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Kamble and Seth Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (4): 84-92 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.3011 ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (4): 84-92 (2017)
Research Article

Preservation of Paneer Samples with Formalin under Vacuum Packaging

at 27ᵒC for Analytical Purpose

Meenatai Kamble1 and Raman Seth2*

M.Tech, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal-132001
Principal Scientists, Dairy Chemistry Division, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal-132001
*Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected]
Received: 23.05.2017 | Revised: 4.06.2017 | Accepted: 5.06.2017

Paneer is an acid cum heat coagulated milk product and is widely consumed in the northern part
of India. When the food safety officer collecting the paneer sample for chemical analysis,
formalin @0.4% is added to remain fit for analytical analysis. In the present study two different
packaging pouches i.e. seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70μ polyethylene and 12μPET/70μ
polyethylene were used to preserve paneer with or without formalin at 27±1ºC for 120 days. The
results revealed that on the addition of formalin @0.4% in paneer samples showed an increase
in moisture content (52.88±0.061 to 53.55±0.06%) and acidity (0.62±0.017 to 0.67±0.011% LA),
whereas fat percentage decreases (24.02±0.155 to 22.05±0.126%). Tyrosine value, acidity, FFA,
peroxide value, of paneer rapidly increased while moisture, fat percentage and pH decreased
during storage at 27±1ºC respectively. Paneer sample preserved with formalin in seven layer
NYLON/EVOH/70μ polyethylene showed no significant (P>0.05) difference in moisture content
(53.55±0.068 to 53.54±0.04%) and fat percentage (22.05±0.126 to 22.04±0.089%) up to 45 days
respectively. However, 12μPET/70μ polyethylene pouch showed, no significant (P>0.05)
difference in moisture content (53.55±0.068 to 53.53±0.076%) and fat percentage (22.05±0.127
to 21.95±0.080%) upto 30 days respectively. Based on above findings it can be concluded that
paneer samples preserved with formalin under vacuum packaging in seven layer
NYLON/EVOH/70μ polyethylene pouch at 27±1ºC remained fit for analytical purpose up to 45
Key words: Food safety officer, Paneer, Formalin, Vacuum packaging, Chemical analysis.

INTRODUCTION antimicrobial. It inactivates the microorganism

Paneer is the product obtained from cow or by alkalytic amino group and sulfhydryl group
buffalo milk or combination thereof by of proteins and ring of nitrogen atoms of
precipitation with sour milk, lactic acid or purine bases i.e. adenine, cytosine and guanine
citric acid7. During the collection of milk and in nucleic acid components, denaturing them
milk product samples, Food safety officer and resulting in the inhibition of
(FSO) may add 37-40% formalin @0.4% to microorganism9.
remains fit for chemical analysis. Formalin is
Cite this article: Kamble, M. and Seth, R., Preservation of Paneer Samples with Formalin under Vacuum
Packaging at 27ᵒC for Analytical Purpose, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5(4): 84-92 (2017). doi:

