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Keith N. Hylton*
Christopher R. Drahozal**

If we define the deterrence benefits from contract enforcement as avoided harms
net of avoidance costs, we should expect contracting parties to choose the dispute
resolution forum that provides the greatest difference between deterrence benefits and
dispute resolution costs for every type of dispute. We apply this general framework to
franchise contracts and conduct an empirical analysis of the determinants of arbitration
agreements among franchising parties. Although it is obvious that contracting parties
have an incentive to choose arbitration in order to reduce dispute-resolution costs, there
have been no studies of the importance of deterrence concerns. We examine the
deterrence hypothesis here and find a great deal of support for it. Our results suggest that
deterrence factors generally outweigh litigation costs in the design of dispute resolution
agreements. We find that the probability of arbitration is significantly higher when the
parties are likely to rely on implicit contract terms for governance and compliance with
those terms is difficult to ensure.

*Boston University, [email protected].

**University of Kansas, [email protected]. We thank Bob Bone, Vic Khanna, Michael
Meurer, Steve Ware, Manuel Utset and participants in workshops at Boston University
and University of Kansas for helpful comments. We thank Frank Easterbrook, Dan
Klerman, Warren Schwartz for some very helpful comments during our presentation of
this paper at the 2001 American Law and Economics Meeting. Yulia Rodionova
provided excellent research assistance.
I. Introduction

This paper combines two largely unconnected strands in the literature, the
economics of litigation and the economics of franchise contracts, in an effort to shed new
light on both. The economics of litigation literature has focused largely on incentives to
litigate rather than settle a dispute – i.e., ex post incentives. While there is a great deal of
theoretical work on the ex ante incentive effects of litigation, relatively little empirical
work has been done in this area. The literature on the economics of franchise contracts,
on the other hand, has attempted to explain the shape of franchise agreements as
responses to the ex ante shirking and free-riding incentives observed in the franchise
relationship. Relatively little theoretical or empirical work in this area has looked at how
the choice of dispute resolution forum responds to the classic incentive problems in
franchising.1 This paper takes a step toward filling gaps in the litigation and contracts
literature by examining how the decision to commit disputes to arbitration responds to ex
ante incentives in franchising.

Contracting parties can choose, before any disputes arise, whether to resolve all or
a subset of their disputes in court or through arbitration. We should expect such pre-
dispute agreements to be designed to minimize the costs of their relationship.
Specifically, if we define the deterrence benefits (or governance benefits) as avoided
harms net of avoidance costs, we should expect contracting parties to choose the dispute
resolution forum that provides the greatest difference between deterrence benefits and
dispute resolution costs for every type of dispute.2 For contracting parties, the harms
avoided through superior governance generally can be classified as losses due to breach
of either explicit or implicit contract terms.

We apply this framework to franchise contracts and conduct an empirical analysis

of the determinants of arbitration agreements among franchising parties. Although it is
obvious that contracting parties have an incentive to choose arbitration in order to reduce
dispute-resolution costs, there have been no studies of the importance of deterrence
concerns. We examine the deterrence hypothesis here and find a great deal of support for
it. Our results suggest that deterrence concerns generally outweigh litigation costs in the
design of dispute resolution agreements. In the franchising literature, the connection
between implicit and explicit contract terms has been explored in depth. We find that the
probability of arbitration is significantly higher when the parties are likely to rely on
implicit terms for governance and compliance with those terms is difficult to ensure.

The exception is Oliver E. Williamson, The Economic Institutions of Capitalism (1985),
at 71, who stresses the “continuity” role played by an agreement to commit disputes to arbitration.
Keith N. Hylton, Agreements to Waive or to Arbitrate Legal Claims: An Economic
Analysis, 8 Sp. Ct. Econ. Rev. 209 (2000); Steven Shavell, Alternative Dispute Resolution: An Economic
Analysis, 24 J. Leg. Stud. 1 (1995). This paper relies on the framework and terminology set out in the
Hylton article. However, Shavell’s analysis anticipates several of the theoretical points in that article and
in this one. In particular, Shavell shows that contracting parties can induce good performance and thereby
raise the value of the contract by switching to a more accurate dispute resolution forum.

This study suggests a rather complex relationship among dispute resolution
provisions, incentive-control provisions, and contract sanctions. The choice of dispute
resolution forum affects not only ex ante incentives and dispute resolution costs. It also
affects contracting costs, since parties are more likely to leave contract provisions vague,
opting for relational governance,3 when they have chosen a dispute resolution forum that
can be trusted to reach value-maximizing results. On the other hand, the parties may
prefer explicit contract terms if they have a high degree of confidence regarding the
interpretation of those terms in court. The results here also suggest that contractual
explicitness serves as a substitute to the franchisor’s power to credibly threaten
termination. Franchisee protection statutes, which weaken the franchisor’s termination
threat, reduce the likelihood of arbitration. This suggests that parties constrained by
protection statutes shift toward greater contractual explicitness in order to restore
credibility to the sanctioning threat.

