Course Outlines Form 2 Term 1

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TERM I 2017/2018

Integrated Science
● Diet -components
● Digestive System - structure and functions
● Weight Gain & Weight Loss- related health risks
● Respiratory systems - structure and function

Information and Communication Technology

● Spreadsheets
● Communication using Technological Tools
○ Collaborative Tools, Email

1. Number Systems
· Sets of numbers
· Laws in arithmetic
· Number patterns

2. Geometrical Constructions
· Constructing line segments
· Constructing angles
· Constructing triangles
· Constructing parallel and perpendicular lines
· Constructing plane shapes

3. Relations, Mappings and Functions

· Definitions
· Arrow diagrams
· Types of mappings
· Domain and Range
· Ordered pairs

4. Area
· Concept of area
· Area of plane shapes
· Area of compound shapes
· Surface area

5. Volume and Capacity

· Classifying solids
· Properties of solids
· Relationship between volume and capacity
· Volume and capacity of solids

6. Standard form
· Approximation to significant figures
· Expressing numerical values in standard form
· Operations on numbers expressed in standard form

7. Ratio and Rate

· Concepts of rate, ratio and proportion
· Proportion techniques
· Problem solving

Technology Education


1 Challenge 1 - Identify the problem

2 Challenge 1 - Define the problem

3 Challenge 1 - Explore possible solutions

4 Challenge 1 - Assess the various solutions

5 Challenge 1 - Try and test out solutions-1

6 Challenge 1 - Try and test out solutions-2

7 Challenge 1 - Try and test out solutions-3

8 Challenge 1 - Evaluate the solution

9 Challenge 1 - Presentations

10 Challenge 1 - Assessment
TOPIC -. Actions of the Body/The Castillian

Students will understand specific actions of the body that are used in dance and in our everyday
movements. Simple actions e.g., bend, twist, stretch etc. Knowing what the body is doing in the
dance space is important at all times.

The Castillian (Spanish Folk Dance)-This Dance will be taught for students to appreciate its
History and Movement Style in appreciation of our Spanish Legacy.


● Element of Mind
● Origins of Theatre: Greek, Medieval and Elizabethan theatre
● Script/Theatre/ Elements of the Play- making Process
● Production team
● Working in Groups: body and voice
● Improvisation
● Review and Assessment

Visual Arts

· GRAPHIC DESIGN- CREATING Logos, Logotypes, CD Jackets, Posters
· POTTERY- Create a jewel box using the Slab and Clay Embellishment techniques

Economic Activity:

1. Types of Economic activity primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary.

2. Factors influencing the location of economic activities

3. Name & locate an example of each type on a map of Trinidad.

4. Explain reasons for diversification in economic activity.


1. Types of agriculture practices: - arable farming, slash & burn, peasantry, commercial farming,
monoculture, mixed farming, intercropping, crop rotation

2. Characteristics of Peasant farming, case studies.

3. Problems associated with peasant farming.

4. Characteristics of Commercial farming, case study Sugar cane in Belize.

5. Problems associated with Commercial Farming.

Soil Erosion & Conservation:

1. Definition of Soil Erosion.

2. Types of Soil Erosion.

3. Explain ways to conserve soil

Bauxite Industry:

1. Location of bauxite in the Caribbean

2. Case study of bauxite in Jamaica

Map Work:
1. Sketch Maps.

2. Angular Bearing

3. Enlargement & Reductions

4. Estimating areas

Ø Colonization: the Vikings, Pre-Columbian theories, life of the Indigenous peoples.

Ø European Trading routes: Old Spice Route, the African Sea Routes, wind and sea currents.
Ø Christopher Columbus: his life before 1492, “the Enterprise of the Indies”, voyages to the
New World.

Ø Spain and the New World.

Ø Other Explorers to the New World.

Ø The New World: impact of the Spaniards on the Indigenous peoples and vice versa.

Ø Reaction of Europe to Spain dominance: Treaty of Tordesillas.

Ø Spanish colonies: problems of early settlers, nature of Spanish government and the role of the

Ø Extinction of the Taino community: the repartimiento and encomienda systems, the works of
Montesinos and Las Casas.

