Real-Time Implementation and Control of A Classical Guitar Synthesizer in Supercollider

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Real-Time Implementation and Control of a Classical Guitar Synthesizer in SuperCollider

Mikael Laurson
Sibelius Academy
Center for Music and Technology
P.O.Box 86, 00251 Helsinki, Finland
[email protected]

This paper presents a detailed account on how a model-based state-of-the-art classical guitar synthesizer has been
implemented in SuperCollider2 (SC2, McCartney 1998). SC2 is an attractive choice for model-based instruments as it is a
general purpose and efficient software synthesizer containing a large set of predefined unit generators. It is also a high-level
programming language allowing the user to tailor various control strategies. Besides implementation issues we describe
how the model is controlled and how the user can specify accurately various playing styles used in the classical guitar

1. Background extensions - such as instrument specific expressions - that

The recent advances in modeling techniques of musical allow efficient description of interpretation.
instruments have raised two questions of primary The system described in this paper consists of three
importance. First, how should the models be parts: database, control part and string models. In the
implemented: should one use environments that have an following we discuss each part in turn (sections 2-4).
emphasis on physical modeling algorithms (STK, Cook After this, in section 5, we give examples of how various
and Scavone 1999); or, should one use large, general playing styles used in the classical guitar repertoire can be
purpose synthesis environments (SC2, MSP, Csound). simulated using the tools that were described in the
Second, what control strategies should one choose: are previous sections.
existing controllers used by human performers adequate;
or, should one design new ones; or, should one have a 2. Database
completely different approach where the control Our model is based on digital waveguide modeling and
information is generated by the computer. These questions commuted waveguide synthesis (Smith 1992, Karjalainen
are complex and obviously no definite answers can be et al. 1998). In order to capture the individual
found here. characteristics of each string we use as a starting point a
Take for instance the first question. On the one hand, large database of pre-processed samples. This database
general-purpose synthesis environments are often block consists of about 80 samples and allows us to use an
oriented and thus do not support easily sample-based individual sample for every possible string/fret
calculation often required by some recent non-linear combination. The database consists also of pre calibrated
techniques used by model-based instruments (for instance filter coefficients, pitch values and amplitude scalers. This
Tolonen et al. 2000). On the other hand, general-purpose scheme allows the system to use “neutral“ playing
synthesis languages may have better support when parameters just by using one finger/fret control event.
designing complex instruments. For instance, in our case, The automated Matlab-based system for extracting
when using a commuted string model (Karjalainen et al. excitation samples and other control information from pre-
1993, Smith 1993), a huge database of samples and other recorded sound material used for this study is described in
control data is required in order to get satisfactory results. Välimäki and Tolonen 1998, and in Erkut et al. 2000.
Thus for our study, as we use a linear string model The data produced by the Matlab system was afterwards
requiring a lot of data, a general purpose real-time system calibrated by ear. This fairly cumbersome calibration step
such as SC2 seems to be a good choice. was necessary mainly for three reasons. First, the analysis
The answer to the second question, concerning the tools producing the raw material for the guitar model were
control of model-based instruments, depends very much not always perfect (although the most recent versions,
on what specific instrument one attempts to control. As described in Erkut et al. 2000, seem to produce very good
our aim is to control an acoustical guitar model, we chose results). Typically this phase included the correction of
to use an approach where the complete control information the decay and timbre characteristics of problematic
is generated by an enriched notation environment called string/fret combinations. Second, the original recorded
Expressive Notation Package (ENP, Laurson et al. 1999, sound material included some occasional unevenness and
Kuuskankare and Laurson 2000). ENP is a PatchWork distortion. In order to remove these deficiencies, it was
(PW, Laurson 1996) user library and it is written in Lisp necessary to replace some of the problematic excitation
and CLOS. The use of notation in expressive control was signals with signals that were found from nearby
motivated by the lack of adequate real-time guitar string/fret combinations. Third, the calibration process
controllers, familiarity with common music notation and assumes a single polarization model and thus gives out
precision of control. ENP resembles commercial notation the parameters for only this simplified model. As a final
packages since it requires no textual input. Besides a full step the guitar model was tuned and the amplitudes of the
set of standard notation facilities, ENP has user-definable excitation signals were normalized.
guitar model. Also we initialize the system to appropriate
3. Control Part initial values.
Figure 1 gives an overview how the guitar model is In section (4) we define a general function, called
controlled. The starting point is a musical excerpt that is ‘vrfn’ , for incoming pluck events. This function returns
prepared in advance by the user in ENP. This score the excitation signals which will be fed later into the
