Boppps Lesson Plan

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BOPPPS Lesson Plan


1.) Explain the roles played by 2.) Explain the causes of the Civil
significant individuals during War, including sectionalism,
the civil war, including States rights, and slavery and
Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. significant events of civil war,
Grant, Robert E Lee and including the firing on Fort
Abraham Lincoln, and heroes Sumter; the battles of Antietam,
such as congressional Medal of Gettysburg and Vicksburg; the
Honor recipients William announcement of the
Carney and Philip Bazaar Emancipation Proclamation;
Lee’s surrender at Appomattox
Court House; and the
assassination of Abraham

Bridge: Starting the class by providing the students the History

detective worksheet. Giving the students a summary of what Civil
War and giving them five minutes to come up with three questions
that they have. Then providing enough time for students to look
up the rest of the information on either their phones or laptops.
Learning Objectives:
1.) By the end of the lesson each 2.) Also by the end of lesson each
student will be able to analyze all student will be able to evaluate the
and any vocabulary key words and causes and events that accrued
each significant individual during during the civil war.
the Civil War.

Pre-Assessment: This part of the class will take up a majority of

the time. During this period, I will get into depth about the Civil
War, answer any questions the students have. I will be proving
two different activities which include a craft, and a gallery walk.
Participatory Learning: Include formative assessment

1.) I will have a gallery walk presented around the class

room before class starts, which has all the individual
who played a big role during the civil war. Students will
take notes in their own notebook or paper. The students
will be put into groups of 3 or 4.
2.) After a gallery walk I will present a power point which
contains important events that happened during the civil
war, each student will create a flap. On each flap will
contain a different event and its significance.

Post-Assessment: After the two activities are complete I will give

the students time to complete a one-page paper about one event
and one significant person which they learned earlier and how
they connect with each other.
What are some ideas for summative assessments?
The post-assessment.
Summary (Exit Ticket):
I will provide the student with an exit ticket which will include 3
things I learned, 2 things I found interesting, 1 question I still
have. I will write on the white board the following questions and
provide a sheet of paper.
Extensions: (Character building) – Learning to learn together,
the student were put into groups for the gallery walk.
Cooperative Learning:
Put into groups
Critical thinking:
The Post assessment
Writing/ English
Civic Education:
A possible field trip in the week to Forth Worth to a civil war
Different Lesson:
For upper level students I would extend the paper length and
expect more specific details.
ESL Bilingual student or SPED students I can provide premade
notes and extra tutorial help if needed.

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