Drying Characteristics and Quality Evaluation of Kiwi Slices Under Hot Air Natural Convective Drying Method
Drying Characteristics and Quality Evaluation of Kiwi Slices Under Hot Air Natural Convective Drying Method
Drying Characteristics and Quality Evaluation of Kiwi Slices Under Hot Air Natural Convective Drying Method
Drying characteristics and quality evaluation of kiwi slices under hot air
natural convective drying method
Chin, S. K., Siew, E. S. and Soon, W. L.
Department of Chemical Engineering, LKC Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku
Abdul Rahman, Jalan Sungai Long, Bandar Sungai Long, 43500, Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Received: 13 April 2015 Dried kiwis are highly needed in food industries such as cereals, ice-cream, beverages and
Received in revised form: supplemental products. In this paper, drying characteristics and product quality of hot air dried
16 May 2015 kiwi slices were studied. Hot air drying of kiwi slices was investigated at drying temperature
Accepted: 19 May 2015
ranged from 40°C to 60°C and slice thickness of 0.3 cm and 0.6 cm. Results showed that drying
of kiwi slices at higher drying temperature stimulates the drying rate, which leads to shorter
total drying time required. The drying kinetics of kiwi slices was best fitted by approximation
Keywords diffusion model. Increased in drying temperatures and slice thickness of kiwi enhanced the
Hot air drying
effective moisture diffusivity (D eff ). The highest Deff of the kiwi slices was recorded as 1.5681
Kiwifruit x 10-8 m2/min at slice thickness of 0.6 cm. In terms of quality analysis, kiwi slices dried at
Effective moisture diffusivity temperature of 60°C with fastest drying rate retained most of the Total Phenolic Content (TPC)
Total phenolic content in the dried sample. However, drying of kiwi slices at high drying temperature deteriorated the
Vitamin C vitamin C content of kiwi slices due to thermal degradation. Thinner kiwi slices could preserve
higher amount of TPC and vitamin C during the drying process, yet the best hot air drying
temperature for drying of kiwi slices could be relied on the consumers’ preference based on the
dried product quality as reported in the current work.
© All Rights Reserved
*Corresponding author.
Email: Chinsk@utar.edu.my
Tel: +6(03) 4107 9802
2189 Chin et al./IFRJ 22(6): 2188-2195
although longer drying time is required as compared at 30 minutes interval. Readings for the following
to microwave drying. Microwave drying produced day will be recorded at 1 hour interval. The weight
unsatisfactory result although the drying time is of the samples were measured until equilibrium
shorter than the previous two approaches. moisture content (EMC) was reached, in which
There is lack of studies on drying of kiwifruit. EMC indicates that there is no further changes of
Kiwifruits dried by open-air sun often produce weight in dried samples. In the current experiment,
unsatisfactory quality products due to higher EMC is considered achieved when constant weight
humidity, insect disturbance, dust and microbial of dried kiwi slices was recorded for three readings
contamination and others (Jain and Tiwari, 2000; consecutively.
Yahya et al., 2001). It caused difficulty in fulfilling
the requirements of consumers. Also, there is scarcity Physical analysis
of research done on the effect of drying on TPC and Dry weight of samples was determined using
vitamin C of dried kiwifruits. Thus, in this research, oven drying at temperature of 105°C for 24 hours
detail studies should be carried out to investigate the (AOAC, 1990).
drying kinetics of kiwifruits and the quality of dried
kiwifruits in terms of TPC and vitamin C, in order to Initial moisture content (Dry basis):
produce high quality of dried kiwifruits.
