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Lightning and surge

protection basics
From the generation of surge voltages
right through to a comprehensive protection concept
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Lightning and surge
protection basics
We don't just want to support you with excellent solutions, but also
to be on hand with help and advice. This includes basic information
about engineering and electronics topics. This brochure provides
you with an overview of lightning and surge protection for electrical
systems. Discover the most important facts in a nutshell. Have a look
at the solutions available for the diverse challenges facing this sector.
Or deepen your knowledge of the interrelationships and background;
something only the specialists know.
We wish you – in the truest sense of the word – an electrifying read!

The very latest solutions

At Phoenix Contact, particular Phoenix Contact is distinguished by

emphasis is placed on development many years of experience in this area
expertise and a high degree of as well as by extensive expertise in
manufacturing capability. All key both development and manufacturing.
technologies, from full engineering, to The accredited in-house lightning
tool manufacturing, metal processing, and high-current laboratory, the
and plastic production, right through most sophisticated in the world,
to electronics development and is just one part of this. It lays the
manufacturing are available in-house. foundation for precise, continually
Phoenix Contact has been developing adjusted test procedures and basic
and manufacturing surge protective research tailored to the application,
devices since 1983 and is the and therefore for solutions that
technology leader in this area today. implement current findings from
The company provides many innovative theory and practice.
solutions for every industry and In short, products with the highest
application, among others, for levels of quality and cutting-edge
• Power supply technology.
• Measurement and control
• Data technology and
• Transceiver systems

Questions and answers
You probably have a great deal of questions – ranging from basic queries as
to how surge voltages even occur, to technical details about grid systems or
individual components of a surge protection concept, right through to the device
itself. Here you can find answers to questions such as:

What is a surge voltage?

How does it occur? What makes up a consistent surge
Section 1, Page 6 protection concept?
Section 2.3 et seqq., Page 13

What damage can

surge voltages cause?
Section 1.5, Page 9 How can the quality of surge
protective devices be verified?
Section 3.3, Page 18
Section 4, Page 22
How does surge protection work?
Section 2.1, Page 10

In which applications is surge

What legal or standard requirements protection particularly important?
are there for surge protection? Section 6, Page 28
Section 2.2, Page 11

Explanation of terms Section 7, Page 64


1. Surge voltages 6
1.1 The phenomenon of surge voltage 6
1.2 Causes 7
1.3 Coupling types 8
1.4 Direction of action 8
1.5 Effects and damage 9

2. Surge protection: what should be considered? 10

2.1 How surge protection works 10
2.2 Lightning and surge protection standards 11
2.3 Basic protective measures and equipment 13
2.4 Lightning protection zones 14
2.5 The protective circle principle 15

3. Classification and testing of surge protective devices 16

3.1 Requirements in accordance with IEC 61643 16
3.2 Important parameters for surge protective devices 17
3.3 Maintenance and testing in accordance with IEC 62305 18
3.4 Pulse and high-current testing technology 20

4. Quality features of surge protective devices 22

4.1 CE declaration of conformity 22
4.2 Independent product certifications 23
4.3 Expertise in surge protection 24

5. Lightning monitoring system 26

5.1 Smart monitoring 26
5.2 Lightning current detection 27

6. Fields of application 28
6.1 Protection of AC systems with linear voltage sources 28
6.2 Protection of DC systems with linear voltage sources 41
6.3 Protection of DC systems in photovoltaic systems 43
6.4 Protection of signal transmission circuits in MCR technology 48
6.5 Protection of signal transmission circuits in information technology 60
6.6 Protection of signal transmission circuits in
telecommunications technology 62
6.7 Protection of signal transmission circuits in
transceiver systems 63

7. Glossary 64

8 References 67

The basics of surge protection | Surge voltages

1 Surge voltages
Various types of surge voltages can occur in electrical and electronic systems. They differ
mainly with respect to their duration and amplitude. Depending on the cause, a surge
voltage can last a few hundred microseconds, hours or even days. The amplitude can
range from a few millivolts to some ten thousand volts. Lightning strikes are a special
cause of surge voltages. Direct and indirect strikes can result not only in high surge
voltage amplitudes, but also particularly high and sometimes long current flows, which
then have very serious effects.

1.1 The phenomenon of surge voltage

Every electrical device has a specific short duration, in turn, mean very insurance and, within a short period
dielectric strength against surge voltages. abrupt voltage increases and high voltage of time, can become a heavy financial
If the level of a surge voltage exceeds differences, the effects of which can burden, especially in comparison to the
this strength, malfunctions or damage be protected against only with surge cost of a lightning and surge protection
can occur. Surge voltages with very protection. concept.
high amplitudes in the kilovolt range Although the operator of an electrical
are generally transient overvoltages, system can use corresponding insurance
which means they have a comparatively to fix material damage to the system,
short duration, ranging from a few there is a separate risk for the time
microseconds to several hundred the system is down until it is repaired.
microseconds. The high amplitude and This downtime is often not covered by

The basics of surge protection | Surge voltages

1.2 Causes

The typical duration and amplitude of a

surge voltage varies depending on the

Lightning strikes
Lightning strikes (lightning electro-
magnetic pulse, LEMP) have the greatest
destructive potential out of all the
causes of surge voltages. They cause
transient overvoltages that can extend
across great distances and are often
associated with high-amplitude surge
currents. Even the indirect effects of
a lightning strike can lead to a surge Fig. 1: Lightning strikes have an extremely high potential for destruction
voltage of several kilovolts and result in
a surge current of tens of thousands of
amperes. Despite its very brief duration, switch-on currents can induce transient sudden charge exchange leads to a
from a few microseconds to several overvoltages. brief surge voltage. This presents a
hundred microseconds, such an event hazard, especially for sensitive electronic
can lead to total failure or even the Electrostatic discharges components.
destruction of the affected installation. Electrostatic discharges (ESD) occur if
exposed conductive parts with different
Switching operations electrostatic potential approach each
Switching operations generate other, resulting in a charge exchange.
electromagnetic pulses (switching The may result in electrostatic charge
electromagnetic pulse, SEMP), which in generation in an exposed conductive
turn can lead to induced surge voltages part within electrical and electronic
that can spread to electrical cables. The systems. Ultimately, the electrostatic
current flows that are extremely high charge reaches a level high enough to
for a brief period during a short-circuit spark over to an exposed conductive
or when activating consumers with high part of a different potential. This

Fig. 2: High-powered electric motors induce surge voltages due to high switch-on currents Fig. 3: Electrostatic discharges present a danger,
particularly to sensitive electronics

The basics of surge protection | Surge voltages

1.3 Coupling types

Surge voltages can reach a circuit in changes. If another conductor is located

various ways. In reality, it is usually a in this magnetic field, then according
case of an overlap between individual to the induction principle, a voltage
coupling types. difference occurs here due to the change
in the magnetic field strength.
Galvanic coupling
Two circuits that are connected to each Capacitive coupling
other in an electrically conductive way An electrical field occurs between two
can directly and mutually influence each points with different potential. The
other. A change in voltage or current in charge carriers of exposed conductive
one circuit generates a corresponding parts within this field are arranged
reaction in another circuit. based on the field direction and strength
according to the physical principle of
Inductive coupling influence. As such, a potential difference
A rapidly increasing flow of current also occurs within the exposed
through a conductor generates a conductive part, in other words, a
magnetic field, with a level of strength voltage difference.
around the conductor that quickly

1.4 Direction of action

Normal-mode voltage (symmetrical Common-mode voltage
voltage, differential mode voltage) (asymmetrical voltage)
Symmetrical surge voltages present a Common-mode surge voltages primarily
hazard primarily to equipment that is present a hazard to equipment that is
located between two active potentials. located between active potentials (phase
They can cause damage if the electric conductors and neutral conductors) and
strength of the equipment is exceeded. the ground potential. They can cause
damage if the dielectric strength of the
equipment is exceeded.

L/+ L/+
N/- N/-

Fig. 4: Normal-mode voltage Fig. 5: Common-mode voltage

The basics of surge protection | Surge voltages

1.5 Effects and damage

The German Insurance Association from the comparable year of 2010 are For this reason, a consistent surge
(GDV) regularly publishes statistics, taken as a basis, this amounts to a cost protection concept is urgently required
allowing conclusions to be drawn on increase of approximately 20%. Insurers for industrial and business systems. It
the total losses resulting from various consider one of the causes to be that is not just a case of having effective
causes. According to these statistics, increasingly sensitive electronic devices protection for fire and personnel, but
after fires and storms, lightning strikes are finding their way into households. also about eliminating the possibility of
and surge voltages cause the most On average, an individual lightning large financial risks.
damage. In 2012, their share of damage strike or damage from a surge voltage An additional factor that will
to all insured items totaled 18%. In amounted to 800 euros in 2013. This underscore the need for lightning and
other words, almost a fifth of insured is the highest amount since statistics surge protection in the future is the
damage can be traced back to a surge began. increase in the probability of lightning
voltage. For commercial systems, however, strikes, as shown by statistics. Various
Device failure or defects caused by the consequences of a failure (such as studies have already shown that as
surge voltages are more frequent than downtime or data loss) are generally part of global climate change, the
expected. According to statistics from much more serious. The failure of a frequency of storms is set to increase.
the GDV, surge voltages are in fact the device or a machine that is used in a This development is not limited only to
most frequent cause of this damage. professional environment often leads to regions that already have a high risk of
These figures only apply to damage that costs that are many times higher than strikes, but extends to all regions on
resulted in fire. repairing the defective device. Earth.
Fig.  6 shows that the amount of For example, if a cell tower fails,
damage caused by lightning and surge the cost for the operator can lie in
voltages in 2013 as reported to the the range of several euros per second.
GDV has dropped by about 20% in Calculated over the course of a day, this
comparison to the previous year. The corresponds to damages of more than
financial payments by insurance providers, 100,000 euros.
however, fell by just 10%. If the values

340 million Insurance payments in euros

500,000 280 million

Number of damage cases





2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Fig. 6: Number of damage cases caused by lightning strikes and surge voltages and cost of insurance payments

2 Surge protection:
what should be considered?
Effective surge protection is not just simply installed. It has to be individually coordinated
based on the system that is to be protected and the ambient conditions that are prevalent
on site. For this reason, the design and concept must be consistent. This means that
many details must be taken into account, for everything from standards and stipulations
to creating a lightning protection zone concept.

2.1 How surge protection works

Surge protection should ensure that The way in which the surge protection
surge voltages do not cause damage to works can be easily explained by means
installations, equipment or end devices. of the equipment's power supply diagram
As such, surge protective devices (Fig. 7).
(SPDs) chiefly fulfill two tasks: As described in Section 1.4, a surge
• Limit the surge voltage in terms voltage can arise either between the
of amplitude so that the dielectric active conductors as normal-mode
strength of the devices is not voltage (Fig. 8) or between active
exceeded. conductors and the protective
• Discharge the surge currents conductor or ground potential as
associated with surge voltages to a common-mode voltage (Fig. 9).
distant ground.

L/+ L/+ L/+

N/- N/- N/-


Fig. 7: Schematic power supply of a Fig. 8: Effects of a surge voltage as Fig. 9: Effects of a surge voltage as
piece of equipment normal-mode voltage common-mode voltage

With this in mind, surge protective
devices are installed either in parallel L/+
to the equipment, between the active L/+
conductors themselves (Fig. 10) or N/-
between the active conductors and the N/-
protective conductor (Fig. 11).
A surge protective device functions in PE PE
the same way as a switch that turns
off for the brief time of the surge
voltage. By doing so, a sort of short
circuit occurs; surge currents can flow
to ground or to the supply network. Fig. 10: SPD between the active conductors Fig. 11: SPD between active conductors and the
This limits the difference in voltage protective conductor
(Fig. 12 and 13). This short circuit of
sorts only lasts for the duration of
the surge voltage event, typically a few
microseconds. As such, the equipment L/+
to be protected is safeguarded and
continues to work unaffected. N/-


Fig. 12: SPD between the active conductors in Fig. 13: SPD between active conductors and the
the case of normal-mode voltage protective conductor in the case of common-
mode voltage

2.2 Lightning and surge protection standards

National and international standards • Protective measures against in various countries. Normative
provide a guide to establishing a lightning atmospheric influences or switching references are made, to the extent
and surge protection concept as well as operations: stipulated in IEC 60364-4- possible, based on the international
the design of the individual protective 44 [5]. In comparison with IEC 62305, IEC documents.
devices. A distinction is made between it is based on a shortened risk analysis
the following protective measures: and uses this as the basis for deriving
• Protective measures against corresponding measures.
lightning strike events: stipulated In addition to the standards mentioned,
in lightning protection standard  it may be necessary to observe other
IEC 62305 [1] [2] [3] [4]. A key legal and country-specific stipulations,
component of this is an extensive risk which often make the use of surge
assessment regarding the necessity, protection a compulsory requirement.
scope, and cost-effectiveness of a The following sections do not address
protection concept. the individual particularities of standards

The basics of surge protection | Surge protection: what should be considered?

2.2.1 Lightning protection in cost for a lightning protection system highest current amplitudes of lightning
accordance with IEC 62305 compare to the costs of potential strikes that can be conducted away safely
damage without a protection system? depending on the lightning protection
Part 1: Characteristics of The cost evaluation is based on the level. This is described by means of
lightning strikes expenditures for the planning, assembly, lightning protection classes I to IV.
In Part 1 of this standard [1], the and maintenance of the lightning Furthermore, these describe the
characteristic properties of lightning protection system. probability of capturing lightning strikes
strikes, the likelihood of occurrence, and relative to the overall occurrences
the potential for hazard are taken into Parts 3 and 4: Planning aids and of lightning strikes. The highest class,
account. lightning protection class I, corresponds
If the risk assessment determines that to a 99% probability of capturing a
Part 2: Risk analysis lightning protection is required and cost- strike.
The risk analysis according to Part 2 of effective, then the type and scope of the
this standard [2] describes a process specific measures for protection can be
with which, first of all, the need for planned based on Parts 3 [3] and 4 [4]
lightning protection for a physical of this standard. The lightning protection
structure is analyzed. Various sources of level determined by risk management is
damage, e.g., a direct lightning strike in decisive for determining the type and
the building, come into focus, as do the scope of the measures.
types of damage resulting from this: For physical structures that require an
• Impact on health or loss of life extremely high level of safety, almost all
• Loss of technical services for the strikes must be captured and conducted
public away safely. For systems where a higher
• Loss of irreplaceable objects of residual risk is acceptable, strikes with
cultural significance lower amplitudes are not captured.
• Financial losses Fig. 14 shows the lowest current
The financial benefits are determined amplitudes of lightning strikes that can
as follows: how does the total annual still be captured safely as well as the

I 3 – 200 kA
Lightning protection class

II 5 – 150 kA

III 10 – 100 kA

16 – 100 kA

I / [kA]
10 50 100 150 200

Lightning current amplitude

Fig. 14: Lightning protection classes in accordance with IEC 62305-1 [1] with corresponding minimum and maximum values of lightning current amplitude

The basics of surge protection | Surge protection: what should be considered?

2.2.2 Surge protection Likewise, the standard does not apply to • Industrial or trade activities; for
in accordance with installations if the consequences from example, hotels, banks, industrial
IEC 60364-4-44 surge voltages affect: firms, trade markets, agricultural
• Physical structures with a risk of enterprises
IEC 60364-4-44 [5] includes a explosion In all other cases, a risk assessment
description of the requirements for • Physical structures that, if damaged, must be carried out in line with the
protecting the electrical installation could impact the environment international standard.
against transient overvoltages caused by (such as chemical systems or nuclear However, there are country-specific
atmospheric influences. power plants). deviations in which the use of surge
The standard's area of application Surge protective devices must be used protection is generally obligatory, making
includes transient overvoltages that are in accordance with IEC 60364-4-44 if a risk assessment unnecessary.
transmitted by the power supply system. transient overvoltages could have an
In addition to surge voltages (such as impact on the following:
those arising from switching operations), • Human life; for example, systems for
this includes a direct lightning strike on safety purposes, medical areas
the supply line. However, direct lightning • Public and cultural institutions; for
strikes on or near a physical structure example, failure of public services,
are not taken into consideration; in telecommunications centers, museums
these cases, refer to IEC 62305 [1-4].