Part II sets out the basic theory of arbitration agreements and applies the theory to
the franchising context. This part begins with a framework that applies equally well to
torts and to contracts, and then extends the framework by incorporating the roles of
contractual explicitness and alternative contract sanctions. Part III sets out the empirical
analysis, based on a sample of seventy-five franchise agreements. Part IV concludes.

II. Economics of Litigation and Arbitration

A. Incentives and Contract Enforcement

This section explores the economic motivations behind pre-dispute arbitration

agreements. We will assume that the parties can contract over the type of dispute
resolution forum. Their options are the “default” litigation regime, which involves
bringing suit in a court, and an arbitration regime, which may provide different levels of
damage awards and dispute-resolution costs.

1. General Setting

The discussion below assumes that transaction costs prevent the parties from
contracting initially over the level of care, effort, or forbearance exercised by the other.
Given this, the parties will choose the private enforcement regime that best governs
incentives. We assume there are no third-party effects, so the level of forbearance that is
preferable as between the contracting parties is also socially preferable.

Suppose there are two parties, potential plaintiff and potential defendant, both of
whom are risk neutral (for simplicity, Plaintiff and Defendant). Defendant decides ex
ante whether to forbear from an act that could harm the plaintiff. If Plaintiff is harmed,
he will bring a claim for compensation against Defendant. This framework applies
equally well to tort and contract settings.4 In the tort setting, the potential defendant
Ian R. Macneil, Contracts: Adjustment of Long-term Economic Relations Under
Classical, Neoclassical and Relational Contract Law, 72 Northwestern Univ. L. Rev. 854 (1978).
The simple model in this section is a variant of that in Steven Shavell,

decides whether to take care, and his decision affects the probability that Plaintiff will
suffer harm.5 In the contract setting, Defendant decides whether to breach a term of the
contract or to reduce his level of effort (breaching an implicit term). Let

x = Defendant’s forbearance cost

v = harm to Plaintiff
d = damage award
p = probability of harm to Plaintiff if Defendant does not forbear
q = probability of harm to Plaintiff if Defendant does forbear
α = Plaintiff’s dispute resolution cost
β = Defendant’s dispute resolution cost

Plaintiff will bring a claim for compensation only if his expected damage award
exceeds his dispute resolution cost, d > α . For simplicity, we will assume this holds.
Since Defendant will minimize his total private cost, he will forbear if and only if

x + q(d +β) < p(d +β) , (1)

or in other words when his forbearance cost is less than his marginal expected liability.
Forbearance is socially desirable if

x + q(v+α+β) < p(v+α+β), (2)

or, in other words, when Defendant’s forbearance cost is less than the marginal social
cost of his act. It follows that Defendant’s incentive to forbear is socially optimal if and
only if d = v + α, and the “optimal damage level” is v + α. As long as the damage level
fails to cover Plaintiff’s loss and litigation cost, potential defendants will fail to forbear in
some instances in which forbearance is socially desirable. Conversely, if the damage
level exceeds the sum of Plaintiff’s loss and litigation cost, potential defendants will
forbear in some instances in which forbearance is not socially desirable. The former case
generates “underdeterrence” costs, and the latter generates “overdeterrence” costs.

If potential plaintiffs were not allowed to bring claims, the potential defendants
would not forbear. Thus, the net social benefit from the dispute resolution forum is

(p – q)v – x - q(α + β). (3)

This can be interpreted as the difference between the deterrence benefit, in terms of
avoided losses net of avoidance costs, and the expected dispute resolution cost. If this

The Social Versus the Private Incentive to Bring Suit, 11 J. Leg. Stud. 333 (1982).
This framework applies in the torts setting to the case in which the potential defendant
and the potential plaintiff can enter into a dispute resolution agreement before an accident occurs. For
example, many nuisance, trespass, and products liability cases fall in this category. Obviously, traffic
accidents, which typically involve strangers, do not fit within this category.

difference is negative, social welfare could be improved by prohibiting litigation.6 To
simplify, we will assume this difference is positive for every potential claim.7

Consider the incentives for the parties to commit their disputes to an arbitration
regime rather than remain in the litigation regime. The option to commit to resolve
disputes within an arbitral forum allows the parties some choice over the expected
damage award and the dispute resolution costs. They will choose arbitration over the
litigation regime whenever switching to the arbitration regime can enhance the net
benefits from the dispute-resolution forum. Thus, the parties will choose to commit to
the arbitration regime when the difference between the deterrence benefit and expected
dispute resolution cost is larger under arbitration than in the litigation regime.8

