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Practice Test I - Structure

1. Clinical psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers 5. The Hawaiian alphabet, introduced by

found that 80 _____ percent verbal missionaries in the 1820's, _____ and
communication involved five types of only seven consonants.
responses: evaluative, interpretive,
supportive, probing, and understanding. (A) the five vowels consist of
(B) consisting of five vowels
(A) all (C) that consists of five vowels
(B) is the (D) consists of five vowels
(C) with
(D) of all
6. Working like a telescope, _____ the size
of objects at great distances.
2. The early feminist leader Susan B.
Anthony became increasingly aware (A) which magnifies a telephoto lens
through her work in the temperance (B) a telephoto lens magnifies
movement ______ the same rights as (C) a telephoto lens which magnifies
men. (D) and magnifying a telephoto lens

(A) women were not granted that

(B) that women were not granted 7. Volcanoes are divided into three main
(C) not granted women that were groups, based on their shape and the
(D) that were not granted women type of material they______.

(A) are made

3. DNA, _____, is found in the cell nucleus (B) made of
in the form of very long and thin (C) are made of
molecules consisting of two spiral strands. (D) made for

(A) inherits material

(B) is inheritance material 8. _____ to inanimate objects, such as
(C) material is inherited machines, is a form of animism.
(D) the material of inheritance
(A) When attributing emotion
(B) Attributing emotion
4. ______ plants, which manufacture their (C) Emotion is attributed
own food, animals obtain nourishment by (D) If emotion is attributed
acquiring and ingesting their food.

(A) Unlike
(B) Different
(C) Whereas
(D) As much
9. ______, dolphins have no sense of smell. 13. The early years of the United States
government were characterized by a
(A) As known as far debate concerning _____ or individual
(B) Known thus far as states should have more power.
(C) It is known as far
(D) As far as is known (A) whether the federal government
(B) either the federal government
(C) that the federal government
10. The growth of psychobiology owes _____ (D) the federal government
to major conceptual advances in the way
people think about the brain.
14. Beneath the streets of a modem city
(A) much _____ of walls, columns, cables, pipes,
(B) as much as and tunnels required to satisfy the needs
(C) much which of its inhabitants.
(D) there is so much
(A) where exists the network
(B) the existing network
11. In 1938 Pearl S. Buck became the first (C) the network's existence
American woman ______ the Nobel Prize (D) exists the network
for Literature.

(A) receive 15. The province of Newfoundland has _____

(B) received than any other region of North America in
(C) to receive which the first language is English.
(D) she received
(A) its longer history
(B) a longer history
12. Now considered an art form, quilt making (C) the longer the history
originated as a means of fashioning bed (D) the history is longer
covers from bits of fabric that otherwise

(A) not use

(B) were no use
(C) had no use
(D) it was not used
16. The antique collector must be able to distinguish real antiques from later imitations, which can be
either reproductions nor fakes.

17. Paint must be stirred and sometimes dilution before it is applied.

18. A great aviation pioneer, Amelia Earhart was already famous when she sets out on her ill-fated
attempt to circle the globe in 1937.

19. Although apples do not grow during the cold season, apple trees must have a such season in
order to flourish.

20. Two unique features of the Arctic they are lack of precipitation and permanently frozen ground.

21. Faced with petroleum shortages in the 1970's, scientists and engineers in the United States
stepped up its efforts to develop more efficient heating systems and better insulation.

22. Rabbits have large front tooth, short tails, and hind legs and feet adapted for running and jumping.

23. Dentistry is a branch of medicine that has developed very dramatic in the last twenty years.

24. The ease of solving a jigsaw puzzle depends the number of pieces, their shapes and shadings,
and the design of the picture.
25. Plants range in size to tiny, single-celled, blue-green algae, invisible to the naked eye, to giant
sequoias, the largest living plants.

26. During the 1940's science and engineering had an impact on the way music reach its audience
and even influenced the way in which it was composed.

27. By 1860 the railroads of the United States had 3,000 miles of track, three-quarters of which it was
east of the Mississippi River and north of the Ohio River.

28. Ballads were early types of poetry and may have been among a first kinds of music.

29. The thin outer layer of the skin is called the epidermis, while the layer inner, which is slightly
thicker, is called the dermis.

30. With the incorporation of jazz history into current academic curricula, leading jazz musicians are
now founding on the faculties of several universities.

31. Humus, a substance found in soil, is soft and spongy and enables plant roots to send out tiny hairs
through that they absorb water and food.

32. Although flies live longest in cool temperatures, it breed prolifically when temperatures are warm,
food is abundant, and humidity is moderate.

33. Alaska's vast areas of untamed wilderness attracts many people who enjoy the outdoors.
34. The giant panda closely resembles the bear, but account of certain anatomical features it is placed
in the raccoon family.

35. The ode was original a ceremonial poem written to celebrate public occasions or exalted subjects.

36. Even as he wrote copiously on such diverse topic as education, politics, and religion, Lewis
Mumford remained active in city and regional planning.

37. Oscillation is a electronic function that changes direct current to the signal of desired frequency.

38. Papier-mâché figures by Stephen Hensen, which they cheerfully depicted life in the Information
Age, were the focus of an exhibit at the Museum of American History.

39. Pharmacist fill drug prescriptions, keeping records of the drugs their patients are taking to make
sure that harmful combinations are not prescribed.

40. Great technical advances in aerial and satellite photography have been made since end of the
Second World War.
Practice Test I – Answers

Number Answers
1 D
2 B
3 D
4 A
5 D
6 B
7 C
8 B
9 D
10 A
11 C
12 C
13 A
14 D
15 B
16 D
17 C
18 C
19 C
20 B
21 B
22 B
23 D
24 B
25 B
26 B
27 D
28 C
29 D
30 D
31 D
32 B
33 C
34 C
35 A
36 B
37 A
38 A
39 A
40 D

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