2.3 Basic protective measures and equipment

In order to ensure the total protection sioning. External lightning protection is a

of a physical structure from the system that consists of the air terminal,
effects of lightning strikes and surge the arresters, and the grounding system.
voltages, various protective measures Part 3 of standard IEC 62305 [3]
or equipment that are tailored to is essential for planning and erecting
one another are required. A broad external lightning protection systems.
classification is shown below: Identifying and determining the lightning
• External lightning protection protection class is the basis for this. This
• Internal lightning protection is derived from the risk analysis. If there
• Grounding and equipotential bonding are no regulations or specifications for
• Coordinated SPD system external lightning protection, a lightning
protection class of at least class III is
2.3.1 External lightning recommended.
protection The location of the air terminals on
the building must also be determined.
External lightning protection (Fig. 15) There are three methods of doing so:
aims to divert strikes which come near • Rolling sphere method
to the object to be protected and to • Protective angle method
transmit the lightning current from the • Mesh method
point where it hits to ground. Danger- To insulate the external lightning
ous spark formation must be prevented. protection system, a minimum distance
Damage due to thermal, magnetic or between electrical lines and metal
electrical effects must be prevented as installations must be kept, referred to as Fig. 15 External lightning protection, here on a
well through proper design and dimen- the separation distance. private residence, for example

The basics of surge protection | Surge protection: what should be considered?

2.3.2 Internal lightning 2.3.3 Grounding and • Divide the physical structure into
protection equipotential bonding lightning protection zones
• Incorporate all cables that cross
The internal lightning protection The grounding system aims to distribute between different zones into the local
system should prevent dangerous and discharge the captured lightning equipotential bonding using suitable
spark formation inside the system. current to ground. For this process, the SPDs
Sparks can be caused by lightning- geometry of the grounding system is • Coordinate different types of SPDs:
induced surge voltages in the external crucial for effectively deriving lightning The devices must operate with
lightning protection system or in current (not the grounding resistance each other in a coordinated manner
other conductive parts of the physical value). Effective equipotential bonding to prevent individual SPDs from
structure. is also important. Equipotential bonding overloading
The internal lightning protection connects all electrically conductive • Use short supply lines for connecting
system consists of the equipotential parts with each other via cables. SPDs between active conductors and
bonding system and electrical insulation Active conductors are integrated into the equipotential bonding
due to sufficient distances or suitable the equipotential bonding via surge • Lay protected and unprotected cables
materials from the external lightning protective devices. separately
protection system. • For surge protection of signal
The lightning protection equipo- 2.3.4 Coordinated SPD system transmission circuits, it is
tential bonding is intended to prevent recommended to ground equipment
dangerous potential differences. For this A coordinated SPD system is only via the respective SPD
purpose, the lightning protection system understood to be a multi-level system
is primarily connected to metal installa- of surge protective devices that are
tions, internal systems, as well as elec- coordinated with each other.
trical and electronic systems within the The following points are
system. This occurs by means of equi- recommended in order to achieve a
potential bonding lines, surge protective high-performance SPD system:
devices or isolating spark gaps.

2.4 Lightning protection zones

The installation locations of surge LPZ 0A LPZ 1

protective devices within a physical Unprotected zone outside of a building Zone inside the building where high-
structure are determined using the where direct lightning strikes are energy surge voltages or surge currents
lightning protection zone concept from possible. The direct coupling of lightning and strong electromagnetic fields are still
part 4 of lightning protection standard currents in cables and the undamped to be expected.
IEC 62305 [4]. magnetic field of the lightning strike can
It divides a physical structure into lead to danger and damage. LPZ 2
lightning protection zones (LPZ), and Zone inside a building where surge
does so from outside to inside with LPZ 0B voltages or surge currents and
decreasing lightning protection levels. In Zone outside the building that is electromagnetic fields that have already
external zones only resistant equipment protected from direct lightning strikes, been significantly weakened are to be
can be used. However, in internal zones, for example, by an air terminal. The expected.
sensitive equipment can also be used. undamped magnetic field of the lightning
The individual zones are characterized strike and induced surge currents can
and named as follows: cause hazards and damage.

The basics of surge protection | Surge protection: what should be considered?

Zone inside the building where surge
voltages or surge currents are expected
to be only extremely low or entirely
absent and electromagnetic fields are
expected to be only very weak or non-

All cables that cross between zones

must use coordinated surge protective
devices (Fig. 16). Their discharge
capacities are based on the lightning
protection class to be achieved, which
has been determined according to legal
requirements and requirements from
government agencies and insurance
companies, or by a risk analysis. When
it comes to selecting surge protective
devices, use the standard as a basis,
assuming that 50% of the lightning
current will be discharged to ground.
The other 50% of the lightning current is
directed to the electrical installation via
the main equipotential bonding and from
there must be conducted away from the
SPD system.
Fig. 16: Lightning protection zone concept with coordinated SPDs at the respective zone transition points

2.5 The protective circle principle

A clear depiction of the lightning The protective circle must

protection zone concept is shown by the include all electrical and
protective circle (Fig. 17). An imaginary electronic transmission lines in
circle should be drawn around the the following areas:
object to be protected. Surge protective • Power supply
devices should be installed at all points • Measurement and control
where cables intersect this circle. This technology
secures the area inside the protective • Information technology
circle. Couplings of line-bound surge • Transceiver systems
voltages are moderated to achieve
effective protection.
Fig. 17: Protective circle

The basics of surge protection | Classification and testing of surge protective devices

3 Classification and testing of surge

protective devices
Surge protective devices must have defined protection functions and performance
parameters to make them suitable for use in corresponding protection concepts. As
such, they are developed, tested, and classified according to their own international
series of product standards. Yet even during use at a later stage, proper operation and
therefore adherence to the protective function must be checked at regular intervals,
as is also required of other safety-related components in electrical installations and
electronic systems.

3.1 Requirements in accordance with IEC 61643

Surge protective devices (SPDs) are • IEC 61643-31: Surge protective

generally classified according to their devices connected to low-voltage
performance values, depending on power systems – Requirements and
the protection class and location test methods for surge protective
of use; this classification is found devices to be used in photovoltaic
in product standard IEC 61643. It installations [8]
contains definitions of terms, general
requirements, and testing procedures for In the future, the following standard will
surge protective devices. Some of the be added to this series:
standards in the series are: • IEC 61643-41: Surge protective
• IEC 61643-11: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage
devices connected to low-voltage DC systems – Requirements and test
power systems – Requirements and methods
test methods [6]
• IEC 61643-21: Surge protective
devices connected to telecommu-
nications and signaling networks – Fig. 18: IEC 61643 –
Performance requirements and test the product standard
methods [7] for surge protective

The basics of surge protection | Classification and testing of surge protective devices

3.2 Key characteristics for surge protective devices

Nominal voltage (UN) Maximum continuous voltage (Uc) Nominal discharge current (In)
The nominal value of the voltage of the Maximum r.m.s. value of the voltage that Peak value of the current flowing
current or signal circuit based on the use is allowed to be continuously applied to through the SPD with pulse shape
envisaged for the SPDs. the terminals of the SPD. (8/20 μs).
The nominal voltage stated for an The maximum continuous voltage The pulse shape (8/20 μs) of a surge
SPD corresponds to the system voltage must be at least 10% higher than the current is characteristic of the effects of
of the typical SPD installation site for value of the nominal voltage. In systems an indirect lightning strike or switching
a standard three-phase system, e.g., with greater voltage deviations, SPDs operation. The value of the nominal
230/400 V AC. Systems with lower with a greater difference between Uc discharge current is used for a variety of
system voltages can also be protected by and Un must be used. tests on an SPD, including those used to
the SPD. In the event of higher system determine the voltage protection level.
voltages, it must be decided on a case- Voltage protection level (Up) Depending on the lightning protection
to-case basis as to whether the SPD can Maximum voltage that can occur on the class assigned to a lightning protection
be used and if there are restrictions to connection terminal blocks of the SPD system, the SPDs must have minimum
observe. while loaded with a pulse of specific values that correspond to this peak
voltage steepness and a discharge surge value.
Nominal load current (IL) current of specified amplitude and wave
Maximum r.m.s. value of the nominal form. Off-load voltage (UOC)
current, which allows a connected load This value characterizes the surge Off-load voltage of the hybrid generator
to flow to one of the protected outputs voltage protective effect of the SPD. at the terminal points of the SPD.
of the SPD. In the event of a surge voltage or A hybrid generator creates a
This maximum value is specified by surge current within the performance combined surge; e.g., in off-load. It
the parts carrying operational current parameters of the SPD, the voltage is supplies a voltage pulse with a defined
within the SPDs; these must be able safely limited to a maximum of this value pulse shape, generally (1.2/50 μs), and
to withstand the continuous thermal at the protected connections of the SPD. in a short circuit, a current pulse with a
current load. defined pulse shape, generally (8/20 μs).
Lightning surge current (Iimp) The combined surge is characteristic
Short-circuit withstand capability Peak value of the current flowing of the effects of an induced surge
(ISCCR) through the SPD with pulse shape voltage. Depending on the protection
Maximum prospective short-circuit (10/350 μs). class assigned to a lightning protection
current of the electrical network, for The pulse shape (10/350 μs) of a system, the SPDs must have minimum
which the SPD is rated in conjunction surge current is used for simulating the values that correspond to this value.
with the upstream overcurrent current flow of direct lightning strikes.
protective device. The value of the lightning surge current
The short-circuit withstand capability is used for special testing of an SPD
indicates the maximum prospective to demonstrate its load capacity with
short-circuit current at which the SPD regard to high-energy lightning currents.
can be used at the installation location. Depending on the lightning protection
The corresponding tests to determine class assigned to a lightning protection
this value are carried out in connection system, the SPDs must have minimum
with the maximum permissible upstream values that correspond to this peak
overcurrent protective device (OCPD). value.
In the event that the special surge
protective devices for photovoltaic
systems correspond to the value ISCPV,
this is the maximum direct current
short-circuit current of a system at
which the SPD may be used.

The basics of surge protection | Classification and testing of surge protective devices

Normative surge current and voltage surge pulse with the pulse shape same amplitude. Therefore, it places a
voltage surge pulses of (1.2/50 μs) (Fig. 20). considerably higher load on the SPD in
The voltage-limiting function of the SPDs that are designed to protect terms of energy.
SPDs is tested, for example, using surge against direct lightning currents are
currents with a pulse shape of (8/20 μs) additionally tested using surge currents
(Fig. 19), i.e., with a rise time of 8 μs and with a pulse shape of (10/350 μs)
a decay time to half value of 20 μs. This (Fig. 21).
pulse shape also provides information The amplitude is based on the
about the dynamic response behavior lightning surge current specified by
of the SPD. For voltage-switching the manufacturer for the device. This
SPDs, such as spark gaps or gas-filled pulse shape contains several times
surge protective devices, this response the electrical load in comparison
behavior is also tested using a very fast to the (8/20 μs) pulse shape, at the

100 100 100

90 90 90
(%) (%) (%)

50 50 50

10 10
0 0 0
8 1.2 10
20 t (μs) 50 350 t (μs)
t (μs)

Fig. 19: Curve for a (8/20 μs) surge current pulse Fig. 20: Curve for a (1.2/50 μs) voltage surge Fig. 21: Curve for a (10/350 μs) surge current
pulse pulse

3.3 Maintenance and testing in accordance with IEC 62305

To achieve high system availability, lightning protection) is also required in demands that maintenance is properly
system operators must regularly Appendix E.7 of the lightning protection documented. The three following points
inspect and maintain their electrical standard IEC 62305-3 [3]. Specialist are particularly important to note:
system (Table 1). This is stipulated knowledge is required in order to carry
by legislators, supervisory authorities out professional testing of lightning
or professional associations based on protection systems. For this reason, this
the respective system type. Regular test must be carried out by a lightning
testing and maintenance of lightning protection expert. Inspecting the SPDs
protection systems (external and internal is also part of this. The standard also

Visual check Comprehensive testing Comprehensive testing in critical

Lightning protection class
(years) (years) situations (years)

I and II 1 2 1
III and IV 2 4 1

Table 1: Testing intervals in accordance with IEC 62305-3 [3]

The basics of surge protection | Classification and testing of surge protective devices

• "Comprehensive testing in critical Advantages values is stored in a failsafe manner and

situations" relates to physical The intelligent test device with a can be saved on a USB stick via a USB
structures that contain sensitive modular design is equipped with an interface. It can be further processed
systems or systems with a large operating screen, a barcode scanner, using standard Office software
number of persons. and a programmable logic controller as (MS Word, MS Excel, etc.).
• Explosion-protected, physical well as a current-limiting, high-voltage
structures should undergo a visual power supply unit that can be controlled
check every 6 months. The electrical remotely. Thanks to the use of test
test of the installations should be adapters, the CHECKMASTER 2 can
carried out once a year. easily be adjusted to different surge
• For systems with strict requirements protective devices. These test adapters
in terms of safety technology, for are easy to replace without tools, and
example, the legislator can prescribe there is no need to switch off the test
a comprehensive check. This can be device.
necessary if there has been a lightning The CHECKMASTER 2 not only
strike within a certain radius of the detects defective surge protective CHECKMASTER 2
respective system. devices. It is also able to detect The CHECKMASTER 2 enables
previously damaged surge protective convenient, fully-automated testing
3.3.1 Electrical test devices with electrical parameters that of pluggable surge protective
are at the limit of the defined tolerance devices. Already damaged or
At this point the question arises as to range. overloaded surge protective
what exactly should be covered by a In order to also be able to check devices are reliably detected and
comprehensive test. A visual check alone surge protective devices that will be can be replaced as a preventive
often cannot reliably provide an idea of developed in the future, software measure. All test results are
the functional efficiency of an SPD. An updates can be carried out via USB documented in line with standards.
electrical test, however, can clearly verify stick. These are available for component
the performance capacity of the SPD. databases, the firmware, and operating
When an electrical test is carried languages.
out on SPDs and simulates a real surge The test record with test results,
voltage, the test voltage is selected such installation locations, and alphanumeric
that the SPD "works", that is, becomes
conductive. The measurement results
are then compared to reference values
and evaluated.

3.3.2 CHECKMASTER 2 test


The CHECKMASTER 2 (Fig. 22)

is a portable, robust, and easy-to-
operate high-voltage test device from
Phoenix Contact for pluggable surge
protective devices. It carries out an
automatic, electrical test of pluggable

Fig. 22: CHECKMASTER 2 high-voltage test device

The basics of surge protection | Classification and testing of surge protective devices

3.4 Pulse and high-current testing technology

Surge protective devices are more

effective the more precisely they are
tailored to the requirements and special
features of their area of application.
Therefore, the development of surge IImpulses Ip
protective devices requires laboratory
simulation of the operating conditions Surge
50 Hz U MV

– or more specifically, of the electrical current Utest Power supply system
conditions and the surge voltage events
to be anticipated.

Realistic simulation of surge

voltage events
For the test-based technical certification Fig. 24: 50 Hz high-current testing system for simulating different low-voltage power supply systems
of high-performance SPDs of all types,
the short-circuit behavior of high-
performance, low-voltage power supply
systems must be simulated. This is interactions with different power supply surge current generator, surge protective
accomplished using an adjustable three- systems. The IEC 61643-11 standard [6] device, and line-frequency power supply
phase transformer with adjustable describes a testing procedure in this system, is depicted in Fig. 24.
short-circuit behavior. This simulation is context that is referred to as an
coupled with a surge current generator, operating duty test. During this test, Simulation of lightning surge
which generates surge currents that the surge protective device is subjected
are typically produced by transient to surge pulse currents while it is Surge current generators (Fig. 27)
surge voltage events. It is only with a simultaneously connected to a specifically are key components of a high-current
test arrangement of this type that the parameterized power supply system. laboratory; they help to determine the
performance of the protective devices The basic structure of such a testing discharge capacity, test components
can be determined, as well as their system, which generally consists of a for external lightning protection, and

Fig. 23: Resistance and inductance on the high- and low-voltage side of the Fig. 25: Testing stations of the high-current testing system
testing transformer

The basics of surge protection | Classification and testing of surge protective devices

Fig. 26: Fully automated testing system for determining the overload and Fig. 27: Lightning surge current generator
failure behavior of surge protective devices in accordance with
IEC 61643-11 [6]

also demonstrate the function of surge in terms of quality assurance, as well

voltage protection concepts. They as the independence and impartiality
simulate lightning surge currents with of the testing criteria. The essential
amplitudes of up to 100 kA with a pulse requirements in terms of expertise for
shape of (10/350 μs) and surge currents, testing and calibration laboratories are
for example, consisting of switching described in DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
surge voltages with amplitudes of Implementation of and adherence to
200 kA or higher with a pulse shape of this standard may, for example, be
(8/20 μs). checked and confirmed by the German
Accreditation Body (DAkkS).
Fully automated testing
The requirements for surge protective
devices in accordance with IEC 61643-
11 [6] call for tests (Fig. 26) that
evaluate the overload and failure Laboratory operation at the highest level
behavior. A key test that simulates aging • Every surge voltage event can be • Testing results that are easy to
of the surge protective device as a result simulated. Phoenix Contact can reproduce and efficient testing
of increasing leakage currents is the test simulate all low-voltage power operation. The Phoenix Contact
of thermal stability. This test can take supply systems with realistic laboratory is automated to a high
several hours. Similar time-intensive and characteristics, using its in-house, degree and is therefore suitable for
resource-intensive testing sequences are three-phase 50 Hz high-current ongoing quality monitoring.
defined in IEC 61643-21 [7] for SPDs for testing system. It generates • Proven to be the highest,
use in signal transmission circuits. maximum short-circuit currents independently verified quality.
of up to 50,000 A. Furthermore, Phoenix Contact's pulse and high-
Accreditation in accordance with the testing parameters can be very current laboratory is accredited
DIN EN  ISO/IEC 17025 in accordance with DIN EN ISO/
finely graduated and adjusted – the
IEC 17025.
It is not only the technical equipment ideal basis for developing tailor-
of the testing laboratory that counts. made surge voltage protection
Just as important are the technical systems.
expertise of the employees, the
effectiveness of the management system

The basics of surge protection | Quality features

4 Quality features of
surge protective devices
The quality and performance of surge protective devices are hard for a customer to
assess. Correct functioning can only be tested in labs with appropriate equipment. Thus,
aside from the external appearance and haptics, only the technical data provided by the
manufacturer can provide any guidance. Even more important is a reliable statement
from the manufacturer regarding the performance of the SPD and successful completion
of the tests established in the respective part of the IEC 61643 standard series.

