Bridge Project
Bridge Project
Bridge Project
Building Proposal:
Team Pasta
Kimberly Gravel
Table of Contents:
Summary……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Body……………………………………………………………………………………………. .4
Scientific Principles……………………………………………………………………… 4
Design Challenges/Problems……………………………………………………………5
Observed Data…………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Figure 5………………………………………………………………………………………8
Figure 6……………………………………………………………………………………...9
Bridge Design……………………………………………………………………………..10
Finalized Bridge…………………………………………………………………………..11
Building Challenges/Problems………………………………………………………...14
Conclusion & Recommendations…………………………………………………………15
Daily Journal……………………………………………………………………………...18
Our challenge is to make a vertical lift bridge with the materials provided in the
TRAC tube. Using the Bentley Cad software also has to play a very important role in
testing the design so that we know if it will be a success or not. As well as constructing
the bridge with the glue and piece of kite string to do the vertical lifting. Some of the
results were the software bridge being significantly weaker than the vertical lift bridge
created by hand. This is probably the case for a lot of groups due to the two
dimensional software not having a base, but a side view. The reason we’re performing
this project is mainly to get a background in building, and learning how to use programs
we haven't had a chance to experience before. Our end goal would be to create a
vertical lift bridge that meets the competition requirements while also being able to
support at least one-hundred times its own weight. In order to to make achieve these
goals. We’ll be dividing the project up into several parts with each team member taking
on a separate lead to hopefully achieve the maximum amount of efficiency. Lastly, as
always, we see this as an opportunity to not only expand our learning curriculum but
also as an opportunity to have fun and try something that we wouldn’t have been able to
Our team is a group of three individuals, all attend both Warren Mott High
School, and the MMSTC program. Team Pasta is composed of Paul Havern, Rico
Encabo, and Nathan Dobranski. All with advanced mathematical backgrounds and an
attempting to accomplish the goal of making a non-resource intensive bridge design that
Paul has a background that involves building with LEGO Bricks which are
commonly thought of as an introduction into construction. These not only gave him a
sense of architecture, but also demonstrates the ability to follow specific rules. He has a
large family that consists of 10 brothers and sisters, in which he is the ninth oldest. He is
an outgoing hard worker that loves to go that extra mile to make anything that is of
significance in his life perfect. Out of the three of us, the architectural involvement of the
main role in the team will be learning how to use the 2D/3D model software that we’ve
been provided with in order to make a rough model for our bridge design. Rico loves
some of which resembling the ones used to create the model, and also keeping a paper
neat and organized. For those reasons he’ll be taking the lead on the research
collection and data interpretation that will transition into writing the final proposal.
Scientific Principles:
For the basic principles of what was done and how we did it, we relied on the
be building a vertical lift bridge that had few specific qualifications such as lifting the
base at least four inches. With that information, we had to hypothesize how we wanted
to go about fixing the problem. The next step was actually performing the experiment by
building the bridge in real life, instead of just in a program. Once that was done it came
down to collecting data from the finished prototype bridge. In order to create an equal
amount of weight being distributed across as much surface area as possible, we’ll be
There were several challenges that had to be conquered during the construction
of this vertical lift bridge such as the part when the pieces of wood had to be cut and
were not completely cut to exact precision. This was a challenge because when the
bridge was being constructed, the measurements were off by a bit leading to the bridge
not being built to full perfection. Also, in the first few days there was a late start due to
an issue with the software in some parts that were difficult to understand. But, that was
overcome and the process of designing the vertical lift bridge began.
Observed Data:
In Figure 1, the pieces of wood and the ratio are shown for both bridges. It is
clearly seen that in the two dimensional software the ratio is a lot smaller because when
you have the two dimensional software you can not measure the strength of the base.
This is significant because when we added two more pieces of wood to our base of the
actual bridge it seemed to hold a much more significant amount of weight than it would
To find the ratio, it is the amount the bridge can hold divided by the weight of the
bridge. When the piece of wood is slid across the middle of the bridge, that is already
weight of the bridge and therefore finding the weight of the wood is necessary. The
weight of the wood in Figure 2 is 249 grams. In all, the ratio is equivalent to Figure 3.
𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑑 + 249
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑔𝑒
Figure 3 explains how to find the ratio. Our bridge held 6,421.6 grams which
when divided by 16.6 (the mass of the bridge) the ratio comes out as 386.834. The
other ratio for the two dimensional bridge was calculated to be 62.551.
