Bandara 2006. Using NVivo As A Research Management Tool. A Case Narrative
Bandara 2006. Using NVivo As A Research Management Tool. A Case Narrative
Bandara 2006. Using NVivo As A Research Management Tool. A Case Narrative
Wasana Bandara
This paper presents an illustrative demonstration of the qualitative data analysis tool NVivo (version 2.0), as
employed across a multi-method research design as a comprehensive tool in support of overall research
management. The paper will be of interest to (a) novice researchers, as a reference in their research design
efforts; (b) academics, involved in research training, where this narrative can be used as a rich teaching case
and; potentially to (c) vendors, of similar software tools, who may identify potential new tool applications and
valuable tool enhancements.
The combining of research methods in Information Systems (IS) research has received much applause. The
advantages from a multi-method research design have been clearly enunciated (e.g. Gable 1994). Kaplan and
Duchon, 1988:575) suggest “Collecting different kinds of data by different methods from different sources
provides a wider range of coverage that may result in a fuller picture of the research problem” … “it provides a
richer, contextual basis for interpreting and validating results”. The virtues of combining case study and survey
methods have been particularly touted (Gable 1994). Nevertheless, multi-method research is uncommon; one of
several deterrents being the management of large and diverse data sets and related evolutionary, voluminous and
unwieldy data analyses. Jemmont (2002) suggests the challenge is “How to manage large data sets … How to
keep track of data … How to keep track of the ongoing analysis conducted.”
It is suggested that most of these research data management challenges can be substantially ameliorated through
use of appropriate software, and through adherence to underpinning methods and procedures. Additionally, the
electronic capture of research data and related research results can facilitate views on the data not otherwise
possible. “Researchers can link and compare patterns within and across documents and the results can be saved,
printed or undone at will” (Walsh, 2003, p. 253). Where data are methodically coded and stored in appropriate
repositories, that collected in one phase can be readily accessed and analysed efficiently along with data
collected in a subsequent phase of the research design.
This paper presents a detailed narrative on how the qualitative data analysis tool NVivo has been employed
across an IS study as a comprehensive tool in support of the overall research effort. The primary purpose of this
narrative is to provide the reader with an illustrative demonstration of how the tool was applied within the
various stages of the referent multi-method study design. Emphasis herein, rather than on the qualitative data
analysis capabilities of NVivo, is on its virtues when applied more extensively and holistically; “you can use
NVivo to support research project management …. It is especially useful with large data sets, or when you may
wish to return to data for re-analysis” (Action and Research web page). NVivo can be used to support
management of research activity within each phase and across phases, and to evolve a repository which can be
regularly revisited as data is gathered and analysed as the research project matures and proceeds to subsequent
The remainder of this paper consists of six (6) sections. First, a brief introduction to the referent-study is
provided. Then, the NVivo tool is briefly introduced. Next each of the three (3) main phases of the study
wherein NVivo was employed (as depicted in Figure 1) is discussed in detail. Finally, lessons learnt are
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Bandara Using NVivo as a Research Management Tool: a Case Narrative
The paper will be of interest to (a) novice researchers, as a reference in their research design efforts; (b)
academics, involved in research training, where this narrative can be used as a rich teaching case and; potentially
to (c) vendors, of similar software tools, who may identify potential new tool applications and valuable tool
The referent-study was of process modelling success factors and measures. Business process modelling has
gained widespread acceptance, particularly in large IT-enabled business projects. It is applied as a process design
and management technique across all project lifecycle phases. While there has been much research on process
modelling (PM), there has been little attention to ‘how to’ conduct PM effectively, or on the evaluation of PM
initiatives and outcomes. The referent study addresses this gap by deriving a model of PM success factors
(independent variables) and success dimensions (dependent variables); addressing the two primary research
What are the critical antecedent factors of process modelling?
How can process modelling success be measured?
The referent-study employed a multi-method approach, blending both qualitative and quantitative research
methods. The research design commenced with a comprehensive literature review, including the first annotated
bibliography of process modelling research. A multiple case study approach was used to build the conceptual
PM success model resulting in a model with eleven (11) success factors (namely - modeller expertise, team
structure, project management, user competence, user participation, management support, leadership,
communication, modelling tool, modelling language and modelling methodology), two (2) moderating variables
(process complexity and project importance) and five (5) process modelling success dimensions (modeller
satisfaction, model quality, user satisfaction, model use and modelling impact). This conceptual model was then
operationalised and tested employing a global sample of respondents to an online survey instrument. 290 valid
responses were received. The PM model constructs were analysed, seeking a parsimonious, valid and reliable
model. NVivo was used across these core phases of the study to manage the overall research effort.