4.1 CE Declaration of Conformity

An initial statement of quality is the CE attestation of an examination or

Declaration of Conformity. It certifies evaluation of the product by a third
that the product complies with the party. The CE mark only means that the
2014/35/EU Low-voltage Directive of manufacturer has confirmed adherence
the European Union. Fulfillment of the to the relevant regulations with regard
testing requirements in the EN 61643 to its product. If non-adherence to
standard series, which are based on the the relevant regulations or misuse of
IEC 61643 series, serves as the primary the CE marking is proven, legal steps
basis for assessing surge protective can be initiated that may even result in
devices. prohibition of market launch under the
Please note: The CE conformity European Union's supervision.
assessment and declaration is issued
by the manufacturer. It is therefore
by no means a seal of approval by
an independent institute or other
Official CE logo to
mark products

The basics of surge protection | Quality features

4.2 Independent product certifications

A true mark of quality is a product and therefore also the confirmation of administrative approval of the products
certification from an independent testing performance specifications, is becoming for the Eurasian Economic Area. It is
institute. These can confirm fulfillment increasingly more important. the same as the CE Declaration of
of the respective testing requirements Conformity and can also be obtained on
specified in standards. Furthermore, KEMA, VDE, ÖVE, and more this basis.
they can also document additional These certification marks from
characteristics of the products, such as independent testing institutes confirm, GL, ATEX, IECEx, and more
resistance to the effects of shocks and for example, that the current version of These approvals certify the behavior
vibrations or safety requirements of the respective testing requirements from of the products in specific ambient
specific domestic markets. the IEC 61643 standard series has been conditions.
The regulatory requirements placed fulfilled. GL certifies the products' resistance
on SPDs sometimes require highly to external influences in the maritime
complex tests that only a few testing UL, CSA, EAC, and more environment as well as at sea, e.g.,
laboratories in the world are fully These certifications are examples of shocks, vibrations, humidity or salt
capable of carrying out. For increasingly requirements for certain domestic concentration levels.
more manufacturers and providers of markets. ATEX and IECEx, in turn, confirm the
SPDs, specifically in the lower pricing What's more, in their own standards, products' suitability for use in potentially
segment, the specifications regarding UL and CSA place safety requirements explosive areas, such as those that
the performance of the devices are on the products for the North American frequently exist in the process industry.
also to be taken into account. As such, markets or areas influenced by American
the independent certification of SPDs, markets. In contrast, EAC is primarily an

Independently verified quality

Phoenix Contact has a large part of
its surge protection product range
certified by independent testing
institutes. By doing so, compliance
with standards and maximum
product quality are verified for the

Fig. 28: Product certifications by independent testing institutes

The basics of surge protection | Quality features

4.3 Expertise in surge protection

Understanding the application • Develop and master innovative basic Measures to ensure quality are
Further development of electrical technologies critical and should be carried out
systems and system technology always • Structure development processes in series manufacturing as part of
leads to new technologies and, as a • Develop new protection concepts routine testing. For surge protective
result, to completely innovative technical as well as devices with tailor-made devices it can be useful, for example,
solutions that place very specific properties to perform destructive testing that
requirements on surge protection. One records product characteristics right up
example is the system technology for Testing and qualification to the performance limit and beyond.
using renewable energies (photovoltaics Testing systems that simulate real In this way, any possible deviations
and wind power). For this reason, it is conditions are essential in order to in manufacturing processes and
important to fully understand the system develop surge protection concepts and consequently in product quality can be
to be protected and its environment, devices. This also applies to technical detected at an early stage.
in order to develop tailor-made surge laboratory trials.
protective devices.
Manufacturing and quality
Research and development assurance
The basis for ongoing development is Manufacturing surge protective devices
intensive commitment to fundamental suitable for the market with the highest
research and technological development. quality levels demands that aspects
The following tasks are part of this: relating to processes and procedures
• Determine the precise requirements are taken into account during the
placed on surge protective devices development phase of these products.
(protection objectives) This requires early interlinking of
• Research new, appropriate materials product development activities with
available for applications process and procedure development.

Fig. 29: Practical application Fig. 30: Development shaped by research

The basics of surge protection | Quality features

Fig. 31: Quality assurance in the production process Fig. 32: Realistic testing conditions

A partner with experience and expertise

With Phoenix Contact as your • Close interlinking of product,
solution provider in the field of surge procedure, and process
protection, you benefit from many development makes it possible
advantages: to implement all manufacturing
• Basic research and technological aspects that are required in order
development in-house, which open to guarantee products at the
up new technologies and materials highest quality level from the word
for surge protection in a targeted go, when the product is created.
way and make them usable. • Standardized quality tests that
• Product development as part of a are carried out as automated
network, driven by collaborations routine testing alongside the
with technology developers and manufacturing process as well as
universities as well as active batch-based tests within the scope
involvement in relevant national of a destructive sample test, thus
and international councils and ensuring products with the highest
working groups. level of safety and quality.
• Operation of an in-house pulse and
high-current laboratory accredited
in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025,
which makes it possible to fully
certify surge protective devices
in accordance with all current
standards in the area of lightning
and surge protection.

The basics of surge protection | The lightning monitoring system

5 Lightning monitoring system

Lightning strikes cause devastating damage to buildings and systems. They are a
particular hazard for exposed structures such as offshore wind parks, radio masts,
leisure facilities or high buildings. It is practically impossible for employees to
continuously monitor exposed or large-scale systems, which means that damage is
detected too late.

The LM-S lightning monitoring system can detect and analyze lightning strikes in real
time. It provides information online about the intensity of the strike based on the
influencing parameters of lightning strikes. By consolidating the system operating
parameters and the measuring data, the system provides a substantiated basis for making
decisions regarding control and maintenance.

5.1 Smart monitoring

Lightning strikes can cause devastating even impossible, to implement. Damage

damage to buildings and systems. They or destruction to the system is often
can result in extensive destruction, only monitored once consequential
which can also cause consequential damage has occurred.
damage. As a result, smart monitoring
The damage is essentially dependent systems are used more and more.
on the charge of the strike. But the They are constantly monitoring the
design of the lightning and surge condition of a system. They immediately
protection concept also has a bearing on report unusual events and parameter
the extent of damage. deviations to a central evaluation unit.
Systems that are particularly at risk This helps facilitate a fast reaction
of lightning strikes are those in exposed to possible malfunctions or damage
locations or with a large surface area, and, consequently, the prevention of
e.g., wind turbine generators, power subsequent damage and long downtimes.
generation systems, industrial operations
covering a large area, and rail systems.
In such systems, complete lightning
protection is generally very difficult, or

Fig. 33: The lightning monitoring system

The basics of surge protection | The lightning monitoring system

5.2 Lightning current detection

The LM-S lightning monitoring system be calculated by the evaluation unit and
(Fig. 33) offers the option of lightning stored along with the date and time of
detection: If lightning strikes a lightning the lightning strike.
rod, a magnetic field then forms around If lightning strikes are measured in
the lightning-carrying discharge. The wind turbines or buildings, conclusions
Faraday effect dictates that such a can be drawn at any time from the
magnetic field is able to change the relation between the lightning para-
polarization of light waves. The LM-S meters and the associated harm or
ultimately uses this effect to measure destruction.
the lightning current. For this process, Lightning information systems are
a light signal in front of the measuring used to collect information on lightning
path of the sensor is polarized. The strikes for claims settlement. These
polarization plane of the light signal is systems can locate a lightning strike with
then rotated within the measuring path a precision of up to 200 m. Whether
as it passes through the magnetic field. and at what point the lightning strikes
Using an additional polarization filter, the a building or system can only be deter-
rotation of the light's polarization plane mined with a lightning monitoring system
can be determined and subsequently such as the LM-S.
the strength of the magnetic field that Fig. 34: Operating principle, Faraday effect
acted on the measuring path. In this
way, the characteristics of lightning
events – amplitude, lightning current
slope, specific energy and charge – can

LM-S lightning monitoring

The lightning monitoring system
detects lightning strikes in the
lightning protection system of a
building or system. All measured
data can be accessed remotely
via various interfaces such as
the integrated web interface or
Modbus. The measured variables of
the lightning strike include:
• Amplitude Ipeak
• Gradient di/dt
• Load Q
• Specific energy W/R

Fig. 35: Burj Khalifa, LM-S application

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6 Fields of application
The IEC 61643 series of standards divides the areas of application in which surge voltage
protective devices are implemented into low-voltage systems, telecommunications and
signal processing networks and photovoltaic installations. In general, all areas have very
different individual system prerequisites. Correspondingly, the solutions or steps involved
can vary greatly. It is worth examining these applications in closer detail.

6.1 Protection of AC systems

6.1.1 SPD types and

Zone transition SPD type Designation
LPZ 0A LPZ 1 Type 1 Lightn. current arrester/protective device
The lightning protection zone concept LPZ 0B LPZ 1 Type 2 Surge protective device
provides coordinated surge protective
LPZ 1 LPZ 2 Type 2 Surge protective device
devices for all cables that cross between
LPZ 2 LPZ 3 Type 3 Device protection
zones. Their power values are based on
the protection class to be achieved. Table 2: Lightning protection zone transition and corresponding SPD type
As such, different SPDs are required
based on the zone transition points
(see Table 2). The requirements for the Feed point of the Near the feed point of the Devices and
individual SPD types are defined in the electrical system, electrical system, electrical equipment
e.g. main distribution system e.g. sub-distribution systems
standard IEC  61643-11 [6] for surge
protective devices used in low-voltage Overvoltage category Overvoltage category Overvoltage category
A multi-level protection concept is
derived from this (Fig. 36).



SPD type 1 or SPD type 2 or SPD type 2 or

SPD type 2 SPD type 3 SPD type 3

Fig. 36: Multi-level protection concept

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

The multi-level functionality limits the

Conductor-neutral Rated surge voltage
lightning protection level from zone Nominal voltage of the conductor voltage
to zone. The amplitudes and specific power supply system derived from the total
energy levels of the surge voltages or nominal AC voltage Overvoltage category
surge currents to be expected gradually or nominal DC
Three- Single- voltage
decrease. The voltage value to which I II III IV
phase phase
the individual SPDs must limit the
surge voltages also decreases. This is
achieved by correspondingly low voltage 50 330 500 800 1500
protection levels that are based on the 100 500 800 1500 2500
dielectric strength of the equipment to 120 – 240 150 800 1500 2500 4000
be protected in the immediate vicinity.
The dielectric strength is specified in 300 1500 2500 4000 6000
accordance with IEC 60664-1 [9] in the 400/690 600 2500 4000 6000 8000
overvoltage categories I to IV (Table 3).
1000 1000 4000 6000 8000 12000

6.1.2  Type 1: Lightning current Table 3: Overvoltage categories based on the nominal voltage
protective device
This characteristic is ideal for
Type 1 surge protective devices must discharging lightning currents: the lower
fulfill the highest requirements regarding the residual voltage of the spark gap, the
amplitude and specific energy from lower the energy input to be managed.
surge currents, as they are supposed The non-linear characteristic regarding
to protect against the effects of direct the abrupt change of impedance, and
lightning strikes. The demand placed on therefore also the voltage difference
the short-circuit withstand capability across the spark gap, is referred to as Fig. 37: Graphic symbol of an enclosed spark gap
is also very high in a typical main voltage switching. A significant advantage
distribution installation environment. that arises from the low residual voltage
Powerful technology is needed in order is the low load on the equipment to
to meet these requirements, such as be protected as a result of voltages spark gap. This limits the residual voltage
spark gap technology. above the specified nominal voltage or to a very low level, far below the voltage
maximum continuous voltage. For the that would result based on the electric
Spark gap technology comparatively long duration of lightning strength of the air alone. Even if the
The operating principle of a spark gap currents, the residual voltage of a spark installation environment of type 1 SPDs
is initially very simple: Two electrodes gap is very low, in the range of the does not generally require it, the voltage
are located at a set distance from maximum continuous voltage of the protection level of modern, triggered
one another. They are separated by a device to be protected. Type 1 SPDs spark gaps is often at the level of the
medium, such as air, so this arrangement with voltage-limiting components are lowest overvoltage category I (based on
initially has an isolating effect (Fig. 37). often several hundred volts above this the nominal voltage of the system).
If voltage is present between the two value – a significantly greater load for the
electrodes that exceeds the electric protected equipment.
strength of the air (approx. 3 kV/mm) in Modern spark gaps are generally
this space due to the surge voltage, an encapsulated in robust steel housings,
electric arc is formed. Compared with so that no ionized gases generated
an insulating state with a resistance in by the electric arc can escape into
the giga-ohm range, the impedance of the environment during the discharge
the electric arc is extremely low and so process. Furthermore, the spark gaps
the voltage drop across the spark gap is are triggered often. They have additional
as well. wiring to support the ignition of the

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

Follow current interrupt rating U [V] I [kA]

A special characteristic for spark gaps is
(8/20 μs) Spark gap technology without
2000 20 line follow current
known as the follow current interrupt
rating Ifi. If a spark gap is ignited by 1500 15 For maximum system availability,
surge voltage, it forms a sort of short limiting the line follow currents is
1000 10
circuit for the connected supply network essential:
through which the current is driven. 500 5 • Upstream overcurrent
The spark gap must therefore be in the 0
protective devices are not
position to suppress or interrupt the line triggered unnecessarily by line
current automatically after the discharge follow currents
0 10 20 t [μs]
process, without triggering the upstream • The installation is not loaded by
overcurrent protective device. The Fig. 38: Typical residual voltage curve of a trig- additional high current flows
follow current interrupt rating indicates gered spark gap when loaded with a (8/20 μs) • Wear on the spark gap is
the maximum prospective short-circuit pulse minimized
current at which this is guaranteed at For the first time, Phoenix Contact
the installation location. Modern spark has been able to develop and offer
gaps must therefore fulfill two functions: however, the impedance must be as a spark gap on the market that
• Discharging high-energy lightning high as possible in order to ensure fast is completely free of line follow
currents elimination. currents, featuring Safe Energy
• Suppressing follow currents for In order to withstand high lightning Control technology (see 6.1.10).
powerful supply networks current amplitudes of up to 50 kA on
supply networks with possible short-
In the case of lightning currents, the circuit currents up to 100 kA, today's
impedance of the spark gap is ideally spark gaps are therefore often complex
very low, in order to keep the energy designs and consist of many individual
input as low as possible and minimize functional parts (Fig. 39).
wear. In the case of follow currents,

Insulation caps, resistant to high High-performance

temperatures and pressure copper-tungsten electrodes

Enclosed Electric-arc-cooling
steel housing insulating parts

Fig. 39: Individual components of a modern, enclosed spark gap

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.1.3 Type 2: Surge protective have no spark gap technology often use
device varistors as type 1 SPDs to meet the
requirements of lightning protection
Type 2 surge protective devices are class I. This concept has serious defects,
generally installed in sub-distributions however. If the characteristics of the
or machine control cabinets. These varistors connected in parallel do not
SPDs must be able to discharge induced match precisely, a requirement that is
surge voltages from indirect lightning very hard to meet, the individual paths Fig. 40: Graphic symbol of a varistor
strikes or switching operations but are placed under differing loads during
not handle direct lightning currents. As the process. Correspondingly, they age
such, the energy input to be managed is very differently. The difference between
significantly lower. In any case, induced loads becomes increasingly larger over
surge voltages caused by switching time. This ultimately leads to varistor
operations are often very dynamic. overload and consequently the failure of
Here, discharge technology such as the entire SPD.
varistor technology with fast response
behavior stands up to the test.

