Recipe 1 French Napoleon Pastry (Mille-Feuille) Ingredients

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The document discusses recipes for French pastries like mille-feuille and napoleon along with analyses of the ingredients and techniques used.

The main ingredients used are puff pastry, pastry cream, whipped cream, eggs and sugar. The key techniques involve baking puff pastry layers, assembling with filling and frosting/decorating.

The steps are to layer baked puff pastry with pastry cream, frost the top with royal icing or chocolate, and trim edges to create neat rectangles for serving.


French Napoleon Pastry (Mille-Feuille)

For the Pastry and Filling:
 1 1/2 pounds frozen puff pastry (or 1/2 batch homemade pate feuilletée)
 3 cups pastry cream
 Optional: 1/2 cup heavy cream (whipped to medium peaks)
For the Royal Icing and Decoration:
 3 ounces/80 g bittersweet chocolate (melted)
 2 large egg whites (room-temperature)
 2 teaspoons lemon juice
 3 cups/350 g confectioners' sugar
Prepare the Pastry and Filling
1. Make homemade puff pastry dough and have it ready and chilled. Or thaw store-
bought frozen puff pastry dough according to the package directions.
2. Make the pastry cream. Once completely cooled, you can lighten its texture if desired
by folding in the optional whipped cream. Cover and refrigerate until assembly time.
Bake the Pastry Layers
1. Heat the oven to 400 F/200 C.
2. On a lightly floured surface, gently roll out the puff pastry dough into an elongated
rectangle the thickness of a thin piece of cardboard. With a sharp knife, cut the dough
into three equally-sized pieces.
1. Transfer the dough to a baking pan (or pans) lined with parchment paper and pierce
the dough all over with a fork.
2. Cover the dough with another sheet of parchment paper and place a baking pan or pie
weights on top to weigh down the dough as it bakes.
3. Bake the weighed-down dough, in batches if necessary, about 25 minutes, or until the
dough is deep golden brown. The weights and the top layer of parchment paper pan
can be removed the last 5 or so minutes of baking to help color the dough.
4. Transfer the baked pastry layers to racks to cool completely.
Assemble the Mille-Feuille
1. Set out and have everything ready—the baked puff pastry layers, the pastry cream,
and the ingredients for frosting and decorating. Don't worry if your baked pastry
layers look unevenly sized. After assembly, you'll be trimming the edges for a
uniform look.
2. It's best to work on a flat surface for easy transfer of the finished pastry to a serving
dish. Start by distributing half of the pastry cream over one layer of baked puff pastry.
3. Top with another layer of dough, pressing gently to adhere it to the pastry cream
below. Spread the remaining pastry cream over the second layer of pastry.
4. Top with the third layer of pastry and again press down gently.
Decorate the Mille-Feuille
1. Melt the chocolate in a saucepan over very low heat and transfer it to a pastry bag or
decorating tube fitted with a fine round tip. Alternatively, you can use a small plastic
bag which has a corner pierced or snipped to make a tiny opening.
2. Make the royal icing by beating the egg whites and lemon juice just until foamy. Add
most of the confectioners' sugar and mix on low speed until very smooth and glossy.
1. Add more confectioners' sugar if necessary to achieve a consistency so that when the
icing is drizzled back into the bowl from the beaters, it will sit briefly on the surface
of the icing before sinking back in.
2. Immediately pour the royal icing over the top layer of pastry and spread it evenly over
the entire surface. Don't worry if some of the icing drips over the edges.
3. Next, working quickly before the icing sets, drizzle the chocolate across the icing in
evenly-spaced, parallel lines. Again, don't worry if some of the chocolate drips over
the edges, and don't worry if your lines look sloppy. The next step will improve their
4. With the tip of a thin, sharp knife, lightly drag it through the lines of chocolate spaced
evenly from one side of the pastry to the other first in one direction, and then in the
opposite direction to make a chevron pattern. This creates the classic decorative
pattern shown in the photo.
Serving the Mille-Feuille
1. With a long, sharp knife, cut 1/4 inch off the edges of the pastry all around to make a
neat, evenly proportioned rectangle.
2. Carefully transfer the trimmed mille-feuille to a serving dish and refrigerate. Allow an
hour or two to chill before cutting into individual portions for serving.
