)

Robot Malfunction Table The Science skill is a “catch-all” skill for all of the general scientific
fields, such as Geology, Biology, Astronomy, Physics, Archaeology
01- 25 No Malfunction etc. Rather than have a player choose each skill separately, (and
26- 50 Program Destroyed thus spend all their skill points) they are all summed up in the
51- 75 Short Circuit “Science” skill.
76- 90 Haywire
91- 100 Explosion

Physical Appearance and

Dralasites are short, rubbery aliens that have no bones or hard

body parts. Their skin is a flexible membrane that is very tough and
scratchy. It generally is dull grey and lined with dark veins that
meet at the Dralasite’s two eyespots.

The internal structure of a Dralasite is very different from the other

races. The Dralasite’s central nerve bundle (brain), numerous
small hearts and other internal organs float in a pudding-like mix-
ture of protein and organic fluids. Dralasite’s breathe by absorbing
oxygen directly through their skin, so they have no lungs. They are
omnivores, but eat by surrounding their food and absorbing it, so
they also have no digestive tract or intestines.

All Dralasites go through male, female and neutral stages during

their lives (these phases can be controlled with medicines). Males
release spores into the air, which drift until they become attached to
a female. A young Dralastie then “sprouts” from its mother, eventu-
ally maturing and dropping off.

Senses average size: 1.3 m tall, 1 m wide

The most important sense of a Dralasite is smell. They breathe average mass: 65 kg
directly through their skin, and the entire membrane is sensitive to average life span: 250 years
odors. Their sense of smell is so keen they can identify persons by reproduction: hermaphroditic, budding
smell alone and can recognize familiar smells on objects or per- body temperature: 30 C
sons. The membrane also is sensitive to touch and to vibrations,
allowing Daralasites to hear and feel.
Speech Dralasites are very fond of Vrusk, because they think Vrusk have
funny shapes. They get along well with Humans but are careful not
Dralasites have a voice box, but it works like a bellows because
to upset Yazirians, who they consider too violent.
they have no lungs. A Dralasite’s voice can vary from a soft whis-
per to a thundering roar and from a bass rumble to a piercing
screech. Among themselves, they also use shapes, odors and Special Abilities
touch to communicate.
Dralasites start with a d6 in Strength instead of a d4. Dralasites are
Society and Customs slower then most races, Pace -2

Dralasites are philosophical and thoughtful. Their communities are Elasticity (Novice): Multiple arms and legs at will. They may have
small, and many Dralasites prefer to live alone. Dralasites do not only as many pseudo-pods’ equal to their Agility die in any combi-
care about wealth, power or status symbols. They judge them- nation. It takes about 5 minutes to grow or absorb a limb. Only one
selves by the quality ideas and their ability to discuss important limb may be grown at a time and they may only be up to 1/2" (1
ideas wisely. Dralasites often hold large public meetings to discuss meter) long and 10 cm thick (about 4 inches). They are not auto-
new ideas. Discussions and debates are among their favorite ways matically ambidextrous. Even though a Dralasite can have many
to relax. arms, it can not fire more than two weapons at once. For every
“leg” beyond 2, (to a maximum of 4) that a Dralasite has, they in-
Steam baths are another favorite Dralasite recreation. They mix crease their Pace by 1. When a Dralasite player creates limbs, he
perfumes and intoxicants with the steam. These effects Dralasites must state which is the dominant limb unless the character possess
the same way alcohol does a Human or Yazirian. the Ambidextrous Edge.

Dralasites are widely known for their strange sense of humor. They Keen Smell (Novice) Dralasites add +2 to Notice rolls based on
love old jokes and puns that make Humans groan. Many Human smell.
comedians who could not find work in Human cities have become
rich performing on Dralasite worlds. Lie Detection (Novice): All Dralasites can make a Notice roll at -2
to determine if they are being lied to.
Dralasites do not normally wear clothing, because it makes breath-
ing difficult and interferes with their sense of smell. They usually Enhanced Lie Detection (Lie Detection, Seasoned): Notice roll
carry their equipment on web belts. When they must wear clothing with no penalty to determine if they are being lied to.
to protect themselves, they use special materials that let air reach
Truth Sayer (Lie Detection, Enhanced Lie Detection, Veteran):
their skin.
Notice roll at +2 to determine if they are being lied to.

Physical Appearance and
Typical adult Humans are approximately 2 meters tall, and have
two arms and two legs. They are warm-blooded omnivores with
internal skeletons. Both hands have four fingers and one oppos-
able thumb, which allows them to grip and use tools. Their arms
are jointed at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. Their legs are similar,
being jointed at the hip, knee and ankle. Humans walk upright.

Human skin color varies over a wide range, including pale white
and pink, tan, pale yellow, red, brown and black. This color does
not change as the Human matures. Most Humans have hair cover-
ing the top and back of the head, and males also have hair on their
chins and throats. Hair color varies from white and yellow to red,
brown and black, gradually changing to grey as the Human ages.

Humans have color vision, sensing the spectrum between infrared
and ultraviolet wavelengths. They have good depth and motion
perception. Their hearing covers a range from 16 to 27,000 cycles
per second, with good separation and direction sensing qualities.
Their skin is touch sensitive. Their senses of taste and smell are
not as highly developed as their sight.

Speech average size: 1.9 m tall

average mass: 80 kg (male), 55 kg (female)
Humans speak by forcing air from their lungs through a larynx or average life span: 200 years
voice box and shaping sounds with their lips and tongue. They can reproduction: heterosexual, viviparous
create a wide range of sounds, and have no difficulty speaking body temperature: 37 C
Pan-Galactic and Yazirian languages.

Society and Customs
Human society centers around the family. A family generally con-
sists of a father, a mother and 1 to 10 children. Families usually Humans are one of the most open and accepting of the known
group together into communities for mutual support and protection. races. They get along very well with Dralasites, and their similarity
Community size varies widely; several Human cities are known to to Yazirians usually is strong enough to overcome the usual nega-
have populations above 5 million. tive reaction to a Yazirian's pushiness. Many Humans, however, are
mildly nervous around Vrusk. Human psychologists blame this on
Of all the star-faring races, Humans are the most varied. As a race the Vrusk's resemblance to a giant insect. (Many Humans dislike
they are not as warlike as the Yazirians, as businesslike as the insects, and some are actually afraid of them.)
Vrusk or as thoughtful as the Dralasites. Yet, individual Humans
can be found who surpass even the most violent Yazirians, the
most dedicated Vrusk and the most philosophical Dralasites. Hu-
Special Abilities
mans tend to value individuality and personal freedom more than
Humans emphasize on training and education more than the other
anything else, but they do not hesitate to work together to reach a
common goal or to protect themselves from attack. races, so Human characters start with 2 extra skill points in addition
to the free edge as stated in the Savage Worlds rule book. These
To members of the other races, the most puzzling aspect of Human extra skill points are Personal skill points as explained under Skills,
behavior is their curiosity and love of adventure. Many Humans are below.
willing to put themselves in great danger simply to see something
new or go somewhere no one has ever gone before. Some Hu-
mans (a very small percentage) seem to actually enjoy being in
danger, thriving on the excitement of a life-or-death situation. This
type of behavior has never been observed in normal members of
the other races. Even the Yazirians, known for their violence and
fits of rage, try to avoid taking unnecessary risks. This spirit of ad-
venture has served Humans well, however, as most major explora-
tion missions organized by local governments or private companies
are led by a Human.

Physical Appearance and
Vrusk look like large insects. Eight legs grow from their abdomen,
four on each side. Their torso is upright in front of the abdomen. The
torso is humanoid, with two arms connected at the shoulders. The
head is above the shoulders. Vrusk hands are circular pads with five
fingers spaced evenly around the edge. A Vrusk's shoulders are
double-jointed, so they can rotate their arms in a full circle without
straining any muscles. They can reach any point on their abdomen or
behind their backs easily.

A Vrusk's body is covered by a carapace (hard shell). This shell is

jointed at the Vrusk's elbows, hips, knees, etc. The carapace protects
the Vrusk from bruises, cuts, scratches and other minor injuries. Un-
like insects, Vrusk have an internal skeleton to support their bodies.
Young Vrusk have a blue carapace with bright orange near the joints.
As the Vrusk gets older, its carapace changes to dull green with yel-
low joints.

Vrusk have large eyes that are protected by a hard, clear covering.
The mouth is surrounded by four eating mandibles. The two larger
mandibles hold food while the small ones tear it apart and place it in
the mouth. They are omnivores. Vrusk have lungs, and breathe
through many small nostrils under their abdomens. This arrangement
makes it difficult for Vrusk to swim. average size: 1.5 m tall, 1.5 m long
average mass: 85 kg
Senses average life span: 175 years
reproduction: heterosexual, ovoviviparous
Vrusk have very good color vision, but they see more of the short
body temperature: 38 C
wavelengths (blue and ultraviolet light) than Humans do, and less of
the long wavelengths (orange and red). Their sense of smell is cen-
tered in their antennae, and is slightly better than a Human's. They
also can touch with their antennae. Their hearing is about the same beauty makes them unwilling to get into fights that do not involve
as a Human's. their company. However, Vrusk that are defending their company will
do any thing to remove the threat permanently. Vrusk adventurers,
Speech however, do not belong to a company. Some are independent busi-
nessmen, some are company employees who were fired and some
Vrusk speak by combining clicks produced by their mandibles and
buzzes produced by a plate in their mouths. are just too rebellious to put up with company rules. A few start their
own companies and eventually become leaders in their communities.
Society and Customs
Vrusk are hard-working and practical. Their society is organized
around independent corporations. To a Vrusk, the company he works Vrusk get along well with the other three races. They respect the
for is his family and his nation. The company determines everything Yazirian custom of choosing a life enemy, and feel at ease around
about the Vrusk's life; who he lives with, what his job is, where he Dralasites because they are careful and skillful planners (though they
travels, etc. Vrusk give their company name before their personal are annoyed by the Dralasites' sense of humor). They understand
name. Humans the least because, to a Vrusk, Humans seem unpredictable
and a little lazy.
Vrusk have two types of corporations: conglomerates and trade
houses. Conglomerates have business interests in many areas. A Special Abilities
single conglomerate might have divisions that build computers, oper-
ate farms, train lawyers and set up colonies. A Vrusk that works for a Vrusk start with a d6 in Smarts instead of a d4. Vrusk are faster than
conglomerate usually works for only one division, and might not even most races, Pace is +2.
know what other divisions the company owns. Trade houses, which
are more common in the Frontier, specialize in one type of business. Ambidextrous (Novice): Vrusk ignore the -2 penalty for using
Because all Vrusk working for a trade house do the same work, trade their off-hand
houses usually work together. For example, a trade house that builds
Comprehension: Because Vrusk have such a complicated society,
farming equipment would hire accountants from an accounting house
they are able to understand all sorts of social dealings. It is the ability
to keep their financial records. Business between companies is regu-
to figure out any type of social dealing that the player them self can-
lated by laws that are so complex no one besides Vrusk have ever
not. This ability adds +2 to all Common Knowledge rolls in this situa-
fully understood them.
Vrusk also love beauty, harmony and order. The goal of most Vrusk is
to become wealthy, collect art, and live in peace. Their love for
Physical Appearance and

Yazirians are tall, thin humanoids. They have long arms and legs
and slender torsos. Two large flaps of skin grow on either side of
their bodies, attached along their arms, torso and legs. When a Yazir-
ian raises its arms, this membrane is stretched tight and forms a sort
of wing. Under certain conditions (explained under Gliding). Yazir-
ians can glide short distances using these wings.