includes besides basic musical information such as pitches delay lines of the string models. We use here the Voicer
and rhythms also instrument specific information such as module as the pluck events are simulated with MIDI note-
fingerings, pluck positions, left hand slurs, and so on (for on messages. The function first calculates values for pluck
details see Laurson et al. 1999). The score is then position and amplitude. After getting current string and
translated into MIDI data that in turn controls in real-time fret numbers, we retrieve the corresponding string/fret sub
the guitar model situated in SC2. array from the database. This information is used, in turn,
to update several controller values. Finally we calculate
the final output for the excitation output. This fairly
ENP MIDI SC2 complex expression is used to scale and comb filter the
Figure 1: Control flow of the guitar model. sample output.
In the final section (5) the code calculates final
The control part in SC2 maps incoming MIDI data to controller values for delay times, detuning scalers, filter
meaningful control information which can be either coefficients and filter gains. These are used as arguments
discrete (pluck events) or continuous. The latter case when reading delay arrays producing the output of the
consists normally of scalers that allow to deviate from the string models. The output of the first delay array is given
neutral case. All incoming MIDI data is scaled to an to the function ‘matMult’ which calculates the output of
appropriate range using the SC2 Plug and MIDIController the feedback matrix (used to simulate the sympathetic
modules. These modules also perform internally coupling of the strings). After this the excitation signals
interpolation between incoming MIDI values. This allows are written to both delay buffers. Also, the output of the
to use a fairly low control-rate - typically 10 or 20 ms - feedback matrix is written to the second buffer array (the
for continuous control. feedback scheme given above, where the output of the
The scheme shown in figure 1 has the advantage that feedback matrix - calculated from the first delay array - is
the synthesizer part in SC2 is quite simple and fed only to the second delay array, is motivated by the
straightforward to implement. The most complex part of need to keep the system stable). Finally, the output of the
the system - i.e. the generation of the control data in ENP delays are panned and mixed resulting in the final output.
- is discussed below in section 5.
5. Simulation of Playing Styles
4. String Model Part This section gives some ideas how various playing styles
The guitar model consists of six dual-polarization strings. used by a classical guitarist can be simulated from ENP.
Sympathetic coupling of the strings is achieved with an We start by describing some basic techniques such as
inherently stable coupling matrix implementation (for simple plucks, fast “replucks” (i.e. repeated plucks),
details see Karjalainen et al. 1998). The string models are staccato, left-hand slurs and vibrato. Also mapping of
implemented using the powerful SC2 “multichannel other playing styles such as forte, piano, pizzicato and
expansion” feature. Operations for several strings can be harmonics will be discussed (some of these techniques are
expressed by a single statement. also discussed in Erkut et al. 2000).
The Appendix gives some of the most important parts Sending a key-on event to SC2 simulates a simple
of the SC2 code used by the system. Due to space pluck event. The system selects from the database the
limitations the code is not complete: there are no variable appropriate excitation sample, the main frequency plus
declarations, only the start and end parts of the large data- some other controller parameters according to the current
base array are given, the code for the loading of samples string (= channel) and fret (= the value of the current
and for the feedback matrix is missing, etc. The code is ‘frets’ controller) numbers. The velocity gives the
split in 5 sections. amplitude and the key number the pluck position of the
The first section (1) defines a SC2 array that defines current pluck event. A comb filter simulates the pluck
the database for each possible string/fret combination position. The pluck position values are normalized
where each sub array has the following meaning: [<freq>, between 0 and 1.0 (thus 0.5 refers to a position at the
<filter coef>, <filter gain>, <sample>, <amp correction>, middle of a string). Just before the string is replucked the
<pitch correction>]. gain of the loop filter of the current string is lowered with
In section (2) we define the main function that is an envelope for a short time. For fast replucks, i.e. when
finally given to the SC2 Synth object when running the the current string to be plucked is still ringing, the system
instrument model. We start by defining two arrays of sends an extra repluck sample just before the actual pluck
buffers used later by the delays (one array for each excitation. This is done in order to simulate the damping
polarization). Also we give the pitches for the open effect of a vibrating string when the right hand fingernail
strings for our model. of the player touches the string. This technique is used
Section (3) defines a set of dynamic controllers (using also when playing in a staccato style where the player
MIDIController and Plug). This part defines the interface damps the strings with the right hand fingers.
for the incoming control information from ENP and the
Left hand slurring technique is implemented simply We have presented in this paper how a classical guitar
by sending a key-on event with a very low velocity value. model can be implemented in a general-purpose synthesis
In this case the gain of the loop filter is not modified. environment. We also discussed how various playing
