Statcon Midterm Cases Set 2
Statcon Midterm Cases Set 2
Statcon Midterm Cases Set 2
Repeals by
implication are not
City of Manila On 1/27/1958, while WON this case is This case is covered Chapter 6
vs Teotico Teotico was on the way covered by Manila by the Civil Code. (Construction in
to board a jeepney Charter or by the relation to Other
within a loading and Civil Code The issue was Statutes)
unloading zone (corner about the
of Old Luneta and P. damages, not Statutes in pari
Burgos Avenue), he fell about the materia - - Two or
off an uncovered and territorial more statutes relate
unlighted manhole. application of the to the same
Because of it, his head law. specific subject
hit the rim of the RA 409 only has
- Relate to the same
manhole and broke his general rule
person or thing, or
eyeglasses. It caused Art 2189 of Civil have
injury on his left eyelid. Code specified the same purpose
He wasn’t able to “Provinces, cities or object, or cover
report to work for 20 and municipalities the
days. shall be liable for same specific or
damages for the particular subject
Teotico filed for death of, or injuries matter134
damages against City of suffered by, any
Manila. CFI and CA person by reason Presumption: Laws
ruled in favor of are consistent with
of defective
Teotico, ordering City conditions of road, other. Whenever a
of Manila to pay the streets, bridges, legislature enacts a
former for damages. public buildings, law, it has
and other public in mind the previous
City of Manila works under their statutes relating to
appealed, invoked that control or the same
case was covered by supervision. subject matter, and
City of Manila Charter The city admitted in the absence of
(RA 409), not by the that the place was any express
Civil Code. City of repeal or
under their
Manila Charter is a amendment, the
new statute is
special law. n. deemed
enacted in accord
RA 409 Sec 4 with the legislative
The city shall not be policy
liable or held for embodied in those
damages or injuries to prior statutes.
persons or property
arising from the failure Maxim:
of the Mayor, the interpretare et
Municipal Board, or any concordare leges
other city officer, to
est optimus
enforce the provisions interpretandi
of this chapter, or any modus (every
other law or ordinance, statute
or from negligence of must be so
said Mayor, Municipal construed and
Board, or other officers harmonized with
while enforcing or other
attempting to enforce statutes as to form
a uniform system of
said provisions.
Article 2189 of the Civil
Code: Provinces, cities
and municipalities shall
be liable for damages
for the death of, or
injuries suffered by, any
person by reason of
defective conditions of
road, streets, bridges,
public buildings, and
other public works
under their control or