Dance Statement of Facts

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STATE OF MARYLAND * INTHE CIRCUIT couRT y. + FOR SHAUN DALLAS DANCE * BALTIMORE COUNTY DANCE * Case No, 03-K-18-00323 ‘STATEMENT OF FACTS IN SUPPORT OF PLEA OF GUILTY ‘The facts upon which the guilty ples for Shaun Dallas Dance (DANCE) in case number 03-K-18-00323 areas fllo Though the facts are grouped by specific count, they are cumulative, in thatthe fects ofeach count also relate tothe other counts, DANCE would be identified as the defendant atthe til table with counsel During the period 201 through and including 2015, the SUPES Academy, LLC (SUPES) and Synesi Associates, LLC (Synesi) were inter-related companies each owned 2/3 by Gary Selomon (Solomon) and 1/3 by ‘Thomas Vranas (Vranas). They were operated, slong with ProAct Search, LLC (saane ownership) as if they were one big company. They shared staff, space, funds and responsibilities. Stephen Kupfer (Kupfet) was, employed by all three and his responsibilities included sales in the northeast region, Between September, 2011 and January, 2012, DANCE attended and completed a training program ‘rough SUPES for aspiring school system superintendents. Through his involvement in that program he became familiar with Solomon and Kupfer. In early 2012, DANCE sought employment as Superintendent of the Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS). He also frequently talked to Solomon about his need for ‘ditional income due to his divorce. counr: INANCIAL, |URE FOR CALENDAR YEAR 20} ‘On April 10, 2012, the Board of Education formally approved the selection of DANCE as the replacement for retiring Superintendent Joseph Hairston. DANCE's contract with the Board of Education provided that he was hired asa consultant for the period June 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 and became Superintendent ofthe BCPS effective on July 1, 2012 fora 4-year term ending on June 30, 2016. Solomon and Kupfer immediately began secking business for their companies with BCPS through their connection with DANCE. Between April, 2012 and July 9, 2012, DANCE commuricated frequently by email, text message, telephone conversations and face-to-face meetings with Solomon and Kupfer regarding the ways in which they and the companies could assist BCPS with their need for training ofthe types offered by SUPES and Synesi. On July 9, 2012, DANCE spoke specifically with Kupfer regarding leadership traning that could be provided by those companies. DANCE, via email, introduced Kupfer to Deputy Supetintendent Kevin Hobbs, ‘and instructed Hobbs to handle discussions with Kupfer. On July 23, 2012 DANCE met with Kupfer and Hobbs in Towson, Maryland, and discussed the needs of BCPS that SUPES/Synesi might fll. Hobbs directed Sent: Wednesy, November 25, 20121137 Mt Te: sdance fe: bens @proseseareh com: stevek@aupesacdemy com Subject: —_OCSUPESConvaet ‘tach: Dane SOW doc oat ‘spo coment, lene rw on onthe se Sep Wa fie ore WasngorC letmelaow toh sey avetnsr et etn en amg ecame ten Tomas. vasse amd lag on pn {Spent ait tt ca este Fete they tc na eee onus Senator: On December 4, 2012, the Board of Education of Baltimore County, at a meeting attended by DANCE, approved the purchase of taining services for aspiring school principals from SUPES. No RFP was done, and ro other vendors were considered. The Board approved expenditure af up to $875,000.C0 on the contract and any extensions. (On December 7,2012, DANCE and BCPS Board President Lawrence Schmidt signed a contract ‘between SUPES and BCPS on behalf of BCPS, purchasing leadership training services for $175,000.00 per year forthe period January 2013 through June 2014, and permitting up to 3 extensions ofthe sontract. On the same day, DANCE participated ina conference call with Kupfer, Vranas and others regarding the Washington DC School Reviews, scheduled for December 12-14, 2012, Schmidt was unaware of any financial relationship between DANCE and SUPES., Between September and December, 2012, while directly involved in negotiating the terms of SUPES, proposal to BCPS, DANCE also contracted to work asa master teacher for SUPES at the Rochester, NY SUPES Academy for $15,000.00 and as a mentor and coach for SUPES at the Capitol Atea Public Charter ‘Schools (CAPCS) in Washington DC for $20,000.00. (On December 28, 2012, DANCE deposited checks payable to “Shawn Dallas Dasce” to his personal bank account as follows: Date Payor Amount 118012 SUPES $250.00 insn2—_SUPES $250.00 Ievi2 Symes 513, 500.00 ‘The payments diretly from SUPES were for DANCE’s participation inthe SUPES Academy in Philadelphia in September 2012. The payment through Synesi consisted of $1,500.00 for DANCE’s participation in a SUPES program in St. Louis in December, 2012 and $12,000.00 for his work on behalf of ‘SUPES in the Washington DC Publie Schools. Copies ofthe checks and deposit slips are incorporated herein: ‘| { dit Li al Electronic Deposit Image 145. . ATM Checking Deposit * SEE Daro-Time 2018-1240 254008 XIM TorminaliO. L385 ‘ATM Transaction Sequence: 006287 $10001751 0000811749002 DANCE received an IRS form 1099 from Synesi bearing DANCE’s social security number and home ‘address and reporting payment of $13,500.00 by Synesi to “Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC.” DANCE reported that amount as gross income for “Dallas Dance, Consultant” and net profit of $6,636.00 on Schedule C ‘of his 2012 income tax return. The $500.00 from SUPES was unreported, (On February 12,2013, DANCE signed and dated the following oath or affirmation o the contents of his annual financial disclosure statement for calendar year 2012: ‘This Financial Disclosure Statement describes all interests and related transactions and matters required tobe disclosed by State Government Article, Title 15, Subtitle 8 of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, COMAR 19A.05, and Board of Education Policy 8364, with respect to the period indicated and pertaining tothe person filing the Statement Thereby make oath or affirm under the penalties of perjury thatthe contents ofthis, Financial Disclosure Statement including the Schedules attached hereto, are complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. DANCE then submitted the completed financial disclosure statement, including the signed oath or affirmation, toBCPS, ‘On DANCE’s financial disclosure statement, at page 2, he falsely checked “no” in response to the statement “I held interests during the reporting period in corporations, partnerships and similar entities. (If “Yes” complete Schedule B).” Schedule B of the disclosure orm, provides that it must be completed “If during the reporting period ‘you had any interest in corporations, partnerships, limited liability parinerships (LLP), or limited liability ‘companies (LLC), whether or not the entity did business with the Board of Education, you must answer the questions below.” The questions required disclosure of the legal name of any such entity as well as details ‘conceming the date and manner of acquisition of the interest, the nature and extent ofthe interest, and any ‘transfer ofall or part ofthe interest during the reporting period. DANCE provided none ofthe equited information regarding his interest in Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC. (On the financial disclosure statement at page two, DANCE also falsely checked “no’ in response to the statement “I or a member of my immediate family received a salary or was sole or partial owmer of «business entity from which eamed income was received during the reporting period (If “Ves” complete Schedule #).” Schedule H ofthe disclosure form states: If during the reporting period you or a member of your immediate family received any ceamed income from an entity other than the Board of Education, you must answer the {questions below. (Question One provides that, “If during the reporting period you or a member of your immediate family bhad employment other than with the Board of Education from which you or that member armed income, provide the following information: “Name Relations ‘Name of Employer Address. City/StateZip (Question Two requires that, “I during the reporting period you or a member of your immediate family ‘wholly or partially owned any business from which you or that member earned income, provide the following information: “Name Relationship Name of Business Entity Address City/StateZZip a DANCE did not disclose that he earned income from Deliberate Excellence, LLC, SUPES or Synesi, and provided no information whatsoever on Schedule H. COUNT Il - FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FOR YAR YEAR 2013--AMENDMI DANCE entered into a contract dated February 25, 2013 o provide lesdership development services to the Providence School District in Providence Rhode Island. The partis to the contact were the school distret and “S. Dallas Dance, PhD.” The term of the contract was February 25,2013 through June 28, 2013. The school district agreed to pay $4,999.00 for his services. Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC issued 3 invoices to Providence Public Schoots totaling $4,999.00. Each invoice was paid by the City of Providence by ‘checks drawn on School Fund 21 payable to “S. Dallas Dance, PhD, Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC” {totaling $4,999.00, Each check was endorsed by DANCE and deposited by him to his personal bank account Jn August 2013, DANCE issued an invoice from Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC to Tompkins- Seneca-Tioga BOCES School Improvement Services for $3,000.00 for “Edustat Conference Keynote Address” and $1,161.37 in related expenses. On September 12, 2013, Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Boces issued its check for $4,161.37 payable to Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC, On September 17, 2013, that check was endorced by DANCE and deposited to his personal bank account, During 2013, as SUPES was performing its contract with BCPS, DANCE continued to work extensively for SUPES on a number of projects for which he received payment. Only one payment was made directly by SSUPES, a $4,000.00 check payable to “Shawn Dallas Dance” dated January 16, 2013 that was endorsed by DANCE and deposited to his personel bank account on February 4, 2013. All other payments were made ‘through Synesi, even though the work was for SUPES projects. From January 31, 2013 through April 16, 2013, Synesiisued 5 payments for services rendered by DANCE to SUPES totaling $9,450.00, Esch check was payable to “Shawn Dallas Dance” personally, was endorsed by DANCE and was deposited to his peronal bank account. ‘After April 16,2013, Synesi issued 13 additional checks totaling $53,822.72 payable to Deliberate Excellence Consulting for work performed for SUPES. Each check was delivered tothe DANCE, and ‘deposited by him into personal accounts held solely in his name. Those checks are listed below: sore Synesi Associates cuss Vendor QuickReport ‘All Transactions Sr Xx eae Prtte See ‘ oa x Seema eeeton Sorina x toes yale Bon Stpme-crea — Hinaaois Sar x Sour Poe Records of SUPES/Synesi reflect that in 2013, DANCE had tws contracts with SUPES to provide services to Capitol Acdemy Public Charter Schools (CAPCS). Those contracts are incorporated here Bien Les bien th coach an xt enna, + Asta mtg betwee edd! end he seek he oad {Gelade dvdpenen efsPeremtond Caring Ps (PLP) ara That Ta a Sa rs CAPER Fapeespwa sedis jropnan races Tar ssogetantieceetritcteeas at ae seston seen 10 Ba Ba reAreS coating Aspen desear7 TE ‘Weais/Coes fr 4CARCS PraapebSainDs + rw dy sie il + Contin trast embere or eran fom cares. yvitecticene inher thonens ta | Sep USUPES recive 39% of teal cater! van wie Records of SUPES also reflect that in 2013, DANCE had 2 contracts with SUPES for the Rochester ‘SUPES Academy. Those contracts are incorporated herein: 7 Vian Fae nn Rea etieeermn ian timp Seva pia: orenagndlSUPED ned 5% ein nc no rie 1 dct wit ee 38 of oleae aoe Ta Spend a un ecmmedny n + EES sage nome made nth tr menor wi. =e > Ea sa Saad my Ta a aaa, a ey pact hur lb rd ena cae Shatter sere SUPE CB op eo (pene rele cdo Soweto pasa Records of SUPES reflect that DANCE also signed two contracts with SUPES to provide services to ‘Chicago Public Schools (CPS), one for services from July 2013 to June 2014 asa mentor/eoach for Chicago. 