Wilson2016 PDF
Wilson2016 PDF
Wilson2016 PDF
(2016),"Knowledge sharing is knowledge transfer: a misconception in the literature", Journal of Knowledge Management,
Vol. 20 Iss 4 pp. -
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In September 2015 a new version of ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems –
Requirements was released which contained for the first time an obligation for organisations
to consider the role of organizational knowledge as a resource. This specification will
position knowledge more centrally within the quality management policies of more than one
million certified organisations worldwide (ISO, 2014a) and require them to systematically
consider all the stages of the knowledge management cycle. There are also many other
organizations which use the ISO 9001 standard to enhance their quality systems but do not
seek certification and these, too, will increasingly consider the role of organizational
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This paper is the first to systematically relate the key fundamentals of knowledge
management to the seven quality management principles of ISO 9001: 2015. It will begin
with a discussion of the development of ISO 9001 standards and then examine the
development and stages of the knowledge management cycle and then extend it to consider
suppliers and customers. The paper will then explore the relationship of knowledge to each of
the quality management principles paying particular attention to explicit and tacit knowledge.
Finally, it will draw some conclusions to assist organisations as they integrate knowledge
within their quality management systems.
Subsequently many organisations established their own quality requirements for suppliers but
these individual specifications were not universal nor consistent. In 1971, the BSI published
BS 9000, a quality assurance standard for the electronics industry and then, in 1974, BS 5179
‘Guidelines for Quality Assurance.’ These guidelines were not presented as a standard
because of “misgivings in many sectors of industry about the reissue of defence standards”
(BSI 1979a: ii) with the result that there was a proliferation of quality assurance standards
and inspectors from purchasing and third party organisations. To mitigate this Sir Frederick
Warner’s (1977) report ‘Standards and specifications in the engineering industries’,
recommended that these be rationalized through a common standard and, following further
consultation, BSI published quality standard BS 5750 in 1979 (British Standards Institute,
1979). Essentially, there were few differences between BS 5179 and BS 5750 with the main
ones being that they were requirements rather than recommendations; and it was published in
three parts: 1. Specification for design, manufacture and installation; 2. Specification for
manufacture and installation; 3. Specification for final inspection and test.
Another driver for the implementation of quality standards was competitive advantage and a
literature review of the economics of standardization conducted in Australia, Canada, France,
Germany and the UK maintained that the growth of the standards catalogue might be
responsible for between one-eighth and one-quarter of economic growth during the preceding
decade (Swann, 2010). Swann (2010: ii) identified eight purposes of standardization: codified
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In 1987, BS 5750 was adopted by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)
and was titled ISO 9001: 1987. It was revised in 1994 (and at other intervals, see Table 1) and
contained 20 elements which guided the quality process. These elements were simplified in
ISO 9001: 2000 to eight quality management principles: customer focus; leadership;
involvement of people; process approach; system approach to management; continual
improvement; factual approach to decision making; and, mutually beneficial supplier
relationships. In the most recent 2015 iteration, the terminology was slightly amended and the
principles were reduced to seven: customer focus; leadership; engagement of people; process
approach; improvement; evidence-based decision making; relationship management. It was
explained in the standards that these quality management principles (QMP) can be used as a
foundation for quality policy and these will be used later to explore how knowledge can be
incorporated within the policy.
Standards for different areas of management were originally developed independently which
resulted in there being no clear compatibility between them thereby increasing the level of
bureaucracy for organisations which wanted to operate a single or ‘integrated’ management
system applying two or more standards. For this reason a ‘high-level structure’ (also called
Annex SL) was developed by ISO (2014: 120) to: “enhance the consistency and alignment of
ISO management systems standards (MSS) by providing a unifying and agreed upon high
level structure, identical core text and common terms and core definitions.” ISO 9001: 2015
follows this high level structure as do other management standards e.g. ISO 22000 Food
Safety Management; ISO 14000 Environmental Management; ISO 50001 – energy
management; ISO/IEC 27001 – Information Security Management; ISO 30301: 2011
Information and Documentation – Management System for Records, thus making it easier to
integrate multiple standards in an organization. Importantly, this high level structure may
have particular relevance for the knowledge management standards which have been
submitted to ISO for consideration (American National Standards Institute, 2013). These
knowledge management standards which are in their development stages will be discussed in
a subsequent article.