Yazirians have muzzles and high foreheads, giving them an animal-

like appearance. Their heads are surrounded by manes and collars
of hair, which varies in color from glossy black to pale yellow. Their
skin color ranges from gray to light tan. Because their bodies do not
sweat, Yazirians pant to keep cool. They are omnivores.

Yazirians have four knuckles (one more than Humans) on their fin-
gers and toes. The inside toe is opposed like a thumb, allowing them
to grasp things with their feet. The tips of their fingers and toes end in
broad, ribbed pads, giving them an excellent grip. These characteris-
tics, combined with their animallike appearance, earned them the
nickname "monkeys."

Senses average size: 2.1 m tall

average mass: 60 kg (male), 50 kg (female)
Yazirians’ senses of hearing, smell and taste are equivalent to a Hu- average life span: 140 years
man’s. Because they evolved from nocturnal hunters, however, their reproduction: heterosexual, viviparous
eyes are adapted to seeing in dim light. They can not see in com- body temperature: 39 C
plete darkness. They usually wear dark goggles when they must
work in sunlight. Yazirian that dies without having chosen a life-enemy is considered
Yazirians have no trouble speaking Human languages or Pan-
Galactic. Their own language is a combination of Human-type In general, Yazirians like Vrusk and Humans. They occasionally lose
sounds and snarls and growls. their patience with Dralasites, because they are slow and would
rather discuss ideas than act on them.
Society and Customs
Special Abilities
Yazirian communities are divided into large, loosely organized clans.
All the members of a clan are related to each other. In the past, clan Yazirians start out with a d6 in both Smarts and Agility instead of a
ties were very strong. The clans had traditional enemies and allies, d4. However they are not as strong as other races, Strength cost x2.
and they struggled constantly for power and land. Since the Yazir- Example: It costs two attribute points to raise one’s Strength from a
ians moved into space, they have learned to cooperate more and the d4 to a d6.
clans have become less important. Despite this, Yazirians still have a
reputation throughout the Frontier as proud, fierce fighters. Flight (Gliding) Yazirians can glide short distances using the mem-
branes along their sides. A Yazirian can glide 1” (2 meters) for every
A custom Yazirians have kept intact is the selection of a life-enemy. meter he is above the ground when he starts. He must start at least
When a Yazirian chooses a life enemy, he dedicates his life to de- 10 meters (5”) above the ground. The maximum distance a Yazirian
stroying, overcoming or outdoing that enemy as completely as possi- can glide depends on the gravity of the planet, as shown below.
ble. In the past, a Yazirian would choose an enemy clan or clan
member as his life-enemy, but now the choice is much wider. A Ya- Gravity Max. Glide
zirian scientist could name an incurable disease as his life-enemy, or .6 300m (150”)
.7 200m (100”)
a Yazirian trader could choose a competing company. The scientist
.8 100m (50”)
would try to find a cure for the disease; the trader would try to build .9 50m (25”)
up his own company so it is more powerful than his enemy's, or even 1.0 20m (10”)
try to drive the other company out of business.
Battle Rage (Novice, Berzerk): Yazirians train themselves to go ber-
A Yazirian gains honor by striving to defeat his enemy. Yazirians with serk in battle. The Yazirian does not have to wait until it receives a
powerful life-enemies are respected and admired. A Yazirian that wound to make the Smarts roll. With a raise, they may use skills that
defeats its enemy does not need to choose another, but some Yazir- require concentration they would otherwise be unable to use
ians do. There is no set point in a Yazirian's life when he must
choose a life-enemy, and some Yazirians never choose one. A Low Light Vision: Yazirians can see without penalty in dim light,
however they must wear goggles while in bright light or sunlight or
suffer a -2 to all ranged attack rolls and Notice rolls.

Equipment Weapon Descriptions
Standard currency in the Frontier is measured in Credits or Cr. All Beam Weapons
characters start the game with a standard equipment pack, a kit ac-
cording to their PSA and 250 + d100 Credits.
Electrostunner. An electrostunner looks like a large pistol. It is a
PSA Kits short-range weapon that fires an arc of electrons that looks like a
lightning flash. It is commonly called a zapgun because of the noise it
Bio-Social Specialists start with either an Envirokit or Medkit. makes when fired. An electrostunner has two settings, stun and blast.
A blast causes 3d6 points of damage. A stun can knock a creature
Technological Specialists start with either a Techkit or Robcomkit.
unconscious for 1 hour unless it makes a Vigor roll. A zapgun uses
Military Specialists start with a pistol of their choice. two SEU per shot. It holds a 20 SEU clip, but can also be connected
to a beltpack or powerpack with a 1.5 meter powercord. A gauss
The Standard equipment pack contains many useful items as de- screen will block the electrostunner's beam. An anti-shock implant will
scribed below, but does not include any weapons other than a single nullify a stun but not a blast.
dose grenade.

Laser Pistol. A laser pistol is a large handgun that fires a pulse of

Chronograph / Communicator. This device looks like a large wrist- bright light. Laser pistols are commonly called blasters. A laser pistol
watch, but cit can do many things. It is a watch with a lighted face has a dial that can be set from 1 to 3 to control how many SEU are
that can be used as a stopwatch, it is a mini-calculator, it is a radio / fired by each shot. Each SEU fired causes 1d6 points of damage. For
video communicator that can be used to talk with other characters up example, when the dial is set at 3, the shot uses 3 SEU and causes
to 5 kilometers away. It can be used to summon the police or a rental 3d6 points of damage. Players must tell the referee what setting they
skimmer as well. are using before rolling the dice to see if the shot hits. Laser pistols
use 20 SEU clips but can be attached to beltpacks or powerpacks. An
Coveralls. This is a highly durable, waterproof suit. It will keep the albedo suit or screen defends a target from lasers.
character warm in cool weather and cool in hot weather. It has large
pockets on the hips, legs and chest, as well as several smaller pock-
ets on the sleeves

Doze Grenade. A doze grenade releases a cloud of fast-acting

knockout gas. All creatures within a medium burst template must
make a VIgor roll or will fall asleep for 1d10 minutes. A shot of Stim-
dose will revive a sleeping individual immediately. The doze gas is
only effective on the round the grenade goes off.

ID Card. All characters carry an ID card. An ID Card can be used

only by its owner because the computers which read ID cards also Laser Rifle. A laser rifle is a rifle-sized version of a laser pistol. It has
scan the character’s thumbprint. ID cards are commonly used as a longer range and the SEU dial can be set from 1 to 5 instead of 1 to
credit cards. When a character buys something, his ID card must be 3.
inserted into a computer. He places his thumb (or paw, digit or pseu-
dopod) on a screen so the computer can verify his identity, and then
the money is deducted from the character’s account. This same
process is used to pay for Monorail rides and rented skimmers.

Pocket Tool. This device is similar to a pocket knife, but it includes

many tools besides a penknife blade; a universal screwdriver, a small
adjustable wrench, vice pliers, a hole puncher, and electromagnet and
a small flashlight that will shine a light for up to 25 meters (12
Sonic Disruptor. A sonic disruptor is a type of rifle and is commonly
Survival Rations. This small package contains enough concentrated called a disruptor. A sonic disruptor generates a focused sound beam.
food and water purification tablets for one person for 5 days. The damage it causes depends on the range. At closer ranges, it
causes more damage. It causes 3d8 points of damage at short range,
2d8 at short range and 1d8 at long range. It uses a 20 SEU clip but
can also be attached to a beltpack or powerpack. A disruptor uses 4
SEU per shot. Only a sonic screen can stop its deadly beam.

Sonic Stunner. A sonic stunner is a type of pistol. It is commonly
called a stunner. It will stun a victim for 1 hour unless the victim
makes a Vigor roll . One shot uses two SEU. It uses a 20 SEU clip,
but can be attached to a beltpack or a powerpack. A target with an
anti-shock implant is immune to the effect of a Sonic stunner. Other-
wise, only a sonic screen can stop the stunner's sound beam.

Heavy Laser. A heavy laser is about the size of a machine gun. It

must be mounted on a tripod or a swivel mount to be fired. It has a Gyrojet Pistol. A gyrojet pistol is a large handgun. It shoots minia-
longer range than a laser rifle, and a minimum SEU setting of 2. ture, self-propelled rockets that cause 2d8 points of damage when
Otherwise it operates the same as the laser rifle. they explode. A gyrojet pistol is not effective at very short range, be-
cause the rocket is still accelerating. Thus the weapon may not be
Sonic Devastator. A sonic devastator is a heavy weapon that must fired at a target of less than 5” away.
be mounted on a tripod or a swivel mount to be fired. Except for its
greater range and damage, the sonic devastator operates just like the Gyrojet Rifle. A gyrojet rifle is a rifle-sized version of a gyrojet pistol.
sonic disruptor. It has a longer range and causes 2d10 points of damage per shot.

Grenade Rifle. A grenade rifle resembles a shotgun which fires hand

Projectile Weapons grenades that are fitted into special grenade bullets. Any type of gre-
nade can be used. It can fire one shot per round, and then must
Automatic Pistol. An automatic pistol is a refined version of the sub- be reloaded, which requires an action. Launched grenades follow the
machine gun. It looks like a heavy pistol, with a folding metal wire normal rules as per SWEX page 65.
stock. The gun can be fired like a pistol when the stock is folded, or
fired from the shoulder when the stock is extended. An automatic pis- Grenade Mortar. A grenade mortar is a hollow tube that is attached at
tol can be set to fire single shots or bursts. an angle to a large base plate. It can fire any type of grenade, using a
special shell called a grenade shell. It operates like a grenade rifle,
Automatic Rifle. An automatic rifle is similar to the automatic rifles except for the greater range. Because it lobs grenades in a high arc, it
being used today. It is basically a heavier, longer version of the auto- has a minimum range of 12”.
matic pistol. It can fire up to three single shots or bursts.
Rocket Launcher. A rocket launcher is a long, hollow tube that is
fired while resting across the firer's shoulder. It fires a large, long-
range rocket. It must be reloaded after every shot, and reloading
takes 2 actions.