Copyright © August, 2017; IJPAB 84

Kamble and Seth Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (4): 84-92 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
The low shelf life of paneer is generally due to copper sulphate pentahydrate, glacial acetic
microbial spoilage and physicochemical acid, sodium thiosulphate and folin’s reagent
changes1. Vacuum packaging is an advanced were purchased from Sigma Aldrich Pvt. Ltd.
technique which can significantly prevent the USA.
aerobic spoilage of micro-organism thereby Analysis
reducing oxidative reactions by eliminating The paneer samples were analyzed for
oxygen12. It extends the shelf life of paneer by moisture10, fat %10, acidity (% LA)10, pH (pH
2-3 times using suitable packaging material2. meter), tyrosine value13, Free Fatty Acid %11,
Vacuum packaging has been carried out by Peroxide value11.
using two type of packaging material i.e. seven Statistical analysis
layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene and Experimental analysis was performed in
12µPET/70µ polyethylene pouch. triplicates. Data was analyzed by Graph pad
The objective of this study was to prism 5.1 software. Significant differences
preserve the paneer samples with formalin between means were determined by two-way
under vacuum packaging in two types of analysis of variance at 5 % level of
packaging material i.e. seven layer significance.
NYLON/EVOH/70μ polyethylene and
12μPET/70μ polyethylene pouch for 120 days. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
The variation in chemical composition of the Effect of vacuum packaging on storage of
paneer samples during storage in two different paneer samples
packaging at 27ºC were monitored to remained Paneer samples without formalin were vacuum
fit for analytical purpose. packed in seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ
polyethylene and 12µ PET/70µ polyethylene
MATERIALS AND METHODS respectively and stored at 27ºC. During storage
Sample preparation of paneer and its vacuum foul smell and sticky surface appearance was
packaging observed in the both the packaging pouches on
The paneer samples were obtained from the 2th day respectively. Paneer packed in seven
experimental dairy of National Dairy Research layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene
Institute, Karnal. (I) Seven-layer pouches was having in foul smell after 45th day
NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene and (II) and in 12µ PET/70µ polyethylene pouches,
12µ PET/70µ polyethylene pouch were used to foul smell was suspected after 30th day 27ºC
pack the paneer cubes (1×1 cm size) followed respectively.
by addition of formalin @0.4% in paneer Effect of formalin under vacuum packaging
samples by inverting pouch 8-10 times. on chemical analysis of paneer during
Vacuum packaging was done in Indvac storage at 27ºC
vacuum packaging machine at negative Moisture content (%)
pressure (-760 mmHg) within 25 sec. It was Moisture content of freshly prepared paneer
stored at 27ºC for 120 days and analysed at a samples was 52.88±0.061% (Table 3.1).
regular interval of 15 days respectively and Moisture content of paneer packed in both the
without formalin were stored at 27ºC for 10 packaging pouches showed significant
days. Samples were analyzed at a regular (P<0.05) decrease on 4th and 2nd day
interval of 2 days respectively. respectively and continue to decrease upto 10
Chemicals and Reagents days respectively (Table 3.1 and Fig. 3.1.a).
All the chemicals used in present study were Moisture content of paneer preserved with
of Analytical Reagent (AR) grade. Diethyl formalin (0.4%) showed significantly increase
ether, petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol, (P<0.005) in moisture content from
ammonia (25%), formalin solution (37-41%), 52.88±0.061 to 53.56±0.068% (Table 3.1 and
potassium iodide, phenolphthalein indicator, 3.2). Moisture content in both the packaging
sodium hydroxide pellets, sodium carbonate, pouches showed significant (P<0.05) decrease
Copyright © August, 2017; IJPAB 85
Kamble and Seth Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (4): 84-92 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
th th
on 75 and 60 day respectively and continue Increasing trends in % LA were observed,
to decrease upto 120 days respectively (Table thereby indicating bacterial spoilage by lactic
3.2 and Fig. 3.1.b). No significant (P>0.05) acid fermenting bacteria. Paneer samples