Mo (g H2O/g dry sample) = (1)
Materials and Methods
Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) (Dry basis):
Sample preparation
“Hayward” kiwifruits were purchased from Meq (g H2O/g dry sample) = (2)
AEON, Wangsa Maju, Setapak, Kuala Lumpur to be
used as drying samples. They were purchased from Moisture ratio (MR): MR = (3)
the same store for the consistency of data taken. The
fruits were sliced into circular shape of two different Drying Rate (g H2O/m2.min): R = (4)
thicknesses, which were 0.3 ± 0.05 cm and 0.6 ±
0.05 cm. The initial weight of the cut kiwifruits was Where W , W , and W are initial, dry and
o d eq
measured as 8.0 ± 0.5 g and 14.0 ± 0.5 g for 0.3 equilibrium weight of the sample, respectively. M t,
cm and 0.6 cm slices thickness, respectively before Mn and A represent moisture content at time t, free
drying. moisture content and exposed surface area of the
samples, respectively.
Drying procedures
Drying kinetics of different thickness of kiwifruits Mathematical modelling
were investigated at three drying temperatures A total of nine mathematical models were used
which are 40°C, 50°C and 60°C, in hot air natural to model the drying kinetics of kiwi slices. They
convection oven (Beschikung, Loading Modell 100- were Newton model (O’Callaghan et al., 1971), Page
800, Memmert). Besides drying kinetics, the range model (Page, 1949), Modified Page model (Overhults
of temperature was chosen to determine the effect of et al., 1973), Henderson and Pabis model (Henderson
heat contact on the heat sensitive bioactive ingredients and Pabis, 1961), Logarithmic model (Chandra and
(e.g. vitamin C and TPC) during drying of kiwi Singh, 1995), Two-term model (Henderson, 1974),
slices. Drying at temperature of 40oC is considered as Two-term exponential model (Henderson, 1974),
low temperature in oven with minimum heat contact Wang and Singh model (Wang and Singh, 1978)
with the samples whereas drying at 60oC is expected and Approximation of Diffusion model (Kassem,
to significantly degrade the heat sensitive bioactive 1998). These models were selected to compare the
ingredients in the kiwi slices. Firstly, the oven was different number of constant terms used in modelling
adjusted to a selected drying temperature for about i.e. single-constant k in Newton, two-constant k, n in
half an hour prior to the beginning of experiment to Page, three-constant a, k, n in Logarithmic models
achieve steady state conditions. Next, samples were and etc. Three parameters were used to evaluate the
put into the oven. For the first 30 minutes, the weight fitness of each thin layer model to the experimental
of the samples was recorded at 5 minutes interval, data, which were coefficient of correlation (r),
whereas for the next 60 minutes, the weight of the root mean square error (RMSE) and reduced chi-
samples was recorded at 10 minutes interval and the square (χ2) (Togrul and Pehlivan, 2004). Generally,
rest of the hour, the weight of samples was recorded it is assumed that the model which has the highest
Chin et al./IFRJ 22(6): 2188-2195 2190
r, lowest RMSE and χ2 is the best representing the / 100g dry weight.
drying kinetic of the drying materials. Formula for
each parameter is shown as below: Determination of vitamin C
The vitamin C content of kiwi slices was
r= (5) determined using 2,6 – Dichloroindophenol Titration
Method as described in Official Method of Analysis,
RMSE = (6) Method 967.21. Before the analysis, three reagents
such as extracting solutions, ascorbic acid standard
χ2 = (7) solution and indophenols standard solution must be
prepared as below:
Where N, N , MR , MR , represent number of data, (i) Extracting solution, metaphosphoric acid-acetic
c pre exp
number of constant, predicted moisture ratio and acid (HPO -CH COOH):15 g of HPO pellets or
3 3 3
moisture ratio from experimental data, respectively. freshly pulverized stick HPO 3 was dissolved with
shaking in 40 ml CH COOH and 200 ml H O; diluted
3 2
Effective moisture diffusivity, diffusivity constant and to 500 ml. The solution was then filtered rapidly
activation energy through fluted paper into glass-water bottle and store
Effective moisture diffusivity (Deff ) of the samples in refrigerator.
was determined by assuming the slices are of the (ii) Ascorbic acid standard solution (1 mg/ml): 50
shape of slab. They are determined by plotting graph mg of ascorbic acid (USP Ascorbic Acid Reference
of ln (MR) against t. Gradient of graph is determined Standard) was weighted and transferred to 50 ml
and Deff could be calculated using Equation (8). volumetric flask. It was diluted to volume immediately
before used with HPO -CH COOH solution.