Doze Grenades. A doze grenade releases a cloud of fast-acting
knockout gas. All creatures within a Medium Burst Template will fall
asleep for 1 hour unless they make a Vigor roll. A shot of stimdose will
Needler Pistol. A needler pistol is a handgun that uses an upright
revive a sleeping individual immediately. The doze gas is effective
disc clip. It makes only a very soft, coughing noise when it is fired.
only on the round that the grenade goes off.
Needler pistols magnetically propel a cluster of needles at high speed.
Two types of needles can be used: barbed needles that cause 2d6
Fragmentation Grenade. When a fragmentation grenade explodes it
points of damage per shot, and anesthetic needles that cause only
throws hundreds of small, sharp pieces of metal in all directions.
1d6 points of damage but can put the victim to sleep for 1 hour. An
Fragmentation grenades are commonly called frag grenades. All
individual can resist the anesthetic by makeing a Vigor roll. Needles
creatures or characters within a Medium Burst Template suffer 3d6
will not penetrate skeinsuits or inertia screens. Neither the suit,
points of damage. Thrown grenades follow the normal rules as per
screen, or individual is damaged.
SWEX page 65.
Needler Rifle. A needler rifle is a rifle-sized version of a needler pis-
Incendiary Grenades. An exploding incendiary grenade scatters
tol. It has a longer range than a needler pistol and its barbed ammuni-
sticky, flaming liquid across everything in a Medium Burst Template.
tion does more damage.
Incendiary grenades are commonly called fire grenades. A fire gre-
nade causes 3d6 points of damage on the turn it explodes. The burn-
Machine Gun. A machine gun is a fully automatic heavy weapon that
ing liquid sticks to the victim, causing an additional 1d6 points of
must be mounted on a tripod or a swivel mount to fire. Except for its
damage on the second, third and fourth rounds after the explosion.
greater damage and range, it operates just like an automatic pistol.
Anyone in a spacesuit takes no damage from an incendiary grenade.
Recoilless Rifle. A recoilless rifle is a heavy weapon that must be
Poison Grenades. A poison grenade releases a cloud of poisonous
mounted on a tripod or a swivel mount to fire. It fires an exploding
gas in a Medium Burst Template. The gas is effective only on the
shell that causes 4d10 points of damage if it hits. Only one shell can
round the grenade explodes. The gas causes 1 automatic wound, and
be fired per round, and loading another shell takes 2 actions.
1 wound per round thereafter for 5 rounds. A character who succeeds
at a Vigor roll -2 will not be affected, nor will anyone in a gas mask. A
Gyrojet Weapons shot of antitox will neutralize the poison so that no further damage is

Smoke Grenades. A smoke grenade produces a thick cloud of smoke a small button on the side of the tube is pressed, a powerful "blade" of
that both blocks vision and acts like tear gas. Smoke grenades are focused sound is created at one end of the tube. The sound blade is
available in colors so they can be used as signals. Anyone in the about 20 cm long and emits a high-pitched whine, however. The
blast radius, (a Medium Burst Template) on the round the grenade blade is turned off when the button is released. The knife is powered
explodes must make a Vigor Roll. If the character fails the check he by a 20 SEU clip, but can be hooked into a beltpack or power pack. A
has a -2 on all ability checks for 1d10 rounds, due to coughing and sonic knife uses 1 SEU when it hits. Anyone wearing a sonic screen
blurred vision. The smoke will continue to spread 2” /round for three can not be injured by a sonic knife. Unlike a regular knife, a sonic
rounds, when it will cover an area 16”,(32 yds.) in diameter. The knife cannot be thrown.
smoke cloud gives light cover to anyone behind it or inside it. The
smoke screen will last for 10 minutes. Sonic Sword. A sonic sword looks like a sonic knife, but the blade is
1 m long when it is turned on. A sonic sword uses 2 SEU when it hits.

Stunstick. A stunstick is a copper-colored tube 30 cm long and 3 cm

in diameter, with an insulated grip. It has two settings: shock and
stun. When set on shock, a successful hit causes Str.+ 1d6 points of
damage. When set on stun, a successful hit will stun the victim for 10
minutes. A character can resist the stun by making a successful Vigor
roll. A successful hit uses 2 SEU. A 20 SEU clip can be fitted into the
handle, or the weapon can be connected to a beltpack or powerpack.
A character with an anti-shock implant is immune to the stun setting.

Vibroknife. A vibroknife has a 20 cm saw-toothed blade. When it is

turned on, the blade vibrates at high speed. It uses 1 SEU with each
successful hit. A 20 SEU clip can be plugged into the handle, or the
Tangler Grenades. An exploding tangler grenade throws out hun-
weapon can be connected to beltpack or powerpack.
dreds of strong, sticky polymer threads. These threads stick to every-
thing within a Small Burst Template. An entangled individual can not
move until the threads decay (in 30 minutes) or until solvaway is Ammunition
spread over the threads. A creature with a die 8 or higher in Strength
may make a Strength roll at -4 to try to break free. Cooperative at- Beam Weapons
tempts may be made as per SWEX rules page 57.
Powerclip. The standard 20 SEU powerclip is a sturdy plastic box
Melee Weapons about the size of a cigarette pack. A powerclip will fit any weapon that
can use a powerclip. Players must keep track of how many SEU are
Brass Knuckles. Besides actual brass knuckles, this category in- in the clip. Powerclips can not be recharged.
cludes any improvised weapon that increases the damage caused by
someone's fist. Examples are rocks, coin rolls, etc. Power Beltpack. A power beltpack is a 20 cm x 8 cm x 5 cm plastic
box that attaches to a character's belt. It comes with three different
Chain / Whip. A chain does Str+d4 damage and reduces your oppo- powercords that can be plugged into three distinct outlets in the side
nent’s Parry by –2. It also adds +1 to disarm attempts and Agility of the unit. One port is for weapons, one is for screens and one is for
Tricks (if the Trick is performed with the chain). A Whip does Str. auxiliary equipment such as scanners or radios. Only one weapon
damage and follows the same rules as above. and one screen can be plugged into a beltpack at the same time.
Beltpacks can be recharged at a cost of 5 credits per 1 SEU re-
Electric Sword. This is a light-weight metal rod that contains a bat- charged. Recharging can be done at any weapons shop, hardware
tery in the handle. It delivers an electrical shock when it strikes store or fuel station.
someone and can be set to either shock or stun. When set on stun, a
successful hit causes no damage but can stun the victim for 10 min- Power Backpack. A power backpack is worn on a harness that slips
utes unless a Vigor roll is made. An electric sword can be hooked into over the shoulders. Special adapters are available for Dralasites at no
a beltpack or powerpack with a power cable. A successful hit by an additional cost. A backpack has two weapon ports, one screen
electric sword uses 2 SEU. Individuals wearing gauss screens or with port and three auxiliary ports. Only two weapons can be connected to
anti-shock implants are not affected by electric swords. the same backpack. Backpacks can be recharged for 5 credits per 1
SEU recharged. It takes one action to plug in or unplug a powercord
Nightstick. A nightstick is a weighted plastic club. This category also from a power backpack.
includes improvised weapons that are more effective than simple
clubs, like baseball bats and quarterstaffs. Projectile Ammunition
Shock Gloves. Shock gloves are silvery gloves that deliver an elec- Bulletclip. A bulletclip is a plastic, spring-loaded rack of bullets, 5 cm
trical shock to anything they touch. The attacker is considered un- x 2.5 cm x 15 cm. It holds 20 bullets for either an automatic pistol or
armed. Shock Gloves must be connected to a beltpack or powerpack rifle. Rifle and pistol clips are not interchangeable.
to work. Shock gloves will not affect anyone protected by a gauss
screen or an anti-shock implant. Shock gloves use 2 SEU each time Needleclip. A needleclip is a drum-shaped canister 10 cm in diameter
they hit. and 5 cm thick, It holds 10 clusters of needles. Two varieties of nee-
dles are available: barbed and anesthetic. Anesthetic needles do less
Sonic Knife. A sonic knife looks like a golden tube, 15 cm long and 4 damage than Barbed, and cause the target to fall unconscious for 1
cm in diameter. This tube is actually only the weapon's handle. When

hour unless a Vigor roll is made. Rifle and pistol needleclips are not slides into the top of the holo screen control unit. The holo disc con-
interchangeable. tains complete holographic information on one person or thing. For
example, a holo disc could project the image of an adult male Yazirian
Machine Gun Belt. Machine guns use a disintegrating belt of 100 in civilian clothes. Onlookers may make a Notice roll at -4 in order to
bullets (nothing is left of the belt after all the bullets are fired except detect the false image / disguise.
individual shell casings). If someone is working with the firer, ammo The holo image is limited to roughly the same size and shape as the
belts can be linked together so the gun can keep firing without stop- wearer. For example, a Vrusk could not masquerade as a Human.
ping to be reloaded. Personalized holo discs can be ordered for 5,000 Cr. A personalized
holo disc contains holo information on a specific individual. Producing
Recoilless Rifle Shell. A recoilless rifle shell looks like a 15 cm long a personalized holo disc takes 1d10 months, because it requires de-
artillery shell. It is essentially a giant bullet. tailed (and very illegal) holo-filming of the desired subject. If the sub-
ject is willing, the filming can be done in one day.
Gyrojet Ammunition
A camouflage feedback loop can be added to the holo screen for
Jetclip. Jetclips are loaded with 10 miniature rockets. The clip is in- an additional 1,000 Cr. The camouflage loop adjusts the holo image
serted into the weapon's ammo chamber in front of the trigger. Pistol to match nearby surroundings, giving the wearer a +4 to one’s Stealth
and rifle jetclips are not interchangeable. roll chance to be "invisible" to onlookers.

Grenade Bullet. A grenade bullet looks like a shotgun shell. It is used Inertia Screen. An inertia screen defends against all projectile weap-
to launch a grenade from a grenade rifle. It has no effect if fired with- ons, gyrojet pistols and rifles, fragmentation grenades, explosives and
out a grenade. all melee weapons except electrical or sonic weapons. When hit by
one of these weapons, the screen uses 2 SEU and absorbs one-half
Grenade Shell. A grenade shell looks like a mortar round. It must be of the damage, before the damage is applied to ones overall Tough-
loaded into a grenade mortar in order to fire the grenade. ness.

Rocket. Rockets are 25 cm long cylinders, with no fins. The rocket’s Defensive Suits / Helmets
exhaust is vented out the back of the launcher when fired. Anyone
standing directly behind the launcher will suffer 1d6 points of damage Albedo Suit. An albedo suit is made from a special shiny flexible ma-
from the blast. terial. It will partially reflect the damage from a laser attack. An Al-
bedo suit grants a +4 to one’s Toughness versus Laser attacks only.
Archaic Weapons Ammunition
Skeinsuit. A skeinsuit is made of light ballistic cloth. It can be used
Arrows. Arrows can be bought in quivers that contain 20 arrows. along with an inertia screen. A character wearing a skeinsuit adds +4
to their Toughness versus inertia / ballistic attacks.
Powder and Shot. One package of powder and shot includes 20 lead Two types of skeinsuits are available: military and civilian. Military
bullets and enough black gunpowder to fire them. skeinsuits are camouflage green. Civilian skeinsuits look like regular
Defenses Basic Helmet. A helmet is made of polymer construction and for pur-
poses of protection covers the wearer’s entire head. A basic helmet
Power Screens provides +2 Toughness to the wearer’s head only.