difference was observed in moisture content of preserved with formalin showed increased
paneer samples preserved with formalin in titratable acidity from 0.62±0.017 to
both packaging pouches (Fig. 3.1.b). 0.67±0.011% LA (Table 3.1- 3.2). It may be
Decreasing trends in moisture level was also due to the reaction of formalin with primary
reported by Haridas and Narayanan8 and amino group, amide groups and guanidyl
Singh14. groups of proteins and releases hydrogen ions.
Fat (%) Similar results were reported by Bansal and
The fat percentage of paneer samples Singhal3, Boghra and Borkhatriya4, Singh14, in
preserved with and without formalin were milk and paneer on the addition of formalin.
analyzed by Rose-Gottlieb method and results Paneer preserved with formalin showed
are presented in tables 3.1- 3.2. and fig. 3.2.a, significant (P<0.05) increase in titratable
b). The average fat percentage of fresh paneer acidity in both the packaging pouch on 30th and
samples was 24.02±0.155% (Table 3.1.). Fat 15th days. It was continue to increase upto 120
percentage of paneer samples packed in both days respectively (Table 3.2). Significant
the packaging pouch showed significant (P<0.05) differences were observed in
(P<0.05) decrease on 2nd day respectively and titratable acidity (%Lactic acid) of paneer
continue to decrease upto 10 days (Table 3.1 preserved with formalin in both packaging
and Fig. 3.2.a). The reduction in fat might be pouches (Fig. 3.3.b). Haridas and Narayanan8,
due to lipolytic activity of microorganisms in also reported that an addition of 0.4% formalin
paneer. No significant (P>0.05) difference was in the paneer showed no change in titratable
observed in fat percentage of paneer in both acidity upto 6th day at 37ºC and thereafter an
packaging pouches (Figure 3.2.a). Initial fat increase in titratable acidity of paneer was
percentage in paneer preserved with formalin observed upto a storage period of 21st day.
was decreased from 24.02±0.155 to pH
22.05±0.126%. Fat percentage in both the The pH value of fresh paneer samples was
packaging pouches showed significant 5.53±0.08. pH value of paneer in both the
(P<0.05) decrease on 60th and 45th day packaging pouch showed significant (P<0.05)
respectively. It was continued to decrease upto decrease on 2nd day respectively and continue
120 days respectively (Table 3.1 and Fig. to decrease upto 10 days (Table 3.1). Decrease
3.2.b). Lower values of fat percentage in in pH of paneer samples during storage may be
paneer preserved with formalin may be due to due to utilization of lactose by microorganism
aqueous formalin react with milk proteins5,6. and its conversion to lactic acid. No
No significant (P>0.05) difference was significant (P>0.05) difference was observed
observed in fat percentage of paneer preserved in pH value of paneer samples in both the
with formalin in both packaging pouches (Fig. packaging pouches. Average pH value of
3.2.b). Haridas and Narayanan8, also observed paneer samples preserved with formalin
a decrease in the fat percent of paneer when remains same. No significant change in pH
preserved with 0.4% formalin at 37°C after 6th value was observed on addition of formalin
day. (Table 3.1-3.2). pH value of paneer preserved
Titratable acidity (% LA) with formalin in both the packaging pouch
The average titratable acidity of fresh paneer showed significant (P<0.05) decrease on 15th
samples was 0.62±0.017% LA (Table 3.1). day respectively and continue to decrease upto
Titratable acidity of paneer in both the 120 days (Table 3.2). No significant (P>0.05)
packaging pouch showed significant (P<0.05) difference was observed in pH of paneer
increase on 2nd day respectively and continue preserved with formalin in both packaging
to increase upto 10 days (Table 3.1). pouches. Upadhyay15, also reported that pH of
Copyright © August, 2017; IJPAB 86
Kamble and Seth Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (4): 84-92 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
paneer samples preserved with formalin extracted from paneer was observed on
decreased with increase in storage period. addition of formalin (Table 3.1-3.2). The FFA
Tyrosine content of milk fat extracted from paneer preserved
The tyrosine content of paneer samples was with formalin in both the packaging pouch
6.28±2.732mg/100g. Tyrosine content of showed significant (P<0.05) increase on 30th
paneer packed in both the packaging pouch day respectively and continue to increase upto
