3 2809 Ws Setting Pharmacopoeial Standards For Biotherapeutic Products-Morning

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Setting Pharmacopoeia standards for

biotherapeutic products – WHO policy

David Wood, Technologies Standards and Norms Team
Essential Medicines and Health Products Department

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products


The Constitution requires WHO “to develop,

establish and promote international standards
with respect to biological and pharmaceutical

This has been done for more than 60 years


The norms and standards are established by

Expert Committees

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products
o Official Advisory Body to Director-General of WHO
o Established by World Health Assembly or Executive Board
– WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations
Secretary: Dr Sabine Kopp
– WHO Expert Group on International Non-proprietary Names
Secretary: Dr Raffaella Balocco
– WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization
Secretary: Dr David Wood

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innovation for health products


WHO Expert Committee reports are presented to the Executive Board

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innovation for health products
Global written standards Global measurement standards INNs
Tools for appropriate regulation Tools for product development, A single name for a
of quality, safety and efficacy licensing and lot release substance for use globally

Cover a wide range of


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innovation for health products

Key drivers of WHO policy for

The WHO biologicals standards portfolio extends
to over 70 written standards and 300 reference
Current global public health priorities
• Responding to public health emergencies
of international concern
• Access to biotherapeutic products
• Strengthening regulatory systems
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innovation for health products
World Health Assembly Resolutions
 Resolution on biotherapeutic product (BTP)

 Adopted by 67th World Health Assembly in May 2014:


 Resolution on Regulatory System Strengthening

 Adopted by 67th World Health Assembly in May 2014:


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innovation for health products

WHA 67.21: Urges Member States

• to develop or strengthen, as appropriate, national regulatory
assessment and authorization frameworks, with a view to meeting
the public health needs for biotherapeutics (BTPs), including
similar biotherapeutic products (SBPs);
• to develop the necessary scientific expertise to facilitate
development of solid, scientifically-based regulatory frameworks
that promote access to products that are affordable, safe,
efficacious and of quality, taking note of the relevant WHO
guidelines that may be adapted to the national context and
• to work to ensure that the introduction of new national
regulations, where appropriate, does not constitute a barrier to
access to quality, safe, efficacious and affordable BTPs, including

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products
WHA 67.21: Requests WHO
• to support Member States in strengthening their capacity in the area of the
health regulation of BTPs, including SBPs;
• to support, as appropriate, the development of national regulatory
frameworks that promote access to quality, safe, efficacious and affordable
BTPs, including SBPs;
• to encourage and promote cooperation and exchange of information, as
appropriate, among Member States in relation to BTPs, including SBPs;
• to convene the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization to
update the 2009 guidelines, taking into account the technological advances
for the characterization of BTPs and considering national regulatory needs
and capacities and to report on the update to the Executive Board;
• to report to the Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly on progress in the
implementation of this resolution.

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innovation for health products

WHO written standards for

biotherapeutic products

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products
WHO written standards for biotherapeutics

Global written standards

1) Guidelines on the quality, safety and efficacy

of biotherapeutic protein products prepared by
rDNA technology; TRS 987 (2014) Annex 4
2) Guidelines on the evaluation of similar
biotherapeutic products; TRS 977 (2009), Annex 2
3) Regulatory assessment of approved rDNA
biotherapeutics; TRS 999 (2016) Annex 3

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innovation for health products

Lifecycle of a written standards project

o Evaluation of need for a global standard and endorsement by the ECBS
o Consultation process with regulators, industry and other experts:
• different opinions and views - great enthusiasm or resistance
• from initial misunderstandings, consensus developed with stakeholders
on definitions, guiding principles, and technical requirements
• WHO Collaborating Centers and many experts from various areas of
product development, regulation and use
• collaboration between WHO programme areas
• Publication of drafts for public comment
o Establishment of global standard by ECBS

o Implementation workshops by WHO

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innovation for health products
Recent and ongoing activities: WHO
written standards for biotherapeutics
2014 2015 2016 2017
reassessment for
approved BTPs
changes for BTPs

Development stage – scientific consultations

ECBS submission
Implementation workshop

Ivana Knezevic

Implementation workshops
for BTP/ SBP Guidelines
Adopted: SBP by ECBS 2009; BTP by ECBS 2013

Imp. 1st SBP 2nd SBP 3rd SBP 1st BTP SBP & BTP in
workshop Africa Region

When Aug 2010 May 2012 May 2014 Sept 2015

Where Korea China Korea Ghana

Participants NRAs from NRAs from NRAs from NRAs from

11 countries + 16 countries 23 countries + 16 countries +
Industry + Industry Industry Industry

Main topic Clinical study Quality Efficacy study Immunogenicit Quality

for design: assessment design on y assessment assessment of
case study Eq vs NI of mAbs mAbs of mAbs EPO

Ivana Knezevic
Implementation workshops for BTP/SBP
GLs: Case studies & Publications
When Topic of simulated case study Publication
WS for SBP Special lecture: Statistical considerations for Biologicals 39 (5), 2011
2010 confirmatory clinical trials for SBPs
Comparing equivalence and non-inferiority approaches

2nd WS for SBP The role of the quality assessment (of mAbs) Biologicals 42 (2), 2014
2012 in the determination of overall biosimilarity

3rd WS for SBP Efficacy study design and extrapolation: Infliximab & Biologicals 43 (1), 2015
2014 Rituximab

1st WS for BTP Special lecture: Immunogenicity assessment of Biologicals 43 (5), 2015
2014 biotherapeutic products: An overview of assays and
their utility
Assessment of unwanted immunogenicity of mAbs:
TNF antagonist & CD20 mAbs
SBP & BTP in The role and influence of the quality assessment of In preparation of a
Africa Region EPO publication in a scientific
2015Ivana Knezevic journal

WHO reference standards for

biotherapeutic products

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products
for biotherapeutics

Lifecycle of a standardization project

o Evaluation of the need for a global standard
• input from stakeholders

o Endorsement of the project by ECBS

o Performance of the project

• by a WHO Collaborating Center

o Establishment of global standard by ECBS, assignment of unitage

o Provision of measurement standards by WHO CC

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innovation for health products


Helping to implement WHO's mandate for biotherapeutics


HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products
Whilst Biologicals continue to be dependent of Bioassays,
the use of Bioassays units in labelling, dosing and release
specifications has shown a progressive evolution. At least
5 different situations have existed and continue to exist.

Manufacture, formulation labelling and dosage is done in Coagulation factors

Bioassay units

Manufacture and formulation is done in mg. Finished

product complies with a bioassay and is labelled and Erythropoietin
dosed in units

Manufacture, formulation and dosage is done in mg. API

and/or finished product complies with a bioassay as Filgrastim
specified in release specification, but not included in MAbs

Manufacture, formulation and dosage is done in mg.

Product is never bio-assayed, but dosing is done in Units Insulin
based on an agreed conversion factor

Product is a pure mg product, with no bioassay being Somatropin

used or referred to

The existence of Bioassay units is not intended to:

-change labelling requirements for any currently licensed products

-Change the approach taken to labelling of future products

-Set or dictate standards for the specific activity or relative biological activities of
licensed products by comparison with the reference standard
Reference Standard Reference Medicinal Product

Roles Roles
Reference standard between labs and across Biosimilarity-defining characteristics of
time purity, specific-activity and identity
Defines unitage but not specific activity Allows extrapolation to clinical data
Controls the performance and system suitability
of bioassay systems
Properties and characters
Properties and characters
Representative of licensed innovator
Between-sample homogeneity
Labelled content is derived from a higher
Predicted and monitored stability order standard
Unitage assigned by international collaborative
study and formally adopted by Labelled content is measured batch to
convention/agreement batch but not formally assigned as in a
Defined acceptable product characteristics standard and is actually a statement of
(moisture, oxygen, containers etc) compliance with test requirements
Compliance with relevant requirements for
establishment of a reference standard

In summary, the reference product and the reference standard are different entities,
with only limited overlap in both form and function

- the reference product serves to define the quality criteria that the candidate
must meet, a function that the reference standard does not serve

- the reference standard serves to control, define and calibrate the

performance of the test measurement system, a function that the reference
product cannot serve
Way forward
WHO Informal Consultation on International Standards
for Bio-therapeutics Products: future direction
21-22 September 2015
- WHO will proceed cautiously with a standardization
program for biotherapeutics as they gain Market
Authorization through the Bio-similar route

- There should be overt recognition, however, of the

concerns and potential impacts on affected stakeholders,
and the need to consider very carefully the potential use
and extent of applicability of these standards

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innovation for health products

Development of measurement standards

for biotherapeutics, 2013 - 2016
1. Etanercept (1st IS)
2. Human antibodies to EPO (1st
1. TNF alpha, recombinant,
monoclonal antibody reference panel)
non-glycosylated (3rd IS)
2. PEG G-CSF (1st IS)

2013 2014 2015 2016

1. Luteinizing Hormone, human

pituitary (3rd IS)
2. Human proinsulin (1st IS) See next slide

24 | Ivana Knezevic |
New project proposals
to be considered at ECBS 2016
• Parathyroid hormone 1-34, recombinant, human,
Endorsement of a new project to develop the 2nd WHO/BS/2016.2296 Rev 1
International Standard for parathyroid hormone 1-34

• TAFI (thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor)

Endorsement of a new project to develop a proposed WHO/BS/2016.2296 Rev 1
International Standard for TAFI

• Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antagonists

Endorsement of a new project to develop proposed WHO/BS/2016.2296 Rev 1
International Standards for VEGF antagonists

• ErbB/HER family of receptor tyrosine kinases

Endorsement of a new project to develop 4 proposed WHO/BS/2016.2296 Rev 1
Reference Reagents for the biological activities of monoclonal
antibodies to ErbB/Her receptor family

• Antibody assays for immunogenicity assessment

of biotherapeutic products
Proposed WHO Reference Antibody Panels WHO/BS/2016.2296 Rev 1

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innovation for health products

WHO INNs for

biotherapeutic products

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products
o Unique name

o Distinctive in sound and spelling

o Not liable to confusion with other names in common use

o Formally placed by WHO in the public domain

o Can be used without any restriction to identify pharmaceutical


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innovation for health products


o The complexity of substances

o The number-induced difficulty

Interferon beta Aspirin

o The emerging of new types of substances (new policies?)

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”

Leonardo Da Vinci

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products

INN Policies for biotherapeutics

• General policies for non-glycosylated compounds
• General policies for glycosylated compounds
• General policies for fusion proteins
• General policies for pegylated substances
• General policies for cell therapy products (CTP)
• General policies for gene therapy products (GTP)
• General policies for monoclonal antibodies
• General policies for blood products
• General policies for immunoglobulins fractionated from
• General policies for skin substitutes
• General policies for transgenic substances
HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and
innovation for health products
A historical conclusion

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products

The first international biological reference

preparation, 1925

Hazel Davies (Australia), diagnosed with

type I diabetes in 1921, photographed 2
years before she celebrated her 100th

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products
WHO's normative work on
We intend to continue the
biologicals, diagnostics, medicines
good work
and vaccines has been part
of our predecessors….
of our core business
since the very start….
WHO Technical
Report Series
WHO Technical
Numbers 1000, 100x, 10xx?
Report Series
Number 1

HIS/EMP | WHO norms and standards – promoting quality and

innovation for health products
DIA 7 April 2016

Biological standards

Peter Jongen
Medicines Evaluation Board, The Netherlands
Chair of PhEur Expert group 6

Disclaimer: Personal views only, meant to initiate further discussion. Does not
necessarily reflect view of MEB, PhEur or EDQM
Chemicals versus Biologicals

MW: ~150 kDa

MW: 0.2 kDa
IFN alfa
MW: 19 kDa

Simple Complex

Bioassay when applicable

• When potency cannot be adequately measured by chemical
and physical analysis
• Need for bioassay depends on
– Complexity of product
– Availability of technologies and knowledge to characterise
relevant properties of the product

Peter Jongen
Expectations from a bioassay (extracted form ICHQ6B)
• Biological activity = specific ability or capacity of a product
to achieve a defined biological effect
• Potency in Units (U / IU) quantitative measure of biological
activity linked to products’ relevant biological properties
• Correlation between the expected clinical response and the
activity in the biological assay established in
pharmacodynamic or clinical studies

Peter Jongen

ICH regulatory guideline (9Q6B)

• A relevant, validated potency assay should be part of the
specifications for a biotechnological and biological drug
substance and/or drug product.
• For complex molecules, the physicochemical information
may be extensive but unable to confirm the higher-order
structure which, however, can be inferred from the
biological activity. In such cases, a biological assay, with
wider confidence limits, may be acceptable when combined
with a specific quantitative measure

Peter Jongen
Examples of procedures used to measure
biological activity include: (ICH Q6B)
• A
• nimal-based biological assays, which measure an organism's
biological response to the product;
• •
Cell culture-based biological assays, which measure biochemical
or physiological response at the cellular level;
• •
Biochemical assays, which measure biological activities such as
enzymatic reaction rates or biological responses induced by
immunological interactions.
• Other procedures such as ligand and receptor binding assays,
may be acceptable.

Peter Jongen

Examples of bioassays:
• measuring appropriate marker for activity
• in-vivo:
– assay measuring increase reticulocyt in mice for erythropoietin
– glucose lowering effect of insulin in rabbits
– in vivo: rat growth by somatropin
– challenge assays for inactivated vaccines
• in vitro:
– cell proliferation assays for G-CSF
– clotting mechanism based assays for clotting factors and
– enzymatic acitivity assays for therapeutic enzymes
– Inhibition of enzyme activity e.g. anti IIa and anti Xa assays
for heparins
– ligand and receptor binding assays
Bioassay: general design
• In vitro* biological or in vivo biological response
* also enzymatic, immunochemical, microbial assays
• Comparison with standard preparation (relative assays)
• Test at same time under identical conditions
• Inherent variability >> subject to random error>>
calculate error for each test

• Several approaches in PhEur :

Peter Jongen

Biological activity in PhEur monographs 1

• Potency in Definition section & potency test description
– Lower limit for specific activity (IU/mg) or Upper and Lower limit for
specific activity
– Exceptionally: “as approved by the competent authority”
Also: 80-125 % of stated potency (potency test result)

Examples: Interferons, CSF’s, erythropoietin, FSH

• Role of potency test for product control may change in

time/course of product development

Peter Jongen
Biological activity in PhEur monographs 2
• Quantitatively defined potency in production section
– Specified lower limit for specific actvity (IU/mg).
• No bioassay description
• No bioassay in assay section no request for bioassay in batch
• Examples:
– Somatropin: validated bioassay based on growth promotion as approved by
the competent authority
– Glucagon: During the course of product development, it must be
demonstrated that the manufacturing process produces a product having a
biological activity of not less than 1 IU/mg using a suitable validated
– Teriparatide During the course of product development, it must be
demonstrated that the manufacturing process produces a biologically active
protein using a suitable bioassay as approved by the competent authority.

Peter Jongen

Biological activity in PhEur monographs 3

• Quantitatively defined potency in definition section
– Mass and Unit equivalence defined by convention
• Eg: “by convention for the purpose of labelling insulin glargine
preparations 0.0364 mg of insulin glargine is equivalent to 1 unit.”
• No bioassay in assay section no request for bioassay in
batch control!
• Examples:
– rH insulin and analogues (no reference to bioassay)
– Salmon Calcitonin (no reference to bioassay)
– Somatropin (reference to bioassay result in production section)

Peter Jongen
Balancing the need for a bioassay
• Complexity substance
• Avialability of suitable assay(s)
• Aim of the bioassay in monograph
– verification of conformation or quantification response
• Options to address biological activity
• Balancing selecitivity, precision, relevancy
for clinical activity, costs and ethics

• Only when really needed

• Enhanced characterisation may abolish necessity bioassay

Peter Jongen

Which bioassay to be adopted in PhEur

• Proposal from companies
• As approved by authorities
• Theoretically and metrologically sound
• When alternatives exists chose best option

Peter Jongen
Considerations when describing compendial
• Detailed or general description
• Detailed: advantage for new users possible
disadvantage for users applying different
• Detailed: reduce potential sources of variation
• Avoid patented cell lines and commercial
single source reagens
• Harmonise statistical evaluation

Peter Jongen

Level of detail: example assay PhEur assay Interferon beta 1a

• Principle: IFN beta1a has ability to protect cells against
cytopathic effect viruses
• Compare with appropriate IS for IFN beta 1a, result in IU
• “suitable method based on following design.”
• Established cell line sensitive to cytopathic effect of a suitable
virus and responsive to interferon: 2 examples “shown to be
• minimum number for concentrations and replicates
• Control cells
• Quantitative determination cytopathic effect by “suitable
• “usual statistical methods” fe 5.3 (quantal responses)
• Requirements for estimated potency and confidence limits

Peter Jongen
Level of detail: example assay Etanercept (draft monograph)
Principle: etanercept inhibits biological activity of TNF-α in cell
based assay. Compare with etanercept BRP, result in IU.
“The following procedures has been found suitable”
• TNF-α + etanercept dilutions induce apoptosis in histiocytic lymphoma
cell line U973; Capsase-Glo 3/7 assay
• Incubation cells with mixtures etanercept dilutions and TNF-α; Caspase
activation measured with luminogenic substrate
“The following indications are given as example.”
• Medium, dilutions, TNF-α solution, plate preparation, cell preparation,
controls, caspase-glo 3/7 assay
• System suitability
• Calculation by four-parameter logistic curve model (5.3)
Requirements for estimated potency and confidence limits, and
specific activity (defenition section)

Peter Jongen

Level of detail: PhEur assay rec follitropin

• Principle: enlarging ovaries of rats treated with chorionic
gonadotrophin (Steelman Pohley)
• Compare with appropriate IS for rh-FSH, result in IU
• Female rats, requirements for age and weigth, # of groups,
size of groups
• Recommendations for doses administrated, i.e. compositions,
concentrations, volumes, injection schedules
• Quantitative determination effect by weighing
• “usual statistical methods” fe 5.3 (quantal responses)
• Requirements for estimated potency and confidence limits

• Alternative approaches ?

Peter Jongen
PhEur (bio)assays written in stone?

Ph.Eur. General Notices

• Alternative methods. The tests and assays described are the
official methods upon which the standards of the Pharmacopoeia
are based. With the agreement of the competent authority,
alternative methods of analysis may be used for control purposes,
provided that the methods used enable an unequivocal decision to
be made as to whether compliance with the standards of the
monographs would be achieved if the official methods were used. In
the event of doubt or dispute, the methods of analysis of the
Pharmacopoeia are alone authoritative.

Peter Jongen

Replacement established in-vivo assays

• Promote the use of in vitro assays for batch control
• Delevelop alternative assay suitable for all products
– Large collaborative effort (successes in the past)
• Or: develop in house in vitro alternative assay(s)
– In vivo procedure in pharmacopoeia provides link to IU of
product specific standards

• EU Directive 2010/63/EU on the Protection of animals used

for scientific purposes

Peter Jongen
Reference standards in PhEur bioassays for

• International standard or ref prep calibrated in IU

(FSH, IFN’s, filgrastim)
• BRP expressed in IU (EPO)
Always a direct link to International unit

• If no IS or BRP exists the manufacturer must have

established an appropriately characterised in-
house biological reference material.

• Compendial reference should standardise the

biological activity (not necessarily a specific

Peter Jongen

European Pharmacopoeia biological reference preparation (BRP)

(chapter 5.12).
• European Pharmacopoeia biological reference preparation
(BRP). A substance or mixture of substances intended for
use as stated in a monograph or general chapter of the
European Pharmacopoeia. BRPs are either secondary
standards calibrated in International Units or primary
standards, which may be used to define a European
Pharmacopoeia Unit (Ph. Eur. U.). Other assigned contents
may also be used, for example, virus titre or number of

Peter Jongen
• Established through Biological Standardisation Programme
• Interlaboratory studies sometimes BSP in cooperation with
other organisations
• Reports endorsed by participants, BSP Steering Cie, EP
expert group. Standards officially adopted by PhEur
• Establishment reports published in Pharmeuropa Bio &
Scientific Notes
• Leaflet provides relevant information (instructions for use,
assigned content, measurement uncertainty, validity etc.)
• To be used as specified in the monograph

Peter Jongen

BRP establishment, an example: etanercept

• 2013 start monograph elaboration (P4 BIO) based on data
package provided by manufacturer
• P4 BIO 5 labs (OMCL, EDQM) involved in bioassay
(‘learning phase’)
• 2014: bioassay found suitable. Minor modifications. Start
BSP138 project (PL: Dr. M. Wadhwa)
• Joint WHO/EDQM study part of WHO IS establishment
study: 12 labs using PhEur method
• 2015 outcome study reported, BRP study report based on
12 labs.
• Selection preparation and potency assignment BRP and
recommendations for System suitability
• To be adopted together with monograph by EP Commission
Peter Jongen
• Bioassay in routine control: may provide missing link to ensure
product activity and consistency for complex products
• Neccessity and selection requires careful consideration
• Several approaches for laying down bioactivity measurements in
PhEur monographs
• Bioassay and its reference standards introduction and
replacement require large efforts


Peter Jongen CMC Strategy forum

DIA 7 April 2016

9th Edition of the Ph. Eur.; 27-28 September 2016, Tallinn, Estonia
Workshop: Setting Pharmacopoeial Standards for Biotherapeutic Products

Physico-chemical Ph. Eur.

Reference Standards for
Recombinant Proteins

Head of the Biology Section – Laboratory Department
EDQM – Council of Europe

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.



• Introduction
• Ph. Eur. RS portfolio for biologicals and rDNA proteins
• Type of CRS for rDNA proteins and use
• How CRS for rDNA substances may help address
quality challenges – Case studies
• CRS for rDNA proteins: additional advantages
• Conclusion

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.



Ph. Eur. RS portfolio for biologicals

Synthetic 10%
About 130 Reference 16% Products
Standards for Biologicals extraction
Cell line
(CRS and BRP):
4% of Ph. Eur. RS proteins

portfolio 18%

Vaccines and
NAT 18%

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


Ph. Eur. RS portfolio for rDNA proteins

First generation

Human insulin Coagulation factor VIII Distribution unit of RS for rDNA

Somatropin Filgrastim proteins
Interferon alfa-2 Interferon beta-1a 5000
Erythropoietin Follitropin 4500
Interferon gamma-1b Coagulation factor VIIa 4000
Molgramostim Coagulation factor IX 3500
Human glucagon Teriparatide 3000

Second generation 2000
Insulin lispro 1000
Insulin aspart 500
Insulin glargine 0

Index base 100: 1995

Monoclonal antibodies Increasing need


Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.



Type of reference standard for

rDNA proteins
• International Standard (WHO)
• Primary standard
• Value assigned in International Units
• BRP: Ph. Eur. Biological Reference Preparations
• Secondary standards calibrated in International Units

Physico-chemical tests
• CRS: Ph. Eur. Chemical Reference Substances
• Primary standards

Ph. Eur. reference standards are to be used as stated in a text

of the Ph. Eur. They are not intended to be used as reference
(comparator) products in the context of applications for

Ph. Eur. chapter 5.12. 04/2015 5

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Types of CRS for rDNA proteins

• System suitability
• to verify that a measurement system
is operated within the boundaries of Assay
its validation scope 13%

• Qualitative purpose Identification

• to test compliance of essential quality 36%
attributes, i.e. identification
• Quantitative use 51%
• quantitative determination of the
substance subject of the monograph
• assigned content

Remark: a CRS may serve both qualitative and quantitative purposes

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.



How CRS for rDNA proteins may

help address quality challenges?
Case studies

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


rDNA proteins: some quality

• Derived from living cells
• Highly specific three-dimensional structure
• Heterogeneous mixtures of substances of similar
molecular mass and charged isoforms
• May undergo complex post-translational modifications
• Complex pattern of product- and process-related
• Potential for aggregation, adsorption and truncation

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.



Challenge 1: Heterogeneity
Changes in manufacturing processes can significantly
affect quality attributes:
• Glycosylation profile
Cell culture conditions may lead to glycan attachment and structure
differences - Case study: rFIX CRS
• Charge variants
Various modifications of the protein structure, such as deamidation,
amino acid substitution/deletion, sialylation, glycation…, can
constitute the sources of charge heterogeneity
Case study: Infliximab CRS
Importance of testing the relevant quality attributes (QC, in-process
control, stability) with a robust method
-> CRS for system suitability

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved. 9

Challenge 1 – Case studies

1) Human coagulation factor IX (rDNA) concentrated solution

Glycosylation profiling:
• General (mandatory):
• desalting
• selective release of glycans
• labelling of glycans
• liquid chromatography with fluorimetric
detection - ion exchange chromatography
• Detailed instructions (given as an
example): non-mandatory
• Limits approved by the competent


Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


Human coagulation factor IX (rDNA) concentrated solution

System suitability:
The chromatogram obtained with human coagulation factor IX (rDNA) CRS is
qualitatively similar to the chromatogram supplied with human coagulation
factor IX (rDNA) CRS

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved. 11

2) Infliximab concentrated solution (2928)

Charged variants
• Isoelectric focusing
System suitability:
- in the electropherogram obtained with
infliximab CRS, 7 bands in the pI region 7.35-
8.30 are clearly visible

• Ion exchange chromatography

System suitability:
- the chromatogram obtained with infliximab CRS
is similar to the chromatogram supplied with
infliximab CRS;
- resolution: minimum 1.5 between the peaks
due to isoforms 3 and 4 in the chromatogram
obtained with infliximab CRS

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


Challenge 2: Identification
Complexity of peptide map analysis
• Mass spectrometric characterisation (LC-MS, QTOF) is part of the regulatory
filing as elucidation of structure, and not part of testing for a monograph

• Ph. Eur. general notices: the tests given in the Identification section are:
- not designed to give full confirmation of the chemical structure or composition of
the product
- intended to give confirmation, with an acceptable degree of assurance, that
the article conforms to the description on the label

• Peptide mapping (LC-UV)

- fingerprint of a protein
- compatibility of mobile phase with mass spectrometer detection is desirable
- complexity of the resulting peptide map for mAb
- comparative procedure with CRS - Case study: Etanercept CRS

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Challenge 2 – Case study

Etanercept (2895)
Peptide mapping
System suitability: the chromatogram obtained with etanercept CRS is
qualitatively similar to the chromatogram supplied with etanercept CRS
- the profile of the chromatogram obtained with the test solution corresponds to
that of the chromatogram obtained with etanercept CRS
- no additional peaks are observed in the chromatogram obtained with the test
solution in comparison with the chromatogram obtained with etanercept CRS

CRS for system suitability and


Comparison of retention times, peak

responses, number of peaks, overall
elution pattern


Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


Challenge 3: Multistep testing

Need for sample pretreatment for peptide/glycan
• Isolation and purification
rDNA proteins are usually included in complex matrixes specifically
designed to improve their chemical and structural stability
-> desalting

• Unfolding the protein prior to digestion

The tertiary structure of proteins may hinder access to cleavage sites
-> denaturation, reduction and alkylation of the disulfide bond

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Challenge 3: Multistep testing

• Residual interfering substances (excipients, denaturants, reducing or
alkylation agents) may impact the enzymatic cleavage efficiency and
chromatographic separation
• Peptide/Glycan mapping are comparative procedures:
-> any pretreatment steps performed on the substance to be tested
shall also be performed on the reference standard

Case study: Follitropin for peptide mapping and glycan analysis CRS

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved. 16


Challenge 3 – Case study

Follitropin concentrated solution (2286)

Peptide mapping
Reduction and
Separation of Desalting of the Selective
modification of Chromatographic
the α- and β- purified cleavage of the
the purified separation
subunits subunits peptide bonds

Glycan mapping

Protein Selective release Chromatographic

denaturation of the glycans separation

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Follitropin concentrated solution (2286) (cont’d)

Advantages of Follitropin for peptide mapping and glycan

analysis CRS:
• CRS for system suitability and identification: qualitative
• To be treated in the same way as sample to eliminate the bias
due to pretreatment
• Allows verification of completion of the digestion
• Ensures that the glycan release was successful

-> Reference standard should be structurally related to the main


Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


Challenge 4: Complex pattern of

related proteins
Solution for system suitability/peak identification
• Deamidation, oxidation, aggregation products:
• can alter immunogenicity, potency, safety and efficacy of the substance
• such impurities may be present at low levels in drug substance
• System suitability: need for stressed samples with increased
amount of related proteins
• Ready to use CRS for resolution solutions are a more robust
option than in situ degradation solutions prepared by users. The
latters may be variable and not necessarily reproducible

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Challenge 4 – Case studies

1) Oxidised and deamidated forms

• Teriparatide (2829)
Resolution solution: incubation of
the substance to be examined at
50°C for 9 days
-> replaced by Teriparatide for
system suitability CRS

• Other examples: Somatropin/desamidosomatropin resolution mixture CRS,

Interferon gamma-1b for system suitability CRS with increased deamidated and
oxidised forms

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


2) Aggregates
• Erythropoietin concentrated solution (1316)
Reference solution: 2% dilution of the test solution for system suitability
-> will be replaced by Erythropoietin for system suitability CRS with a
defined dimer content

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

CRS for rDNA proteins:

additional advantages

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


CRS material
• CRS establishment
- Characterisation of the CRS goes often beyond the boundaries
of the monograph

- Orthogonal analytical methods based on other measurement

-> reliability of the measurement result is enhanced

- Growing importance of mass spectrometry for rDNA proteins

Ex: peak identification for peptide mapping, glycan mapping

Investment on LC-MS, QTOF

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

CRS material (cont’d)

• CRS role
- Fit for purpose
- Ensure sustainability of supply
- Avoid drift between consecutive batches

• Freeze-dried
- Preferred to liquid or powder filling
- Better homogeneity
- Enhanced stability
- No risk of water uptake: reconstituted
- User-friendly: no need to weigh

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


CRS material (cont’d)

Common reference standards

Collaboration to develop
a common reference
standard with the same
assigned content Insulin

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

• Usefulness of CRS for rDNA proteins
• Relevance of different CRS types:
- to control the performance of the method
- to assess acceptance criteria (qualitative, quantitative)
- to allow independent testing
• Need for an early CRS strategy carried out in sync with
the monograph elaboration
• Value of experimental method verification and work of
the Ph. Eur. Group of Experts
• Importance of collaboration with all players

Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.



Sylvie Jorajuria©2016 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


Insulin – First International Standard

“Preparing insulin in a dry

and stable form was the best
way of defining and
stabilizing the unit.”
Bioassay Standards for
“The standard preparation
Biologics (and would then serve as a
Biotherapeutics) – an convenient currency, by
means of which the unit could
evolving role, but a be transmitted to every
country concerned.”
continued need
Tina S. Morris, Ph.D. Sir Henry Dale
Senior Vice President, Global Biologics

The Reality of Different Important Dependencies
Standardization Approaches

Pharmaco CRM WHO IS

peial RS Calibration of
With highly
characterized and
standards for more purified
potency to an IS - materials, the
established practice question of potency
for global multi- often evolves to a
manufacturer question of specific
biologics activity

Value assignment
in SI and by mass
balance has
become common
practice for

Directly Measureme Material

linked to nt determines
use(s) and uncertainties the Unit of
validated must be activity and 3 4

procedure(s) determined is deemed

and procedure
assigned independent
Biosimilars – What Changed (and Role of Standards in the Biologics
what didn’t)? Evolution

Change No Change
Complex Generics,
Many products have Functional assay(s) of extracts, recombinan
no naturally derived activity are still mixtures, t
early Purified therapeutics
counterpart with important for naturally
vaccines, , Biosimi
known or described characterization of toxins, derived monoclonal lars
MOA molecules and clinical antitoxins antibodies

linkage Standar Standard Standar Standar

ds s ds ds?
New regulatory The measurement of
paradigms for the “like vs like” materials
determination of against a suitable
sameness and reference material



similarity based on should reduce the
reference product variability of
characterization independent
Product manufacturing A global multi-
evolution and quality manufacturer market
Early 1950s 1980s 2000s
control are driven by of biologics exposes 1900s
product- and patients to a diverse
manufacturer-specific set of products that 5 6

controls and standards may have unintended

and undetected
differences if
appropriate, publicly
measurement tools
for key attributes do
not exist anymore
Reference Product vs. Biological Impact of Reference Product
Reference Standard Changes - Rituximab

