Science Centres: A Resource For School and Community

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US-China Education Review, ISSN 1548-6613

January 2011, Vol. 8, No. 1, 80-88

Science Centres: A Resource for School and Community

Miranda Pilo Alfonso Mantero, Antonella Marasco

University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy Centre “Idee e Materie in Gioco”, Genoa, Italy

We present a science centre established in Genoa on an agreement between Municipality of Genoa and Department
of Physics of University of Genoa. The aim is to offer children, young people and community an opportunity to
approach science in a playful way. The centre staffs guide the visitors through the exhibits, attracting their interests
towards the most amusing aspects of the phenomena. According to the principles of constructivism, kids and
children are encouraged to handle objects, play with geometrical shapes, observe materials collected from natural
and human environment and make “discoveries”, and students can take advantage of the visit and from the exhibits
to study in depth a specific topic afterwards in their class, thus preventing the aridity of a purely formal presentation
of the discipline, while a general public can realize how much science affects people’s lives, enjoy its fun aspects
and meet scientists during special events.

Keywords: science centers, children’s education, playing and learning

S & T (Science and Technology) play a key role in people’s daily life and their impact will increase more
and more; nonetheless the gap between research in such fields and society is increasing. Young people have a
contradictory behaviour: On one side, they use many technical equipments easily, especially electronic ones
such as mobile phone, IPOD, games, PC, etc.; on the other side, they often do not have any basic knowledge
about scientific principles allowing them working and are not interested to do so, either, perceiving scientific
and technical knowledge and distant and difficult things is totally aside from their life. The authors believe that
the best way to increase students’ interest in science-related subjects is by using teaching methods that solicit
the curiosity and creativity that characterize all children.
Young people, beginning from early childhood, will be presented S & T in an appealing way and
understand how their daily life is deeply influenced by S & T. It is needed to change children’s/students’
perception about S & T, letting them know they can have also fun with it. Only by welcoming S & T as a
normal aspect of life, students may find it appealing to join related jobs in the future or simply to create a more
educated society.

Role of Science Centres

Science exhibitions have been popular in Europe since the 19th century. However, science centres and
museums began to spread in the 1970s. Today, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of them in the world

Miranda Pilo, associate professor, Department of Physics, University of Genoa, responsible of the Centre “Idee e Materie in
Alfonso Mantero, Ph.D., Ministry of Education, Centre “Idee e Materie in Gioco”.
Antonella Marasco, Ph.D., National Institute for Cancer Research, Centre “Idee e Materie in Gioco”.


attracting millions of visitors.

These popular institutions provide numerous interactive and “hands-on” installations and carry something of
interest for visitors of all ages. The use of hands-on and inquiry-based activities develops team-working, critical
thinking and problem-solving skills, and makes learning active and meaningful. In the references, the authors
quote some science centres that have developed a sector for children according to the above point of view.
Science museums and edutainment centres enjoy a great deal of credibility and respect both with the
public at large and within the scientific community. They not only inject an element of fun but also play an
important role as science educators and public forums. It is their multiple roles as educational institutions,
exhibitions for the state-of-the-art in science and public debating clubs that makes them an ideal channel for
helping promote more societal participation.
In order to favour children friendly approaching to S & T in a pleasant environment, where they are free to
express their feeling, curiosity and imagination, an agreement between Municipality of Genoa and Department
of Physics of University of Genoa in 2001 has established the science centre “Idee e Materie in Gioco”
(IMG)—playing with ideas and materials. Its activity is planned not to transfer specific scientific contents, nor
to push-deliver of S & T to kids with the final goal of making them all become scientists or technicians, but to
provide rich learning and amusing experiences in science and nature to young children. The centre is hosted in
some premises of a kindergarten surrounded by a large green area. It is designed specifically to drive kids to
explore, discover and imagine the world of science and playing with it, even if it offers many exhibits and
opportunities for visit and enjoyment at any age level, with the main aims of: (1) favouring a friendly approach
to science; (2) diffusion of a scientific culture; (3) development of a creative and critical thinking; (4) favouring
contacts among people of different ages and roles (children, teachers and families/citizens) even organising
special events (like “grandfathers and children”); (5) aiding children to express their thought in a playing
environment; and (6) stimulating learning through “discovery” (Bruner, 1965).
In the centre, IMG facilitators and edutainment organisers are unique in their ability to ignite curiosity
through science and nature and to enrich and engage children in scientific exploration.

