Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow Ratio Analysis: Index Company Outline
Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow Ratio Analysis: Index Company Outline
Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow Ratio Analysis: Index Company Outline
Non-current Liabilities
Bonds with subscription rights to shares - 200,400
Long-term loans payable 262,797 222,870
Liabilities for retirement benefits 56,346 63,099
Provision for disaster 3,056 1,976
Deferred tax liabilities 7,484 1,384
Other 38,663 51,091
Total Non-current Liabilities 368,346 540,820
Net Assets
Shareholder's Equity
Capital Stock 138,014 138,014
Capital Surplus 144,166 144,035
Retained Earnings 913,656 1,058,549
Treasury Stock -191,169 -191,051
Accumulated and Other comprehenshive i -46,970 -29,683
Total shareholders equity 957,697 1,119,864
Subscription rights to shares 195 132
Non-controlling interests 229,816 267,049
Total Net Assets 1,187,708 1,387,045
Check - -
As of 31 March 2017 and 2016
Loan Break-up 2016 2017
¥ in millions
Short-term debt Loan Commitment
Loans Payable - Unsecured 266,490 216,601
Lease Obligations due within one year 41 12
Total 266,531 216,613
Aggregate annual maturities of long term debt (as of 31st Mar 2017)
Year ending 31st March
2019 79,110
2020 28,188
2021 18,578
Thereafter 97,000
Total 222,876
As of 31 March 2017 and 2016
Committed Line of Credit 2016 2017
¥ in millions
Loan Commitment
Commitment line contract 250,000 250,000
Actual Loan Balance - -
Variance 250,000 250,000
Secured liabilities
Others (noncurrent liabilities) 300
As of 31 March 2017 and 2016 Index
¥ in millions 2016 2017
Net Sales 3,180,659 3,169,542
Cost of Sales 2,313,779 2,261,914 -2.2%
Gross Profit 866,880 907,628
Outstanding Shares
Primary 496,476,295.85 441,212,004.19
Fully Diluted 496,603,098.93 441,285,036.42
As of 31 March 2017 and 2016 Index
¥ in millions 2016 2017
Cash flows from operating activities Cash and cash equ
Income before income taxes etc 245,631 295,200
Depreciation and amortization 168,315 163,397
Adjustments made before non cash WC -44,935 -22,825
Changes in Non- cash WC
Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable-trade 3,479 -17,023
Decrease (increase) in inventories 8,298 -50,386
Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable-trade 593 45,218 Free Cash Flows
Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses 14,857 6,473
Others, net -36,630 20,370
Sub-total 359,608 440,424
Interest and dividend income received 20,328 15,412
Interest expenses paid -7,833 -4,613
Income taxes paid -78,010 -84,906
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 294,093 366,317
Debt Movement
Net inc/dec in ST debt 27,088 -102,949
Net inc/dec in LT debt -62,965 19,723
Total -35,877 -83,226
FCFE 95,642 91,037
Inputs Unit 2016 2017
1. Operating Performance
Sales - Volume
Gross Profit Margin GPM/Sales % 27.25% 28.64%
EBITDA EBITDA/Sales % 11.43% 13.57% Automobile Production
PBT PBT/Sales % 7.73% 10.57%
Net Profit Margin NPM/Sales % 4.83% 7.49%
2. Debt Structure/Coverage Automobile Sales
Debt Ratio Debt/Total Assets x 0.10 0.08
Debt/Total Capital Debt/(debt+equity) x 0.31 0.25
Gross Gearing Gross Debt/Equity x 0.46 0.33 Total
Net Gearing Net Debt/Equity x 0.08 -0.12 Sales to Production
Interest Cover EBITDA/Interest x 56.99 90.15 Net Sales (¥ in millions)
4. Liquidity Ratio
Current Ratio CA/CL x 1.42 1.65
Acid test (CA-Inventory)/CL x 1.17 1.37
Cash Ratio (Cash+Mkt Sec)/CL x 0.39 0.52
Working Capital CA-CL ¥ 486,677 767,854
thousands of units 2016 2017 Growth (%)
Automobile Production
Overseas 2090 2203
Japan 861 871
Total 2951 3074 4.2%
Automobile Sales
Overseas 2231 2279
Japan 630 639
Total 2861 2918 2.0%
Sales to Production 97.0% 94.9%
Net Sales (¥ in millions) 3,180,659 3,169,542 -0.3%