Defect Detection in Raw Hide and Wet Blue Leather
Defect Detection in Raw Hide and Wet Blue Leather
Defect Detection in Raw Hide and Wet Blue Leather
Hemerson Pistori & William A. Paraguassu & Priscila S. Martins & Mauro P. Conti
UCDB - Dom Bosco Catholic University, Campo Grande, Brazil
GPEC - Research Group in Engineering and Computing
This paper presents an important problem for the Brazilian economy, the classification of bovine raw hide and
leather, and argues that this problem can be handled by computer vision and machine learning techniques. Some
promising results, using standard techniques, like color based models and cooccurrence matrix based texture
analysis, are reported. The paper also presents what seems to be the first major training and testing dataset of
bovine raw hide and leather digital images.
Younes 1997), Wavelets (Sobral 2005), Cooccur- spection, are rarely cited in the specialized literature,
rence Matrices (Jobanputra and Clausi 2004), Inter- which concentrates on tanned leather. Furthermore,
action Maps (Chetverikov 2000), Local Binary Pat- some important raw hide defects for the Brazilian
terns (Menp 2002) and Color Models. Figures 1.(a) leather productive chain are not always of interest in
and 1.(b) show images from raw hide and wet blue different countries where this type of defects are not
leather 3 . A large image dataset of defects in hides and so common, and usually not considered.
leather is being prepared and used to train and test The next section presents some work directly re-
supervised machine learning algorithms. Classifiers lated to leather inspection based on computer vision.
based on Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Section 3 details important aspects of raw hide and
Networks and Bayesian Inference, among others, will wet blue leather defects. A brief review of texture
be implemented and experimented. analysis based on cooccurrence matrices can be found
in Section 4. The following sections explain the ex-
periments, discuss the results and presents the con-
clusions and future developments.
Yeh and Perng propose and evaluate semi-automatic
methods for wet blue raw hide defects extraction and
classification. The system has been tested in a large
tannery for six months with reliable and effective re-
sults, when comparing with human specialists. Their
work also presents an interesting taxonomy for leather
(a) defects classification and grading, based on the shape
and size of affected area. The defects are classified
as (1) thin spots: hair root, pinhole, putrid spot, der-
matitis; (2) circular spots: thorn scratch, nail mark,
chrome stain, slat stain, cured stain, putrefied; (3) thin
line: vein, wring felt mark; (4) strips: score knife,
neck wrinkle; (4) holes: dig damage, grub hole, bul-
let mark; (5) patterns: brand mark; and (6) irregu-
lars: wart, contamination, pipe grain, flay mark, putre-
fied, scratch, chafe mark, gear mark, parasitic speck-
led (tick, mange), dung stain (Yeh and Perng 2001).
(b) The main contribution of the work is a fully quantified
Figure 1: (a) Bovine raw hide and (b) Wet blue leather grading system, called demerit count reference stan-
samples dard for leather raw hides, but the authors also point
out that one of the drawbacks of their proposal is the
need for human, specialized intervention, for count-
In this work, we present the first version of the ing the total number of demerits on a wet blue raw
leather defect dataset and the software that makes eas- hide.
ier the creation of ground truth images and automatic A leather inspection method, based on Haar’s
comparison of different computer vision and machine wavelets, is presented by Sobral. The smoothing com-
learning techniques. We also show the results from ponent has been tuned for each kind of defect, using
the first defect inspection experiments, using cooccur- a manually classified defect sample. The system is re-
rence matrices features and supervised learning. The ported to perform in real time, at the same level of
experiments were based on a 2000 samples dataset, an experienced operator (Sobral 2005) and to outper-
taken from 16 different raw hide and wet blue leather form previous methods, based on Gabor filters, like
pieces and containing 4 defect types: brand marks the one described in Kumar and Pang (Kumar and
made from hot iron, tick marks, cuts and scabies. Pang 2002) . Although not clearly stated in Sobral’s
The results were very promising, with an overall cor- paper, the system seems to have been experimented
rect classification rate above 94%. The experiments only on finished leather, a much simpler problem than
with bovine raw hide images, a much more complex raw hide or wet blue raw hide defect extraction.
problem than wet blue and finished leather defect in- A dissimilarity measure based on χ2 criteria has
Wet blue leather is a hide that has been tanned using chromi- been used to compare gray-level histograms from
nus sulphate. It is an intermediate stage between untanned and sliding windows (65x65 pixels) of a wet blue raw hide
finished leather image to an averaged histogram of non-defective sam-
ples in (Georgieva, Krastev, and Angelov 2003). The
results of the χ2 test and an experimentally chosen
threshold are used to segment defective regions of the
raw hide. The approach has not been used to identify
the defect type. The segmentation of defective regions
from wet blue raw hide images, using histogram and (a) (b) (c) (d)
cooccurrence based features, has been investigated
in (Krastev, Georgieva, and Angelov 2004). This work
also proposes the use of fuzzy logic to model leather
defects, but do not give sufficient details or experi-
mental results supporting the proposal.