Varistor technology
U [V]
Varistors (variable resistor or
metal oxide varistor, MOV) (Fig. 40) are 1000
semiconductor components made from
metal oxide ceramics. They exhibit a 800

non-linear current-voltage characteristic

curve (Fig. 41). In low voltage ranges,
the resistance of a varistor is very high. 400
However, in higher voltage ranges, the
resistance drops away rapidly to allow 200

very high currents to be discharged

without any problems. 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 -0 101 102 103 10 4 A 105
For this reason, the characteristics
I [A]
of varistors are referred to as voltage-
limiting. With a typical response time in Fig. 41: Voltage-current characteristic curve of a varistor with 320 V AC rated voltage
the lower nanosecond range, varistors (min. and max. tolerance before and after the mA point)
are very well suited even to limiting
particularly dynamic surge voltage
U [V] I [kA]
phenomena. (8/20 μs)

2000 20
Varistors that carry lightning
1500 15
High-performance varistor ceramics can
even exhibit a pulse discharge capacity 1000 10

of 12.5 kA (10/350 μs) in acceptable

500 5
installation spaces. As a result, they
are also suitable as type 1 SPDs for
0 0
environments with low protection levels.
For a higher pulse discharge capacity
of 25 kA to 50 kA (10/350 μs), multiple 0 10 20 t [μs]
varistors generally need to be used
in a parallel connection. As a result, Fig 42: Residual voltage of a varistor with 350 V AC rated voltage under a load
surge protection manufacturers who of 25 kA (8/20 μs)

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.1.4 Type 3: Device protection 6.1.5 Coordinating different In the direction of the external
SPD types lightning protection zones, the
Type 3 surge protective devices are coordination between type 2 SPDs and
generally installed right in front of the The lightning protection zone concept upstream type 1 SPDs must once again
end devices to be protected. Due to provides coordinated surge protective be ensured. As the possibility of direct
differing installation environments, devices for all cables that cross between lightning strikes or partial lightning
type 3 SPDs are available in a wide zones. Their power values are based on strikes must be considered here that
range of designs. In addition to standard the protection class to be achieved. can only be borne by type 1 SPDs, it is
DIN rail mounting, there are devices Depending on the zone transition, particularly important that the SPDs are
for installation in sockets or for direct different types are therefore required addressed selectively. Otherwise, the
mounting on a PCB of the end device. (see Table 2). The requirements for type 2 SPD may be overloaded.
Technologically, type 3 SPDs are most individual SPD types are defined in the The technologies used for type 1
similar to type 2, which are based on product standard for surge protective SPDs are very different, so there are
varistors, but the requirements in terms devices, IEC 61643-11 [6]. no generally applicable conditions for
of discharge capacity in comparison to A multi-level protection concept can coordination. Type 1 SPDs based on
type 2 are even lower. be derived from this (Fig. 43). spark gaps provide a clear advantage
It is often useful to combine the Starting from the internal protection in this area. Their comparatively low
protection of the power supply to the zones, a type 3 SPD and an upstream residual voltage of just a few hundred
protection of other interfaces in the end type 2 SPD are to be coordinated. It volts throughout most of the duration of
device, such as data or communication must be ensured that type 3 SPDs do the lightning current ensures that almost
lines. There are combined devices for not experience energy overload. As all of the current flow is absorbed.
this purpose. They take on the surge only surge voltages of low amplitudes
protection for all corresponding (supply) are to be measured in lightning
cables. protection zone 2, coordination can be
accomplished using just the response
behavior of the SPDs. The type 3 SPD
and the components used in this device
must be designed so that they only react
to higher voltage values than the type 2


Type 1 UV1 UV2 UV3




Type 2



Type 2/3

HV: Main distribution UV: Sub-distribution

Fig. 43: Multi-level protection concept with various consecutive SPD types

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.1.6 Grid systems in accordance IT system

with IEC 60364 In this grid system, the neutral point of L1
the transformer supplying the energy is L2
The design of a surge protection not grounded, or only grounded via a L3
concept for three-phase current systems high impedance. The exposed conductive N
depends on the existing grid system, parts of the electrical system are PE
among other factors. These systems connected to a local grounding system. If
can vary depending on the design of the a neutral conductor is also routed from
grounding of the transformer providing the neutral point of the transformer
the supply, the consumer system, and supplying the energy, it is routed Fig. 44: TN-S system
their connection to one another. separately from the local protective
The directive for establishing conductor. A three-phase power supply
low-voltage power supply systems, consists of four or five conductors: L1,
IEC 60364-1 [10], lists the following L2, L3, if appropriate, N, and local PE
system configurations: (Fig. 47).
One peculiarity of the IT system is
TN-S system L2
that an insulation fault to ground may
In this grid system, a point of the occur for a limited period of time. The
transformer supplying the energy is ground fault in a phase must be simply
grounded directly, usually the neutral detected by insulation monitoring and
point. The neutral conductor (N) and reported so that it can be promptly
protective conductor (PE) are routed rectified. Only in the event of a second
to the consumer system in separate ground fault would this lead to a short Fig. 45: TN-C system
conductors. A three-phase power supply circuit between two phases and the
consists of five conductors: L1, L2, L3, relevant surge protection equipment
N, and PE (Fig. 44). would trip. Surge protective devices
for use in IT systems must therefore L1
TN-C system be able to withstand the phase-to- L2
In this grid system, the neutral point of phase voltage of the system as well as L3
the transformer supplying the energy the tolerance. This is ensured by the N
is directly grounded. The neutral normative requirement that only SPDs PE
conductor and protective conductor are with a maximum continuous voltage of
routed to the consumer system in one at least the phase-to-phase voltage plus
conductor (PEN). A three-phase power tolerance may be used between the
supply consists of four conductors: L1, phase and PE in IT systems.
L2, L3, and PEN (Fig. 45). Fig. 46: TT system

TT system
In this grid system, the grounded point
of the transformer is routed to the
system solely as a neutral conductor.
The parts of the electrical system are
connected to a local grounding system
that is separated from the grounded PE
point of the transformer. The neutral
conductor and the local protective
conductor are routed to the consumer
system in separate conductors. A three-
phase power supply consists of five Fig. 47: IT system
conductors: L1, L2, L3, N, and local PE
(Fig. 46).

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.1.7 American grid systems conductors: L1, L2, L3, if appropriate, N, L1 L2 L3 N

and GND (Fig. 49).
Other grid systems are used, especially




in the North and Central American Split-phase system
regions. The most important are: This widely used two-phase system is
• Wye system grounded by means of a center tap on
• Delta system the transformer winding and a neutral
• Split-phase system conductor is routed from there. A
two-phase power supply consists of
Wye system four conductors: L1, L2, N, and GND PE
These systems largely correspond (Fig. 50).
to the TN systems. The neutral Fig. 51: CT1 connection scheme or 4+0 circuit
point of the supplying transformer is 6.1.8  Connection scheme
directly grounded, and from there,
the protective conductor (grounding Surge protective devices are part
conductor, GND) is routed to the of the equipotential bonding of a L1 L2 L3 N
consumer system. Insulated Wye physical structure. In the event of a
systems do exist, but there are surge voltage, they connect the active



comparatively few. Generally, a possible conductors in electrical installations with
neutral conductor is first tapped the grounding.
within the consumer system. This then Depending on the grid system of
corresponds to a TN-C-S system. A the consumer system, different SPDs

three-phase power supply consists of can be used. They are combined in
four or five conductors: L1, L2, L3, if various connection schemes (CT) in
appropriate, N, and GND (Fig. 48). order to establish this connection. PE
In the installation directive for surge
Delta system protection, IEC 60364-5-53 [11], the Fig. 52: CT2 connection scheme or 3+1 circuit
Grounding in this system either takes following types are specified:
place via one of the phases (corner- • CT1 connection scheme: a
grounded) or via a center tap between combination of SPDs that have a • CT2 connection scheme: a
two phases (high-leg). The GND is mode of protection between each combination of SPDs that have
routed from the respective grounding active conductor (outer conductor a mode of protection between
point to the consumer system. Insulated and neutral conductor, if present) each outer conductor and neutral
delta systems do exist, but there are and PE conductor. This connection conductor and a mode of protection
comparatively few. scheme is often designated as a between the neutral conductor and
The neutral conductor is, if required, x+0 circuit, where x represents the the PE conductor. This connection
usually first tapped within the consumer number of active conductors (Fig. 51). scheme is often designated as a
system, as well. A three-phase power x+1 circuit, where x represents the
supply consists of four or five number of outer conductors (Fig. 52).

L2 N
L2 L3 L2
L3 N

Fig. 48: Wye system Fig. 49: Delta system (high-leg) Fig. 50: Split-phase system

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

The possible uses of the connection 6.1.9 Connection and In the case of branch wiring, the SPD
schemes in the individual grid systems overcurrent protection can and must be protected, depending
are listed in Table 4. When using of SPDs on the nominal value of the F1 upstream
SPDs between neutral and protective overcurrent protective device, with a
conductors in IT systems, note that the If transient overvoltages occur, an second additional overcurrent protective
short-circuit withstand capability and, if inductive voltage drop can result on the device, F2, of a lower nominal value.
applicable, the follow current interrupt electrical conductors. This additional This wiring enables use in systems
rating of the SPD must at least match voltage drop in the connecting cables with nominal currents of any strength,
the expected short-circuit current at can weaken the protective effect, provided the prospective short-circuit
the installation location in the event of a particularly when connecting surge current on the SPD installation location
two-phase ground fault. protection. For this reason, the does not exceed its short-circuit
connecting cables of the SPDs are withstand capability.
always to be routed as short as possible, The V-wiring can only be used up
avoiding small bending radii. to a nominal value of the F1 upstream
SPDs can essentially be connected in overcurrent protective device or a
two different ways: nominal current of the system that does
• Branch wiring (stub wiring), see not exceed the continuous current
CT2 connection scheme Fig. 53 capacity of the connecting cables and the
For TN and TT systems, • V-wiring (V-shaped wiring, Kelvin SPD connection terminal blocks.
Phoenix Contact mainly provides connection), see Fig. 54
SPDs with the CT2 connection In both cases, the total cable lengths
scheme. The advantages of this of a, b and c must not exceed 0.5 m
connection scheme are: whenever possible, in accordance with a
• Can be used universally in all IEC 60364 part 5, chapter 53, section F1
countries worldwide 534 [11]. This is particularly easy F2
• Lower voltage protection level to ensure in the case of V-wiring, as
between outer and neutral only length c is relevant. In this way, b
conductor the overall voltage protection level,

• No leakage current to the consisting of the SPD voltage protection
protective conductor due to level and voltage drop along the
the use of spark gaps between connecting cables, can be minimized as c
the neutral and protective much as possible.

Fig. 53: Branch wiring

Grid system at Connection scheme

the SPD installation location CT1 CT2
TN system

Only downstream of a

TT system residual current operated

IT system with routed neutral

IT system without routed

Not applicable
neutral conductor

Table 4: Connection schemes and grid systems Fig. 54: V-wiring

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

As part of the electrical installation, • Over a specific nominal value of the exceed the maximum nominal
corresponding legal or regulatory upstream overcurrent protection, value of the upstream overcurrent
requirements are to be fulfilled for the the minimum cross sections are protective device as specified by the
connection and overcurrent protection determined by the connecting cables' SPD manufacturer.
of surge protective devices. These need for short-circuit withstand • The upstream overcurrent protective
predominantly aim to guarantee the capability device is intended to be able to carry
operational reliability of the system. • If the SPD connecting cables the amplitudes of lightning and surge
Furthermore, specific conditions carry operating current, then the current required by the lightning
regarding connection and fuse protection continuous current load can be used protection class when possible.
are to be taken into account for correct to determine the minimum cross Especially with regard to high-energy
surge protection function. section as of a certain current value lightning currents, under-dimensioned
The requirements are based on fuses can pose a risk, as they can be
various parts of IEC 60364 for creating Overcurrent protection destroyed in a very short time due to
low-voltage systems: on the one When designing the overcurrent high-energy inputs.
hand, Part 5, Section 53, Main Section protection of SPDs, the following Adhering to the selectivity is therefore
534 [11], regarding the selection and elements must first be prioritized: the top priority. In the simple case
setup of surge protective devices, and • Priority of the system supply: that the two overcurrent protective
on the other, Part 4, Section 43 [12], Branch wiring with separate F2 devices to be taken into account are gG
regarding protective measures against overcurrent protective device in the fuses, then a nominal value of 1250 A
overcurrent, as well as the product branch applies, which must be F2 × 1.6 = F1.
standard for surge protective devices, • Priority of the system surge If one or both of the overcurrent
IEC 61643-11 [6]. protection: V-wiring or branch wiring protective devices is a circuit breaker
without separate F2 overcurrent or miniature circuit breaker, then
Connection cross sections protective device their tripping characteristics must be
If these requirements are combined, this In the first case, the F2 separate compared with each other or with the
results in the following conditions for overcurrent protective device ensures fuse characteristics and, if applicable,
dimensioning the connecting cables of that this is triggered in the event of an tailored to each other. This is the case
SPDs (based on PVC-insulated copper SPD failure, e.g. due to a short circuit. if the curves do not touch or overlap
cables): The F1 upstream overcurrent protective (Fig. 55 and 56). Furthermore, they must
• The minimum cross sections for the device is not triggered so that the supply have a sufficient time interval in areas
SPD connecting cables initially result of the equipment to be protected is not with short-circuit currents so that the
from the requirements for installing interrupted. In this case, however, the respective downstream overcurrent
surge protective devices, depending equipment is no longer protected from protective device can address the other
on the active conductor connection subsequent overvoltage events. two devices and switch them off.
or the main grounding busbar/ In the second case, the F1 upstream A similar scenario applies in the
protective conductor (PE(N)) as well overcurrent protective device takes on event that a miniature circuit breaker
as the type of the SPD: the overcurrent protection in the event or circuit breaker is intended to
– Connection cross section of the that the SPD fails. In this process, the provide the overcurrent protection for
active conductor for type 1 SPDs: failure of the supply is accepted so that the SPD as F1, without a separate F2
min. 6 mm2 no damage can arise from subsequent overcurrent protective device. Then,
– Connection cross section of the overvoltage events. the switching-off characteristics of
active conductor for type 2 SPDs: the switch must be compared with
min. 2.5 mm2 When dimensioning the overcurrent the characteristics of the maximum
– Connection cross section for the protection, the following points should overcurrent protection specified for the
main grounding busbar or the be kept in mind: SPD by the manufacturer. This must
protective conductor for type 1 • Selectivity of the respective not be exceeded in the range for short-
SPDs: min. 16 mm2 overcurrent protective device to circuit currents.
– Connection cross section for the upstream overcurrent protective It is difficult to make general
main grounding busbar or the devices. statements on this point. Statements can
protective conductor for type 2 • The final overcurrent protective only be made regarding comparatively
SPDs: min. 6 mm2 device before the SPD must not low nominal currents of switches

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

F1: Circuit
Trigger F2: Fuse F1: Circuit breaker Trigger breaker Max.
time time backup fuse
t 1h t 1h
10 min 10 min
1 min 1 min
10 s 10 s

1s 1s

100 ms 100 ms

10 ms 10 ms

1 ms 1 ms
100 1k 10 k 100 k 100 1k 10 k 100 k
I [A] I [A]

Fig. 55: Switching-off characteristics of a circuit breaker (F1) and a selective Fig. 56: Switching-off characteristics of a circuit breaker (F1) that is suited
gG fuse (F2) as an upstream overcurrent protective device for an SPD with maximum
backup fuse of 315 A gG

compared with the nominal currents

of the maximum gG backup fuses that
are typical for SPDs. If, for example,
a maximum backup fuse of 315 A gG
is specified, then in comparison only a
125 A miniature circuit breaker of the
C characteristic can generally serve as
a backup fuse for the SPD. Switches
with higher nominal currents or other
characteristics must be considered on an
individual basis and checked if necessary
(Fig. 56).