showed significant (P<0.05) increase on 2nd 120 days (Table 3.2 and Fig. 3.4.b). An
day respectively and continue to increase upto increase in FFA of milk fat extracted from
10 days (Table 3.1 and Fig. 3.3.a). The paneer with formalin indicated lipolysis of
increase in tyrosine content of paneer was due milk fat in paneer during storage. No
to proteolysis of paneer. Significant (P>0.05) significant (P>0.05) difference was observed
difference was observed in tyrosine content of in FFA of milk fat extracted from paneer
paneer in both packaging pouches (Fig.3.3.a). preserved with formalin in both packaging
Tyrosine content of paneer sample preserved pouches (Fig. 3.4.b). The increase in FFA
with formalin remains same. No significant during storage may be due to inherent lipases
change in tyrosine content was observed on present in the paneer. Singh14, also reported
addition of formalin (Table 3.1-3.2). Tyrosine that FFA of milk fat extracted from paneer
content in paneer preserved with formalin in with 0.4% formalin were increased
both the packaging pouch showed significant significantly upto 6th month at 37°C.
(P<0.05) increase on 30th day respectively and Peroxide value
continued upto 120 days (Table 3.2 and Fig. Peroxides are an indicator of oxidative
3.3.b). No significant (P>0.05) difference was rancidity of milk fat. No peroxide value was
observed in tyrosine content of paneer observed in fresh paneer samples (Table 3.1).
preserved with formalin in both packaging The peroxide value of milk fat extracted from
pouches (Fig.3.3.b). During storage, increase paneer in both the packaging pouch showed
in tyrosine content revealed that milk proteins significant (P<0.05) increase on 4th day
present in paneer have been degraded thereby respectively and continue increase upto 10
releasing free amino acids. Haridas and days (Table 3.1). No significant (P>0.05)
Narayanan8, also reported that the significant difference was observed in peroxide value of
increase in tyrosine content of paneer milk fat extracted from paneer in both
preserved with 0.4% formalin at 30°C upto 21 packaging pouches. Peroxide value of milk fat
days. Upadhyay15, found that the tyrosine extracted from paneer preserved with formalin
content of paneer samples preserved with remains same. No significant change in
0.4% formalin, significantly increased after 1 peroxide value was observed on addition of
month at 37°C and further increased upto 6 formalin (Table 3.1-3.2). Peroxide value of
months of storage. milk fat extracted from paneer preserved with
Free fatty acid (% oleic acid) formalin in both the packaging pouch showed
The FFA (% oleic acid) of milk fat extracted significant (P<0.05) increase on 45th and 60th
from fresh paneer were 0.15±0.01% oleic acid day respectively and continue to increase upto
(Table 3.1). The FFA of milk fat extracted 120 days (Table 3.2). No significant (P>0.05)
from paneer samples in both the packaging difference was observed in peroxide value of
pouch showed significant (P<0.05) increase on milk fat extracted from paneer preserved with
4th and 2nd day respectively and continue to formalin in both packaging pouches. The
increase upto 10 days (Table 3.1 and Fig. increase in peroxide value of milk fat in paneer
3.4.a). Significant (P<0.05) difference were was directly proportional to the extent of auto
observed in FFA of milk fat extracted from oxidation of milk fat. Singh14, also reported
paneer in both packaging pouches (Fig. 3.4.a). that peroxide value of milk fat extracted from
FFA of milk fat extracted from fresh paneer paneer preserve with 0.4% formalin increases
sample preserved with formalin remains same. continuously during storage upto 6 months at
No significant change in FFA of milk fat 37°C.
Copyright © August, 2017; IJPAB 87
Kamble and Seth Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (4): 84-92 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Table 3.1: Chemical analysis of paneer samples without formalin in seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ
polyethylene and 12µPET/70µ polyethylene pouch at 27°C.
Days 0 2 4 6 8 10
Moisture (I) 52.88±0.06 52.82±0.06 52.72±0.12 52.62±0.06 52.54±0.079 52.45±0.043
aA aA bA cA dA eA
content (%) 1 8 5
(II) 52.88±0.06 52.78±0.07 52.64±0.05 52.56±0.06 52.47±0.099 52.40±0.063
aA bA cA dA eA eA
1 7 2 7
Fat (%) (I) 24.02±0.15 23.95±0.16 23.87±0.17 23.77±0.07 23.64±0.175 23.52±0.131
aA bA cA dA eA fA
5 9 2 9
(II) 24.02±0.15 23.94 23.84±0.12 23.74±0.11 23.61±0.184 23.50±0.146
5aA ±0.154bA 2cA 6dA eA fA

