Contemporary Economic Aspects of Education Quality Management at The University
Contemporary Economic Aspects of Education Quality Management at The University
Contemporary Economic Aspects of Education Quality Management at The University
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 214 (2015) 252 – 260
Worldwide trends in the development of education and academic research, 15 - 18 June 2015
Today, the quality of higher education is one of the most important problems of social development and scientific and
technological progress. The importance of improving the quality of higher education is attributed primarily to the requirements of
innovative economy based on knowledge and needs of an individual and of society for enhancing the state's competitiveness and
quality of life. A high rate of expansion of higher education and the need to ensure its quality are associated with increased
expenditures on education both by the state and by business and consumers of educational services, which determines the
economic importance of quality management in educational organizations. In the paper, the categories of Economics of the
University quality are revealed and the concept of economic quality management in the University is formulated, a model of
education quality management in TQM environment is presented.
© 2015
© 2015TheTheAuthors.
Publishedby by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of: Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES), Sofia, Bulgaria & International Research
Center (IRC) under responsibility
‘Scientific of: Bulgarian
Cooperation’, Comparative Russia.
Rostov-on-Don, Education Society (BCES), Sofia, Bulgaria & International Research
Center (IRC) ‘Scientific Cooperation’, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
Keywords: economy, management, higher education, efficiency, model, total quality management;
1. Introduction
Currently, the economic issues of quality management in educational organizations (EOs) including universities
associated with the management and accounting of expenditure of funds to achieve high quality, the quantification
1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of: Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES), Sofia, Bulgaria & International Research
Center (IRC) ‘Scientific Cooperation’, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
Nikolay Glushak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 214 (2015) 252 – 260 253
of quality costs and their efficiency are of great interest. Such questions are to be solved by the Economics of quality
(EQ) that identifies the category and the economic model of creating quality.
The issues of Economics of education quality, including higher school, are relevant because education is an
important social component in development of the state. The theoretical basis of study of costs and efficiency of
education is the public Economics in the development of the budget. These approaches are developed in writings of
J. Stiglitz (2007) based on measurement of social utility, the principles of correlation between efficiency and
fairness and they largely overlap with ideas of the theory of quality. Thus, the idea of usefulness and quality should
be the basis of formation of education budgets, and their efficiency must be evaluated by achievement of the
required quality.
The goal of our research is to examine the conceptual economic mechanism of formation and quality
management in an educational institution, regardless of funding sources – government or commercial.
Methodological basis of the research is the principles of dialectical relationship between subject and object,
process and result, singular, special and general, of the unity of traditions and approaches.
To achieve the objectives, in our study we used theoretical methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, analogy,
comparison, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, abstraction, interpretation, analysis and
synthesis of scientific literature, documents and practical experience etc.).
Research design
The conducted research comprises the following phases:
- the first phase (September-December 2014) of the research was aimed at solving tasks in the study of the
existing scientific literature on education quality management in Russian universities, the formulation on the basis of
the theoretical and methodological study, determination of goals and objectives of the research;
- the second phase (January-February 2015) involved direct analysis and synthesis of main provisions of the
research, and application of the selected methodology to the analysis of the given problems research;
- the third phase (March-April 2015) – one of determining the conditions contributing to improving the efficiency
of education quality management at the university by means of TQM model.
and uses independently. The source of research and development work can be both budgetary and extra-budgetary
funds. Also universities can (and in a certain sense are obliged to) provide paid educational services, implement
scientific and educational-methodical literature and the like, and can also perform other operations with funds of
public and legal services, for example, rent, property rent and so on. Currently this model is the most applicable in
most countries of the organization for economic cooperation and development. The model of normative, per capita
state funding is being gradually implemented in the Russian Federation too.
2) The Model of contract state funding of higher education institutions providing professional training of
specialists with higher education on behalf of the state. In this case, the state concludes long-term target contracts for
professional training of specialists with higher education with the universities, as well as possible contracts for the
carrying out of research and developmental works. The contract includes the obligation of the university for training
a certain quantity of professionals and is complemented by a system of parameters for evaluation of the trust,
efficient performance of university activities. In this model, the budget is allocated as a total sum used by the
university independently; the universities can attract various extra-budgetary funds within the framework of
statutory activity. This model is used in France, Sweden, Austria, Finland.