The child is by nature an attentive and insightful researcher, who investigates his/her reality of life trying
to meet the need of the control of the world in which he/she is inserted, initially, as an egocentric subject. In
order to pursue forms of equilibrium and quiet, the kid is ready to draw satisfying conclusions considered
unique and winning. Deepened studies of developmental psychology (Piaget, 1977; Wallon, 1984; Butterworth
& Harris, 1994; Bremner, 1994; Oates, Wood, & Grayson, 2005; Smith, Cowie, & Blades, 2003; Slater, 2006;
Myers, 2008) have shown that, the kid overcomes the above-mentioned egocentric phase from the entry in the
school of childhood, when, around the 4 years, he/she becomes a “fully social” subject. It is in fact from the
attendance of the “group class” that, the child learns to be a member “in and of the world” to which belong
other individuals who, like him/her, have ideas and answers considered univocal and universal to the
phenomena. It is at this point that the teachers should become a mediator at the same level of the child, playing
the role of a “curious pupil”, should support a reflection about different opinions, in order to favour the
construction of knowledge through the observation of the facts arising from the verification of different
hypotheses. Moreover, children exploring together with their fellow classmates are stimulated to discuss,
express their opinions and build their knowledge through a cooperative learning: Knowledge is a social

construction (Vygotsky, 1978; Glaserfeld, 1989; Jaworski, 1993; DeVries, et al., 2002).
By offering a variety of materials and child-centred activities, the centre staff (composed of teachers,
science education experts and edutainment organisers) nurture interest, stimulates imagination and desire to
learn. Following the point of view of constructivism, the staff do not answer the questions posed by the
children but solicit them to make hypotheses and observations/experiments, guiding kids/pupils/students to find
the answer by themselves, so the answers are appropriate to the users’ ages and as the children grow up, the
answers to their questions become increasingly sophisticated and precise. In this way, the users learn to
disentangle their thought and raise awareness of their reasoning. Hands-on materials encourage the
development of creative, expressive, scientific, mathematical and literary skills in children. Situations are
created each day to develop social skills, such as sharing, taking turns and respecting others.
The centre offers a variety of exhibits, activities, hands-on materials to introduce children to the many areas
of interests within the realm of science. There children experience also the job of making things. The
experiments are performed by the visitors themselves, by researching, performing and playing with the
experiment, each visitor obtains first-hand knowledge and there is really no better way of learning. The centre
does not substitute the teachers’ activity in classroom, but it supports and empowers scientific learning in school.

The commitment of the centre is to engage children, parents, teachers and visitors in authentic science
experiences and educational programs through hands-on materials and exhibits, stimulating awareness,
understanding and interest in science and nature in all. For some years, it is a location of the Festival of Science,
the most important Italian event popularising concerns of S & T. New games, shows and science paths are
prepared for that annual event, gathering yearly a wide public. Taking as an example, the authors mention a
play about the scientist Benjamin Franklin and his inventions, mainly acted by primary school children. The
play has been prepared also with the collaboration of university students of Faculty of Education, which greatly
appreciated such training “in the field”, even if they had a hard work. In fact, they had to cooperate with
persons of different background (researchers, teachers and edutainment experts) in order to present in a pleasant
show a very creative mind and its discoveries, so facing unusual problems. The centre offers also opportunities
and materials to develop graduation theses concerning S & T education, science communication, multimedia
and society. It encourages research programs focused on investigation of mind conceptions and perceptions of
children/students and of the public as well about scientific phenomena; issues can be used to produce materials
and apply more effective methods in learning, communicating and playing with science.
Involvement of Educators
Teachers are a vital component in the development of scientifically literate citizens.
Through various modes of professional development, the center supports teachers in their lifelong learning
of science content. Specific activities are planned for teachers’ training. Training sessions will have the double
aim of improving the incisiveness of educators in general, and enabling them to be an active part of the
educational programme.
Examples of training courses are:
(1) Mastering spatial and temporal concepts is an important ability that children should develop by the end
of primary school. Often, females have difficulties in reading and interpreting maps and in mathematical topics,
especially in geometry, owing to an inadequate development of spatial concepts in the basic school. The authors

remark that, some mental disabled people have failures concerning space-time perception. So a training course
has been carried out on those concepts aiming to stimulate kindergarten and elementary teachers to analyze and
reflect on their own conceptions and the best way to build time and space concepts in children by playing.
The training course offered the teachers an opportunity to become aware about their own weak points and
to be more attentive observers of the children’s behaviors in order to prevent cognitive problems and help them
in overcoming their difficulties.
(2) The increase in percentage of obesity is a characteristic phenomenon of the process of industrialization
and is connected to several factors: the relative abundance of food, a diet rich in fat and sugar and a more
sedentary lifestyle. In the last years, it has been observed an increase of obesity and overweight among children
(in Italy, 30% of primary school children are overweight) and adolescents. Such a problem is common in all
Europe and in many extra European countries, even in some developing ones; so it is evident that there is a
great need of education in order to increase knowledge and awareness in educators, young people and families
about the risks which the health runs because of bad habits concerning diet. For such a reason, it has been
organized a training course on “Mediterranean diet”, recently declared by UNESCO (United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) (2010) in 2008 “World Heritage”, which should be diffused
and protected. In fact, it is considered as the best diet to preserve health. It has been the first time that a lifestyle
and not a monument or a natural site receives such an honorable mention.
The participants to the training course had the opportunity to observe in the garden of the centre an area
reserved for growing sweet herbs. The purpose of the area is to stimulate children to approach by smell and
touch such savory sweet herbs, learning that they are typical of Mediterranean dishes. The use of sweet herbs
makes meals tasty so contributing to reduce the amount of salt, responsible of hypertension in the adults. Experts
(like a physiologist) were invited for seminars and for answering doubts and questions posed by the trainees.
Involvement of a General Public
Similarly, a general public, including children’s families, is directly involved. This is done at two levels:
Firstly, people are invited to the presentation of new exhibits and/or school works. Secondly, some activities
are planned and addressed to the community. A successful activity (a series of seminars by experts) has been
carried out during the “International Year of Physics”, during which many aspects of physics have been
discussed, its link with other disciplines and its role in daily life. For instance, advanced researches in physics
have been applied in medicine and surgery: Sophisticated equipments and imaging techniques as well are used
in diagnostics or to treat many diseases or to operate. Physics is used to investigate, in a not invasive way, a
work of art or in meteorology, weather forecasting, and so on. Issues of researches have been presented and
explained to a general public.
In that way, the centre provides the opportunity to focus on the importance of S & T in the educational
process and in the society, to stimulate a positive feeling and support towards science. By enjoying the visit to
the centre and participating to seminars, lectures and debates, people understand that science contributes to
solve problems and improve the quality of life. Another interesting side-effect is to help parents themselves get
closer to those activities different and complementary to those belonging to the school system and S & T
disciplines in particular. Furthermore, some sessions are dedicated to young people with special needs.
Organization. Exhibits may be permanent or temporary. Permanent exhibits, even if they could be
removed or replaced by other exhibits on the basis of request of the public or valuation of the scientific

committee of the centre, are conceived to allow a fun, educational and stimulating path on a specific topic.
Taking as an example, students practicing experiences along the path “light and colours” under the guide of the
centre staff can study and carry out other investigations at school in order to learn more about light and its
interaction with matter. Usually, the teachers visit the centre, choose a path and reach an agreement with the
staff about the following visit with their pupils and the development on the topic that they would like to achieve.
So a class can visit the centre more times in the school-year to better investigate a specific topic or to follow
other paths. Along the year, the same pupils, visiting the centre, can receive different stimulations according to
their cognitive development and scientific knowledge mastered.
Temporary exhibits are organised for special events and are not conceived to allow deep investigations for
the students. They are thought to arise curiosity and recall attention of the public on the thematic focused at.
The centre has carried out in the years different projects on specific matters; among them the authors
mention the table game “Discover!”, consisting of cards and squares related to scientific experiments to do and
touch; it has also been built a giant version of it with big platforms on which children can trample.
The last productions are the “scientific suitcases”: Three suitcases addressed to different age level contain
materials allowing in a micro context some of the experiences hosted in the centre.
Exhibits. The centre born after many experiences of temporary science exhibitions addressed to schools
like “Imparagiocando” (Learning by playing), “Il gioco dalla scuola” (The game from the school), mainly
conceived by a university professor, Mario De Paz, involved in science education for children.
In the centre, the “Magic of learning and playing with science” occurs everyday.
As mentioned above, some exhibits are permanent while other ones are set up only for special events,
like those promoted within the Semep Project of UNESCO, concerning environmental education or the
Festival of Science.
Among the permanent ones designed by researchers and experts: (1) light and colours; (2) sound; (3)
geometrical shapes; (4) space and matter; (5) environment and nature; (6) sky; (7) optical illusions; (8) the “corridor
of physics”; (9) biology; and (10) equilibrium and motion, the authors shortly present the following ones.
Geometrical shapes. Geometry is fun (see Figure 1)!