All powerscreens except the chameleon screen are worn like belts
around the waist. Special adapters are provided for Dralasites at no
extra cost. Only one powerscreen can be worn or used at one time.
If a starting character chose a skill that requires a toolkit, the charac-
Putting on or taking off a powerscreen takes 2 full rounds. When a
ter gets the toolkit automatically along with the skill. Characters who
screen runs out of power. it has no effect.
learn these skills after character creation must buy their own toolkits.
None of the Military skills require toolkits.
Albedo Screen. An albedo screen projects a silvery aura that ab-
sorbs laser damage. The aura completely surrounds the person wear-
ing the screen. For every 5 points absorbed (+5 Toughness), 1 SEU is Technological Tookits
drained from the power source. For example, absorbing 11 points of
damage (+11 Toughness) drains 3 SEU. The person wearing the Techkit. The technician's toolkit contains all of the tools needed to
screen will take no damage from lasers as long as the power holds make field repairs on vehicles and other equipment. Because plas-
out. A person can fire a laser weapon out of an albedo screen. teel is used to make so many items that formerly were made of steel
or iron, the kit weighs only 20 kg and can be carried in a backpack. A
Gauss Screen. A gauss screen generates an invisible barrier that techkit contains:
provides protection to the wearer from electrical attacks (electro stun-
ners, electric swords, shock gloves and stun sticks). The screen Socket wrench--adjustable from 5 mm to 5 cm
drains 2 SEU and absorbs one-half of the damage from an attack Open end wrench--adjustable as socket wrench
before it is applied to ones overall Toughness. There is a quick flash Insulated wire--10 meters
of light when the screen is hit. Uninsulated wire--25 meters, can support 2,000 kg
Prybar--1 meter plasteel rod, collapses to 10 cm
Holo Screen. A holo screen projects a 3-dimensinal image around its Jack--5,000 kg capacity, .5 meter lift, collapses to 200
wearer. The image is projected from a holo disc, a small disk that cm cube
Hammer--large ballpeen high-impact head Telol--10 hypo doses of truth serum
lon Bonding Tape--10 cm wide x 5 m long, bonds Stimdose--10 hypo doses to revive unconscious individuals
directly to any metal Staydose--10 hypo doses to sustain a dying character for 20 hours
Plastibond--tube of plastic filler, bonds to any plastic Sonic scalpel--same as in robcomkit
surface in one minute; five applications Laser scalpel--used to make deep incisions
500 nuts, bolts, clamps, screws and nails Electrosurgeon--a small machine that keeps wounds open and con-
10 hoses of assorted sizes trols bleeding during surgery.
Electrosnips--powered metal-cutting shears (sheet Autosurgeon--a special device that allows a medic to operate on him-
metal only) self
Magnegrips--electromagnetic vicegrips Antibody plus--10 hypo doses that increase the body's ability to re-
Spray lubricant--10 applications of pressurized synthoil cover from diseases
Spray waterproofing--will insulate circuits, cloth, etc., Antitox--10 hypo doses to neutralize poisons
from moisture; five applications
Envirokit. An envirokit contains only three items, but they are very
Robcomkit. The robcomkit is another highly specialized assortment sophisticated pieces of equipment. The entire kit weighs 5 kg, and
of tools. It weighs only 15 kg and, like the techkit, is designed to be can be fastened to a belt or placed in a backpack. The envirokit con-
carried in a backpack. A robcomkit contains: tains:

Electrodriver, ion bonding tape, insulated wire, spray lubricant, elec- Bioscanner--This device consists of a network of straps and elec-
trosnips, spray waterproofing--all the same as those in the techkit. trodes connected to a readout gauge. When attached to a plant or
Lasoldering iron--pen-sized laser soldering iron animal, living or dead, it can determine what type organism is being
Solder--1-meter roll of conductive soft metal examined and whether it is edible or poisonous.
Magnetic by-pass clips--10 small connectors used to short-circuit wir- Vaporscanner--A vaporscanner is a small device that contains sensi-
ing tive gas analyzers. It will report on a digital screen what gaseous
Breadboard circuits--5 standard boards for mounting robot circuitry elements are present, their quantities and whether breathing them is
Demagnetizer--electrical tool to demagnetize fouled circuits dangerous.
Spray cleaner--spray solvent to remove dirt from the robot's works; 10 Geoscanner--The geoscanner can break down up to a fist-sized sam-
applications ple of rock or soil and analyze it. It will report what minerals the sam-
Miniature flashlight--20 hours of light; magnetized handle ple contains and whether there are likely to be valuable ore, gas or oil
Calipers--capable of taking measurements as small as .001 mm deposits nearby.
Needlenose pliers--similar to 20th century tool
Sonic Scalpel--tool for cutting plastic, metal or flesh; makes a smooth,
bloodless incision up to 5 mm deep
Components--box of transistors, diodes and computer chips for robot
Miscellaneous Equipment
Oscilloscope--miniaturized viewer which displays information on elec- Allweather Blanket. This 3m x 3m blanket has a layer of soft pseu-
trical flow and other aspects of circuitry dowool on one side, and a layer of smooth waterproof plastic on the
other. The blanket will keep a character warm in temperatures down
to 0° (freezing temperature). The blanket can be used to carry water.
Biosocial Toolkits
Anti-Shock Implant. This is a small device that can be implanted in
A medic needs a medkit and an environmentalist requires an envirokit the back of a character's neck, making the character immune to stun
to be most effective. attacks. A-S implants must be installed at a hospital.

Chronocom. Chronocom is short for chronograph/ communicator. A

chronocom is a combination wristwatch, calculator and communicator.
It has a range of 5 kilometers.

Compass. A compass is used to find direction. A compass can be

deceived so it points away from magnetic north by the presence of
nearby magnetic rocks, electrical generators or other powerful mag-
nets or large metal deposits.
Medkit. A medkit has specialized equipment the medic needs to per-
form his or her job. It weighs 10 kg and can be carried as a back- Emergency Beeper / Receiver. This pen-sized transmitter sends out
pack. The medkit contains: a high frequency, broad-band beep once it is activated. It operates
from a sealed power source and cannot be turned off once activated.
Local Anesthetic--10 hypo doses to relieve pain Its power life is two days. Most communications equipment can pick
Plastiflesh--5 cans of spray which closes up wounds and heals burns up the beep if they are within one km and special emergency beeper
Omnimycin--10 hypo doses to control infections trackers can pick it up at enormous distances.
Acid neutralizer--1 bottle of liquid to neutralize acids
Antiseptic--5 cans of spray to clean and disinfect a skin area Envirotent. This tiny 6 pound pouch-sized kit can be erected into a
Microforceps--adjustable, used to remove shrapnel and bullet frag- small 3-man habitat tent in about ten minutes. It takes a similar
ments from wounds amount of time to deconstruct. It can come in a variety of colors.
Medscanner--an electrical instrument used to diagnose ailments When deconstructed and properly stowed, it fits in a small pack that
Spray hypo--syringe used to give shots without a needle straps to the thigh for easy transport.
Biocort--20 hypo doses to stimulate very fast healing
Everflame. An everflame is a permanent, waterproof, windproof Certain canisters, available at a slightly higher cost, inflate the shelter
lighter guaranteed to last 20 years. with coolant gas or insulating gas to keep the inhabitants alive in se-
vere cold or hot climates. The worst atmosphere for an infla-tent is
Exoskeleton. An exoskeleton is a mechanical, metal frame that is one with a high concentration of acid rain, which can eat through the
worn on the outside of a character's body. It follows the body's vinylast in an hour.
movements and increases the strength of its wearer. Each joint
has its own miniature motor. An exoskeleton must be specially fitted Infra-Red Goggles. Infra-red (IR) goggles allow a character to see
to the character that will wear it, and can not be worn by anyone else. heat images in total darkness. They can be used to spot characters
Getting into or out of an exoskeleton takes 1d10+10 minutes. A char- that are hidden in light foliage or darkness, or that are using a holo-
acter in an exoskeleton increases their Pace by 4, doubles their jump- belt. While wearing the goggles the user gains the Infravision edge.
ing distances and increases the wearer’s Strength by two die types. If
the wearer’s Strength is already at d12, then the increase is in +1 Infra-Red Jammer. An IR jammer hides the wearer from infra-red
increments. An exoskeleton provides no protection to the wearer. It sensors, including IR goggles.
can be worn along with a powerscreen and defensive suit.
Life Jacket. A life jacket is an inflatable vest that will keep a character
Explorer Vest. This heavy-duty vest comes with a variety of patch afloat for any length of time. It comes folded into a package about the
pockets, inside zipper pockets, velcro strips, rings, and snaps for size of a person's fist.
maximum item attachment. It is designed with an attached plastipack
on the back so breakables can be kept relatively safe. Machete. A machete is a short sword used for chopping through soft
jungle growth or grass. It is treated as a sword for combat purposes.
Flashlight. The flashlight is about the size of a pencil. It contains
enough power to operate for 200 hours. Its beam will shine up to 100
meters (50”).

Food Purifier. This backpack-sized device has a low-level radiation

bombardment chamber built into it. Plants, vegetables, grain, fowl,
fish, and even meat can be placed in this chamber and cleansed of
most harmful organisms, poisons, and other conditions that would
otherwise harm a character if he were to eat them.
The food purifier has 50 uses from a single 20-SEU powerclip. When
in use, this device shows up on every radiation scanner within range.