3) The Model of estimated public funding of universities, involving the formation of the budget estimates
approved in the course of the budget agreement. Budget estimates of the university includes the breakdown by type
of all possible costs, establishing target limits on articles. In this model, extra-budgetary funds can be involved and
used. The mechanism of this model is considered to be inefficient and costly. Currently this model is common in
Germany, Japan, Korea, Russia.
The second approach to the financing of educational organizations is based on the predominance of paid higher
education and limited state support for universities. In this approach, a model of extra-budgetary funding of
universities is used, where tuition is paid by citizens and organizations on the basis of agreements and contracts with
customers, including government. This funding model could be complemented by a state-supported students at the
expense of budgetary funds in the form of grants and loans. The universities can attract various other funds in the
financial market, as well as to accept donations and charitable contributions.
Overall Economics of the university includes such broad categories that characterize the economy of any
organization, namely: income, costs, economic efficiency of their activity.
In the budget university the resources increase at the expense of income from extra-budgetary activities involves
risks, which include not only commercial, but also affects the interests of the public sector. Reduction of these risks
is largely determined by the information generated by management accounting, and reflects all sources of funding,
on the one hand, and cost efficiency on the other.
3.3 Cost management in educational organizations
According to Eroyan (2012), cost management in educational organizations is coordinated activities to ensure the
quality of provided services and is one of the defining systems of university activity. Having analyzed the domestic
and foreign experience of cost management of various universities, Aroyan (2012) identifies the following basic
functions of the system of financial management of universities:
1. Management of financial and economic development of the university, including strategic and tactical
planning (including external and internal regulations of the activities), the development of internal economic
standards and norms, the development of criteria and performance indicators and their monitoring, management
accounting and analysis, economic analysis activities.
2. Financial management and accounting, including the preparation and execution of the budget of the university
(annual, semester), estimating income and expenses by responsibility centers, accounting, pricing and taxation,
investments, management of receivables and payables, foreign currency operations and operations with securities.
3. Business administration and management of the property, including the surrender of the premises in the lease,
the exercise of related education services commercial, commercial projects (autonomous business units).
4. Management of labor and wages, including the formation of a system of remuneration (including various
forms of bonuses), the development and use of standards of work of teaching staff (educational, methodical,
scientific and organizational), contract system.
Nikolay Glushak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 214 (2015) 252 – 260 255
5. Marketing management education, including analysis of the market of goods (services), consumer behavior,
marketing research and communications, the marketing environment, the channels of promotion of goods (services),
advertising and public relations.
6. Controlling, including the creation of information-analytical integrated system, and advising line managers in
the process of decision-making, calculation of efficiency of activity of the University, the preservation potential of
the University, cost control and efficient use of property.
Alongside with the above list, we believe the component of "quality management" can be added to the main
economic-financial functions of the university – one that includes establishment of a system of performance
management in the field of quality (to be discussed later in this paper).
In transition to the standard financing method, problems of cost standards development for educational
organizations can be highlighted that should form the basis of the size of financial support of performance of the state
assignment on rendering of services. Essentially, calculation of costs widespread in world practice has to be applied
here – the one of the unit cost of services (products). The calculation is based on division of costs into direct ones –
directly related to the provision of specific services – and indirect ones that are not connected directly with the
provision of such services (Borovskaya et al., 2012). Regarding the use of quality parameters, the author of this study
suggests that, in addition to the classical calculation the methods of calculation associated with quality indicators
should be used.
A key category of economic science is the concept of efficiency understood as the ratio of results to costs of their
achievement. In relation to educational activities, this category is clearly not established enough.
The efficiency of university activities
Under the List of indicators of efficiency estimation of activity of Federal state educational institutions of higher
professional education and their branches (Perechen' pokazateley otsenki effektivnosti deyatel'nosti federal'nykh
gosudarstvennykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniy vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya i ikh filialov, 2012) the
efficiency of institutions shall mean the ability of the university to organize high-quality training which in future
will provide a high level of economic development of the country.