In 2011, the technical committee responsible for the ISO: 9000 quality management system
standards conducted a worldwide survey of existing and potential users of ISO 9001 and
9004 in 122 countries. Its purpose was to identify user needs, opportunities for improvement,
and focus long-term quality management strategy. A total of 11,722 responses were received
and there were 6299 specific responses to Question 10 which asked: “How important is it to
incorporate the following concepts into ISO 9001?” (Jarvis and MacNee, 2011). The
following received the highest scores:
Resource management 75%
Voice of customers 74%
Integration of risk management 73%
Systematic problem solving and learning 73%
Measures (e.g. performance, satisfaction, return on investment) 72%
Knowledge management 72%
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The high ranking of knowledge management resulted in it being considered for inclusion
within the updated ISO 9001: 2015 standards. To ensure that ISO standards remain current
they are subject to regular review going through a series of development stages before they
become ‘statutes’: i.e. working draft; committee draft; draft international standard; final draft
international standard; and, finally, international standard. In September 2015, a new clause
involving organizational knowledge as a resource was introduced for the first time:
There is a growing body of literature connecting knowledge and quality and one early
discussion was Walter Shewhart’s (1939) book: Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of
Quality Control, which maintained that the three steps of mass production resembled the
scientific method i.e. making a hypothesis; undertaking an experiment; and, testing the
hypothesis. Shewhart (1986: 45, [1939]) stated: “The three steps constitute a dynamic
scientific process of acquiring knowledge.” In a similar vein, quality guru Deming (1993: 1)
wrote in, The New Economics for Industry, Government and Education, that best efforts and
hard work would not achieve improvement unless they were “guided by knowledge.”
More recent discussions about KM and QM describe the sharing of common elements to
enhance organisational performance (Asif et al, 2013; Loke et al, 2012; Ribière and
Khorramshahgol, 2004) and their complementary nature (Linderman et al, 2004; Ooi, 2014;
Waddell and Stewart, 2008) in supporting improvement and competitive advantage (Stewart
and Waddell, 2008). Most authors regard KM as a helpful means to support quality initiatives
(Akdere, 2009; Johannsen, 2000; Ju et al, 2006; Martín -Castilla and Rodriguez-Ruiz, 2008;
Stewart and Waddell, 2008; Yang, 2008; Zhao and Bryar 2001); however, Linderman et al
(2004: 603) suggested an opposite perspective that: “Quality management practices should be
bundled around knowledge creation processes,” and Zhao and Bryar (2001: 1) maintained
that both perspectives were possible with KM incorporating QM and vice versa. Essentially,
both KM and QM are tools subsumed within the broader concept of organisational
development (Zetie, 2002) and Galandere-Zile (2009: 138) finessed the two by suggesting
that QM specifies “what” should be done and KM “how” it should be done (Sveiby and
Lloyd, 1987). With regard to this discussion, it is KM which will be situated within ISO
9001: 2015.
Both QM and KM are closely associated with a systems approach and when Wiig (1990) first
coined the term ‘knowledge management’ it was in a systems context. Similarly, Linderman
et al (2010) maintained that a knowledge management framework underpinned process
management systems such as Six Sigma, total quality management (TQM), lean and business
process engineering. The USA’s Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award 2015-16 (NIST,
2015) contains seven criteria for performance excellence including: “Measurement, analysis
and knowledge management” and in Europe the European Foundation for Quality
Management model was described as an appropriate framework for governance of
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Agreement on the core elements of knowledge management has progressed slowly with
authors describing a variety of elements required in knowledge management e.g. Wiig (1993)
identified creation and sourcing, compilation and transfer, dissemination, and value
realisation; and, Davenport and Prusak (1998) described the processes of knowledge
generation, codification and coordination, and transfer. This lack of accord was reiterated by
Rubenstein-Montano et al (2001) who explored the existing frameworks and maintained that
the KM field had been slow in developing an accepted framework. Eight years later, Heisig,
(2009) conducted a detailed study of 160 KM frameworks and combined this with other
research (Helm et al, 2007; Holsapple and Joshi, 1999; Lai and Chu, 2000; Liebowitz and
Megbolugbe, 2003) and concluded that a KM framework should, at least, consist of five core
components: identify, create, store, share and apply.