Figure 4. Mechanism to Find Ratio
To measure the amount the bridge can hold, after the block of wood was slid
across the middle of the bridge, the string in Figure 2 was put down in the center of the
bridge and attached onto the handle of a bucket. Then, sand was slowly added until the
bridge broke or pieces of wood broke. Although, even if one piece of wood breaks in
half or just a bit, that qualifies as the bridge breaking. So, the actual bridge does not
have to reach total destruction to be measured, it is just when part of the bridge breaks.
This may seem clumsy at first, but think about if just one of those pieces break a
Figure 5. Page 8
There are four parts of the bridge that our group built separately and put
together, which is the end of the bridge, the top, the base and the side. Our sketch of
the base of the bridge has three equilateral triangles of 7.3 inches on each side. After
the base was completed it came to realization that the base was not able to lift up 4
inches, because it was glued to the sides and therefore would lift the whole bridge up.
Since the due day was just the day after the next, a clever idea was to make the three
equilateral triangular base the top part of the bridge, which means creating a whole new
base. Rico suggested to make the base have multiple straight lines. An addition of 1
inch was added to the corners of the base so the corners of the base could attach to the
sides. After making the base and the top part of the bridge,it was necessary to hold the
top upright, which ended up the creation of the sides. The sides of the bridge are 7
inches high. An agreement was reached to not add any triangles or straight lines to the
‘ends’ of our bridge because when put into a ratio, the sides will just add into the weight
of the ratio. The sides of our bridge had a huge equilateral triangle which took up the
middle. Each of the sides measured near equivalence 7.3 inches. In total, the top and 2
sides consist of 3 triangles. Equilateral triangles were used in order to distribute the
maximum amount of weight across the bridge supports to give it resistance from
potential breaking.
Figure 6. Page 9
The final bridge turned out exactly what we wanted it to, with the new base and
everything. The only minor problems we had was the measurements and the angles.
We didn’t cut everything to precision and the angles were a bit off, which made the
bridge structure shift a bit to the side, which made one side stronger than the other. We
tied long piece of string to the middle of the base and took the two ends, and tied it to
the top.
Finalized Bridge:
In Figure 7 the first part of the bridge was built. In theory, we were going to use
this section as the base that would end up holding majority of the base. In our finished
design, this piece ended up becoming the top part of the bridge instead.
Figure 8. Basic Bridge
In Figure 8, we completed the basic foundation for the bridge. It was also at this
time where the mistake became apparent that the base wouldn’t be able to lift up. After
this point in time, construction on a new base of the bridge was started.
In Figure 9, the completed bridge is shown. All pins and supports have been
removed and it is standing completely on it’s own with only the provided glue used to
keep it together. The only item not shown is the string that is used for the actual vertical
In Figure 10, the bridge immediately after testing is shown. Shown in this image
is where the bridge actually broke and fell apart. This gives us information on how the
In Figure 11, another angle of the bridge after testing is shown. In this image, the
base is shown in more detail. Upon close inspection it is in fact shown where and
For the most part, building the bridge went smoothly and without flaw. The
biggest problem that caused a setback would have been accidentally attaching our
moveable base to a stationary object, this resulting in the base not being movable. We
quickly fixed this issue by deeming the old base a new piece of stationary wood and
creating a new base which the second time around, we didn’t mess up. Our 2D/3D
designs were switched to match the new model. Apart from that, we ran into issues with
waiting for the glue to dry, however we combated this by using pins as a place holder to
keep everything in place, then removing them once the pieces were adhered properly or
During the process of design and concept creation, safety precautions were
taken by not opening our capsule containing building supplies until it was sure of what it
exactly was that was in the capsule and what would be done with it. When it came time
to actually build our design, we used standard scissors that were able to cut the
provided wood without problem, and avoided any potential injury if we would had been
using a sharper a tool. While testing the bridge, safety goggles were used in the
potential case that a piece snapped off and flew towards a bystander's face. This
that can be improved. The blueprint of the bridge could have been better, since the
structure of the bridge was not very strong, and there was not much support. An
ingenious idea was make the bridge light, making the ratio better, and when comparing
several bridges,it is obvious to see the unneeded parts that were on a bridge which
brought the ratio down. Also, grasping the concept that measurements have to be very
precise was extremely essential, because once the base for the bridge was completed
and it was ready to be tested, with a simple look the base perceived to be too large. In
order for the bridge to be tested requirements meant to whittle a small piece of wood by
a millimeter in order for it to fit. In the end though, the ratio of the actual bridge weight
carried to the weight of the bridge was ≈ 346.843, and it consisted of 40 pieces of wood.