SPDs with integrated overcurrent Fig. 57: FLT-SEC-H-T1-1C-264/25-FM

A particularly simple solution for
installing SPDs in view of overcurrent
protection are products that already FLASHTRAB SEC HYBRID
contain the corresponding fuses, such as Thanks to the integrated fuse,
the FLASHTRAB SEC HYBRID. no external protection elements
are required, and space and costs
are significantly reduced. The
protective effect is increased, as
the voltage difference resulting
from the fuse is already contained
in the voltage protection level of
the SPD. The short connecting
cables required for SPDs can be
easily implemented (Fig. 57).

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.1.10 Safe Energy Control Backup-fuse-free solution for every

SPD type Product range application
technology (SEC)
The powerful lightning current arresters/
Phoenix Contact provides SPDs which FLASHTRAB SEC combination protective devices and
are perfectly matched with other items Type 1
(FLT-SEC) surge protective devices with Safe
from the range and that allow multi- Energy Control technology provide a
level protection concepts to be easily solution for all common applications
implemented. Surge protective devices Type 2
(VAL-SEC) without using a separate arrester backup
with Safe Energy Control technology
fuse. For applications where protecting
(SEC) combine maximum performance
PLUGTRAB SEC the installation is the top priority,
with a long service life, so that electrical Type 3
fittings are always reliably protected and (PLT-SEC) type 1 and type 2 SPDs can be used for
maintenance costs are reduced. Installing main fuse ratings of 315 A gG without
SPDs with SEC technology is easy, cost- Table 5: Product ranges with separate overcurrent protection. For
effective, and space-saving. The individual Safe Energy Control technology applications beyond this scope, products
SPD types can be found in the product are available with an integrated surge-
ranges as shown in Table 5. proof fuse, such as the FLASHTRAB
feature spark gap technology with no SEC HYBRID. The type 3 SPDs from the
Impact-free and durable line follow current. The prevention of PLUGTRAB SEC product range can be
A consistent surge protection concept line follow currents benefits the entire operated in branch wiring without any
requires a powerful type 1(/2) lightning installation. This means that not only kind of backup fuse, which is also thanks
current arrester/combination protective the protected equipment, but the entire to the integrated surge-proof fuses.
device. Conventional type 1 spark gaps supply, including the SPD, are placed
burden the installation with high line under minimal load by the discharge
follow currents, which can also cause process exclusively. Maximum system
upstream overcurrent protection to availability is guaranteed because the fuse
be triggered. The SEC technology protection upstream is not triggered.
lightning current arresters/combination
protective devices are the first to

11 12

T1-N/PE-350/100-P T1-350/25-P T1-350/25-P T1-350/25-P N/PE-350-P T2-350-P T2-350-P T2-350-P

F2* F2* F2*

F1 F1 F1
L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

* F2 only necessary if F1 > 315 A

Fig. 58: Example connection of surge protective devices in a TN-S system

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

Compact and consistent pluggable In further sub-distributions of the

design production system for machine halls and
The SEC range offers the most offices, the protective zone transition
compact type 1 spark gap for this 1   2 is provided by type 2 SPDs from
nominal voltage with the FLASHTRAB the VALVETRAB SEC product range.
SEC PLUS 440 and the narrowest A feed-in in the form of a TN-C
type 2 SPD with the VALVETRAB SEC. system, as used in this example, normally
The FLASHTRAB SEC T1+T2 is the becomes a TN-S system starting at the
only directly coordinated combination main distribution. Consequently, the
comprised of type 1 spark gaps and rest of the installation is completed with
type 2 varistor arrester in the smallest separately laid neutral and protective
spaces. All products in the SEC portfolio conductors. The VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350-FM
are pluggable, making maintenance a is offered as a type 2 SPD (Fig. 62). In
great deal easier. machine control cabinets and in offices,
the 2   3 protective zone transition is
6.1.11 Multi-level protection provided by means of type 3 SPDs from
concepts the PLUGTRAB SEC range, directly
upstream of sensitive end devices. For an
Thanks to the SPDs from the SEC range, end device operated with 230 V nominal
it is extremely easy to assemble multi- voltage, the PLT-SEC-T3-230-FM can
level protection concepts for standard then be used (Fig. 63).
installations. Parameters such as the
maximum continuous voltage, voltage
protection level and discharge capacity
are ideally tailored to one another.

Industrial production system with

external lightning protection
The protective zone transition
0A 1 is provided by a type 1 SPD
from the FLASHTRAB SEC product
range at the point where the supply 11



T3-230-P N/PE-350-P T2-350-P T2-350-P T2-350-P

lines enter the building in the area of

the low-voltage main supply. Depending
on the grid system, the connection type
to be selected, and the voltage level of T3 T2
the supply, there are various SPD types
and circuit versions. If, for example, it
is a three-phase 230/400 V AC TN-C
system, the FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-350/25-FM
is ideal (Fig. 60).
Alternatively, the protective device
combination of FLASHTRAB SEC T1+T2
(Fig. 61) can also be used here. This FLASHTRAB

directly coordinated combination of a

type 1 SPD on a spark-gap basis and a PEN

type 2 SPD on a varistor basis provides

many advantages when used directly in
the main distribution.
Fig. 59: Multi-level protection concept based on the example of an industrial production system

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

The type 1 SPDs from the protection systems are not triggered
FLASHTRAB SEC family all use as part of the discharge process, and
spark gap technology that is free exhibit an exceptionally long product
of line follow currents. They lifetime.
thereby guarantee maximum system
availability, as upstream overcurrent
Fig. 60: FLT-SEC-P-T1-3C-350/25-FM

The unique protective device • Varistor arrester to limit dynamic
combination on the market, surge voltages
FLASHTRAB SEC T1+T2, optimally • Ideal energy distribution between 
protects sensitive equipment by type 1 and type 2 SPDs
means of:
• Powerful SEC spark gap to
discharge direct lightning currents Fig 61: FLT-SEC-T1+T2-3C-350/25-FM

The best feature of the is also possible to operate the SPD
VALVETRAB SEC T2 is the powerful, in networks that exhibit prospective
internal thermal disconnect device, in short-circuit currents of up to 50 kA at
addition to the narrow design – just the installation location.
12 mm per position. The SPD can
therefore be used up to 315 A gG
without an additional backup fuse. It Fig. 62: VAL-SEC-T2-3S-350-FM

The PLUGTRAB SEC T3 has without a separate backup fuse,
integrated surge-current resistant irrespective of the nominal current
fuses. As such, it can be used with and the protection of the circuit.
end devices operated with both
alternating current and direct current.
The integrated overcurrent protection
enables connection in branch wiring Fig. 63: PLT-SEC-T3-230-FM

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.2  Protection of DC systems with linear voltage sources

The operating behavior of DC Selecting surge protective devices Significant design criteria for the
systems can deviate from one another Selecting SPDs for direct current selection of SPDs and corresponding
significantly due to large differences systems is generally much more complex overcurrent protective devices in DC
in their source characteristics. It is than for alternating current power systems are:
therefore impossible to easily select supply systems. • Nominal voltage of the DC power
surge protective devices without precise In the case of AC power supply source(s)
knowledge of the properties of the systems, there is often only one, strictly • Number, type and operating behavior
respective systems. This particularly defined power source; for DC systems, of DC power source(s)
applies to systems with limited or low however, there are often multiple • Maximum and minimum prospective
short-circuit currents. power sources with different operating short-circuit current at the SPD
Direct current power supply systems behaviors. This particularly applies to installation location
with linear source characteristics are battery-operated DC systems.
mainly used for the following: In the majority of AC systems, the
• Consumers with low direct minimum short-circuit current is high
current supply voltage, e.g. enough to cause upstream overcurrent
programmable logic controllers or protective devices to trigger in a few
telecommunication systems milliseconds. This enables easy selection
• Mobile consumers, e.g. fork-lift trucks of fuses that reliably protect the system
or onboard power systems in the event of failure but also are able
• Battery storage in UPS systems to carry surge currents with regard to
• Computer centers their rating. In the case of DC systems
• Rail vehicles with limited or low short-circuit
Typical power sources of direct current currents, however, it is very important
power supply systems with linear source that even minimal prospective short-
characteristics include: circuit currents at the SPD installation
• Controlled and non-controlled site are detected, in order to meet basic
rectifiers with or without smoothing safety requirements. Ensuring that fuses
• Regulated power supply units are not triggered by surge current loads VALVETRAB SEC DC
• Charging power supply units is then a secondary priority. Phoenix Contact offers type 2
• Battery sets SPDs for protecting DC systems
product range (Fig. 64), which
features an exceptionally compact
design. At an overall width of just
12 mm per position, these SPDs
feature an extremely powerful
disconnect device capable of
separating DC currents up to
200 A. This enables the use of
SPDs in the application without
backup fuses, among other features.
Sensitive downstream components
are optimally protected, thanks to
the low voltage protection level.

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

Protective circuits for grounded A 2+0 circuit is also required for

and non-grounded DC systems grounded TN systems if the installation
The preferred circuits for SPDs in DC location of the SPDs is far away from
systems conform to the CT1 connection the system's grounding point (Fig. 67).
scheme (see Fig. 51) and are designed
with either one or two positions.

F1 F1
L+ L+
F1 F1
L+ L- L

F2 F2 F2 F2 F2




Fig. 65: 1+0 circuit for grounded TN systems at Fig. 66: 2+0 circuit for IT systems Fig. 67: 2+0 circuit for grounded TN systems
the grounding point that are far away from the grounding point

Fig. 68: Data center with a DC power supply system with linear source characteristics

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.3 Protection of DC systems in photovoltaic systems

The use of renewable energy sources Requirements for SPDs for use in this topic in terms of international
PV systems
has become increasingly important in standardization.
recent years. In addition to wind turbine The characteristics of PV sources These standards form the basis for
generators, hydroelectric plants or impose specific requirements on SPDs certifying SPDs for use in PV systems
biomass systems, photovoltaic power for PV system protection for DC on the DC side with respect to their
generation systems (PV systems) supply systems. Compared to conventional performance and especially their
a significant portion of renewable low-voltage power supply systems, reliability in the event of a failure.
energy. PV systems are designed, for PV systems feature the following
example, as rooftop systems on private characteristics: Selecting and installing SPDs for
protection of PV systems
homes and industrial buildings as well • High DC system voltages up to
as free-standing systems. Due to their 1500 V Effective protection against lightning
exposed location, these systems are • Source characteristics, which currents and surge voltages is relevant
susceptible to increased risk of damage correspond to a non-linear current for both the DC and AC parts of PV
by the effects of lightning. To prevent source systems. Implementing this protection
such damage and the associated loss • Operating current at the optimum requires taking into account not only
of system availability, lightning and Maximum Power Point (MPP), which the general regulations for installing
surge protection measures are to be is only a few percent below the photovoltaic systems (IEC 60364-7-712),
considered during the design phase. system's short-circuit current but also particular guidelines for
Standards and directives tailored • Dependence of the short-circuit selecting and installing SPDs for
specifically to PV power supply systems current on ambient conditions such DC system protection. These are
make it easy to plan lightning and surge as irradiation and temperature CLC/TS 50539-12 or subsequently
protection for these systems. With respect to only the overload CLC/TS 61643-32 as a technical
failure behavior of DC devices and specification at the European level
components, the results have significant as well as IEC 61643-32 [18] as an
implications: Due to the undefined international counterpart.
short-circuit current, it is often difficult
to achieve useful coordination of
overcurrent protective devices or fuses
for SPDs in these systems. In addition,
the non-linear source characteristics
for switching operations place very
high demands on the performance
of switching devices, fuses and other
In light of this, special requirements
have been defined for using SPDs in PV
systems and for testing them to verify
their function. These requirements have
been published for the first time in the
European standard EN 50539-11. A
particular focus of these standards is
on the overload and failure behavior
of SPDs for DC system protection.
In particular, options for laboratory
simulation of the source characteristics
of PV systems are described in these
standards. IEC 61643-31 [8] describes

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.3.1 PV systems on buildings • Maintaining the separation distance

• Installation location of the inverter
L+/- L -/+
When designing and installing SPDs for • Cable lengths between devices to be
protecting PV systems, it is essential to protected
distinguish between physical structures Based on the profile of properties
(buildings) and free-standing systems. of the PV system to be protected,
In the case of physical structures, the which is characterized by the above-
PV system is part of a building structure mentioned aspects, IEC 61643-32 [18]
and is connected to the electrical includes recommendations for the
installation. The following aspects are installation locations of SPDs as well as
relevant for correctly designing and requirements for their performance.
installing SPDs in these systems: A distinction is made here between
• Characteristic data for supply building installations with and without an
systems, such as the network external lightning protection system. For
configuration, nominal voltage and physical structures without an external
short-circuit current lightning protection system, protection
• Lightning protection class (LPL) to be of the PV system is generally sufficient
attained with one type 2 SPD with a discharge
• Presence of an external lightning pro- capacity of at least 5 kA (8/20 μs) per
tection system as well as the number mode of protection.
of protective devices that system has Fig. 70: Y-circuit consisting of three varistors with
thermal disconnect points

Advantages of the Y-circuit

All surge protective devices from
Phoenix Contact for the DC-side
protection of PV systems are
based on the Y-circuit. This fault-
resistant circuit always has two
varistors with properly coordinated
disconnect devices switched in
series between all potentials. This
ensures that even in extreme cases,
when one of the varistors fails,
the flow of current can reliably
continue through the second
without being interrupted. This
SPD ensures maximum safety.



Fig. 69: Rooftop system on a private home

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

This applies to both the DC and system protection. Also in the case The differentiation between the
the AC side of the system protection, of DC-side system protection, it is SPD technology used is based on the
insofar as the country-specific provisions sufficient to have one type 2 SPD with fact that the SPD itself influences
do not define any higher requirements, a discharge capacity of at least 5 kA the distribution of lightning current
such as the requirement of type 1 (8/20 μs) per mode of protection. in the system and, as a result, has to
SPDs for protecting the AC side of the However, if the required separation discharge surge currents of different
system. distance is not maintained, a type magnitudes based on the technology.
In the case of buildings with PV 1 SPD is required for the DC-side IEC 61643-32 [18] makes a distinction
systems and an external lightning system protection. For this purpose, here between voltage-limiting SPDs
protection system for which the IEC 61643-32 [18] defines the required based on varistors and voltage-switching
required separation distance between all discharge capacity for the SPDs to SPDs based on spark gaps or gas-filled
conductive parts of the building and of be used, depending on the lightning surge protective devices (gas discharge
the electrical installation is maintained, a protection class and the SPD technology tube, GDT). Combinations of these basic
type 1 SPD is required for the AC-side used. elements are viewed as follows: The

Voltage-limiting SPDs
MOV MOV + GDT in series

Number of external protective devices

<4 ≥4
Lightning protection lightning surge
class LPL current
Per mode of protection Itotal Per mode of protection Itotal
(10/350 μs)
I8/20 I10/350 I8/20 I10/350 I8/20 I10/350 I8/20 I10/350

I or unknown 200 kA 17 kA 10 kA 34 kA 20 kA 10 kA 5 kA 20 kA 10 kA

II 150 kA 12.5 kA 7.5 kA 25 kA 15 kA 7.5 kA 3.75 kA 15 kA 7.5 kA

III or IV 100 kA 8.5 kA 5 kA 17 kA 10 kA 5 kA 2,5 kA 10 kA 5 kA

Table 6: Values for voltage-limiting SPDs in the PV application on a building where the separation distance is not maintained

Voltage-switching SPDs
GDT MOV + GDT parallel

Number of external protective devices

Lightning <4 ≥4
lightning surge
protection class
LPL Per mode of protection Per mode of protection
(10/350 μs) Itotal Itotal
I10/350 I10/350

I or unknown 200 kA 25 kA 50 kA 12.5 kA 25 kA

II 150 kA 18.5 kA 37.5 kA 9 kA 18 kA

III or IV 100 kA 12.5 kA 25 kA 6.25 kA 12.5 kA

Table 7: Values for voltage-switching SPDs in the PV application on a building where the separation distance is not maintained

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

series connection consisting of varistor In systems with an external lightning

and GDT is also viewed as voltage- protection system where the separation
limiting, while the parallel connection is distance is not maintained, it is also
viewed as voltage-switching. For effective necessary for the metal frames and
system protection, IEC 61643-32 [18] carrier systems of the PV panels to be
also provides instructions on the number connected to the lightning protection
of SPDs to be installed and the optimum system with connectors that are able
installation location. To protect the to carry lightning current. In this case,
inverter, follow the recommendation regardless of the respective cable
to install the SPDs as close to it as length, a type 1 SPD has to be installed
possible. at each installation site. The reason
If the cable length between PV panels for this is that all cables of the PV
and inverters exceeds 10 m, install an system are considered parallel paths
additional protective device at the other to the equipotential bonding lines and
end of the cable in the area of the PV the building's protective devices and,
panels to protect these effectively, too. connected via the SPDs, must carry
partial lightning currents.

