Rationale: In near future, robots will be used widely in the fields of manufacturing, medicine,
search and rescue, service, and entertainment. So, it is very much important to teach robotics as the
synergistic integration of mechanics, electronics, controls, and computer science. This subject is
intended to make student aware with basics of robot sensors, controls and transformations along
with essential kinematics and dynamics.
S. N. Content Total %
Hrs Weight
1 Basic Concepts 08 16
Definition and origin of robotics, different types of robotics, various generations of
robots, degrees of freedom, Asimov‘s laws of robotics, dynamic stabilization of
2 Power Sources 08 16
Hydraulic, pneumatic and electric drives, determination of HP of motor and gearing
ratio, variable speed arrangements, path determination, micro machines in robotics.
3 Manipulators, Actuators and Grippers 08 16
Construction of manipulators – manipulator dynamics and force control, electronic
and pneumatic manipulator control circuits, end effectors, various types of grippers –
design considerations.
4 Kinematics and Path Planning 08 16
Solution of inverse kinematics problem, multiple solution Jacobean work envelop,
hill climbing techniques, introduction to robot programming languages.
5 Sensors and Intelligent Robots 08 16
Introduction to robotic sensors, vision systems, Range detectors, assembly aid
devices, force and torque sensors, machine vision, ranging, laser, acoustic, magnetic,
fiber optic and tactile sensors.
6 Case Studies 10 20
Multiple robots, machine interface, robots in manufacturing and non- manufacturing
applications, robot cell design, selection of robot.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Text Books
1. Robot Modeling and Control by Spong, M.W., Hutchinson, H., & Vidyasagar, M., John Wiley (Wiley
India Ed.), 2006, ISBN-13: 978-0471649908
2. Robotics Engineering – An integrated approach by Klafter R.D., Chimielewski T.A., Negin M., Prentice
Hall of India, 1994, ISBN-13: 978-0134687520
3. Introduction to Robotics, by SAHA, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2008, ISBN 9781259083204
4. Fundamental of Robotics Analysis and control: by Robert J. Schilling, Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN-
13: 978-0133444339
5. Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation, by S. R. Deb, Sankha Deb, 2010 McGraw Hill, 2nd
edition, 2010, ISBN: 9780070077911
6. Robotics and Image processing by P.A. Janakiraman, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1995, ISBN 9780074621677
7. Robotics and Control by R. K. Mittal, I. J. Nagrath, Tata-Mcgraw Hill, 2003
Reference Books:
1. Control in Robotics and Automation: Sensor Based Integration (Engineering) B. Ghosh, T. J. Tarn, Ning
Xi, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0122818455
2. Robots and manufacturing Automation by C Ray Asfahl, John Wiley, 1992, ISBN: 978-0-471-55391-5
3. Introduction to Robotics by McKerrow Phillip.John, Addison Wesley, Australia, 1991, ISBN
13: 9780201182408.
4. Principles of Robot Motion - Theory, Algorithms and Implementation (OIP) by Howie Choset, Kevin M
Lynch , Seth Hutchinson , George Kantor, MIT Press, ISBN-13: 978-0262033275
5. Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB by Peter Corke, Springer pub, 1st
ed. 2011, ISBN-13: 978-3642201431
Course Outcome:
CO1. learn the mathematics of rigid motions, rotations, translations, velocity kinematics
CO2. evaluate the various parts of mechanical and electronic system of robots.
CO3. evaluate robot dynamics and multivariable control
CO4. familiar with computer vision, visual servo control problems and applications in the industry.
List of Experiments: