Broiler Entreprenuership Project For Me

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Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to develop and manage a business

venture along with any of its risks in order to make profit. It can also be termed as the

establishment of an idea and putting it into practise for it to become a profitable

enterprise. A broiler entrepreneurship project was carried out at Shamva Agricultural

College which is situated about 14km from Shamva-Bindura highway and it was done to

equip students with survival tools for self-sustainability and generating income with an

aim of expanding the project and production cycle.


 To asses viability of broiler production in a period of 6 weeks.

 To develop marketing strategies after a production cycle of 6 weeks.

 To produce broilers of at least 1.8kg after 6 weeks.



Broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) are gallinaceous domesticated fowl, bred and

raised specifically for meat production, however it helps in diversifying incomes, providing

manure for crop production. With reference to Poultry Information guide manual (2012),

broilers are described as tender meat young chicken male or female which grows from a

hatch and weighs about 40grams to a weight of over 1.5kg-2kg in about six weeks. Broiler

production is fairly a small enterprise however it requires a lot of planning and sequential

routines for achieving better profits one should be aware of knowledge on its technicality thus

housing, breeding, feed management and over all maintenance.


Poultry Information guide (2012), explains that broilers can be housed on deep litter, slated or

wire floor or cages. Cage, slat and wire floor rearing of broilers is not popular as litter floor

rearing, due to problems like breast blisters, leg weakness and higher material cost.


The floor space requirement of broilers varies depending on body weight at marketing age,

housing system. Feeders and waterer space also varies depending on the environmental

temperature and health condition of the broilers. The Agritex farm handbook (2009),

highlights that each bird must have a space of 0.279m2.

Age Floor space/ bird Waterer space/ bird Feeder space/ bird

Up to 18days 450cm2 1.5cm 3cm

From 19days-42days 1000cm2 3cm 6-7cm


Poultry experts guide manual (2010), indicates that there are generally three types of feed

which are broiler pre-starter which is provided from 0-2weeks, broiler grower which is given

from 3-4weeks and lastly broiler finisher which is from 5-6weeks thus feed given to birds

under three phase feeding system and birds under two phase are given star-grow from 0-

3weeks and grow-fin from 4-6 weeks. Each bird consumes about 3.5kg from day 1 up until 6

weeks and each bird drinks up to 12.5litres from day 1 up to 6 weeks.


An intermittent lighting program is preferred, thus 22 hours of light from0-3days and 21

hours of light from 4-7days. Bright light during first 7 days helps chicks quickly find feed,

water and to adapt to the new environment. After the first week, reduce light intensity and

begin slow step-down lighting programme, it improves livability, body weight, may also

improve response to vaccinations. Dark period provide rest periods for the birds (www hyline


Age Vaccine Route of administration

First day Marek’s at hatchery S/C at neck

5-7th day RDV FI I/O or I/N

14th day IBD Vaccine I/O or I/N

21st day RDV Lasota Drinking water

28th day IBD Vaccine Drinking water

Blowey RN (1985), vaccination programmes is very essential for activates the immune

defence system in the body when a dead or live vaccine is administered into the chicken’s

body. Vaccinations help birds to fight against diseases and they also prevent diseases


Ventilation in poultry houses supplies fresh air that is essential to sustain life; it also helps to

reduce the extremes of temperature, humidity and air contamination to tolerable limits.

Ventilation air removes excess heat, moisture, dust and odour and it dilutes air borne disease

organisms. Poultry houses are different and ventilation requirements change with time of day,

season, temperature, humidity, wind, bird age and density. Ventilation systems are generally

divided into two types thus natural airflow system and mechanical air movement ( Poultry

site 2014)

Temperature requirements

Age Air temperature

0-3 days 35-360C

4-7 days 33-350C

8-14 days 31-330C

15-21 days 29-310C

22-28 days 26-270C

29-35 days 23-250C

36-42 days 210C

The above temperature requirements are essential for production even when the chickens are

able to maintain a constant body temperature over a wide range of environmental

temperatures (Hyline Brown Interactive Management Guide 2016)



Procurements of inputs was done on the . a batch of 50nday old chicks of Ross breed arrived

on together with 50kg f star grow, 125kg of growfin,a packet of stress mix, a ml of virukill.

All the inputs were purchased at Fivet in Bindura.


Preparation before arrival

The fowl run was cleaned and disinfected with virukill two weeks before chick arrival, a

brooder was prepared with bedding which had a thickness of 15cm. 2 clean feeders, and 2

waterers were disinfected. Pre heating of the brooder was done using an infra-red.

On the day of arrival, birds were checked for deformities and health conditions. Chicks were

weighed and had an average weight of. They were given water with stress mix to reduce

travelling and handling stress, the stress mix solution was given for 4 days.


Weighing was done on weekly basis on every Friday , routine health checks was also done on

daily basis. Biosecurity measures such as washing feeding and water troughs with

disinfectant (virukill) on daily basis

Birds were fed at adlib using star grow crumbles from day 1 up to week 3, gradual change of

feed was done from star grow to grow fin during the end of three weeks and growfin was

given to the birds up until 6 weeks.

Clean fresh portable water was given to the water was given to the birds at adlib on an hour


Black polythene plastics were used as curtains which were opened early in the morning to

allow free air circulation, in the evening the plastic curtains were closed. The curtains

protected the birds from adverse weather such as cold, wind and rains.


No vaccination was done but Virukill was administered as an antibiotic and it was given as

oral administration.


4.1Market identification

Market research was done before the beginning of the project, market was sited in Bindura,

Shamva town and also at the college.

