Methods:: Method 1 - Experiment

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Choosing the correct method for collecting data is very important in

a research project .The goal of this research project was

 About explaining the dangers and the science of spreading of

Germs /diseases and to explain and /or demonstrate the possible
option(s) for protection and explain the science, technology, and/or
mathematics involved.
 to find the possible options for protection of germs/diseases, and
demonstrate it with accurate data, and also explain a conclusion of a
solution to the problem.

So after a lot of research we had decided to use the below mentioned methods
to conduct the research project.

Methods :

The first method we had chosen was the experiment method. Based on our
research question we thought it was important for us to know where does
maximum germs grow? So for authentic evidences , experimentation was the best
method to sample and culture the micro organisms. The method is as follows-

Method 1 – Experiment.

Materials required : 10 bactaslydes(name of the slides on which the organisms

will be cultured), 1 marker pen, gloves, lab coats, different places to sample from
(eg. currency, mobile, chopping board, wash basin, carpet in the house, remote of
the T.V, main door knob, toothbrush, hand, kitchen countertop.)

Procedure :

1) For this research project, the independent variable is the locations the slides
are wiped/touched to sample for germs. The dependent variable is the
number of microorganism colonies that had grown on each slide.
2) This is determined by observing the colour and counting the microbial colony
spots and comparing it to the standardized density chart.

3) The constant (control variables) are the room temperature, and the
ingredients (nutritive medium) on the slides.
4) Remove slide A from the container only when experimenter is ready and
touch the 1st sample (eg. mobile) for 15-20 seconds on upper side of the
slide and the upper surface of the mobile and repeat the same for 15-20
seconds for the lower side of the slide with the lower surface of the mobile .
Immediately put the slide in the container and seal it and also label the slides
with date, time and place from where it was sampled from.
5) Repeat the same procedure using different slides for different locations like
currency, wash basin, door knob, hand, kitchen counter top, tooth brush,
cutting board, carpet, remote of the television. Label all.
6) The slides are properly sealed and kept in cool place for the microbes to
7) The number of microbe colonies are counted after 5 days of incubation and
recorded in the table given below.
8) After the experiment the slides were properly treated with chlorine bleach
and sealed in zip lock bags. They are properly disposed in biodegradable
bags. The results showed that slide _________ ( ) and slide _________
had the maximum microbial growth.

*Independent variable - this is the variable that the experimenter manipulates in

a study. It can be any aspect of the environment that is empirically investigated
for the purpose of examining its influence on the dependent variable.

*Dependent variable - the variable that is measured in a study.

The experimenter does not control this variable.

* Control group - this group is used to produce comparisons. The treatment of

interest is deliberately withheld or manipulated to provide a baseline
performance with which to compare the experimental or treatment group's

Method 2 - Interview:

We as a group thought that after observing the results of the experiment,

observing the growth of micro organisms that we need to more about how these
microbes cause diseases. So we thought that a doctor can help us to clarify our
doubts hence we decided to interview a doctor.

We interviewed a doctor(Dr. Bharat Bhatt.-MBBS), Bhatt Clinic, Mazagaon.

Mumbai- 10. to express his views on diseases, its spread and preventive
measures. We had made a questionnaire for the same. He was an elderly doctor
but too enthusiastic at the same time. He was very happy and appreciated our
research work and the experiment we had conducted. He gave us extra
information apart from the questionnaire. He was able to clarify our doubts
regarding how germs are spread, the vectors that carry diseases, proper hand
washing techniques etc. We also were able to understand that people who have
low immunity and those who do not maintain personal hygiene fall sick too


1. We have clicked photos while conducting the experiment and taking samples.
2. We have also clicked photos of the slides after the incubation period to show
the microbial / bacterial growth which was a proof of the experiment conducted.

3. We also clicked photos in the school during the art competition based on the
theme Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and germ spread and its awareness.

4. We also clicked photos during the “stop the spread” and cleanliness drive
linked to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the school neighbourhood which was also
published as an article in the ____newspaper dated _____to create awareness on
a larger scale. Pictures and articles of the same are pasted in the appendix.

5. Photos of

i. Experiment with students and mentor.

ii. bacterial growth.

iii. poster making competition.

iv. Students while finding information from the net.

v. Students while finding information from the newspaper.

vi. students while posing with the experiment kit.

vii. Students while interviewing the doctor.

viii. Students while doing survey with the doctor and patients.

ix. Students while doing observation of the results of the experiments.

x. Students while cleaning the school premises.

xi. Students when felicitating the BMC cleanup marshals.

xii. . Students when felicitating the cleanup marshals of the school.

xiii. Students while putting up the slogans in the school premises.

xiii. Teaching the students the correct hand washing technique and also putting
up posters of the same in the cloak room ( girls and boys)

xiv. Felicitating the winners of the cleanliness drive (cleanathon) competition in

the school by the principal.

Method 3 - Survey:

We had choosen this method to find out the number of patients visiting the
doctor each day due to hygiene negligence / infection/ low immunity. So we
thought that doing a survey with a questionnaire and observation template will
be a great help.

We all as a group of 5 students did a survey to get information on the number of

patients visiting the doctor each day, the age group of the patients and the
diseases they suffer from. Each one of us surveyed a doctor per child and visited
him/her during his/her consulting time.

In all we surveyed __ number of patients over a period of _ days. The observation

template and photos of the same are attached in the appendix section.

Method 4- Secondary data-

Internet was a great source of help to find the images of the pathogens,
newspaper citations and articles, emergency phone numbers of the casualty
sections in various hospitals, proper hand washing techniques step by step images

Findings / Results of the experiment
1. Samples were taken different places on 27/8/16
2. After 5-7 Days of incubation period, the results are as follows. Date Name of Type of Colour of Number of Comparison
the things organisms Spots spots on with the
sampled developed the slide standard
from density chart

Name of the clinic - __________________ Date- ________________

Name of the doctor- __________________ Time - ________________

Observation Template/Questionnaire.

Q1. What is the total number of patients visiting the doctor each day ?


Q2. What is names of the common diseases they suffer from ?






Q3. What are the causes of the common diseases?




Q4. Which age group of patients visiting the doctor each day ?



Q5. Is the age group related to the immunity level/ hygiene level of the person?


Interview of the doctor
Name of the clinic/hospital - ________________ Date- __________
Name of the doctor- _____________________ Time- _________
Name of the Interviewer - __________________

Q1. What are the common ways in which germs are spread?

Q2. What are the different kinds of germs causing diseases?

Q3. What are the common diseases in monsoon?



Q4. What is the common age group of patients visiting the doctor regularly?


Q5. What is the importance of personal hygiene in prevention of diseases?



Q6. What is the correct technique of hand washing?




Q7. How do disinfectants function?



_______ ___________________________________________________________

Q8. What are the important phone numbers of emergency services in

hospitals in nearby hospitals?



Q9. What is the importance of washing hands before handing food or eating



Q10. What are the preventive measures one should take while coughing /
sneezing in a mob?




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