Clampitt Ecur 325 - Unit Plan
Clampitt Ecur 325 - Unit Plan
Clampitt Ecur 325 - Unit Plan
Sense of Self and Community- This unit will create a sense of self and community by getting students to think about the reality of world issues
and how these issues affect themselves and the community of people around them. Their assessment piece will have them using language to
interact with these issues and respond to others ideas about world issues. This will build community between the students.
Engaged Citizens- This unit will help to build engaged citizens by having them use language to give them a sense of agency and ownership over
solutions to world issues. This will build a sense of ability with the students that are able to make a difference in their communities.
Cross curricular Competencies
How will this unit promote the CCC?
Developing Thinking- This unit will develop thinking by having them construct an understanding of world issues and having them explore an
inquiry-based project about how to solve it. This will help them to make sense of some world issues and to think through them critically.
Developing Identity and Interdependence- This unit will help to develop identity and interdependence by having them dig into trying to
understand a world issue which will create a respect for human rights and responsibilities and create an understanding and value for social and
environmental issues.
Developing Literacies- This unit will help to develop literacies by having them develop the skills needed to interpret a video text. They will have
to express their interpretation of the text by using written language in their journals. Both of these will build flexibility in their literacies skills.
Developing Social Responsibility- This unit will develop social responsibility primarily through their assessment piece. The assessment piece
focuses on having students explore their social responsibility by asking them to work out a way to improve the lives of the people around the
world. They will have to use moral reasoning processes by thinking about the community that they could help and having them come up with a
way to take action.
Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1)
CR B30.1- View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade-appropriate international, including indigenous, texts that
address: identity (e.g., Sense of Self), social responsibility (e.g., Social Criticism), and social action (agency) (e.g., Addressing the Issues).
CR B30.2- View, comprehend, and evaluate critically a variety of visual and multimedia texts by international, including indigenous, artists and
authors from various cultural communities, and identify how the texts address beliefs, values, and power.
CC B30.1- Create a range of visual, multimedia, oral and written texts that explore: identity (e.g., Sense of Self), social responsibility (e.g., Social
Criticism), and social action (agency) (e.g., Addressing the Issues).
CC B30.2- Create a visual or multimedia presentation that suits the topic, purpose, and audience; teaches others up about a global social issue;
and persuades them to act on the issue in a responsible manner.
AR B30.2- Reflect on and assess understanding of self as a self-directed, self-appraising, and strategic learner.
Enduring Understandings Essential Questions
What understandings about the big ideas are desired? (what you want What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content?
students to understand & be able to use several years from now) (open-ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to
What misunderstandings are predictable? the content of the enduring understanding)
Students will understand that... Content specific….
World issues, like racism, are not just problems that exist in a What are ways you can become a more open, responsible
faraway place by they happen in Canada and Saskatchewan as and accepting citizen in your society and world?
They can make a difference in the world now. They don’t have to
wait until their older.
They are full citizens of the world and therefore need to help make
it a better place
FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular…
Related misconceptions… This will touch on racism against FNMI people as well as
Canada doesn’t have a racist past or problems with racism.
people from other cultures.
High school students are too young to impact the world.
Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? This content What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the
knowledge may come from the indicators, or might also address skills and/or behaviours that students will be able to exhibit as a
prerequisite knowledge that students will need for this unit. result of their work in this unit. These will come from the
Students will know... Students will be able to…
That Canada is not a perfect place and has its problems that need Identify problems when they see them and come up with a
to be fixed way to solve these problems
That racism is a major problem (among others) around the world Take charge of their society and create a better one for the
That they can help to make the world a better place now future
That part of being a citizen is to help make the place you’re in a Evaluate their work and the work of their peers fairly
better place to be for everyone Interpret visual text as easily as they can interpret written
S – Standards & Criteria for Success S- Rubric will be designed in class with the students
Create the rubric for the Performance Task
Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment
Through what other evidence (work samples, observations, quizzes, How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning?
tests, journals or other means) will students demonstrate achievement
of the desired results? Formative and summative assessments used
throughout the unit to arrive at the outcomes.
Other forms of assessment that I will be using are their journals that First step for their self-assessing is that they will help me to build the
they will do every day. This will be both formative so I can see that they rubric with my guidance. Then after their presentations, they will
are paying attention to and understanding the story. Using this I can reflect on their own learning by writing in their journals about what
adjust to summarizing what they’ve watched if they need it. The they felt they learnt, what they found interesting, how they felt they
journals will also be summative because I will be marking them on their did in their presentation, etc. They will also be asked to decide for
ability to complete the outcome AR B30.2. However, I will not be three of their peers that they would support in their plan for reform as
marking them until the end of the unit. a way of helping to decide which presentations were the most
1 Introduction to Start by asking the students is racism exists in Canada and if so what events, both DT White board/ Chalk board,
Book of Negros current and historic, have happened to prove this. You may need to prompt to make markers/chalk, computer
sure they think about both contexts. Write the answers up on the board as the and projector, extra paper
students give them. (10 mins). and pens (for students
who don’t bring any)
Have the students watch the YouTube video titled “Our Canada: Are We Racist?”
( it has a run time of nearly 20
mins. Before they start watching tell them they will need to take notes about what
they agree with, disagree with, question, or find interesting during the video. When
the video is finished, start a conversation about some of the things the students took
notes about during the video and steer the conversation in the direction of what can
be to create a change and fix this problem. (15 mins) If the students aren’t willing to
talk take 5 mins out of the conversation time to introduce the Book of Negros that the
students will be starting the next day.