Key Reference Reference

Characteris Product Standard
Role In biosimilarity Measurement
paradigm – tool across
defines quality laboratories,
attributes for materials,
similarity methods, and
Presentation Dosage form Formulated for
formulated for long term
Patient Dosing fitness for use,
with defined as
shelf life (often inclusive/repres
2 years for entative of as
biologics), many relevant
representative products as
of single possible
product From Schiestl et al. Nature Biotechnology Volume 29 Number 4 April 2011
7 8

Defined Compliance Potency/value

properties with label claim is assigned and
is assumed defined
Drift Products can Reference
drift and evolve standards are
– even with the designed not to
same drift
Suitability for Use as a Driver in the Units and Mass, specific activity –
Bioassay When and why is it still important?
What is the
Purpose of
Bioassay? Subst Potenc Compe Interna Source Harmo Labeli
ance y ndia tional nized ng
Potency/Val Higher
ue Order Standa Tests?
Assignment Structure Bioidentity
for Patient Confirmatio rd
Dosing n
Are assay
Is the MOA Is the
Are the Insulin 28.82 USP yes Recom Mostly, Units
Is the unit to performanc assay and
mass e and
of the
reference Huma IU/mg and binant EP: no
relationship commutabili material
understood ty
well s in
specific n 28.82 EP, bioass
understood functionality
? understood enough for
? ?
the analyte?
U/mg unit
Somat 3 USP Yes Recom Mostly, mg
ropin IU/mg and EP binant, EP: no
3 USP USP mass bioass
U/mg unit = assign ay
IU ed
Gluca 1 USP Yes Porcine Mostly, mg and
gon IU/mg and EP EP: no U,
Utility of an associated reference NLT USP bioass assumi
0.8 and IU ay ng
material should be based on fitness
USP are 1U/mg
for purpose U/mg assum
9 10
Filgra NLT USP Yes Recom Mostly mg
stim 0.9 and binant
x109 EP, IU
IU/mg in both
When does Specific Activity Still Understanding Commutability
Matter? Remains a Key Issue – EPO

International standard (IU)

What is the In vivo bioassay (IU)

Purpose of the

Regional (e.g pharmacopoeial

reference material
Potency/Value Higher Order
Assignment for Structure Bioidentity
Patient Dosing Confirmation

In vivo bioassay (IU)

Are the assay
Is the unit to Are assay
Is the MOA of the Is the molecule and reference
mass performance and material specific
relationship commutability molecule well promiscuous in
understood? functionality? enough for the
understood? understood?
analyte? Manufacturer X Manufacturer Y
In-house standard for product
X standard for product Y

In vitro bioassay (IU)

EPO product X EPO product Y

11 12
Introduction - Commutability – What is

• Traceability through a reference material. • The WHO guidelines for preparation of

Routine measurement procedures which International Standards state -
include a calibration step traceable to the
same higher order reference material should • “The behaviour of the reference standard
produce numerical values for clinical samples should resemble as closely as possible the
that are comparable across time, place and behaviour of test samples in the assay
laboratory method. systems used to test them”
– General Considerations
This concept requires the reference material to
have inter-assay properties comparable to the
properties demonstrated by authentic clinical • “The concept of commutability seeks to
samples when measured by more than one establish the extent to which the reference
method. standard is suitable to serve as a standard
for the variety of samples being assayed.”
– Glossary

Chris Burns, NIBSC Chris Burns, NIBSC

Important Dependencies Anti-Factor IIa assays by
USP method: intra-
laboratory variation (%GCV)

Lab T V W X Y Z

02 6.2 3.5 2.5 1.4 1.8 3.7

03 7.6 13.6 12.9 16.3 6.1 7.1

Calibration of With highly
National/regional characterized and
standards for more purified 06 6.8 3.5 4.6 4.5 2.4 7.5
potency to an IS - materials, the
established practice question of potency
for global multi- often evolves to a 08 2.6 3.1 2.8 2.6 8.4 3.6
manufacturer question of specific
biologics activity
12 1.5 1.8 6.7 6.0 2.0 3.1

13 8.5 10.9 2.6 7.3 6.6 7.1

19 . 29.1 9.2 . 23.4 9.3

Value assignment
in SI and by mass
balance has 25 5.3 1.7 2.0 3.0 5.4 8.5
become common
practice for
biologics 32 4.6 8.1 1.8 1.9 2.9 2.8

Range = 1.4 – 29.1 %; 27/52 < 5%; 44/52<7%;

46/52 <10%
Data from collaborative study to value assign 6th
International Standard for Unfractionated Heparin Gray, NIBSC
What happens when you don’t
Looking back and ahead – the
assay like against
Glucagon Journey
like…….lessons learned from
the first B-domain deleted

2009, USP
revised for
glucagon and to 2015, USP

Potency labelled against Plasma derived International Standard 1960, Glucagon

1969, WHO 1st
Standard for
include HPLC
assay to
bioassay for
proposes in
vitro bioidentity
test for
glucagon in
market entry US Glucagon potency PF41(2)

1965, USP 1998, 2011, USP and

market entry
EP co-develop
USP to
official in US, 2 reference introdu
USP17 manufacturers material for
rGlucagon ce
-licensed as "Xyntha" in USA (2008) - labelled by clotting Glucag
assay recepto
r cell
-licensed as "ReFacto AF" in Europe (2009) - labelled by line
chromogenic assay ce
In Europe the materia
l in
"1 IU of the Xyntha product is approximately equivalent to 1.38 bioassay has support
of in
IU of the ReFacto been completely vitro
AF product" (ReFacto AF product insert) eliminated as a tity test
1000 IU vial of USA product contains approx 30% more Factor requirement, but
VIII protein than not in the US!
1000 IU vial of European product
Elaine Gray, NIBSC 18
Why this Continues to be Relevant in Monoclonal Antibodies – What are We
the US Measuring?