Examining (2) and (3) one can see several ways in which the difference between
the deterrence benefit and dispute resolution cost can be enhanced under an arbitration
regime. Consider the following:

Underdeterrence in the litigation regime: Suppose damages are less than the
optimal level in the litigation regime – i.e., d < v + α. In this case, the level of
forbearance among potential defendants is less than the optimal level. Assuming dispute
resolution costs are the same in the arbitration regime, the parties can minimize
underdeterrence costs by adopting an arbitration regime in which damages are set at the
optima level (d = v + α). It follows that if d is so small in the litigation regime that no
victim has an incentive to sue, or if courts tend to err in the direction of failing to award
damages in the litigation regime, the parties can gain jointly by committing to an
arbitration regime in which expected damages awards are closer to the optimal level.

Overdeterrence in the litigation regime: Suppose damages exceed the optimal

level in the litigation regime (d > v + α ). Since the level of forbearance among potential
defendants exceeds the optimal level, the parties can enhance deterrence benefits by
choosing an arbitration regime in which the damage award is closer to the optimal level.
Thus, if because of the risk of a large punitive verdict in the litigation regime, the
expected damage award exceeds the optimal level, the parties have an incentive to
commit to an arbitration regime which caps damages at a level closer to the optimal level.
Similarly, if courts are likely to award damages in inappropriate cases, the parties will
have an incentive to switch to the arbitration regime.

Reducing dispute-resolution costs: it is clear from (3) that if dispute resolution

costs are lower in the arbitration regime, and the deterrence benefit is the same, the

6 See Shavell, supra note 4.

7 If this condition does not hold, then it may be desirable to reduce the optimal damage
level in order to discourage some lawsuits. See A. Mitchell Polinsky and Daniel L. Rubinfeld, The Welfare
Implications of Costly Litigation for the Level of Liability, 17 J. Leg. Stud. 151 (1988); Keith N. Hylton,
Welfare Implications of Costly Litigation under Strict Liability, 4 American Law and Economics Review
18 (2002). The precise level of the optimal damage award is not important for this study.
Hylton, supra note 2.

parties will prefer the arbitration regime. Of course, in many instances there will be a
connection between the two. When high litigation costs effectively bar some victims
from bringing suit, committing to arbitration can simultaneously enhance the deterrence
benefit and reduce dispute resolution costs. In other cases, the parties will trade off a
reduction in the deterrence benefit for an even greater reduction in the dispute resolution
cost.9 The key factor in determining the preference for arbitration or litigation is the
difference between the deterrence benefit and total dispute-resolution cost. Thus, the
parties may prefer an arbitration regime in which dispute-resolution costs are
substantially higher if the incremental deterrence benefit is large enough.

2. Low Transaction Costs Setting: Contract Terms as Substitutes and Complements

So far we have assumed transaction costs prevent the parties from contracting
directly over the level of forbearance or effort. This assumption should be relaxed in the
contract setting. Contracting parties often write rules into their agreements that directly
regulate the other party’s conduct. Transaction costs obviously do not prevent them from
doing this.

There are other types of transaction costs, however, that might discourage
contracting parties from trying to write rules that directly regulate ex ante incentives. In
some settings, it is extremely costly for the parties to specify the level of effort required
and there is a correspondingly high probability that a court will misinterpret the contract.
These are cases in which the level of effort is “noncontractible.” For the reasons
discussed in the previous part, the parties may prefer to commit disputes involving these
matters to arbitration.

As a general rule, contractual explicitness – i.e., the setting out of rules directly
regulating ex ante incentives – should serve as a substitute to arbitration, since explicit
rules minimize the likelihood that a court will err in a way that generates over- or
underdeterrence costs. In the case of a term that serves as a substitute, its presence
implies that the parties will have a lower demand for arbitration. However, some explicit
contract terms may serve as complements to arbitration. If a term serves as a
complement, its presence implies that the parties will have a greater demand for
arbitration. In particular, where the risk of a court misinterpreting or failing to enforce a
particular term is high (e.g., a cap on damages), the term is likely to serve as a
complement to an arbitration agreement.