'SUPES Academy for $27,500 and the second to serve asa master teacher for Chicago SUPES Academy ‘between July 2013 and June 2014 for $50,000. Those contracts are incorporated herein: 2 2B In late November, 2013 and early December, 2013, allegations that DANCE was working for SUPES in the Chicago Publie Schools (CPS) came tothe attention ofthe Board of Education. When questioned by Board President Schmit about his relationship with SUPES, DANCE told him that SUPES had contacted him about ‘mentoring aspiring leaders in the CPS; that he had just started doing so; and had only worked for SUPES on four or five weekends. He said he had not been paid by SUPES, and that any payment he received was 0 go to the Baltimore County Education Foundation, DANCE terminated his work for SUPES in December, 2013 and agreed to obtain prior approval of the Baltimore County School Board before engaging in any outside activities. ‘The Ethics Pane! of BCPS commenced an investigation of a complaint about DANCE’ relationship with ‘SUPES and requested that DANCE provide an explanation ofthe situation, DANCE replied to the Ethics Panel by letters dated January 24, 2014 and March 6, 2014 in which he stated that when he became BCPS Superintendent he recommended that Kupfer of SUPES be consulted by staff asa resouree in developing a training program for school leaders. DANCE falsely denied any further involvement in the selection of SUPES as a contractor to provide leadership training to BCPS. At page wo of the January 24 letter, DANCE falsely stated “...1 hve recevied no payment of any kind, manner, of type from ‘SUPES while it has done business with BCPS.” DANCE falsely tated that he was contacted by Barbara Byrd Bennet, then CEO of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) on about August 13,2013 and asked to help coach CPS principals. Coaching sessions were to be held one Saturday each month beginning in September, 2013. DANCE agreed to do so, Compensation was not discussed, and DANCE denied any knowledge that the request involved work for SUPES at that time, In fact, Barbara Byrd Bennett had no involvement in selecting the DANCE. “ DANCE falsely wrote that around September 1, 2013, he frst learned that SUPES was handling the coaching when he received a contact from SUPES, which he attached to his January 24, 2012 letter to the Ethics Board as Exhibit 1. That document is incorporated herein: ‘SERVICE AGREEMENT (—Saasinaiiame —Tomncas macs ae Tesla Date [Serreninen on -TOREDTE ‘Keesler Wowie rf Princ esepen + Coad teal poe cls and communion toa pape, ot Prec, + Mentos 200 Emmeattatraaton | Payment ile weds wae 00) dae of cokes Balimare County Educates Fovedaten ie Gnpesnon ate rer, scott hed teary epee DANCE stated in his letter tht ‘As the Agreement indicates, all funds were to be remited to the Education Foundation of Baltimore County. I received no direct compensation forthe the coaching sessions, I traveled t0 Chicago on September 28, 2013, October 19, 2013, and Novemter 16,2013, to coach principals... made my own arrangements, and no school system resources were ‘sed in securing these fights. ‘The purported agreement provided by DANCE to the Ethics Panel was a sham, produced and delivered {o the panel in a effort to support his false explanation of the relationship with SUPES, DANCE began performing his mentor/coach contract with SUPES at CPS in late July, 2013, and madehis frst tip to Chicago. {o work onthe contract on or about September 5, 2013. (On January 19, 2014, ater terminating his relationship with SUPES, DANCE emailed an invoice to Solomon asking for payment ofthe balance he was owed for his work for them in the amount of $53,411.75. including: $10,000.00 for coaching at CAPCS 15 $1,500.00 for speaking at the Prince George's County SUPES Academy $10,000.00 for facilitating a contract with the Soccoro School District $31,911.75 for teaching and coaching at CPS When Solomon sad he would send the payment i he could direct it to BCPS, DANCE refused the offer. DANCE continued to press Solomon for payment to him throughout 2014. In the same invoice, DANCE acknowledged having previously been paid in part for his work for SUPES. 4 CPS, inthe amount of $16,838.25 and $10,000.00 for part of his work for SUPES at CAPCS ‘On March 17, 2014, the Ethics Panel wrote to SUPES requesting documentation of DANCE"s dealings with SUPES. This resulted in a conversation between Solomon and DANCE. DANCE told Solomon that he had already provided documents that supported his false story tothe Board and the Ethies Panel, DANCE. was espera to ensure that SUPES would not produce the documents requested, because it would then be obvious that he ha lied to the Bosrd and the Panel. He told Solomon that the Ethics Panel had no subpoena power, and could not force SUPES to turn over any revords. DANCE said that if SUPES produced the documents, he might as well kill himself, No documentation was supplied tothe panel by SUPES. “Aier finding numerous violations ofthe ethics provisions by DANCE, the Ethies Panel accepted DANCE’ offer fo “cure” the violation by taking certain steps, including agreement tothe removal ofthe consulting provision in his contract. On September 14, 2014, DANCE’s contract with RCPS was amended to prohibit his receipt of honoraria or other compensation from third parties for speaking, teaching, serving on ‘boards or commissions and the like without the writen permission of the Board of Education. It further ‘provided tat “nlotwithstanding any provisions contained herein, the Superintendent shall not engage in any ‘outside consulting engagements or rl (On or about May 14, 2014, DANCE signed and fied his financial disclosure statement for calendar year 2013 under oath or affirmation. He falsely reported on page 2 that he had no interests in any comporations, partnerships or similar entities, and provided none ofthe information required on Schedule B for his interest in Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC. On Schedule H, DANCE reported that in 2013 he and his father, Roy Dance, eamed income from “DEC, LLC.” He also reported that he and his father had an ownership intrest in “DEC, LLC.” On May 31, 2016, DANCE responded to a second complaint tothe BCPS Ethics Panel regarding his ‘outside activities. By letter dated June 17, 2016 the Pane! requested additional information concerning DANCE’s outside engagements and any interest, position or income from Deliberate Excellence Consulting. On June 27, 2016, DANCE responded in writing, stating “I have not received any fees or honoratiums for speaking engagements whether inthe capacity of Superintendent or otherwise since I have been Superintendent ‘of the Baltimore County Public Schools.” He described his relationship with Deliberate Excellence Consulting inthe same signed leter to the Ethies Pane: ‘As noted in my May 31, 2016 letter tothe Panel, the Board is aware of Deliberate Excellence, LLC, which is maintained as an entity but not active, and itis listed annually on my financial disclosure statement. I have not received compensation ‘or income of any form from the entity. Even though te entity i not active I, along ‘with my father, have been listed as officers since 2012. As it was less than 14 ‘weeks in 2012, 1 was advised atthe time to begin disclosure on my 2013 financial disclosure statement 16 Based upon DANCE’s false statement o the Ethics Panel that he received no fees or honarariums for speaking engagements, the panel found that DANCE did not fail to disclose such income. The pane! also found ‘tha, if he or his family members earned income from Deliberate Excellence Consulting or other sources during, ‘the Years 2012-2015 that should have been diselosed. DANCE was notified ofthese findings. On August 29, 2016, DANCE signed and filed an amendment to his financial diselosue statement for 2013 underoath oF firmation, as follows: ADDENDUM TO 2013 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 8, DALLAS DANCE Per the August 23, 2016 letter of the Ethics Review Panel, Thereby provide this ADDENDUM to Schedule H - Employment/Business Ownership. During the reporting period, I eamed $21,413.00 from the University of Richmond. During the reporting period, neither me nor a member of my family eamed any income from Deliberate Excellence, LLC. Thereby make oeth or affirm under penalties of perjury that this ADDENDUM is complete, true and correct tothe best of my knowledge, information and belief. Signature, Date, He proposed that these amendments be accepted by the Panel as a “cure” for his failure to properly disclose his 2013 earnings from the University of Richmond and from Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC. As previously described, DANCE in fact earned approximately $72,000.00 from Deliberate Excellence Consulting in 2013, including $63,822.00 from SUPES through Synesi; $4,999.00 from City of Providence Public Schools; and $4,161.37 from Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board of Cooperative Educational Services. Di RE FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 — ORIGINAL FILING (On or about April 9, 2016, DANCE signed and filed his financial disclosure statement for calendar year 2015 under oath or affirmation, He affirmatively asserted that he had no interests in any corporations, partnerships, similar entities and provided none ofthe information required regarding his ownership of Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC on Schedule B of his financia| disclosure. (On Schedule H, DANCE answered “yes” in response tothe question “uring the reporting period did {you or any member of your immediate family receive any eamed income for an entity other than