Additional pitch information is sent from ENP as a techniques are realized using an enriched notation package.
scaler using two adjacent MIDI messages (this provides us Future plans include for instance the improvement of the
with a resolution of 14 bits). The maximum depth (or automated analysis system for extracting excitation
max-depth) of a vibrato to be applied around the current signals and control data (some recent developments are
main frequency value is calculated as follows. If the score reported in Erkut et al. 2000). Also it would be
does not contain for the current note any specific vibrato interesting to change the current MIDI control system to a
expressions (i.e. we want only to play a “straight” note), more flexible synthesis protocol such as Open Sound
the max-depth value depends on whether the current fret is Control (OSC, Wright and Freed 1997).
0 (i.e. an open string) or not. If it is 0 the max-depth is
equal to 0. For higher fret values the max-depth is Acknowledgements
calculated by adding more and more vibrato (the amount This work has been supported by the Academy of Finland
is though always very moderate) as the fret value gets in project “Sounding Score - Modeling of Musical
higher. This is done in order to simulate the fact that for Instruments, Virtual Musical Instruments and their
higher frets the string is more loose which in turn makes Control”.
it more difficult for the player to keep the pitch stable. If,
however, the score contains vibrato expressions, the References
vibrato max-depth is calculated depending on the name of Cook, P. R., and G. P. Scavone. 1999. “The Synthesis ToolKit
the vibrato expression. Vibrato expressions are named (STK)”. In Proc. ICMC'99, pp. 164-166.
with the string “vb” with an extension (a number from 1 Erkut, C., V. Välimäki, M. Karjalainen, and M. Laurson. 2000.
to 9) indicating the max-depth of the vibrato. Thus to “Extraction of Physical and Expressive Parameters for
simulate a very slight vibrato one can use “vb1”, a Model-Based Sound Synthesis of the Classical Guitar”. i n
moderate vibrato is given with “vb5”, an extreme vibrato AES, the 108th Convention 2000.
with “vb9”, and so on. The speed of the vibrato is Karjalainen, M., V. Välimäki, and Z. Jánosy. 1993. “Towards
normally kept static (typically around 5-6 Hz). The overall high-quality sound synthesis of the guitar and string
depth, however, is controlled by an envelope - scaled to instruments”. In Proc. ICMC'93, pp. 56–63.
the current max-depth value - with an ascending- Karjalainen, M., V. Välimäki, and T. Tolonen. 1998. “Plucked-
String Models: From the Karplus-Strong Algorithm t o
descending function with two humps, in order to avoid a Digital Waveguides and Beyond”. Computer Music J., Vol.
mechanical effect when applying a vibrato. 22, No. 3, pp. 17-32.
Forte vs. piano playing is simulated by changing the Kuuskankare, M., and M. Laurson. 2000. “Expressive
gain of the excitation sample. Also the system adjusts the Notation Package (ENP), a Tool for Creating Complex
cut-off frequency of a lowpass filter that filters the Musical Output”. In Proc. Les Journées d'Informatique
excitation sample (forte playing has higher cut-off values, Musicale, pp. 49-56.
piano lower ones). In forte playing the pitch is affected by Laurson, M., and J. Duthen. 1989. “PatchWork, a Graphical
starting with a slightly sharp pitch which is gradually Language in PreForm”. In Proc. ICMC'89, pp. 172-175.
lowered to the normal pitch value (an alternative way to Laurson, M. 1996. “PATCHWORK: A Visual Programming
simulate this idea is discussed in Tolonen et al. 2000). Language and Some Musical Applications”. Doctoral
dissertation, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland.
The pizzicato effect (where the player damps the Laurson, M., J. Hiipakka, C. Erkut, M. Karjalainen, V.
strings with the right hand) is accomplished by lowering Välimäki, and M. Kuuskankare. 1999. “From Expressive
slightly the gain and the cut-off frequency of the loop Notation to Model-Based Sound Synthesis: a Case Study o f
filter of the current string. Although this produces the Acoustic Guitar”. In Proc. ICMC'99, pp. 1-4.
reasonable results it would probably improve the pizzicato McCartney, J. 1998. “Continued Evolution of the
effect if one would use special excitation signals for this SuperCollider Real Time Environment”. In Proc. ICMC'98,
purpose. pp. 133-136.
The harmonics used in the classical guitar repertoire Smith, J. O. 1992. “Physical Modeling Using Digital
are accomplished so that the player, while plucking a Waveguides”. In Computer Music J., Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.
string with the right hand, damps for a short time the 74–91.
Smith, J. O. 1993. “Efficient synthesis of stringed musical
string with the left hand. After this the left-hand fingers instruments” In Proc. ICMC'93, pp. 64–71.
are lifted rapidly allowing the string to ring freely. This Tolonen, T., V. Välimäki, and M. Karjalainen. 2000.
effect produces a very distinct “bell” like sound. The “Modeling of tension modulation nonlinearity in plucked
harmonics effect is simulated in ENP by setting the pluck strings”. In IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 8,
position value so that it matches the current string length. No. 3, May, pp. 300-310.
Thus, if we want to produce a harmonic that is one octave Välimäki, V., and T. Tolonen. 1998. “Development and
higher than the open string (i.e. the player damps the Calibration of a Guitar Synthesizer”. J. Audio Eng. Soc.,
string at the 12th fret) the pluck position value is 0.5. Vol. 46, No. 9, Sept., pp. 766-778.
Although we do not simulate the actual complex physical Wright, M., and A. Freed. 1997. “Open Sound Control: A New
behavior, our approach produces fairly good results. Protocol for Communicating with Sound Synthesizers”. In
Proc. ICMC’97, pp. 101-104.

