Aquacell BBA Cert
Aquacell BBA Cert
Aquacell BBA Cert
(52.7) Xn6
Wavin Plastics Limited
Parsonage Way Agrément
Wiltshire SN15 5PN
Tel: 01249 766600 Fax: 01249 443286
No 03/4018
Designated by Government
European Technical Système de gestion des eaux d’orages
Approvals Verwaltungssystem von gewitterwasser
AquaCell unit
• This system does not cover Comment: The system components are acceptable. See section 14 of
this Certificate.
the collection of the stormwater.
For information relating to this,
the Certificate holder should be
Readers are advised to check the validity of this Certificate by either referring to the BBA’s website ( or contacting
the BBA direct (Telephone Hotline 01923 665400).
2 The Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990 (as amended)
In the opinion of the BBA, soakaways and stormwater storage structures
constructed from the AquaCell Stormwater Management System, if used
in accordance with the provisions of this Certificate, will satisfy or
contribute to satisfying the various Regulations and related Technical Standards
as listed below.
Regulation: 10 Fitness of materials and workmanship
Standard: B2.1 Selection and use of materials, fittings, and components, and workmanship
Comment: The system components are acceptable. See section 14 of
this Certificate.
Regulation: 24 Drainage
Standard: M2.2 Wastewater and surface water drainage
Comment: The system can be used in a construction to satisfy this
Regulation. See section 8.8 of this Certificate.
3 The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000
In the opinion of the BBA, soakaways and stormwater storage structures
constructed from the AquaCell Stormwater Management System, if used
in accordance with the provisions of this Certificate, will satisfy or
contribute to satisfying the various Building Regulations as listed below.
Regulation: B2 Fitness of materials and workmanship
Comment: The system components are acceptable. See section 14 of
this Certificate.
Regulation: N5 Rain-water drainage
Comment: The system can be used in a construction to satisfy this
Regulation. See section 8.8 of this Certificate.
5 Description
5.1 The AquaCell Stormwater Management
System consists of individual, blue polypropylene
modular units (see Table 1), black polypropylene
shear connectors and black polypropylene clips
(see Figure 1).
Table 1 Characteristics of modular unit
5.2 The system controls stormwater run-off from 6.5 AquaCell units should not be stored near
impermeable surfaces by either: fuel bowsers, fuel tanks or other solvents.
infiltration — soakaways to infiltrate stormwater 6.6 AquaCell units are resistant to damage
back into the ground, or likely to be caused during normal handling. They
attenuation — temporary storage for excess flows should be stored in locations where impacts from
and limiting outflow to streams and rivers. vehicles and other construction plant will be
5.3 The polypropylene modular units have avoided.
pre-formed sockets to enable connection with
160 mm diameter pipework (covered by BBA Design Data
Certificate No 87/1835), or alternatively,
connection to 150 mm pipework is possible using
an adaptor. Connection can also be made at 7 General
points other than the pre-formed socket to suitable 7.1 The AquaCell Stormwater Management
150 mm pipework using a flange adaptor. System design must be in accordance with the
Adaptors and connecting pipework for use with this Certificate holder’s instructions, Stormwater
system are not covered by the scope of this Management Design and Installation
Certificate. Geotextiles and geomembranes for use Manual 2002. Guidance on the application of
with this system are not covered by the scope of sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) for new
this Certificate. Information on the required developments, such as the AquaCell Stormwater
specification of the geotextile and/or geomembrane Management System, can also be found in the
can be obtained from the Certificate holder. Planning Policy Guidance PPG25 Development
5.4 Each assembly is wrapped in either a and Flood Risk.
permeable geotextile when used for infiltration or 7.2 The system is suitable for the control of
an impermeable geomembrane when used for stormwater run-off from impermeable surfaces. It
storage (attenuation). can be utilised in two main ways:
5.5 Adequate venting must be provided to the Infiltration — water is collected in the units during
AquaCell structure using an air vent. One 110 mm rainfall and allowed to drain away by soaking
diameter air vent is required per 7500 square metres into the surrounding ground over a substantial
of impermeable catchment area to be drained. Air period of time after the rain has stopped.
vent connections and pipework for use with this
system are outside the scope of this Certificate. Attenuation — water is collected in the units during
rainfall and released at a reduced flow rate
6 Delivery and site handling through a flow control device, into an appropriate
outfall. This reduces peak flows in the watercourse
6.1 The AquaCell Stormwater Management
and, therefore, minimises the risk of flooding.
