AP 10 Reviewer

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by: Luis Adrian D. Ampuan

Graft- defined as the public use position in the
CHAPTER 4; LESSON 3 government for material gain through illegal or illicit
Governments – performs very important political,
economic, and social functions Corruption- abuse of entrusted power foe private gain

Political Parties- individuals who take on the mantle of Petty Corruption- involves the acquisition of small favors
authority of some small finance gain from the use of public office

Democracies- reflect the nature of democratic rule, Grand Corruption- disrupts the economy, negates the
which is equal or near equal representation of people in rule of law, and erodes the confidence of the citizens in
government. their government

Political Dynasties- the succession of rulers in the same Systematic Corruption- when corruption is so ingrained
family line or a family or group of individuals that and widespread in a system
maintain power through successive generations Criminal Sanctions- sent to jail
Ideological care- common belief or political philosophy Administrative Sanctions- demotion or removal from
shared by everyone belonging into the party public office
Political Agenda- programs they want to do or TYPES OF CORRUPTION
implement when they are elected and when they assume
office afterwards Bribery- act of giving or accepting something valuable in
exchange of a favor
Two-party system- dominant political parties
Influence Peddling- refers to receiving payments in
Multiparty system- multiple countries can take part in exchange for support regarding critical pieces of
political activities legislation that will unjustly favor a group of individuals
Dominant Party- makes all the decisions Favoritism, Nepotism and Clientelism – Involves the use
Democrats- the left leaning or liberal, meaning it agrees of a public or private position to favor a member of one’s
in the legislation of measures intend to promote equal family
opportunities for the work. Extortion – when people who has the power to impose
Republican- more right leaning punishment uses the threat of prosecution or penalty to
ask for money from those who violate the law
Politics of Personality- a condition in which condition
which people get elected not because they have clear Theft - stealing money and resources from the
understanding, but they are famous and significant vote government
on the public Fraud - use of malicious and false information or
Political Patronage - a political phenomenon that is not dishonest methods to take something valuable from
unique to the countries another person such as property.

Political Pedigree - a major consideration and a Embezzlement – the fraudulent appropriation of

determinant of how likely a candidate will win a property or money (entrusted to one’s care) to one’s
competition own use.

Maguindanao Massacre- the worst episode of election- ORIGINS OF GRAFT AND CORRUPTION
related violence in the country In what countries is Corruption rampant?

1. Totalitarian

2. Autocratic
Padrino or Compadre System – where employees or GRAFT AND CORRUPTION: THE PHILIPPINE CONTEXT
lower-ranking members of an institution regularly
Martial Law Era – time perceived by the people when
establish a network of connections between them and
corruption is said to have peaked when Marcos used his
their powerful benefactors by making them godparents
immense power to enrich himself, his family, and his
of their children.
allies and “cronies” in business
Corruption Perception Index (CPI) – ranks countries and
NB: This is called as Crony Capitalism by the Marcos
territories based on how their public sector is perceived.
NB: The CPI is particularly important to determine
Import Substitution – is an economic strategy wherein
investment viability
local production of goods is encouraged by restricting or
Twelve Least Corrupt Countries preventing the entry of foreign goods or refraining from
importing goods from other countries.
Rank 1: Denmark
PCGG (Presidential Commission on Good Government)
Rank 12: Germany
– an agency created by Pres. Corazon Aquino for the
Ten Most Corrupt Countries sequestration of private assets owned by the Marcoses

Rank 168: Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan EDSA Dos – is the colloquial term of the 4-day political
protest that occurred from 17 to 20 July 2001. The
Rank 175: Somalia protest successfully overthrew the government of then
THE SOCIAL AN ECONOMIC COSTS OF GRAFT AND President Joseph Ejercito Estrada, who was facing
CORRUPTION various charges

Bureaucratic Red Tape – a form of corruption that Pork Barrel – funds allocated to a representative’s
hampers the delivery of much needed goods and social district for use in priority projects. It is said that the term
services originated from the practices of doling out barrels of
salted pork to African-American slaves as a reward and
NB: happens when corruption has taken away the to enhance and promote competition.
ability of government processes to move in a fast and
expeditious way or when the slow pace of PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Fund) – a
government services makes it conducive for discretionary fund allotted by the Philippine Government
corruption. for lawmakers and their priority projects

