Points To Be Written in MSW Report

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IGNOU Induction Meeting Draft – IGNOU MSW Journal

Hello friends…
If you are filling your IGNOU MSW journal, here I am sharing some tips regarding how to fill IGNOU in
create a rough draft about the induction meeting. On your draft, you need to mention about
1. Date and Time
2. Name of the Field Work Supervisor (FWS)
3. Total numbers of students
4. Personal introduction by students and FWS
5. FWS speech on social work topics that may includes
a. Why to join this course
b. Career opportunities in this course
c. Social responsibility
d. Charity and social work
After that FWS will tell you about the IGNOU journal filling tips that will also include discuss about 5 N
days field work, about theory examination, about group discussion and IC.
IGNOU MSW Concurrent Visit 45 Days Format
Here is the sequence of the report.
Date of field work
Time spent in the organization:
Address of the agency
Activities performed today
Observation related to the agency functioning or related institution functioning:
Assigned tasks (which stage and progress so far etc.)
Observation regarding client system and service delivery
Administrative assignments
Social work techniques used
Field instruction expected for the following
Plan of the next day

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