Pediatrics: Digest
Pediatrics: Digest
Pediatrics: Digest
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Child Abuse and Neglect and Cognitive Function at Geographic Maldistribution of Primary Care for Children
14 Years of Age: Findings From a Birth Cohort Concerns about the sufficiency of the primary care workforce
Child abuse and neglect are associated with a range of have led to efforts to train more primary care physicians.
adverse outcomes including reduced academic performance. Inequitable distribution of the physician workforce, a long-
Both abuse and neglect are Independently associated with standing problem, has received less attention, particularly
reduced cognitive performance at 14 years of age. We used with respect to children.
prospective follow-up of a birth cohort, independent recording Despite pronounced growth of the primary care workforce for
of child-maltreatment reports and substantiation, and children, millions of children live in areas with insufficient
adjustment for multiple potential confounders. local supplies of primary care physicians. More-effective
policies targeting adequate geographic access to primary
care are needed.
Translation of a Pediatric Asthma-Management Program
Into a Community in Connecticut
Despite the initial release of the National Asthma Education National Trends in Visit Rates and Antibiotic Prescribing
and Prevention Program asthma guidelines in 1991, primary for Children With Acute Sinusitis
care clinicians do not adhere to the guidelines and continue to Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common cause of acute
underdiagnose and undertreat asthma in children. sinusitis and otitis media, and American Academy of
An asthma-management program was transferred to 5 Pediatrics guidelines recommend amoxicillin as the first-line
communities in Connecticut and resulted in reduced medical antibiotic therapy. Amoxicillin use for otitis media increased
services utilization. The study’s results demonstrate that after guideline publication, and visits decreased after vaccine
pediatricians can use guidelines, and, when used, guidelines introduction.
are effective in reducing medical services utilization for Office and emergency department visits for acute sinusitis
Medicaid-insured children. remained stable after vaccine introduction, whereas
amoxicillin use increased substantially, in accordance with the
guidelines. Despite the increase in amoxicillin use,
prescriptions for broad-spectrum agents, especially
macrolides, remain common and unnecessary.
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Tobacco-Smoke Exposure in Children Who Live in Differential Growth Patterns Among Healthy Infants Fed
Multiunit Housing Protein Hydrolysate or Cow-Milk Formulas
Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke is an important cause The different classes of formulas, and different brands within
of morbidity and mortality among children, even at low levels each class, vary in composition and flavor profiles, both of
of exposure. In a recent national sample, 54% of children who which may influence feeding and growth patterns. Because
did not live with a smoker showed measurable amounts of recent evidence suggests that, relative to intact proteins,
cotinine. hydrolyzed proteins are absorbed and metabolized in a way
Children who live in homes in which no one smokes inside that promotes greater satiation, we conducted a randomized
have a 45% increase in cotinine levels if they live in study on healthy, formula-fed infants to determine whether
apartments compared with detached homes. Multiunit growth patterns and feeding behaviors differ on the basis of
housing may be a significant source of secondhand tobacco- formula type.
smoke exposure for children, at levels associated with Not all formulas are alike. On the basis of World Health
morbidity. Organization standards, z-score trajectories indicate that cow-
milk formula-fed infants’ weight gain was accelerated,
whereas protein-hydrolysate formula-fed infants’ weight gain
Effects of HEPA Air Cleaners on Unscheduled Asthma
was normative.
Visits and Asthma Symptoms for Children Exposed to
Secondhand Tobacco Smoke
Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) is associated with Incidence of Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infections in
asthma exacerbations in children. Anticipatory guidance has the United States, 2006
failed to reduce SHS in controlled trials. It is not known Neonatal herpes simplex virus infections, although relatively
whether high-efficiency, particle-arresting (HEPA) air cleaners rare, cause significant morbidity and mortality. Incidence
can reduce SHS or improve asthma symptoms in children. estimates for neonatal herpes simplex virus from studies
HEPA air cleaners led to reductions in unscheduled asthma conducted throughout the United States since the early 1980s
visits and fine airborne particle levels but not asthma have ranged from 4.0 to 76.2 per 100 000 live births.
symptoms or cotinine levels. HEPA air cleaners may be useful This report describes neonatal herpes simplex virus incidence
as part of a multifaceted strategy to reduce asthma morbidity rates specific to regions and demographic groups across the
among children. United States and provides important new information on the
extent of this potentially devastating disease.