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NVivo is an easy-to-learn tool, because it works like the ‘old-loose-leaf’ binder that many qualitative researchers
of the past are familiar with (Walsh, 2003, p. 253). NVivo opens with a small window referred to as the Launch
Pad (a.k.a Project Pad) which has four core tool functions: (i) create a new project, (ii) open an existing project,
(iii) open a tutorial, and (iv) exit the program (see Exhibit 2). The NVivo help, online tutorials and the above
mentioned resources (Exhibit 1), describe navigation and functionality in detail. This section next very briefly
introduces several core elements of the tool, to ease subsequent discussion.
All data is arranged around Documents and Nodes – the two main working frameworks within the tool.
Documents are simply data that one analyses in the study. All NVivo 2.0 documents are in rich text format.
Nodes are places where one stores ideas and categories. It is important to note the difference between a code and
a node, in NVivo parlance. A Node is a physical location where you store the groups of ideas that would be
coded. Thus, coding (putting things into codes) is a process; a way to label certain aspects of the data and to sort
information in distinct categories. The node on the other hand holds all the information that has been coded
under a certain category. Attributes are properties assigned to nodes or documents. Once attributes are defined,
each document or node will have specific values for each attribute. These attribute values can be numeric, string,
Boolean or date-time type. These attributes can be usefully applied for better data management and effective
searches. The NVivo Search tool can be used to search for strings, coding patterns or attribute values in the
project database. These features enable the user to search for patterns across their data.
The detailed search strategies used for article identification in this study are not discussed here.
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When the text version of an article was not available, a proxy document was created to highlight the key
information extractable from the article. A proxy document is simply a representation of a particular piece of
work (i.e. like a set of summary notes resulting after reading an article; with page numbers, sample quotes). In
such situations the original version of the article was saved in an external directory/folder and was considered a
complementing element that belonged with the NVivo repository.
All these documents were maintained within NVivo’s Document view (see Exhibit 3), where documents were
saved by authors’ name(s) and year.
Document attributes were maintained for every document in the database to enable effective analysis (see
Exhibit 1), including:
• Context (to take note of sub sections of the discipline in which the chosen articles’ emphasis/
specialization is);
• Source type (to indicate the article was from the web, a book chapter, conference or journal);
• Source name (to maintain the exact name of the source (in abbreviated form2);
• Year ( to maintain the year of publication);
• Research method (to maintain the reported research methodology/design applied (when not reported, a
category as ‘unknown’ was used);
i.e. MISQ for Management Information Systems Quarterly Journal. Complete lists of these acronyms were maintained
separately as an index.
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Step 1: The documents were searched for, extracted and saved within NVivo as explained above.
Step 2: The attributes of these were maintained while reading and coding the documents.
Step 3: The search features together with the basic ‘document attribute explorer” were used to derive summary
statistics of the attributes maintained.
Step 4: This information was manually extracted to Excel, from which graphs and summary tables were derived
for reporting purposes.
Exhibit 2: Illustration of how NVivo was used for identifying primary outlets and patterns of the discipline
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Step 1: The documents were searched for, extracted and saved within NVivo.
Step 2: While reading the documents, useful information was codified and saved within nodes. As explained
earlier, these nodes were aligned with the draft structure of the literature review, and were used as ‘idea
Step 3: Information within the nodes were extracted via the ‘browse-node’ option to derive at the material that
was to be used for fleshing out the content within each prior determined sub topic area.
Step 4: This information was integrated into the draft write-up of the literature review.
An overview of the overall case study design is presented in detail in Bandara et al., (2005).
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Several sub-analyses were conducted when validating and re-specifying the a-priori model; in attention to
questions such as:
• are all the important constructs captured?
• are there any constructs in the a-priori model that are not critical or relevant for process modelling
• are any of the constructs identified redundant?
• what type of relationships exist among the constructs (e.g. do any constructs moderate the relationship
with success-factors and success-measures?)
Once the data was codified (following the procedures presented in Exhibit 3), the NVivo tool features such as
counts and searches were used to address these key questions. The following section provides several
illustrations. Exhibit 4 graphically illustrates how NVivo was used to analyse proposed new constructs for the
Step 1: While the a-priori constructs were captured as nodes in the case analysis phase, any new ideas or themes
that were identified during the data codification/ analysis process were also captured, by codifying them under a
new node.
Step 2: When such a prospective construct was identified, prior analysed data was reviewed again to make sure
that all possible data that relates to this newly found theme was captured. Sometimes basic text searches were
conducted to support this checking process, where a complete set of documents would be searched for by
including a search string that described, or was a synonym of, the newly identified construct.
Step 3: These new nodes also had the same structure as depicted in Exhibit 3, where all general citations were
captured together, and any specific positive or negative citations were coded as sub-nodes within. Furthermore,
the general citations were also screened for potential sub-constructs (to support the survey design phase, if this
new construct was included in the final model).
- Are there any constructs in the a-priori model that are not really critical or relevant for the final model?
Step 1: General counts of how many times a construct was mentioned, together with the number of times that
they were specifically mentioned as important or unimportant were captured as evidence to argue the inclusion
or exclusion of a construct in the final model.
Step 2: These counts were extracted manually into summary grids to capture all details in a holistic view, across
multiple case studies (see Bandara et al., 2005 for a detailed example and discussion).
- Are any of the constructs identified redundant?
In order to test for any redundancy of the constructs, Matrix Intersection, Matrix Difference and Proximity tests
were conducted.
Matrix Intersection search is a two-dimensional type of Boolean search made available through NVivo. It takes
the searched feature from two collections at a time, and finds passages in the documents or nodes, in which the
search term is contained in both. Matrix Difference search, another type of NVivo Boolean search, takes one
feature from each collection at a time, and finds passages in the documents or nodes having the feature from the
first collection but not the second. A proximity search finds passages with specific features which are close to
each other. NVivo has five different types of Proximity searches; Co-occurrence, Sequence, Inclusion, Matrix
Co-occurrence, Matrix Sequence and Matrix Inclusion4. A mixture of these was used based on the context of the
constructs that were tested for.
Co-occurrence finds places where text referred to by the first item is near text referred to by the second item.
Sequence finds places where text referred to by the first item is before text referred to by the second item.
Inclusion finds places where text referred to by the first item surrounds text referred to by the second item.
Matrix Co-occurrence finds places where text referred to by items in the first group is pairwise near text referred to by items
in the second group.
Matrix Sequence finds places where text referred to by items in the first group is pairwise before text referred to by items in
the second group.
Matrix Inclusion finds places where text referred to by items in the first group pairwise surrounds text referred to by items in
the second group (extracted from NVivo online help).
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Step 1: In order to identify areas of potential overlap between constructs, a basic Matrix Intersection search was
first conducted. When an overlap was identified, the content that was coded under both nodes was extracted and
analyzed, simply by clicking on the cell(s) of the resulting Matrix Intersection search.
Step 2: In order to identify if these constructs were actually different to each other, a basic Matrix Difference
search was done with the two constructs been identified (very similar to Step 1).
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Step 1: A basic Matrix Intersection search was conducted to identify areas of overlap. The text extracted from
these was analyzed very carefully to assist in identifying any moderating/ mediating relationships between the
Step 2: Proximity checks were conducted in parallel to these matrix searches to assist in identifying where a
construct most often would fit in the model.
The results from these various tests were analyzed in conjunction with each other, when the final decisions on
the case data based model re-specification took place [see Bandara et al., (2005) for a detailed example]. For
example, an a-priori construct may be deleted for one or more of the following reasons;
• having only a few general citations, and /or
• having one or two strong citations for its irrelevance as a construct, and /or
• the data coded under this construct also been coded under another – hence depicting possible
redundancy or overlap
• Similarly, a new construct may be included based on one or more of the following reasons;
• having many general citations, stating this new construct, and /or having one or two strong citations for
its high relevance as a construct, and /or an overarching theme (construct) been identified that captures
more than one of the a-priori constructs5.
Identified by advanced matrix searches
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Typing the search term “<Name of the tool proposed>, modeling, tool” in Google.
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Exhibit 5: Detailed illustration of how NVivo was used to identify the primary tools used
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Exhibit 6: Detailed illustration of how NVivo was used to identify the primary modelling objectives
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Step 1: A frequency distribution was derived to view the number of citations for each of the existing categories
of the original scale (from within the raw data saved in excel).
Step 2: The single column with all the documented ‘other’ modelling objectives was extracted from the original
data file and saved as a text file.
Step 3: This file was then exported to NVivo as a document.
Step 4: Single nodes were created within NVivo to correspond with each of the existing categories in the
original scale.
