JCSOS-REV-ReadingGuide-chapter9 Word

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Name__________________________________ Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation

Chapter 9 Directed Reading Worksheet

Date___________________________________ Discipleship Through Prayer

Directions: Read through the chapter and fill in the missing information. All the questions run sequential to the chapter. If a
true/false statement is false, correct it.

Introduction: What is Prayer? (pages 315–317)

1. Prayer is a key to _______________ because it strengthens one’s relationship with the ________________________ and
lessons sin’s hold on us, __________________ us from evil. While God _______________ answers prayer, he does so in
different ways, but his response is always ____________, intended to guide each person toward _____________________,
transforming the person praying by providing the grace of _____________________.

2. True or False? Strengthened by regular conversation with God, we are better able to live according to God’s will. (p. 326)

3. Why is prayer a vital necessity in growing in union with God? What else is essential to the Christian life?

Section 1: Ways You Can Pray (pages 318–326)

4. Prayer highlights our __________________ on God. ________________________ are normal and they can sometimes help us
recognize what we might be overly _____________________ about. The battle against distractions requires
__________________ and sometimes they come from our own lack of faith or _____________________. One way to deal with
distractions is to ____________ at a crucifix, holy picture, icon, or lighted candle as you think about _________.

5. True or False? Spiritual dryness can be a special occasion that God gives us to share in the Resurrection of Jesus.

6. True or False? God hears our prayers and God will answer us with immediate results. In his time and in his way.

8. True or False? Prayer is an important part of our own connection with God and the plan he has for our lives.

9. True or False? It is important to set aside both a place and time for prayer.

10. List the three suggestions made in the text for remaining focused and committed to prayer.

11. What are we battling against when we pray?

12. We experience God and pray to him through our _________ and senses. In ____________ prayer, we use spoken words, but
listening to God as well. In _____________________ we “tune in” to God using thoughts, __________________, imagination,
and desires. ____________ prayer usually centers on Jesus and involves _____________________ to God while
contemplation is silent, wordless prayer, with our ____________ fixed on him.

13. True or False? In meditative prayer we empty our minds of thoughts and images and simply allow God’s presence to penetrate
our being.

Fill in the appropriate form of prayer on the right with the correct description on the left.

14. _______________________ Asking God to provide what we need either materially or spiritually, also Blessing
known as supplication
15. _______________________ Acknowledging that God is God not just for what he does, but simply for Adoration
who he is
16. _______________________ Humbly acknowledging God as the loving Creator of everything we are in Petition
his creation
17. _______________________ The recognition that our lives are a pure gift from god and that he Intercession
deserves constant thanks, even in difficult circumstances
18. _______________________ Asking God to show his graces upon oneself or others Thanksgiving

19. _______________________ A special form of petition when we pray for the interest of others, even Praise

20. How does one pray before the Blessed Sacrament?

21. True or False? The Forty Hours’ Devotion is closely connected with another traditional Catholic prayer practice: praying before

22. True or False? Novenas are prayed over nine days in imitation of the number of days between Palm Sunday and the
Resurrection. (p. 325)

23. What is an icon?

24. What is the Jesus Prayer?

Section 2: How to Pray with Scripture (pages 328–335)

25. True or False? Examples of prayer in Scripture remind us that while God continually seeks out his people, people see him too,
though they are weakened by sin.

26. The psalms are _______________________ that have appeal for all times. Originally _______________________in the
Temple, _______________, and in family and personal settings, they capture human _______________ of joy and awe before
God’s creation, confidence and trust, _____________________ and sorrows, thanksgiving and ____________. Collectively,
they are called the __________________.

27. What is unique about the psalms?

28. True or False? King David composed psalms.

29. True or False? Jesus learned to pray from both his parents and Jewish tradition.

30. Summarize examples of Jesus at prayer from the Gospels.

31. What prayer did Jesus teach his disciples when they asked him to teach them how to pray?

32. Mary was someone who prayed __________________. She shows us how to _____________________ with the graces the
Holy Spirit showers upon us in her _____________________ to God and to his will. We should not only imitate Mary but pray
for her _____________________. Prayer, especially in union with the Blessed Mother, helps you to grow closer to __________
and to live a life of Christian ________________________.

33. How should we read Sacred Scripture differently than we read a history book?

34. The ___________________________ is based on two truths: first, the Paschal Mystery _____________________ and
transfigures the various times of each day. Second, praying constantly helps us make the __________________ holy. The
Liturgy of the Hours is part of the __________________ set of daily prayers prescribed by the Church. It is traditionally recited
by __________________ and professed members of __________________ orders on behalf of the _______________ Church.

35. Lectio divina is a _____________________ reading of Sacred Scriptures when we can __________________ God and allow
the Holy Spirit to lead you into deeper ____________ with him. This method of prayer begins with reading a short Scripture
_____________________ slowly and attentively allowing the ________________________, emotions, memory, desires, and
thoughts _______________ the written text.

36. List the five steps of Lectio divina.

Section 3: Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray (pages 336–342)

37. The _____________________ prayer among all Christian prayers is the ________________________ because it was the
prayer that Jesus taught his _______________. He not only provided the ____________ for this prayer, but also sent the
__________________ to teach his disciples how to pray it. The Lord’s Prayer has been used in the __________________ of
the Church from the earliest centuries and in all the ________________________.

38. The Lord’s Prayer in _____________________ Gospel has seven parts and is set as part of Jesus’ ______________________
____________. The first three petitions are petitions of _______________ to God while the last four are driven by concerns for
the __________________ world. In Luke, after teaching them the prayer, Jesus tells the disciples two _________________ that
stress important _____________________ you should have when you pray.

39. What two important truths does Jesus emphasize by inviting us to call God “Father?”

40. What is God’s will on earth for us?

41. Explain the Greek term “parrhesia” in relation to the Our Father.

42. Briefly explain the two movements of the Hail Mary.

43. The first words of the __________________ come from the greeting by the angel _____________________ at the
Annunciation. The next part recalls the words of Mary’s cousin _____________________ when Mary came to visit her. The
second movement emphasizes Mary’s role as the _____________________ of the Son of God and also acknowledge that as
__________________ we reach out to Mary as the Mother of __________________, desiring her presence at the moment of
our _______________.

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