Experimental Investigation of Crumb Rubber Concrete Confined by FRP Sheets

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN : 2349-8404; Online ISSN : 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 9; April – June, 2015 pp 63-67
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Experimental investigation of crumb rubber

concrete confined by FRP sheets
Dr J K Dattatreya 1, S. Suresh Raghu N.E.2
Professor, 2Associate Professor M. Tech Student
1, 2
SIT Tumkur
[email protected] Ph: 9008560072

Abstract: This paper, through experimental study and literary its physical,thermal, and sometimes chemical properties
sources investigates the utilization of rubber waste in developing influence the performance of concrete.
Green Concrete (GC). The natural aggregate (sand) of Conventional Kumaran S.G. et al stated that the increasing piles of waste
Concrete (CC) is replaced as 5%,10%, 15% fine rubber aggregate. tires will create the accumulationof used tires at landfill sites
The samples were tested in laboratory after a specific time on various
aspects including compression strength and results were compared
and presents the threat of uncontrolled fires, producing a
with each other and also with Conventional Concrete Mix complexmixture of chemicals harming the environment and
(CCM)..Due to the known loss of compressive strength experienced contaminating soil and vegetation
by crumb rubber concrete (CRC) compared with conventional
concrete, there have been few applications explored to date for the
structural use of these materials. This paper describes experimental
work conducted to explore the possible future use of CRC for
structural columns by evaluating the use of fibre reinforced polymer
(FRP) confinement as a means of overcoming the material
deficiencies (decreased compressive strength). The results indicated
that the use of FRP to confine rubberized concrete effectively negates
the decrease in strength, and retains the advantages of increased
ductility that arise from rubberized concrete. This indicates
promising potential for structural column applications, particularly
in seismic zones. The key objective of this research is to find out an
efficient solution for utilizing rubber waste for better environment
Table 1.Percentage composition of materials for a
and construction industries.
passanger and a truck car
SCOPE OF THE STUDY: To achieve adequate strength,
Concrete strength is greatly affected by the properties of its higher energy dissipation, higher damping ratio, and higher
constituents and the mix designparameters. Because ductility for bridge column.The FRP acts as a stay-in-place
aggregates represent the major constituent of the bulk of a structural formwork, and provides shear reinforcement, and
concretemixture, its properties affect the properties of the final confining reinforcement..This segmental column is able to
product. An aggregate has beencustomarily treated as an inert resist lateral forces without experiencing significant or sudden
filler in concrete. However, due to the increasing awareness loss of strength.To increase the axial capacity and ductility
ofthe role played by aggregates in determining many
important properties of concrete, thetraditional view of the METHODOLOGY: In this experiment the performance of
aggregate as an inert filler is being seriously questioned. concrete mixes incorporating 0%,5%,10%,15% of crumbed
Aggregatewas originally viewed as a material dispersed scrap tyre rubber particle as a partial replacement of fine
throughout the cement paste largely foreconomic reasons. It is aggregate is investigated..FRP sheets are confined to the steel
possible, however, to take an opposite view and to look on cylinders(150X300).The FRP fabric has a width of
aggregateas a building material connected into a cohesive 300mm,thickness of 0.13mm,and is cut to the required length
whole by means of the cement paste, in amanner similar to to wrap the each cylinder.The epoxy was prepared using
masonry construction. In fact aggregate is not truly inert and brush and a roller, the fabric sheets were fully saturated with
epoxy,and then wrapped around the cylinder..Thefibres are
64 Dr J K Dattatreya, S. Suresh Raghu N.E.

oriented in the hoop direction..Concrete was poured into the 0.25 to 2.5 in (0.64 to 6.35 cm), although lager sizes may be
prepared cylinders,and is cured in a water bath at normal used for massive concrete aggregate. Machine chorused
temperature.7 days and 28 days compressive strength,stress- granite broken stone angular in shape is as use as aggregate
strain behaviour,poissons ratio and modulus of elasticity is
evaluated after 28 days of curing.
In this research the performance of concrete mixes

incorporating 0%, 5%, 10%, and 20% of crumbed scrap tyre
rubber as a partial volume replacement of fine aggregates was 40
experimentally investigated. The effects of rubber content,
rubber pre-treatment, and silica fume (SF) additives on 20
concrete workability, compressive strength, tensile strength, 0
modulus of elasticity, and Poisson’s ratio were examined by
testing 101 standard concrete cylinders 0 Sieve20
size in mm