The KM framework consisting of core elements, concepts and principles has been described
also as the knowledge development cycle which contains knowledge creation, knowledge
adoption, knowledge distribution, and knowledge review and revision (Bhatt, 2000).
Increasingly, there is a growing tendency to describe the KM framework / knowledge
development cycle as the knowledge management cycle and this term will be used
throughout this paper to represent the main elements of: acquire / create, capture and store,
transfer and transform, and apply (Figure 1) which will be related to the seven ISO 9001:
2015 quality management principles.
The specification of knowledge as a resource (Andreeva and Kianto, 2012; Kianto and Ritala,
2010; Grant, 1996; Van der Speak, 2002) in ISO 9001: 2015 has finally acknowledged earlier
views that ‘‘a resource-based theory of the firm thus entails a knowledge-based perspective’’
(Conner and Prahalad, 1996: 477); and that for organisations: “to succeed they have to view
knowledge as an asset and manage it effectively” (Lim et al., 1999: S616).
In the discussion above it was noted that the KM community had slowly settled upon a core
framework of knowledge management activities – the KM cycle, and a closer examination of
the ISO knowledge clause reveals that it contains the main elements of the KM cycle i.e.
creation and acquisition, capture and storage, distribution, and application (see Table 1).
Insert Table 2: The Knowledge Management Cycle and ISO 9001: 2015 Clause 7.1.6
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In addition to the specification of the core dimensions of the KM cycle the main elements of
the knowledge pyramid - data, information and knowledge, with the exception of wisdom,
(DIKW) (Ackoff, 1989), have also been described by ISO albeit not within a hierarchy. ISO
defined knowledge as the: “available collection of information being a justified belief and
having a high certainty to be true;” and information was also defined as “meaningful data”
(ISO 9000: 2005: 3.7.1) thus providing the core elements of the knowledge pyramid (Figure
Clause 7.1.6 ‘organizational knowledge’ is not the only place where knowledge is recognised
in the standard. The detailing of processes and procedures in the various evolutions of ISO
9001 represents a capturing of organisational experience and knowledge. Mosch, (2007: 2)
maintained that: “Standards are codified knowledge. They express the work and experience
of generations,” and an organization’s quality manual is the depository of its process
knowledge (Zetie, 2002). Recognition of this view is described in the Annex to ISO 9001:
2015 which encourages the acquisition of knowledge through learning from experience,
mentoring and benchmarking.
Section 4.4 of the new standard stated that risks and opportunities should be assessed, and a
note about risk defined uncertainty as the effectiveness of information linked to the level of
“understanding or knowledge.” Moreover, the importance of managing risk is also associated
with safeguarding the organization from the loss of knowledge which arises from employee
turnover and the “failure to capture and share information” (Annex A.7.). Surprisingly, there
is no direct mention protecting knowledge although an earlier draft version stated:
“knowledge shall be maintained, protected.” Given the importance of protecting data,
information and knowledge it appears unusual not to use the term, although it can be argued
that this is contained in “knowledge shall be …made available as necessary,” and in 6.1 it
states there should be “Actions to address risks and opportunities.”
Clause 7.4 ‘Communication’ states that organisations should determine the internal and
external communications of who, what, when and how which are relevant to the quality
management system. In other words, the knowledge needs to be distributed effectively and
efficiently to relevant parties inside and outside the organization. This requirement also draws
attention to the necessity of involving stakeholders in quality processes.