In the opinion of Grigorash (2014), evaluation of the efficiency of universities need to be held in two stages: on
the first stage the facts submitted by the institutions are formed, and on the second stage the results of the tests in the
accreditation and licensing are evaluated. After the analysis of the results of the first stage, the Ministry of education
and science can make a decision to reorganize the low rating universities (reduce their status, transform them into a
branch or dissolve). Also, at the second stage, information based on the results of the first stage can be checked.
The position of the author largely unites the concept of efficiency and quality; in our opinion, the indicators
allocated to them by the first stage of assessing the efficiency of higher education institutions should include such
components as:
1. Scientific-pedagogical personnel. This indicator should be assessed taking into account the individual performance
of the teaching staff of universities, including such indicators – academic degrees and titles; teaching experience; activity
and mobility, personal contribution to the preparation of educational and scientific literature and more.
2. Material and technical base. In assessing the quality of the material and technical base, one can use two basic
- the cost of equipment and computing per student;
- the area of teaching-laboratory spaces per student.
3. Training and methodological support. Indicator of the quality of training and methodological support should be
determined by the availability of modern textbooks, manuals, instructional publications, software and similar per student.
4. The research activity. The quality indicator of research activity should be defined from calculation of the total
number of scientific publications and theses attributable to the total number of bets the staffing of the university.
The record of the results of research activities must be carried out over the last few years.
In their work "On the issue of assessing the efficiency (impact) of research and innovation activity of the peer
universities in Russia" (Gafforova et al., 2012), the authors stress that today a university is a complex socio-
economic system and performance evaluation is a complicated task as well. In general, assessment of efficiency is
the ratio characterized by the ability to measure costs and performance of the system.
256 Nikolay Glushak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 214 (2015) 252 – 260
As a rule, the result is understood as any quantitative (physical or value) indicators. In the context of universities,
it can be: the number of graduates, student performance, volumes of published materials, etc. In turn, an equally
important task is the determination of the costs incurred to achieve results.
The specific assessment of the efficiency of the universities is determined by many important factors of education
(Gafforovaet al., 2012). "Product" activities of the university is educational services, which consist of the provision
process and obtained results (knowledge and competencies of graduates). Therefore, when evaluating the efficiency
of activity applied generally in relation to the provision of services (departments, faculties, institutes) the totality of
characteristics of the process and the result must cover must be taken into consideration.
The authors (Gafforova et al., 2012) suggest the methodology of the external evaluation of the efficiency of the
institution, which simultaneously allows evaluating the potential (input) and results (outputs) activities of the
university for the purpose of obtaining objective and reliable information on the status of all activities of a particular
institution in relation to other higher education institutions of the relevant profile (economic profile, technical, etc.).
The obtained data allow determining the development of the university, which will contribute to the adoption of
specific management decisions regarding the development of higher education activities in the education system.
From the above reasoning (Gafforova et al., 2012; Grigorash, 2014; Koval`chuk, 2011), we can conclude that the
concept of efficiency of activity of educational organizations (EOA) is largely associated with the notion of quality
that allows to assume that the efficiency of EOA is the categories of the economy of the quality of educational
Thus, according to the author of this study, the Economics of quality (EQ) of educational organization, including
University, can be distinguished as an independent field of research from the position of quality influencing the
economic performance and accounting the quality as an equal strategic indicator of the university activities.
Economics of quality in the university is of particular importance also because the main objective of any educational
organizations (EO) in contrast to the industrial enterprises is to ensure the quality of education (achieving total
quality) and the need for continuous improvement activities focused on improving quality.
On balance, the economy of the quality of any organization involves consideration of the following main
1. Economic cost standards associated with quality. The basis of the economic mechanism of EQ is the assertion
that the quality of the object (products, processes) as inseparable from these entity objects is created with a specific
utilization rate of resources (information, material, human, financial). Resources in commodity-money relations are
determined by the value of units and form the cost of creating quality in the broad sense of the word; in this sense
they will coincide with the full costs of creation of objects of quality. The independent allocation of the cost of
quality can be produced by detecting the magnitude of change of total cost under the influence of the quality factor,
which can influence the increase or decrease economic cost norms for creation of objects.
2. Economic efficiency associated with quality, as the resulting estimation in the Economics of quality. Economic
efficiency involves the correlation of the effects with the resources (costs) consumed for these effects.
It is important to emphasize that the costs and efficiency of EQ have different nature for different activities of
quality management, including its two components: quality assurance (including the establishment of safeguards and
compliance) and quality improvement (including innovation).
For commercial organizations numerous approaches to the Economics of quality have been developed
(Demidenko & Karlik, 1977; Demidenko, 2013; Demidenko, Leonova & Babarin, 2014), which use monetary units
to determine the effects and costs (resources) that allows you to build models of cost management on the quality and
other categories of EQ. It’s common to identify final and correctable marriage product in the manufacture-industrial
sector, the procedure of accounting (managerial) accounting and calculation of losses from marriage, adopted grade
product quality (as acceptably low, medium, or premium), developed the scope of the assessment of cost control,
audit, measurement of product quality and the like. In commercial organizations explicitly identified in the light of
cost overruns and resources related to quality can occur, as well as implicit, not tangible losses associated with low
quality, which however can be expressed in monetary form through the analysis of loss of revenue or profits.
However, for educational organizations such categories are not still precisely defined.
These main categories of Economics are the qualities of the organization and extra-budgetary sphere, including
universities. However, the mechanism and content of economic control of quality for the provision of educational
Nikolay Glushak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 214 (2015) 252 – 260 257
services in budget institutions has its own characteristics. For budgetary organizations most effects associated with
quality, yield value measurements and are defined as socially public. The activity of EO implies the main goal of
achieving quality education, and the receipt of income or profit will be of secondary importance. Also, there are
industry-specific content features categories EQ of educational organization, due to the specifics of providing
educational services.
Achieving quality education, the creation and development of quality management systems in EO are necessarily
linked to the economic-financial aspects, which includes obtaining of income (in the case of commercial relations)
or savings, attraction and use of material and monetary resources. For the development of such areas the
development of the economic model of quality management of the EO is required to be able to answer questions
such as: what are the economic benefits of quality management, what costs should be implemented to enhance and
improve the quality, what is the economic efficiency of the QMS of EO?
In operation of the quality management systems of the EO, the allocation of financial resources is required for:
- project development, implementation of quality systems of EO and its regular updating;
- social, marketing and economic research in the field of quality;
- implementation of an information management system;
- training and ongoing professional development of employee;
- implementation of quality control processes and audits;
- encouraging and motivating the staff of the university on the results.
An efficient quality management system of EO allows to obtain the following effects:
- rating of the image of the EO and its competitiveness;
-guarantee of high quality of scientific and educational services to consumers and all interested parties;
- improving the efficiency and efficiency of the management system and processes of EO;
- increasing the motivation of learners and teachers (staff) of EO to self-improvement.
Thus, Economics of the university quality includes consideration and analysis of such major categories as:
- expenditure (investment) on quality at the university;
- results, quality-related, at the University, as economic and social;
- efficiency, quality-related, at the University, including the efficiency of the QMS.
Model of quality management in educational organizations
The economic model of quality management of EO implies establishment of a mechanism for formation of all its
main elements: costs, results, effects and efficiency, depending on management actions to ensure and improve the
quality and conditions in the field of education.
Methods of determining the values of the indicator of a university's educational activity efficiency may include
calculation of aggregate results of its activity per unit of resources expended (socio-economic efficiency) and
calculation of economic efficiency, representing the ratio of cost effects associated with quality per unit cost of
providing them.