After this ask them to think about why Canada has a reputation for being a nice
country when that’s not true. Not looking for an answer just to get them to think
about it. Have them journal their thoughts about what we talked about today focusing
on that question if they want. (15 mins).
Make sure that all students get a chance to speak during the lesson and be aware of
who has or has not said anything.
2 Book of Negros Introduce the story of Book of Negroes. Be sure to caution them and tell them that DT Computer and projector,
there will be some scenes during the episodes that may be difficult to watch because DL journals, extra pens
of sensitive materials. (5 mins)
Have them write in their journals about the theme of racism. Try not to give them too
many prompts because I want to see what they pick up on their own. This will give
me a better idea about exactly what they understand and where I need to build up
their understanding. (11 mins)
Allow students who may need more time the chance to complete their journal entry
Encourage students who need more of challenge to dig deeper into the themes and
be more expressive about their interpretation while writing in their journal entries.
3 Book of Negros Start by recapping what happened in the last episode and addressing any DT Computer and projector,
misunderstanding about the video and its themes. I will also answer any questions DL journals, extra pens
that students may have. (5 mins)
Have them write in their journals about the theme of struggle. Try not to give them
too many prompts because I want to see what they pick up on their own. This will
give me a better idea about exactly what they understand and where I need to build
up their understanding. (11 mins)
Allow students who may need more time the chance to complete their journal entry
Encourage students who need more of challenge to dig deeper into the themes and
be more expressive about their interpretation while writing in their journal entries
4 Book of Negros Lesson will look much the same as the previous two. Start by recapping what the DT Computer and projector,
students have already seen and be sure to make any corrections that you’ve found in DL journals, extra pens
the journals and make sure the students don’t have any questions about events or
themes from the previous episodes. Then have the students watch episode 3 of Book
of Negros on YouTube. After the episode have them journal about a main idea, event,
or theme from the episode without giving much prompting in order to ensure that I
can monitor what they are picking up from the visual text.
5 Book of Negros Lesson will look much the same as the previous ones. Start by recapping what the DT Computer and projector,
students have already seen and be sure to make any corrections that you’ve found in DL journals, extra pens
the journals and make sure the students don’t have any questions about events or
themes from the previous episodes. Then have the students watch episode 4 of Book
of Negros on YouTube. After the episode have them journal about a main idea, event,
or theme from the episode without giving much prompting in order to ensure that I
can monitor what they are picking up from the visual text.
6 Book of Negros Lesson will look much the same as the previous ones. Start by recapping what the DT Computer and projector,
students have already seen and be sure to make any corrections that you’ve found in DL journals, extra pens
the journals and make sure the students don’t have any questions about events or
themes from the previous episodes. Then have the students watch episode 5 of Book
of Negros on YouTube. After the episode have them journal about a main idea, event,
or theme from the episode without giving much prompting in order to ensure that I
can monitor what they are picking up from the visual text.
7 Book of Negros Lesson will look much the same as the previous ones. Start by recapping what the DT Computer and projector,
students have already seen and be sure to make any corrections that you’ve found in DL journals, extra pens
the journals and make sure the students don’t have any questions about events or
themes from the previous episodes. Then have the students watch episode 6 of Book
of Negros on YouTube. After the episode have them journal about a main idea, event,
or theme from the episode without giving much prompting in order to ensure that I
can monitor what they are picking up from the visual text. After the episode has
finished take the last few mins of class to introduce the assessment project I have
designed for them.
8 My Plan to This lesson will take four days. DII Access to computers and
Change the Day 1 DSR research materials
World Introduce the assessment piece and be sure to example it fully while answering any
questions that the students may have about it. I expect this portion to take about 30
mins as there a lot of details that need to be discussed and figured out. Part of this
will be to let them know they will be helping to build the rubric and what kinds of
things they need to think about wanting in it based on requirements that I will lay
down. The rest of the class will be dedicated to the students beginning their
Day 2
The class will start with the students and I creating the rubric based on what was
discussed last class. I again expect this to take half the class. The rest of the time the
students will receive time to work on their projects. I will type up and print off the
rubrics the next day for the students to refer to while they continue to work.
Day 3&4
The students will receive both full class periods to work. I will be checking in with the
students while they work and at the end of the fourth day I will ask the students to
help decide a due date for the assignment. This will determine whether or not I give
them a few days to continue working on it on their own time (during which time I
would begin the next unit) or whether I will jump straight to the presentations.
9 Presentations This lesson will take three days DII Computer and projector
Day 1-3 DSR (for students who need),
The students will present their assignments to their classmates. This will take the rubrics to mark
entire class period all three days. If needed I will add more days in order to make sure
all the students are able to present. I will ask the students to limit their presentations
to no more than 10 mins apiece. I expect that I will likely need to add more days to
this depending on the number of students in me class. The order in which the
students present will either be alphabetical or they will sign up for a slot. I will decide
this based on what I think is best for my students at the time and will likely differ year
to year as the students change. After all of the presentations are done the students
will be asked to write 2 journal entries. One will be able what they felt they learnt
personally from their research and how it impacts their lives. The second will be about
which presentation they would fund if they were able to and why.
From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)