Titratable (I) 0.62±0.017a 0.71±0.019 0.83±0.061 0.95±0.027 1.07±0.019e 1.27±0.018f

A bA cA dA A A
(%LA) (II) 0.62±0.017a 0.73±0.038 0.86±0.018 0.98±0.051 1.12±0.018e 1.30±0.024f
A bA cA dA A A

pH (I) 5.53±0.008a 5.45±0.017 5.40±0.008 5.35±0.006 5.30±0.008c 5.24±0.011d

A bA bA cA A A

(II) 5.53±0.008a 5.43±0.014 5.40±0.008 5.34±0.014 5.29±0.012d 5.23±0.008e

A bA bA cA A A

Tyrosine (I) 6.28±2.732a 15.30±0.98 28.14±2.73 35.52±2.77 49.18±0.473 57.38±1.639

A bB cC dD eE fF
content 5 2 2
(mg/100g) (II) 6.28±2.732a 21.58±1.66 31.42±1.79 37.16±1.91 51.64±2.062 63.93±1.706
B bC cD dE eF fG
1 1 2
FFA(% (I) 0.15±0.018a 0.20±0.016 0.24 0.30±0.018 0.41.±0.018c 0.48±0.029d
A aB
oleic acid) ±0.018bC bD E F

(II) 0.15±0.018a 0.22±0.008 0.27±0.010 0.33±0.020 dF

B bC bD
8cE G

Peroxide (I) 0.13±0.06a 0.33±0.06b 0.67±0.06c 1.20±0.115e

0 A A A
1.00±0.06dA A
(meq/Kg) (II) 0.20±1.96a 0.39±0.012 0.73±0.06c 1.07±0.066d 1.27±0.066e
0 A bA A A A

(I) Seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene pouch, (II) 12µ PET/70µ polyethylene pouch
Data is represented as means ± S.E (n=3) with different superscript (a, b, c,…) letters are significantly different within rows
at (P≤0.05) and mean values with different superscript (A, B, C,…) letters are significantly different within columns at

Copyright © August, 2017; IJPAB 88

Kamble and Seth Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (4): 84-92 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Table 3.2: Chemical analysis of paneer samples preserved with formalin in seven layer
NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene and 12µPET/70µ polyethylene pouch at 27°C
Days 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Moisture (I) 53.46 53.44
53.56±0 53.53± 53.54± 53.54± 53.53± 53.50± 53.41±0
content aA aA aA aA aA bA ±0.07 ±0.05
.068 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.081 0.023 .066bA
(%) 9bA 5bA
(II) 53.42 53.40
53.56±0 53.53± 53.53± 53.53± 53.49± 53.45± 53.38±0
aA aA aA aA bA bA ±0.09 ±0.06
.068 0.052 0.027 0.076 0.08 0.059 bA bA .032cA
8 3
Fat (%) (I) 21.77 21.72
22.05±0 22.05± 22.04± 22.04± 21.94± 21.82± 21.68±0
±0.12 ±0.10
.126aA 0.101aA 0.091aA 0.089aA 0.111bA 0.099cA dA dA .103eA
5 2
(II) 21.77 21.70
22.05±0 22.05± 22.04± 21.95± 21.83± 21.79± 21.66±0
±0.10 ±0.14
.127aA 0.105aA 0.093aA 0.080bA 0.085cA 0.215dA dA dA .089eA
1 6
Titratable (I) 1.05± 1.16±
0.67±0. 0.70±0. 0.72±0. 0.79±0. 0.87±0. 0.96±0. 1.28±0.
acidity 0.011 0.029
011aA 015aB 03bC 015bD 016cE 03dF eG fH 021gI
(% LA)
(II) 1.05± 1.22±
0.67±0. 0.70±0. 0.71±0. 0.77±0. 0.82±0. 0.93±0. 1.33±0.
aB bC bD bE cF dG 0.03e 0.013
011 016 01 018 013 036 H fI 030gJ
pH (I) 5.31± 5.28±
5.55±0. 5.44±0. 5.42±0. 5.41±0. 5.38±0. 5.36±0. 5.23±0.
0.008 0.008
012aA 008bA 008bA 006bA 008cA 005cA cA dA 008dA
(II) 5.30± 5.26±
5.55±0. 5.42±0. 5.40±0. 5.38±0. 5.36±0. 5.34±0. 5.23±0.
0.01b 0.005
012aA 014bA 01bA 011bA 01bA 015bA A cA 003cA
Tyrosine (I) 39.62 44.53
6.28±2. 6.28±2. 8.20±0. 14.48± 20.22± 29.78± 53.00±2
content ±1.19 ±2.73
732aA 732aA 718bA 0.722cA 0.985dA 1.791eA .236hA
(mg/100g) 0fA 2gA
(II) 43.17 46.99
6.28±2. 6.28±2. 9.016± 17.49± 23.50± 32.51± 57.10±0
±2.60 ±1.44
732aA 732aA 0bA 1.521cA 0.546dA 1.092eA .722hA
63fA 57gA
FFA(% (I) 0.43± 0.52±
0.15±0. 0.19±0. 0.21±0. 0.24±0. 0.30±0. 0.38±0. 0.60±0.
oleic acid) 0.017 0.015
018aA 018aA 018bA 018bA 018bA 011cA dA eA 025fA
(II) 0.45± 0.52±
0.15±0. 0.19±0. 0.21±0. 0.26±0. 0.32±0. 0.41±0. 0.62±0.
0.009 0.014
018aA 018aA 015bA 018bA 011cA 018dA dA eA 014fA
Peroxide (I) 0.67± 0.87±
0.067± 0.13±0. 0.27±0. 0.47±0. 1.07±0.
value 0 0 0.066 0.066
0.066aA 057aA 033bA 022cA dA eA 066fA
(II) 0.73± 0.93±
0.07±0. 0.13±0. 0.27±0. 0.40±0. 0.53±0. 1.20±0.
0 0.066 0.066
066aA 066aA 066bA 115cA 066dA eA fA 115gA

(I) Seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene pouch, (II) 12µ PET/70µ polyethylene pouch
Data is represented as means ± S.E (n=3) with different superscript (a, b, c,…) letters are significantly different within rows
at (P≤0.05) and mean values with different superscript (A, B, C,…) letters are significantly different within columns at

Copyright © August, 2017; IJPAB 89

Kamble and Seth Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (4): 84-92 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051

Moisture content (%) of paneer samples Moisture content (%) of paneer samples
without formalin at 27C preserved with formalin at 27C
56 58
Mois ture content (% )

Mois ture content (% )

54 56
7Layer NYLON /
7Layer NYLON /
52 54 EVOH/70µ polyethyelen
EVOH/70µ polyethylene
12µPET/70 µ 12µPET/70 µ
50 52 Polyethylene

48 50









Days Days

Fig. 3.1 (a) Moisture content (%) of paneer samples without formalin in seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ
polyethylene and 12µPET/70µ polyethylene pouch at 27°C., (b) Moisture content (%) of paneer samples
preserved with formalin packed in seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene and 12µPET/70µ
polyethylene pouch at 27°C

Fat (%) of paneer samples without Fat (%) of paneer samples preserved with
formalin at 27C formalin at 27C
26 24

25 23
7Layer NYLON
7Layer NYLON
Fat (% )
Fat (% )

/EVOH/70µ polyethylene
24 /EVOH/70µ polyethylene 22
12µPET/70 µ
12µPET/70 µ Polyethylene
23 Polyethylene 21

22 20








Days Days

Fig. 3.2 (a) Fat (%) of paneer samples without formalin in seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene
and 12µPET/70µ polyethylene pouch at 27°C., (b) Fat (%) of paneer samples preserved with formalin
packed in seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene and 12µPET/70µ polyethylene pouch at 27°C

Tyrosine content of paneer samples Tyrosine content of paneer samples preserved

without formalin at 27C with formalin at 27C
Tyros ine content (mg/100g)

Tyros ine content (mg/100g)

7Layer NYLON /
40 7Layer NYLON /
EVOH/70µ polyethylene
EVOH/70µ polyethylene
12µPET/70 µ 20 12µPET/70 µ
20 polyethylene

0 0









Days Days

Fig. 3.3 (a) Tyrosine content (mg/100g) of paneer samples without formalin in seven layer
NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene and 12µPET/70µ polyethylene pouch at 27°C., (b) Tyrosine content
(mg/100g) of paneer samples preserved with formalin packed in seven layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ
polyethylene and 12µ PET/70 µ polyethylene pouch at 27°C

Copyright © August, 2017; IJPAB 90

Kamble and Seth Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (4): 84-92 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051

Free fatty acids of paneer samples Free fatty acids of paneer samples preserved
without formalin at 27C with formalin at 27C
0.6 0.8
FFA (% Oleic acid)

FFA (% oleic acid)

0.4 7Layer NYLON /
EVOH/70µ polyethyelen 7Layer NYLON /
EVOH/70µ polyethylene
0.2 12µPET/70 µ
0.2 12µPET/70 µ

0.0 0.0









Days Days

Fig. 3.4 (a) FFA (%oleic acid) of milk fat extracted from paneer samples without formalin in seven layer
NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene and 12µPET/70µ polyethylene pouch at 27°C., (b) FFA (%oleic acid) of
milk fat extracted from paneer samples preserved with formalin packed in seven layer
NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene and 12µPET/70µ polyethylene pouch at 27°C

CONCLUSION 3. Bansal, A. and Singhal, O.P., Preservation

From present investigation it can be concluded of milk sample with formalin effect on
that Paneer samples preserved with (0.4%) acidity. Indian Journal of Dairy Science,
formalin under vacuum packaging in seven 44: 573-576 (1991).
layer NYLON/EVOH/70µ polyethylene pouch 4. Boghra, V.R. and Borkhatriya, V.N.,
at 27°C showed no change in major chemical Physico-chemical properties and
parameters upto 45th day i.e. moisture (%) and compositional profile of milk samples as
fat percentage. However in 12µ PET/70µ affected by formalin preservation- A
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