1960, Glucagon 2015

(animal- Synthetic
derived) Glucagon
market entry market entry

1998, Future?
market entry Current
US, 2 comparators
manufacturers in the
Octeotride –
15+ global
– 10+ global
API suppliers

19 20
ECBS October 2014 – Rituximab The Next Frontier – Standards for VEGF
International Reference Reagent Antagonists: different molecules, Shared
Proposal Functionality

21 22
Considerations for International A Word on Relevance…

 Examining the key paradigms of assay

independence of a standard:
 Where does this paradigm fail us – addressing
commutability for key materials and measurements The value of the
 When is like not vs like anymore: pharmacopeia
 Product and standard evolution – heparin and other
depends upon
“old” biologics teach us that “like vs like” is a moving the fidelity with
target: standards have to stay in sync with and be which it conforms
relevant to the products in the global market place to the best state
 The market is expanding with products that have no of medical
equivalent in nature but share common functionality knowledge of the
(e.g. VEGF antagonists)
 We still need International Units
 Addressingspecific activity and when that is Lyman Spalding, ca.
meaningful and why
 Creatinga common understanding regarding mass
balance assignment of International Standards,
especially the ones used in diagnostic contexts

23 24
Perspective of the PMDA
on Biotherapeutics

Takao Yamori
Executive Director / Director of Center for Product Evaluation
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

27-28 September 2016, Tallinn, Estonia

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

Today’s Topic

1. What’s Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) ?

2. Development of biotherapeutic products

in Japan and JP

3. Challenge for biotherapeutic products in


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
Today’s Topic

1. What’s Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) ?

2. Development of biotherapeutic products

in Japan and JP

3. Challenge for biotherapeutic products in


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

History and Legal Status of JP

 First published on June 25, 1886
and implemented on July 1, 1887
⇒JP has the history of 130 years
 JP is published by the Japanese Government as a Ministerial
Notification by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
 JP is published in accordance with the Law on Securing Quality,
Efficacy and Safety of Products including Pharmaceuticals and
Medical Devices which is the most fundamental law for
pharmaceutical regulation in Japan.
 Article 41-1 To standardize and control the properties and quality of drugs, the Minister
shall establish and publish the JP, after hearing the opinion of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and
Food Sanitation Council (PAFSC).
 Article 41-2 The Minister shall consult the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation
Council (PAFSC) on the investigation and the revision of the whole of JP at least every 10

 From 1991 New editions and its 2 supplements are published in

5 years and partial revisions are made as necessary. 4
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
Basic Principles for Preparation of JP17
(Five Primary Objectives)
Published in September 2011

1. Include all drugs which are important for health care

and medical treatment
2. Make qualitative improvement by introducing the
latest science and technology
3. Promote internationalization
4. Make prompt partial revision as necessary and
facilitate smooth administrative operation
5. Ensure transparency regarding the revision, and
disseminate the JP to the public
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

Composition of the JP17

JP17th Edition comprises the following items,
1. Notification of MHLW
2. Contents
3. Preface Mandatory Part
4. General Notices
5. General Rules for Crude Drugs
6. General Rules for Preparations
7. General Tests (78 General Tests)
8. Official Monographs (1962 Monographs)
9. Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra
10. Infrared Reference Spectra
11. General Information (50 General Information)
12. Table of Atomic Mass as an appendix
13. Cumulative Index
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
Composition of the JP17
JP17th Edition comprises the following items,
1. Notification of MHLW
2. Contents Official Monographs
3. Preface <Scope>
4. General Notices  Chemical Substances/Products
5. General Rules for Crude Drugs
 Biological Substances/Products
6. General Rules for Preparations
 Vaccines and Blood Products, whose
7. General Tests specifications are referred to another
8. Official Monographs official standard: “Minimum requirement
9. Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra products”
for biological
10. Infrared Reference Spectra
 Herbals
11. General Information<Out(50 General
of scope>Information)
12. Table of Atomic Mass asGene
an appendix
Therapy Products
13. Cumulative Index  Cellular and Tissue-based Products
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

Organization of JP Expert Committees

Update; June 1, 2015

Com. on Chemicals (1) and (2)

Sub-Com. on Com. on Antibiotics
Process-related Com. on Biologicals
Com. on Crude Drugs(B) - Com. on Crude Drugs (A)
Com. on Excipients
Standing Com. on Nomenclature for pharmaceuticals
Com. on Reference Standards For Monographs

Com. on Drug Formulation

Com. on Physical Methods
Com. on Biological Methods
Com. Com. on Physico-Chemical Methods
For General tests

Com. on International Harmonization

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
Today’s Topic

1. What’s Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) ?

2. Development of biotherapeutic products

in Japan and JP

3. Challenge for biotherapeutic products in


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

Trend of biotherapeutics approved(Desired

in Japan
product base)
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 (approved year)
Insulin human Somatropin Celmoleukin Mecasermin Insulin lispro Insulin glulisine
Interferon beta Carperitide Insulin aspart Insulin detemir Insulin degludec
Interferon alfa (NAMALWA) Glucagon Insulin glargine Pegvisomant
Insulin glargine [BS]
Interferon alfa-2b Interferon beta-1b Dulaglutide
Interferon alfa(BALL-1) Interferon alfacon-1
Peginterferon alfa-2a Somatropin
Hormones Interferon beta
Peginterferon alfa-2b Metreleptin
Cytokines Interferon gamma-1a
Interferon beta-1a
Epoetin alfa Filgrastim [BS]
Darbepoetin alfa
Epoetin beta Trafermin
Follitropin beta Epoetin kappa [BS]
Lenograstim Nartograstim Follitropin alfa Epoetin beta pegol

Alteplase Pamiteplase Agalucidase beta Rasburicase Catridecacog

Nonacog alfa Antithrombin
Monteplase Laronidase
Agalucidase alfa Dornase alfa
Enzymes Octocog alfa Alglucosidase alfa Turoctocog alfa
Rurioctocog alfa Idulsulfase Asfotase alfa
Eptacog alfa Collagenase
Thrombomodulin alfa

Muromonab-CD3 Rituximab Tocilizumab Ustekinumab

Trastuzumab Gemtuzumab ozogamicin Golimumab Infliximab [BS]
Palivizumab Bevacizumab Canakinumab
Infliximab Ibritumomab tiuxetan
Basiliximab Adalimumab Denosumab
Cetuximab Mogamulizumab
Omalizumab Certolizumab pegol
Eculizumab Pertuzumab
mAbs Panitumumab Trastuzumab emtansine
Blue: Biosimilars Brentuximab vedotin
Etanercept Abatacept

(Provided by Dr Pharmaceuticals and

Akiko Ishii-Watabe of Medical
National Devices
Institute Agency
of Health (PMDA)
Sciences) 10
Trend of biotherapeutics approved in Japan
(Product base)


