Blasting Safety

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Environmental Impact from Blasting

Ground Vibration
Air Blast


Fly Rock

Dust and fume

Vibration and airblast
Noise from mining is a common source of
community concern because operational noise
emissions frequently occur on a continuous basis.
This can interfere unreasonably with day to day
activities, particularly concentration, recreation and
sleep, and result in an adverse impact on residential
Vibration and airblast from blasting can lead to
community concern primarily due to the fear of
structural damage.
This fear occurs because people are able to detect
vibration at levels which are well below those which
result in even superficial (apparent rather than
actual) damage to buildings and items of heritage
Effect of Ground Vibration to human being
0.1 mm/sec - not noticeable
0.15 mm/sec - nearly not noticeable
0.35 mm/sec - seldom noticeable
1.00 mm/sec - always noticeable
2.00 mm/sec - clearly noticeable
6.00 mm/sec - strongly noticeable
14.00 mm/sec - very strongly noticeable
17.8 mm/sec - severe noticeable
Expected Damage
PPV (mm/s)
13 Lower limit for damage to plaster walls
19 Lower limit for dry wall structures
70 Minor damage
140 >50% change of minor damage to structures
190 50% chance of major damage
Recommended Maximum Peak Particle Velocities by Australian
Standards Explosives Code (AS 2187.2 - 1993)
Housing and low rise residential buildings, Commercial buildings
not included below

10 mm/s
Commercial and industrial buildings or structures of reinforced
concrete or steel constructions

25 mm/s
For high rise, hospitals, long floor spans, dams or historic
buildings where no specified limit exists

5 mm/s
The criteria normally recommended for blasting in
Australia, based on human comfort, are contained in the
Australian and New Zealand Environment Council
(ANZEC) guidelines. The ANZECcriteria for the control of
blasting impact at residences are:
The recommended maximum level for ground vibration is 5
mm/s (peak particle velocity [ppv]).
The ppv level of 5 mm/s may be exceeded on up to 5% of the
total number of blasts over a period of 12 months. The level
should not exceed 10 mm/s at any time.
Blasting should generally only be permitted during the
hours of 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs Monday to Saturday. Blasting
should not take place on Sundays and public holidays.
British Standard 7385:Part 2-1993
Reinforced or framed structures Industrial and heavy
commercial buildings at 4 Hz and above

50 mm/s
Un-reinforced or light framed structures Residential or light
commercial type buildings at 4 Hz –15 Hz

15-20 mm/s
Un-reinforced or light framed structures Residential or light
commercial type buildings at 15 Hz –40 Hz and above

20-50 mm/s
German DIN 4150 Standard for ground vibration
caused by blasting

PPV Guide value (mm/s)

Structure type Frequency
<10 Hz 10-50Hz 50-100Hz
Industrial Building 20 20-40 40-50
Domestic Building 5 5-15 15-20
Historic interest 3 3-8 8-10
Combined Ground Vibration Measurement of all Site
V = K (R/(Q) .50)B
V = Peak particle velocity (mm/s)
K = Site and rock factor constant
Q = Maximum instantaneous charge per delay (kg)
B = Constant related to the rock and site
(usually -1.6)
R = Distance from charge (m)

(R/(Q) .50 is defined as a scaled distance

Typical K Factors – Metric System
(Under confined) - hard or highly structured rock = 500
Free face average rock (Normal confinement) = 1,140

Heavily (Over)confined = 5,000

Typical K Factors – English system

(Under confined) - hard or highly structured rock = 24
Free face average rock (Normal confinement) = 160

Heavily (Over) confined = 600

The USOSM regulations
Method 1: Limiting Particle Velocity Criterion
Method 2: Scaled Distance Equation Criterion
Method 3: Blast Level Chart Criterion
Method 1: Limiting Particle Velocity Criterion


VELOCITY (in./sec.)