System units are supplied to site in packs of 12
Figure 2 shows a general flowchart for the design
(four layers of three) units, secured with two straps
with plastic feet attached to the underside to process.
enable placing and movement by a fork-lift. Each 7.3 Design of the appropriate system (see
pack of 12 units carries a label bearing the Table 2) for a specific project must always be
product name, order number, MOS number, preceded by a detailed audit of the proposed site
quantity, operator signature and pallet number. to establish:
6.2 Clips and shear connectors are packed in • existing factors and considerations applicable
sealed polyethylene bags of 36 and 4 to the site
respectively. A further 16 shear connectors form • predicted factors relating to the site’s use
part of the packaging. following the planned development, and the
6.3 The packs of AquaCell units should be parameters within which the installation is
carefully placed on level ground and should not required to function
be stacked on site. Loose individual units should • the type of function of application suggested by
not be stored more than two units high. this audit.
6.4 AquaCell units contain an inhibitor to resist 7.4 Once the project criteria have been
the effects of ultraviolet light for up to six months. established from the site audit, there are two main
However, prolonged storage in direct sunlight parts to the design procedure: hydraulic design
should be avoided. and structural design.
Figure 2 Flowchart of the design process Table 2 Design information checklist
8 Hydraulic design
Calculation principles
8.1 There are two approaches, either of which
may be adopted: the Construction Industry Research
and Information Association (CIRIA) Report 156
Infiltration Drainage — Manual of Good Practice
or BRE Digest 365 Soakaway Design.
8.2 A simplified approximate approach can be
used on a very small site (ie a single-house
development) where detailed site infiltration rate
information may not be required nor available. The
design parameters (see Table 3) allow an estimate
of the required tank size to be made based on the
area to be drained and the soil type. It assumes:
100% run-off; a 1-in-100-year storm event of
critical duration; UK location; both vertical sides of
structure available for infiltration (trench layout). For
a more accurate approach on one of the more
complex methods (BRE or CIRIA) should be used.
the site to an appropriate outfall is established but
Table 3 Design parameters for single-house roof
will normally be set by the Environment Agency or
Planning Authorities. The outflow volume (B) to be
Soil type Impermeable catchment area No of AquaCell units per discharged at this rate over the two-hour period is
per AquaCell unit (max) 100 m2 catchment area calculated and subtracted from the run-off
(m2) volume (A–B). This defines the excess volume (C)
Gravel 95.0 2 to be stored in AquaCell units constructed as an
Sand 14.4 7 underground tank. The number of AquaCell units
Chalk(1) 7.9 13 needed to contain this excess is calculated on the
Silt 0.475 211 basis that the storage volume is equal to 95% of
Clay(2) — — the total volume of the tank.
(1) Blocky, fissured chalk, where fissure flow is dominant. (Excludes putty Flow control
chalk and chalk marl).
(2) The Certificate holder should be consulted for specific information. 8.6 Connection is made to AquaCell units using
a pre-formed socket and adaptor or a flange
8.3 When the BRE or CIRIA approach is used, the adaptor. These items are not covered by the scope
design volumes and areas for trench or cuboid type of this Certificate. Information can be found in the
installations can be found from Tables 4 and 5. Certificate holder’s Stormwater Management
Design and Installation Manual, 2002.
Table 4 Volumetric data per linear metre for a 1 unit
(0.5 m) wide trench configuration 8.7 It is recommended that all connections into
storage applications (using a geomembrane) are
Number of Volume Side area Base area made using a flange adaptor. Adhesive or double-
units high (m3) (m2) (m2)
sided tape should be used between the
1 0.19 0.8 0.5 geomembrane and flange adaptor to ensure a
2 0.38 1.6 0.5 watertight seal.