In order to propose a model of quality management in the educational organizations, let us consider the concept
of "quality" in its modern sense. Currently, there is an innovative concept of quality management – TQM (Total
Quality Management, sometimes translated as "total quality management"). In accordance with international
standards 9000:2000 total management is understood as organization management method based on the cooperation
of all its employees, focused on quality and ensuring the customer satisfaction, the achievement of long-term
entrepreneurial success and benefits for all employees of the organization and the economy as a whole.
Bove and Till (1992) defined the approach of ɌQɆ in the following way. Total quality management is the
philosophy of the organization which is based on the commitment to quality and management practices, which leads
to universal quality, hence the quality is not that you have to track or to add at some stage of the production process,
it is the essence of the organization.
According to TQM, in a narrow sense, the word "quality" refers to the quality of goods, works or services.
However, in a broader sense, it also means the quality of processes and work, the result of which produces these
products, or if we take for our case, educational service. Therefore, the first meaning can be called the quality of the
results, and the second is the quality of the processes, i.e. in this case, the quality permeates all phases of the
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E. Deming was the first to implement a large-scale quality principles in Japan. In 1927, he used and developed
the basic concepts of statistical quality analysis of Shewart. By the time he came to Japan, Deming had a reputation
of a well-known statistician. Back then, Japan was a poor country and it gave a very positive reception to Deming's
concepts of quality understanding them as a means of getting out from the difficult economic situation (Imai, 2007).
The attention of managers within ɌQɆ was mainly focused on areas such as education, systems improvement,
policy deployment, cross-functional management, and recently added structuring quality.
The general consideration in solving of issues of quality management is that by improving the quality of products
(services) the cost of production first increases and then decreases. This trend was graphically illustrated by Dave
Garwood and was called "the mount Fuji effect" (Fig. 1).
Cost quality
Fig. 1. The mount Fuji effect
According to his theory, the cost of quality increases up to a certain point (the peak of the mountain), then the
costs begin to decline (along the opposite slope) because the benefit of high quality outweighs the costs. All this can
be applied to the quality of educational services. The described trend reflects both the cost of poor quality and the
benefit from good quality. The cost of poor quality is due to factors such as reduced demand for educational services
of a certain university, the willingness of consumers to pay for services as little as possible. Benefits from a high
level of quality are explained by high demand, the willingness of customers to pay more, enhanced activity [17].
Cost reduction should be performed through cost control regulating the processes of educational services
provision. Other cost-reducing measures (layoffs, restructuring, etc.) disrupt the process of creating quality and
eventually lead to its deterioration.
The TQM system has a special approach to quality management processes. In accordance with American
standard for project management ANSIPMBoK2000, the following groups of quality management processes can be
singled out:
• quality planning – the definition of reasonable quality requirements of the products (services);
• quality assurance – activities to implement the requirements of the process chain of forming the cost of the
product (services);
• quality control – identification and elimination of quality non-conformities to planned requirements (Shestopal
et al., 2010).
In connection with the above, we can conclude that every modern organization in order to be competitive, spontaneous
and sustainable should use the principles of TQM philosophy in its work. In particular, for our study, we have developed a
model of education quality management which is to be organized in a TQM environment (Fig. 2).
Nikolay Glushak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 214 (2015) 252 – 260 259
Costs of quality
Educational processes Planning quality
4. Conclusion
The authors believe that the concept of economic quality management (EQM) at the university is an independent
category reflecting a purposeful, coordinated activity in the field of quality based on economic criteria, and its
content is to use categories of economics of quality in quality management systems as indicators to assess the
situation and decision-making at the university in the field of quality. EQM implies the following areas: accounting
and cost analysis related to quality; accounting and analysis of losses (effects) caused by quality; determination of
economic efficiency of investments in education quality, pricing and motivation with regard to quality, and the like
components are organized in a TQM system.
Alongside with this, improving the university activities quality should be implemented by efficient quality
management based on the analysis of its results in both administrative and economic aspect.
The education quality assurance should be stipulated in the strategic documents on development of societies and
it should determine the relevance of quality management as a purposeful activity of meeting the growing
requirements of parties concerned in the educational activities and ensuring the quality standards of educational
activities based on the control of the processes that are focused on results and efficiency.
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