Explicit knowledge is also addressed in what ISO 9001: 2008 described as ‘documents and
records’ which have now been replaced with the term ‘documented information’ in Clause
7.5 of ISO 9001: 2015. This clause stipulates that information needs to be maintained and
retained to support quality procedures. In effect, organizations need to capture and store
knowledge so that it can be used appropriately.
There is no overt distinction in the standards between explicit and tacit knowledge; however,
the ISO 9001: 2015 organizational knowledge clause focusses on knowledge which can be
created, acquired, captured, stored, distributed and applied, in other words – explicit
knowledge. Tacit knowledge, by its very nature, is relatively intangible and this makes it
more difficult to manage and incorporate with processes and systems. However, it can be
argued that Clause 7.2 ‘Competence’ does address tacit knowledge stating that: “The
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organization shall determine the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under its
control that affects its quality performance.” It also adds that competence is based on suitable
education, training or experience and where there are competence shortfalls corrective actions
should be implemented and evaluated together with relevant documentary evidence.
The following discussion will now consider the role of knowledge in the development of a
knowledge management policy for ISO 9001: 2015.
Although there has been a relatively extensive discussion of the relationship between QM and
KM only a limited number of articles have discussed the connection between ISO 9001 and
knowledge (e.g. Heng, 2001; Bénézech et al 2001; Lin and Wu, 2005; Molina et al, 2004;
Sivakumar et al, 2014). Some of these articles were structured using the clauses, core
elements or principles of the standards e.g. twenty core elements of ISO 9001: 1994 were
used to map critical knowledge and intellectual capital in a company; however, it was argued
that the standards were inadequate to capture critical knowledge about markets, customer
base and product opportunities (Heng, 2001). Also, five major ISO 9001: 2000 clauses
relating to quality system, management responsibility, resource management, product
realization and measurement analysis and improvement were used to support the
development of a KM portal (Sivakumar et al, 2014: 33).
In essence, the ISO standards are a codebook which codifies knowledge and captures tacit
knowledge (Bénézech et al, 2001) through the use of Nonaka and Takeuchi’s (1995)
socialisation, externalisation, combination and externalization (SECI) model. Combined with
the development of processes and systems the transmission of knowledge is enhanced thereby
flowing more easily and effectively throughout the organisation (Molina et al, 2004; Lin and
Wu, 2005).
ISO 9001 has changed with each updated version and the number of core elements decreased
from twenty to a more manageable eight core principle and in ISO 9001: 2015 these were
reduced to seven quality management principles: customer focus; leadership; engagement of
people; process approach; improvement; evidence-based decision making; and relationship
management. ISO 9001: 2015 stated that these seven principles could be used as the basis for
the quality policy and each will now be considered in relation to knowledge and how this can
contribute to policy development.
1. Customer Focus
Meeting customer requirements and exceeding their expectations is considered the primary
purpose of quality management (ISO 2015) and to achieve these from a knowledge
perspective requires clear lines of communication and consultation. The KM cycle, described
above, is too tightly bounded to accommodate the requirements of this principle and;
therefore, an adapted knowledge management supply chain model based on Wilson and
Cattell (2005) has been selected to extend the KM cycle to include customers and suppliers
within a broader process framework (Figure 3). This figure illustrates the essential nature of
the communication channels feeding external knowledge from customers (Garcia-Murillo
Annabi, 2002), interested parties and suppliers into the internal knowledge management
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2. Leadership
This principle addresses the need for leaders to establish the direction and environment which
enable people to apply the policies, processes and resources towards achieving the
organisation’s quality goals. A knowledge leader should provide strategic vision,
communication, motivation, deliver change and drive the knowledge agenda (Cleveland,
1985; Debowski, 2006). Moreover, to be successful, knowledge management must begin at
the top and permeate throughout the organisation (DeTienne et al., 2004), and the CEO
should be involved with the knowledge sharing process (Von Krogh, 1998; Liebowitz, 1999;
Kluge et al, 2001).