3 0.57 2.4 0.5
Manifold design
8.8 The capacity of this input pipe is limited
Table 5 Volumetric data for 3D usage two units high and may be insufficient for the anticipated
flow load. Therefore, the flow load may be
Units 2 wide 4 wide 8 wide
long (0.5 m side) (0.5 m side) (0.5 m side) split between a number of 150 mm diameter flow
(1 m vol side base vol side base vol side base pipes from the adjacent manhole (see Figure 3).
side) m3 m2 m2 m3 m2 m2 m3 m2 m2 The maximum areas that can be drained according
1 0.76 3.2 1.0 1.52 4.8 2.0 3.04 8.0 4.0 to the number of input pipes provided is given in
2 1.52 4.8 2.0 3.04 6.4 4.0 6.08 9.6 8.0 Table 6. This has been calculated on the following
4 3.04 8.0 4.0 6.08 9.6 8.0 12.16 12.8 16.0 assumptions:
8 6.08 14.4 8.0 12.16 16.0 16.0 24.32 19.2 32.0 paved surfaces — two-year, three- to five-minute
10 7.60 17.6 10.0 15.20 19.2 20.0 30.40 22.4 40.0 event;
100 76.00 161.6 100.0 152.00 163.2 200.0 304.00 166.4 400.0 eaves drained roofs — one-year, two-minute event;
internal gutters — 500-year, two-minute event.
8.4 For calculations, the size and volume of the
units are given in Table 1. The total areas of the
Table 6 Multipipe manifolds
base and sides are required as water is absorbed
through the geotextile soil interface. Storage volume Surface type Drainage area (m2)
is 95% of the total volume. As an example, using
Number of inlet pipes
Table 4, for a typical linear trench 40 m long and 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 units deep, the volume is 0.38 by 40 = 15.2 m3
Paved area 1110 2220 3330 4440 5550 6660
and the side area 1.6 by 40 = 64 m2.
Roof area(1) 841 1682 2523 3364 4205 5046
Attenuation Roof area(2) 210 420 630 840 1050 1260
Calculation principles (1) Roofs drained by eaves gutters, close (within 25 m) to the attenuation
8.5 The anticipated run-off volume (A) from the site (2) Roofs drained by internal gutters, close (within 25 m) to the attenuation
must be estimated. The most commonly used site (especially siphonic roof drainage).
method for evaluating storm rainfall events in the
UK is the Wallingford Procedure by which the total 8.9 The outflow from the tank must be controlled
rainfall level of storms over defined time periods to comply with the discharge rate consent of the
ranging from five minutes up to 48 hours are site. There are four main methods to achieve
assessed. The depth of water (mm) found can be outflow control: orifice plate, garastor, vortex
multiplied by the catchment area to assess the size control or small pipe. Comparative features and
of attenuation systems and is normally based upon benefits of these various control flow devices should
a two-hour storm of a return period appropriate for be considered prior to selection. These devices are
the catchment. The allowable discharge rate from not within the scope of this Certificate.
9.3 Typical creep results (see Figure 4) enable a
Figure 3 Typical manifold design
long-term rate of deflection to be determined and
long-term deformations for periods up to 20 years
estimated. In locations where settlement is not of
150 mm Osma Ultrarib
concern, then designs up to 50 years can be
Figure 4 Typical creep test results
deflection mm (log)
300 mm Osma Ultrarib
0 10 100 1000 10000
time (log hours)
90 day creep test⫺10kN centre loading at 20°C
Outflow positioning and head calculations 9.4 For small-scale application such as
8.10 The invert level of the outflow pipe should be soakaways for individual house roof drainage, the
flush with the bottom of the lowest unit to allow the AquaCell system is typically located below a
tank to drain. As the tank fills, a depth of water garden a minimum of 5 m from the building (see
develops on the upstream side of the outflow Table 8). In this case there are no traffic loads.
control. For a tank with two layers of AquaCell Table 8 Design criteria for use of AquaCell system as
units, this depth is 0.8 m when the units are full, soakaway for individual house
creating a driving head to push the flow through
the control device. For design purposes, the head Maximum depth to base of units(1) (m) 2.95
used in calculations is taken as that at the centre Minimum cover depth cover units
(to prevent accidental damage) (m) 0.5
line of the outflow device.
(1) Assumes a minimum value for the angle of shearing resistance of the
surrounding soil of 29°. This should be confirmed from the results of the site
9 Structural design investigation. Groundwater must be at least one metre below base of units.
9.1 AquaCell units can be placed under a wide No traffic loads.
variety of landscaped or lightly-trafficked areas. 9.5 AquaCell units used for large-scale storage or
Design procedures for heavily-trafficked infiltration must be designed to carry all loads that
applications are not within the scope of this will be applied, including dead and imposed
Certificate. If the proposed application of the loads. Design parameters and estimated loads
AquaCell is in areas subject to high-intensity traffic, should be used to determine the maximum depth of
commercial vehicles or other heavy loads, advice installation and the maximum and minimum cover
should be sought from the Certificate holder. depths.
9.2 Short-term loading design parameters for the 9.6 The criteria provided in Tables 9 and 10 can
AquaCell units have been derived from independent be used to design the AquaCell units for installation
test data (see Table 7). The short- and long-term below lightly- and non-trafficked areas. These
deflection is given in Table 1. design tables are only applicable in temperate
climate conditions such as the UK. The following
Table 7 Loading design parameters for AquaCell partial safety factors for loads have been applied:
units (1) ultimate limit state — vertical dead load, Fdl, 1.40,
earth pressure (horizontal) dead load, Fep 1.40,
Vertical loading Lateral loading
on top face on side face
imposed live load, Fll, 1.60, serviceability limit
state — vertical dead load, Fdl, 1.00, earth
Short-term ultimate compressive
strength at yield (kNm–2) 560 77.5 pressure (horizontal) dead load, Fep, 1.00,
imposed live load, Fll, 1.00. Partial factors of
(1) A partial factor of safety for materials, Fm, of 2.75 for ultimate limit
state and 1.5 for serviceability limit state, should be applied to these values
safety for materials, Fm, of 2.75 for ultimate limit
for a design life of 20 years. state and 1.5 for serviceability limit state have
been applied. The AquaCell system can be used 9.8 Care should be taken when the AquaCell
for areas where greater loads are anticipated but system is used for infiltration below trafficked areas
these applications are outside the scope of this and close to structures. It is important to ensure that
Certificate and specific advice should be sought the infiltrating water will not soften the soils or
from the Certificate holder. cause loss of fines and settlement.
9.7 For lightly-loaded applications, the bearing 9.9 When the units are wrapped in geomembrane
capacity of the underlying soils, typically, should and placed below the groundwater table, flotation
not be exceeded by the AquaCell System. may occur. To prevent this the weight of the soil
Therefore settlement of the underlying soils should over the top of the units must be greater than the
be negligible. On weak or compressible soils, the uplift force caused by the unit’s buoyancy in the
bearing capacity and settlement characteristics water. This can be achieved with most types of fill
should be confirmed by a geotechnical engineer. if the depth of cover fill is equal to, or greater than,
Table 9 Maximum installation depths (to base of
the depth of penetration of the units below
units) (1) groundwater level.
In the opinion of the British Board of Agrément, the AquaCell Stormwater Management System
is fit for its intended use provided it is installed, used and maintained as set out in this
Certificate. Certificate No 03/4018 is accordingly awarded to Wavin Plastics Limited.
On behalf of the British Board of Agrément
British Board of Agrément For additional information about the
©2003 Certificate, tel: 01923 665300.
P O Box No 195, Bucknalls Lane For information about Agrément
Garston, Watford, Herts WD25 9BA Certificate validity and scope,
e-mail: [email protected] tel: Hotline 01923 665400, or
Fax: 01923 665301 website: check the BBA website.