the Board of Education?” DANCE went on and completed Schedule H as follows: v7 1, If during te reporting perod, you or » member of your Immediate family hed leipioyment from which you or they eared Income, pleate complete Information for yourself and tne family member. Your Name: Shaun Dance Poston: Geneficiry - death Employer: DEC, Lic ‘Address: 104 Olé House Court Chey/Stete/Zip: Pkesvile, Maryland » 21208, UNITED STATES Immediate Family Member's Nam ny/state/2: 2. during the reporting perl, you or a member of your Immediate amity whol oF portaly owned any business entity tom which Income Was wed, please complete Information below. Business Entty: EC, LLC Owned By: Roy Dance ‘Address: 104 Old House Court (ioy/State/2ip: Phesvile, Maryland - 21208, UNITED STATES Af necessary, please use additional sheet{s) for any additional entries. DANCE falsely reported thet in 2015 he was only employed by and earned income from the Board of Education and “DEC, LLC;” and that “DEC, LLC” was owned by Roy Dance. On July 31, 2015, Dulle Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Education Research and Development Institute (ERDD) issued a check to S. Dallas Dance in the amount of $4,200.00 for payment for DANCE's participation in ‘meetings with vendors of products being marketed to schools to assist in their marketing and product development efforts. His associated travel was paid separately by ERDI in the amount of $408.00. On August 8,2015, DANCE deposited the checks from ERDI to his personal bank account (On August 5, 2015, DANCE issued an invoice ftom S, Dallas Dance, Ph.D. to Richland One School District for training and speaking services rendered on 7/29/15. The invoice was fora $5,000.00 honorarium and $768.97 in expenses. On August 17,2015, DANCE deposited a check tom Richland One School District {nto his personal bank account, On August 27, 2015, DANCE exesuted a direct deposit authorization permitting American institutes for Reasearch (AIR) to deposit an honorarium of $1,500.00 to DANCE’s personal checking account for his participation in their Technical Working Group. ‘On September, 4, 2015, DANCE received a eedit this personal bank eecount in the amount of $1,500.00 from AIR. 8 On 12/1715, by check payable to Shaun Dallas Dance, the American Association of School ‘Administatos (ASA) paid DANCE a speaking fe of $500.00. On December 21, 2015, DANCE deposited the speaking fee to his personal bank account DANCE never disclosed in his financial dicelosure statements that he eared income from ERDI, from Richland One School District, from AIR, or from AASA in 2015. COUNT IV — FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 — AMEND} ‘Asa result ofthe Ethics Panel investigation and findings in 2016, as previously described, on August 29, 2016, DANCE filed, under oath or affirmation, an amendment to his financial disclosure statement for calendar year 2015, felsely stating that “[djurng the reporting period neither me nor a member of my family earned any income from Deliberate Excellence, LLC.” (On or about May 27, 2015, DANCE issued invoice 2015-108 from Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC, S. Dallas Dance, Ph., President/CEO, to the Pasadena Unified School District Education Foundation for 8 $3, 000.00 speaking fee and $838.01 in expenses. On June 3,2015, DANCE deposited a check from the Pasadena Educational Foundation for $3,838.01 the account of Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC. ‘On June 15,2015, DANCE signed a contract with the Pasadena Unified School District to provide consulting services, The contract date was January 20, 2015, and its term was February 1, 2015 to May 30, 2015. The total amount was $42, 501.06. On of about June 15,2015, DANCE also issued invoice 2015-109 fiom Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC, S. Dallas Dance Ph.D., President’CEO to Pasadena Unified School District for $38,000.00 for services rendered plus $4,501.06 in travel expenses. On July 23, 2015, DANCE deposited two checks payable to Deliberate Excellence, LLC from Pasadena Unified School District ‘totaling $42,501.06 (one dated May 29, 2015 in the amount of $1,163.72 and the other dated July 17,2015 for $41,337.34) to the account of Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC. On July 29, 2015, DANCE drew two checks on the account of Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC, payable to himself, in the amounts of $20,000.00 and $26,035.07. The $20,000.00 check was deposited to DANCE’s personal savings account account on July 29, 2015. The check for $26,035.07 was deposited to his personal checking account onthe same day. ‘On October 7, 2015, DANCE wrote to the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA) to inguire about the $1,000.00 fee due DANCE for his participation inthe PA EquitySummit. DANCE, instructed PASA to send the check to Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC, 104 Old House Ct, Pikesville, MD 21208. On October 12, 2015, DANCE deposited tothe bank account of Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC a check dated 10/8/15 in the amount of $1,000.00, from PASA payable to Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC. On October 23, 2015, DANCE wrote himself a check for $1,000.00 from the account of Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC and deposited the funds to his personal savings account ‘The financial disclsoure forms and amendments signed and submitted by DANCE covering calendar ‘years 2012, 2013 and 2015, are incorporated herein as exhibits 2-7 9 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BALTIMORE COUNTY Pass poe peri iomton else hs br bow. 8 aie cy eye ‘poring arog. Upon completion of your Fanci Disclosure Statanent, ln and cae the lower porton of his poge end ‘ake the required oath orafrmaton. All pages of ths Statement are tobe returned, Make sxe Ua you retain copy othe complied Stleman fr Yourrecords, You are requ ib complete ‘8new Siatement annual, so having the Infomation om year to year wal be Hep Retum at poges ofthe fly completed and signed Slatemerto Dr. Carl Baa, Aina Liason tothe ths Review Panel, Gatimore County Puble Scho, 6901 Charles Stee, Towson, Maryland 21204 Filing Deadline: April 30, 2013 Rear Repring Pao fray 1 trough December 31,2012 ‘Separation Report: January 1 though, ene PLEASE PRINTOR TYPE, r.5.Oallss Dance ‘Superintendent (Greenwood-Administration U House Court Aikewille MD ino seca Sen Pow ‘10-887~¥28) This Fang! Disclosure Statement descibes al inareis an relate orsacions and mats equi 0 be close by Sate Goverment Ate, Tl 1, Subtle offre aryand Pubic Lice Laws COMAS 19k 6 aed Scar ofedicaton Pate 6364, wih repens he pod hadeaed sh ptanigo teperon ing vo Stone erty make ont rai under the pvalos of py Ba he contents is ancl Dieses Slaten, seta ahs frose saprncidedge,iormaton and tached here, are complet te, and ‘The home adeas of » Board Employes Islad hers isnot subject to dlsclosure, pursuant to the Menyland Pubic Ieoreaton A and wit be re he even that be Financ Disclosure Form slscloged lo 8 td pry, eal vain ay 8 {SiS Geman Fa, ean 1 Cetetianeea Regione 1A Intrustlons: Please mark the proper box to items A through! by checking “Yes” or "No” Do not eave any boxes empty. If youcheck "Yes" for any tem, complete the corresponding Schedule. Caution: Please read all Instructions in the instruction packet, including all definitions, before completing this form. Complete by checking either the "Yes" or * Do not leave any item unanswered. Jo" box as to each item. ee ere erent Bana odes igeseeMe Rentals cocnsxsh 2 ageege amet meson ic Aaa oo a ees esr alia SER. Gre Geategate Glen cayey © srvger geared ace sie [Ealared: of roauired to Yo eaten FEST kos ozas~ aoe A-Model Requestor, Secon oak) © ramamber of rot i Beans wry san ‘Gosrost inthe eee Ape A~HdelReguation, Secon (9N5) + apomectaunmes cmertiee eral See eee eoe (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 — Apx. A~ Model Regulations ris eee ee eae ey, gear of ny neta a Ho lgiamenee of oYaasneae en ham wc eer eeestse} 1 grt iomason eto on Scheae? OYen compe L {SSH 12A.05.02.05-Aox.A~Model Regulations, Secten 66K) ny yw oor # < |~|x| =< | AL <[ x] = Page 20115, Schedule A ~ Real Property Interests (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A ~ Model Regulations, Section 6(9)(1)) If during the reporting period you held any interest (as an owner or a tenant, Including interests in time shares) in real property In Maryland or in any other state or country you must answer each question below. sdule A, please make an additional photocopy of Schedule A for each lisclosed. 1, What is the address or legal description of the property? Give the street address, ye ‘know Wt. Ifthe property is your primary eslence, you may anterthe lot end back legal description Instn, you wish Street Address 1OY old Mouse Ok, CinfStete/ap Senate die ———— ‘Skil, Ob 2iea8———— 2 What kind of property is It? yproved (in}lcate whether property is residential or commercial property) es ilewoeN UUnimproved (vacant), 3. re you the owner o- tenant? ‘owner__2C Tenant___ 4. Do you hold the interest solely or is it jointly held with another? Solely_><_Jointly__Tenants by the Entirety (owned with spouse) __ 5. I ald oity, of by tenants by the entrety, the name(s) of the other jot owner(s)_3| x 6. Is the interest held drectly by you or is it attributable to you? Directly __>¢___attributable 7. Are there any legal conditions or encumbrances on the property? Example: mertzeaes, Nene, contracts, options, ee. yes Sto Heyes, what |s/are the name(s) of the lender(s), credtor(s), len holders), RE? Cohmbin, Baal 8, What date was the property acquired? [is liz. 8. How was the property acquired? example: purchase, of nherttance, et. Pope 315 “The following information Is often accessible on the Maryland Real Property Search Website ofthe State Department of Assessment and Taxation, and may be helpful In ‘obtaining this information. hito://sdatcert3.ceslusa.ora/sp_seite/ 10. From whom was the property acquired? Give the name of individual oF entity from ‘whom you purchased or inherited the property orwho gifted the property to you. — dew} romenter - 11. What consideration (e.9., purchase price) was given when the property was acquired? {you received the property as a gif or inherited It, state the far market value at the time you acquired your interest nthe property. $.&-1S,a0% 12, Have you transferred any Interest n this property during the reporting period? Yes TE ne Itves 412A, What percentage of interest did you transfer? __% 128, What consideration did you receive for the Interest? $. 12C, To whom did you transfer the interest? 