Chapter 10

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Power Amplifiers

 Introduction
 Amplifier types
Class A
Class B
Class AB
Class C
An electronic amplifier, amplifier, or
(informally) amp is an electronic device that
increases the power of a signal.

It does this by taking energy from a power

supply and controlling the output to match
the input signal shape but with a larger
amplitude. In this sense, an amplifier
modulates the output of the power supply.

Power Amplifiers
Numerous types of electronic amplifiers are
specialized to various applications.

An amplifier can refer to anything from an

electrical circuit that uses a single active
component, to a complete system such as a
packaged audio hi-fi amplifier.

Power Amplifiers
Power amplifier
The term power amplifier is a relative term
with respect to the amount of power
delivered to the load and/or sourced by the
supply circuit.
In general a power amplifier is designated as
the last amplifier in a transmission chain (the
output stage) and is the amplifier stage that
typically requires most attention to power
Power Amplifiers
Efficiency considerations lead to various
classes of power amplifier based on the
biasing of the output transistors or tubes.

Power Amplifiers
 Power amplifier classes
Power amplifier circuits (output stages) are
classified as A, B, AB and C for analog

and class D and E for switching designs

based on the proportion of each input cycle
(conduction angle), during which an
amplifying device is passing current.

Power Amplifiers
The image of the conduction angle is derived
from amplifying a sinusoidal signal.

If the device is always on, the conducting

angle is 360°.
If it is on for only half of each cycle, the
angle is 180°.

Power Amplifiers
The angle of flow is closely related to the
amplifier power efficiency.

The various classes are introduced below,

followed by a more detailed discussion under
their individual headings further down.

Power Amplifiers
In the illustrations below, a bipolar junction
transistor is shown as the amplifying device,
but the same attributes are found if with
MOSFETs or vacuum tubes.

Power Amplifiers
 Class A

100% of the input signal is used (conduction

angle Θ = 360°. The active element
remains conducting all of the time.

Amplifying devices operating in class A

conduct over the whole of the input cycle.

Power Amplifiers
A class-A amplifier is distinguished by the
output stage being biased into class A (see
definition above).

Subclass A2 is sometimes used to refer to

vacuum-tube class-A stages where the grid is
allowed to be driven slightly positive on
signal peaks,

Power Amplifiers
resulting in slightly more power than normal
class A (A1; where the grid is always
negative), but incurring more distortion.

Power Amplifiers
Figure: Class A
Power Amplifiers
 Advantages of class-A amplifiers

• Class-A designs are simpler than other

classes; for example class-AB and -B
designs require two devices (push–pull
output) to handle both halves of the
waveform; class A can use a single device

Power Amplifiers
• The amplifying element is biased so the
device is always conducting to some extent,
normally implying the quiescent (small-
signal) collector current (for transistors; drain
current for FETs or anode/plate current for
vacuum tubes) is close to the most linear
portion of its transconductance curve.

Power Amplifiers
• Because the device is never shut off
completely there is no "turn on" time, little
problem with charge storage, and generally
better high frequency performance and
feedback loop stability (and usually fewer
high-order harmonics).

Power Amplifiers
• The point at which the device comes
closest to being cut off is not close to zero
signal, so the problem of crossover distortion
associated with class-AB and -B designs is

Power Amplifiers
 Disadvantages of class-A amplifiers

• They are very inefficient.

A theoretical maximum of 50% is
obtainable with inductive output coupling
and only 25% with capacitive coupling,
unless deliberate use of nonlinearities is
made (such as in square-law output stages).

Power Amplifiers
In a power amplifier, this not only wastes
power and limits battery operation, increase
costs and may restrict the output devices that
can be used (for example, ruling out some
audio triodes to accommodate modern low-
efficiency loudspeakers.

Power Amplifiers
Inefficiency comes not just from the fact that
the device is always conducting to some
(That happens even with class AB, yet its
efficiency can be close to class B.)
It is that the standing current is roughly half
the maximum output current (though this can
be less with a square law output stage),
Power Amplifiers
and a large part of the power supply voltage
develops across the output device at low
signal levels (as with classes AB and B,
but unlike output stages such as class D).

If high output powers are needed from a

class-A circuit, the power waste (and the
accompanying heat) becomes significant.
Power Amplifiers
For every watt delivered to the load, the
amplifier itself, at best, dissipate another watt.

For large powers this means very large and

expensive power supplies and heat sinking.

Class-A designs have largely been

superseded by the more efficient designs for
power amplifiers,
Power Amplifiers
though they remain popular with some
hobbyists, mostly for their simplicity.

There is a market for expensive high fidelity

class-A amps considered a "cult item"
amongst audiophiles mainly for their absence
of crossover distortion and reduced odd-
harmonic and high-order harmonic distortion.

Power Amplifiers
 Class B

Class-B amplifiers only amplify half of the

input wave cycle, thus creating a large
amount of distortion,

but their efficiency is greatly improved

and is much better than class A.

Power Amplifiers
Class-B amplifiers are also favored in
battery-operated devices, such as transistor

Class B has a maximum theoretical

efficiency of π/4. (i.e. 78.5%)

This is because the amplifying element is

switched off altogether half of the time, and
so cannot dissipate power.
Power Amplifiers
A single class-B element is rarely found in
practice, though it has been used for driving
the loudspeaker in the early IBM Personal
Computers with beeps,

and it can be used in RF power amplifier

where the distortion levels are less important.