0 – 300 1.25
301-5,000 1.0
>5,000 0.75
Method 2: Scaled Distance Equation Criterion



0 – 300 50
301-5,000 55
>5,000 65
Method 3: Blast Level Chart Criterion allows an
operators to use peak particle velocity limits that vary with frequency

USOSM Regulation using method 3

Ground Vibration and Air blast Monitoring
Ground Vibration and Air blast Record
1 10 100 1000



y = 41.586x-1.3751
R2 = 0.6415
0 [(D/(W)^0,5) :(m/(kg)^0,5)]

Combined Ground Vibration Measurement (Thailand)

How to control Ground Vibration
-Minimize charge per delay of Explosive
-Exercise strict control over spacing and
orienting all blast drill holes
-Optimize the amount of explosives in
-Minimize degree of confinement by
increasing free face and Using the minimum
practicable sub-drilling
How to control Ground Vibration
- Increase distance from reception area
- Make sure the order of firing is correct
- Minimize frequency of blast
-Interrupt the continuity of rock mass
- Use smaller diameter of blast hole
-Investigate alternative rock-breaking
Control of Ground Vibration at sources

Control Maximum charge per delay

32 meter per square root of kilogram explosive to
control PPV for not more than 10.0 mm/sec

55 meter per square root of kilogram explosive to

control PPV for not more than 2.0 mm/sec
Environmental Impact from Blasting
Noise and Air Blast
-Noise (Sound) 20-20000 Hz
- Air Blast Less than 20 Hz
Examples illustrating the decibel(A) scale
20 - Quite countryside
40 - Living room
60 - Conversational speech
80 - Busy road, loudly conversation
90 - Haul truck @ 7 m
100 - Pneumatic hammer,rock breaker @ 7 m
110 - Rock band, production blast @ 100m
120 - Threshold of discomfort
140 - Threshold of pain, jet plane@ 100m
Combined Airblast Measurements
P = K (R/(Q) .33)B

P = Pressure (kPa)
K = State of confinement
Q = Maximum instantaneous charge per delay (kg)
R = Distance from charge (m)
(R/(Q) is defined as a scaled distance
B = Constant related to the rock and site (usually = -1.2)

Typical K Factors
Unconfined 185
Fully confined 3.3
Recommended Levels for Airblast Sound levels (AS
2187.2 - 1993)

Human discomfort 120 dB

Structure damage or historical buildings where no
specified limit exists 133 dB
Noise and Air Blast Standard
Noise Standard (Thai)
< 125 dB(A) at reception point
The US Office of Surface Mining has presented the
following regulatory limits for airblast from
blasting (depending on the low frequency limit of
the measuring system):
<132 dB(Linear) @ 2 Hz or lower
<130 dB(Linear) @ 6 Hz or lower
<133 dB(Linear) @ 2.0 Hz high pass system
The criteria normally recommended for blasting in Australia,
based on human comfort, are contained in the Australian and
New Zealand Environment Council (ANZEC) guidelines. The
ANZECcriteria for the control of blasting impact at residences
The recommended maximum level for airblast is 115 dBLinear.
The level of 115 dBLinear may be exceeded on up to 5% of the
total number of blasts over a period of 12 months however, the
level should not exceed 120 dBLinear at any time.
Blasting should generally only be permitted during the hours of
0900 hrs to 1700 hrs Monday to Saturday. Blasting should not
take place on Sundays and public holidays.
How to control Noise and AirBlast
-Minimize charge per delay of Explosive
-Use a hole spacing and burden which will ensure that the
explosive force is just sufficient to break the ore to the
required size.(Recheck Explosive factor)
-Eliminate exposed detonating cord and secondary
blasting. In the event that an explosive detonating cord is
used to detonate the blast holes, it should be covered with
a suitable aggregate material.
-However, the potential for initiation-related airblast
emissions can be minimized with the use of NONEL (non
electric) initiation systems.
How to control Noise and Air Blast
- Orient quarry faces away from potentially sensitive
-Ensure stemming depth and type is adequate
- Restrict blasts to favorable weather conditions. Wherever
possible blasting should be confined to between 0900
hours to 1700 hours to minimize the noise-enhancing
effects of temperature inversions
-Avoid shallow blasting or secondary blasting
-Use barrier between blast area and reception points
-Minimize frequency of blast
An aerial view provides a clear perspective on bounding
designed to limit noise impacts near the Kalgoorlie
Consolidated Gold Mines in Western Australia
Control of Air Blast at sources (Mining)
Control Maximum charge weight per delay
To control Noise dB(A) for not more than 125 dB(A)
And to control dB(l) for not more than 133 dB(l)
Maximum charge weight per delay should be more
than 76 meter per cube root of kilogram explosive

dB(A) ~ dB(l)- (40)

Fly Rock
-One of the greatest challenges, which a blaster faces in
mining and construction blasting, is to accurately
determine the bounds of the blast area
-Fatal injuries due to lack of blast area security were
primarily caused by failure to clear blast area or
inadequate access control to the blast area
-At a limestone mine, a neighbor walked into the blast area
and was fatally injured. The blaster could not see the
victim entering the blast area from the firing station. In
another case, a passenger in a vehicle was fatally injured
by flyrock because road traffic was not monitored during
the blast. In another example, a dozer operator entered a
blast area due to lack of access control.
Blasting Shelter