1f yous have any additional interests in real property in Maryland, any other state or any other country, please use additional sheet(s), if necessary, and respond to each above question for each such entry. Page 40l 15 ‘Schedule B ~ Interests in Corporations and Partnerships (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A- Model Regulations, Section 6(g)(2)) If during the reporting period you had any interest In any corporations, partnerships, limited llablity partnerships (LLP), or limited liability companies (LLC), whether or not the entity did business with the Board of Education, you must answer the questions below. A separate Schedule B Is required for each interest you need to disclose. Before. completing Schedule B, please make an additional photocopy of Schedule B for each interest to be disclosed. What is the name of the entity? Include the complete name of the entity, do not Identify solely by trading symbol. Does the stock of the corporation trade on a stock exchange? Yes No If no, give the legal address of the entity’s principal office. Is the interest held directly by you or ist attributable to you? Directly___— Attributable. Do you hold the Interest in your name alone or is it held jointly? In your name alone, Held jointly If held Jointly, give the percentage of your interest. 9 ‘What is the nature of your interest and the dollar value or the number of shares? Example: stock, notes, bonds, puts, cals, straddles, purchase options, etc. Ifin a non- publicly traded entity or LLP or LLC, report the percentage of ownership. ‘Type Dollar Value of Shares $__ ‘or Number of Shares Percentage of ownesship % ‘Are there any legal conditions or encumbrances that apply to your interest In the entity? example: mortgages, lens, contracts, option, et. No Yes If yes, name of entity holding the enaumbrance Pope S15 7. Did you acquire an Interest in the entity during the reporting period? Yes No Yes 7A. In what month was the interest acquired? 78. How was the Interest in the entity acqured? Example: purchase, oi, wil te 7C. From whom did you acquire the Interest inthe entity? 1f you purehased I from brokerage, ‘gue the name ofthe Brokerage, 7D. What consideration was given when the interest was acquired? ive the doar amout pl, Grityou rocaved the property ee gor nherted tive the fale marke value atthe time you acUled your interest nthe property. Have you transferred any Interest in this entity during the reporing period? Yes No 8A. What portion of the Interest was transferred? 88, What consideration did you receive for the Interest in the entity? Give the dotr amount al oF If you recelved the property es 2 gf or lnverRes gle he fal market value and terms at the ime you transferred your intrest nthe Property. 6 8C. To whom did you transfer your Interest In the entity? 3f you have additional Interests in corporations or partnerships, please use \dditional sheet(s) If necessary, and answer each of the above questions for each additional entry. Page 60115 Schedule € - Interests in Non-Corporate Business Entities Doing Business with the Board of Education (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A ~ Model Regulations, Section 6(g)(3)) TF during the reporting perlad you had an interest In any non-corporate business entity (@.g., a Sole propretorship) that did business with the Board of Education that was not reported under Schedule 8, you must answer the questions below. All individuals are resporsible for reporting relationships with entities doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools, as required in certain Schecules. If you are aware of any such entity, you must report it, no matter whet the amount of business with the School System. If you dare not certain whether or not the entity does business with the School System, You may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Publle Schools in the amount of $1,000.00 or more by Glckng "BCPS Spotl on Spend” onthe Purchasing web site st If you have any questions about a business entity dang business with the School System in an amount less than $1,000.00, please contact the Office of Purchasing at 410-887-4334 or ‘A separate Schedule C is required for each business entity to be disclosed. Please ‘make additional photoceples of Schedule C as needed. 1. Name and address o' the principal office of the business entity Name Address City/State/Zip, 2, Isthe Interest held directly by you or is it attributable to you? Directly Attributable. 3. Do you hold the Interest solely or Is It jointly held with another? Solely_____ Jointly 3A, If held jointly, glve the percentage of your joint interest. % 38, Give the dollar value of your Interest in the entity. $. or Give the percentage of your Interest in the entity. % 4, Are there any legal conditions or encumbrances that apply to your interest in the entity? Example: mortzapes, en, contract, options ez. Yes. If yes give name of credtor. No Page 70f 15. Was any interest acauired during the reporting year? Yes = Ne yes: 5A, In what month was the interest acquired? SB. How was the interest In the entity acquired? Example: purchase, oR, wit, etc 5C. From whom did you acquire the interest? 5D. What consideration was given when the interest was acquired? Give the otaremount pa, tr ifyou received the property a agit or inhertd I he fairmartet value atthe tie you atures yout nearest in the property. 6. Did you transfer any of your Interest during the reporting period? Yes No Itves GA. What percentage of interest, ifless than all, was transferred? % 6B. What consideration did you recelve forthe interest in the entity? Give doar amount pal brityu recved th propery 358M of ered, the for markt ve nd tems ene you ‘onsteved your Infarene nthe propery. —— 6C. To whom did you transfer your interest In the entity? If you have additional interests in sole proprietorship(s) that did business with the Board of Education during the reporting year, please use additional sheet(s) if hecessary, and answer each of the above questions for each additional entry. Page 8 of 15 Schedule D ~ Gifts (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A ~ Model Regulations, Secticn 6(9)(4)) If during the reporting period you received any gift(s), directly or indirectly, In excess of z value of $20.00 or a series of aifts from the same donor with 2 ‘cumulative value of $100.00 or more from a person or entity who: 1) did business with the Board of Education; 2) engaged in an activity that was regulated or controlled ay the Board of Education; or 3) was a regulated lobbyist, you must answer the questions below. Gifts received from a member of the offical’s or ‘employee's immediate family, another child, or a parent of the Individual, do not need to be disclosed. All Individuals are responsible for reporting relationships with entities doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools, as required In certain Schedules. If you are aware of any such ‘entity, you must report It, no matter what the amount of business with the School ‘System, If you are not certain whether or not the entity does business with the ‘School System, you may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools in the amount of $1,000.00 or more by clicking "BCPS Spotlight on Spend” on the Purchasing web site at httr:// If you have any questions about 2 business entity doing business with the School System in an amount less than 41,000.00, please contact the Office of Purchasing at 410-887-4334 or ‘[email protected]. Aseparate Schedule D ls required for each gift. Please make additional photocopies of Schedule D as needed. 1. Who gave you the gift? 2. What was the nature of the glft? Example: book, restaurant msl theater ckes, es. What was the value of the git? 8. 4, Ifthe lft was given to someone else at your direction, give the identity ofthe recipient of the git. Please use additional sheet(s), if necessary, for any additional entries. Pageao' ‘Schedule E ~ Officers, Directorships, Salaried Employment and Similar Interests (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A ~ Model Regulations, Section 6(9)(5)) If during the reporting period you or any member of your immediate ferity (spouse or dependent child) had any salarled employment or held any office or directorship with an entity that did business with the Board of Education, you must answer the questions below. all individuals are responsible for reporting feletlonships with entities doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools, as required In certain Schedules. If you are aware of any such entity, you must report It, no matter what the amount of business with the Schoo! System. If you are not certain whether or not the entity does business with the School System, you may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools in the amount of $1,000.00 or more by clicking "BCPS Spotlight on Spend on the Purchasing web site at hitp://www,bcos.oro/offices/ourchasina/. If you have any questions about a business entity doing business with the School System In an mount less than $1,000.00, please contact the Office of Purchasing at 410-887- 4334 or [email protected]. [A separate Schedule E Is required for each disclosure. Please make additional photocopies of Schedule E as needed. 1, What Is the name and address of the business entity? Name Address City/State/Zip 2. Who was the individual who held the position or interest listed above? Example: youre, spouse, dependent child salt ‘Spouse _Dependent child 2A. Name of spouse or dependent child Whats the employment or title of the office you, your spouse, or dependent child held? ‘Bample:Imied partner, rector, teosuer chal ofthe board of trustees, ec. 4, What year did the position begin? 5. What was the nature of the business? example: regulated by the Board of Education, regstered {Under the lobbying aw, oF volved with sales and contracts with the Board of Eéucaton If necessary, please use additional sheet(s) for any additional entries. Page 100t 8 ‘Schedule F ~ Debts Owed to Individual or Business Entity/Doing Business with the Board of Education (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A - Model Regulations, Section 6(g)(6)) If during the reporting period you or an immediate family member owed a debt (excluding a retail credit account) to an individual or business entity that did business with the Board of Education, you must answer the questions below. [NOTE: If, on Schedule A, B, or C you listed a business entity that did business with the Board of Education as the holder of your mortgage or other encumbrance, you must also complete Schedule F with regard to that Indebtedness.] All individuals are responsible for reporting relationships with entities doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools, as required in certain Schedules. If you are aware of any such entity, you must report It, no matter what the amount of business with the School System. If you are not certain whether or not the entity does business with the ‘School System, you may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools In the amount of $1,000.00 or more by clicking “BCPS Spotlight on Spend” on the Purchasing web site at htto://www.bens.ora/offices/ourchasing/. Tf you have any questions about 2 business entity doing business with the School System in an amount less then $1,000.00, please contact the Office of Purchasing at 410-887-4334 or A separate Schedule F is required for each debt to be disclosed. Please make additional photocopies of Schedule F as needed. 