3. A long, non-serrated knife will make the cleanest cut through the icing.
 1 3/4 pounds Puff Pastry dough
 1/3 cup heavy cream
 2 1/2 ounces dark semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped (about 1/3 cup)
 1/2 teaspoon corn syrup
 1/4 ounce white chocolate, chopped (about 1 tablespoon)
 Pastry Cream
1. Make puff pastry strips: Lightly flour a clean work surface. Using a rolling pin, gently roll
out dough into a 16-by-18-inch rectangle about 1/8 inch thick, being careful not to press too
hard around the edges. Using a pastry wheel or sharp knife, cut rectangle crosswise into
thirds, with each strip 6 by 16 inches. Transfer to a baking sheet; dock, or pierce, the dough
all over with a fork. Cover with plastic wrap; place in refrigerator 1 hour.
2. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Transfer to oven; bake until strips are puffed and golden all
over, about 14 minutes. Set a baking sheet directly on pastry strips, and continue baking
until pastry is cooked through and well browned, about 6 minutes. Remove top baking
sheet; bake 4 minutes more. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Using a serrated
knife, trim each to 4 1/4 by 12 inches.
3. Make the glaze: In a small saucepan, bring heavy cream just to a boil. Place dark chocolate
in a bowl, and pour hot cream over chocolate; whisk until chocolate is melted and mixture
is combined. Whisk in corn syrup. Strain through a fine mesh sieve into a clean bowl.
4. Place white chocolate in a medium heat-proof bowl set over a pan of simmering water.
Whisk until chocolate is melted, and remove from heat. Let cool.
5. Using an offset spatula, spread dark chocolate glaze over one side of the flattest puff pastry
strip, making sure to coat entire surface. Place white chocolate in a piping cone; pipe thin
lines 3/4 inch apart across width of chocolate-coated strip. To create the distinctive flourish,
gently drag the tip of a paring knife or a skewer lengthwise through both coatings, in lines
perpendicular to the white chocolate lines. Begin at one of the short ends, and make each
line 3/4 inch apart. Alternate the direction each time.
6. Place one of the unglazed puff pastry strips on a serving tray. Spread half the pastry cream
over the top, leaving a 1/2-inch border all around. Top with remaining unglazed pastry strip;
press down gently, and repeat with remaining pastry cream. Top with glazed pastry strip.
½ resep dasar Flaky/Puff Pastry
Bahan Vla :
800cc susu
100gr gula kastor
5 btr kuning telur
50 grm tepung maizena
100 cc whipping cream
1 sdm mentega tawar
5 sdm Rhum/Brandy (optional)
Bahan Icing:
50 gr atau secukupnya Dark Cooking Chocolate
Cara membuat:
1. Tipiskan adonan flakky pastry, lalu potong 4 x 6cm, letakkan diatas loyang yang
sudah dibasahi dengan air. Panggang dalam oven 200’C, selama ± 20 menit, hingga
matang. Angkat, dinginkan.
2. Isi:
 Cairkan tepung maizena dengan sebagian susu, sisihkan. Kocok kuning telur dengan
garpu, cairkan dengan sedikit susu, sisihkan.
 Didihkan Susu dan gula, masukkan campuran maizena, aduk rata, kecilkan api.
 ‘Pancing’ larutan kuning telur dengan sedikit adonan susu panas (lihat Note), lalu
masukkan larutan kuning telur ke dalam campuran susu, aduk rata.
 Masukkan whipping cream, aduk lagi dan didihkan sekali lagi.
 Angkat dari api, masukkan 1 sdm mentega, aduk hingga mentega leleh dan
tercampur rata (permukaan vla jadi mengkilat).
 Aduk hingga uapnya hilang, masukkan Rhum/Brandy (kalo pakai). Dinginkan.
3. Penyelesaian:
Ambil satu lembar pastry yg sudah matang. Letakkan vla di atasnya, atau masukkan vla
ke dalam plastik segitiga, semprotkan vla ke atas pastry. Hias dengan icing.
(modified. Original recipe: pastry dibelah, vla diisikan di tengah, kemudian
ditangkupkan lagi.