3 RAW HIDE AND WET BLUE LEATHER DE- (e) (f ) (g) (h)
Bovine leather undergoes a long way from cattle rais-
ing to final industrial production of leather goods, like
furniture, footwear, belts and so on. The problems
that affect leather quality begin when the animal is
still alive, and include, (1) cuts resulting from barbed (i) (j) (k) (l)
wired, in-fighting among male members and thorn Figure 2: Examples of defects in raw hides: (a) vac-
scratches and cuts; (2) brand marks made for owner- cine abscess (b) bot fly open wounds (c) bot fly
ship purposes, using hot iron; (3) holes and spots from closed wounds (d) ticks marks (e) wrinkles (f) photo-
infections and infestations, caused by ticks, horn flies, sensibility (g) flay mark (h) brand marks made from
manges and bot flies, among others; (4) abscesses re- hot iron (i) horn fly wounds (j) open cuts (k) closed
sulting from wrong vaccination techniques and nat- cuts (l) scabies
ural growth marks or excess weight related prob-
lems, like furrows and wrinkles (Barlee, Lanning, and
McLean 1999; Roberts and Etherington 1981). fects that happens in Brazilian raw hides and leather,
During transportation, the animal skin may suffer decreasing their market value. Images from raw hides,
deep injures from nails and wood splints in the truck. taken after skinning and before tanning, are shown in
Before tanning, three important process, which can Figure 2. Figure 3 shows images from leather in the
also cause leather damage, happen: bleeding, skin- first stage of the tanning process, which are called wet
ning and curing. Insufficient bleeding can cause vain blue leather.
marks, while wrong skinning techniques may result
in flaying cuts that, in some cases, may turn unus-
able otherwise valuable parts of the leather. As the
raw hide is subjected to putrefaction, as soon as the
animal dies, the raw hide must suffer a curing pro-
cess to protect it until the tanning process begins, (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
which can take months. Improper curing may lead to
rotting and putrefaction. Defects during tanning and
post-processing are much less common, as they are
controlled by the tanneries, which have in the leather
quality their main business. (f ) (g) (h) (i) (j)
Even without defects, bovine raw hide has a very Figure 3: Examples of defects in wet blue leather: (a)
complex surface, presenting different textures, colors, vaccine abscess (b) bot fly wounds (c) ticks marks
shapes and thickness. Besides, in order to be use- (d) wrinkles (e) brand marks made from hot iron (f)
ful, automatic classification system should function Haematobia irritans wounds (g) open cuts (h) closed
in very different environments, like farms, slaughter- cuts (i) scabies (j) veining
ies and tanneries. Blood or water drops may turn the
task even more difficult if the raw hide is to be clas-
sified just after skinning or cleaning. Classification of
living animals must deal with shadows from hair and 4 GRAY SCALE COOCCURRENCE MATRICES
the natural bovine anatomy. Image segmentation based on features extracted from
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the diversity of shapes, gray-scale coocurrence matrices, GLCM, is a com-
colors and texture that arise from some important de- mon and largely used technique in texture analy-
sis (Singh and Singh 2002; Jobanputra and Clausi from hot iron, cuts and scabies. These defects have
2004; Latif-Amet, Ertuzun, and Ercil 2000). As been chosen because they are very common in Brazil.
wavelets, windowed Fourier or Gabor filter ap- Sixteen images, both from raw hide and wet blue
proaches, coocurrence matrices can represent infor- leather, containing these defects (two image for each
mation related to the frequential distribution content defect, both in raw hide and wet blue leather), were
of the original, spatially represented, image. Several used. The defects were manually segmented with the
GLCMs must be constructed for each sliding win- help of a specialist and small samples from defec-
dow that scans the image during segmentation. Each tive and non-defective areas have been extracted, us-
GLCM has an associated angle and displacement, re- ing the software developed in DTCOURO’s project.
lated to the direction and frequency that will be rep- The samples used in these experiments are of win-
resented by this GLCM. The number of different an- dows of 10x10, 20x20, 30x30 and 40x40 pixels. A to-
gles and displacements, and consequently, the number tal of 2000 samples have been generated in this way,
of GLCMs to be constructed depends on the problem 400 for each defect and 400 for non-defective regions.
and computer power available. Figure 5 illustrates some of the 40x40 size samples,
from wet blue leather (first line) and raw hides (sec-
ond line), that were used in the experiments.