1. Towhom did you owe the debt? bo not nude consumer credit debs. 2, When was the debt incurred? 3. What are the Interest rate and terms of payment ofthe debt? Interest Rate % ‘Terms Gxamsle: monthly, monty, nual et. 4, What was the amcunt of the debt as ofthe end of the reporting perlod? If debt existed during the reportng period but was pald in full at the end of the period, put $0. — 5. Did the principal cf the debt increase period, and by how much? $. 6, Was any securty given for the debt? Yes = No If yes, please state what type of security was given. Example: cor decrease during the reporting yorne, car, boat, etc. Page t1 of 15 If this Is a transaction in which you were involved but which resuted In a debt being owed by your spouse or dependent child, Identify your spouse or child and describe the transaction. ee oO If necessary, please use additional sheet(s) for any additional entries. Page 120115 Schedule G - Immediate Family Members Employed by the Board of Education (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A - Model Regulations, Section 6(9)(7)) If during the reporting period any members of your immediate family (spouse or dependent children) were employed by the Board of Education in any capacity, you ‘must answer the questions below. A separate Schedule G is required for each member of the immediate famity who is. employed by the Board of Education. Please make additional photocopies of Schedule G as needed. 1, What Is the relationship and name of the Immediate family member employed by the Board of Education? 2. What was the ttle of your immediate family member's position at the Board of Education agency during the reporting period? 3. Are youln a position that directly supervises, evaluates, or disciplines the immediate family member? Af necessary, please use additional sheet(s for any additional entries. Page 130115 ‘Schedule H - Employment/Business Ownership (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A - Model Regulations, Section 6(9)(8)) If during the reporting period you or any member of your immediate family received any eared Income from an entity other than the Board of Education, you must answer the questions below. Please note that your dependent child's employment or business ownership does not need to be disclosed unless the place of employment or the business entity Is subject to regulation or the authority of the Board of Education or has contracts in excess of $10,000.00 with the Board of Education. If you are not certain whether or not the entity does business with the School System, you may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools in the amount of $1,000.00 or more by clicking “BCPS Spotlight on Spend” on the Purchasing web site at ttn: //wwww.tocps.ora/offices/purchasing/. separate Schedule H is required for each member of the immediate family who had employment or ownership of a business entity. Please make additional photocopies of Schedule H as needed. 1. If during the reporting period you or @ member of your Immediate family had ‘employment other than with the Board of Education from which you or that member ‘earned Income, provide the following Information: Name. Relationship Name of Employer Address City/State/Zip. If during the reporting period you or a member of your Immediate family wholly or partially owned any business entity from which Income was earned, provide the following information: Name. Relationship Name of Business Entity, Address City/State/Zip If necessary, please use additional sheet(s) for any additional entries. Page 140115 ‘Schedule I - Other (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A - Model Regulations, Section 6(a)(9)) Is there any additional Information or interest you would like to disclose? “The contents ofthis form are retained for four (4) years from the date of receipt and may be Gxamined upon request as @ public record. Upon request, you have the right to know i this, ‘Statement was examined or copied as well as the name and home address of the requestor. ‘This Information is made available through the Board of Education's Ethics Review Panel Check it applicable: T would like to be notified if an Individual makes a request to Inspect my Financial Disclosure Statement, other than for an internal or external audit of the School System. 1130 checks box) Page 150118 ADDENDUM TO 2012 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT, 8. DALLAS DANCE Per the August 23, 2016 letter ofthe Ethics Review Pane, | hereby provide this ADDENDUM to Schedule H ~ Employment/Business Ownership. ‘During the reporting period, I earned $20,804.00 from the Utiversity of Richmond. During the reporting period, I did not ear any income from Deliberate Excellence, LLC. My father eared $575.00 from the entity. hereby make oath of afm under penalties of perjury tht this ADDENDUM is compete, true te coment to the best information and beef, FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENRECEIVED BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BALTIMORE COpNTY YUN 23 20K — wie 1. Please provide the proliinary information requested Inthe bo below. Be cura to corrcty nity the ‘eporing period. 2. Upon complain of your Fanci Disclosure Stalamant, sign and date the ower portion of this page and ‘make the requted osth oration All pages ofthis Statement ae to be returned. 3. Make sure thal youretan scopy ofthe complated Statement for our records. You sre required compete ‘pew Statement annually, so having tne formation rom yer lo year wil be habia. 4. Retum al poges ofthe fy complated and signed Statement fo Office of Law, Alen: ics Review Panel, Greenwood, Bulag C, 6801 Chares Svea, Towson, Maryland 21204, Filing Deadline: April 30, 2014 Repar Reprig Pet Jamar ough Deer, 2013 ‘Separation Report January 1 though, 20, Office of Law PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Dr. S. Dallas Dance Superintendent Greenwood-Mansion “Ths Financial Dgcosure Statement deserives af tress and rested tangocons ard mates requ 0 be tiaciosed by Stale Goverment aici, Te 10, Suoile 6 of te anand Pubic ethics Ls, COMAR TEAS and Board of education Ploy 364, wih respect tthe peed kefcaled ad pertain oe perscn fing he Saleen ke calor ae under the panaie of pry hah corte of hs Prev econ Stoner, see a Scheie ctaced es eps oan core ronedge, eaten ond ‘Signature of Peron Fling: paw: __5/ ‘The ham address ofa Board Employes listed here f no subject io decosure, pursuant he Manan Pubic Infomation Ac nd wl be redaciad inthe even! hal te Financial lsclosure Ferm Is lsclosod to Thr pay. Er rao aes 2 eehSampmanaa ne OL Please mark the pro} Do ndtteave ariy boxe corresponding 5 Cantioit:1 Please’ fad \ail instructions in the instruction packet, including all definitions, completing this form. box to items A through I by checking “Yes” or “No”. empty. If you check "Yes" for any item, complete the le. Complete by checking either the "Yes" or "No" box as to each item. Do not leave any item unanswered. ’ eget ot emea einen eka Sr aR pa aR to FSi oaoso0s poh eps Sn cen aon meeg one rete ttn Ree eT cox © ake a etme neces EBURR GDB eS Roc Aso Regu Sebson eo) ©. cae te empties ang ae pie ae ea FESR Ph occnae-voc.A- tid ena Sent Igenanerotay i voter nen Se ra enatias a FEBURR PERG CS Ac A~Medel Regutsons, Secon 6GHS)) F Lara member sciaue tnt grpmacende Smiae age Slee Oe ae ean 6 Agen sty Crea gio me recived sanyo wae oe of Msi Sine sess sa med earns ae ny Soa ren co Saher el eves rSecbonstsia} 1 pesto ntemeton stat on Sched? (es compete TERRE 12.05.0205 Apr. A-Hole Regulations, Secon (5N9)) Page 20116, Schedule A Real Property Interests (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A ~ Model Regulations, Section 6(g)(1)) If during the reporting period you held any interest (as an owner or a tenant, Including interests in time shares) in real property In Maryland or in any other state or ‘country you must answer each question below. ‘A separate Schedule A is required for each property owned and/or leased by you. Before completing Schedule A, please make an additional photocopy of Schedule A {for each property to be disclosed. 1, What Is the address or legal description of the property? Give the street adress, If you ‘know it Ifthe property is your primary resdence, you may enter the lot and block logal destripton Unsteady wish Street Add ress 10% Otel House Coveh __ City/State/Zip “Bikey, WD Zee 2. Are you the owner ora tenant ofthe property ndentifed in Question No. 17 Owner Tenart 2. IF tenant, did you reside at tis address during the reporting period. —___Yes_o b. IFowner, complete questions 3 through 12. 3. What kind of property isk? _Ebroves Rada whether property resent or commer propery) Ce@sicbarctio| Unimproved (vacant lot) 4. Do you hold the interest solely eri Jointly held with another? Solely xL _Jolntly. “Tenants by the Entirety (owned with spouse) 5. If held jointly, or by tenants by the entirety, the name(s) of the other joint owner(s) 6. Is the interest held directly by you or Is It attributable to you? Directiy _ Attributable 7. Are there any legal conditions cr encumbrances on the property? Example: mortgages, Hens, contracts, options ee. yes __No ‘TEvas, what is/are the name(s) ofthe lender(s), creditor(s), lien holder(s), etc. Fiten (Morhagge, Page 30115, 8. What date was the property acquired? 2012, 9. How was the property acquired? example: —tparehase ‘The following Information is often accessible on the Maryiand Real Property Sesrch Website of the State Department of Assessment and Taxation, and may be helpful in obtaining this information, _rewite/ rca, of, oherbanee, et. 10. From whom was the property acquired? Give the name of individual or entity from ‘whom You purchased or inherited the property or who gifted the property to you. Gon Gili 11. What consideration (e.g., purchase price) was alven when the property was acquired? Ifyou received the property as a gift or inherited it, state the fair market value at the pL BBY ee time you acquired your interest In the property. 4. et 12, Have you transferred any interest In this property during the reporting period? — Yes SE No tyes 2A. What percentage of interest did you transfer? _"% 128, What consideration did you recelve for the interest? $ 12C. To whom did you transfer the interest? “Ifyou have any additional interests in real property in Maryland, any other state or any other country, please use additional sheet{s), if necessary, and respond to each ‘above question for each such entry. Page 4018 Schedule Interests in Corporations and Partnerships (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A ~ Mode! Regulations, Section 6(g)(2)) If during the reporting period you had any interest in any corporations, partnerships, limited liability partnerships (LLP), or limited liability companies (LLC), whether or not the entity did business with the Board of Education, you must answer the questions below. ‘A separate Schedule B is required for each interest you need to disclose. Before ‘completing Schedule B, please make an additional photocopy of Schedule B for each interest to be disclosed, 1, What Is the name of the entity? Include the complete name of the entity, do not Identify solely by trading symbol. 