 1 pack puff pastry instan
Bahan custard :
 2 kuning telur
 200 ml susu cair
 15 gr tepung maizena
 15 gr tepung serbaguna (tepung segitiga biru)
 2 sdm gula pasir
 200 ml whipped cream
 gula tepung secukupnya
 1 sdt vanilla extract / combani
Langkah pembuatannya:
1. Keluarkan puff pastry, cetak sesuai selera.
2. Kemudian ambil garpu, lalu tusuk-tusuk pada seluruh permukaan puff pastry di setiap
3. Pre-heat oven selama 5 menit di suhu 400 derajat Farenheit / 200 derajat Celcius.
4. Ambil loyang yang sudah di alasi oleh kertas roti.
5. Ambil potongan-potongan puff pastry yang sudah di tusuk-tusuk, susun di atas
loyang, beri jarak.
6. Kemudian ambil lagi parchment paper untuk menutupi lagi atasnya, kemudian ambil
loyang yang lebih kecil tumpuk di atasnya, untuk menambah beban bisa
menggunakan kacang.
7. bake selama 15 menit di suhu 200 derajat celcius.
8. Kemudian keluarkan tabur kan gula tepung secukupnya keseluruh permukaan puff
9. Kemudian lanjutkan memanggang selama 15-20 menit atau sampai coklat keemasan.
Pembuatan Custard:
1. Siapkan mixing bowl, lalu masukan tepung maizena dan terigu, gula, dan telur,
kemudian aduk sampai rata atau tercampur menjadi satu adonan yang baik.
2. Di atas panci, panas kan susu, hampai hangat-hangat kuku, kemudian, tuangkan ke
adonan sedikit terlebih dahulu untuk tempering, kemudian masukan lagi sedikit-
sedikit, hingga tercampur rata. Kemudian tuang kembali adonan yang ada di mixing
bowl ke dalam panci.
3. Pakai api kecil, panaskan hingga mengental.
4. Setelah itu angkat, tambahkan vanilla, kemudian tiriskan terlebih dahulu.
5. Ambil plastic wrap lalu bagi dua. tutup permukaan custardnya, biarkan plastic
menempel pada permukaan custard, sehingga tidak ada udara.
6. Dinginkan di kulkas 15-30 menit sebelum di gunakan.
7. Sambil menunggu, ambil whipped cream, kemudian kocok hingga kaku. sekitar 2-3
menit, lalu taruh juga di kulkas.
8. Setelah 30 menit, ambil custard, ambil mixer, kemudian kocok selama 1 menit atau
sampai teksturnya halus.
9. Kemudian, ambil krim yang sudah di kocok, masukkan ke dalam mangkuk custard,
untuk semacam introduction, aduk sebentar sampai tercampur, lalu tuangkan semua
adonan custard ke dalam mangkuk whipped cream, kemudian aduk sampai rata.
10. Setelah adonan custard jadi, masukan ke dalam plastik segitiga.
11. Susun layer pertama, dengan custard, lalu layer kedua. Sajikan.
Napoleon Strawberry Cake / Strawberry Mille Feuille
Bahan Kue Mille Feullie :
 750 gr adonan puff pastry siap pakai, potong ukuran 8×8 cm
 150 gr stroberi segar, iris tipis
Bahan Saus Strawberry :
 50 gr strawberry segar
 35 gr gula pasir
 2 sendok makan air
 1 sendok makan jus jeruk
Bahan Cream :
 500 gr krim kental
 55 gr gula pasir
 2 lembar gelatin, rendam dalam air es, tiriskan
 ¼ sendok teh garam
Frosting, aduk rata :
 150 g gula pasir
 2 sendok makan air jeruk lemon
 2 sendok makan air panas
Cara Membuat Kue Mille Feuille :
1. Susun adonan puff pastry di atas loyang datar yang telah dioles mentega. Panggang
dalam oven panas bersuhu ± 200°C hingga matang (± 30 menit). Angkat. Sisihkan.
2. Saus stroberi: Masukkan gula pasir, air, dan jus jeruk ke dalam panci. Masak di atas
api sedang hingga mendidih. Angkat. Dinginkan dalam suhu ruang.
3. Masukkan larutan gula dan stroberi ke dalam blender. Proses hingga halus. Saring.
Ambil 2 sdm saus, campur ke dalam potongan stroberi, aduk hingga rata. Sisihkan
sisa sausnya.