3. Engagement of People
The third principle maintains that all people in an organisation need to be competent and
engaged, and that enhancing their “skills and knowledge” enables organisational objectives to
be achieved. Competence was defined as the: “ability to apply knowledge and skills to
achieve intended results” (ISO 2015: 3.3.10) and organisations are required to ensure that
competence is based upon suitable education, training or experience (ISO 2015: 7.2) and that
suitable evidence of competence is documented.
There is a danger that ISO 9001: 2015 standards might rigidify knowledge codification and
accumulation (Bénézech et al, 2001) and a strict prescriptive approach may constrain
employees and reduce their autonomy to act differently using tacit knowledge outside the
previously codified areas. It is true that the previously constraining prescriptions of ISO
9001: 1994 have been reduced; however, this does not fully eliminate the fact that quality
systems need to balance the requirements of systematic control to ensure consistent quality
outcomes with the flexibility to apply subjective tacit knowledge by employees.
The ‘knowledge’ clause, unsurprisingly, focusses on explicit knowledge within the processes
and systems and there is no overt recognition of tacit knowledge. Yet, when competence,
knowledge and skills are discussed there is automatically an implicit recognition of tacit
knowledge. In some respects, this consideration partially balances the main focus on explicit
knowledge although more needs to be done through recognition of tacit knowledge in its
various forms as is indicated below.
A further consideration is that the creation of knowledge is not a linear process but one which
is an interactive system involving beliefs, judgements, messages and representation, values
and wisdom, which enable collective learning and mutual language (Bénézech et al, 2001).
Competence is based upon knowledge and skills which are continually changing and
evolving as a result of personal development and also operational requirements.
Allied to this interactive knowledge creation are the notions of single and double loop
learning (Argyris and Schon, 1974). Detailed specifications of required knowledge may lead
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to constrained single loop learning whereas more open and flexible quality requirements will
encourage double loop learning which can assist kaizen - continuous improvement.
4. Process Approach
This principle describes how the achievement of consistent performance and quality requires
all the various controls, interactions, processes and resources to be understood and managed
as one complete quality management system. As was discussed above, the KM cycle
provides a complementary and systematic process which is relatively comprehensible to
employees and which can also be assessed as part of the certification process by organisations
such as BSI, DNV GL and Lloyds Register. Indeed, both KM and QM use a process
approach which should provide common ground for the design of integrated and effective
Organisations which are more mechanistic and use explicit knowledge would appear to be
more compatible with ISO 9001 certification than those which are more organic and use tacit
knowledge. Abdullah and Ahmed (2009: 750) used a four quadrant model with two axes of
organic – mechanistic, and control – creativity and concluded that mechanistic and
controlling organisations will be a “perfect fit” for ISO 9000. In contrast, organisations in the
opposite organic and creative quadrant will be a “perfect misfit” e.g. high customisation
services. Where there are high levels of tacit knowledge being used there may be a lack of
comprehensive documentation and thus quality auditors may judge these systems weak.
The main challenge facing quality auditors and more importantly organisations themselves is
to address the difficulty of accurately and systematically organising and measuring deeply
embedded tacit knowledge whether that be in organisational systems and processes or within
the heads of employees. Polanyi (1966: 7) who explained the distinction between tacit and
explicit knowledge, argued that: “While tacit knowledge can be possessed by itself, explicit
knowledge must rely on being tacitly understood and applied.” In effect, just as ISO has
found it necessary to provide definitions of key terms, an organisation’s quality manual(s)
might need ever more detailed descriptions to try and capture underpinning tacit knowledge.
Indeed, a definition of knowledge would assist organisations and individuals in the design
and implementation of their processes; one commonly accepted definition of knowledge is
provided by Davenport and Prusak (1998: 5):
“Knowledge is a flux mix of framed experiences, values, contextual information,
and expert insight that provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating
new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the minds of
knowers. In organizations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents or
repositories but also in organizational routines, processes, practices, and norms.”