Fig. 71: Free-standing system with external lightning protection system

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.3.2 Free-standing systems connections. The module frames are also For free-standing systems with string
connected to the equipotential bonding inverters installed near the PV panels,
Compared to physical structures, system. The cable lengths between the the following applies:
further aspects are relevant for properly PV panels and the feeding point can be To protect the AC side, choose SPDs
designing lightning and surge protection several hundred meters in these systems. with a discharge capacity analogous to
systems for free-standing PV systems: If lightning strikes the external the values in Table 8. To protect the DC
• Equipotential bonding mesh width lightning protection system, partial side, it is sufficient to use type 2 SPDs
• Design of the grounding system lightning currents are coupled into the with a discharge capacity of at least 5 kA
• Use of inverter types (string or equipotential bonding system. Therefore, (8/20 μs) per mode of protection.
central power inverters) free-standing systems with central power
Free-standing systems are generally char- inverters on the DC side are to be
acterized by a high intermeshed equi- protected using type 1 SPDs, for which
potential bonding system, which is nor- the required performance is specified in
mally equipped with numerous ground Table 8.

SPDs on the DC side Iimp in kA (10/350 μs), In in kA (8/20 μs)

Voltage-limiting SPDs Voltage-switching SPDs

Lightning protection class LPL

Maximum lightning surge current
(10/350 μs) MOV MOV + GDT in series GDT MOV + GDT parallel

I10/350 I8/20 I10/350

Per Per Per

mode of Itotal mode of Itotal mode of Itotal
protection protection protection

III or IV 100 kA 5 kA 10 kA 15 kA 30 kA 10 kA 20 kA

Table 8: Lightning current parameters (I10/350) and In (I8/20) for SPDs on the DC side in free-standing PV systems with a central power inverter

The costs of a PV system can be It features a high total discharge
significantly reduced by a high DC capacity Itotal of 12.5 kA (10/350 μs)
system voltage of up to 1500 V. and thereby satisfies all standard
Fewer string combiner boxes are requirements and conditions of
needed, and material costs for cable the installation guideline for use in
installation are also reduced. lightning protection class III and IV.
With the VAL-MB product range,
Phoenix Contact is setting new
standards with high-performance
SPDs for voltages up to 1500 V DC.

Fig. 72: VAL-MB-T1/T2 1500DC-PV/2+V-FM

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.4 Protection of signal transmission circuits in MCR technology

Interference-free transmission of signals

plays a central role in the field of
measurement, control and regulation
technology (MCR technology).
Smooth operation of building services
management, manufacturing or process
technology demands a high level of LPZ 3
quality and availability of the signals



transmitted. However, these technologies D1
are being exposed to an increasingly
active electrical environment. This is
especially true for the rather weak signals
emitted by sensors. Small voltages or
electric currents that must be securely
transmitted, carefully conditioned or
evaluated are increasingly being subjected
to electromagnetic and radio frequency Fig. 73: Lightning protection zones and classification of protective devices for MCR and IT systems in
interference. Reasons for this are: accordance with IEC 61643-22 [16]
• An increasing number of electrically
operated components in all
performance classes, especially individual components are used. These used due to their "aging behavior"
motors operated via frequency are installed directly upstream of the (increase of leakage current after heavy
inverters and other actuators. signal inputs to be protected. The loading) and larger design.
• The increasing miniaturization and circuits of the surge protective devices GDTs consist of an electrode
packing density of device components. to be used are adapted to the various arrangement in a ceramic or glass
• A growing volume of wireless signal types. tube. Inert gas, such as argon or neon,
communication and control is located between the electrodes.
equipment. 6.4.1 Function of surge When the strike voltage is reached,
• Digital systems that work with ever protective devices the component changes to a low-
higher transmission frequencies. resistance state as a result of the gas
Insufficient consideration of these A plethora of different applications and discharge used. The strike voltage is
disturbance variables, inadequate signal forms exist in MCR technology. not a constant; rather, it is dependent
adjustments to remedy faults or other For this reason, various protective on the rate of rise of the surge voltage.
planning deficiencies can all affect devices specifically tailored to the After igniting the discharge path, arc
interference-free signal transmission. respective application are necessary. voltage between 10 and 30 V is typically
Surge voltages, such as those caused Typical components for these protective generated, which can be measured as
by the effects of lightning, can also devices include gas discharge tubes a voltage drop at the SPD. GDTs have
have a negative impact on the function (GDT) and transient voltage suppressor a high surge current discharge capacity
and availability of electronic modules diodes (TVS diode). Varistors are seldom of more than ten thousand amperes
in MCR technology. Interference and
damage caused by surge voltages in
MCR technology systems can, however,
be effectively prevented by using tailor-
made protective devices.
Depending on the potential for risk
and the requirements of the protection
level, surge protective devices with
combined protective circuits or with Fig. 74: Graphic symbol of a gas-filled surge Fig. 75: Graphic symbol of a suppressor diode

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

(8/20 μs). With values starting at several path Rtotal. The voltage drop is limited at the GDT and, moreover, its response
hundred volts, however, the voltage to the value of the maximum clamping behavior and power conversion in the
protection level is relatively high. voltage at the diode and to the value of TVS diode can be specifically controlled
Suppressor diodes become the voltage protection level UP at the by varying the resistance value of the
conductive if a voltage threshold or output terminal of the SPD. The optimal decoupling elements. These positive
the reverse voltage UR is exceeded. design for conducting current through characteristics linked to the increase of
A current of 1 mA flows through the the SPD features a voltage protection Rtotal are in contrast with the increase
suppressor diode at the slightly higher level UP that is only slightly higher than of power losses in the decoupling
breakdown voltage UBR. At this point, the maximum clamping voltage. In order elements (resistances). An upper limit
the suppressor diode starts limiting to discharge surge currents that exceed for the rated current of the SPD is
the surge voltage. The maximum limit the maximum surge current discharge derived from the self-heating, connected
voltage is the highest voltage that capacity of the TVS diode, the GDT with the need to comply with maximum
can occur at the suppressor diode in must conduct the portion of the surge temperatures.
the event of surge voltage. The main current that would otherwise result
advantages of TVS diodes are the in an overload of the TVS diode. The
reaction speed and the exceptional current is commutated abruptly in this
voltage limiting. The surge voltage process after the voltage on the GDT
discharge capacity is significantly lower reaches its strike voltage UZ. When
than that of GDTs, however. Modern the flow of current is applied, the
protective devices use GDTs and voltage present at the discharge path
TVS diodes tailored to one another sinks to the value of the arc voltage
to make best use of their respective (10 V–30 V depending on the type). The
benefits. This way, the GDT offers a high commutation behavior at the protective
discharge capacity and the TVS diode devices being observed (Fig. 76) is
provides a lower voltage protection level determined mainly by the resistance of
and speedy response behavior. Achieving the decoupling elements, which is made
this requires coordinating the coupling clear from subsequent observation.
elements between the GDT and TVS The voltage drop UG at the GDT,
diode. The way a two-level circuit such which determines its ignition behavior,
as this works is explained in Figure 76. arises from the voltage drop along the
If a transient overvoltage occurs decoupling elements (observation in
between the signal wires, the TVS diode terms of resistance) and the voltage
assumes a low-resistance state after a drop US at the TVS diode. From the
short response time. This results in a approximately linear relationship of the
flow of current over the diode and the previously mentioned voltage drops, it
decoupling elements found in the signal becomes apparent that the voltage drop

Unprotected ΔU Protected

Decoupling resistor
surge voltage US

Gas-filled surge ΔU Suppressor diode

Field Decoupling resistor
to be
Strike voltage UG=2xΔU+US

Fig. 76: Two-stage protective circuit

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

Basic circuits to ground and limits the voltage so without decoupling is needed. This can
Various protective circuits tailored to that the dielectric strength of the be the case with Pt 100 two-conductor
individual applications are available for end device is not exceeded. Typical measuring circuits in which the resistors
MCR technology. First of all, a distinction dielectric strength of end devices is can distort the measuring result.
is made between signal types that are 1.5 kV. In addition to protecting the Even for actuator circuits with higher
designed as an independent closed dielectric strength, protection between nominal currents, this type of protective
circle (loop) and signals with a common signal wires is especially important for circuit is used. A lower surge current
reference potential or a shared return MCR applications in order to prevent discharge capacity between the signal
conductor. The independent closed exceeding the electric strength. The end wires nonetheless results if there is no
circuits (loops) are often designed so devices are often much more sensitive decoupling present.
that they are insulated from the ground to potential differences of this nature, Applications with a common
potential for interference immunity. as sensitive semiconductor components reference potential require a specially
A frequently encountered application in the end device are directly affected. designed protective circuit, as the
of this type is the 4 to 20 mA current Often, the corresponding electric sensitive semiconductor components
loop for transmitting measured values. strength of the devices is below 100 V. in the end devices can also be damaged
The SPDs are designed to ensure The protection level reached by the SPD by transient overvoltages between the
continued insulation in the application. therefore consists of a fast-response TVS signal wires and the reference potential.
Gas discharge tubes guarantee insulation diode that implements a correspondingly For this reason, in such cases the TVS
between the signal wires and the low voltage protection level. diodes are switched between each
ground potential during operation. In In cases where the decoupling wire and the reference potential. In
the event of surge voltage, the GDT resistors in the common mode paths cases where the reference potential
effectively discharges the transients are not reliable, a version of the circuit is grounded, the SPD can be used, as

Signal Signal

Ground Ground

Fig. 77: Basic circuit for insulated signal circuits Fig. 78: Basic circuit for insulated signal circuits (without coupling resistors)

Signal 1

Signal 1

Signal 2

Signal 2




Fig. 79: Basic circuit for applications with common reference potential, Fig. 80: Basic circuit for applications with common reference potential,
directly grounded indirectly grounded

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

shown in Fig. 79. In the majority of

cases, a direct connection between
the common reference potential (e.g. IB
ground) and the ground potential is not
permitted or desired. Circuit versions
with an additional GDT between the
reference potential and the ground are LPZ 0A
used for this application. (Fig. 80). This is
referred to as indirect grounding. LPZ 1
6.4.2 Protection zone concept in LPZ 3
MCR applications l o


f ITE g
The necessity for implementing surge
protection is determined based on a risk n


analysis. SPDs are then selected using
the test class prescribed by the zone
transition (see Fig. 81). In order to attain
the ideal optimal protective effect, the
SPDs are each to be placed at the zone j m

limits. All cables that lead into or out of
the building are to be integrated into the p
common equipotential bonding by the
h IB 50%
corresponding SPDs. In particular, the
zone concept is to be applied if there is
an external lightning protection system. IB 50%
For example, the first protection level
(j, I) primarily offers protection against
destruction for installation directly at
the entrance to the building. The SPDs
used are to be rated according to the Fig. 81: Zone concept in accordance with IEC 61643-22 [16]
expected level of threat. Subsequent
SPDs (k,n and m,o) then only need to
reduce the interference voltages and zone transition for MCR signals (see selection list (Table 9) from
surge currents to a value acceptable for IEC 61643-22, [16]). DIN CLC/TS 61643-22 [16] provides
the end device. In contrast to the SPD In practice, the choice is made to information about the location at which
installation for power supply systems, not separate the signal cables from the each SPD type must be installed.
an SPD must be installed at every field at each zone transition. This keeps
the cost of installation low. Multiple
protection levels are therefore combined
in one MCR SPD. As a practical solution,
Zone transition 0A 1 1 2 2 3
this protective module can be installed
upstream of the device to be protected,
SPD type such as the inputs of a controller.
corresponding to D1 C2 C1
Compared to SPDs for power supply
in accordance with IEC 61643-11, the
SPD type distinction here is not made according
corresponding to 1 2 3
to T1, T2, T3; rather, the SPDs are
classified according to discharge capacity.
Table 9: Lightning protection zone transitions D1 for lightning signals at the LPZ 0/1
and corresponding SPD types zone limit, C2 for reduced noise pulses
at LPZ 1/2 and C1 at LPZ 2/3. The
The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

Surge protection for current loops of application is designed with two Surge protection in explosion-
protected areas
Measured values are usually transmitted protection levels between each wire
using standardized processes in the and the common reference potential. Explosive atmospheres can frequently
field. The 4 to 20 mA signal is used Between two "neighboring" signal wires, occur in the chemical and petrochemical
especially often for applications where there is always protection through series industries due to industrial processes.
longer cables are in use. The measured connection of two suppressor diodes. They are caused, for example, by gases,
value at the sensor is converted into Moreover, there is protection to the fumes or vapors. Explosive atmospheres
a current value that runs between ground via a GDT so that, together, all are also likely to occur in mills, silos, and
both transmission devices. The ohmic conceivable transients are limited (see sugar and fodder factories due to the
resistance of the cable has no influence Fig. 83). dust present there. Therefore, electrical
here on the current of the measured devices in potentially explosive areas are
value transmission. For current loops, Surge protection for temperature subject to special directives. This also
two signal wires are often used which applies to SPDs that are used in these
do not require an additional reference If a temperature measurement is types of applications.
potential and are routed in an insulated taken using a temperature-dependent Potentially explosive areas are divided
state from the ground potential. In order resistor, like Pt 100, the ohmic portion into standardized zones. Classification
to protect an application of this kind of the additional cables as well as the for explosive dust and gas zones is found
from transients, an SPD is needed at decoupling resistors of surge protective in the standard IEC/EN 60079-11 [17].
both end points. The respective SPD is devices specifically need to be taken Zones are classified based on the
equipped with a multi-stage protective into account. In the case of two-wire probability that an explosive atmosphere
circuit. Transient normal-mode voltages measurement, the resistance value of the will arise.
between signal wires and common-mode SPD can distort the measured result. If The Ex i intrinsic safety type of
voltages to ground are effectively limited the sum of the decoupling resistances protection is used often in the field
at both end points as a result (see in the measured circuit is, for example, of MCR technology. Intrinsic safety
Fig. 82). 4 ohms, there is then a measuring protection, as opposed to other types
error of 4% for a measurement of 0°C, of protection (such as increased safety),
Surge protection for binary signals as instead of 100 ohms, 104 ohms is refers not only to individual items of
In control technology, modules are detected. For this reason, the two-stage equipment but to the entire circuit. A
often used that feature a higher number protective circuits are available as a circuit is described as intrinsically safe
of signal inputs and outputs (digital in/ version without decoupling resistors in if the current and voltage are limited
digital out). Furthermore, there is a order to minimize the influence of the to such an extent that no spark or
common reference potential that is SPD in this application (see Fig. 84). thermal effect can cause an explosive
often simultaneously used as a common atmosphere to ignite. The voltage is
return conductor from the field. The limited in order to keep the energy of
protective circuit suitable for this type the spark below the ignition energy of

4 1 1 4

5 2 2 5
4...20 mA

4...20 mA
6 6
3 3

Fig. 82: Example of a measuring signal transmission (4...20 mA) with surge protection

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

the surrounding gas. A thermal effect, current of 10 kA (8/20 μs) safely. The
such as a surface that is too hot, is comprehensive description of explosion
prevented by limiting the current. protection measures in connection with
Energy may also be stored in the form the intrinsic safety type of protection
of capacitances or inductances within can be found in the standard
the intrinsically safe circuit. This must IEC/EN 60079-11 [17].
also be taken into consideration when
examining the intrinsically safe circuit.
Safety level ia, ib or ic defines whether
protection is maintained with two faults
or one fault in the protective circuit, or
whether no protection is provided in the
event of a fault. Intrinsic safety is based
on fault monitoring in order to rule
out an explosion hazard. In relation to
the surge protection of intrinsically safe
circuits, it is important to ensure that a
corresponding Ex i approval is present.
Furthermore, the SPD must be able to
discharge at least 10 signals of a surge

1 4

2 5

3 6

1 4

2 5
3 6

Fig. 83: Example of protected binary inputs and outputs of a controller

1 4

+ –
2 5

3 6

Fig. 84: Example of protected two-wire temperature measurement (Pt 100)

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

Zone 0
Area in which a hazardous explosive gas
atmosphere is present for continuous,
frequent or long periods. These Zone 2
conditions are usually found inside
containers, pipelines, equipment and
Zone 1
Zone 1
Area in which a hazardous explosive
gas atmosphere is to be expected only
occasionally during normal operation.
Zone 0
This includes the immediate area
surrounding zone 0, as well as areas
close to filling and emptying equipment.