Freeze Field. Each freeze field device contains 20 SEU. The field
uses 1 SEU every 10 hours. Another power source can be attached if
the power runs low, but if it ever runs out the body can not be revived.
A character loses one die from one of his ability scores when his body
is finally revived due to the cryogenic state. The player can subtract
this die from any ability he chooses. A freeze field device can be re- Magnigoggles. Magnigoggles are goggles that magnify visual im-
used, but it must be recharged and retuned at a hospital or shop, at a ages the same way binoculars do. They add +2 to the wearer’s No-
cost of 100 Cr. tice roll for the purpose of spotting objects at long distances. They do
not work like telescopic sights, and a character wearing magnigoggles
Gas Mask. A gas mask fits over the wearer's face and filters out all can not aim a weapon.
hazardous gases as the character breathes. It will not allow a person
to breathe underwater or in a vacuum, or anywhere there is not Parawing. A parawing is a disposable glider used as an emergency
enough oxygen to keep a character alive. parachute. A character can jump with a parawing from any altitude.
The wing is opened automatically by small solid-fuel jets, and
Grappling Gun. This rifle-shaped device comes equipped with 30 the frame glues itself open. The character then floats to the ground at
meters (300 feet) of high-tensile strength microline, a metal claw type a Pace of 6. The wing can not be refolded to be used again.
grappling hook, and four explosive digger heads. It also has an op-
tional mini-motor for automatic reel-in and ascent. The grappling gun Poly-vox. A poly-vox is a specialized computer that can be worn
is used for small-scale climbs after anchoring it with its grapple, or, around the throat. It translates a message that it hears in one lan-
unscrewing the claw and attaching an explosive head, blasting its way guage into another language, and then repeats it. It can learn an
into a rock facing, thus creating an anchor. The optional motor not unknown language if it can be programmed with key phrases, and
only reels the line in but can also lift 60 lbs. of weight. The anchor rod then exposed to the language for 1-100 hours. A character does not
is fired by the same type of shell as in a grenade rifle. This device need the computer skill to use a poly-vox.
is of Vrusk origin.
Radiophone. A radiophone is a short-wave communicator with a
Holoflare. A holoflare is a small, solid, ball-shaped device. When lit, 1,000 km range.
the flare rockets about 200 meters into the air and hovers there for 10
minutes. The flare will illuminate an area 1 km across with a dim light. Rope. This is a 50 foot coil of braided plastic rope that will support up
to 1000 lbs.
Infla-Tent. These inflatable tents are one-piece cocoons and come in
single or two-man sizes. They are made of vinylast and are extremely Solvaway. Solvaway is the only solvent that will immediately dissolve
durable and reusable. The infla-tent comes with pressurized canis- tangler grenade threads. It must be applied by someone other than
ters that pop them up in two rounds, providing a secure haven in most the person who is tangled in the threads. One vial of solvaway con-
planetary atmospheres.
tains enough liquid to dissolve the threads from one tangler grenade.
It will not dissolve anything but tangler grenade threads.
Subspace Radio. A subspace radio is used for sending messages Robots are complex, mobile machines that are designed to perform
between distant planets and star systems. Subspace communicators specific jobs. The following rules are for non-sentient, non player
send coded tachyon beams that must be broadcast from very care- character robots. Robots are either purchased from a “standard” type
fully aimed dish antennas to hit their target planet or system. A sub- or design, or are custom built by a player. All robots purchased by
space message crosses one light-year in one hour. The radio uses a players are considered Extras in the sense that they do not use a Wild
type 1 parabattery. Sending a message uses 100 SEU. Die when making skill or Attribute rolls. Some robots, as stated in
their description, may take multiple wounds like a Wild Card. Most
robots, however, are disabled or destroyed after receiving one wound.
Sungoggles. Sungoggles are high-quality sunglasses.
Robots are defined by the same characteristics as other characters
Survival Rations. A box of survival rations contains four airtight foil- with some standards and guidelines.
wrapped packets. Each packet holds a food concentrate that looks
like crumbly dust. When water is added, the dust quickly becomes a All robots have the Construct ability and, if the robot has limbs,
delicious meal of protein and vitamin-packed mush. One packet will the Ambidextrous Edge.
feed one character for one day.
Tornadium D-19. Tornadium D-19 ("kaboomite") is the standard plas-
tic explosive. It can be bought legally only by someone with Demoli- Robots have the same 5 attributes as characters. Standard model
tions skill. A 50-gram (1.75 oz.) charge of TD-19 will cause 2d6 points robots will have their attributes already determined according to the
of damage to anyone and anything within a Medium Burst Template. robots purpose and level. Non standard robots, (robots that are cus-
Each additional 50 grams causes an additional 1d6 damage up to a tom built) start with a die 4 in their attributes except Smarts and Vigor.
maximum of 10d6 over a Large Burst Template. A thrown charge A robot’s base Smarts is determined by their level as shown below. A
does full damage to living creatures, but only one-half damage to robot that is Level 4 or lower, has a Smarts listed as animal intelli-
structures. gence because they are machines simply taking orders from their
listed programs and functions. Level 5 and 6 robots can act inde-
Toxyrad Gauge. A Toxy-rad gauge is a special device that is worn on pendently of their listed functions. A robot’s base Vigor is determined
the wrist like a watch. It will alert the wearer to several types of dan- by its body type, shown below. A robot’s Vigor may be adjusted by
ger. There are three colored lights on the device. If the red light increasing or decreasing the robot’s size as shown on the Body Type
flashes, it indicates that the oxygen content of the surrounding air is chart.
dropping to a dangerously low level. If the blue light flashes, it indi-
cates that there is dangerous radioactivity nearby. If the yellow light Skills and Edges
flashes, it means that the sensor has encountered some substance
that is poisonous to Humans, Dralasites, Yazirians or Vrusk. A small What a robot can do, its skills and edges, is determined by its pro-
dial on the face of the gauge indicates the degree of danger to gramming. Each skill and edge is purchased as a separate program.
a character. A skill may not be purchased beyond its linked attribute. The linked
attribute must be increased first before the higher die type skill can be
Variable Timer / Detonator. Variable timers are used to detonate purchased.
Tornadium D-19. A timer can be set for 1 to 60 seconds, 1 to 60 min- When purchasing Edges, the only requirements that a robot needs to
utes or 1 to 60 hours. meet is the Smarts requirement, (if applicable) any other edge listed
,or in some cases, the Robot Level requirement. Examples; Improved
Vitasalt Pills. Vitasalt pills are special pills containing vitamins and Frenzy requires the Frenzy edge first and the Command edge may
minerals, including salt. They reduce a character's need for water in only be purchased for level 5 and level 6 robots.
dry areas by half.
Water Distiller, Purifier. This collapsible distillation filtering tank can
purify up to 400 liters (100 gallons) of water before it needs to be
changed. This is a necessary item for explorers who cannot carry Some monstrous abilities are listed in the standard robot types and as
enough drinking water with them but are on a planet where water can enhancements in the custom build area.
be found. Characters drinking unfiltered water run the risk of infec-
tion, contamination, or even poisoning. The tank also has a section Robot Levels
for dehydration, so plants can be inserted and the water drawn from
them. This is also a good method for drying fruit and vegetables so There are six levels of robots. A robot's level indicates how complex it
they will last longer as rations. is. High-level robots can perform more complicated jobs.

Water Pack. A water pack contains eight one-liter plastic bags of wa- Level 1 (Smarts d4(A)) robots can do only simple jobs. They have
ter. Each bag has a closable seal. The water bags come packed in a been pre-programmed for some specific job and usually can not do
lightweight plastic frame. The frame can be converted into a simple any other job. They can not communicate, and often are nothing
backpack in 5 minutes. more than moving, self-operated appliances. An example of a level 1
robot is a maintenance robot that washes and waxes the floors of a
building each night.

Level 2 (Smarts d6(A)) robots can handle several simple jobs. They
can receive and follow radio commands in binary machine language
sent from some other machine, such as a robot brain or a computer. A robot’s mode of movement has also been factored into the cost,
An example of a level 2 robot is a heavy machine that digs into and however parabatteries, weapons and any ammunition have not been
smashes up rock, then separates out flecks of gold. factored into these costs.

Level 3 (Smarts d8(A)) robots can do more complicated jobs. In addi- Some robots also have defenses (armor or screens) added to their
tion, all robots that are level 3 or higher can talk and follow verbal standard description. These also may be omitted or increased as the
instructions. If these instructions disagree with the robot’s program- player chooses.
ming, it will ignore the orders.
Combat Robots Combat robots have standard bodies and the
Level 4 (Smarts d10(A)) robots can act semi-independently. Their attack/defense program. They are limited to levels 2 to 4. Combat
programs are flexible, letting the robot accomplish specific goals using robots serve as active combat soldiers.
different methods. When asked, "How do I get to the starport?" one
level 4 service robot might give verbal directions, while another might Type A Combat Robot. The Type A Combat robot is an ariel sentry
photocopy a city map and mark the proper route on it. bot about 3 feet high and has a mounted laser gun. It has no limbs
and thus can only use its mounted gun in close combat.
Level 5 (Smarts d8) robots can act independently and give orders to
other robots (level 6 robots can do this also). For example, a level 5 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d6
security robot might decide to stop chasing a criminal because the Skills: Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6
criminal left victims tied up in a burning house. The robot could or-
Pace: 6*; Parry: 2; Toughness: 7(2)
ganize a rescue mission of other robots.
Special Abilities:
Level 6 (Smarts d10+) robots are self-programming. They can • Armor +2: Inertia.
change the methods they use and even their goals to account for • Laser Gun: Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d6, ROF 2, Shots 25 (2
changing conditions. They are almost, but not quite, living machines. SEU per shot), Internal SEU clip of 50 .
A robot brain that runs an automated manufacturing plant and alters • Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison,
the manufacturing process in response to changing economic condi- disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots;
tions is an example of a level 6 robot. Piercing weapons cause half damage.
• Fearless: Combat bots are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
Robot Missions • Size: +0
• Movement: Hover, Pace 6”; Climb 3”
All robots have a mission. A mission is a set of rules dictated by its
• Body style: Standard
programmer that tell the robot what its job is. A robot's mission is the
• Power: Type 1 Parabattery
most important order it has, and overrides any orders that conflict with
• Cost: 5,800 Cr.
it. Players create missions for their own robots or they can have them
predetermined when the robot is purchased, (by the game master).
Type B Combat Robot. A Type B combat robot is similar to the A
Robot Functions model except for its mounted weapon, mode of transportation and
slightly increased Toughness. It too does not have any limbs for ma-
All robots have several functions that tell them how to accomplish nipulating objects or melee combat. The Type B model may be
their mission. Low-level robots cannot make decisions, so their func- equipped with either Wheels or Tracked movement.
tions must be very specific statements. Higher-level robots can make
decisions for themselves, so their functions can be more general Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d8
statements. Skills: Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6
For example, a level 3 security robot might have the mission: "Stop all
Pace: 8; Parry: 2; Toughness: 9 (3)
unauthorized personnel from entering this building." Its functions
could define "stop" as giving intruders a warning, then using the Special Abilities:
Restrain program, (as detailed below) to keep them from entering. • Armor +3: Inertia armor plating
"All unauthorized personnel" could be defined as any person or ma- • Automatic Rifle: Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8, ROF 3(1), Shots
chine that is not wearing a special badge. The robot must be given a 100 round internal box.
function that defines "this building," and another that tells it what ar- • Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison,
eas it must patrol to look for intruders. Another function could instruct disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots;
it to call the police and report the break-in after an intruder has been Piercing weapons cause half damage.
• Fearless: Combat bots are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
• Movement: Wheeled or Tracked
Standard Robots • Size: +0
• Body style: Standard
The Standard Robot Cost table in the equipment charts section in- • Power: Type 1 Parabattery
cludes the following types of robots. The chart shows the costs of • Cost: 5,800 Cr.
these robots in their base form. As each robot’s level progresses on
the chart, it is only the robot’s Smarts attribute which is reflecting the
increased cost, not any other attributes, skills or added edges.

If a player wishes to purchase a standard robot, they may do so and

then increase or lower the Attributes, Skills etc. as they see fit.

