University of Calcutta: Syllabus

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Overview of the syllabus for B.Sc. (H) in Biochemistry, 2015

Part/Paper Module Units Broad Subject Marks

I/Paper 1 MI I, II, III General and 50
Organic 50
I/Paper 1 M II I, II, III Chemistry

I/Paper 2 M III I, II, III Biomolecules 50

I/Paper 2 M IV I, II Physical
(Practical Chemistry, 30+20
paper) Organic

II/Paper 3 MV I, II, III Chemical 50

Principles and
applications to

II/Paper 3 M VI I, II, III Enzymology 50

II/Paper 4 M VII I, II, III Cell Biology 50

II/Paper 4 M VIII I Biochemical 50
(Practical Analysis

III/Paper 5 M IX I, II Intermediary 50
Cell Biology & 50
III/ Paper 5 MX I, II Clinical

III/ Paper 6 M XI I, II Immunology


III/ Paper 6 M XII I, II Molecular

Biology 50
III/ Paper 7 M XIII, I, II Enzyme assay;
(Practical Clinical 50 + 50
Paper) Biochemistry

III/ Paper 8 M XIV Molecular 50 + 50

(Practical I, II Biology and
Paper) Immunology;
analysis of data
Syllabi for three-year B.Sc. (H) in Biochemistry (BCMA) 2015


PAPER I (F.M. 100)

Module I General and Physical Chemistry

50 marks (60L)
Unit I
1. Atomic Structure
Extra nuclear structure: Bohr’s theory of atomic structure and its limitations, Summerfeld’s
modification, application of Bohr’s theory to hydrogen like atoms and ions, Spectrum of
hydrogen atom. Quantum numbers. Preliminary idea of de Broglie matter waves, concept of
atomic orbital, shapes of s, p and d orbitals, radial and angular probability of s, p and d
orbitals (qualitative idea). Many electron atoms, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund’s rule of
maximum multiplicity, exchange energy, Aufbau (building up) principle and its limitations,
Electronic energy levels and electronic configurations of hydrogen like and polyelectronic
atoms and ions (concept only), Ground state term symbols of atoms and ions (concept only).

2. Intermolecular forces

a. Ionic bonding
Size effects- radius ratio rules and their limitations. Packing of ions in crystals, Lattice
energy (concept only), Born- Lande equation (derivation not required) and its
applications; Born-Haber cycle (derivation not required) and its application.
Preliminary ideas of solvent energy, polarizing power and polarisibility, ionic potential
and Fajan’s rules

b. Covalent bonding
Lewis structures, formal charge, Preliminary idea of Valence Shell Electron Pair
Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory, shapes of molecules and ions containing lone pairs and
bond pairs. Partial ionic character of covalent bonds, bond moment and dipole moment,
Partial ionic character from dipole moment values and electro negativity differences,
Preliminary idea of valence Bond Theory ( Heitler- London approach). Directional
character of covalent bonds, hybridization, equivalent and non equivalent hybrid
orbital, Bent’s rule; Concept of resonance, resonance energy, resonance
structures.bonding, non-bonding,antibonding molecular orbitals( concept only)
elementary pictorial approach of H2 and O2 molecular orbitals , sigma and pi bonds,
multiple bonding. Concept of Bond order, bond length, bond strength, bond energy

c. Weak Chemical Forces

Van der Waal’s forces, ion-dipole, dipole–dipole interactions, London forces,
Hydrogen bonding; Effect of chemical forces on physical properties

d. Co-ordination compounds
Double salts and complex salts, Werner’s theory, ambidentate and polydentate ligands,
chelate complexes, Naming of co-ordination compounds (up to two metal centres).
Isomerism of co-ordination compounds: Constitutional, geometrical and optical
isomerism in respect co-ordination numbers 4 and 6. Determination of configuration of
cis-, trans-, isomers by chemical methods,

Reference Books

1. General &Inorganic Chemistry-R.P.Sarkar

2. Inorganic Chemistry-R.L.Dutta
3. New Concise Inorganic Chemistry-J.D.Lee
Unit II:
Biophysical properties

(a) Viscosity: General features of fluid flow (streamlined and turbulent),

nature of viscous drag for streamlined motion. Definition of viscosity
coefficient. Origin of viscosity of liquids, expression for viscosity
coefficient of liquids (with derivation): Poiseuille’s equation, temperature
dependence of viscosity coefficient of liquids. Stoke’s law and terminal
velocity. Determination of viscosity coefficient of liquids. Diffusion of
solutes in solution, Fick’s law.

(b) Surface tension: Definition, angle of contact, interfacial tension,

capillary rise, determination of surface tension, temperature effect.
(c) Preliminary idea of Chemical equilibrium: Equilibrium constant, Le
Chatelier’s principle and its simple applications.
Ionic equilibrium: Standard solution, Molar, Normal, Molal, Formal and percent
strengths, Hydrolysis of weak acids and bases. pKa, pKb, pH, pOH acid- base
neutralization curves, Buffer action definition, Henderson -Hasselbalch equation
and preparation of buffers, buffer capacity, Solubility product principle and


Flow of electrical charge: Electrical conductance, cell constant, specific conductance and
equivalent conductance. Variation of equivalent conductances of strong and weak
electrolytes with dilution, Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions, ion
conductances and ionic mobility, Equivalent conductances at infinite dilution for weak
electrolytes and determination of dissociation constants of weak electrolytes from
conductance measurements.Basic concepts of electrochemical cell and cell
reactions.EMF of cell (no derivation), types of electrode,glass electrode,determination of
pH of a solution and potentiometric titration,redox reaction.

Chemical Kinetics

(a) Concepts of rate, rate constant, order and molecularity of a reaction, integrated
form of rate expressions; half-life period and its significance.
(b) Pseudo-unimolecular reactions, multi step reactions, rate determining step, zero
and fractional orders, rate expressions for complex reactions, Steady-State
approximation. Opposing reaction, parallel reaction and consecutive reaction.
Temperature dependence of rate constant, Arrhenius’equation, Energy of
Activation; Concept of Collision theory and Transition State theory of reaction
(c) Catalytic reactions: Homogeneous catalysis, acid –base catalysis, primary salt
effects, Autocatalysis, Adsorption of gases on solids, Langmuir adsorption
isotherm, Heterogeneous catalysis, examples.
Reference Books

1. Physical Chemistry-P.C.Rakshit
2. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry-Nelson &Cox
3. Text Book of Physical Chemistry-K.L.Kapoor(Vol-II,V)
4. Physical Chemistry-Hrishikesh Chatterjee(Vol-I)

Module II Organic Chemistry 50 marks (60L)

Unit I : Bonding and Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds

Concept of hybridisation, resonance (including hyperconjugation), inductive effect
Huckel’s rules for aromaticity & antiaromaticity. dipole moment, bond distance,
bond angles Tautomerism: keto-enol tautomerism
Ionization of acids and bases: effect of structure, substituent and solvent on acidity and
basicity ( Simple Aliphatic and aromatic Acids, Phenols and amines).
Stereochemistry Optical activity of chiral compounds: specific rotation, measurement
of specific rotation by polarimeter, racemisation (general principle) resolution of
simple acids and bases.
Representation of molecules in saw horse, Fischer, flying-wedge and Newman formulae
and their inter translations, Configuration: stereocentres: systems involving 1, 2, 3
centres, stereogenicity, chirotopicity. pseudoasymmetric (D/L and R/S descriptor
threo/erythro and syn/anti nomenclatures ii) stereoaxis in C=C & C=N systems, cis/trans,
syn/anti, E/Z descriptors.
Coformation: Conformational nomenclature, eclipse, staggard, gauch and anti forms ;
dihedral angel, torsion angel, energy barrier of rotation; Conformational analysis of
ethane, propane and n-butane;Conformational analysis of cyclohexane(chair and boat
forms), symmetry properties, optical activity and relative stabilities of cyclohexane
Unit II: General treatment of reaction mechanisms

Ionic and radical reactions; heterolytic and, homolytic bond cleavage

Reactive intermediates: carbocations (carbenium and carbonium ions), carbanions,
carbon radicals, carbenes – structure using orbital picture, electrophilic/nucleophilic
behaviour, stability, generation and fate. Reaction kinetics: transition state theory,rate
constant and free energy of activation, free energy profiles for one step and two step

Nucleophilic substitution reactions- SN1, SN2, SNi mechanisms. Effect of substrate

structure, nucleophiles and medium on reactivity and mechanism; neighboring group

Elimination Reactions- E1, E2, and E1cB mechanisms. Saytzeff and Hofmann rules.
Elimination vs substitution reaction.

Electrophilic and Activated Nucleophilic substitution reactions of Benzene ( Nitration,

sulphonation, Halogenation and Friedel Craft reactions)
Unit-III: Specific Reactions and Heterocycles

Addition reactions to Carbon–carbon multiple bonds- Electrophilic additions-

mechanisms of halogenations, hydrohalogenation, hydration, hydroboration, epoxidation,
hydroxylation, ozonolysis.
Nucleophilic addition to carbonyl groups: relative reactivity of carbonyl compounds.
Formation of acetal, LiAlH4 and NaBH4 reductions, Grignard reactions, Cannizzaro,
aldol condensation.
Heterocycles- Structural aspects of five and six membered heterocycles containing
hetero atoms (furan, pyran, pyridine, pyrrole, furanose, pyranose, purines, pyrimidines).
Aromaticity of heterocyclic compounds; basicity of pyridine and pyrrole. Tautomerism in
heterocyclic systems.

Reference Books

1.Organic Chemistry (vol.1&2) – I.L.Finar

2.A Guide to Organic Reaction Mechanism- P. Sykes
3.Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds- D. Nasipuri
4.Basic Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds- S. Sengupta

Paper II (F.M-100)

Module III: Biomolecules 50 marks (60L)

Unit I:

1. Amino acids

Definition,classification & structures. Physico-chemical properties of amino

acids(amphoteric molecules,ionisation, zwitterions,pk values, isoelectric point, Lambert-
Beer’s law, optical density, absorption spectra), titration of amino acids(glycine,glutamic
acid,lysine,histidine),Formol titration of glycine(only reaction and principle), reaction of
amino acids: reaction due to amino groups(reaction with mineral acids,alkyl halides,
acetyl chloride, acetic anhydride in presence of base, nitrous acid, ninhydrin and
fluorescamine), reaction due to carboxylic acid group (reaction with base,
alcohol,LiAlH4, metal oxide), separation and analysis of amino acids by paper & thin
layer chromatography and HPLC.

2. Peptides & Proteins

Peptide bond: Definition, structure and geometry of peptide bond, example of

biologically important peptide and its functions in brief (glutathione-peptide of non
protein origin), Merrifield solid-phase peptide synthesis using protection/ deprotection
protocol (brief outline). N-terminal amino acid determination(Edman degradation,
dansyl chloride reagent, Sanger’s reagent) and C-terminal amino acid determination
(carboxypeptidase and using hydrazine)
Proteins : Definition & structure, primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
structure(definition and example), structure of globular protein(albumin, globulin,
haemoglobin & myoglobin – Structure, function and occurrence in brief ) and fibrous
protein (keratin, collagen -role of Vitamin C in hydroxylation, elastin- Structure,
function and occurrence in brief ), Forces that stabilise structure of proteins, behaviour of
proteins in solutions, salting in and salting out, Denaturation and renaturation of proteins
(example -RNase), absorbance of proteins, example of metalloprotein, lipoprotein.Biuret
and Folin-Lowry test for protein.

Unit II:

1. Carbohydrates

Definition,classification,structure,occurrence and biological importance of

monosaccharides(aldohexose-glucose,mannose,galactose;epimers; ketohexose–fructose,;
aldopentose-riboses; deoxysugars-deoxyribose; fucose; rhamanose),Molish’s test for
carbohydrate, reaction of monosaccharides with nitric acid,bromine water,periodic acid
and phenylhydrazine,osazone formation, reaction of deoxyribose with DPA and reaction
of ribose with orcinol reagent; glycosidic linkage,disaccharides(sucrose-invert
sugar,inversion of sucrose,maltose and lactose) reducing and non-reducing sugar(tests for
reducing sugars,reaction with Benedict’s reagent,Fehling’s solution,Tollen’sreagent,
Seliwanoff test for ketose sugar, ), Configuration of D-glucose and D-fructose,anomers(α
& β- D-glucopyranose), anomeric effect,differences between anomers and isomers,
mutarotation and its mechanism;
polysaccharides(cellulose,glycogen,starch,chitin,agar),blood group polysaccharides,
Glycoprotein,proteoglycan,glycosaminoglycan,muramic acid,sialic acid.

2. Lipids
Definition and classification(simple,complex and derived lipids with examples). Fatty
acids- definition,structure ,properties, examples of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids,
essential,non-essential fatty acids, Geometric isomerism of fatty acids, Triacyl glycerols.
Reactions and characterization of fats – hydrolysis, saponification, saponification value,
iodine number, rancidity of fats, Reichert- Meissel number. Phospholipids- Definition,
general structure (Glycerophospholipids, lecithins-phosphatidyl choline, lysolecithins,
cephalins-phosphatidyl ehanolamine , phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl inositol,
plasmalogens, sphingomyelines – structure,occurence and brief function). Glycolipids-
cerebrosides, gangliosides(structure,occurrence and brief function),cholesterol
(structure,occurrence and brief function).test for cholesterol.

Unit III:

Nucleic acids

Definition,generalized structural plan of nucleic acids,phosphodiester bond, structure of purine

and pyrimidine bases,composition of DNA and RNA, Nucleosides and
nucleotides(definition,structure and example) , nomenclature used in writing structure of
nucleic acids, complementary base- pairings, Chargaff’s rule,features of DNA double helix
(Watson-Crick model).different forms of DNA structure(A,B & Z DNA), major and minor
groove,three major types of RNA, secondary and tertiary structure of tRNA, chemical
properties: hydrolysis(acid & alkali), absorbance of DNA & RNA, Denaturation and annealing
of DNA, melting temperature,factors affecting melting temperature,hyperchromic effect,
electrophoresis and staining of DNA(with EtBr) ,Central dogma(outline only).


Porphyrin nucleus and classification. Important metalloporphyrins occurring in nature-

haemoglobin, leghemoglobin (plant hemoglobin), chlorophyll, cyanocobalamin and their
brief functions (it is important to know the metal centers but memorizing the structures
are not required).

Reference Books

1.Biochemistry – Voet & Voet

2.Biochemistry – Lubert Stryer
3.Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry – Nelson & Cox
Module IV Practical Paper (Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry):

Unit I: Physical Chemistry 30M (One experiment 20+ Lab note book 5+ Lab Ouiz

1. a. Preparation of buffer of a given pH(for example acetate buffer of

pH=4,phoshphate buffer of pH=7, glycine-NaOH buffer of pH 9.0
b. Preparation of a primary standard solution ( oxalic acid ,dichromate) of known
2. Determination of pKin value of a weak acid - base indicator by Colorimetric method.
3. pH metric titration: weak monobasic acid by strong base.
4. Conductometric titration of: Mixed acids vs strong base.
5. Potentiometric titration (Mohr vs. dichromate).
6. Determination of solubility and solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt by
titrimetric method.
7. Determination of specific rotation of a given optically active compound and
%composition of its aqueous solution using Polarimeter.
8. Determination of viscosity coefficient of a given liquid/solution with Ostwald
9. To study the kinetics of saponification of ester by conductometric method.
10. Estimation of protein by biuret method: application of Lambert –Beer’s law.

Unit II: Organic Chemistry 20M

(One experiment 15+ Lab note book 2.5+Lab Quiz 2.5)

1. Physical characteristics (colour, odour, texture) [1M]

2. Preliminary Tests: [2M]

(Ignition Test, litmus Test, Beilstein test for halogen, Br2 in AcOH/water or
KMnO4 in water test)
3. Detection of special elements (N, Cl, S) by Lassaigne’s tests. [2+2+1=5 M]

4. Solubility and classification [2+1=3M]

(Solvents: H2O, 5% HCl, 5% NaHCO3, 5% NaOH)
5. Detection of the following functional groups by systematic chemical tests:
(aromatic amino (–NH2), Amido (–CONH2, including imide), aromatic nitro (–
NO2), Phenolic –OH, Carboxylic acid (–COOH), Carbonyl (>C= O); only one
test for each functional group is to be reported) [6×1½=9M]
*Each student, during laboratory session, is required to carry out qualitative chemical
tests for all the special elements and the functional groups in known and unknown
organic compounds. Each student, during laboratory session, is required to analyze at
least SIX (6) unknown organic samples. In practical examination, one unknown solid
organic compound containing not more than two of the above functional groups (IV)
shall be assigned to a candidate through a single draw lottery.

7. Candidates at the practical examinations are required to submit the day to day record
of all types of laboratory works prescribed in the syllabus performed by them and
duly signed by their teachers. Marks of the laboratory records shall be awarded by the
examiner at the practical examination. Candidates failing to submit their laboratory
note books may be debarred from the examination.

Practical Reference Books

(i) Advanced Practical Chemistry – Subhas Ch. Das

(ii) Handbook of Practical Chemistry – University of Calcutta
Paper-III (F,M.-100)

Module V 50M (60L)

Unit I:
1. Principles of thermodynamics
(a) Definition of systems, surroundings and types of systems (isolated, closed and
open). Extensive properties and intensive properties, concept of
Thermodynamic equilibrium, concept of temperature, concept of heat and
work, reversible work, irreversible work and maximum work.
(b) First law of Thermodynamics, internal energy as a state function, properties of
a state function, definition of isothermal and adiabatic processes, Joule’s
experiment and its consequences. Joule-Thomson experiment and enthalpy as a
state function, calculation of work done, heat changes for isothermal and
adiabatic changes involving ideal gas.
(c) Statement of Second law of Thermodynamics and their equivalence, Carnot’s
cycle and Carnot’s theorem, Absolute scale of temperature, concept of Entropy
as a state function, Entropy changes in various Physical processes.
(d) Clausius inequality, condition of reversibility and irreversibility of a process,
auxiliary state function-Helmholtz free energy and Gibbs free energy and their
simple applications.

e) Laws of Thermo chemistry and their applications, Born Haber Cycle, Standard
Enthalpy changes in various transformations, Kirchoff’s relation.
f)Maxwell’s relation, Cp-Cv relation, Joule- Thompson coefficient for Van der Waal
gases, Thermodynamic Equation of state.
g)Gibbs- Helmholtz relation, Coupling reactions, concept of orders of phase
transition, Clausius- Clapeyron relation and phase transition.


1. Chemical Equilibrium: State of equilibrium and thermodynamic condition of

equilibrium (condition of Minimum Gibbs’ potential), Van’t Hoff’s reaction isotherm
(deduction using chemical potential), Temperature dependence of Equilibrium constant.
(i) Homogeneous equilibrium : Use of different standard states to define Kp, Kc,
Kx and their interrelations, examples of homogenous equilibrium in gas phase
and ionic equilibrium in solution.

(ii) Heterogeneous equilibrium: Chemical equilibrium in different phases,

Distribution/ partition constant.
2. Colloidal State: Electrokinetic phenomena- concept of Zeta potential, stability of
colloids, mechanism of coagulation, Brownian motion,. Electrical property of membrane,
Donann membrane equilibrium. Gibbs adsorption isotherm-statement and significance,
Surfactant, Micelle formation.
3. Ideal and non- ideal Solutions and Thermodynamics of EMF of Cells
Ideal solutions: Raoult’s law of relative lowering of vapour pressure. Thermodynamic
derivation of colligative properties of solution (using chemical potential) and their inter
Non-ideal solutions: Concept of activity and activity coefficient with special reference to
electrolyte solutions, statement of Debye-Huckel limiting law and its applications.
Thermodynamic derivation of EMF, its use in measuring thermodynamic properties.

Unit III:

Laws of radioactivity, Radioactive decay,decay constant, average life of radio
elements and its relation with half life,radioactive equilibrium,properties of α,β,γ
radiations,radiation damage, radiation protection and safety aspects, units of
radioactivity,radioactive carbon dating,
Atomic Nucleus
Fundamental particles of atomic nucleus, atomic number and its significance,nucleus
stability,neutron proton ratio and different modes of decay, nuclear biding energy,
nuclear forces.
Applications of radioactive isotopes
Examples of radio isotopes (14C, 3H, 32P, 35S, 2H) and their uses in biological systems.
Basic principles of liquid scintillation counter. Radiation absorption, Radiation therapy in
cancer (examples only)

2. Spectroscopy

Concept of electromagnetic radiation: UV, visible, IR. Infrared Spectroscopy-

rotational and vibrational coupled (concept only). Light Scattering, Raman scattering
(concept only), UV and visible Spectrophotometry (examples of absorption spectra of
amino acids, protein, purine, pyrimidine bases and nucleic acids); Concept of
chromophore, Lambert-Beer’s law-derivation & deviation; absorptivity, fluorescence
spectroscopy, concept of fluorescence energy transfer (FRET), examples of
autofluorescence in biological samples, fluorescence from tryptophan present in proteins
and chlorophyll, green fluorescence protein (GFP), concept CD spectroscopy and its
application in determining secondary structure of polypeptides.
NMR spectroscopy: Elementary principles of NMR, 1H-NMR, NMR signals, their
numbers, positions areas and spin- spin splitting; its application in structure determination
of simple organic molecules and proteins (representative of simple spectra of two organic
molecule and a standard protein (BSA) should be shown).
4. Mass spectrometry: Basic principles of MS-MS and its applications.

Reference Books

1. Physical Chemistry-P.C.Rakshit
2. Text Book of Physical Chemistry-K. L. Kapoor (Vol-II,III,V)
3. Physical Chemistry-Hrishikesh Chatterjee(Vol-I,II)
4. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry-Nelson &Cox
5. Molecular Spectroscopy-C. N. Banwell& McCash
6. Organic Spectroscopy-William Kemp
7. Techniques and Methods in Biology-K. L. Ghatak





Definition of enzymes, differences between biocatalysts and chemical catalysts,

holoenzymes and apoenzymes, cofactors: metal ions (Zn+2, Mg+2, Fe2+), coenzymes
(NAD+, NADP+, HSCoA, FH4, cobalamin), prosthetic groups (FAD+, TPP, PALPO,
biotin ), co-substrate (NAD+)- one reaction of each. .Classification of enzymes, IUPAC
system, Name & examples of each class

Precursor of coenzymes: Water soluble vitamins B & C and fat soluble vitamins A, D,
E & K (It is important to know the precursor vitamins of both categories and the
corresponding coenzymes and the examples of associated enzyme catalyzed reactions.)

Basic thermodynamic principles of enzymatic reactions:

Standard free energy, entropy and enthalpy change in a reaction. Transition state,
activation energy of both in non-enzymatic and enzymatic reaction, reaction rate, rate
constant, rate limiting step, rate equation, binding energy, association and dissociation
constants, lock & key hypothesis, induced fit hypothesis, proximity and orientation
effect, strain and distortion theory (FROM LEHNINGER). Numerical problems on
each section

Enzymes kinetics

Concept of pre steady state and steady state kinetics, initial rate, maximum velocity,
Michaelis constant, Michaelis- Menten equation(derivation), graphical representation,
double reciprocal plot, Significance of KM & Vmax, Kcat/KM, turnover number, enzyme
catalyzed bi substrate reaction, sequential & ping pong reaction-( only example of each).

Factors on which enzyme catalyzed reactions depend: Substrate concentration,

enzyme concentration, pH, temperature, time. Numerical problems on each section

2. Inhibition of enzyme catalyzed reaction

Competitive, noncompetitive (mixed), uncompetitive, irreversible inhibition, one
example in each case.
Effect of metal ions (Zn2+, Cu2+, As3+, Hg2+) on enzyme activity (with examples)

Mechanism of enzyme catalysis (basic concepts)

i) acid- base catalysis (example- RNase A)
ii) metal ion catalysis (example- Carbonic anhydrase)
iii) covalent catalysis (example- trypsin)

Regulatory enzyme
Allosteric enzyme, definition & example (ATCase, T& R states), examples of positive
and negative modulators, feedback inhibition, kinetic properties of allosteric enzyme, K
enzymes, M enzymes (examples), sequential model & symmetry model, examples;
regulation by covalent modification (phosphorylation), regulation by proteolytic cleavage
of protein (zymogens-trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen) Isozymes: Definition and basis of
difference, example-lactate dehydrogenase.


1. Enzyme activity
Unit activity, specific activity, molecular activity / molar activity, Katal, turn-over
number; numerical problems

2. Methods of Enzyme Purification

Dialysis, Ultra filtration, ultracentrifugation, molecular exclusion chromatography,
column chromatography, GLC and HPLC, FPLC, iso-electric precipitation, salting in,
salting out, solvent fractionation, electrophoresis-Paper and SDS-PAGE, ion exchange
chromatography, adsorption chromatography, affinity chromatography.

3. Industrial applications of enzymes – Enzymes involved in the production of glucose

from starch & cellulose, use of proteases in food, detergent & leather industry.

Reference Books

1. Biochemistry – Voet & Voet

2. Biochemistry – Lubert Stryer
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry – Nelson & Cox
4. Industrial Microbiology-Prescott& Dunn’s
Paper-IV (F.M.-100)

Module-VII –Cell Biology, Microbiology, Human Physiology & Nutrition

50M (60L)

UNIT-I: Cell Biology I

1. Cell

Definition, Morphology - cell size, cell shape, comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic
cell (with respect to cell wall & membrane composition, cell organelles, genome size),
endosymbiotic theory, cell types (epithelial, endothelial)

2. Structure and brief function of cell organelles

Schematic diagram & brief functions of eukaryotic cell structure, cell membrane
(membrane composition, fluid mosaic model& its validity, artificial membrane-
liposome), structure (with diagram) and brief functions of endoplasmic reticulum
(differences between SER & RER; simple overview of secretory and membrane bound
protein synthesis), nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, peroxisomes, Golgi apparatus,
ribosome, polysomes, cytoskeletal elements (actin, tubulin), chloroplasts (difference
between mitochondria and chloroplast).

UNIT-II: Microbiology
1. Different types of microbes- bacteria, virus, fungi (mention only names with

2. Bacterial morphology
Size and shape of bacteria (examples of Bacillus, Coccus, Spirillum, flagellated and
ciliated bacteria, gram positive and gram negative bacteria, concept of ribotyping,
spore forming bacteria(Only example with purpose and significance; no mechanism or
pathway needed).

3. Cultivation of Bacteria
Basic concepts of nutritional requirements, bacteriological media: nutrient broth
(liquid media) and nutrient agar (solid media), complex media and synthetic media
(mention only). Physical conditions required for optimum growth (temperature,
oxygen, osmotic pressure), effect of pH and salt concentration on bacterial growth,
cfu, growth curve of bacteria (using cell no, turbidity), different phases of growth,
generation time. Basic principles of storage of bacteria: idea of slant, stab cultures,
freeze-drying (lyophilization). (for this Section detailing must be avoided)

4. Control of Growth
Basic concepts of sterilization, disinfection; Basic concept with examples of physical
method of disinfection and sterilization- high temperature: dry heat, moist heat, steam
under pressure(autoclave), pasteurization, filtration, radiation, lyophilization, osmotic
pressure, UV (mode of action & application); Basic concept with examples of
Chemical control- antiseptic, sanitizer, germicide, antimicrobial agent (definition,
application, examples) alcohol, acid, alkali, phenol, ethylene oxide, detergents (mode
of action, applications). Antibiotic-mode of action of penicillin; Resistance to
antibiotics (definition and significance). Basic concept of probiotic therapy. (for this
Section detailing must be avoided)

UNIT- III: Human Physiology &Nutrition

1. HORMONE: Endocrine systems: Pituitary hormones functions and targets

(tabular form)

2. Digestive mechanism
Structure and functional organization, Biochemical mechanisms of carbohydrate, lipid,
Protein or nucleic acid digestion, absorption

3. Excretory mechanism
Kidney: functional organization, GFR, selective re-absorption & secretion, buffering
system, Acid base balance, acidosis and alkalosis, biochemical principles of water and
electrolyte imbalance, polyuric states, nephrogenic Diabetes insipidus (antidiuretic

4. Nutrition
Energy requirement, basal metabolism, factors affecting basal metabolism, calorigenic
effect of food, respiratory quotient, nitrogen balance, factors affecting nitrogen balance,
protein efficiency ratio, biological value, net protein utilization, net dietary protein
,calories per cent, balanced diet, diseases due to malnutrition (Kwashiorkor, Marasmus)

5. Toxic effects of toxic substances and elements: Lead, Mercury. Arsenic, Cadmium;
Organophosphorous pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

6. Minerals
Biological functions, deficiency syndrome, food sources, dietary requirement of Calcium,
Phosphorus, Sodium, Chlorine, Potassium, Iron, other trace elements - iodine,
manganese, molybdenum, fluorine, zinc, chromium.
1. Cell Biology

(i) Molecular Cell Biology – Lodish and Albert’s Cell Biology

(ii)Molecular Cell Biology – Karp
(iii) Cell Biology –C.B.Power
(iv) Cell Biology –P.K.Gupta
(v)Cell Biology –Devsena

2. Microbiology

(i) Microbiology- Pelczar, Chan, Krieg

(ii) Fundamental principles of bacteriology- Salle
3. Physiology

i) Human Physiology – CC Chatterje

ii) Text Book of Medical Physiology-Mahapatra
iii) Medical Physiology-Guyton & Hall
iv) Harper’s Physiology
4. Nutritional Biochemistry
i) Text Book of Biochemistry for Medical Students-D.M.Basudevan
ii) ii) Nutritional Biochemistry-M.S.Swaminathan
iii) Nutrition –An Integrated Approach, Ruth L.Pike &Brown

Module VIII (Practical) 50M


Three sets of experiments 40
Laboratory Note Book 5
Viva voce 5

Laboratory Work Recommended for Classes:-

1) Identification of biomolecules - Amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids.

2) Estimation of the strength of amino acid using formol titration

3) Separation of amino acids using paper chromatography

4) Separation of amino acids using thin layer chromatography (TLC)

5) Estimation of proteins using Folin Ciocalteu (Lowry) method.

6) Estimation of Vitamin-C using 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol.

7) Estimation of soluble calcium in milk using EDTA.
8) Estimation of total phenolic content in Black Tea.

Reference Books for Practical:

i) An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry – David T Plummer

ii) Introductory Practical Biochemistry – Sawhney & Singh
iii) Biochemical Methods –S.Sadasivam and A.Manickam
iv) Experimental Biochemistry-Rao & Deshpande
Part III

Paper – V (F,M.-100)

Module IX : Intermediary Metabolism 50M

Unit I Carbohydrate and Energy metabolism
Concept of metabolism, catabolism, and anabolism, experimental approach to study of
metabolism using intact animals, bacterial mutants, and radioactive isotopes
Carbohydrate metabolism
Intracellular metabolism of glucose - glycolysis, energetics of glycolysis, regulation of
glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and its regulation,entry of galactose and fructose in
glycolysis, fates of pyruvate, formation of acetyl coenzymeA,PDH complex and its
regulation, reaction and energetics of TCA cycle, regulation of TCA cycle, malate
aspartate and glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle, ATP yield from complete oxidation of
glucose, Cori cycle, glyoxylate cycle, glycogen metabolism and its
regulation(glycogenesis, glycogenolysis), reactions and physiological significance of
pentose phosphate pathway, Photosynthesis- light and dark reaction,
photophosphorylation, Calvin Cycle, photorespiration, C4 pathway (tropical plants).
Oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport chain
Structure of mitochondria, sequence of electron carriers, ATP synthesis, inhibitors of
ETC, basic concept of oxidative phosphorylation, inhibitors and uncouplers of oxidative
phosphorylation, .

Unit II: Metabolism of non-carbohydrates

Lipid metabolism
Metabolism (anabolism and catabolism) of triglyceride, Transport of fatty acid into
mitochondria, Beta-oxidation of fatty acids (satd, unsatd, odd no & even no) reactions
and energetic of beta oxidation, essential and non essential fatty acids, biosynthesis of
saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (precursors and site of synthesis, pathway not
required) metabolism of ketone bodies, biosynthesis of cholesterol.

Amino acid metabolism

General reactions of amino acid metabolism (oxidative deamination, transamination,
decarboxylation etc), glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids, urea cycle, essential and non
essential amino acids, biosynthesis and catabolism of amino acids (glycine,
phenylalanine, glutamic acid), inborn errors of amino acid metabolism(alkaptonuria,
phenylketonuria, albinism), NIH shift, amino acids (serine, tyrosine, tryptophan, glycine)
as precursors of many biomolecules.

Nucleotide metabolism
Biosynthesis and catabolism of purines and pyrimidines (Adenine and cytosine),
preliminary idea of de novo synthesis and salvage pathway (complete pathway is not
required), precursor molecules, regulation, diseases due to defect in nucleotide
Porphyrin Metabolism
Biosynthesis of porphyrin, biosynthesis and degradation of bile pigments (detail pathway
not required but precursors for biosynthesis and end products for degradation with
regulation need to be known), bile acids and their significance.
Reference Books

1. Biochemistry – Voet & Voet

2. Biochemistry – Lubert Stryer
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry – Nelson & Cox
Module: X 50M (60L)

Unit—I: Cell biology, Signal Transduction. Membrane Transport

1 .Cell division—Cell cycle: conceptual ideas of G1, S, G2 & M stages and brief
characteristics of each stage, Mitotic cell division (brief description of each phases with
diagram), cell culture (preliminary idea only)- media, synthetic media, complex media,
aseptic conditions, requirement of CO2 (5%) incubator.
2. Signal transduction-Preliminary conceptual ideas on receptor-ligand interaction,
activation of cellular enzymes (such as Adenylate cyclase, Phospolipase C, Tyrosine
Kinase, Ras), Concept of transmembrane proteins as membrane receptor and channels
with a couple of examples and their functions for each. Endocrine signaling: preliminary
ideas for autocrine, paracrine and endocrine signaling; Difference from exocrine system
(also mention local hormones), Flow diagram/tables illustrating an overview of hormonal
(non-steroid and steroid) (endocrine) network in human body (showing source glands,
target organs/tissues, functions, one or two examples of hyper and hypo activity of
3.Transport across membranes—Membrane transport - active transport and passive
transport, proton and Na +- K+ pumps, simple and facilitated diffusion, preliminary ideas
with examples of porter molecules, symport, antiport, and uniport, anion porter (RBC
membrane protein) and glucose porter, Ca2+-pump, Membrane potential (concept of
hyper- & depolarization), Voltage gated channel, ion gated channel, ligand gated channel,
Ca2+-channel inhibitors, Na+-K+ ATPase inhibitors (one example of each)- (their brief
clinical significance as cardiovascular and other medicines).

Unit II: Clinical biochemistry

1. Clinical Analysis

Blood: Ingredients-Plasma, serum, cells; Blood group analysis, Rh factor, blood

transfusion-precautions; brief description of clotting (clinical significance with reference
to snake venoms)
Collection and preservation of biological fluids (blood, serum, plasma, urine), Factors
affecting levels of important constituents of blood, urine (see also Section 3 below)
(blood levels of sugar, glycated haemoglobin, lipid profile, cholesterol, total protein,
albumin, urea, creatinine, uric acid, Na+, K+). Definition of NORMAL LEVELS
(concept of variations in different race, age, gender, food habits etc)

2. Clinical Enzymology

Functional plasma enzymes, isozymes and diagnostic tests; Enzyme pattern in health and
diseases as is special reference to plasma lipase, amylase, alkaline and acid phosphatase,
cholinesterase, LDH, CPK, SGOT & SGPT; Preliminary concept of biomarkers for
cardiovascular, liver and kidney disorders including their laboratory tests.

3. Metabolism & Diseases

Hypo and hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, glycogen storage disease, lipid
malabsorption, abnormal lipid metabolism and disease, lipoprotein and diseases, disorder
in heme synthesis (anemia, thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia), abnormal hemoglobin
Reference Books

Cell Biology

(i) Molecular Cell Biology – Lodish

(ii) Molecular Cell Biology – Karp
(iii) Cell Biology –C. B. Power
(iv) Cell Biology –P. K. Gupta
(v) Cell Biology –Devsena

Clinical Biochemistry

i) Teitz Clinical Biochemistry

ii) Medical Biochemistry- N.V. Bhagavan (Academic Press)

Paper-VI (F.M.-100)

Module : XI – Immunology 50M


Cells and organs of Immune system

Hematopoietic stem cells, stromal cells, hematopoietic growth factors, Lymphoid organs
(primary and secondary) and cells, Mononuclear cells, Granulocytic cells, Mast cells,
Dendritic cells- brief characteristics and functions.

Types of Immunity
(i) Innate immunity – Preliminary conceptual ideas on the mechanism of immune
response (anatomic, physiological, phagocytic and inflammatory barriers).
(ii) Adaptive immunity: Humoral and Cell-mediated immunity - Preliminary conceptual
ideas on the mechanism of immune response---antigen processing and presentation, Brief
introduction of Major histocompatibility complex molecules (MHC I & II) and their role
in antigen presentation (concept only); Preliminary conceptual ideas on clonal selection
of lymphocytes, definition of cytokine, generation of humoral and cell mediated response
by cellular interactions (general concept only).

Chemical nature, antigenicity, immunogenicity, hapten, epitopes, Adjuvant (definition,
examples, function).

Isotypes- definition, basic and fine structures, general characteristics and functions;
Monoclonal (basic procedure of synthesis) and polyclonal antibody (definition and
Unit - II
Antigen Antibody interactions
Precipitation reactions-Radial immunodiffusion, double immunodiffusion,
immunoelectrophoresis; Agglutination reactions-Hemagglutination, passive
agglutination, bacterial agglutination, agglutination inhibition

The complement components, function, complement activation-
(i) Classical, (ii) Alternate and (iii) lectin pathways (characteristics & functions), ELISA,

Definition, types, examples

Active and passive immunization (definition, brief characteristics, examples and
functions); Attenuated and inactivated viral or bacterial vaccines (definition, brief
characteristics, functions, examples)
Immunological diagnosis
Tumor, Cancer (example-prostate cancer, PSA-prostate specific antigen), ELISA for
detection of flu antigens, malaria antigen, dengue antigen, HIV, HBsAg, HCV, Typhoid
(details not required)

Reference Books:

i) Immunology – Kuby
ii) Immunology-Roitt, Roitt
Module : XII Molecular biology

Unit I:

Basic concept of genetic information

Central dogma, DNA: the genetic material, Griffith’s experiment, Hershey-Chase

experiment, experimental proof by Avery, McLeod, McCarty; Preliminary conceptual
ideas of Genome organization- from nucleotide to chromatin; the versatility of RNA
(different types of RNA and their brief functions)

DNA replication:

Basic features of DNA replication in vivo: semiconservative replication (Meselson-

Stahl’s Expt), unidirectional & bidirectional replication (theta and rolling circle models),
leading and lagging (okazaki) strands, visualization of replication forks by
autoradiography, unique origins of replication, Brief description of DNA polymerases
(prokaryotic and eukaryotic); brief introduction of other replication machineries, basic
concept of replication initiation, elongation and termination (outline only) ; Preliminary
idea of DNA replication in eukaryotes (outline); Major salient differences between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic replication; Examples for inhibitors of replication in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes and corresponding targets.

Mutation and DNA repair

Preliminary idea of molecular basis of mutation: examples of spontaneous and induced

mutations (chemicals, radiation), types of mutation, reversion and suppression, Basic
rudimentary concepts of DNA repair mechanisms (Photoreactivation, Mismatch repair,
Excision repair, SOS repair system); Examples of Recombination repair and
Transposable genetic element.


Transfer of genetic information, RNA polymerases, Preliminary idea of transcription

initiation (role of sigma factor), elongation and termination; basic concept of regulation
of gene expression in prokaryotes: positive and negative control using lac operon as an
example, attenuation, basic concept of post transcriptional processing: examples of
capping, splicing and polyadenylation, outline of transcription in eukaryotes (only
mention the differences with prokaryotes [e.g. at the level of 5’-untranscribed region
(promoter and enhancer sequences) and RNA polymerase complexiety], idea of
transcription factors only. Inhibitors of transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Unit II


Genetic code: properties of genetic code, deciphering the code-experimental basis

(Khorana’s expt); translation: overview, components of protein synthesis: ribosomes and
tRNAs, schematic description of synthesis of polypeptides using mRNA templates,
concept of post-translational modifications. Mention of differences in translational
machinery of prokaryotes and eukaryotes (Initiation factors only); Inhibitors of
translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Basic principles of Mendelian genetics (monohybrid and dihybrid, test and+back crosses);
Bacterial genetics-transformation, transduction, conjugation (mention of F /F-, Hfr strain,
function of pillus)

Recombinant DNA technology

Restriction modification system- construction of restriction map of E. coli, vectors-

plasmids, cosmids, phagemids, definition of genomic DNA library and cDNA library,
Basic concept of expression of eukaryotic gene in prokaryotic system (example-
insulin,growth hormone) Southern blot, northern blot and western blot techniques.
Preliminary ideas for application of RDT in agriculture (examples of genetically
modified crop, herbicide and pest resistance) and pharmaceuticals (recombinant vaccine);
Polymerase Chain reaction –DNA synthesis and amplification in vitro, Steps and
enzymes of PCR, PCR based analysis & diagnosis (a few examples of forensic and

Reference Books

i) GENE VIII- Lewin

ii) Biochemistry-Voet & Voet
iii) Molecular Biology of the gene-Watson
iv) Biochemistry-Lubert Stryer
v) Molecular Biology by Weaver
vi) Principles of Gene Manipulations by Old and Primrose
Paper –VII – (Practical) (F.M. –100)

Module XIII

Unit I : Enzyme assay 50 Marks

Two sets of experiments, 20 each 40

Laboratory Note Book 5
Viva –Voce 5

1) Standard curve of Para-nitrophenol and glucose.

2) Determination of specific activities of Amylase & Alkaline phosphatase
3) Determination of pH optima & temperature optima of alkaline phosphatase
4) Determination of optimum substrate concentration of alkaline phosphatase &
5) Determination of KM & VMAX of Alkaline phosphatase & Amylase using both
Michaelis- Menten hyperbolic curve & Line Weaver Burk plot.
6) Determination of KM and VMAX of Alkaline phosphatase in presence of
competitive inhibitor, arsenate.
7) Activation of Alkaline phosphatase by Mg2+, inhibition of Alkaline phosphatase
by F- .

Unit II : Clinical biochemistry 50 Marks

Two sets of experiments, 20 each 40

Laboratory Note Book 5
Viva- Voce 5
1. Estimation of reducing sugar in blood by GOD-POD method.
2. Lipid Profile in blood by enzymatic method.
3. Estimation of bilirubin in blood by Malloy Evelyn method.
4. Estimation of urea by diacetyl monoxime & creatinine by Jaffe end point method
in blood.
5. Determination of SGPT, SGOT and alkaline phosphatase by colorimetric end
point method in blood.
6. Blood group determination.
Paper VIII (Practical) (F.M.-100)
Module XIV
Unit I Molecular Biology and Immunology
Two sets of experiments: Molecular Biology, one set (20) +
Immunology, one set (15)
Laboratory Note Book
Laboratory works recommended for classes:
1) Isolation of DNA (bacterial genomic and plasmid)
2) Estimation of DNA
3) Determination of purity of DNA
4) Gel electrophoresis of bacterial genomic and plasmid DNA
5) Transformation with plasmid DNA
6) ImmuImmunodiffusion assay (radial-immuno diffusion)
7) Immunoelectrophoresis

Unit II Microbiology, Statistical Analysis of data and Poster Presentation/ Seminar

Full Marks-50


One set of experiment 15

Laboratory Note Book


1) Preparation of bacterial culture media (nutrient broth, nutrient agar) and

sterilization (autoclave) (Only for practice in the class)

2) Streaking and single colony isolation (Only for practice in the class)

3) Isolation of bacteria from natural sources: soil/water and determination of

cfu/ml by serial dilution method (to be set in the examination)

4) Assay of antibiotics-antibiotic sensitivity test by paper disc/cup plate method

(to be set in the examination)
5) Gram-staining-Gram positive, Gram-negative (Only for practice in the class).

Statistical analysis of data:

Laboratory Note Book 5

Viva-Voce 5

1) Sampling Techniques
2) Statistical evaluation of results-mean, mode, median calculation ,standard
deviation calculation
3) Distribution of student t, correlation coefficient
4) Poster Presentation/Seminar
1) Presentation & question answer session 8+2
2) Abstract 5
Reference Books for Practical:

(i) An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry – David T Plummer

(ii) Introductory Practical Biochemistry – Sawhney & Singh
(iii) Biochemical Methods- For Agricultural Sciences.
S. Sadasivam and A. Manikam. (Wiley Eastern Limited)
(iv) Practical Biochemistry in Clinical Biochemistry. R. L. Nath
Academic Press, Calcutta.
(v) Practical Clinical Biochemistry, 5th Edition. Varley &
Gowenlock William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd.
(vi) Experimental Biochemistry: A Student Companion Textbook. Rao
and Deshpande (IK International Pvt.Ltd)

(vii) Molecular cloning: A Laboratory Manual Sambrook (Vol 1)

Question pattern for Part I and Part II (Theory)

For each module (of 50 marks and three units)

i. There shall be one compulsory question comprising of ten short (objective)
questions of two marks each (10X2= 20). The subject of such questions shall
be from all the units. The total number of questions shall be 15.
ii. One question (10 marks) should be answered from each unit. Each unit
will comprise of two questions of 10 marks each.
iii. Each question of ten marks should further be divided into part questions
such that the marks for these parts do not exceed 4 and are not less than 1.
For example but not restricted to 4+3+3 or 4+4+2.
iv. The paper setter shall set five short questions from each Unit for the
compulsory question (of two marks each) and two questions (of ten marks)
each. The moderator shall compile the questions for the compulsory part.

Question pattern for Part III (Theory)

For each module (of 50 marks and two units)

v. There shall be one compulsory question comprising of 10 short (objective)

questions of two marks each (10X2= 20). The subject of such questions shall
be from all the units. The total number of questions shall be 15.
vi. Two questions of fifteen marks each (2X15= 30) to be answered taking one
from each unit.
vii. Each question of fifteen marks should further be divided into part questions
with 4 marks maximum and 1 mark minimum. For example but not
restricted to 4+4+3+2+2 or 3+3+3+3+3.
viii. The paper setter shall set five short questions from each Unit for the
compulsory question (of two marks each) and two questions (of ten marks)
each. The moderator shall compile the questions for the compulsory part

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