Zone 2
Area in which a hazardous explosive
gas atmosphere is not expected during
normal operation; however if it does Fig. 85: Zone division based on the example of a liquid tank with fill level sensor
occur, it is only for a short time.
Zone 2 includes areas that are used
exclusively for storage, areas around pipe
connections that can be disconnected
and generally the intermediate area
surrounding zone 1.

Certified protective devices for potentially explosive areas

With the TERMITRAB complete, PLUGTRAB IQ and SURGETRAB product
ranges, Phoenix Contact provides solutions that have ATEX approval in
accordance with the directive 94/9/EC and that can be installed in intrinsically
safe circuits up to Ex-zone 1.

Since all SPDs from Phoenix Contact for intrinsically safe circuits are
classified in the "Ex ia" category, they offer the highest level of safety. In the
"ia" category, an intrinsically safe circuit in an electrical device must not be
capable of causing ignition in the event of voltages Um and Ui, even under the
assumption of two unrelated faults.

Fig. 86: TERMITRAB complete for protecting

intrinsically safe circuits

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.4.3 Selecting SPDs for MCR e) Pluggability h) Nominal voltage

systems Pluggable SPDs can be replaced without The nominal voltage of the application
accessing the installation. The signal is has a significant influence on the surge
There is a great variety of surge neither interrupted nor affected during voltage resistance of the end device. As
protective devices in the field of MCR plugging and disconnecting. a rule, the lower the nominal voltage of
technology. The selection criteria the application is, the lower the voltage
range from the obvious installation f ) Knife disconnection protection level of the SPD should be.
characteristics of the SPD and SPDs with knife disconnection offer the The maximum voltage of the application
advantageous product features to the possibility of opening the signal path on may not exceed the highest continuous
technical parameters of the application. the SPD. This way, SPD wiring to the voltage Uc of the SPD, however, as it can
field can be separated from wiring to otherwise lead to an overload.
Installation characteristics the electronics. Maintenance work also
a) Mounting type i) Rated current
becomes exceptionally simple, such as
SPDs are installed on the DIN rail as conducting insulation measurements to The rated current of SPDs for MCR
standard. For installing SPDs on field identify a fault in the field cabling, for technology is limited by the type of
devices, it is sometimes easier to screw instance. protective circuit. Since the nominal
the SPD directly onto the sensor head. current in MCR technology is generally
Application parameters low, a low SPD rated current is sufficient
b) Connection technology g) Interface type in many cases. The protective circuit
Many SPDs feature the familiar A distinction is generally made between must be varied for applications with
screw connection. As many wires interface types with and without higher nominal currents. As a rule, the
are connected in MCR technology reference conductors. Signals with nominal current of the application is not
applications, the quicker, tool-free Push- reference conductors, e.g. digital allowed to exceed the rated current of
in connection is preferred. signal inputs, require coarse and fine the SPD.
protection elements between the signal
c) Overall width wire and reference conductor. Signals j) Number of signal wires
The number of signals to be protected in without reference conductors, e.g. A separate SPD can generally be used
an MCR application is often very large. A 4 to 20 mA current loops, require a fine for any pair of signal wires. In order to
narrower SPD can therefore contribute protection element between both signal increase the packing density, SPDs that
considerably to allowing the entire wires, as this is where the sensitive protect multiple signal wires are useful,
control cabinet to be dimensioned in a electronics are installed, and coarse e.g. two digital inputs with one common
smaller form. protection to the ground potential. The reference conductor.
protective circuits are to be selected for
Product features the SPDs accordingly.
d) Signaling and remote signaling
Overloaded SPDs no longer offer
protection and must be replaced. A
failed device can be detected with the
aid of a status indicator on the SPD. Online configurator for MCR surge protection
Optional remote signaling makes it Assessing all selection criteria individually can be tedious. The online
possible to transmit the status to the configurator from Phoenix Contact offers a simple option for selecting the
control room and replace the SPDs suitable SPD for the respective MCR application. The configurator takes the
quickly. Remote signaling increases the technical suitability of the SPD into account in this process. Desired product
quality of protection for the overall characteristics can be added with ease and unnecessary product characteristics
surge protection concept. can be removed. As a result, the process of selecting a product is simplified
considerably with this straightforward approach.

Web code: #1389

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

k) RF application or data interface m) Ex application

Installation Application
(>1 Mbps) In applications with potentially explosive characteristics parameters
Many surge protection circuits have a atmospheres, increased requirements
low-pass characteristic. Therefore, for are placed on electrical devices. SPDs Mounting type Interface type
radio-frequency applications, protective with the corresponding characteristics
circuits are required where the signal and approvals are necessary for these Nominal voltage
attenuation is barely noticeable. applications. technology

l) Resistance-dependent Rated current

measurement n) Protective circuit type Overall width
Number of signal
In protective circuits commonly Multi-stage protective circuits that wires
implemented for MCR technology, contain coarse and fine protection
decoupling resistors are used in the elements are used as standard. These Product features RF application or data
signal path that serve to coordinate circuits offer lightning and surge interface (> 1 Mbps)
between fine and coarse protection protection and can therefore be
Signaling and remote
elements. Circuits are available for universally implemented. One-stage signaling Resistance-dependent
resistance-dependent measurements circuits have a simpler design but offer measurement
which do not influence the impedance of either only lightning or only surge
the signal path. protection. Ex application

Knife disconnection Protective circuit type

Table 10: Selection criteria for MCR SPDs

6.4.4 Surge protection functions without additional auxiliary with the desired product characteristics
in thin layers – power. The status of the TERMITRAB based on the individual requirements.
TERMITRAB complete complete modules can be transmitted A suitable circuit and the optional
to the control room, thanks to the functions are selected in just a few steps
SPDs with high packing density are often optional remote signaling modules. This using the online configurator.
required in MCR technology, since many means information is always available via
signals may need to be protected in a a functional surge protection system.
single control cabinet in the process A remote signaling module monitors
industry for example. By using especially the status of up to 40 neighboring
narrow SPDs like TERMITRAB complete, TERMITRAB complete modules. For
space requirements can be significantly this reason, no additional wiring or
reduced and systems can be programming is necessary. If a protection
dimensioned in a smaller form. element is disconnected in the event of
an overload, the disconnected device
Status indicator and remote closes the monitoring channel and group
signaling remote signaling is triggered.
Surge protective devices can be
overloaded and experience failure. For a Tailored portfolio
long-lasting, functional surge protection TERMITRAB complete offers a tailored
concept, it is crucial that overloaded portfolio with various functions.
SPDs be detected and replaced. To Starting with simple terminals with
that end, TERMITRAB complete one surge protection component, the
offers mechanical status indicators on range expands to include multi-stage,
the module that signal when a surge pluggable SPDs with status indicators
protection component is disconnected and integrated knife disconnection. This
from the signal path. The status indicator makes it possible to create a concept Fig. 87: Surge protection for all applications –
TERMITRAB complete

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

TERMITRAB complete – ultra narrow

The TERMITRAB complete TTC • 3.5 mm overall width
product range includes the smallest • Push-in connection technology
surge protection device in the world • Multi-stage protective circuit
for MCR technology at an overall • Digital and analog signals
width of just 3.5 mm. This saves space
and cuts costs.
Fig. 88: TTC-3

TERMITRAB complete – narrow and pluggable

Also among the pluggable varieties, • 6 mm overall width
TERMITRAB complete offers the • Can be plugged in and tested
narrowest solutions on the market • Integrated status indicator
with an overall width of 6 mm. • Available with knife disconnection
• Push-in or screw connection
• Multi-stage protective circuit
Fig. 89: TTC-6 pluggable versions

TERMITRAB complete – one-piece

If there is no need to plug and test • 6 mm overall width
the devices, the one-piece versions • Available with integrated status
are the suitable alternative from the indicator and knife disconnection
TERMITRAB complete system. • Push-in or screw connection
• Multi-stage protective circuit
Fig. 90: TTC-6 one-piece versions

TERMITRAB complete – one-stage

The only one-stage protection • 6 mm overall width
element on the market with an • Integrated status indicator
integrated status indicator and • Push-in or screw connection
optional remote signaling. • One-stage protective circuit

Fig. 91: TTC-6 one-stage versions

TERMITRAB complete – remote signaling

Sender and receiver module • 6 mm overall width
for monitoring up to 40 • Integrated status indicator
protective devices from the • Push-in or screw connection
TERMITRAB complete range. • Floating remote indication contact
• No wiring of individual protective
devices Fig. 92: TTC-6 remote signaling set

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.4.5 Surge protection with early for example, the visual detection of makes it possible to plan replacement
detection gas discharge associated with a flow of at an early stage. A replacement is
current through the GDT is useful. recommended and must be carried out
Monitoring protection elements The visual detection of the flow when the red LED lights up at the latest.
combined with a remote signaling of current through the GDT and In order to minimize product wiring
function is especially useful for detection of leakage current through costs, a signal and supply bus runs along
protective devices in difficult to reach the TVS diode are used for the technical the DIN rail. The protection modules
locations. A status-oriented, even implementation of state acquisition also contain the supply voltage and
preemptive maintenance strategy is and evaluation for a 2-stage protective report their status to the central supply
possible, thanks to the continuous circuit. By collecting these measured and remote signaling module (PT-IQ-
status acquisition and evaluation of aging variables, it is possible to make PTB), which visually displays the signal
indicators. Relating to the observed statements regarding prior component and makes it available as a remote signal
components of the TVS diode and GDT loads and physical component parameter via a floating contact. Using this floating
of the protective circuit, the methods changes continuously using suitable contact, the status of the SPDs can be
described below, based on physical and algorithms. This information is displayed forwarded using various transmission
statistical principles as well as the links via a status message. In order to provide media (bus or wireless systems).
between the two, can be used to detect the option of retrieving this information
the state of the component and the in a control room, for example, it is
evaluation of aging processes. advantageous if the protection state
can be signaled remotely. For this
a) A "direct" evaluation of the purpose, a floating contact that can be
component state, i.e. a direct physical evaluated by a PLC is often used on
evaluation, is possible if there is a the protective device. The result can
direct relationship between the then be forwarded to the control room
measured variables and the aging state using various transmission media (bus
to be detected. This kind of physical or wireless systems). Optional status
relationship exists, for example, between detection and processing has been
the leakage current generated by a TVS implemented in the PLUGTRAB PT-IQ
diode and the extent of its damage. protective device system (Fig. 93). The
respective function status is reported by
b) Statistical evaluation procedures are an intelligent monitoring system. There
used if there is established knowledge are LED indicators on the protective
on the load-dependent aging and failure plug in green, yellow and red for this
behavior for the observed component. purpose. Yellow indicates that the PLUGTRAB PT-IQ
In this case, statistical statements can be protective device is nearing the end of its This intelligent monitoring system
made about the state by detecting the service life. However, yellow also means allows the user to know the
load and comparing it with load limits that the protective function is still fully protection status of the system at
described in IEC 61643-21 [7]. Here, guaranteed. This early warning indicator any time, regardless of location. A
preemptive maintenance strategy
is also possible, thanks to the
three-stage display. The devices are
available with screw terminal blocks
or with a Push-in connection. The
wiring costs of the products are
minimized, thanks to a signal and
supply bus located in the DIN rail.
Furthermore, there are versions
for use in Ex i circuits.

Fig. 93: Protective device system PT-IQ with function indicator display

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.4.6 Surge protection at the

field device
This item range is designed
In order to protect field devices, SPD especially for use in the field.
designs are available that can be easily Different circuit versions are
installed on the objects to be protected. optimized for measuring circuits
A free cable gland is utilized in this and actuators. Screw connections
process and the SPD is connected with with metric threads or ½" and
parallel wiring. If there is no free gland ¾" allow for use in all field device
remaining on the field device, an SPD systems available around the world.
version with through wiring can be used. Fig. 94: SURGETRAB with through wiring on the
field device

Fig. 95: SURGETRAB with parallel wiring on a

field device

6.4.7 Lightning protection insulated to the ground potential. In on a defined path. Lightning protection
equipotential bonding for order to protect the pipe insulation equipotential bonding is thereby
pipelines (coating) and the insulating flanges guaranteed.
against damage caused by surge voltages,
A long service life is vital for the cost- isolating spark gaps are used. If a surge
effective operation of pipelines. Active voltage occurs, for example due to a
corrosion protection systems are used lightning strike, the isolating spark gap
to protect against rust. In operation, becomes low-resistance. The lightning
these require the metal pipes be surge current is discharged to ground

Fig. 96: Typical application field: gas compression station Fig. 97: Installation example based on an
insulated flange

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.5 Protection of signal transmission circuits in information technology

Communication via data networks is a the circuit technology, ohmic resistors Protective devices with RJ45
part of daily life in all areas of business. decouple the two protection stages. connection, where all eight signal paths
The interfaces operate with low signal are protected, are universally suited to
levels at high frequencies. This makes 6.5.1 Ethernet and token ring the Ethernet, PROFINET and token ring
them particularly sensitive to surge interface interfaces.
voltages and can lead to the destruction
of electronic components in IT systems. The architecture or structure of a Power over Ethernet (PoE)
In addition to protection that is tailored network installation and the type of Power over Ethernet (PoE) is a process
to these systems, SPDs must also data transfer between the terminals in in which the auxiliary energy for the
exhibit high-quality signal transmission the data network are referred to as the connected devices is also transmitted via
behavior, as otherwise malfunctions are topology. the Ethernet data cable.
to be expected in the data transmission. In local networks, they have been The auxiliary power is applied either
This aspect is becoming increasingly tried and tested as bus, ring, and star to the unused wire pairs (mode B,
important in the face of constantly topologies that can also be combined. To Fig. 100) or fed as phantom power
increasing data transmission rates. To transmit information in data networks, (mode A, Fig. 99) between the signal
this end, when developing new SPDs twisted pair or fiber optics are used. wire pairs. In line with IEEE 802.3af,
for IT systems, the focus is on imple- a maximum power of 13.5 W can be
menting high-quality signal transmission Data transmission requirements transmitted using this method. The
behavior. It is evaluated based on the Ethernet and token ring interfaces subsequent IEEE 802.3at standard
ISO/IEC 11801 or EN 50173 standards. have been used for years. Ethernet now allows 25.5 W with PoE+. PoE++
Furthermore, a wide range of systems have prevailed, however, due to is being debated, which will make
connection technology is seen in this their transmission speed and compact it possible to achieve even higher
area of application. For this reason, the connectors. The transmission behavior transmission capacities.
protective devices must correspond of the Ethernet system is defined in
to the electrical specifications and also standard IEEE 802.3. The transmission 6.5.2 Serial interfaces
be adapted to the interfaces to be speed is up to 10 Gbps.
protected. The SPD versions often differ The transmission speed is defined Serial interfaces allow for data exchange
only in their design and connection (Table 11) depending on the perfor- between computers and peripheral
technology. mance categories (cat. 5 - cat. 7). devices. During serial data transmission,
The protective circuits usually Newer systems with high transmission the bits are transmitted over a cable (in
combine fast-responding, low-capacitive frequency requirements function in series), one after the other. Particularly
suppressor diodes with powerful gas accordance with cat. 6 and cat. 7, and common are:
discharge tubes. Where required by eventually cat. 8.1 or cat. 8.2.

1 2 3 6 OUT 4 5 7 8
The DT-LAN-CAT.6+ protective
device optimally protects sensitive
equipment, as quickly reacting
protective components are used
for the data cabling as well as for
the PoE system.

1 2 3 6 IN 4 5 7 8

Fig. 98: DT-LAN-Cat.6+ - SPD for information technology

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

Area of application Category Mbps Cable Connection

100 Base TX LAN, structured building 2- ... 4-pair RJ45, pairs:

5 100
(Fast Ethernet) cabling twisted pair 1-2, 3-6, or 4-5, 7-8

1000 Base T LAN, structured building RJ45, pairs:

5e, 6 1000 4-pair twisted pair
(Gigabit Ethernet) cabling 1-2, 3-6, + 4-5, 7-8

10 GBase T LAN, structured building RJ45, pairs:

6a 10,000 4-pair twisted pair
(Gigabit Ethernet) cabling 1-2, 3-6, + 4-5, 7-8

10 GBase T LAN, structured building RJ45, pairs:

7 10,000 4-pair twisted pair
(Gigabit Ethernet) cabling 1-2, 3-6, + 4-5, 7-8

Table 11: Transmission speed vs. performance categories

is routed as a reference potential, so
that defined voltage conditions prevail at
7 the connected interfaces.
50 V 50 V
up to 57 V 8
(30 W)
up to 57 4 TTY interface
V (30 W)
5 The TTY interface works serially and
1 symmetrically via two signal wire pairs.
2 When a signal voltage of up to 24 V
occurs, a current signal is analyzed.
Fig. 99: Transmission of auxiliary power by means Fig. 100: Transmission of auxiliary energy via free Here, 10 to 30 mA is the logical 1 and
of phantom supply (mode A) wire pairs (mode B) 0 to 1 mA is the logical 0. Standard data
transmission rates are 9.6 or 19.2 kbps.