Maintenance Robots Maintenance robots clean areas, oil ma-
chines, watch for breakdowns and malfunctions, build simple things (if
given specs), etc. These models are found on many space stations,
ships and home worlds helping doctors, engineer staff and mainte-
nance crew members. They are usually non-combatant robots. They
use standard bodies and are limited to levels 1 to 4. Maintenance
robots may use their knowledge skills to assist characters, but cannot
actually do repairs themselves.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Knowledge (computers, machinery, robotics or science) d4,
Investigation d4, Notice d4
Pace: 8; Parry: 2; Toughness: 4
Special Abilities:
• Scholar: +2 to all Knowledge skills
• Extra limbs: engineer / science bots have one extra pair of limbs
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison,
Cybernetic Robots Cybernetic robots (cybots) have both me- disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots;
chanical and organic parts. They can perform any job other robots of Piercing weapons cause half damage.
their level can perform. Cybots can have any body type, but usually • Size: +0
are anthropomorphic. They are limited to levels 4 to 6. • Movement: Wheeled or tracked , Magnetic (+1,000 Cr.)
• Body style: Standard
Military model • Power: Type 1 Parabattery
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10(A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 • Cost: 4,300 Cr.
Skills: Demolitions d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8(2)
Special Abilities: Robot Brains Robot brains are robot managers. They usually
command other types of robots. Robot brains are generally non-
• Armor +2: Inertia armor plating
combative but may be fitted with any limbs and weapons. They have
• Ranged weapon: As per weapons list. heavy duty bodies plus the computer link program. All robot brains
• Robot Arms: Str+ d4 are level 6.
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison,
disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots; Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Piercing weapons cause half damage. Skills: Fighting d8, Knowledge (computers, machinery, robotics,
• Fearless: Cybots are immune to Fear and Intimidation. science) d10, Investigation d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting
• Low Light Vision: Ignore Dim and Dark light penalties d8
• Size: +0 Pace: 6 or 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11 (2)
• Movement: One pair of legs Special Abilities:
• Body style: Anthropomorphic
• Ranged Weapon: as standard weapon list
• Power: Type 2 Parabattery
• Scholar: +2 to all Knowledge skills
• Cost: 8,500 Cr.
• Quick: Due to their quick assessments of any situation a robot
brain may discard an initiative card of 5 or less and redraw
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison,
Heavy Duty Robots Heavy duty robots do heavy excavating, crop disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots;
harvesting, rock quarrying, etc. They have heavy duty bodies and are
Piercing weapons cause half damage.
limited to levels 1 to 4.
• Armor +2: Inertia armor plating
• Size: +2
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d4, Strength d12+4, Vigor
• Movement: Wheeled or tracked
• Body style: Heavy Duty
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d4 • Power: Type 2 Parabattery
Pace: 6 or 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 • Cost: 20,000 Cr.
Special Abilities:
• Robot Arms ( Heavy Duty): Str+ 4 damage, Heavy duty robots are
equipped with either drills, scoops, wrecking balls etc. Security Robots Security robots serve as both guards and police.
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison, They have standard bodies and the restrain program. They are limited
disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots; to levels 2 to 6.
Piercing weapons cause half damage.
• Size: +2 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
• Movement: 2 to 4 legs or Wheeled / tracked (add 500 Cr.) Skills: Fighting d6, Investigation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6,
• Body style: Heavy Duty Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8(2)
• Power: Type 2 Parabattery
Special Abilities:
• Cost: 5,200 Cr.
• Armor +2: Inertia armor plating. Type B. Type B Warbots are arial versions of the Type A model. They
• Ranged Weapon: As per weapons list are primarily used for reconnaissance and arial support.
• Robot Arms: Str+ d4
• Alertness: Security bots have keen senses Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d10
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison, Skills: Shooting d8, Notice d10, Stealth d6
disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots; Pace: 12; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10 (1) + Albedo screen
Piercing weapons cause half damage. Special Abilities:
• Fearless: Security bots are immune to Fear and Intimidation. • Ranged Weapon: as per weapon list
• Size: +0 • Armor +1: Inertia armor plating.
• Movement: Wheeled or Tracked • Albedo Screen: 25 SEU internal power pack
• Body style: Standard • Infravision: Half penalties for bad lighting when attacking living
• Power: Type 1 Parabattery objects
• Cost: 5,200 Cr. • Flight: Type B warbots are either equipped with one or two rotors
giving them an Acceleration of 4, Pace of 12 and a climb of 6
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison,
Service Robots Service robots are used as servants. They work disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots;
as store clerks, information sources, gardeners, tailors etc. Service Piercing weapons cause half damage.
robots have anthropomorphic bodies modeled after whichever race • Fearless: Warbots are immune to Fear and Intimidation
they serve. They can not be mistaken for a living person, however. • Size: +2
These robots are limited to levels 3 to 6. • Movement: Rotor
• Body style: Heavy Duty
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8(A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 • Power: Type 2 Parabattery
Skills: Knowledge (as per profession) d8, Notice d6 • Cost: 14,400 Cr.

Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5

Special Abilities:
• Robot Arms: Str+ d4
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison,
disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots;
Piercing weapons cause half damage.
• Size: +0
• Movement: Standard legs
• Body style: Anthropomorphic
• Power: Type 2 Parabattery
• Cost: 3,500 Cr.

Warbots Warbots are intelligent war machines. They often com-

mand combat robots. They have heavy duty bodies and the attack/
defense and search and destroy programs. They are limited to levels
5 to 6.

Type A
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d12+4, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Shooting d8, Notice d8
Pace: 6 or 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11 (2) + Albedo screen
Special Abilities:
• Robot Arms: Str+ 4 damage,
• Ranged Weapon: as per weapon list Customizing Robots
• Armor +2: Inertia armor plating.
• Albedo Screen: 25 SEU internal power pack When a robot is built, the designer must give it a body type, a way to
• Alertness: Warbots have keen senses move and programming. Special items can be added at additional
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison, cost.
disease, and suffocation; No additional damage from Called Shots;
Piercing weapons cause half damage.
• Fearless: Warbots are immune to Fear and Intimidation
Body Types
• Size: +2
• Movement: 2 to 4 legs or Wheeled / tracked (add 500 Cr.) Standard Body. Standard robot bodies come in all shapes. They are
• Body style: Heavy Duty about the size of an average character, weigh 100 kg (200 lbs. without
• Power: Type 2 Parabattery a parabattery) and have a base Vigor of a die 6. A standard body is
• Cost: 14,400 Cr. powered by a type 1 parabattery.

Heavy Duty. Heavy duty robot bodies also are available in any Self Defense. The robot can fight back if attacked in melee.
shape, but they are about the size of a ground car and weigh about Attack / Defense. The robot can fight using the same type of weap-
500 kg ,(1000 lbs. without a parabattery) and have a base Vigor of die ons as a character, and can be equipped with either Albedo armor or
10. A Heavy Duty body type is powered by a type 2 parabattery. Inertia armor and a screen (with its own power supply). The robot can
use lethal weapons.
Anthropomorphic. Anthropomorphic robot bodies look like one of the
four major races. They weigh roughly 100 kg (200 lbs. without battery) Search and Destroy. The robot can perform combat missions that
and have a base Vigor of die 6. They are powered by a type 2 include tracking down its target. A robot must have the Attack/Defense
parabattery. program to use this program.

Limbs Computer Link. This program enables a robot to communicate di-

rectly with a computer using a tight beam long-range communicator.
All three body types come with two manipulative limbs. These can be This gives it access to all the information in the computer.
mechanical arms, tentacles, or specialized limbs for digging through
rock or mounting tools. Computers
Robot Movement A computer is a sophisticated electronic machine that can receive and
analyze information. A computer works by running programs. Every
All three body types can be equipped with wheels, tracks or mechani- program is available in five levels. The higher levels are more com-
cal legs, whichever the designer wants. Robots may also be plex and able to handle more information. Each program requires a
equipped with other modes of movement that allow forms of flight. certain number of computer function points in order to operate. A
function point is a measurement of a computer's ability to process
Standard movement mode is a form of “legs” or limbs which grants a information. Higher level programs have a higher function point re-
Pace of 6. This form of movement is included in the Body Type Price. quirement. The Computer Program list shows the number of function
points a program needs.
Tracked or Wheeled. Tracked is a form of movement seen on most
military tanks. It reduces the penalty of difficult terrain to a cost of 1.5 When a character buys a computer he actually is buying individual
movement points per inch instead of 2.. Both tracked and Wheeled programs and the hardware needed to run them. For example, when
movement increases a robot’s Pace to 8. a character buys a level 1 Analysis program (1 function point), he gets
not only the program, but also a computer circuit module that can
Hover. Small lift and propulsion jets allow a robot to hover and still process a 1-function point program. A computer's level is determined
move. The robot’s Pace is 6 and has a climb rate of 3” per round. by totaling all the function point requirements of the various programs
The maximum height a robot may achieve is 20”, (sixty feet). and finding this number on the Computer list. If more programs are
added to the computer later, its level may be raised.
Magnetic. This mode uses the robot’s normal movement to allow the
robot to move along the outside of ship hulls and other metal surfaces Example: A small inter-stellar business run by "Slingshot'' Simmons
at its normal Pace. buys a computer to keep track of its finances. Simmons buys a level
2 Analysis program (2 function points), a level 2 Commerce program
Rotor. This movement grants a robot movement similar to a Jetcopter (6 function points) and a level 1 Information Storage program (2 func-
as described below, but with an Acceleration of 4, Pace of 12 and a tion points). The computer needs a total of 10 function points, making
climb of 6. it a level 1 computer.
It costs 1,000 Credits. If Simmons later adds a level 2 Robot Man-
Rocket. This movement grants a robot the same movement as an agement program (4 function points), his computer has 14 function
Aircar as described below but with an Acceleration of 4, Pace of 24 points, making it a level 2 computer.
and a climb of 6.
Power Sources
If a computer is not hooked to a central power source, whether a
The following is a list of Edges and Monstrous Abilities from the public source or a ship’s or field base’s generator, then they need to
SWEX book that are available to robots. Other Edges and Abilities run off a parabattery. Level 1 to level 3 computers are powered by
from other source books may be included with the GM’s permission. parabatteries of the same type as the computer's level. Level 4 and 5
Any skill listed in the above PSA skill list for characters may be pur- computers use power generators type 1 and 2, respectively. Com-
chased for a robot. puters will operate for at least one year before their batteries must be
recharged. Power sources must be bought separately.
Special Programs
Computer Programs
Each robot can be programmed with one or more of the following
Special Programs. A robot, having a collection of skills and edges, The standard computer programs listed below can be purchased by
must still be told what to do as defined by the robot’s mission (as de- anyone in any store that sells computers or computer parts and
scribed above). equipment. A program's cost is the number of function points it re-
quires, multiplied by 100 Credits.
Restrain. The robot can both defend itself and attack, but can not
use any lethal weapon.