Figure 4 illustrates the construction of a GLCM for From each sample, a set of 63 texture and 3 color
a fixed angle, θ, and displacement, d. The GLCM, G, features were extracted. The color features are the
is an m × m accumulator, where m is the number of mean values of the histograms for the hue, saturation
gray levels. For each pixel, (x, y), of the original im- and brightness in HSB color space. The texture fea-
age (or image window), the accumulator cell (i, j) is tures are the entropy, inverse difference moment, dis-
incremented, where i = I(x, y), j = I(x + dx, y + dy) similarity, correlation, contrast, angular second mo-
and I(.) is the pixel gray level. Interpolation must be ment and inverse difference entropy, calculated from
used for certain angles and displacements, as dx = the grey level coocurrence matrices, with angles 0, 45
d × cos(θ) and dy = d × sin(θ) may be non- inte- and 90 (in degrees) and displacements 1, 5 and 10 (in
gers. Usually, the values of the GLCMs are not di- pixels). A 10-fold cross-validation scheme was used
rectly used as texture features, but some statistics and to train and test three supervised learning approaches
indices calculated from them, like entropy, contrast, for this five class classification problem: (1) support
angular second moment, inverse difference moment, vector machines (Keerthi, Shevade, Bhattacharyya,
energy and homogeneity. and Murthy 2001), (2) normalized Gaussian radial
basis function network (Figueiredo 2000) and (3) k-
5 LEATHER DATASET AND EXPERIMENTS nearest neighbours (Aha, Kibler, and Albert 1991).
The DTCOURO’s dataset includes, currently, images The experiment was repeated 5 times, resulting in a
from 258 different pieces of raw hide and wet blue total of 50 runs, for each learning approach and each
leather showing 17 different defect types. The images window size. The implementations for the machine-
have been taken using a five megapixel digital camera learning algorithms were taken from the Weka free-
during technical visits to slaughteries and tanneries software, which were also used to produce perfor-
located in the region of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, mance statistics (Witten and Frank 2005).
by September 2005. A total of 66 pictures are from The sequential minimal optimization algo-
tanned leather in the wet blue stage, the other ones rithm (Keerthi, Shevade, Bhattacharyya, and Murthy
are from the raw hide stage. 2001), implemented in Weka, has been used to train
For this first experiment, a set of four types of de- the support vector machines, with a third-order
fect has been chosen: tick marks, brand marks made polynomial kernel. Pairwise classification were used
to enable the application of this 2-class classifica- directions. It is very important to note that processing
tion algorithm to our multi-class problem. Ridge time were not an issue in these initial experiments and
estimators and logistic regression (Cessie and van the parameter extraction phase, applied to high reso-
Houwelingen 1992) were used to learn the normal- lution images of the full leather or hide piece, can take
ized Gaussian radial basis functions, clustered by almost half an hour.
k-means, with k=5 (4 defects and 1 clean leather).
The k-nearest neighbour approach was tested with 5 7 CONCLUSION
neighbours, weighted by the inverse of their distance. Some experiments have been conducted in order to
All the parameters were experimentally chosen to verify the applicability of texture analysis and ma-
enhance percentage correct classification rates for chine learning techniques to the problem of defect de-
each learning scheme, using Weka’s implementation. tection and classification in bovine hides and leather.
Support vector machines trained with the sequen-
6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tial minimal optimization algorithm using attributes
The correct classification rates, for each classifier, extracted from cooccurence matrices presented the
using defective (in four different types) and non- highest correct classification rates. The detection of
defective images from wet blue leather and raw hides defects in bovine raw hides was not, as far as the au-
are shown, respectively, in Tables 1 and 2. A two- thors are concerned, handled in previous work, at least
tailed, t-student test, was used to infer improvement using computer vision approaches. One of the main
or degradation using support vector machines (SVM) contributions of this work is to present an important,
performance as the null hyphoteses. It is clear, from but not extensively studied, problem.
the tables, that all three classifiers achieve excellent The dataset will be enlarged, in the near future,
correct classifications rates when 20X20 or larger with images from defects in live animals and skins
window size were used. Support vector machines with longer hair from the southeast regions of Brazil.
achieved good results (above 94%) even with 10X10 Experiments with the complete dataset and other at-
windows. tributes extraction and learning techniques should
also be conducted. It must be investigated if the same
Table 1: Percentual of correct classification in wet
classification accuracy could be achieved with less
blue leather, for the three learning approaches experi-
computationally expensive approaches, other than
mented: Support Vector Machines (SVM), Radial Ba-
cooccurence matrices.
sis Functions Networks (RBF) and Nearest Neigh-
bours (KNN).
Data Set SVM RBF KNN This work has been funded by the Dom Bosco
10X10 97.44 87.40 • 90.42 • Catholic University, UCDB, and the Brazilian Stud-
20X20 99.82 98.40 • 99.36 ies and Projects Funding Body, FINEP. The author of
30X30 100.00 99.58 99.66 this paper and some of his advisees hold scholarships
40X40 100.00 99.74 100.00 from the Brazilian National Counsel of Technological
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20X20 99.88 96.50 • 99.20 • February). Texture classification using win-
30X30 100.00 99.06 99.90 dowed Fourier filters. 19(2), 148–153.
40X40 100.00 99.92 100.00 Barlee, R., D. Lanning, and W. McLean (1999).
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