Gothic Art
Gothic Art
Gothic Art
What it is?
The Gothic Art is a stile wihch was developed
in Western Europe from Medium ages till
the Renaissance.
Extensive artistic stage that began in the
northern of France and expanded
throughout the West.
According stages and cities the Gothic art
was developed by different way.
Gothic term
The term “Gothic”
was used for
first time in 16th
Century for the
Giorgio Vasari
grat art
The NeoGothic
Revival of medieval
art, full of new
content to the term
"Gothic" which
distinguished and
separated from
the Romanic Art.
Historical Context
• The Gothic architecture coincides with
the time, the fullness and the crisis.
• Stained-glass
windows. In northern
Europe, the stained
glass art were
preferred until the
15th century.
Gothic paint II
• Painting on board.
They began in Italy in
the 13th century and
spread for all Europe,
so as to the 15th
century had become
the predominant form,
supplanting even the
Gothic paint II
• Miniatures. The
represented the most
documentation of the
Gothic painting
Gothic paint II
• The oil painting on
canvas was not
popular until the 15th
and 16th centuries
and was the starting
point of Renaissance