2. Does the stock of the corporation trade on a stock exchange? — Yes No {IF no, give the legal address of the entity's principal office. 3. Is the Interest held directly by you or Is It attributable to you? Directly___ Attributable 4, Doyou hold the interest In your name alone or Is it held jointly? In your name alone_ Held jointly. IF held jointly, give the percentage of your interest. 5. What Is the nature of your Interest and the dollar value or the number of shares? Example: iock, notes, bonds, puts, calls, straddles, purchase options, etc. Irin a non Publicly traded entity or LLP or LLC, report the percentage of ownership. Type % Dollar Value of Shares $. (or Number of Shares. Percentage of ownership % 6. Are there any legal conditions or encumbrences that apply to your Interest in the entity? Example: mortgages, lens, contracts, otis, et. No Yes Ifyes, name of entity holding the encumbrance 5015 7. Did you acquire an interest in the entity during the reporting peried? — Yes = Ne ayes 7A. In what month was the interest acquired? 7B. How was the interest in the entity acquired? example: purchase, gif wil te 7¢. From whom did you acquire the Interest inthe entity? tFyou purchated trom brokerage, ‘dhe the name ofthe brokerage. ee 7D. What consideration was glven when the interest was acquired? ive the datar aout pat ‘orifyou recelved te property asa lor Inherited i, give the flr market vale at the tie you aeqred Your interest in the property. $= 8. Have you transferred any Interest In this entity during the reporting period? Yes. No iLYes 8A. What portion of the interest was transferred? 8B. What consideration did you receive forthe interest in the entity? ive the doter amount pd, oF you recived the property 8s for Inverted I, give the far market vale anc terms a the fine you tansfrres your meres the property. $-— ~ 8C. To whom did you transfer your interest In the entity? Xf you have additional interests in corporations or partnerships, please use additional sheet(s) If necessary, and answer each of the above questions for each additional entry. Pege6 a 15 ‘Schedule C ~ Interests in Non-Corporate Business Entities Doing Business with the Board of Education (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A - Model Regulations, Section 6(9)(3)) If during the reporting period you had an interest in any non-corporate business entity (e.g., a sole proprietorship) that did business with the Board of Education that was not reported under Schedule 8, you must answer the questions below. Al individuals are responsible for reporting relationships with entities doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools, as required in certain Schedules. If you are aware of any such entity, you must report it, no matter what the amount of business with the School System. If you are not certain whether or not the entity does business with the School System, you may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools in the amount of $1,000.00 or more by clicking "CPS Spotlight on Spend” on the Purchasing web site at Ifyou have any questions about a business entity doing business with the School System In an amount less than $1,000.00, please contact the Office of Purchasing at 410-887-4334 or [email protected]. A separate Schedule C is required for each business entity to be disclosed. Pl make additional photocopies of Schedule Cas needed. 1. Name and address of the principal office of the business entity Name _ a Address City/Stateyzip 2. Ie the Interest held rectly by you or Ist attributable to you? Directly ‘Attributable 3. Do yot hold the Interest solely or is It jointly held with another? Solely Jointly 3A, If held jortly, give the percentage of your joint interest: % 3B, Give the dollar value of your interest in the entity. $. Give the percentage of your interest in the entity, ______% 4. Are there any legal conditions or encumbrances that apply to your Interest in the entity? Example: mortgages, lens, contracts, options, et. Yes. IF yes give name of creditor. No Page TofS 5. Was any interest acquired during the reporting year? Yes = No Yes: 5A. In what month was the interest acquired? 5B. How was the interest in the entity acquired? example: purchase, git, wil, et, 5C. From whom did you acquire the interest? ‘5D. What consideration was given when the Interest was acquired? Give the dolar amount pl, ‘rif you received the property 23 gto Inherited, te far market value at thet You sented YOU Uoterestn the property. 6. Did you transfer any of your interest during the reporting period? — Ye No ‘What percentage of interest, ifless than all, was transferred? __9% What consideration did you receive forthe interest In the entity? Gye dollar enaunt pd, Cori you recelved the property as 2 ator nherted the fake market valve and terme athe me You Uansferad your intrest nthe propery. §nn Itves 6A, 6B. 6c. To whom did you transfer your interest in the entity? If you have additional interests in sole proprietorship(s) that did business with the Board of Education during the reporting year, please use additional sheet(s) if necessary, and answer each of the above questions for each additional entry. Page 80115 Schedule D - Gifts (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A - Model Regulations, Section 6(9)(4)) If during the reporting perod you recelved any gifts), directly or indirect, in excess of a value of $20.09 or a series of gifts from the same donor with a Cumulative value of $100.00 or more from a person or entity who: 1) did business with the Board of Education; 2) engaged in an activity that was regulated or controlled by the Board of Education; or 3) was a regulated lobbyist, you must answer the questions below. Gifts recelved from a member of the official's or ‘employee's Immediate farily, anther child, or a parent of the Individual, do not need to be disclosed. All Individuals are responsible for reporting relationships with entities doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools, as requirec in certain Schedules. If you are aware of any such entity, you must report it, no matter what the amount of business with the School ‘System. If you are not certain whether or not the entity does business with the School System, you may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools in the amount of $1,000.00 or more_by clicking "BCPS Spotlight on Spend” on the Purchasing web site at htto://waw.beps.ora/offices/purchasina/. Tf you have any questions about a business entity doing business with the School System in an amount less than $1,000.00, please contact the Office of Purchasing at 410-887-4334 or [email protected], separate Schedule Dis required for each gift, Please make additional photocopies of Schedule D as needed. 1. Who gave you the gift? 2. What was the nature cf the glft? Example: boot, restaurant meal theater tickets, et. 3. What was the value ofthe aift? $ Ifthe gift was given to someone else at your direction, givetthe identity of the recipient of the git. Please use additional sheet(s), if necessary, for any additional entries. Pave 9015 Schedule E ~ Officers, Directorships, Salaried Employment and Similar Interests (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 - Apx. A ~ Mode! Regulations, Section 6(9)(5)) If during the reporting period you or any member of your Immediate family (spouse or dependent child) had any salaried employment or held any office or directorship with an entity that did business with the Board of Education, you must answer the questions below. All Individuals are responsible for reporting relationships with entities doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools, as required In certain Schedules. If you are aware of any such entity, you must report it, no matter what the amount of business with the School System. If you are not certaln whether or not the entity does business with the School System, you may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools in the amount of $1,000.00 or more by clicking "BCPS Spotiight on Spend” on the Purchasing web site at htto://mmw.bens.ora/offices/ourchasing/. If you have any questions about a business entty doing business with the School System in an amount less than $1,000.00, please contact the Office of Purchasing at 410-887- 4334 or [email protected]. A separate Schedule E is required for each disclosure. Please make additional Photocopies of Schedule E as needed. 1. What Is the name and address of the business entity? Name ‘Address. City/State/Zip —__ 2. Who was the individual who held the position or Interest listed above? xamph spouse, dependent cid self Spouse _ Dependent child _ 2A. Name of spouse or dependent child = 3, Whats the employment or ttle of the office you, your spouse, or dependent child held? Example: lied partner, lector, treasurer, char ofthe bosrd of trustees, et What year did the position begin? 5. What was the nature of the business? Example: related bythe Board of Eduction, regltered uncer the lobbying lam, or Inelved with sales and contracts with the Board ef Education If necessary, please use additional sheet(s) for any additional entries. Page 10a 15 Schedule F ~ Debts Owed to Individual or Business Entity/Doing Business with the Board of Education (COMAR 19A.05.02,05 ~ Apx. A ~ Model Regulations, Section 6(g)(6)) If during the reporting period you or an Immediate family member owed a debt (excluding a retail credit account) to an individual or business entity that did business with the Board of Education, you must answer the questions below. INOTE: If, on Schedule A, B, or C you listed a business entity that did business with the Board of Education as the holder of your mortgage or other encumbrance, you must also complete Schedule F with regard to that indebtediness.] All individuals are responsible for reporting relationships with entities doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools, as required in certain Schedules. If you are aware of any such entity, you must report it, no matter what the amount of business with the School System. If you are not certain whether or not the entity does business with the ‘School System, you may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools in the amount of $1,000.00 or more by clicking “BCPS Spotlight on Spend” on the Purchasing web site at,ora/o‘fices/ourchasina/, If you have any questions about 3 business entity doing business with the School System in an amount less than $1,000.00, please contact the Office of Purchasing at 410-887-4334 or Aseparate Schedule F Is required for each debt to be disclosed. Please make additional photocopies of Schedule F as needed, 1, To whom did you owe the debt? 9 net incude consumer credit debts, 2. When was the debt incurred? 