The software bridge which was later changed only had 10 pieces of wood with a ratio of
≈ 62.551. Once the test started for the actual bridge, the base held on with the rest of
the bridge. After many cups of sand, the structure of the base didn’t immediately break
off. Team Pasta learned when making a bridge to assemble your base abundantly
sturdy, because if it isn’t, then the strength the bridge will drop significantly, and the
supports won’t help very much. Also, Team Pasta learned that to always test the two
dimensional model the bridge before testing the actual actual bridge. Because we had
to improvise and build a new bridge with a new top, we couldn’t really determine the
ratio. In the end though, when we tested the strength of the bridge, it actually surprised
lots of bystanders and even Team Pasta ourselves. It turns out that the bridge didn’t
break when the long block was put on it. It could actually hold a lot of weight, which
totaled the ratio up to 386.843, and after testing ours. It was also notable that a potential
flaw shown in other groups was that their bridges with a strong foundation were able to
hold more weight, however, because they weighed so much the overall all ratio was
often lower than expected. Lastly, Team Pasta learned that without time management,
Team Pasta would like to acknowledge Mrs. Gravel, who gave us advice on how
to set up our bridge. Also, without the help of our peers our bridge wouldn’t of been as
A. Scheduling:
1/28: (Thursday) Receive materials including multiple pieces of wood, two bottles
of glue, and kite string. Survey to make sure everything was included, and begin
1/29: (Friday) All members of the group watch basic tutorials on the 2D/3D
software incase our software lead is ever absent and a design is needed. Make sure
2/1: (Monday) Pitch ideas for the overall concept of how we want to build the
bridge. Decide what kind of design, the estimated amount of resources needed and
2/2: (Tuesday) Use the proposal format guide in order to get a headstart on the
proposal so when the data we need is collected, we will easily be able to input it into the
that all rules are followed and all requirements are met. Get idea approved.
2/4: (Thursday) Set up a work area and begin the process of building the
prototype bridge.
2/4-9: (Not including weekends) Building the decided upon design and starting
2/9: (Tuesday) Last days of building, finishing touches, make sure all joints are
2/10: (Wednesday) Test bridge, record final results and input data into the
proposal. Make any finishing touches necessary to the proposal and wrap up the
2/11: (Thursday) Turn in final Proposal. Fix any last minute mistakes that went
B. Daily Journal:
1/28: (Thursday) Looked through entire capsule to make sure all the materials
“We’ve received the materials, have them labeled and in a safe place to keep
1/29: (Friday) Watched the basics as well as have Rico watch and practice since
he will be our lead software designer. Nathan and Paul will be doing a bit of research on
“I’ll be taking the lead on the 2D/3D programs, however everyone else will also
Rico for unanimous decision on which bridge design to create. Rico begins the building
“My past experiences with building materials should prove useful in creating the
bridge” - Paul
2/2: (Tuesday) Nathan begins the layout of the proposal, Paul checks in with
Rico on the building design and Rico continues his software building.
“I’ve begun working on the proposal, today the basic layout of it was finished so
we’ll be able to finish it in an effectively short amount of time once we’ve collected the
data.” - Nathan
2/3: (Wednesday) The entire team all take looks at the bridge design to make
sure everything is on point as well measured correctly in the software. Whole team also
“I’ve finalized the the design, using both input from Paul and Nathan, I believe
2/4: (Thursday) Whole group started building the actual bridge, which required
some time after school. Rico and Nathan build the sides while Paul measures and cuts.
“A place has been decided where we’d like to actually do the building and so far
2/9: (Tuesday) Last day to build in which all team members stayed after school to
check and double check the requirements as el as finish up some last minute touches.
“ The overall process of building went well. Only minor flaws occurred. Today
we’ve reglued all the joints to make sure it holds up well tomorrow” - Nathan
2/10: (Wednesday) Team Pasta was the first group to go and appeared to do
much better than expected. Paul weighed the sand as Rico and Nathan took pictures
after the bridge was destroyed. Put the data in and the whole team stayed after to add
final touches.
“Testing the bridge went extremely well! It held much more weight than we really
could have anticipated and we’re ecstatic with the results.” - Rico
2/11: (Thursday) Last day before the day to turn it in, the whole grouped stayed
after, proof read everything and made a few changes. Looked over everything to ensure
“The final touches have been added to the proposal, I’m really happy with what
we’ve accomplished and I’m looking forward to sending in our collected data!”- Paul
“Can’t wait to send the proposal, this bridge project was very enjoyable!”- Nathan