Ø Introduction of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: reasons for enslaved Africans arrival, trade

Ø Spanish Central American Empires: Cortez, Montezuma and the Aztecs, Pizarro, Atahualpa
and the Incas.

Ø Pirates, Gold and Fortune: Spanish monopoly, defence mechanisms of the Spanish, European
attacks on Spanish monopoly, adventures of pirates.

Ø New Colonies: El Dorado, English and French colonies, the role of the Dutch.


Students will be able to:

 Introduce themselves and others

 State how one gets to school
 Express one’s feelings.(physical states)
 Enquire about what one did during the vacation.
 State what one did during their vacation
 State the places that one visited during their vacation and enquire about one’s school
 Provide information about one’s school (Ser vs Estar)
 Describe the location of ones’ school
 Enquire/provide information about the facilities in one’s school
 Ask and state one’s opinion about one’s school.
 State the subjects that they study.
 Ask /State one’s opinions of the different subjects.
 Ask/state reasons for one’s personal preferences of school subjects.
 Provide information about one’s school timetable.
 Identify key areas and personnel in the school
 Enquire and provide information about one’s indoor and outdoor hobbies and Interests.
 State what activities one does/doesn’t do. (The Present tense of regular –ar /-er /-ir
 Ask and state preferences about school/subjects and hobbies
 Give negative information in specific contexts.



Students will be able to:

1. Identify numbers 101-500
2. Identify vocabulary for various items of clothing
3. Identify plural forms of nouns
4. Describe yourself and other people
5. Use the verb ‘avoir’ appropriately
6. Ask/state what the weather/temperature is like
7. Describe weather conditions in different towns/regions of a country or during different
8. Identify seasons and state when they begin/what month they fall under
9. Identify vocabulary for sports and use the correct preposition with sports
10. Use the verb ‘jouer’ appropriately
11. Conjugate and use ‘er’ verbs in the present tense
12. State what you do/what your family does at different times of the year & times of the
13. State what you usually do on weekends and with what frequency
14. Use the pronoun ‘on’ in the present tense to say what one does/to make suggestions
15. Identify places in the town of La Rochelle
16. Ask for/give directions to places
17. Use the preposition ‘à’ before nouns of different number and gender
18. State what there is in one’s town/village/neighbourhood
19. Use the present tense conjugation of the verb ‘aller’ in sentences
20. Ask/state what time it is


Formal Letter – Letter of Complaint
Creative Writing – Setting, Plot, Characters
Expository Writing: Problem Solution
The Newspaper - Factual Report



Acts 1&2

Poetry- Taken from Literature for The Caribbean 2

1. I shall Return
2. My Papa’s Waltz
3. The Lake Isle of Innisfree
4. Piazza Piece
5. Travelling Through the Dark
Prose (Short Stories) Taken from Literature for The Caribbean 2
1. The Guava Patch

2.All the Years of her Life


· The Circulatory System

- Structure, functions, the heart, systemic and pulmonary circulation
- Blood vessels, the composition of blood
- Pulse, blood pressure, the effects of exercise on the circulatory system, the
interrelatedness of the circulatory and muscular systems
· Volleyball
- Brief History, skills, rules, how the game is played, the court and scoring.
· Health and Fitness
- Definitions of Health and Physical Fitness, healthy practices
- Weight and stress management
- Major forms of cardiovascular disease and protection against these diseases
· Hockey
- Brief History, skills, rules, how the game is played, the field and scoring.
· Current Events in Sports and Physical Education

Practical: High Jump, Volleyball, Tennis


1- Note Values, Note Lengths, Time Signatures

2- Major and Minor Scales ( Key signatures of D & E Minor)
3- Recorder ( continuation of Recorder- Book 1 )
4-Pan ( pieces to be taken from the LEARNING CAN BE FUN Textbook)
5- Theory- Complete work from Theory in Practice Book 1)
6- Introduction to Pan Ensemble
7- Singing- 3 songs to be learnt throughout the term
8- Musicianship- Clapping Rhythms/ Beating Time/ Recognizing Notes ( Aural Perception)

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