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Advanced Media - : Key Vocabulary

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Advanced Media - 盗 款 买 彩 (F0508)

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Zhè piān kèwén méiyǒu duı̀huà.

Key Vocabulary

落网 luòwǎng to be caught

心怀不轨 xı̄nhuái bùguı̌ to have evil plans

内鬼 nèiguı̌ mole

整肃风纪 zhěngsùfēngjı̀ reform morals and restore


瞠目结舌 chēngmùjiéshé astonished

蠢蠢欲动 chǔnchǔnyù- ready to take action


动辄 dòngzhé easily

搪塞 tángsè to stall

牵强 qiānqiǎng forced

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c Praxis Language Ltd.

不厌其烦 bùyànqı́fán to take great pains

动真格 dòng zhēngé to truly carry out

中看不中 zhōngkàn bù to be pleasing to the eyes

用 zhōngyòng but of no real use

花架子 huājiàzi fluff without substance

邯郸 Hándān Handan (in Hebei)

马向景 Mǎ Xiàngjı̌ng Ma Xiangjing

任晓峰 Rén Xiǎofēng Ren Xiaofeng

Supplementary Vocabulary

渎职 dúzhı́ dereliction of duty

串通 chuàntōng collude

通缉 tōngjı̄ order the arrest of a criminal

悬赏 xuánshǎng offer a reward

线索 xiànsuǒ clue

倾家荡产 qı̄ngjiādàngchǎn to lose the family fortune

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

明目张胆 mı́ngmùzhāng- flagrantly

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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