This potential requirement for more extensive documentation might drive quality systems
back towards the overly rigorous specifications of ISO 9001: 1994 which were subsequently
relaxed due to excessive bureaucratisation and the creation of inflexible and unresponsive
systems. The fact that ISO quality standards are less about prescriptive methods and practices
and are, in reality, more about process should mitigate many of these concerns.
5. Improvement
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This principle explains that to ensure successful survival it is necessary for an organisation to
be responsive to internal and external change. One of the challenges facing formalised
systems is that they create path dependency i.e. systems can channel and restrict
consideration of other directions and options. Quality Management Principle 5 encourages
flexibility but there is an almost inevitable rigidity and tension with prescribed approaches
and systems. An openness to knowledge from outside as occurs with open innovation
(Chesbrough, 2006) combined with internal learning should assist in minimising path
Tacit knowledge which is captured in operational manuals and processes becomes explicit
enhancing its ease of transfer; however, tacit knowledge which is more elusive may possess
greater value. This unarticulable knowledge founded upon past experiences may be more
valuable in identifying operational failures than restrictive processes and procedures
(Bénézech et al, 2001). Indeed, an excessive focus on codification may: “kill innovation and
creativity” (Ribière and Khorramshahgol (2004: 40) both of which arise from effective KM
This quality management principle (QMP) states that decision making should be based upon
the objective examination and evaluation of “data and information.” Both data and
information provide the foundations for knowledge in the KM pyramid and this principle
especially integrates both QM and KM principles.
QMP 6 also recognises that decision making is complex and uncertain sometimes requiring
subjective interpretation. In effect, this recognition of the role of subjective interpretation
gives a positive affirmation that tacit knowledge can assist and support decision making.
Yet, focussing on tacit knowledge or even explicit knowledge presents a challenge for quality
improvement projects because, “Knowledge is not fixed or stable, but quite the opposite, in
that it is fluid and emergent” (Waddell and Stewart (2008: 33). For this reason: “It is when
quality systems err toward the technical conception of knowledge as something that is fixed
rather than, in addition, being something contested and epistemic, that they run the risk of
failure” (Jayawarna and Holt, 2009: 784).
It should be stressed that data and information are not knowledge. Both data and information
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should be objective measures but they only become knowledge when they are mentally
processed and applied. Kelley (2002: 26) stated that knowledge exists within the user and
that; “knowledge itself happens only when human experience and insight is applied to data
and information.” To make informed judgements through evidence-based decision making
using data and information there should be a consideration of the ontological (what is reality),
the epistemological (how we know something) and the methodology (how do we find
something out) (Guba, 1990). Whether or not these philosophical terms are used in
organisations, good practice requires that these dimensions are considered.
7. Relationship Management
This principle relates to the need for building relationships with interested parties such as
suppliers, partners, stakeholders etc. The discussion in QMP 1 ‘Customer Focus’ stressed the
importance of exploring beyond the boundaries of the organisation to acquire knowledge and
suppliers have long been recognised as valuable sources of insight and guidance (Kotabe et
al, 2003). Stakeholders are also valuable sources of knowledge which can guide policy
making (Riege and Lindsey, 2006). The knowledge management cycle is too narrow in its
current conceptualisation and does not expressly consider customers and suppliers. For this
reason, a broader systematic consideration of knowledge is required particularly for the ISO
quality management system which requires the consideration of customers, suppliers and
stakeholders (Figure 3).
Note 2 in the standard described how knowledge can be based on internal sources of
knowledge including: capture and distribution of undocumented experience and knowledge;
experiential knowledge; from improvements to products, processes and services; intellectual
property; and lessons learned from failed and successful projects. Sources of external
knowledge include: academia, conferences, knowledge from customers and external
providers, and standards.