3. What are the interest rate and terms of payment of the debt? Interest Rate % Terms Example ‘month, bimonthiy, annual, et. 4. What was the amount ofthe debt as of the end ofthe reporting period? If debt existed uring Whe reporting peviod but was pad In fl at the end of the period, put $0 5. Did the principal of the dett increase _or decrease __ during the reporting Period, and by how much? §, 6. Was any security given forthe debt? — Yes = ho IF yes, please state what type of security was given. Example: home, car, boat, etc. Page 11015 7. this ig transaction in which you were involved but which resulted in a debt being ‘owed by your spouse or dependent child, Identify your spouse or child and describe the transaction. an necessary, please use a Pago 2 of 5 Schedule G ~ Immediate Family Members Employed by the Board of Education (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 - Apx. A ~ Model Regulations, Section 6(a)(7)) If during the reporting period any members of your immediate family (spouse or dependent children) were employed by the Board of Education in any capacity, you must answer the questions below. ‘separate Schedule G is required for each member of the immediate family who is employed by the Board of Education. Please make additional photocopies of Schedule G as need 1, What Is the relationship and name of the Immediate family member employed by the Board of Education? What was the tite of your immediate family member's position at the Board of Education agency during the reporting period? 3, Are you in a position that directly supervises, evaluates, or dlsciplines the immediate family member? Ifnecessary, please use additional sheet(s) for any additional entries. Poge 18015 Schedule H ~ Employment /Business Ownership (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 ~ Apx. A ~ Mode! Regulations, Section 6(9)(8)) If during the reporting period you or any member of your immediate family received ‘any earned income from an entity other than the Board of Education, you must answer the questions below. Please note that your dependent child's employment or business ownership does not need to be disclosed unless the place of employment or the business entity is subject to regulation or the authority of the Board of Education or has contracts in excess of $10,000.00 with the Board of Education. If you are not certain whether or not the entity does business with the School System, you may access the names of vendors doing business with the Board of Education or the Baltimore County Public Schools in the amount of $1,000.00 or more by clicking “BCPS Spotlight on Spend” on the Purchasing web site at ntto://www.bcps.ora/offices/ourchasina/. Asoparate Schedule H is required for each member of the immediate family who had ‘employment or ownership of a business entity. Please make additional photocopies. of Schedule H as needed. 1. If during the reporting period you or a_member of your immediate family had ‘employment other than with the Board of Education from which you or that member ‘earned income, provide the following information: Nome Rey Dace / Shasea Dance Relationship Atta / Self = Name of Employer D&C, L6cu address Lo Old Mewse Coch Chy/stete/Zip Tikesille MD 2c 2. If during the reporting period you or a member of your Immediate family whelly or partially owned any business entity from which income was earned, provide the following Information: Namé Boy Trcse 1S hanes Dace Relationship festa / 32, Name of Business Entity DEC tte, Address 104 6\d House Couch Chy/stete/2ip Pidessilte, OAD zac Af necessary, please use additional s! t(s) for any additional entre Page Hof 15 Schedule t- Other (COMAR 19A.05.02.05 - Apx. A - Model Regulations, Section 6(9)(9)) Isthere any adeltional infrmation or interest you woud ike to dscose? Pin ethics complaint was filed against me in Dee of zoe. As of this filias, ‘his SHI ongeing. Updo sal Follow. “The contents ofthis form are retalned for four (4) years from the date of receipt and may be ‘examined upon request as @ publle record. Upon request, you have the right to know if this ‘Statement was examined or copled as well as the name and home address of the requestor. ‘his information ‘s made avallable through the Board of Education's Ethics Review Panel. (Check if applicable: Z would like to be notified If an individual makes a request to inspect my Financial Disclosure Statement, other than for an internal or external audit of the School System, ta check ton A. Page 150115: ADDENDUM TO 2013 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. ‘S. DALLAS DANCE, Per the August 23, 2016 leter of the Ethics Review Panel, I bereby provide this ADDENDUM to Schedule H -Employment/Business Ownership. ‘During the reporting period, I earned $21,413.00 ftom the University of Richmond, During the reporting period, nether me nor a member of my family eamed any income from Deliberate Excellence, LLC. Thereby make oath or affirm under penalties of perjury that this ADDENDUM is complet, true and correct tothe best of my knowledge, information and belief. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BALTIMORE COUNTY ‘nstnctons: 1. Pann prot maton outed nt tn, Be ir oct ery reg pestod. 2. Upon complain of your Financial Disclosure Staten, eon and data te ower porn of is pogo ‘hd naka to roqured oath ond efron. BL PAGES OF THIS STATEMENT ARE TOBE RETURNED. ‘3, Make Soe Dat you retain o copy ofthe compat Statement for your reco, You oe regired 19 ‘onew Sustemert annual song fs informed fom year to yor wil be help 4, Beard Paley reqires you to a 0 neni! Disclosure Statement, lovey ied enfteament con. RECEL FILING DEADLINE: APRIL 30, 2016 ae) Reguler Reporting Period: Jury 1 trough Decombor3t, 2915 UA = 3 2018 8 ‘Seperation Report_, 20__ through. Office of Law PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE a Fearne ror ror ware ‘Shaun Dates Dance ‘sel a tn £6901 N Chas St, Towacn, MD: MARYLAND -21204 404 0d Houte Cout, Phase, Monfarl- 21208, UNITED STATES pene: [email protected] Tistenes cece seamen ceee, Ser Ecsan Posy 6, \Lneeby mak ost of afm under te peraies of pe Sie esi he Seyee etarod hewn we Compe, Ws vwfodp, tomato and bet. = ‘Tye hone edstess of o Boor Employ ted har snot abot io sdosie,puraunt ote Best Sia esis a ees Se Basta Fors deca se Check If applicable: [2] wouww uke To Be NOTIFIED 1F SOMEONE MAKES A REQUEST TO INSPECT HY FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. RSS EEE' cacao Pete 186 « Instructions: Please mark the proper block to Questions A through I by checking “yes" or “no” to each statement. Do not leave any boxes empty . If you check "Yes" to any question, you are required to complete the corresponding Schedule. Caution: Please read ail instructions In the BAS C- TAs y 4 instruction sheet, including all completing this form. psts during reporting period In real property located ino es Manin en oro oat (a 11-35 -,¥es", you mlist complete Schedule A) a 1 hold interests during reporing period in corporations, prtnerships, and simllor entles, (i "Yes", complete ‘Schedule B.) | held interests during reporting period in 8 noncorporate ‘business ently which dif business with the Board of Education, ether than those roporied In Schedule 8, (I "Yes", complete Schedule C) | recsved glts ducing reporting period frem persons doing business with the Board of Education, regulated by the Board of Education, or repstered or requred to register es lobbyists. (I1*¥6s, complete Schedule 0.) |, or 8 member of my Immediate family, was a partner or held ‘an offee, dreclorship, or salerled employment during rmpotng period in or with 8 business entty doing business ‘withthe Board of Education. (if "Yes," completa Schedula Poor s member of my tnmedete tomy, owed debts (xcucing retail crelt accounts) during reporting pariod to persons doing business with the Board of Education. (if "Yes," complata Schedule F.) ‘A member of my immediate fanily wes employed by the Board of Educaton dung reporing period. (i "Yes," complete ScheculeG.) |, o°@ member of my immediate family, eoslved » salary or ‘was sole or pata! nner of 9 usngss enly from whlch {eamed income was recived, dung the reporting porod. "Yes," completa Schedule) 's sdluonal information set forth on Schedule F? (N"Yes," complete Schedule) a accompanying definitions, ~ before ‘Schedule A - Real Property Interests Do you have eny Interest (as an owner or a tenant, including interests In time shares) In real property In Maryland or in any other state or country? 7] vee [7 no (go to Schedule 8) ILYes: (Answer each question below. A separate Schedule A will be required {for each property you need to disclose.) 1. What Is the address or legal description of the property? (Give street adress, you ‘row If the propery Is your prey resdence, you may enter the lt ene bec egal description Instead, you wish) Street Address 104 Old House Court City/State/Zip Pkesvile, Maryland - 21208, UNITED STATES 2, Are you the owner or tenant? ‘Owner Tenant, ‘2. If tenant, did you reside at this address during the reporting period? Yes No '. Ifowner, complete questions 3 through 12. 3. What kind of property Is It? {Zl imoroved cna wre ery eet r commer opr): resident unimproved (vat 4 Do you hod the interest soley ors jn held wth another? YZ sutey Jointly ‘Tenants by the Entirety (owned wth spouse) 5. If held jointy, or es tenants by the entirety, the name(s) of the ather joint owner( 6, Is the Interest held directly by you or Is It attributable to you? Direct Altributable 7. Are there any legal conditions or encumbrances on the property? (Example: ‘mortgages, lens, cootets, option, ete) ves Ono HLYas: What is/are the name(s) of the lender(s), creitor(s), len holders), ete? Fulton Mortgage 8. What date was the property acquired? 09/20/2012 8. How was the property acquired? (Example: urchase lt, heres, ete) purchase ‘The following Information Is often accessible on the Maryland Real Property Search Website of the State Department of Assessment and ‘Taxation, and may be helpful in obtaining this information. hnttp:/ / 40, From whom was the property acquired? (Name of Individual er entty from whom you Purchased or inverted the property or who ged the property to you.) Gary Gilpin 11 What consideration was given/price paid when the property was acquired? (olor {mount ple or If you received the property agit or Inhered i fe Var market value te ‘ine you acured your intra nthe property.) 4334,000.00, 112,Have you transferred any Interest in this property during the rerorting period? Ove Bin Yes: 2A, What percentage of interest dld you transfer? 4128, What consideration did you receive forthe Interest? 