Phenotypic Variation
Phenotypic Variation
Phenotypic Variation
Comprehension The group is The group is The group is The group is
able to able to able to unable to
accurately accurately accurately accurately
answer almost answer most answer a few answer
all questions questions posed questions about questions about
about the topic. about the topic. the topic. the topic.
Scientific Explanations by Explanations by Explanations by Explanations by
knowledge/ all group all group most group several members
members members members of the group do
indicate a clear indicate a indicate relatively not illustrate
and accurate relatively accurate much
understanding of accurate understanding of understanding of
the topic and understanding of the topic and the topic and
scientific the topic and scientific scientific
principles scientific principles principles
involved. principles involved. involved.
Content Content is Content is Content is Content is
accurate and accurate but accurate but questionable and
information is some information information is not information is not
presented in a is not presented presented in a presented in a
logical order. in a logical order, logical order, logical order,
but is still making it difficult making it difficult
generally easy to to follow. to follow.
Preparedness The group is The group The group is The group does
completely seems pretty somewhat not seem at all
prepared and prepared but prepared, but it prepared to
has obviously might have is clear that present.
rehearsed. needed a couple rehearsal was
more rehearsals. lacking.
Videography Many different Several (3-4) One or two Little attempt
\"takes\", camera different different was made to
angles, sound \"takes\", camera \"takes\", camera provide variety in
effects, and/or angles, sound angles, sound the video.
careful of use of effects, and/or effects, and/or
zoom provided careful of use of careful of use of
variety in the zoom provided zoom provided
video. variety in the variety in the
video. video.
Time limit Presentation is 3 Presentation is 2 Presentation is 1 Presentation is
minutes long. minutes long minute long. less than 1
minute or more
than 3 minutes.