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Choose 5 Assessment Criteria

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Year 10 ACARA History ‘Choose 5’ Assessment Task Name:

Knowledge and Comprehensive Detailed explanation of Explanation of patterns Description of patterns of Statements about
Understanding explanation of patterns patterns of change and of change and continuity change and continuity patterns of change and
of change and continuity continuity over time, over time, referring to: over time, referring to: continuity over time,
over time, referring to: referring to: referring to:
 Key events  Key events
 Key events  Key events  The actions of  The actions of  Key events
 The actions of  The actions of individuals and individuals and  The actions of
individuals and individuals and groups groups individuals and
groups groups groups
Analysis of the causes Analysis of the causes
Analysis of the causes Analysis of the causes and effects of events and and effects of events and Statements about the
and effects of events and and effects of events and developments. developments. causes and effects of
developments. developments. events and
Explanation of the Some description of the developments.
Comprehensive Detailed explanation of significance of events and significance of events and
explanation of the the significance of events developments from a developments from a
significance of events and and developments from a range of perspectives. range of perspectives.
developments from a range of perspectives.
range of perspectives.

Historical Skills Explanation of Description of Explanation of Some of relationships Statements related to the
relationships between relationships between relationships between between events and topic.
events and across events and across events and across across different places
different places and different places and different places and and periods of time. Use of information from
periods of time. periods of time. periods of time. sources.
Processing, analysis and
Processing, analysis and Processing, analysis and Processing, analysis and synthesis of information Some responses to
synthesis of information synthesis of information synthesis of information from an effective range inquiry questions.
from an effective range from an effective range from an effective range of primary and secondary
of primary and secondary of primary and secondary of primary and secondary sources.
sources. sources. sources.
Some use of evidence to
Discerning use of Informed use of evidence Use of evidence to effectively answer inquiry
evidence to effectively to effectively answer effectively answer inquiry questions.
answer inquiry questions. inquiry questions. questions.
Year 10 ACARA History ‘Choose 5’ Assessment Task Name:

Some justification of own

Development and Development and Development of own interpretations of the
comprehensive comprehensive interpretations of the past.
justification of own justification of own past.
interpretations of the interpretations of the Development of texts
past. past. Development of texts incorporating historical
incorporating historical argument that includes:
Development of texts Development of texts argument that includes:
incorporating historical incorporating historical  Some
argument that includes: argument that includes:  Organised and organisation and
presentation of presentation of
 Effective  Effective justified justified
organisation and organisation and arguments. arguments.
presentation of presentation of  Use of relevant  Some use of
justified informed
historical terms relevant
arguments. arguments.
and concepts historical terms
 Discerning use  Informed use of
of relevant relevant  Accurate and concepts
historical terms historical terms referencing.  Some
and concepts and concepts referencing.
 Accurate  Accurate
referencing. referencing.

Key Words

Comprehensive: Detailed and thorough, including all that is relevant

Discerning: Showing good judgement to make thoughtful choices

Development: elaborating and expanding in detail

Justified: Show how an argument or conclusion is reasonable; provide sound reasons or evidence

Informed: providing relevant knowledge


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