Real-Time Implementation and Control of A Classical Guitar Synthesizer in Supercollider
Real-Time Implementation and Control of A Classical Guitar Synthesizer in Supercollider
Real-Time Implementation and Control of A Classical Guitar Synthesizer in Supercollider
Mikael Laurson
Sibelius Academy
Center for Music and Technology
P.O.Box 86, 00251 Helsinki, Finland
[email protected]
This paper presents a detailed account on how a model-based state-of-the-art classical guitar synthesizer has been
implemented in SuperCollider2 (SC2, McCartney 1998). SC2 is an attractive choice for model-based instruments as it is a
general purpose and efficient software synthesizer containing a large set of predefined unit generators. It is also a high-level
programming language allowing the user to tailor various control strategies. Besides implementation issues we describe
how the model is controlled and how the user can specify accurately various playing styles used in the classical guitar
6. Conclusions
/// (1) database ///
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