Analysis. An Analysis program allows a computer to perform Law Enforcement. The law enforcement program is used to coordi-
mathematic calculations and computations. Level 1 is basically a nate the efforts of all law enforcers in an area. Higher level programs
sophisticated calculator. At level 3 the program can do advanced can control a larger area. The program can handle police calls,
algebra and calculus. At level 5 it can do all known mathematical schedule patrols, monitor trials, control riots and scan for developing
calculations, including theoretical math. crime trends. A level 1 program could monitor traffic flow and patrol
routes in one precinct, while a level 5 program could run an entire
Bureaucracy. A Bureaucracy program coordinates other programs. city police department.
For example, a city could use the Bureaucracy program to coordinate
Commerce, Communication, Industry, Law Enforcement, Life Life Support. The life support program controls lighting, temperature
Support, Maintenance and Transportation programs. A Bureaucracy control, weather prediction, heating and power plant control. A level 1
program can coordinate a number of programs equal to its level x 3. program can control the life support system on a starship. A level 5
It is not needed unless the programs being coordinated are level 3 or program could handle all the life support functions of an enclosed city.
Maintenance. The Maintenance program handles standard janitorial
Commerce. A Commerce program enables a computer to handle functions such as cleaning, painting and basic repair. It can also co-
business transactions. Commerce covers such areas as banking, ordinate services such as garbage collection, fire inspection and sew-
stocks, market trends, bookkeeping, imports and exports. A level 1 age removal. A level 1 program could maintain a starship. A level 5
program could be used by starship computers to record the cargo program could coordinate maintenance for an entire city.
manifest, passenger records and ship's books. A level 5 program
could be used to coordinate all commerce in a city. Robot Management. The Robot Management program lets a com-
puter control robots. Higher level programs can control more robots.
Communication. A Communication program deals with all aspects of This program often is used along with the Industry, Security, Law
communication, including news, entertainment and public service Enforcement and Maintenance programs. The Robot Management
announcements. It can control radio, holophones and holovision program must be a least as high a level as the robots it is controlling.
communication devices. Higher program levels can handle more The number of robots that a program can control equals its level mul-
complex systems. A level 1 communications program might be used tiplied by its number of function points.
to handle communication and to provide packaged entertainment on a
starship. A level 5 program could monitor all communication in an Transportation. The transportation program allows a computer to
entire city. control a mass transit system, including traffic control and distribution
of products. A level 1 program could control mechanized sidewalks,
Computer Security. Computer Security programs protect a com- elevators and escalators in a building. A level 5 program could run all
puter against both physical and program tampering. A Computer Se- of the monorails, buses, subways and traffic control signals in a city.
curity program must be defeated or bypassed before a computer spe-
cialist can change any programs or interface two computers. Com-
puter Security programs can also control physical defenses guarding
Parabatteries and
the computer. A level 1 Computer Security program is simple code Generators
words that lock other programs, plus a simple recognition code such
as a fingerprint reader. A level 6 security program sets up a complex Parabatteries are used in vehicles, computers and robots. They vary
system of codes and special directions, and guards the computer with in size from a few hundred cubic centimeters to one cubic meter. The
robots or remote guns. cost to recharge a parabattery is equal to the amount of the SEUs
being recharged.
Industry. An Industry program deals with turning raw materials into
products. It can be used for both agriculture and manufacturing. At Power Generators are much larger than parabatteries. A power
level 1 an Industry program could run a starship's hydroponics system generator produces a certain number of SEU every hour it operates.
and machine shop. At level 6 the program could coordinate many However, there is a maintenance cost to run the generator, and it
large factories and farms. needs an outside force of some kind: solar, nuclear, hydrodynamic,
thermal, etc.
Information Storage. The Information Storage program is passive.
It is simply a record-keeping system. A level 1 Information Storage
program could be used by a business to record its yearly sales data. Vehicle Descriptions
A level 5 program could store an entire university library.
The following standard vehicles are available on Star Frontiers
Installation Security. An Installation Security program coordinates worlds.
the defense of an area. Higher level programs can defend larger ar-
eas. A level 1 Installation Security program could lock a building's
Ground Car
doors at a certain time and call the police if an alarm sets off in the
building. A level 3 installation Security program would not only lock Acc/ Top Speed: 20 / 40 Toughness: 10(3) Crew: 1+5
the doors and call the police, but could control pressure plate sensors,
Notes: May include luxury features at extra cost
I-R scanners, holovision cameras, special weapons, etc. At level 5,
the program could defend an entire city or starport. Weapons: None
Cargo Limit: 300 lbs. 1 cubic meter
Language. The language program enables a computer to translate
known languages into each other and, at higher levels, to translate Cost: 5,000 Cr. (rental - 50 Cr.+ 50 Cr. per day)
unknown languages into known languages. Higher level programs A ground car is a wheeled vehicle similar to cars in use today, except
can translate more languages. Translating an unknown language it runs on a parabattery instead of gasoline. Because ground cars run
requires at least a level 3 program. in contact with the ground, they are very maneuverable. A ground
vehicle can cross almost any type of terrain if it has enough ground
Hover Cycle
clearance. However, they are not as fast as hover vehicles on level
ground or roads. Acc/ Top Speed: 20 / 50 Toughness: 8(2) Crew: 1+1
Notes: None
Weapons: None
Ground Transport
Cargo Limit: 40 lbs. .5 cubic meter
Acc/ Top Speed: 10 / 30 Toughness: 16(4) Crew: 1+3
Cost: 2,000 Cr. (rental - 25 Cr.+ 25 Cr. per day)
Notes: Acceleration 5 when fully loaded Hovercycles are two-man hover vehicles similar to motorcycles. They
Weapons: None are easier to ride and control than a ground cycle, but are not as ma-
Cargo Limit: 20,000 lbs. 30 cubic meters neuverable at high speeds. Hovecycles like ground cycles leave the
rider and passenger exposed.
Cost: 15,000 Cr. (rental - 75 Cr.+ 100 Cr. per day)
Ground transports are heavy, wheeled trucks. They can have open or
enclosed cargo areas.
Acc/ Top Speed: 10 / 30 Land Toughness: 16(4) Crew: 1+5
Ground Cycle Acc/ Top Speed: 5 / 5 Water

Acc/ Top Speed: 25 / 60 Toughness: 8(2) Crew: 1+1 Notes: Amphibious , Four Wheel Drive

Notes: None Weapons: May be fitted with any mounted weapon on its top.

Weapons: None Cargo Limit: 4000 lbs. 6 cubic meters

Cargo Limit: 40 lbs. .5 cubic meter Cost: 20,000 Cr. (rental - 75 Cr.+ 200 Cr. per day)
Explorers are heavy, four-wheeled vans built for traveling and explor-
Cost: 2,000 Cr. (rental - 25 Cr.+ 25 Cr. per day)
ing in rugged areas. They are very maneuverable and reliable. Each
Ground cycles are similar to today's motorcycles. They are fast and wheel has its own motor, and the extra-wide tires make it very stable.
very maneuverable. Explorers are air-tight and have a retractable rudder so they can cross
open water, but they can be capsized by high waves. Explorers have
a hatch on the roof. Mounted weapons are attached to the hatch in a
Hover Car 360 degree swivel turret.

Acc/ Top Speed: 20 / 60 Toughness: 10(3) Crew: 1+5

Notes: May include luxury features at extra cost
Weapons: None
Cargo Limit: 200 lbs. 1 cubic meter
Cost: 8,000 Cr. (rental - 50 Cr.+ 75 Cr. per day)
A hovercar or "skimmer" is a car that floats on a cushion of air 30 cen-
timeters above the ground. A pair of turbo fans propel it through the
air. In general, hover vehicles are faster than ground vehicles, but are
less maneuverable and are limited to traveling on fairly level surfaces
or calm water. Hover cars come in many different styles and some
may be open topped.

Hover Transport
Acc/ Top Speed: 20 / 60 Toughness: 16(4) Crew: 1+3
Notes: Acceleration 15 when fully loaded
Weapons: None
Cargo Limit: 20,000 lbs. 30 cubic meters Glijet
Cost: 20,000 Cr. (rental - 75 Cr.+ 150 Cr. per day)
Acc/ Pace: 20 / 50 Rocket Toughness: 8(2) Crew: 1
A hover transport is a heavy truck version of a “skimmer”. They are
used for both military and civilians. Some are fitted with multiple Glide Pace: 10 Climb: 20, Rocket
seats and used as “buses”. If the latter is the case, the crew score is Notes: Weighs 5 lbs.
increased to 1+10. Hover transports may be fitted with mounted Weapons: None
weapons at an additional cost. The cost and type of weapon fitted is
determined by the referee. Cargo Limit: 30 lbs. .5 cubic meter
Cost: 3,000 Cr. (rental - 75 Cr.+ 50 Cr. per day) 50 Cr. to refill
A glijet is a combination rocketpack and hang glider. The rocketpack

is used to fly to high altitude, where the glider wings are extended. Type 1: ground cycles and hover cycles
The user can glide slowly with the wings, or use the rocketpack to fly Type 2: ground cars and hovercars
at higher speed. The chemical rocket pack weighs 5 lbs. and costs Type 3: trucks, hover trucks and explorers
50 Cr. to refill. Type 4: aircars and jetcopters

Jetcopter Travel Range

Acc/ Pace: 20 / 120 Toughness: 15(4) Crew: 1+3 All vehicles listed above can travel about 900 kilometers (560 miles)
Climb: 20 on a new parabattery before it is out of energy and must be re-
Notes: Heavy Armor, charged. A glijet does not use a parabattery; its range varies with fuel
use, altitude and air currents.
Weapons: Any Heavy or mounted weapons may be fitted.
Cargo Limit: 1,000 lbs. 5 cubic meters
Cost: 40,000 Cr. (rental - 100 Cr.+ 100 Cr. per day) Other Forms of
A jetcopter is a helicopter with jet engines. They can be flown like Transportation
normal helicopters, or when using the jet engines, allowed to fly at
higher speeds. Some jetcopters have open tops which allow the crew Many other means of transportation besides those described above
to fly exposed in seats or platforms behind the pilot. are available in Star Frontiers. The systems and vehicles listed be-
low will not be used in combat very often, but players may find ways
to work them into their adventures.
Public Transportation
Acc/ Pace: 50 / 450 Toughness: 16(4) Crew: 1+3
Climb: 40 Monorails are the most common mass transit systems on Frontier
worlds. Monorail cars can hold up to six passengers and travel at 140
Notes: Heavy Armor,
to 200 yards per round (about 40 mph). Monorail passengers usually
Weapons: None pay 1 Cr. per day for unlimited number of rides.
Cargo Limit: 2,000 lbs. 2 cubic meters
Cabs of many types are common. Ground cars, skimmers and even
Cost: 50,000 Cr. (rental - 100 Cr.+ 100 Cr. per day) cycles are used as cabs. Some are operated by drivers while others
are piloted by robots or computers. A typical price is 2 Cr. for the first
An aircar is a vertical take-off and landing vehicle, or VerTOL. It takes mile traveled and 1 Cr. for each mile thereafter.
off and lands like a helicopter, but flies like an airplane.
Moving Walkways, also called peoplemovers or sliders, are side-
walks that are built like conveyor belts. A person simply steps onto
the slider and it carries him/ her, or it, along at 10 yards per round, (or
doubling ones Pace if they continue to walk or run on it). Using a
slider does not cost anything.

Super-Sonic Transports, or SSTs, are large jet-powered aircraft ca-
pable of flying at very high altitude at several times the speed of
sound (sound travels at 768 miles per hour). They are used as luxury
passenger planes flying between large cities, as large cargo haulers
supplying cities under construction, etc.