Fig.2 Gradation of coarse aggregate…

2.1 Materials used for the study
The materials used for the study Cement, Fineaggregate.
Coarse, aggregate. Water, Silica, sand. Rubberaggragate, Fibre
,reinforced polymer(FRP)Chemical admixture. 2.4 Rubber aggregates:
Some of the other civil engineering applications include road
2.2 Fine aggregate and landfill construction, septic tank construction etc.
Fine aggregate / sand is an accumulation of grains of mineral Remaining tires are disposed of into the landfills. The tire
matter derived from the disintegration of rocks. It is derived fuels i.e. TDF are accounted for 40.3%, ground rubber
distinguished from gravel only by the size of the grains or applications are accounted for about 26.2% and 5.5%
particles, but is distinct from clays which contain organic accounted for various civil engineering applications of the
materials. For the present study Manufactured sand (M-sand) total generation of scrap tires in the year 2009 [Rubber
was used. Manufactured sand is a substitute of river Manufacturer’s Association]. However, at the end of 2010,
for construction purposes sand produced from hard granite about 112 million scrap tires still remained in the stock piles
stone by crushing. The size of manufactured sand (M-Sand) is and this number is increasing every year. The statistics brings
less than 4.75mm. out the importance of the more widespread and durable
application program for the reuse of the scrap tires.
The ground rubber also called as crumb rubber is produced by
reducing scrap tires to smaller sizes by grinding.
100 Properties of
80 rubber aggregates

60 Specific gravity 0.73

40 Water Absorption % 0%
0 Bulk density (g/cc) 0.5283
0.1 1 10
Table2 Physical properties of rubberized concrete
sieve size in mm
Fig 1.Gradation of fine aggregate (manufactured sand) 2.5 Compressive Strength of Cubes
The target mean strength for M30 concrete is 38.25 N/mm2.
2.3 Coarse aggregate Concrete cubes of size 150 mm×150mm×150mm were cast
Coarse aggregate are the crushed stone is used for making and tested under compression testing machine. The
concrete. The commercial stone is quarried, crushed, and compressive strength was determined at the age of 7 days.
graded. Much of the crushed stone used is granite, limestone, After 7 days, the beams as well as cubes casted along with the
and trap rock. The last is a term used to designate basalt, beams was removed from curing.
gabbro, diorite, and other dark colored, fine-grained igneous The maximum load at failure reading was taken and
rocks. Graded crushed stone usually consists of only one kind the compressive strength is calculated by using the equation:
of rock and is broken with sharp edges. The sizes are from Compressive strength (N/mm2) = Ultimate load in N

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN : 2349-8404; Online ISSN : 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 9; April – June, 2015
Experimental investigation of crumb rubber concrete confined by FRP sheets 65

Area of cross section (mm2) Technical data of fiber 400 gsm

Modulus of elasticity 230 kN/mm2
Tensile strength 4900 N/mm2
Total weight of sheet 400 g/m2
Density 1.8 g/cm2
Thickness for static 0.25 mm

Table 3 Properties of FRP used for the present study

Testing of cubes under compression testingmachine

2.6 Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites (FRP):Fibre

reinforced polymer (FRP) composites consist of high strength
fibres embedded in a matrix of polymer resin.Thesefibres are
all linear elastic up to failure, with no significant yielding
compared to steel. The primary functions of the matrix in a
composite are to transfer stress between the fibres, to provide
a barrier against the environment and to protect the surface of
the fibres from mechanical abrasion. Fig 5 Graph showing the capacity of carbon fibers
compared to other fibers


3.1Tensile Strength:

The tensile strength of rubber containing concrete is affected

by the size, shape, and surface textures of the aggregate along
with the volume being used indicating that the strength of
concretes decreases as the volume of rubber aggregate
increases . As the rubber content increased, the tensile strength
decreased, but the strain at failure also increased. Higher
tensile strain at failure is indicative of more energy absorbent
mixes . Tests conducted on
rubberized concrete behavior, using tire chips and crumb
rubber as aggregate substitute of sizes 38, 25 and 19 mm
exhibited reduction in splitting tensile strength by 50% but
showed the ability to absorb a large amount of plastic energy
under tensile loads.
Fig4Carbonfibre reinforced polymer
Epoxies provide high bond strength with high temperature Concrete composites containing tyre rubber waste are known
resistance, whereas acrylics provide moderate temperature for their high toughness having a high energy absorption
resistance with good strength and rapid curing. Several capacity. The ASTMC1018-97 defines several toughness
considerations are involved in applying adhesives effectively. indexes as the area under load-deflection curve of a flexural
The present study of retrofitting of beams was carried out by specimen for different times of deflection after crack initiation
using carbon fiber reinforced polymer which was bought from related to area under the same curve up to the crack initiation.
BASF, Bangalore Some authors report a 63.2% increase in the damping ratio

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN : 2349-8404; Online ISSN : 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 9; April – June, 2015
66 Dr J K Dattatreya, S. Suresh Raghu N.E.