No. of approved biotechnological products


100 mAbs, Fusion proteins, 38

Cytokines, 25

Vaccines, 5

40 Hormones, 27

20 Coagulation factors, Albumin, 11

Enzymes, 15
-2000 -2015
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

Regulatory History and Status of Biosimilars

• Application Category for biosimilars
• Guideline
• Nomenclature rules Revision of
Q&A Q&A Nomenclature rules Q&A

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Filgrastim BS [F], Filgrastim BS Insulin glargine

[MOCHIDA] [Sandoz]
Somatropin BS [FFP]
BS [Sandoz]

Epoetin alfa BS [JCR] Insulin glargine

Filgrastim BS [NK], [TEVA]
Infliximab BS BS [Lilly]
[NK], [CTH]

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
Development of infrastructure for quality assurance
to deal with expansion of biotherapeutics

The significant drugs for health care and medical

treatment have been shifted from chemical
products to biotherapeutics.
From now on, more and more biosimilars are
expected to be marketed.
Thus, it is necessary to develop the infrastructure
to share information for the quality assurance of
biotherapeutics among the regulatory agencies,
the manufacturers and the academia.

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

Today’s Topic

1. What’s Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) ?

2. Development of biotherapeutic products

in Japan and JP

3. Challenge for biotherapeutic products in


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
JP’s approaches on biotherapeutics
under discussion

1. Establishment of general rules regarding

quality assurance of biotherapeutics
2. Listing test methods to be applied for
3. Listing official monographs for

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

JP’s approaches on biotherapeutics

under discussion

1. Establishment of general rules regarding

quality assurance of biotherapeutics:
 In response to recent increase in the drugs
containing biotechnology-derived peptide and/or
protein as their desired product, the basic
principles on quality assurance of biotherapeutics
including requirements for manufacturing
methods will be developed.

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
JP’s approaches on biotherapeutics
under discussion
2. Listing test methods to be applied to biotherapeutics:
 The test methods for biotherapeutics will be included in JP as standard
quality test methods. (The methods will be implemented without delay when
internationally harmonized through the PDG activities().
Test methods listed in JP 17
 Amino Acid Analysis
 Basic Requirements for Viral Safety of Biotechnological/Biological Products
listed in Japanese Pharmacopoeia
 Capillary Electrophoresis
 Isoelectric Focusing
 Mass Spectrometry of Peptides and Proteins
 Mycoplasma Testing for Cell Substrates used for the Production of
Biotechnological/Biological Products
 Peptide Mapping
 Qualification of Animals as Origin of Animal-derived Medicinal Products
provided in the General Notices of Japanese Pharmacopoeia and Other
 SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
 Total Protein Assay
 Monosaccharide analysis and oligosaccharide analysis 17
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

The expected role of JP

to ensure the quality of Biotherapeutics
Approval assessment in PMDA
Originator Biosimilar 1 Biosimilar 2
Specification and test Specification and test Specification and test
methods methods methods

Manufacturing method Manufacturing method Manufacturing method

Provide concepts and

Monograph on Bio information to ensure
the quality for company
Specification and test General Test
methods Rules on methods
Production section Bio on Bio

In Public 18
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
Biotherapeutics monographs listed(Desired
in Japan
product base)
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 (approved year)
Insulin human Somatropin Celmoleukin Mecasermin Insulin lispro Insulin glulisine
Interferon beta Carperitide Insulin aspart Insulin detemir Insulin degludec
Interferon alfa (NAMALWA) Glucagon Insulin glargine Pegvisomant
Insulin glargine [BS]
Interferon alfa-2b Interferon beta-1b Dulaglutide
Interferon alfa(BALL-1) Interferon alfacon-1
Peginterferon alfa-2a Somatropin
Hormones Interferon beta
Peginterferon alfa-2b Metreleptin
Cytokines Interferon gamma-1a
Interferon beta-1a
Epoetin alfa Filgrastim [BS]
Darbepoetin alfa
Epoetin beta Trafermin
Follitropin beta Epoetin kappa [BS]
Lenograstim Nartograstim Follitropin alfa Epoetin beta pegol

Alteplase Pamiteplase Agalucidase beta Rasburicase Catridecacog

Nonacog alfa Antithrombin
Monteplase Laronidase
Agalucidase alfa Dornase alfa
Enzymes Octocog alfa Alglucosidase alfa Turoctocog alfa
Rurioctocog alfa Idulsulfase Asfotase alfa
Eptacog alfa Collagenase
Thrombomodulin alfa

Muromonab-CD3 Rituximab Tocilizumab Ustekinumab

Trastuzumab Gemtuzumab ozogamicin Golimumab Infliximab [BS]
Palivizumab Bevacizumab Canakinumab
Infliximab Ibritumomab tiuxetan
Basiliximab Adalimumab Denosumab
Cetuximab Mogamulizumab
Omalizumab Certolizumab pegol
Eculizumab Pertuzumab
Blue:Listed in JP
Biosimilars Panitumumab Trastuzumab emtansine
Brentuximab vedotin
Etanercept Abatacept

(Provided by Dr Pharmaceuticals and

Akiko Ishii-Watabe of Medical
National Devices
Institute Agency
of Health (PMDA)
Sciences) 19

JP’s approach on biotherapeutics

under discussion
3. Listing official monographs for biotherapeutics:
 Current monographs on biotherapeutics is set based on the
quality attributes of the originator.
 It is difficult /usually impossible to present the specification
covering all the biosimilars, because it is decided not by the
specification but by the comparability exercise whether each
biosimilar candidate is comparable to the originator or not.
 However, JP monograph could present standard specifications
for biosimilars, which will be submitted for the registration.

 The new approach to set of JP monographs on biotherapeutics

to control the biosimilars are under discussion.
 General monograph, Family monograph, or typical one??
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

 The approaches to include new monographs for biotherapeutics

The expected role of JP
to ensure the quality of Biotherapeutics
Approval assessment in PMDA
Originator Biosimilar 1 Biosimilar 2
Specification and test Specification and test Specification and test
methods methods methods

Manufacturing method Manufacturing method Manufacturing method

Refer JP during assessment of biosimilars

Monograph on Bio
Specification and test General Test
methods Rules on methods
Production section Bio on Bio

In Public 21
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

PMDA Web Site


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
JP English Homepage

JP English electric version can be downloaded free of charge from the JP English
website; http://www.pmda.go.jp/english/rs-sb-std/standards-development/jp/0010.html
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

Thank you for your attention !

Please visit to our website:


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

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