However, class C is more commonly used for


Power Amplifiers
A practical circuit using class-B elements is
the push–pull stage, such as the very
simplified complementary pair arrangement
shown below.
Here, complementary or quasi-
complementary devices are each used for
amplifying the opposite halves of the input
signal, which is then recombined at the

Power Amplifiers
This arrangement gives excellent efficiency,
but can suffer from the drawback that there is
a small mismatch in the cross-over region

at the "joins" between the two halves of the

signal, as one output device has to take over
supplying power exactly as the other finishes

Power Amplifiers
This is called crossover distortion. An
improvement is to bias the devices so they
are not completely off when they're not in

This approach is called class AB operation.

Power Amplifiers
Figure: Class B
Power Amplifiers
Class AB
Class AB is widely considered a good
compromise for audio power amplifiers,
since much of the time the music is quiet
enough that the signal stays in the "class
A" region,
where it is amplified with good fidelity,
and by definition if passing out of this
Power Amplifiers
is large enough that the distortion products
typical of class B are relatively small.

The crossover distortion can be reduced

further by using negative feedback.

In class-AB operation, each device operates

the same way as in class B over half the
Power Amplifiers
but also conducts a small amount on the
other half.
As a result, the region where both devices
simultaneously are nearly off (the "dead
zone") is reduced.

The result is that when the waveforms from

the two devices are combined, the crossover
is greatly minimized or eliminated altogether.

Power Amplifiers
The exact choice of quiescent current, the
standing current through both devices when
there is no signal,
makes a large difference to the level of
distortion (and to the risk of thermal runaway,
that may damage the devices);
often the bias voltage applied to set this
quiescent current has to be adjusted with the
temperature of the output transistors
Power Amplifiers
(for example in the circuit at the beginning
of the article the diodes would be mounted
physically close to the output transistors,
and chosen to have a matched temperature

Another approach (often used as well as

thermally tracking bias voltages) is to include
small value resistors in series with the
Power Amplifiers
Class AB sacrifices some efficiency over
class B in favor of linearity,

thus is less efficient (below 78.5% for full-

amplitude sinewaves in transistor amplifiers,

much less is common in class-AB vacuum-

tube amplifiers). It is typically much more
efficient than class A
Power Amplifiers
Sometimes a numeral is added for vacuum-
tube stages.

If the grid voltage is always negative with

respect to the cathode the class is AB.

If the grid is allowed to go slightly positive

(hence drawing grid current, adding more
distortion, but giving slightly higher output
power) on signal peaks the class is AB2.
Power Amplifiers
Figure: Class AB
Power Amplifiers
Class C
Class-C amplifiers conduct less than 50% of
the input signal and the distortion at the output
is high,
but high efficiencies (up to 90%) are possible.
The usual application for class-C amplifiers is
in RF transmitters operating at a single fixed
carrier frequency,
where the distortion is controlled by a tuned
load on the amplifier.
Power Amplifiers
The input signal is used to switch the active
device causing pulses of current to flow
through a tuned circuit forming part of the
The class-C amplifier has two modes of
operation: tuned and untuned.

The diagram shows a waveform from a

simple class-C circuit without the tuned load.
Power Amplifiers
This is called untuned operation, and the
analysis of the waveforms shows the
massive distortion that appears in the signal.
When the proper load (e.g., an inductive-
capacitive filter plus a load resistor) is used,
two things happen.
The first is that the output's bias level is
clamped with the average output voltage
equal to the supply voltage.
Power Amplifiers
This is why tuned operation is sometimes
called a clamper.

This allows the waveform to be restored to

its proper shape despite the amplifier having
only a one-polarity supply.
This is directly related to the second
phenomenon: the waveform on the center
frequency becomes less distorted.
Power Amplifiers
The residual distortion is dependent upon the
bandwidth of the tuned load, with the center
frequency seeing very little distortion

but greater attenuation the farther from the

tuned frequency that the signal gets.

Power Amplifiers
The tuned circuit resonates at one frequency,
the fixed carrier frequency,

and so the unwanted frequencies are

suppressed, and the wanted full signal (sine
wave) is extracted by the tuned load.
The signal bandwidth of the amplifier is
limited by the Q-factor of the tuned circuit
but this is not a serious limitation.
Power Amplifiers
Any residual harmonics can be removed
using a further filter.

In practical class-C amplifiers a tuned load is

invariably used.
In one common arrangement the resistor
shown in the circuit above is replaced with a
parallel-tuned circuit consisting of an
inductor and capacitor in parallel,
Power Amplifiers
whose components are chosen to resonate
the frequency of the input signal.
Power can be coupled to a load by
transformer action with a secondary coil
wound on the inductor.
The average voltage at the drain is then equal
to the supply voltage, and the signal voltage
appearing across the tuned circuit varies from
near zero to near twice the supply voltage
during the rf cycle.
Power Amplifiers
The input circuit is biassed so that the
active element (e.g. transistor) conducts for
only a fraction of the rf cycle, usually one
third (120 degrees) or less.
The active element conducts only while the
drain voltage is passing through its minimum.
By this means, power dissipation in the
active device is minimized, and efficiency
Power Amplifiers
Ideally, the active element would pass only
an instantaneous current pulse while the
voltage across it is zero:

it then dissipates no power and 100%

efficiency is achieved.

However practical devices have a limit to the

peak current they can pass,

Power Amplifiers
and the pulse must therefore be widened, to
around 120 degrees, to obtain a reasonable
amount of power, and the efficiency is then

Power Amplifiers
Figure: Class C
Power Amplifiers

 Introduction
 Amplifier types
Class A, advantages & disadvantages
Class B
Class AB
Class C

Power Amplifiers

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