4.2Market penetration

Birds were sold as cold mass with their feets together with their heads as a way of

outsmarting other competitors. Chickens were delivered to the customers and they were

packed in transparent plastics. Birds were sold for $5 cash and $6 for credit. They were sold

as cold mass. Selling of birds started in the 4,5th week

4.3Marketing procedures/transactions

Birds were delivered to customers and some customers paid cash on delivery and credits were

paid using Eco cash

4.5 Financial Analysis

Cash flow Budget as from February to March

Iterm Total Week Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Cash In flow $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Sales(broilers 268.00 -- -- -- -- 15.00 184.00 69.00

Total cash

Inflow 268.00 0 0 0 0 15.00 184.00 69.00

Cash out flow

Dayold chicks 35.00 35.00 -- -- -- -- --

Virukill 3.00 3.00

Stress mix 1.00 -- 1.00 -- -- -- -- --

Feed 115.00 33.50 81.50 -- --

Transport 3.00 -- 1.00 2.00 -- --

Infra-red lamp 6.00 6.00

Rent 7.50 -- -- -- -- -- 7.50 --

Labour 39.00 -- -- -- -- -- 39.00

Air time 2.00 -- -- -- -- 2.00 -- --

Total Cash 211.50 36.50 124.50 0 0 4.00 46.50 0


NetCashflow 56.50 (36.50 (124.50) 00 00 11.00 137.50 69.00

Cumulative (36.50 (161.00) (161.00) (161.00 (150.00 (12.50) 56.50

cash net flow

The broiler entrepreneurship project was family funded, materials such as the polythene

plastic was provided by my classmate Laizah Ngwenya

50 broilers produced a total cash inflow of $268.00, total cash outflow of $211.50 and net

cash flow is $56.50. The above information implies that each broiler costs $ 4.23, thus the

breakeven price.

Project Evaluation

Gross Margin Budget

Expected birds for sell = 50 -2% loss =49

Average Price: $5.00 / bird

Gross Income: $245.00

Variable Cost

Item Unit Cost ($) Total Quantity Total Cost

Chicks 70.00 50 chicks 35.00


Feeds: Star grow 33.50/ 50kg 50kg 33.50

: Grower finisher 32.00 /50kg 125kg 81.50

Virukill 5.00 /100ml 100ml 5.00

Stress pack 2.00 /100g 100g 2.00

Doxin 100 5.00 /100d 100d 5.00

Vaccines 6.00

Labour 3.00/LD 13LD 39.00

Transport 10.00

Subtotal variable cost 217.00

Miscellaneous 2% 4.34

Total variable cost 221.34

Gross Margin = total income –total variable cost

=$245.00 - $ 221.34 = $23.66

Return/$VC = $245 / $221.34 = 1.12

Break even price = Total variable cost/ Total quantity

= $245/50 =$4.90

Cash flow Budget as from February to March

Item Total Week Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Cash In flow $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Sales(broilers 268.00 -- -- -- -- 15.00 184.00 69.00

Total cash

Inflow 268.00 0 0 0 0 15.00 184.00 69.00

Cash out flow

Dayold chicks 35.00 35.00 -- -- -- -- --

Virukill 3.00 3.00

Stress mix 1.00 -- 1.00 -- -- -- -- --

Feed 115.00 33.50 81.50 -- --

Transport 3.00 -- 1.00 2.00 -- --

Infra-red lamp 6.00 6.00

Rent 7.50 -- -- -- -- -- 7.50 --

Labour 39.00 -- -- -- -- -- 39.00

Air time 2.00 -- -- -- -- 2.00 -- --

Total Cash 211.50 36.50 124.50 0 0 4.00 46.50 0


NetCashflow 56.50 (36.50 (124.50) 00 00 11.00 137.50 69.00

Cumulative (36.50 (161.00) (161.00) (161.00 (150.00 (12.50) 56.50

cash net flow

The budgets above depicts that cost of one bird is reduced from $4.90 to $4.23 due to

increase in gross income, since other inputs were not purchased also there was no disease

encountered during production hence reduced production costs were reduced. Some birds

were sold at $6.00 instead of the expected price which was $5.00 per bird. I expected a profit

of $0.10 from each and very chicken but after the production cycle it was increased to $0.77

for those bought at $5.00 and $1.1 from those bought at $6.00.The gross income also

increased from $245.00 to $268.00

I was supposed to do a batch of 100 broilers but due to financial instability I first did a batch

of 50 and currently I have a batch which has 25 birds to make them 75. I had proposed to use

the three phase feeding system but rather I used the two phase feeding system but there is no

difference on two feeding systems.

Cash flow Budget as from May

ITEM TOTAL($) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week4 Week5

($) ($) ($) ($) ($)

Cash Inflow

Sales (broilers)

Total Cash Inflow

Cash Outflow

Chicks 17.50 17.50 0 0 0 0

Star Grow 16.75 16.75 0 0 0 0

Grower Finisher 40.75 40.75 0 0 0 0

Virukill 3.00 3.00 0 0 0 0

Stress Mix 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0



Transport 3.00 3.00 0 0 0 0

Air time


Net Cash flow

Cumulative Net

Cash Flow

Entrepreneurship is the establishment of an idea and putting it into practise for it to become a

profitable enterprise. It is very important for students to engage into entrepreneurship projects

as they give knowledge and experience to the students and also it is a way of generating

income. The experience I gained from the broiler entrepreneurship project will be used in

future for self-sustainability and also creates employment for others there by uplifting the


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