Notification HP Horticulture Development Society Specialist Posts

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Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Project

Dyerton Bizhub, Talland Bypass, Shimla (H.P.)-171001

Telephone: 0091-177- 2674465, 2674937, 2674936 (Telefax)
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website:

Invitation of application for District Environmental Safeguard Specialists

Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Project intends to hire the services of

“Environmental Safeguard Specialists” (5 No.) at district level, for its Project Implementation
Units (PIUs) to monitor and implement the Environment & Social Management Frame Work (ESMF)
under World Bank funded “Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Project”(HPHDP). The
assignment is full time based and likely to continue for the project period depending upon the
performance of the Specialists.

The prescribed format of submission of CVs and detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the
assignment can be downloaded from our website

The last for the submissions of application is 26th March 2018.

Project Director
Format for Submission of CVs

1. General particulars
Name in full Name Surname

Father’s name
Date of Birth
Age as on 20th March 2018

Marital Status

Applicants Complete Address
for correspondence along with

Contact Phone No.

Mobile No.
3. Profession

4. Years of experience (Provide Total: Years Months

Relevant to Post Years Months

{Provide essential information as per the desired Qualification for the post applied for}
[Indicate college/university and other specialized education of applicant, giving names of
institutions, degrees obtained, and month & year of passing]

S. No Degree/Course Month & Year of University/Board/Institute Marks/Grades

Completed Passing obtained
5. Trainings: {Indicate significant trainings relevant to the post applied for}

( i)

( ii)
6. Membership of Professional Associations (If any):



7.Languages [For each language indicate proficiency :good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and

Language Read Write Speak

8 Employment Record [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment
held by applicant since first job, giving for each employment (see format here below ) :dates of
employment ,name of employing organization ,positions held.]:

Repeat the description in the format below for each job.

From[Month/Year]: To[Month/Year]:
Employer :
Position held :
Duties {Describe in brief the works handled/duties performed that Best
performed Illustrate the Capability to handle the proposed tasks as per Terms of
Reference for the said assignment}

9. References: Mention any two references with their complete address and contact
10. Offer and Payment Terms:
Sr. No. Monthly/Yearly Amount (INR) Remarks (if any)

11. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
me ,my qualifications ,and experience. I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein
may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.


[Signature of Applicant] Day/Month/Year

Name of the Applicant:


(Under Himachal Pradesh – Horticulture Development Project)


The Government of Himachal Pradesh (GoHP) is implementing World Bank funded project on
Horticulture Development in the State of Himachal Pradesh (H.P). The project will address key, well
known gaps and deficiencies in the horticulture sector in Himachal Pradesh and transform the sector
(and the overall rural economy) to be more productive, efficient and profitable. By doing so, it will
contribute to the key aspects of the GoI, GoHP and the Bank’s strategic objectives related to faster
and broader agriculture sector growth and inclusive development. The proposed Project
Development Objective (PDO) is “to support small farmers and agro-entrepreneurs in Himachal
Pradesh to increase the productivity, quality and market access of selected Horticulture

The Key Project Indicators (KPI) will be: (a) Productivity (in ton/ha) (i) of rejuvenated apple
orchards; and (ii) of new plantations of selected horticulture crops. (b) Percentage of Apple Grades
A, B and C. (c) Share of selected horticulture commodities sold through new marketing channels for
(i) Apple, and (ii) Tomato. (d) Direct project beneficiaries (number), of which female beneficiaries
The project will achieve the PDO by: (i) improving producer’s access to knowledge and horticulture
production technologies (including climate resilient technologies), and access to financial services so
that they are able to better respond to climate variability and emerging market opportunities; (ii)
promoting investments in agribusiness, fostering backward and forward linkages in the value chains
for horticulture products, piloting negotiable warehouse receipts for horticulture commodities, and
facilitating access to financial services for agribusiness enterprises, including collectives such as
producer companies; and (iii) supporting the development of an improved platform for market-
related information and intelligence, developing new e-market channels outside of regulated
markets, and improved services provided by modernizing the promising traditional wholesale


The activities of the project are clustered around three main interlinked technical components that
have the following purpose: (i) improving producer’s access to knowledge and horticulture
production technologies (including climate resilient technologies), and access to finance; (ii)
promoting investments in agribusiness, fostering backward and forward linkages in horticulture
product value chains, facilitating access to finance for agribusiness entrepreneurs, and, piloting
negotiable warehouse receipts for horticulture commodities; and (iii) supporting the development
of an improved platform for market-related information and intelligence, and upgrading and
modernizing the promising traditional wholesale markets.