120, To whom did you transfer the interest? ‘The following information fs often accessible on the Maryland Real Property If You have any additional Interests in reat property in Maryland, any other state or any other country, please use additional sheet(s), if necessary, and respond ‘to each above question for each such entry. Schedule B - Interests In Corporations and Partnerships Did you have any interest in any corporations, partnerships, limited lbilty partnerships (LLP) oF limited lbilty companies (LLC) during the reporting period, whether or not the entity dd business with the Board of Educstion? Yes {Z] No (a0 to Schedule C) IFYes: (Answer each question below. A separate Schedule B will be required for ‘each interest you need to disclose.) 1. What Is the name of the entity? Include the complete name of the entity, do not Identiy solely by trading symbol: 2. Does the stock of the corporation trade on a stock exchange? Yes No {IF Not The lagal address of the entity's principal office. 3, Is the Interest held directly by you or ist attributable to you? Direciy [[] attrbutabie 44, Do you hold the interest in your name alone, or s It held Jointly? In your name alone [ dointty If Jointly, the percentage of your Interest: 5. What Is the nature of your Interest and the dollar value or the number of shares? (Bxample: stock, notes, bonds, puts calls, straddles, purchase options, etc.) If in a ‘non-publicy traded entity or LLP or LLC, repert the percentage of ownership. Tee Dollar Velue of Shares: Percentage of ownership: ‘or Number of Shares: 6, Are there any legal conditions or encumbrances that apply to your Interest In the entity? (ample: mertgoges, lens, contracts, options, et) Yes L] no yes, name of entity holding the encumbrance: 7. Old you acquire an interest In the entity during the reporting period? Yes No ALYes: 7A. In what month was the interest acquired? 7B. How was the Interest in the entity acquired? (Example: purchase, i, wi te) 7€. From whom did you acquire the Interest In the entity? (tt you purchases Wham a brokerage, te ne of he brokerape): 7D. What consideration was glven when the interest was acquired? (ote amount pal of yu receved the property ev af or nnentea the ra market ‘value 2 th time yeu acquired your interes Inthe property): '8, Have you transferred any Interest inthis entity during the reporting period? Yes No Yes: ‘8A, What portion of the interest was transferred? 188. What consideration did you receive for the interest in the entlty? (oir amount pot rf you received the property as 2 gor Inher the fale markt ‘vale a termi at the tne you transfered your interest nthe property}: 8C, To whom did you transfer your Interest in the entity? 4 you have additional interests in corporations or partnerships, please use. additional sheet(s) if necessary, and answer each of the above questions for each additional entry. Schedule ¢ - Interests in Non-Corporate Business Entities Doing Business with ‘the Board of Education Do you have an interest in any non-corporate business entity (a sole proprietorship) that did business with the Board of Educetion during the reporting period? C1 ves {7] No (ae to Schedule D) E ‘ILYes: (Answer each question below. A separate Schedule Cwill be required for each business entity to be disclosed.) 1 Name and address of the principal office of the business entity. Name: Address: City/State/Zip: 45 the Interest held directly by you or s It attributable to you? Directly Attributable Indicate i you hold the Interest soley or jlnty: soley Jointiy 3A. If fointly, the percentage of your joint interest: 38, Dollar value of your Interest in the ently: ior Percentage of your interest in the entity: ‘Are there any legal conditions or encumbrances that apply to your Interest In the entity? (Beample: mortgages, ens, contacts, atone, et.) Yes, If yes glve name of creditor: No ‘Was any interest acquired during the reporting year? Yes No Yes: 5A. 5B sc. What month was the interest acquired? How was the interest in the entity acquired? (samp purchase, 0, wa ee) From whom did you acquire the Interest? ‘What consideration was given when the Interest was acquired? (ooler ‘amount pall oF you recived the property 83 gt orienta the far markt oie at ‘the time yeu aequred your ntarest nthe property) 6. Did you transfer any of your interest during the reporting period? oO Yes No Ihves: 6A. 6B, 6c. ‘What percentage of interest, if ess than all, was transferred? What consideration dia you recelve for the Interest in the entity? (Dstor mount pallor you recelved the property ss 2 for inert the flr marke valve and terms at he tne you ansferred your tres Inthe property) ‘To whom did you transfer your Interest In the entity? If you have additional interests in sole proprietorship(s) that did business with the Board of Education during the reporting year, please use additional shect(s) If necessary, and answer each of bove questions for each additional entry. ‘Schedule D - Gifts During the reporting periad, did you receive any lft(s), directly or indirectly, n excess of a value of $20, or a series of gifts from the same donor with @ cumulative value of $100 ‘or more, from a person or entity who: 1) did business with the Board of Education; 2) ‘engaged in an activity that was regulated or controlled by the Board of Education; or 3) was a regulated lobbyist? Gifts received from a member of the official's, employee's or candidate's Immediate family do not need to be disclosed, Yes {Z] Ne (a0 to Schedule &) AL¥es: (Answer each question below. A separate Schedule D will be required {or each gift.) Who gave you the gift? 2. What was the nature ofthe git? (Emo: bok, restaurant mel theater tickets, boo, et} 3, What was the value of the git? 4. If the gift was given to someone else at your direction, list the Identity of the recipient of the git Please use additional sheet(s), if necessary, for any additional ‘Schedule € - Offices, Directorships, Salarled Employment and Similar Interests During the reporting period, did you or any member of your immesiate family have any salaried employment or hold any office or directorship with an entity that did business with the Board of Education? Yes {Z7] No (a0 to Schedule F) ‘1Yes: (Answer each question below. A separate Schedule E will be required for each disclosure.) 4. What Is the name and address of the business entity? Name: Address: (City/State/Zip: 2, Who was the Individual ho held the position or Interest listed above? (Example: yoursel, pause, dependent cl) Self TC spouse [[] bependent child 2A. Name of spouse or dependent chi 3. What is the title of the office you, your spouse or dependent child held? (exam limited parter, decor treasurer, cha ofthe board of trustee, ete) ‘What year did the position begin? What was the nature of the business? (example: regulated by the Board of Education, realtered under the lcbbying lan, e involved with sales ad cotrets withthe Board of Easton) ‘necessary, please use additional sheet(s) for any additional entries. ‘Schadule E - Debts You Owe During the reporting perlod, did you owe a debt (excluding @ ratall credit account) to 3 financial entty that did susiness with the Board of Education? (NOTE: If, on Schedule ‘A, Bor C you listed a financial entity that did business with the Board of Education as the holder of your mortgage or other encumbrance, you must complete Schedule F with regard to that Indebtedness.] Ove {77 No go to schedule 6) ILYes: (Answer each question below. A separate Schedule F will be required for ‘each debt to be disclased.) 1. Te whom did you owe the debt? (00 nat Ince consumer eed debts) 2, When was the debt incurred? 3. What ae the interest rate and terms of payment of the debt? Interest Rate ‘Terms (monthly, bimonthiy, annually, etc.) 4. What was the amount of the debt as of the end of the reporting period? (IF debt existed during the reporting period but was pald In full at the end of the period, put. $0.) ‘5. Did the principal of the debt increase [—] or decrease [] (check one) during the reporting period, and by how much? 6. Was any security elven for the debt? Yes No ‘ILYes: Please state what type of security was glven (home, car, boat, et. 7. I? this Is @ transaction In which you were Involved, but which resulted In a debt bbelng owed by your spouse or dependent cilld, Identify your spouse or child and describe the transaction, If necessary; please use additional sheet(s) for any additional entries. ‘Schedule G ~ Family Members Employad by the Board of Education During the reporting period, were any members of your Immediate family employed by the Board of Education in any capacity? Ove {Z| No (ao to Schedule H) ‘Yes: (Answer each question below. A separate Schedule G will be required for each member of the immediate family who is employed by the Board of Education.) 1, What Is the relation and name of the immediate family member employed by the: Board of Education? , 2. What was the ttle of your Immediate family member's position at the Board of Education during the reporting period? 3. Are you in a position that directly supervises, evaluates, or disciplines the Immediate family member? Yes No MW necessary, please use additional sheet(s) for any additional entries. ‘Schedule H - Employment/Business Ownership During the reporting period, did you or any member of your Immediate family receive any feared income from an entity other than the Board of Education? Please note that your dependent child's employment or business ownership does not need to be disclosed unless the place of employment or the business entity Is subject to regulation or the authority of the Board of Education or has contracts in excess of $10,000 with the Board of Education, ie ‘No (qo to Schedule 1) ILYes: (Answer each question below. A separate Schedule H will be required for each member of the immediate family who had employment or ownership of a business entity.) 1. If, during the reporting period, you or a member of your immediate family had employment from which you or they eamed income, please complete information for yourself and the family member. ‘Your Name: Shaun Dance Position: Beneficiery - death Employer: DEC, Lic ‘Address: 104 Old House Court City/Stete/Zio: Pikesvile, Maryland - 21208, UNITED STATES Immediate Family Member's Name: Position: Employ Address: ‘city/stete/2 2 Tf, during the reporting period, you or 2 member of your Immediate family wholly or partially owned any business entity from which Income was earned, please complete information below. Business Entky: DEC, LLC (Owned By: Roy Dance ‘Address: 104 Old House Court kesville, Maryland - 21208, UNITED STATES se use additional sheet(s) for any additional entries, ‘Schedule I - Other 1s there any additional information or interest you would tke to alsciose? ADDENDUM TO 2015 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT, S, DALLAS DANCE Per the August 23, 2016 letter of the Ethics Review Panel, I hexeby provide this ADDENDUM to Schedule H —_Employment/Business Ownership. Dring the reporting period, I eared $18,062.51 from the Univesity of Richmond, During the reporting period, neither me nor a member of my family earned any income fom. Deliberate Excellence, LLC. | hereby make oath or affim uncer penles of pesjury tat his ADDENDUM is complete, te tnd corect ote best of my knowiedg, information and belief. Signatite Date

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