UNAC (United Nations Convention against Corruption) RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act) –
– adopted on 30 September 2003 in Vienna, Austria enumerate all corrupt practices of any public office and
used as a Global Effort to fight graft and corruption and provides corresponding penalties.
it uses measures for citizens and civil society to RA 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
cooperate. Public Officials) – this lays down the ethical standards
Principles of Good Governance required for all government employees

1. Transparency CHAPTER 5; LESSON 2

2. Meritocracy
Security- when there is no danger of military attack,
3. Efficiency
political pressure, or economic coercion, enabling a
4. Imposition of Standards of Integrity and Policies
country to pursue freely its development and progress
that promote a strong system of checks and
balances Insecurity- where a state is faced with threats and
dangers emanating from different sources
Watchdog – a person, a group of persons, or an
organization that monitors and guards against illegal Conflict- struggle or contest between people with
practices and corruption opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals
Hotspots- refers to areas where there is a potential for collates evidence, elucidates facts and then develops a
violent political unrest, which pertains to the possibility proposal in which is usually nonbinding
of public protests against the government.
Nine-Dashed Line- refers to the demarcation line used
Flashpoints- potential areas of armed conflict between by the People’s Republic of China to define its territory
countries. or national boundaries

Armed Conflict- contested incompatibility which Extended Continental Shelf- refers to the seabed and
concerns government and/or territory where the use of subsoil of submarine areas that extend beyond a
armed force between two parties, of which at least one country’s territorial sea throughout the natural
is the government of a state, results in at least 25 battle- prolongation of its land territory to the outer edge of the
related deaths. conti8nental margin

Territories- refer to land and water areas that fall under Permanent Court of Arbitration- is an International
jurisdiction of a particular state. organization whose aim is the peaceful resolution of
disputes that involve state, state entities,
Boundaries- are establish in order to distinguish the
intergovernmental organizations, and private parties
limits and extent of the jurisdiction of individual states
through establishment of arbitration tribunals
Territorial Dispute- is a disagreement over the
possession and control of a geographic area between
two or more states. Human Rights- refer to the basic rights and freedom of
Boarder Dispute- is a disagreement between two or people
more countries relating to the limit or extent of the *Human rights are inalienable, meaning they are
demarcations pf their respective national territories. permanent. They are also indivisible, meaning that all
Terrorism- refers to acts of unlawful violence or war of rights are equally important and independent.
religious, political, and ideological reasons. Petition of Right- a document which laid down the idea
Irredentism- stated the claim a certain territory or that citizen had key rights and that these should be
demarcate boarders on the basis of cultural or ethnic invoked to protect them against their own development
attachments Civil Liberties- are personal rights and freedoms that any
Common Heritage of Humanity- seas beyond the government cannot deny or abridge either by law or by
jurisdiction and scope of individual countries judicial interpretation

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)- method in which Natural rights- are the basis of the law and these rights
territorial conflicts are settled without the used of have limitations and are good as long as they do not
violence and war infringe on the rights of other people

Facilitation- when a third party of country that is not of Rapporteur- is one appointed by an organization to
the contesting states suggests alternative ways to report on the proceedings of its meetings
resolve the territorial dispute Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action- a
Good Offices- refers to a process I which world leaders document which sought to provide fresh’ approaches
or any representative of an international agency and strategies to the promotion of human rights locally
facilitate and recommend and ADR and internationally

Arbitration- is a form of ADR when contesting states Impunity- is an exemption from punishment. It refers to
agree to have a group of individuals decide on their case the failure to bring perpetrators of human rights
and agree to honor decision reach violations to justice

Conciliation- is another form of ADR in which third party

with the consent of both contesting states or states
CPI- Corruption Perception Index

UNCAC- United Nations Convention Against Corruption

PCGG- Presidential Commission on Good Governance

PDAF- Priority Development Authority Fund

OMB- Office of the Ombudsman

COA- Commission on Audit

VACC- Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption

PCIJ- Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism

CMFR- Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility

UNCLOS- United Nations Convention of the Laws of the


USSR- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

ADR- Alternative Dispute Resolution

ICJ- International Court of Justice

PCA- Permanent Court of Arbitrations

ITLOS- International Tribunal for the Laws of the Sea

USEIE- U.S. Energy Information Administration

KIG- Kalayaan Group of Islands

UDHR- Universal Declaration of Human Rights

ISIS- Islamic State in Iraq and Syria

UNCHR- UN High Commission on Refugees

IDP- Internally Displaced Persons

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