Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
General Capabilities:
Literacy Personal and Social ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour
competence thinking
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Week 2 Content Area: Digital Explore and Formative assessments via Introduction:
Lesson 1 Technologies understand the AnswerGarden whereby the Gather students on the mat to read Possum Magic by Mem
Strand: Processes and Fox
production skills different teacher will be able to review Possum Magic by Mem Fox. Teacher
Sub-strand: Digital components that answers, provided by students, to reads, and students listen.
Implementation go into creating a series of questions during Generate a class discussion around
Content description the story, what did students like/
a story context exploration
code: (ACTDIP011)
Use visually represented Explore the Students are required to dislike about the story, did it make
sequenced steps different participate in discussions with the sense, is it fiction, non-fiction, and
(algorithms), including avenues authors class and with their peers who was their favourite character,
steps with decisions made can use to This lesson is an introductory why etc.
by the user (branching) produce a story lesson exploring content that
students will be required to build Lesson Body:
Content Area: English Student return to their desks and
Strand: Language on in future lessons iPads
Sub-strand: Language for iPads are distributed. One per
interaction student.
Content description Students are directed to copy the QR QR Codes
code: (ACELA1488)
code on the big screen displayed at
Understand that social
interactions influence the the front of the class. This will direct
way people engage with them to AnswerGarden.
ideas and respond to Using AnswerGrden students answer
others for example when a series of questions about their
exploring and clarifying the favourite story and characters. This
ideas of others, exercise is aimed at getting students
summarising their own
views and reporting them to reflect upon what makes a good
to a larger group character and story engaging.
As students input their answers into
Content Area: English their iPads the answers will be
Strand: Literature
Sub-strand: Literature and displayed on the screen at the front of
context the class.
Content description Once students have each finished
code: (ACELT1602)
submitting an answer, a class
Make connections
between the ways different discussion will be generated whereby
authors may represent the teacher will call upon students to
similar storylines, ideas expand on their answers.
and relationships
Students then watch the YouTube ABC website video
video Libraries in Decline called Libraries in
Content Area: English Decline
Strand: Literature http://education.abc.net.au/home#!/m
Sub-strand: Responding edia/1913208/ individually on their http://education.abc.net.a
to literature devices. u/home#!/media/1913208
Content description /
code: (ACELT1603) Students will then be asked to “think,
Discuss literary pair, share” other avenues for authors
experiences with others, to display their stories.
sharing responses and Some of the avenues the teacher is
expressing a point of view
looking for include, interactive online
Content Area: English stories, animations, puppets, movies,
Strand: Literature audio books etc.
Sub-strand: Examining Students use the QR on the screen to
Content description direct them to AnswerGarden where QR Code
code: (ACELT1605) they input their answers for display on
Discuss how authors and their devices and the big screen at the AnswerGarden
illustrators make stories front of the classroom.
exciting, moving and
absorbing and hold
readers’ interest by using Conclusion:
various techniques, for Students shutdown iPads and return
example character them.
development and plot
tension Teacher display AnswerGarden
answers on the board covering the
days lesson.
Teacher provide a quick review of
what was covered in the lesson.
Students asked to turn to the student
sitting across from them and discuss
three things they learnt in the lesson.
Learner diversity:
Instructions will be displayed visually
on the front screen, the students
iPads and in written format with
examples and demonstrations
provided for each learning tool.
A written copy of instructions will also
be available for all students.
The teacher will be available
throughout the lesson and can
demonstrate how to use each ICT tool
with individual students if required.
Students will be interacting with their
peers throughout the lesson and will
engage in “think, pair, share” activities
to share knowledge and discuss the
tools. Students will be permitted to
discuss the tools with each other and
provide peer assistance.
Extension activities including links to
the Mem Fox website and other
educational children’s sites will be
available on the main lesson page.
Students who finish their work early
will be encouraged to access these