Figure 1. Children playing with geometrical shapes.

Many coloured geometrical shapes made of plastic are available for compositions. Children may also use
squared or rectangular frames which should be filled, at the best, using shapes of different geometry, size and
colour. So they may develop their intuition (which shapes are more suitable for the best filling of the frame)
and creativity in matching colours and spatial skills.

The younger children are invited to select shapes and put them properly in a frame where different
geometrical shapes are prepared: In this way, they are solicited to handle and recognize each geometrical shape
they choose.
Environment and nature. Various materials (shells, sand, pebbles, pieces of bark, leaves, etc.) are
collected from different environments in the country and in other countries. Children observe and handle them,
make hypothesis about the place of their origin and make drawings (see Figures 2 and 3).

Figure 2. Placing organisms in their environment—Studying mimicry.

Figure 3. Studying mimicry.

In the natural environment, many organisms use a protective mimicry to escape their predators (see
Figures 4, 5 and 6). A well-known organism is an insect, the walking stick, family Bacillidae, order phasmida
(from the old Greek “Φαντασμα”, meaning invisible creature, ghost, for its feature).

Figure 4. Amazonian stick insect, by courtesy of Dr. Brigitte Gavio—Universidàd Nacional de Colombia-sede Caribe.

Figure 5. Observing shells.

Figure 6. Drawing leaves.

Colour laboratory. A path on light and colours allows many experiences.

Did you know that colour and light are inseparable? Explore the workings of the eye, create cool
colour experiments including spotlights for colour mixing, enjoying playing with coloured shadows, and
observe the rainbow.
Experience reflection and refraction, admire the shining fountain: What it appears like to?
The shining fountain is very exciting for children, who compare the brilliant water drops to crystals or
stars in the night and remember some tales.
Learn all about the inner workings of kaleidoscopes! Discover how they work and use common items to
create a kaleidoscope, even at home.
With a microscope, it is possible to see small, invisible but real things that surround people every day;
with this tool, the authors offer the opportunity to discover the small world of nature, or to see the activation
and propagation of some simple chemical reactions on a big screen.
Here are some paths that make use of the microscope (see Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10). For example, the natural
path is structured in two parts.
In the first part, the visitors can collect materials in the garden (flowers, leaves, sand, etc.) and seek
similarities and differences with unaided eye. It is spectacular to see how the kids have fun, and at the same
time, they learn by themselves by thinking and trying. In the second part, using the microscope, the pupils learn
and discover what it is, without any explanation.

Figure 7. The rainbow. Figure 8. Colored shadows.

Figure 9. Playing with light. Figure 10. Superimposing colored shadows.

Another example is special sea sand (see Figure 11). The children observe it with unaided eye and look
very colorful. With the microscope, the children discover many microscopic shells between the grains of sand.
Many questions arise: “What are the shells? Who does build the shells? How does it do?”. Beside the
microscope, there is a table where various types of shells are arranged. Children are guided to distinguish the
shape of the various shells and the organisms living there.

Figure 11. Observing objects using a microscope.

Another laboratory that the authors present in the centre IMG is “DNA extraction”. It is a path for junior
school students. It is possible to see DNA’s cloud using fruits, for example, banana or strawberry, learning
biology step by step. A poster with a plant cell helps remember its structure. The cell wall and cell membrane are
a good protection for the cell. The pupils act on the cellular structure and demolish them to extract the DNA. As

a game, they press a piece of banana and then start the actual experiment. Sodium chloride, soap, distilled water
and pineapple juice are simple but effective ingredients to demolish the structure and digest cellular proteins.
All materials present in the “Centro IMG” are safe and they are used by children without any problem.
In the last part of the laboratory, with the help of the scientific explainer, ethanol is added. In a few
minutes, the young visitors see the formation of gas bubbles and a transparent substance.
Here is the DNA! DNA from water-soluble phase becomes visible when immersed in ethanol.

Science centers are poly-functional places where: (1) Scholars can play with science; (2) Teachers can
implement their professional development and update their science knowledge with special programs; and (3)
The community can have opportunities to meet scientists and debate with them about issues of advanced
researches and their follow up on society. Such meetings increase people’s awareness and favour a responsible
and active citizenship based on a scientific literacy.

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