(self capacity to decrease the amplitudeof free vibrations) for

concrete containing 20% rubber particles. Other authors
confirmed the high damping potential of rubber waste
concrete. These means that tyrewaste concrete maybe
specially recommended for concrete structures located in areas
of severe earthquake risk and also for the production of
railway sleepers.


Since the concrete with rubber waste has low compressive
strength and a correlation exists between compressive strength Fig 6.Affter appllying FRP sheets and After curing
and the modulus of elasticity it is expected they also possess
lower modulus of elasticity. However, Skripkiunas et
al.compared concretes with similar compressive strength (a 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
reference one and another with 3.3% of crumb rubber)
obtaining different 5.1 Stress strain behaviour
static modulus of elasticity, 29.6 GPa versus 33.2GPa for the In this experiment stress strain behaviour of crumb rubber
reference concrete just 11% higher. The explanation for this concrete confined by FRP and without FRP are
behaviour is related to the low modulus of elasticity of rubber disscussed.Here fall of strain due to the crumb rubber is
waste . plotted on the graph.
In this study, a total of 16 cylinders consisting of concrete 40.00
grades C30were produced with partial replacements of the fine
aggregate by 10, 5 and 20 % of the rubber aggregate. 30.00 29.99 5%
Moreover, a control mix with no replacement of the coarse 20.00
aggregate was produced to make a comparative analysis. The with 10%
mix design process adopted was the Department of 10.00
Environment (DOE) method. 0.00
4.1 Methodology Adopted for Wrapping:The composite 0 0.002 0.004 0.006
fibers were wrapped to the cylinders in tension zone by using
epoxy resin. The following procedure was carried out. STRAIN
Fig 7..Stress strain behaviour of crumb rubber concrete
4.2 Surface PreparationThe surface to be prepared is typical confined by FRP
aborted to smooth out irregularities, remove the sharp corners.
This can be done by sand blasting, sand papers, water jets or Here as the percentage of the crumb rubber increases strenth
grinders. of conrete cylinders decreases but strain increases due to
energy absorption of rubber particles.Graph clearly shows that
4.3 Application ofPrimer and Epoxy Saturant:M-Brace after the failure also cylinders will take load.
Primer is a 100% solid epoxy resin based primer for use on 5.2 Indirect (splitting) tensile strength:
porous mineral substrate. Low viscosity enables effective The tensile strength of the concrete mixes at 28 days was only
penetration and sealing of porous substrate determined for the L group mixes using the indirect tensile
M-Brace Saturant is a 100% solid, blue pigmented, epoxy resin (splitting) test and the results are shown. As expected, the
for saturation of M- BraceFiber Sheet to form in-situ FRP pattern of the concrete tensile strength was similar to that of
Composite. Mixing ratio,by weight(B:H) : 100:52. Apply first the corresponding compressive strength. In addition, the
coat of fully mixed M-Brace Saturant to primed concrete tensile strength of each mix was about 8.7% of the
substrate using roller or brush. corresponding compressive strength. This indicates that the
tensile behaviour of CRC is similar to that of conventional

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN : 2349-8404; Online ISSN : 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 9; April – June, 2015
Experimental investigation of crumb rubber concrete confined by FRP sheets 67

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Fig 8. Specimen after applying tensile load [4] Youssf O, ElGawady, M. A. An overview of sustainable
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[5] ACMSM 22, Sydney, NSW, Australia 11–14 December, 2012
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Table 4 Load taken by the cylinders at the time of testing

splitting tensile strength


increased its ductility, especially at higher levels of

confinement. Therefore, the use of confined CRC in structures
subject to seismic loads, where ductility demands are more
critical than strength, looks promising.
The Confined CRC displayed similar volumetric behaviour to
the confined conventional concrete. However, the rate of
volume expansion for CRC mixes was less than that of
conventional concrete. At a given axial stress and confinement
thickness, the volumetric strain of CRC is higher than that of
conventional concrete. This also confirms the higher ductility
of CRC compared to conventional concrete.
The confined CRC can be used as a promising alternative to
the confined conventional concrete in a CFFT segmental
column.The CRC can enrich the structure ductility, damping
ratio, and the energy dissipation which are the most important
parameters in structures resisting earthquakes.

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN : 2349-8404; Online ISSN : 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 9; April – June, 2015

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