Step 5: This time a combined top down and bottom up approach was used to map these statements with
modelling objectives. The ‘other’ mentioned objectives were first analysed to see if they related to an already
existing modelling objective from the original list. If they did, they were mapped on to the single one that best
matched with the description provided. If not, a new node was created to capture this new statement. Like
before, all statements were coded only once and memos were maintained with any notes when deemed relevant.
Step 6: Summary statistics of this mapping process was derived from NVivo.
Step 7: These details were (manually) extracted to Excel. The original frequencies were adjusted to
accommodate the results of this mapping process. Relevant graphs and interpretations were derived from this
The researcher was a novice to qualitative research in general and to the use of qualitative tools like NVivo.
While the use of the tool has been an immense asset to manage the plethora of data and ideas cross many
different phases of a long term research study, a lot of learning’s were gathered through this trail and error
process. These are summarized below, after categorizing them into two groups: limitations due to lack of
expertise and those that are tool related.
This paper demonstrated how NVivo is used across a multi-method study design as a research management tool.
This narrative was utilised in an advanced-IT-research –methods-training unit offered by the Faculty of IT, QUT
to test its suitability as a teaching and learning tool. Feedback received has been positive. Some sample quotes
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“I know that qualititative data analysis tools can assist in analysing text, but never realised that it can be
applied in a multimethod project as an overall research management tool until I saw this example”
“The level of detail in the narrative as to where to find the functionality is exactly what I needed to help me plan
my own study”
(Feedback received from students enrolled in ITN 269- Advanced Research Methods in IT, Faculty of It, QUT, Sem 2, 2006)
NVivo is only one qualitative data analysis tool made available. There are many more in the market, hence it is
advisable to review tool comparison articles prior to selecting a tool for this type of research management
purposes. Furthermore,“NVivo, or any Qualitative data analysis tool for that matter does not eliminate the need
for the researcher to think …” (Jemmont, 2002, p.7). It is only as affective as one applies it. Hence for success,
it is recommended that the (a) basic tool functionalities (‘what can the software do’) are clearly understood and
(b) the researcher creatively seeks ways to apply these functionalities for different purposes within different
contexts. In terms of tool functionalities, (ai) training resources (books, user manuals, online help and
workshops) are very useful. (aii) Tutorials embedded with the tools are also a useful asset for this purpose. In
terms of (b) creative ideas on how to utilize the tool, the novice researcher can benefit significantly from (bi)
descriptive narratives (of this paper’s nature) and (bii) continuous hand-on practice.
Action and Research web page,, last accessed April, 16th,
Bandara, W., Gable, G. and Rosemann, M. 2005, “Factors and Measures of business process modelling: Model
building through a multiple case study”, European Journal of Information Systems, 14, p. 347-360.
Davies, I., Green, P., Rosemann, M., Indulska, M., and Gallo, S. 2005, “Conceptual modelling in practice - The
impact of organizational size and experience to appear in data and knowledge engineering. - The
impact of organizational size and experience”, to appear in data and knowledge engineering.
Di Gregario, S, 2000, "Using NVivo for your Literature Review", Strategies in qualitative Research: Issues and
Results from Analysis Using QSR NVivo and NUD*IST Conference at the institute of Education,
London 29-30 September.
Gable, G., G. 1994, "Integrating Case Study and Survey research methods: an example in Information Systems",
European Foundation of Information Systems, (3:2), p.112-126.
Jemmott, H. 2002, "Using Nvivo in Qualitative Data Analysis", Journal of Research in Education. Issue 2,
[online] Available at: , last accessed, June 19,
Kaplan, B., and Duchon, D. 1988, "Combining qualitative and quantitative methods in Information Systems
research: A case study". MIS Quarterly, pages 571-586, December.
Walsh, M. 2003, "Teaching qualitative analysis using QSR NVivo", The Qualitative Report, Volume 8, Number
2, June 2003, 251-256, [online] Available at, last
accessed, June 19, 2007.
[Wasana Bandara] © 2006. The authors assign to QualIT and educational and non-profit institutions a non-
exclusive licence to use this document for personal use and in courses of instruction provided that the article is
used in full and this copyright statement is reproduced. The authors also grant a non-exclusive licence to QualIT
to publish this document in full in the Conference Papers and Proceedings. Those documents may be published
on the World Wide Web, CD-ROM, in printed form, and on mirror sites on the World Wide Web. Any other
usage is prohibited without the express permission of the authors.
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