6. Conclusions
/// (1) database ///
generalinfo = #[
[[ 329.628, 0.117, 0.9949, "ex100", 1.1, 1.00221 ],[ 349.228, 0.27, 0.998, "ex101", 1, ........
,[ 164.814, 0.368, 0.9969, "ex612", 1.0, 1.00039 ] ] ];
stramps = 0.1*[2.0,1.5,2.0,1.3,2.5,2.2];
nofstrs = 6;

/// (2) main function ///

fn = {arg synth;
buffers = Array.fill(nofstrs, { * 0.02);});
buffers2 = Array.fill(nofstrs, { * 0.02);});
basefreqs = [64, 59, 55, 50, 45, 40].midicps;
basedels = 1/basefreqs;

/// (3) dynamic controllers: gain, freq, fltcoefscs, frets ///

gctrls = Array.fill(nofstrs, {arg ind;,7,0,1.0,'linear',0.001);});
gains = Array.fill(nofstrs, {arg ind; var curinfo;
curinfo = at(at(generalinfo,ind),0);,2),0.01);});
pitchHigh = Array.fill(nofstrs, {arg ind;,1,0,127*128,'linear',0.01);});
pitchLow = Array.fill(nofstrs, {arg ind;,2,0,127,'linear',0.01);});
freqs = Array.fill(nofstrs, {arg ind; var curinfo;
curinfo = at(at(generalinfo,ind),0);,0),0.01);});
fcoefs = Array.fill(nofstrs, {arg ind; var curinfo;
curinfo = at(at(generalinfo,ind),0);,1),0.01);});
fltcoefAndgainscs = Array.fill(nofstrs, {arg ind;,3,0.0,1.0,'linear',0.01);});
frets = Array.fill(nofstrs, {arg ind;,4,0,127,'linear',0.0);});

/// (4) pluck events ///

vrfn = {arg chan;{ arg voicer, i, synth, deltaTime, channel, note, velocity;
var plckpos, curstring, output, amp, curfret, curinfo, sample, pitchcorr;
plckpos = ((note/127)*0.5); amp = ((velocity/127) ** 2);
curstring = (channel - 1);
curfret = asInteger(value(source (at(frets,curstring))));
curinfo = at(at(generalinfo,curstring),curfret);
source(at(freqs, curstring)) = at(curinfo,0);
source(at(fcoefs, curstring)) = at(curinfo,1);
source(at(gains, curstring)) = at(curinfo,2);
sample = at(curinfo,3);
pitchcorr = at(curinfo,5);
output = GF.sampleIns([sample, 1], pitchcorr, 0, nil)*amp;
output =,curstring)*at(curinfo,4),0.001,
max(0.001,if(curstring<4,{0.28*(0.13+(amp*0.05))},{0.32*(0.18+(amp*0.05))})))* (, 0.05, at(basedels,curstring)*plckpos,
if(curstring<4,{0.35},{0.75})))),(0300+(amp*8000)));},1,chan,1); };
excits = [vrfn.value(1), vrfn.value(2), vrfn.value(3), vrfn.value(4), vrfn.value(5), vrfn.value(6)];

/// (5) string models ///

matLabPitchSc = 10000;
deltimes = 1/(freqs * ((pitchHigh+pitchLow) / matLabPitchSc));
detunes2 = [1.0001,1.0001,1.0001,1.00015,1.00018,1.0002];
finalfcoefs = fcoefs*fltcoefAndgainscs;
finalgains = gains*gctrls*fltcoefAndgainscs;
fltdels =, deltimes),finalfcoefs,finalgains);
fltdels2 =, deltimes*detunes2),finalfcoefs,finalgains);
feedb1 =, fltdels, feedbMatrix));, excits+fltdels);, excits+fltdels2+feedb1);[fltdels,fltdels2]),2*[ -0.07, -0.05, -0.02, 0.0, 0.02, 0.04 ],2));
};{arg synth;
synth.blockSize = 56;
value(fn, synth)});

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