4. Cream: Kocok krim kental hingga kaku. Tambahkan gula pasir, garam, dan gelatin.
Aduk hingga rata. Masukkan ke dalam kantong segitiga. Sisihkan.
5. Penyelesaian: Ambil satu lembar puff pastry, semprot seluruh bagian bawahnya
dengan cream. Tutup kembali dengan puff pastry, lalu semprotkan kembali dengan
cream hanya pada sisi pinggir puff pastry. Taruh 1 sdt potongan stroberi. Tutup
dengan puff pastry. Siram dengan 1 sdm frosting. Sajikan kue mille feuille bersama
saus strawberry.
Napoleon Mille Fleuille
 200 gram puff pastry (bisa dibeli di supermarket, bahkan sekarang juga bisa dibeli
secara online di marketplace ternama)
 1 sdt gula halus
 whipped cream
 200 gram buah stroberi segar
 50 gram raspberry fresh, atau bisa juga berbentuk puree
 daun mint untuk garnish
Cara membuat:
1. Campurkan gula ke dalam whipping cream cair, kocok hingga sedikit mengeras.
2. Strawberry dipotong dadu, kemudian dicampur dengan raspberry puree.
3. Puff pastry ditipiskan dengan menggunakan rolling pin, kemudian dicetak bundar atau
persegi. Masukkan ke dalam oven, panggang hingga matang kecokelatan.
4. Setelah puff pastry masak, untuk lapisan pertama olesi dengan kocokan whipped cream,
kemudian tambahkan buah stroberi yang telah dipotong dadu, setelah itu ulangi kembali
hingga 2 - 3 lapis.
Coffee Mille Feauille
 500 gr puff pastry siap pakai
 2 kuning telur, kocok lepas
 100 gr cream cheese
 25 gr gula halus
 100 gr whipping cream kocok
 1 sdm gula pasir
 1 sdt pasta cokelat
 1 sdt pasta kopi
Cara Membuat
1. Potong puff pastry dengan ukuran 10x10 cm, susun di atas loyang, olesi dengan
kuning telur. Panggang hingga merekah dan kuning kecokelatan.
2. Masukkan cream cheese dan gula halus ke dalam mangkuk, kocok hingga lembut.
Masukkan whipping cream, aduk kembali hingga rata. Bagi adonan krim menjadi dua
bagian, satu bagian beri pasta cokelat, sedangkan satu bagian lainnya diberi pasta
3. Penyajian: ambil satu buah puff, olesi dengan adonan krim cokelat. Susun puff
kembali, lalu beri krim kopi. Susun kembali dengan puff pastry, sajikan.
 Puff Pastry
For the pastry cream:
 4 large egg yolks
 1/4 cup cornstarch
 2 cups whole milk
 1/2 cup sugar
 pinch of vanilla powder (or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract)
 1/4 teaspoon salt
 2 tablespoons butter, diced
For the icing/glaze:
 1 cup powdered (confectioners) sugar
 2 teaspoons corn syrup
 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
 2 tablespoons milk, plus more as needed
 1 tablespoon unsweeetend cocoa powder

1. First, prepare the pastry cream. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together egg yolks and
cornstarch until well-combined. Set aside. In a medium saucepan, heat milk, sugar, vanilla,
and salt until simmering. Slowly add heated milk mixture to the egg yolks, 1/2 cup at a
time, whisking constantly and vigorously to ensure the egg yolks do not curdle. Once the
milk mixture has been completely incorporated into the egg mixture, return the mixture
back to the saucepan. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, for an additional 2-3
minutes, or until mixture is thick and bubbly. Remove from heat and whisk in diced butter.
Transfer pastry cream to a heat-proof bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 2
hours, or overnight. (Make sure the plastic wrap is touching the surface of the pastry cream
so it doesn't form a skin)
2. Next, prepare the puff pastry. Cut a piece of parchment paper as large as the baking sheet
you will be using. Lightly flour the parchment paper.
3. Place both sheets of thawed puff pastry on top of one another on the piece of parchment
paper. Roll them out into a 12x12 inch square. Using a pizza wheel, cut the square into
three 12x4 inch strips. Prick the strips all over their surface with a fork. Transfer the puff
pastry strips, with the parchment paper, onto baking sheet and refrigerate for 30 minutes,
or until firm.

4. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Bake the pastry strips for 10 minutes. Then, place a baking
sheet directly on top of them and bake for an additional 6 minutes. After that, remove the
baking sheet and bake for 6 more minutes, or until pastry strips are golden brown. Transfer
to a wire rack to cool completely.
5. Now, prepare the glaze. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together powdered sugar, corn
syrup, and melted butter. Add milk, 1 tablespoon at a time, until you reach a consistency
that is pourable, but still thick. Transfer 1/4 of the glaze to a separate bowl and whisk in
cocoa powder to create the chocolate glaze. Spoon the chocolate glaze into a piping bag
fitted with a small round tip. Alternatively, you can use a Ziploc bag with the tip cut off.
6. Take one of the cooled pastry strips and flip it over. Pour white glaze over the surface of
the strip, spreading it evenly with an offset spatula. Pipe lines of chocolate glaze
lengthwise across the pastry strip. Drag a toothpick horizontally across the chocolate glaze
to create a pattern. Alternate the direction you drag the toothpick in each line.
7. Remove chilled pastry cream from fridge. Spread half of the pastry cream evenly over one
puff pastry strip. Top with the second puff pastry strip, pressing gently to adhere. Spread
the remaining pastry cream over this strip. Then, top with the glazed puff pastry strip.
8. Refrigerate for 1 hour to let it set before slicing and serving. To store, keep refrigerated in
an airtight container for up to 3 days. The mille feuille gets soggy with time.
Mille Feuille De Pommes Caramelisses
Bahan :
 500 g puff pastry siap pakai
Pastry Cream dan Diplomat Cream:
 500 ml susu cair
 6 kuning telur ayam
 200 g gula pasir
 1 batang vanili
 20 g tepung terigu
 400 ml whipped cream
 30 g dark chocolate
 Apple Caramel Sauce:
 500 g apel, kupas, potong-potong
 100 g gula pasir
 2 sdm mentega
 100 ml air
 1 sdm air jeruk lemon
Cara Membuat :
1. Gilas adonan puff pastry hingga agak tipis. Tusuki beberapa bagian dengan garpu atau
ujung pisau agar tidak menggembung saat dipanggang.
2. Taruh dalam lotang datar dan panggang dalam suhu 200 C selama 20 menit.
3. Keluarkan dari oven. Taburi gula bubuk permukaannya. Panggang kembali selama 5 menit
hingga gulanya meleleh. Angkat. Selagi hangat. Potong-potong 10x 5 cm. Sisihkan.
4. Pastry Cream dan Diplomat Cream: Campur kuning telur dan sebagian gula. Kocok
dengan kocokan kawat hingga gula larut. Tambahkan tepung terigu, kocok rata.
5. Panaskan susu bersama sisa gula lalu ambil sedikit susu hangat, cmapurkan ke dalam
kuningg telur kocok, aduk hingga rata.
6. Tuangkan kembali ke dalam rebusan susu dan aduk hingga mengental lalu angkat.
7. Bagian adonan menjadi dua bagian. Tambahkan cokelat pada satu bagian pastry cream,
aduk hingga cokelat meleleh.
8. Dinginkan kedua adonan, tutup dengan plastik dan simpan dalam lemari es hingga dingin.
9. Bagi whipped cream menjadi dua bagian. Aduk masing-masing pastry cream dengan
whipped cream hingga rata. Masukkan masing-masing dalam kantong semportan kue.
10. Apple Caramel Sauce: Panaskan sedikit gula pasir hingga meleleh. Tambahkan sedikit
mentega, masak hingga meleleh. Tambahkan gula pasir lagi, aduk kembali hingga
meleleh. Masukkan sisa mentega, aduk hingga leleh. Masukkan apel, masak dengan api
kecil hingga layu. Tambahkan air dan air jeruk lemon. Masak hingga lunak dan kuahnya
mengental lalu angkat dan dinginkan.
11. Penyelesaian: Taruh sepotong pastry di atas piring. Semprotkan dengan pastry cream.
Susun potongan apel di atasnya. Tutup dengan sepotong pastry Semprotkan Diplomat
Cream di atasnya. Tutup dengan sepotong pastry lagi. Sajikan dengan saus apelnya dan es
krim vanili.