Smoke-Free Air Laws and Asthma Prevalence, Symptoms,
and Severity Among Nonsmoking Youth Diarrhea-Associated Hospitalizations Among US Children
Smoke-free laws reduce exposure to secondhand smoke, as Over 2 Rotavirus Seasons After Vaccine Introduction
measured by cotinine, in both adults and children. In adults, Before 2006, rotavirus was a significant cause of morbidity
smoke-free laws have been associated with reductions in among US children ⬍5 years of age. After the introduction of
health outcomes such as respiratory symptoms and acute rotavirus vaccine, many studies documented decreases in the
myocardial infarctions, as well. burden of severe diarrhea among US children during the
This study examined the association between smoke-free laws 2007–2008 rotavirus season.
and health in children and adolescents. Health outcomes that The reductions in diarrhea-associated hospitalizations
have been associated with exposure to secondhand smoke in observed among US children in 2007–2008 were sustained in
children include prevalence of asthma, asthmatic symptoms, 2008 –2009. The consistency of the reductions over 2 rotavirus
asthma severity, and ear infection. seasons indicates that these changes likely are attributable to
the new rotavirus vaccination program.
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Earliest Appropriate Time for Administering The current study revealed that, beyond direct influences, the
Neurobehavioral Assessment in Newborn Infants relationship between adolescents’ sensation seeking and
The recommended time for assessing infant neurobehavior parental R-rated movie restrictions in explaining smoking
varies. For early-newborn examinations in hospitals, current onset is bidirectional in nature.
practice requires that the infant be examined within ⬃48
hours. It is not known how the amount of time since delivery Intercenter Differences in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
may affect the results. or Death Among Very Low Birth Weight Infants
We recommend 20 hours after delivery as the earliest Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is a major cause of morbidity in
appropriate time for assessing newborn neurobehavior, premature infants. Outcomes of most neonatal disorders,
because it allows accurate assessment of newborn including bronchopulmonary dysplasia, vary in incidence
neurobehavior that is less contaminated by the acute effects across neonatal centers even after adjustment for
of delivery. demographic and antenatal characteristics. The factors
responsible for such variation have not been systematically
Multicenter Crossover Study of Automated Inspired evaluated.
Oxygen for Mechanically Ventilated Preterm Infants Bronchopulmonary dysplasia/death rates were found to
Many extremely preterm infants spend considerable time demonstrate a moderate clustering effect according to center,
outside the intended arterial oxygen saturation range because as did clinical variables associated with the outcome.
of their respiratory instability and often insufficient or Persistent center differences after clustered variables were
excessive oxygen supplementation, which increases the risk of corrected indicated the presence of as-yet unmeasured center
complications associated with hypoxemia and hyperoxemia. variables.
The results show that, under routine conditions, automatic
adjustment of the fraction of inspired oxygen improves Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Diagnostic Challenges,
maintenance of pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) within an Presenting Symptoms, and Commonly Missed Signs
intended range, primarily by avoiding high SpO2 levels, and Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant
reduces oxygen concentration and staff workload. neurocutaneous disorder that is clinically diagnosed.
Diagnosis of TSC may be difficult because no single symptom
Integrative Pediatric Care: Parents’ Attitudes Toward is present in all patients, and none are absolutely
Communication of Physicians and CAM Practitioners pathognomonic.
The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) Presenting symptoms and signs of TSC according to age
among children is prevalent in different countries. There have group, missed symptoms, and signs that did not lead to
been limited data on parents’ perspectives toward pediatric diagnosis are described. Early diagnosis may reduce
CAM use and its meaning in terms of parent-doctor and morbidity and mortality in patients with TSC.
doctor–CAM-practitioner communication.
The study revealed that parents referred to conventional and Prospective Validation of a Novel Strategy for Assessing
CAM clinics expressed distinctive attitudes toward CAM Risk of Significant Hyperbilirubinemia
integration in pediatric care and perceived physician–CAM- Different risk assessment strategies have been developed to
practitioner communication as highly important in promoting determine which infants are at greater risk for developing
their children’s health and safety. significant hyperbilirubinemia. Further refinement of such
strategies is needed to provide safe, cost-effective treatment
Association of Smoking Onset With R-Rated Movie and follow-up care for these patients.
Restrictions and Adolescent Sensation Seeking The present study has validated prospectively a novel strategy
Evidence has shown that sensation seeking is positively for significant hyperbilirubinemia risk assessment, which
related and parental restrictions on R-rated movies are combines predischarge bilirubin percentile and gestational
negatively related to smoking onset in adolescence. age data.
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See the table of contents of this issue to learn more about these articles.
PEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 1, January 2011
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Pediatrics Digest
Pediatrics 2011;127;D1
DOI: 10.1542/peds.digest1271
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Child Abuse and Neglect
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Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since . Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the
American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois,
60007. Copyright © 2011 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: