Canvas Shoes PDF
Canvas Shoes PDF
Canvas Shoes PDF
Canvas Shoes
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Details of Activities
Activity Days Activity Days Particulars of Activity
1-2 15 1-2 15 Procurement of Tech. know how/
transfer of technology.
3-4 15 3-4 15 Market survey, tie up and obtaining
4-5 7 2-3 7 Selection of site.
5-6 70 4-5 7 Preparation of Project report
6-7 45 5-6 70 Registration and financing.
7-10 30 6-7 45 Placement of orders for machinery and
receipt of machines.
10-11 30 6-8 30 Recruitment of staff and training
11-12 15 6-9 30 Addition/Alteration in rental premises
8-10 15 Procurement of raw material/Bought out
7-10 30 Erection, Electrification and
10-11 30 Trial Production
11-12 15 Commercial Production
Total 227 days 309 days
1. Rubber 2. Upper
3. Stitching 4. Assembly 5. Checking
Mixing Checking
7. Packing 6. Finishing
(i) Staff and Labour (per month) Sl. Description with Qty. Rate Value
No. Specification (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Canvas 1250 @35 43,750
Sl. Designation No. Salary Total metre per metre
No. (Rs.) Value
(Rs.) 2. Lining 1250 ” 15 “ 18,750
(a) Administrative and Supervisory 3. Rubber sole/ 1250 kgs 40 “ 50,000
i) Manager cum Chemist 1 10000 10,000
4. Rubber Patti 500 “ 15 “ 7,500
ii) Accountant cum Cashier 1 4000 4,000
5. Rubber sheet 630 “ 20 “ 12,600
iii) Clerk cum Typist 1 3000 3,000
for toe
iv) Storekeeper 1 3000 3,000
6. Tape Cotton 10000 1 10,000
v) Salesman 1 4000 4,000 pairs
v) Watchman/peon/ 7. Insole calender “ 3 30,000
sweeper 3 2500 7,500 cloth
(b) Technical Skilled and Un-skilled 8. Counter for “ 3 30,000
Supervisor/ 1 5000 5,000 rubberized cloth
(iv) Other Contingent Expenses (per month) Cost of Production (per annum) (Rs.)
1. Rent 12,000 (d) Depreciation on Office 10,000
Equipments @ 20%
2. Postage and Stationery 1,000
(e) Interest on Total Capital
3. Advertisement 4,000 Investment @ 15% 4,09,174
4. Repair and maintenance 1,000 Total 71,18,074
5. Telephone 500
(2) Turnover (per annum)
6. Transportation 1,000
Sl. Description Qty. Rate Value
7. Consumable 2,000 No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
8. Sales expenses 3,000 1 Canvas 1,20,000 70 per 84,00,000
Shoes pairs pair
9. Insurance 1,000
10. Misc. Expenses 500 (3) Net Profit (per annum) (before Income Tax)
Total 26,000 = Turn over – Cost of Production
= 84,00,000 – 71,18,074
(v) Total Recurring Expenditure (per month) (Rs.)
= Rs. 12,81,926
1) Salary and Wages 2,21,375