Napoleon cake / Gâteau de Mille-Feuilles
 1 pack puff pastry instan
Bahan custard :
 2 kuning telur
 200 ml susu cair
 15 gr tepung maizena
 15 gr tepung serbaguna (tepung segitiga biru)
 2 sdm gula pasir (kalau kurang manis bisa tambah satu sendok lagi)
 200 ml whipped cream
 gula tepung secukupnya
 1 sdt vanilla extract / combani
Cara Membuat :
1.Keluarkan puff pastry, terus cetak sesuai selera. Kemudian ambil garpu, lalu tusuk-tusuk
pada seluruh permukaan puff pastry di setiap potongannya.
2. Pre-heat oven selama 5 menit di suhu 400 derajat Farenheit / 200 derajat Celcius.
3.Ambil loyang yang sudah di alasi oleh kertas roti lalu ambil potongan-potongan puff pastry
yang sudah di tusuk-tusuk, susun di atas loyang, beri jarak.
4.Kemudian ambil lagi parchment paper untuk menutupi lagi atasnya, kemudian ambil
loyang yang lebih kecil tumpuk di atasnya, untuk menambah beban bisa menggunakan
kacang, atau beras fungsinya supaya puff pastrynya nggak ngembang.
5.bake selama 15 menit di suhu 200 derajat celcius. Kalau sudah 15 menit, kemudian
keluarkan tabur kan gula tepung secukupnya keseluruh permukaan puff pastry. Kemudian
lanjutkan memanggang selama 15-20 menit atau sampai coklat keemasan.
6.Untuk pembuatan custardnya : Siapkan mixing bowl, lalu masukan tepung maizena dan
terigu, gula, dan telur, kemudian aduk sampai rata atau tercampur menjadi satu adonan
yang baik.
7.Di atas panci, panas kan susu, hampai hangat-hangat kuku, kemudian, tuangkan ke adonan
sedikit terlebih dahulu untuk tempering, kemudian masukan lagi sedikit-sedikit, hingga
tercampur rata. Kemudian tuang kembali adonan yang ada di mixing bowl ke dalam panci.
8.Pakai api kecil, panaskan hingga mengental, sambil terus di aduk. Setelah itu angkat,
tambahkan vanilla, kemudian tiriskan terlebih dahulu.
9.Ambil plastic wrap, atau plastic bening yang untuk bungkus sayur gitu, bagi dua. Sudah itu
tutup permukaan custardnya, biarkan plastic menempel pada permukaan custardnya, jadi
nggak ada udara. Dinginkan di kulkas 15-30 menit sebelum di gunakan.
10. Setelah 30 menit, ambil custard, ambil mixer, kemudian kocok selama 1 menit atau
sampai teksturnya halus. Kemudian, ambil krim yang sudah di kocok, masukkan ke
dalam mangkuk custard, lalu tuangkan semua adonan custard ke dalam mangkuk whipped
cream, kemudian aduk sampai rata. Setelah adonan custard jadi, masukan ke dalam
plastik segitiga, atau ke dalam plastik bening biasa, potong ujungnya.
11. Susun layer pertama, dengan custard, lalu layer kedua, dan selesai.
Resep Resep Resep Resep Resep Resep Resep Resep Resep Resep
No Komponen Persentase Analisis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bahan :
1 Puff Pastry √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 100% Bahan Utama
2 Telur √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 70% Bahan Utama
3 Whipped Cream √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 90% Bahan Utama
4 Susu √ √ √ √ √ 50% Bahan Utama
5 Gula √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 100% Bahan Utama
6 Lemon Juice √ √ √ 30% Bahan Tambahan
7 Tepung Maizena √ √ √ √ 40% Bahan Tambahan
8 Mentega / Butter √ √ √ 30% Bahan Tambahan
9 Tepung Serbaguna √ √ 20% Bahan Tambahan
10 Vanilla Extract √ √ √ √ 40% Bahan Tambahan
11 Cream Cheese √ 10% Bahan Tambahan
12 Gelatin √ 10% Bahan Tambahan
13 Strawberry √ √ 20% Bahan Tambahan
14 Chocolate √ √ √ √ 40% Bahan Tambahan
15 Corn Syrup √ √ 20% Bahan Tambahan

Teknik Pengolahan
1 Dipanggang √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 100% Teknik Utama

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