RS-485 and PROFIBUS interfaces used as protective devices.

The RS-485 serial interface is used on
the Intel bitbus and is closely related V.24 interface
to RS-422. This symmetrical data The serial interface V.24 or RS-232
transmission generally functions via a works with an asymmetrical signal
pair of signal wires. Versions with two transmission. One transmit and one
pairs of signal wires and a ground are receive signal each have a common
also used. reference potential (ground). In
In older systems, the signal voltage of addition, up to five control signals can
this interface amounts to ground -7 V be transmitted. This yields a maximum
and +12 V. In newer systems, a version of eight active signals including ground.
with TTL level, i.e. +/- 5 V, is used. Connection is usually implemented via
The PROFIBUS interface is a further D-SUB 25, D-SUB 9 or screw terminal
development of the RS-485 interface. blocks.
It uses the physical characteristics of
the RS-485, but with transmission rates V.11 interface
of up to 12 Mbps. These interfaces are The serial interface V.11 or RS-422
used for other applications in the time works on the basis of symmetrical signal
and machine data acquisition device field. transmission. The transmission path
D-SUB attachment plugs for DIN can be up to 1000 m. The transmit and
rail mounting or DIN rail modules with receive signal are each transmitted via a
screw terminal blocks are frequently pair of signal wires. In addition, a ground

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.6 Protection of signal transmission circuits in telecommunications

Telecommunication end devices are today
an inherent part of office electronics. 6.6.1 Interfaces in 6.6.2 Connection technology
Today, unrestricted operational availability telecommunications
of modern, fast communication systems LSA-PLUS technology has been in use as
is an absolute necessity, especially in xDSL interface connection technology for many years. It
the business sector. The specific use of DSL interfaces (digital subscriber line) is an insulation displacement contact that
suitable surge protective devices can provide Internet connections with speeds individually presses the wires of a cable
prevent the sudden and unforeseen of 1 Mbps (ADSL) to 100 Mbps (VDSL). along with insulation using a special tool
failure of important telecommunications The transmission frequency is between known as a punch-down tool. Protective
equipment. Suitable protective devices 2.2 and 17.7 MHz. The nominal voltage modules can be plugged into these
for DSL data transmission and for analog for the protective circuit on suitable LSA-PLUS strips easily, without the use
signal interfaces are available. protective devices depends on whether of tools. Coarse protection magazines
The protective circuit is mainly a DC supply is also transmitted. Typical (with GDT) or modular miniature
made up of a combination of diodes nominal voltage values for applications plugs with combined coarse and fine
and powerful gas discharge tubes. The are: protection elements (Fig. 102) are
gas discharge tubes are designed as • Without power supply:  <24 VDC available for protection.
three-electrode gas surge protective • With power supply: ≥  110 V DC
devices. The central electrode provides When compared internationally, the
common-mode voltage protection at transmission frequency in the DSL range
the ground potential. Where required by can vary by some 100 kHz depending on
the circuit technology, ohmic resistors the region. For this reason, their cut-off
decouple the two protection stages. frequency should be taken into account
To protect against voltages from the when selecting a protective device.
power supply network (power cross) the
three-electrode gas discharge tubes are Analog telecommunications
equipped with thermal protection.
Today, analog telecommunication is only
found in simple telephone connections.
Protective devices for this should have
nominal voltages of 180 V. Generally,
DSL protective devices (Fig. 101) can also
be used for analog telecommunication. Fig. 102: COMTRAB: Modular, small and simple

RJ 45

RJ 12
RJ 45
RJ 11
RJ 12

RJ 11


The DT-TELE-RJ45 protective

Aa 2 3 4 2 3 4 Aa
 device protects fast VDSL

connections, thanks to its
Ab 3 4 5 3 4 5 Ab exceptionally low attenuation.
unprotected protected
Thanks to the universal connection
Ba 1 2 3 1 2 3 Ba
 technology (RJ45, RJ12, RJ11, and
pluggable screw connection) the

Bb 4 5 6 4 5 6 Bb product is ideal for any application.

Fig 101: DT-TELE-RJ45 - SPD for telecommunications systems

The basics of surge protection | Areas of application

6.7 Protection of signal transmission circuits in transceiver systems

Transceiver systems are generally LAMBDA/4 technology TV and RF connectors in accordance

considered to be particularly susceptible The Lambda/4 technology uses a short with DIN 45325. Satellite receivers are
to surge voltages. circuit between the inner conductor connected via F connectors.
Antenna cables which extend beyond and the shield. The length of the cable
the building and are generally particularly between the short circuit and the inner Video communication
long, as well as the antennas themselves, conductor matches the frequency that The applications in video communication
are directly exposed to atmospheric is allowed to pass through without extend from monitoring buildings,
discharges. For this reason, cables with attenuation. A great advantage in this public areas, and institutes right through
a coaxial design and associated favorable technology is achieving a very good to sport and leisure facilities. The
EMC properties are used. The shield (low) voltage protection level, as the continuous availability of this monitoring
of the antenna cable can be either protective device functions as a short equipment requires suitable surge
grounded or floating, depending on the circuit in the frequency range of surge protective devices. As a general rule,
system conditions. However, the risk of voltages. However, it must be taken coaxial attachment plugs are used as
surge voltage coupling in antenna cables into account that the cable that is protective devices, with BNC or TNC
is not completely eliminated. Surge connected to the Lambda/4 protective connectors.
voltages can even reach the sensitive device cannot use a DC power supply.
interfaces of transceiver systems via this Relatively wide bandwidth signals (e.g. Radio link and mobile phone
cable path. 0.8 – 2.25 GHz) can be transmitted
The high frequencies of wireless by means of RF-optimized Lambda/4 Radio link technology enables wireless
transmission require the use of protective devices. Fig. 103 shows a transmission of data. The radio waves
protective devices with low self- typical design of a protective device with produced are transmitted in multiplex
capacitance or low insertion loss with Lambda/4 technology. mode using panel antennas with a carrier
good impedance matching. Nevertheless, The most common applications for frequency of between 1 and 40 GHz.
a good level of protection is required SPDs in telecommunications are: Common types of antennas are parabolic
with high discharge capacity. For this reflectors, shell antennas, and horn
reason, most protective devices are Antenna connection of television antennas. The nominal frequencies of
and radio receivers
equipped with powerful gas-filled surge useful signals in this range are between
protective devices or with the Lambda/4 The protective devices for radio 0.8 GHz and 2.7 GHz. N, SMA or 7/16
technology. and television devices are generally connectors are used as the connection
mounted between the antenna wall technology for the protective devices.
connection and the outgoing antenna
cable. For satellite receivers, there are
multi-channel protective devices for
wall mounting. Broadband cable and
antenna connections generally have

Using the CN-LAMBDA/4-2.25
protective device, the widest
range of transmission systems
can be actively protected in the
λ/4 GHz range. This is achieved by
means of a broadband LAMBDA/4

Fig. 103: CN-LAMBDA/4 - protective device with Lambda/4 technology

The basics of surge protection | Glossary

7 Glossary

ATEX Gas discharge tube, GDT are not necessarily physical limits (e.g.,
ATEX is a widely used synonym for the Gas-filled surge protective device walls, floor or ceiling).
ATEX directive issued by the European
Union. The ATEX designation is derived Insertion loss Maximum continuous voltage (Uc)
from the French abbreviation for The attenuation value is defined as the Maximum r.m.s. value of the voltage
“atmosphères explosibles”. ratio of voltages that occur immediately that can continuously be applied to the
before and after the insertion point of mode of protection of the SPDs. The
Binary signals the protective device to be tested. The maximum continuous voltage must be at
By binary signals, we mean digital signals result is expressed in decibels. least 10% higher than the value of the
that only take on the state of "high" or nominal voltage. In systems with greater
"low". Generally, these signals relate to a Lightning protection class voltage fluctuations, SPDs with a greater
common reference potential or a shared A standardized classification of lightning difference between UC and UN must be
return conductor. protection systems into classes I to IV. used.
They are based on a set of lightning
Dielectric strength current parameter values with regard Nominal discharge current (In)
Insulation strength of the electrical to probability, whereby the largest and Peak value of the current flowing
circuits of a piece of equipment when smallest measured values in the event through the SPD with pulse shape
compared to withstand and surge of naturally occurring strikes cannot be (8/20 μs). The pulse shape (8/20 μs) of
voltages with amplitudes above the exceeded and the strikes can be safely a surge current is characteristic of the
maximum continuous voltage. discharged. Lightning protection class I effects of an indirect lightning strike or
thereby corresponds to the highest switching operation. The value of the
EMC measured values and the greatest nominal discharge current is used for
EMC stands for electromagnetic probability of capturing a strike. The a variety of tests on an SPD, including
compatibility, the capacity of an values decrease accordingly, down to those used to determine the voltage
apparatus, plant or system to work lightning protection class IV. protection level. Depending on the
satisfactorily in an electromagnetic lightning protection class assigned
environment, without causing Lightning protection system to a lightning protection system, the
electromagnetic interference itself that System consisting of external SPDs must have minimum values that
would be unacceptable for the apparatus, interception rods, protective devices, correspond to this value.
plants or system in this setting. and grounding system, as well as
equipotential bonding system and Nominal load current (IL)
Follow current interrupt rating (Ifi) coordinated SPD system within the Maximum r.m.s. value of the nominal
The follow current interrupt rating physical structure to protect against current, which can flow to an ohmic
indicates the prospective r.m.s. value damage caused by surge voltages and load that is connected to the protected
of the short-circuit current at the surge currents from lightning strikes. output of the SPD. This maximum
installation location of a voltage- value is specified by the parts carrying
switching SPD, up to which the SPD Lightning protection zone (LPZ) operational current within the SPDs;
once again transitions into a high ohmic A zone in which the electromagnetic these must be able to withstand the
state if the maximum Uc continuous environment is determined with regard continuous thermal current load.
voltage is being independently applied to risk of lightning. All (supply) lines
due to a surge current, without that cross zone limits must be included Nominal voltage (UN)
triggering an upstream overcurrent in the lightning protection equipotential The nominal value of the voltage of the
protective device. bonding by means of corresponding current or signal circuit based on the
SPDs. The zone limits of a lightning zone use envisaged for the SPDs. The nominal

The basics of surge protection | Glossary

voltage stated for an SPD corresponds Pulse discharge current (Iimp) Surge current
to the system voltage of the typical SPD Peak value of the current flowing A pulse-shaped current that is
installation site for a standard three- through the SPD with pulse shape characterized by a significant rise in
phase system, e.g., 230/400 V AC. Lower (10/350 μs). The pulse shape current within a short period of time.
system voltages can also be protected by (10/350 μs) of a surge current is Typical pulse shapes are (8/20 μs), with
the SPD. In the event of higher system characteristic of the effects of a direct which the voltage-limiting behavior of
voltages, it must be decided on a case- lightning strike. The value of the pulse SPDs can be checked, and (10/350 μs),
to-case basis as to whether the SPD can discharge current is used for special SPD with which the lightning current capacity
be used and if there are restrictions to tests to demonstrate carrying capacity of the SPDs can be tested.
observe. with regard to high-energy lightning
currents. According to the lightning Surge protective device, SPD
Off-load voltage (UOC) protection class assigned to a lightning Surge protective device
Off-load voltage of the hybrid generator protection system, the SPDs must have
at the terminal points of the SPD. A minimum values that correspond to this Surge voltage
hybrid generator creates a combined value. A pulse-shaped voltage that is
surge, i.e. in off-load, it supplies a characterized by a significant rise in
voltage pulse with a defined pulse shape, Safe Energy Control technology, voltage within a short period of time.
SEC technology
generally (1.2/50 μs), and in a short A typical pulse shape is (1.2/50 μs). The
circuit, a current pulse with a defined Technology for SPDs for protecting the response behavior of SPDs or the surge
pulse shape, generally (8/20 μs). The power supply. SPDs with SEC technology voltage resistance of equipment can also
combined surge is characteristic of the are characterized by the following: be tested with this.
effects of an induced surge voltage. • Impact-free and durable
Depending on the protection class • Backup-fuse-free solution for every TVS
assigned to a lightning protection system, application TVS stands for Transient Voltage
the SPDs must have minimum values that • Compact and consistent pluggable Suppression.
correspond to this value. design
Voltage protection level (Up)
Overcurrent protective device, Short-circuit withstand capability Maximum voltage that can occur on the
OCPD (ISCCR) connection terminal blocks of the SPD
Overcurrent protective device Maximum prospective short-circuit while loaded with a pulse of specific
current of the electrical network, for voltage steepness and a discharge surge
Overvoltage category which the SPD is rated in conjunction current of specified amplitude and wave
Division of equipment into categories I with the upstream overcurrent form. This value characterizes the surge
to IV depending on their surge voltage protective device. The short-circuit voltage protective effect of the SPD. In
resistance. Overvoltage category I withstand capability indicates the the event of a surge voltage phenomenon
corresponds to the lowest value maximum prospective short-circuit within the performance parameters of
and consists of particularly sensitive current at which the SPD can be the SPD, the voltage is safely limited to a
(end) devices. These values increase used at the installation location. The maximum of this value at the protected
accordingly, up to overvoltage corresponding tests to determine this connections of the SPD.
category IV. The values for the individual value are carried out in connection with
categories also depend on the voltage the upstream overcurrent protective
level of the power supply system. device. In the event that the special
surge protective devices for PV systems
Power over Ethernet (PoE) correspond to the value ISCPV, this is the
Power over Ethernet is a process in maximum DC short-circuit current of
which the auxiliary energy for the a system up to which the SPD may be
connected devices is also transmitted via used.
the Ethernet data cable.

The basics of surge protection | Glossary

The basics of surge protection | References

8 References

[1] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 62305-1 - Lightning protection -

Part 1: General principles. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2010.
[2] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 62305-2 - Lightning protection -
Part 2: Risk management. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2010.
[3] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 62305-3 - Lightning protection -
Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2010.
[4] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 62305-4 - Lightning protection -
Part 4: Protection against lightning. Electrical and electronic systems within structures. s.l.: VDE Verlag GmbH, 2010.
[5] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 60364-4-44 - Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-44: Protection
for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2015.
[6] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 61643-11 - Surge protective devices
connected to low-voltage power systems - Requirements and test methods. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2011.
[7] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 61643-21 - Surge protective devices connected to
telecommunications and signaling networks  - Performance requirements and testing methods. s.l. :
VDE Verlag GmbH, 2000.
[8] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 61643-31 - Low-voltage surge protective devices – Requirements
and tests for surge protective devices to be used in photovoltaic installations. Requirements and test methods. s.l. :
VDE Verlag GmbH, 2015.
[9] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 60664-1 - Insulation coordination for equipment within low-
voltage systems - Part 1: Principles, requirements, and tests. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2007.
[10] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 60364-1 - Low-voltage electrical installations -
Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitions. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2005.
[11] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 60364-5-53 - Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection
and erection of electrical equipment; Section 53: Switchgear and control. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2015.
[12] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 60364-4-43 - Low-voltage electrical installations -
Part 4-43: Protection for safety - Protection against overcurrent. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2008.
[13] European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. CLC/TS 50539-12 - Low-voltage surge protective
devices connected to photovoltaic installations - Selection and application principles. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2013.
[14] Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG. TRABTECH surge protection - user manual for specialist electrical planners.
[15] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 61643-12 - Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage
power systems - Selection and application principles. s.l. : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2010.
[16] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 61643-22 - Low-voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective
devices connected to telecommunications and signaling - Selection and application principles. s.l. :
VDE Verlag GmbH, 2007.
[17] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 60079-11 (VDE 0170-7) - Explosive atmospheres -
Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i" VDE-VERLAG GMBH, 2012
[18] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 61643-32 - Low-voltage surge protective devices – Requirements
and tests for surge protective devices to be used in photovoltaic installations - Selection and application. s.l.:
VDE Verlag GmbH, 2015.

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