Orbital Shuttles, often called orbiters, are a cross between an air-

plane and a space ship. They are powerful enough to fly into orbit
around a planet, and sturdy enough to re-enter the atmosphere and
land on the surface. They are commonly used to carry supplies and
passengers to orbiting space stations and spaceports. An orbiter can
reach an orbiting space station in one to two hours.
Vehicle Power Sources
All of the vehicles described above, except the glijet, are powered by
parabatteries. Parabatteries range in size from fist-sized to 1 cubic
meter. Recharge stations in cities allow vehicle owners to recharge
vehicle parabatteries at a cost of 2 credits per SEU. The following
four types are used in vehicles:

Weapons and Equipment Charts
Ranged Weapons
Beam Weapons Range Dmg RoF Shots Cost Wt. Min.Str. Defense Notes

Electrostunner 2/4/8 3d6 1 20 500 2 Gauss / A-S Stun, Vigor roll to avoid
Laser Pistol 15 / 30 / 60 1-3d6 2 20 600 2 Albedo
Laser Rifle 30 / 60 /120 1-5d6 2 20 800 6 d6 Albedo
Sonic Disruptor 5 / 10 / 20 3/ 2/ 1d8 1 20 700 8 Sonic Uses 4 SEU per shot
Sonic Stunner 4 / 8 / 15 Stun 1 20 500 2 Sonic / A-S Uses 2 SEU per shot
Heavy Laser 125 / 250 / 500 2-10d6 1 100 6000 40 Albedo Mounted or tripod weapon
Sonic Devastator 10 / 25 / 50 6/ 4/ 2d8 1 100 5000 30 Sonic Mounted or tripod weapon
Projectile Weapons
Automatic Pistol 12 / 24 / 48 2d6 3(1) 20 200 4 Inertia AP 1, Auto
Automatic Rifle 24 / 48 / 96 2d8 3(1) 20 300 8 d6 Inertia AP 2, Auto
Needler Pistol 5 / 10 / 20 2d6* 3 10 200 2 Inertia *1d6 + sleep
Needler Rifle 10 / 20 / 40 2d8* 3 10 400 6 d6 Inertia *1d8 + sleep
Machine Gun 50 / 100 / 200 2d10 3 100 2000 40 d8 Inertia AP 4, HW, Auto
Recoilless Rifle 250 / 500 / 1km 4d10 1 1 4000 40 d8 Inertia AP 10, 2 actions to reload
Gyrojet Weapons
Gyrojet Pistol 10 / 25 / 50 2d8 3 10 200 2 d6 Inertia
Gyrojet Rifle 15 / 50 / 75 2d10 3 10 300 8 d6 Inertia
Grenade Rifle 12 / 24 / 48 as grenade 1 1 700 8 d6 Agility roll to avoid effect
Grenade Mortar 125 / 250 / 500 as grenade 1 1 2000 30 2 actions to reload
Rocket Launcher 36 / 72 / 144 4d8+2 1 1 5000 30 d8 Inertia Medium burst, AP 10, Snapfire, HW

Doze Grenade 5 / 10 / 20 Special 1 1 10 - Medium Burst Template
Frag. Grenade 5 / 10 / 20 3d6 1 1 20 - Inertia Medium Burst Template
Incendiary Grenade 5 / 10 / 20 3d6* 1 1 20 - M. Burst Template, 1d6 for 3 rnds.
Poison Grenade 5 / 10 / 20 Special 1 1 30 - Medium Burst Template
Smoke Grenade 5 / 10 / 20 Special 1 1 10 - Medium Burst Template
Tangler Grenade 5 / 10 / 20 Special 1 1 25 - Small Burst Template
Archaic Weapons
Thrown Axe 3 / 6 / 12 Str+ d6 1 1 15 2 Inertia
Thrown Knife 3 / 6 / 12 Str+ d4 1 1 10 1 Inertia
Thrown Spear 3 / 6 / 12 Str+ d6 1 1 20 5 d6 Inertia
Bow 12 / 24 / 48 2d6 1 1 50 1 d6 Inertia
Musket 15 / 30 / 60 2d8 1 1 80 8 d6 Inertia AP 2, 3 actions to reload

Beam Weapon Ammunition Cost Wt. Energy/ Rounds Projectile Weapon Ammunition Cost Wt. Energy/ Rounds
Powerclip 100 1 20 SEU Pistol Bullet clip 2 - 20 Rounds
Power Belt pack 250 2 50 SEU Rifle Bullet clip 5 - 20 Rounds
Power Backpack 500 5 100 SEU Pistol Needle clip 10 - 10 Rounds
Gyrojet Ammunition Rifle Needle clip 20 - 10 Rounds
Machine Gun belt 50 2 100 Rounds
Pistol Jetclip 10 1 10 Rounds Recoilless Shell 10 1 1 Round
Rifle Jetclip 20 1 10 Rounds
Archaic Weapon Ammunition
Grenade Bullet 3 - 1 Round
Grenade Shell 8 1 1 Round Arrow 2 2 20 Arrows
Rocket 15 2 1 Round Powder and Shot 10 1 10 Rounds

Melee Weapons
Weapon Damage Cost Wt. Defense Notes
Axe Str.+ d6 15 2 Inertia
Bottle / Mug Str.+ d4 - - Inertia
Brass Knuckles Str.+ d4 10 1 Inertia
Chain / Whip Str.+ d4 20 4/1 Inertia -2 Opponent Parry, +1 to disarm
Chair Str.+ d4 - Inertia Improvised, -1 to Attack and Parry
Club Str.+ d4 - 1 Inertia
Electric Sword Str.+ d8+2 or Stun 150 4 Gauss / A-S 2 SEU per hit, Vigor roll to avoid Stun
Knife Str.+ d4 10 1 Inertia
Nightstick Str.+ d4 20 2 Inertia
Pistol Butt Str.+ d4 - Inertia
Polearm Str.+ d8 40 8 Inertia Reach 1, 2 Hands
Rifle Butt Str.+ d6 - - Inertia
Shock Gloves 2d6 50 Gauss / A-S 2 SEU per hit, Unarmed
Sonic Knife Str.+ d8+2 50 2 Sonic 1 SEU per hit, AP 2
Sonic Sword Str.+ d8+6 300 2 Sonic 2 SEU per hit, AP 8
Spear Str.+ d6 20 5 Inertia Parry+1, Reach 1, 2 Hands
Spray Hypo Special 10 1 Effects see Medkit, Unarmed
Stunstick Str.+ d6 or Stun 75 2 Gauss / A-S 2 SEU per hit, Vigor roll to avoid Stun
Sword / Machete Str.+ d8 30 8/4 Inertia
Vibroknife Str.+ d4+2 25 2 Inertia 1 SEU per hit

Power Sources Defenses

Battery SEUs Cost Weight Power Screens Cost Wt. Energy / Def. Against
Parabattery Type 1 500 600 12 Albedo Screen 2,000 4 1 SEU/ Min. Lasers
Parabattery Type 2 1,000 1,200 25 Gauss Screen 1,000 4 2 SEU/ Hit Electric Stun
Parabattery Type 3 2,000 2,300 50 Holo Screen 1,000 2 1 SEU/ Min.
Parabattery Type 4 4,000 4,500 100 Inertia Screen 2,000 5 2 SEU/ Hit Ballistic Melee
Generator SEUs / Hour Cost Maintenance Sonic Screen 2,000 4 1 SEU/ Min, 2 SEU/ Hit

Generator Type 1 500 10,000 50 Cr. / day Defense Suits

Generator Type 2 1,000 20,000 100 Cr. / day Albedo Suit 500 2 +4 Toughness vs. Lasers
Generator Type 3 2,000 40,000 200 Cr. / day Military Skeinsuit 300 2 +4 Toughness vs. Inertia
Generator Type 4 4,000 80,000 400 Cr. / day Civilian Skeinsuit 500 2 +4 Toughness vs. Inertia

Basic Helmet 75 3 +2 Toughness vs. Inertia

Miscellaneous Equipment Computers
Item Cost Wt. / lbs. Level Function Points Toughness Wt.
Allweather Blanket 20 2 1 1-10 4 3
Anti- Shock Implant (R) 2,000 - 2 11-30 6 8
Chronocom (R) 100 - 3 31-80 10 20
Compass (R) 10 - 4 81-200 15 100
Emergency Beeper 25 - 5 201-500 18 300
Emergency Receiver 25 -
Envirotent 40 6
Everflame 5 -
Explorer Vest
Computer Programs
Flashlight 5 - Function Points for Levels
Food Purifier 650 20 Program 1 (d4) 2 (d6) 3 (d8) 4 (d10) 5 (d12) Cost
Freeze field 1,200 8 Analysis 1 2 4 8 16
Gas Mask 30 1 Bureaucracy 2 4 8 16 32
Grappling Gun / Extra Grapple 200 / 25 6/2
Commerce 3 6 12 24 48
Holoflare 5 -
Communication 3 6 12 24 48
Infla-Tent 200 15
Infra-red Goggles (R) 300 - Computer Security 2 4 8 16 32
Infra-red Jammer* (R) 500 2 Industry 3 6 12 24 48
Cost =
Life Jacket 10 2 Information Storage 2 4 8 16 32
number of
Machete 30 4 Installation Security 3 6 12 24 48 function
Magni-goggles (R) 200 - Language 1 2 4 8 16 points X
Parawing 200 6 Law Enforcement 4 8 16 32 64 100 Cr.
Poly-vox 1,500 -
Life Support 4 8 16 32 64
Radiophone (R) 500 8
Maintenance 2 4 8 16 32
Rope (50’) 2 5
Solvaway 10 - Robot Management 2 4 8 16 32
Standard Equipment Pack 150 2 Transportation 3 6 12 24 48
Subspace Radio 20,000 50
Sungoggles 2 -
Survival Rations 2 -
Tornadium D-19 50 .5
Toxy-rad Gauge (R) 20 -
Variable Timer 5 -
Vitasalt pills 1 -
Water Distiller, Purifier / Extra filter 150 / 15 1/-
Water pack 4 - / 4 full

Tool kit or Refill Cost Weight
Techkit 500 20
Robcomkit 500 15
Medkit 500 12
Antibody Plus 5 -
Antitox 5 -
Biocort 10 -
Omnimycin 5 -
Staydose 5 -
Stimdose 5 -
Telol 10 -
Envirokit 500 20

Standard Robot Cost Table
Type Cost per Level
1 2 3 4 5 6
Maintenance Robot 4,300 4,600 5,100 6,100
Heavy Duty Robot 5,200 5,500 6,000 7,000
Combat Robot 5,800 6,300 7,300
Security Robot 5,200 5,700 6,700 8,700 12,700
Service Robot 4,000 5,000 7,000 11,000
Cybernetic Robot 8,500 10,500 14,500
Warbot 14,400 18,400
Robot Brain 20,000

Robot Design Cost Table

Body Types Base Size Standard Cost Size Change Cost Size Min. / Max.
Standard +0 1,000 100 -1, +1
Heavy Duty +2 2,500 300 +2, +4
Anthropomorphic +0 1,200 200 -1, +2

Programs Cost Extra Limbs Cost

Standard Edges 1,000 per Rank Standard Pair 800

Skills 200 / die up to linked Attr. Anthropomorphic 1,000
Attributes 100 per die type Heavy Duty (drills, cranes, etc.) 1,000
Weapons As per standard cost

Aquatic 4,000 Armor

Burrowing 2,000 Inertia 500 per +1
Fearless 1,000 Albedo 1,000 per +1
Hardy 8,000 As per standard cost, runs off
Immunity 2,000 per immunity Standard power packs
Infravision 1,000
Low Light Vision 600 Movement Modes Cost
Wall Walker 500
Tracked or Wheeled 500
Special Programs, Min. Cost Hover 1,000
Level Required Magnetic (Wall walker edge) 500
Restrain (2) 500 Rotor 2,000
Self Defense (2) 500 Rocket 5,000
Attack / Defense (2) 1,000
Search & Destroy (3) 3,000
Computer Link (4) 4,000

Levels (Smarts) Die Type Cost

Level 1 d4 (A) 200

Level 2 d6 (A) 500
Level 3 d8 (A) 1,000
Level 4 d10 (A) 2,000
Level 5 d8 4,000
Level 6 d10+ 8,000


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