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Component A: Horticulture Production and Diversification: The objective of this component is
to enhance horticultural competitiveness at the farm level by supporting access to knowledge,
technology and finance in order to increase long term productivity and farm incomes in an
environment marked by changing market patterns and increased climate variability. This will be
achieved by: (i) enhancing producer’s access to disease free elite planting materials; (ii) supporting
sustainable intensification and diversification of horticultural production through technology and
knowledge transfer, including harvest, capture, collection, delivery and distribution of water; (iii)
strengthening applied research and development; and (iv) enhancing the access to and use of
financial services by producers.

Component B: Value Addition and Agro-enterprise Development: The objective of this

component to improve value realization at the farm level, promote investments in agribusiness,
fostering backward and forward linkages in the value chains for horticulture products, support
supply chain infrastructure that prevents wastage and value erosion; and enable secondary and
tertiary processing that create higher value for the produce. This will be achieved by: (i) building
community/farm level marketing capacities and supporting them through matching grants to
acquire productive assets; (ii) establishing a modern supply chain comprising pack-houses,
controlled atmosphere (CA) stores, and processing facilities to be operated under operational
management arrangement with private partners; (iii) piloting warehouse receipt systems linked to
commodity exchanges; identifying, mobilizing and supporting agro entrepreneurs; and (iv) co-
financing investments and facilitating access business advisory and to financial services for
agribusiness enterprises, including collectives such as producer companies

Component C: Market Development: The objective of this component is to provide an improved

platform for market-related information and intelligence, expand market access through alternative
marketing channels, enhance transparency in the price discovery process, and improve market
infrastructure. This will be achieved by: (i) supporting market information and intelligence services;
(ii) introducing of e-marketing platforms; and (iii) upgrading wholesale markets.

Component D: Project Management, Monitoring and Learning: This component will ensure the
effective implementation of the project activities and monitor and evaluate project implementation
progress, outputs and outcomes, building on implementation experience. This component will
support: (i) establishment and operations of Project Coordination Unit (PCU), which will oversee
and coordinate activities of the implementing agencies of the project; (ii) establishment and
operations of Project Implementation Units in the respective implementing agencies; and (iii) setting
up of a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for the project, including a project management
information system and contracting an external M&E agency to monitor project activities and
impact. The component will also finance dedicated staffing for the project activities that are
attributable to the outcomes of the project, consultancies, training and related material, office
equipment, and operational costs

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In view of the Project design and spread of the Project activities, exhaustive consultations were held
with all the stakeholders during the preparatory phases of the project. Environment and Social
Specialists were specifically hired for this purpose, who interacted with the NGOs, farmers
associations and other stakeholders and spelled out the likely risks during the implementation of the
project activities and after the commissioning of the infrastructure envisaged under HPHDP. Based
on the ground realities and the discussions held as well as the primary and secondary data collected
on various aspects of horticulture industry in the State, Environment and Social Management Frame
Work (ESMF) has been formulated which elucidates the likely risks and commensurating mitigation
measures to be under taken before and during the implementation of the project activities at the sub
project level. The implementation of ESMF and ESA in true sense will help in environmental
sustainability and social inclusion. For this it is important to educate the project implementation
entities and the beneficiaries, particularly the farmers, women and other stakeholders. To monitor
and implement the ESMF and to undertake Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAs) and to
formulate Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) for at sub-project levels, services of District
Environment Specialists (5 No.) are required for the PIUs of HPMC and HPSAMB one each; 3 for the
PIU Horticulture at district level (1 no. for the district of Shimla, Kinnaur, Solan & Sirmaur, 1no. for
the district of Kullu, Lahaul & Spiti, Kangra and Chamba; 1no. for the district of Mandi, Bilaspur, Una
and Hamirpur)


1. Support the implementation of the project’s ESMF by providing technical and operational
support for training and capacity building, monitoring and reporting on ESMF, as
2. Identify and assess the potential environmental impacts and risks of the interventions
proposed under HPHDP and recommend mitigation measures.
3. Identify opportunities for enhancing environmental benefits.
4. Ensure compliance with national and state environmental regulations and the World
Bank’s Environmental and Social safeguards policies that apply to HPHDP; and
5. Ensure the environmental sustainability of investments under the Project.