3 3
(8) (iii) Indophenol standard solution: 50 mg of 2,6
– dichloroindophenol sodium salt was dissolved
Where L is the thickness of the kiwi slices in meter. in 50 ml of H 2 O which had been added with 42
Diffusivity constant (D
) and activation energy mg sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3 ). The mixed
(Ea ) can be calculated by using Equation (9). Based solution was shook vigorously until dye dissolved
on graph ln (Deff ) against 1/ (T + 273.15), Ea can and consequently diluted to 200 ml with H2 O. The
be obtained from the gradient of graph while Do is solution was then filtered through fluted paper into
determined from y-intercept of graph. glass-water bottle. The bottle should not expose to
direct sunlight and store in refrigerator.
(9) Hot air dried kiwifruit slices were extracted with
50 ml extracting solution which contained 3% (w/v)
Where R and T are gas constant (KJ.mol-1.K-1) and metaphosphoric acid and 8% (w/v) acetic acid. The
drying temperature (oC), respectively. solutions were kept in refrigerator for 24 hours.
After the solid kiwi slices were filtered from the
Determination of total phenolic content supernatant, the supernatant was titrated into 5 ml
Hot air dried kiwifruit slices were extracted with of indophenol standard solution until the indophenol
50 ml solvent which made up of acetone, water and standard solution turns from blue to distinct
hydrochloric acid in volume percentage of 75%, colourless persists for 5 seconds. The amount of
22% and 3%, respectively. The extracted solution supernatant used was recorded. Ascorbic acid (AA)
was kept in refrigerator for 24 hours. Next, 1 ml of with different concentrations (0.1 – 0.5 mg/ml) were
extract was mixed well with 5 ml of 0.2 N Folin - used as standard solution to construct a calibration
Ciocalteau reagent and held for 3 minutes. Then, 4 curve for determination of vitamin C in the sample by
ml of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution (Na CO ) using the same method. Vitamin C of the sample (V)
2 3
was added into the mixture and held for 30 minutes is expressed in mg ascorbic acid/g dry weight and can
incubation in dark at room temperature to allow be calculated using Equation (10) as shown below:
color development. This is followed by diluting the
extract with 40 ml of distilled water and absorbance (10)
of the extract was measured at 765 nm in single beam
spectrophotometer. Gallic acid (0.1 - 0.5 mg/ml) was Where V , C and W represent volume of
s d
used as standard solution to produce the calibration supernatant (ml), concentration of AA solution (mg
curve for the determination of TPC in the sample. / ml) and dry weight of kiwi slices (g), respectively.
TPC of the samples is expressed in mg of gallic acid Both drying kinetics and quality evaluation of
2191 Chin et al./IFRJ 22(6): 2188-2195
Mathematical modeling
Statistical analysis was conducted to obtain
the mathematical model which best fit with the
experimental results. Nine mathematical models
were analyzed based on coefficient of correlation
(r), root mean square error (RMSE) and reduced chi-
square (χ2) parameters as compared with
experimental data. It was concluded that most of the Figure 1.Variation of moisture ratio with drying time at
drying kinetics of kiwi slices at drying temperature of different drying temperatures and constant slice thickness
40 to 60oC and slice thickness of 0.3 cm and 0.6 cm of 0.3 cm and 0.6 cm
could be well fitted by Approximation of Diffusion
model, with the highest r and lowest RMSE and χ2
values. The coefficient of correlation (r) was found
in the range of 0.9980 to 0.9999, root mean square
error (RMSE) ranged from 0.0052 to 0.0255 and
reduced chi-square (χ2) ranged from 9.275 x 10-5
to 6.72 x 10-4. The variation of moisture ratio with
drying time for Approximation of Diffusion model
(predicted model) and experimental data at different
drying temperatures and slice thickness were shown
in Figure 1.
Table 1. Total drying time, average drying rate and effective moisture diffusivity of kiwi slices
dried at different slice thickness and drying temperature of 40 oC to 60°C
drying rate at 40°C is 6.832 g free H2O/m2.min. When diffusivity increased with increasing thickness.
temperature increased to 50°C and 60°C, there was This is because in thin kiwi slices, diffusion takes
an increment of 71% and 114% in the average drying place from only one direction, which is from inside
rate with respect to average drying rate at 40°C. For to the surface of kiwi slices, while side diffusion
drying of kiwi slices at thickness of 0.6 cm, the average is negligible. However in thick kiwi slices, some
drying rate at 40°C, 50°C and 60°C were recorded side diffusion might occur and enhance removal of
as 5.006 g free H O/m 2
.min, 9.308 g free H 2O/ moisture. In addition, surface hardening effect occurs
m .min and 12.787 g free H 2O/m2.min, respectively.
faster at thinner kiwi slices which will hinder the
Increasing drying temperature stimulated the rate of diffusion of moisture in thin kiwi slices, resulting
moisture evaporation prominently, which was up to lower effective moisture diffusivity in thinner kiwi
155% as compared to those dried at 40°C. slices. The effective diffusivity values recorded for
Similarly, thickness of kiwi slices will also affect drying of kiwi slices in Table 1 are similar with other
drying rate. Higher drying rate was found in the fruits such as lemon slices and cocoa (10-9 to 10-10 m2/
thinner slice of kiwi at constant drying temperature. min.) which were dried at similar drying conditions
This is because thinner slice of kiwi enable the (Hii et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2014).
moisture to travel in a shorter distance from interior The diffusivity constant (D ) and activation
to the surface, thus, it leads to higher drying rate. A energy (E a) were calculated as 5.04 x 10-3 m2/min.
total reduction of 27% in the average drying rate was and 36.12 kJ/mol, respectively for drying of kiwi
observed when slice thickness increased to 0.6 cm at slices at thickness of 0.3 cm. Higher value of D o
40°C. While at constant drying temperature of 50°C and Ea were found for drying of kiwi slices at 0.6
and 60°C, total of 20% and 13% reduction of drying cm thickness as compared those at thickness of 0.3
rate for thicker kiwi slice were observed, respectively. cm, which recorded as 1.24 x 10-2 m2/min. and 37.70
Table 1 summarized the total drying time and average kJ/mol, respectively. Equation (11) and (12) show
drying rate for different slice thickness of kiwi at the relation of effective diffusivities with variation
drying temperature of 40oC to 60oC. in drying temperatures for drying of kiwi slices at
different slice thickness. R2 indicates the coefficient
Effective moisture diffusivity, diffusivity constant and of determination.
activation energy
Effective moisture diffusivity is defined as For 0.3 cm slices thickness:
the rate of moisture transfer from the interior to
external surface of product to be evaporated. Table
1 summarized the effective moisture diffusivity of
kiwi slices dried at different slice thickness under For 0.6 cm slices thickness:
different drying temperatures. Effective moisture
diffusivity was affected by drying temperature
and slice thickness. Increasing drying temperature
increased the effective moisture diffusivity as higher Based on the results, activation energy increased
drying temperature and lower relative air humidity with increasing kiwi slice thickness. This is because
enhanced the rate of moisture transfer from the thicker kiwi slice requires higher energy to activate
interior to the surface, and eventually, evaporated the water molecules to diffuse out from the interior
to the surrounding. Besides that, effective moisture part of the slices. On the other hand, lower diffusivity
2193 Chin et al./IFRJ 22(6): 2188-2195
Figure 3.Comparison of TPC in kiwi slices dried at Figure 4. Comparison of vitamin C content in kiwi slices
different drying temperatures and slice thickness dried at different drying temperatures and slice thickness
constant was found in kiwi slices with smaller slice also affected by the slice thickness during drying.