The blaster was firing charges inside two water well holes. When the
shot was fired a piece of flyrock traveled about 208 ft. (63.4 m) and
struck the blaster on the head (he was not wearing a hard hat), fatally
injuring him. He was standing in the clear, and had no protection
from flyrock
Fatal injury due to flyrock at a limestone mine
Fly Rock
The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 30,
Part 57.6000, defines ‘Blast Area’ as the area in which
concussion (shock wave), flying material, or gases
from an explosion may cause injury to persons.

The US Federal Office of Surface Mining (USOSM)

regulations [30 CFR § 816.67 and 817.67] help to
characterize the bounds of the blast area by specifying
that flyrock shall not be cast from the blasting site.
Institute of Makers of Explosives (IME) has
defined flyrock as the rock(s) propelled from the blast
area by the force of an explosion [IME1997]. A
flyrock related injury is sustained when a blast
propels rock beyond the blast area and it injures
someone. The primary factors for flyrock are:
• insufficient burden,
• improper blast-hole layout, loading, (excessive)
powder factor
• anomaly in the geology and rock structure,
• insufficient stemming, and
• inadequate delay time (hole to hole or row to row).
An injury due to lack of blast area security occurs when an
unauthorized person is in the blast area when the shot is
detonated or when a person fails to use an adequate blasting
shelter. The main causes for injuries due to lack of blast area
security were:

• failure to evacuate the blast area by employees and

• failure to understand the instructions of the blaster or
• inadequate guarding of the access roads leading to the
blast area,
• taking shelter at an unsafe location, and
• failure to use a blasting shelter.
Fly Rock
- The following factors shall be considered to determine
the blast area:
- Geology or material to be blasted
- Blast pattern :Burden, depth, diameter, and angle of the
-Blasting experience of the mine
- Delay systems, powder factor, and pounds per delay
-Type and amount of explosive material
-Type and amount of stemming
Fly Rock
- MSHA accident data reveal that most blasting accidents
in surface and underground mines occur during scheduled
blasting and are due to inadequate blast area security:
- The functional task-elements of a blast area security
system are
-Estimate the flyrock zone based on shot conditions, and
add a factor of safety to determine the bounds of the blast
-Clear all employees, contractors, and visitors from the
blast area.
Fly Rock
-Post guards at the access points to prevent unauthorized
-Use adequate blasting shelters for employees whose
presence is required in the blast area
-Maintain effective communication with guards, mine
foreman, and other employees.
The major causes of blasting-related injuries in
surface mines are lack of blast area security, flyrock,
premature blast, misfire, and disposal.

Inadequate size of the blast area, flyrock, and lack of

blast area security (including lack of blasting shelter)
accounted for 68% of the injuries.
How to control Fly Rock
- Orient quarry faces away from potentially sensitive
receivers. (Select the direction of blasting face so as to
place any person or buildings at the rear of the face)
-Ensure stemming depth and type is adequate
- Choose a burden of sufficient magnitude to reduce the
possibility of blast through
- Take special care when carrying out secondary blasting
to avoid overcharging
-Avoid shallow blasting that is generally less than 1 meter
- Cover the rock to be blasted with suitable material, to
control fly-rock
How to control Fly Rock
- Make sure that the order of firing is correct
-Cover the rock to be blasted with suitable material, to
control fly-rock, if necessary.
-Make sure that the blast area security is adequate
Identify of Blasting Area


Explosive and Blasting Safety
Use electric caps made by the same manufacturers in the same
Always keep the electric cap wires as short-circuited
Be sure that all wire ends are clean before connecting
Recognize the possibility of static electrical hazards and
stray current
Do not fight fires in explosive materials
Do not handle explosives during an electrical storm
Do not expose explosive materials to impact,excessive heat
from flame-producing devices, friction, or electrical impulses
Explosive and Blasting Safety
Transport, store, handle and use explosive with care
Check every cap before using
Use only blasting machine designed for firing the blast
Use only device designed for checking cap
Make sure the order of firing is correct
Do not try to fire the blast when the current is not enough
Follow federal, state, local and safety laws and regulations
Do not fire a blast without a positive signal
Make sure all persons and equipment are safe before firing
Do not attempt to investigate a misfire too soon

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