Traditional supply chain models predominantly only consider suppliers; however, this is not
the case for knowledge management which also needs to consider customers as a repository
of knowledge. Indeed, knowledge needs to be identified wherever it may provide constructive
benefits which is why research needs to be conducted to enable invention and innovation
(Christensen, 2013). Capturing both tacit and explicit knowledge is required not only
internally within an organisation but also externally across the value chain since organisations
benefit from the knowledge of suppliers, customers and other interested parties. To achieve
this Ju et al (2006) recommended that each TQM critical factor be supported through the
application of KM value chain activities.
Summary of Findings
Some 36 years after the publication of British Standard BS 5750: 1979 the strategically
important role of knowledge as a resource (Andreeva and Kianto, 2012; Kianto and Ritala,
2010; Grant, 1996; Van der Speak, 2002) has been acknowledged in ISO 9001: 2015. This is
significant and signals the increasing importance of knowledge within organisations.
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This paper is an exploratory one which has considered the conceptual underpinnings of
knowledge management (the knowledge cycle, knowledge pyramid, SECI model, tacit and
explicit knowledge) and how these might be related to the seven quality management
principles in the development of quality policy. Given that ISO 9001: 2015 has only recently
been published it is too early to explore how the knowledge clause has been implemented in
practice; however, it is hoped that the following conclusions will assist organisations to
commence this process.
• From being a relatively esoteric and obscure concept in many organisations, the
incorporation of knowledge within the ISO 9001: 2015 standards will position it as a
key organisational resource which may lead to substantial organisational changes. It is
likely that there will be an enhanced appreciation of knowledge management and a
growth in the number of KM departments and chief knowledge officers.
• It is also important to note that the failure to distinguish between tacit and explicit
knowledge in the standard will possibly require organizations to make the distinction
clear for employees.
• Knowledge management and quality standards are both systems approaches which
complement one another. The ongoing development of ISO knowledge management
standards might be incorporated alongside other ISO management systems standards
e.g. ISO 30301: 2011 Information and Documentation – Management System for
Records; and, ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 Information Security Management which
addresses employee details; financial information; information from third parties; and
intellectual property. These various standards complement one another; however, the
incorporation of the knowledge cycle within ISO 9001: 2015 and the specification of
‘documented information’ may reduce the attractiveness of certification in a number
of standards when one, ISO 9001: 2015, essentially incorporates the others.
• A consideration of the needs and expectations of interested parties such as customers,
suppliers and others involved in the supply chain is specified in ISO 9001: 2015. QM
is a driver for building relationships and enhancing knowledge transfers from these
sources is significantly related to a firm’s performance (Molina et al, 2007).
Moreover, knowledge creation and transfer assist supply chain members to develop
new products and services and improve operational efficiency (Loke et al, 2012). The
quality management principles which stress the importance of customers, suppliers
and other interested parties are likely to encourage the expansion of the knowledge
management cycle to include suppliers and customers in a knowledge management
supply chain.
• ISO standards are a codebook which formalises codified knowledge (Bénézech et al,
2001) and chief knowledge officers and related staff should draw upon these explicit
knowledge resources to support knowledge creation, innovation and transfer.
Knowledge and its management are increasing in importance although it is unlikely,
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This paper has considered how knowledge management relates to the seven quality
management principles and because the ISO 9001: 2015 standards have only recently been
published it has not been possible to practically apply specific techniques. Further empirical
research is now required to assess how organisations have responded to the inclusion of the
knowledge clause.
ISO 9001: 2008 certified organisations have three years in which to comply with the new ISO
9001: 2015 and both they and the standards inspectors will be learning about how knowledge
as a resource is managed within quality systems. Organisations which have a clear and
explicit framework for managing knowledge will greatly enhance their chances of
commercial success (Drucker, 1994) and being successfully recertified. It is hoped that this
article will provide some early conceptual foundations for this process.
This paper has provided some conceptual and practical foundations for developing a
knowledge management policy for ISO 9001: 2015. A possible area for future research might
be to operationalise these foundations in practice and evaluate the applicability of the
framework. Another area for empirical research might be to identify knowledge management
strategies related ISO 9001: 2015 certification in a range of organisations from primary,
secondary and tertiary industries.
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