Essential: B.Sc. Forestry (4 years degree programme)/ B.Sc. Bio Sciences/ B. Tech/ B.E.
(Civil/Environment) from a recognized University and M.Sc. (Environmental Sciences/Forestry)/M.
Tech (Civil Engineering with specialization in Environment) from a recognized University.

Experience: Minimum 3 years experience in conducting EIA/ESIA and preparation of Environment

Management Plan. Preference will be given to the Specialists having practical experience in
conducting EIA and preparation of EMP and having familiarity with environmental policies and Acts
related to the similar project and previous experience of working in externally aided projects in hilly

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1. To coordinate with the concerned PIUs and E&S Cell of PCU to develop annual action plan
and assist to implement and monitor Environment & Social Management Frame
Work (ESMF) of HP Horticulture Development Project.
2. To develop relevant IE&C material and conduct awareness on various provisions of ESMF in
co-ordination with PIU and PCU for all the stakeholders.
3. To Conduct TNA and formulate training plan & Training Modules w.r.t. Environment
Management Frame Work, for the capacity building of the manpower directly involved in the
implementation of project activities in the field, on all aspects of environment related risks
and their mitigation measures.
4. To assess the dimensions of sub-project interventions and describe relevant physical,
biological and socio-economic conditions including any change anticipated before the project
5. To develop relevant environment base line data from desk review and from the field with the
assistance of frontline staff of the BIU and or/ facilitators and submit the same to E&S Cell of
6. To undertake environmental screening of Project interventions to ascertain impacts, levels of
intervention required and develop reports on environment risks associated with the
implementation of these activities suggesting mitigation plan and submit the same for the
further scrutiny by E&S cell of PCU.
7. Coordinate with PCU and external agency hired by the Project to conduct EIA and preparing
EMP and provide relevant data and information.
8. Review EIA and EMP for the sub-projects and make recommendations on the adequacy of
assessment and providing guidance to address the outstanding issue satisfactorily.
9. Assist in formulation and implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP)/
mitigation plan for project activities being implemented at sub project level and incorporate
the same in the implementation plan with adequate provisions of fund.
10. Monitoring of EMP parameters and inclusion of required mitigation measures included in the
contractor’s TOR with adequate provisions of budget for implementation of EMP and/ or
mitigation plan etc.
11. Monitoring of Environment Management Frame Work before and during construction and
operation phases of sub-projects and submit monthly progress of implementation of ESMF to
the PCU.
12. Ensure that project activities being implemented are in accordance with the existing Central,
State and World Bank’s environment and social policies.
13. Expert will ensure that the infrastructure to be developed by the project implementation
entities should strictly comply with the prevailing regulations and safeguards policies of the
World Bank.
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14. The expert will also ensure that environmental guidelines with required mitigation plan are
followed in case of low to moderate environmental risk activities and in case of moderate to
high environmental risk EIA is done and EMP is part of DPR of such activities being
undertaken in the Project.
15. To ensure safe disposal of the solid and liquid waste from the processing plants.
16. To ensure that the forest areas and other natural habitats are not encroached or disturbed
due to the implementation of the project activities.
17. Devise reporting formats to be used by the field functionaries of PIUs.
18. Submission of monthly progress report (MPR) and half yearly progress report on
implementation of environment management frame work to the PCU.

1. Report on Training needs assessment (TNA) along with Training Modules and annual
training plan for various stakeholders w.r.t. environment management frame work (EMF).
2. Organize awareness programmes, exposure visits w.r.t. ESMF and progress report.
3. Sub-project based environmental screening report comprising of assessment of likely
positive and negative impact in quantitative and qualitative terms including mitigation
4. Development of monitoring plan and progress of Environment Management Frame
5. Development of sub-project based environmental base line data and photographs, video
etc. related to project interventions.
6. Monthly Progress report of implementation & monitoring of ESMF.
7. Half yearly progress report on ESMF.

The Environmental Specialists are required to undertake field-visits and tours as per the project


District Environmental Specialist will report to the Project Director of HPHDP. The work and
performance of the Environmental Specialist shall be reviewed by the project director on a periodic

The assignment is full time based in Shimla for PIU HPMC & HPSAMB and for District
Implementation Units (DIUs) of PIU Horticulture at regional HQ at district level in Himachal
Pradesh. The assignment is likely to continue for the project period and renewable on year
to year basis depending upon the satisfactory performance of the Specialist.

The consultant will be offered remuneration of Rs. 70,000 per month for the initial first year and for
the subsequent period as per the HR Policy of the Project. However, the Specialists can quote their
own rates for the job either on lump sum basis or on monthly basis.

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