thickness. This is due to lower effective moisture Dried kiwi slice at 0.6 cm thickness showed 31%
diffusivity, D eff values found in smaller kiwi slice to 38% lower TPC value as compared to at 0.3 cm
thickness as compared to those found in thicker kiwi thickness. This could be caused by longer total drying
slices, as mentioned earlier. time required by the thicker slices to reach EMC
which in turn intensifies the thermal degradation
Total phenolic content (TPC) and oxidation of TPC in the kiwi slices. This is in
The Total Phenolic Content (TPC) of kiwi accordance with the findings from Mrad et al. (2012)
slices was affected by both drying temperature and and Garau et al. (2007) on drying of pears and
thickness of kiwi slices, as shown in Figure 3. At oranges respectively. It was found that longer drying
drying temperature of 40°C, TPC of dried kiwi slices time reduced the TPC value of the dried samples
was recorded as 863.42 mg Gallic Acid/100g dry significantly.
slice. When drying temperature increased to 50°C and
60°C, the TPC value of dried kiwi slices was found to Vitamin C
decrease to 751.31 mg Gallic Acid/100g dry slice and The quality of hot air dried kiwi slices was
increase prominently to 958.70 mg Gallic Acid/100g also assessed in terms of vitamin C content due
dry slices respectively. The high retention of phenolic to its high sensitivity in drying temperature. The
compounds in kiwi slices dried at 60°C could be due vitamin C content decreases with increasing drying
to the availability of precursors of phenolic molecules temperature during hot air drying. Furthermore,
by non-enzymatic interconversion between phenolic higher dying temperature also enhanced the rate of
molecules (Vega-Galvez et al., 2009). Furthermore, oxidation reaction of vitamin C (Vega-Galvez et al.,
fast drying rate of the kiwi slices at 60°C (up to 2009). Figure 4 shows the vitamin C content of kiwi
114% higher drying rate than 40°C) also prevents slices dried at different slice thickness and drying
the degradation of TPC through heat destruction and temperatures. As shown in Figure 4, the vitamin
oxidation process. Low amount of TPC was found in C content obtained for slice thickness of 0.3 cm at
kiwi slices dried at 40°C as this could be due to long drying temperature of 40°C was 7.377 mg AA/g
total drying time required (167% longer total drying d.b. When drying temperature increased to 50 and
time as compared to those dried at 60°C) which in 60°C, the vitamin C content obtained were 7.191 and
turn enhances the oxidation of TPC. The lowest 6.588 mg AA/g d.b, respectively. Lowest retention of
amount of TPC was recorded in kiwi slices dried at vitamin C content in dried kiwi slice was observed
50°C as heat destruction of TPC at this temperature at drying temperature of 60°C due to the heat liable
is unavoidable. nature of ascorbic acid. Higher drying temperature
Similar results were found for drying of kiwi slices will result a greater degradation in vitamin C content
at 0.6 cm thickness and drying temperatures of 40 to due to the increase in rate of oxidation of ascorbic
60°C. The above findings were in accordance with acid to dehydroascorbic acid (Santos and Silva,
the results reported by Vega-Galvez et al. (2009) and 2008).
Mrad et al. (2012) on the TPC studies of red pepper It is believed that, longer drying time will also
and pears dried at different drying temperatures. contribute to an increase in vitamin C degradation.
On the other hand, the TPC content of kiwi slice However, results showed that the degradation of
Chin et al./IFRJ 22(6): 2188-2195 2194
vitamin C in kiwi slices is significantly affected by results found in this study are essential for hot air
drying temperature as compared to drying time. For drying process of kiwi slices in order to produce
instance, at slice thickness of 0.3 cm, despite having dried products with high retention of total phenolic
the longest drying time (2700 minutes) at drying content and / or vitamin C.
temperature of 40°C, the retention of vitamin C was
still the highest which was 7.377 mg AA/d.b. On References
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