Summing up, whether an explicit term serves as a substitute or complement to

arbitration depends on its relative accuracy of application and its relative probability of
enforcement in court. Contractual explicitness probably reduces any accuracy advantage
that arbitration could provide, making explicit terms a substitute to arbitration in most

For example, parties may provide for less discovery in arbitration, potentially reducing
the accuracy of the result, because the savings in dispute resolution costs exceed the possible reduction in
deterrence benefits. See Christopher R. Drahozal, “Unfair” Arbitration Clauses, 2001 U. Ill. L. Rev. 695.

cases. However, if the probability of enforcement in court of a particular explicit term is
relatively low, that term may serve as a complement to arbitration.10

B. Arbitration in the Franchise Setting

1. Deterrence Issues in Arbitration

The foregoing can be applied to franchising arrangements. Franchising is a form

of business organization that economizes on monitoring costs in an enterprise with
geographically dispersed outlets.11 The franchisor permits the franchisee to use its
trademark and business model, and provides training and guidance in running the
business. In exchange, the franchisee pays the franchisor ongoing royalties and is
responsible for various up-front costs. A key difference between company-owned outlets
and franchised outlets is that managers are paid a salary while franchisees receive a share
of the profits of the franchise. By making the franchisee a residual claimant, the
franchisor reduces the need to monitor the franchisee, since the franchisee bears much of
the cost of his own shirking.

There is a fundamental incentive divergence in under franchising that results in

the franchisee investing too little effort in maintenance of brand capital. In the presence
of a population of mobile consumers who patronize other units in the franchise network,
an individual franchisee will not capture the full benefits from increasing his level of
effort. The benefits of such efforts are shared with the franchisor and with other
franchisees in the network. As a result, the franchisee will tend to exert too little effort
from the franshisor’s perspective.12 Moreover, the franchisee has an incentive to free ride
on the brand’s capital, since he captures the full savings from reducing his effort level,
while the devaluation of brand capital is shared by other units in the network.13

This framework may explain the conclusion of Bernstein’s analysis of trade association
arbitrators, see Lisa Bernstein, Merchant Law in a Merchant Court: Rethinking the Code’s Search for
Immanent Business Norms, 144 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1765 (1996). Bernstein found that even though those
arbitrators had substantial expertise in the subject matter, they seemed to decide cases in a formalist fashion
based on explicit contract provisions and codified trade rules. They did not seem to rely on their industry
expertise to enforce implicit terms in the parties’ contracts. Although it is hard to say whether or not
expertise plays an important role in any contract interpretation setting, our framework could explain the
reported conduct of Bernstein’s arbitrators as a response to low enforcement probabilities in the relevant
courts. In any event, there are other settings – notably international commercial arbitration – in which
arbitrators are willing to enforce implicit as well as explicit contractual terms. See Christopher R.
Drahozal, Commercial Norms, Commercial Codes, and International Commercial Arbitration, 33 Vand. J.
Transnat’l L. 79 (2000).

The economic analysis of franchise contracts starts with Paul H. Rubin, The Theory of
the Firm and the Structure of the Franchise Contract, 21 J. Law & Econ. 223 (1978).

Rubin, supra note 11; James A. Brickley & Frederick H. Dark, The Choice of
Organizational Form: The Case of Franchising, 18 J. Fin. Econ. 401 (1987); James A. Brickley, Incentive
Conflicts and Contractual Restraints: Evidence from Franchising, 42 J. Law & Econ. 745 (1999).

Rubin, supra note 11.

There are several factors that constrain the franchisee’s incentive to shirk or free
ride. First, the franchisor will attempt to control the franchisee’s incentives through
various structural and contractual incentive-alignment devices. One structural device is
the ownership of a large percentage of outlets in the network. Since company-owned
outlets are less likely to free ride, their presence in the network reduces the overall level
of shirking. This enables the franchisor to allocate his monitoring effort toward
franchised units. It may also enhance franchisee incentives by providing a form of “yard-
stick competition” with franchised outlets.14 Company-owned outlets serve as a
benchmark for comparison among franchised units.15

Contractual incentive-alignment devices are more common. Franchise contracts

often include provisions that attempt to regulate the franchisee’s effort in service and
brand promotion. For example, many franchise contracts include restrictions on passive
ownership, area development plans, and mandatory advertising provisions.

Second, the franchisor will often monitor franchisees to ensure compliance with
explicit contractual terms and the franchisor’s expectations. Franchise contracts often
include provisions authorizing the franchisor to monitor, such as the right to audit and to
inspect the franchisee periodically.16

Third, repeat business to an individual unit serves as a constraining factor. A high

level of repeat business allows the franchisee to reap the rewards of his efforts and also
forces him to bear the costs of his shirking.17 Thus, if the size of the franchise network is
small, or the units are far apart, each individual unit will enjoy a relatively large amount
of repeat business, and will therefore have a greater concern for the long-term costs of

Fourth, sanctions for failing to comply with explicit and implicit contractual terms
are employed. The most obvious sanctions are termination and litigation. Termination is
costly to the franchisee to the extent it causes him to lose a stream of “quasi-rents.” As
Klein and Saft note, “the franchisor may create quasi-rents by requiring the franchisee to
invest in specific (not fully salvageable) production assets on which the franchisee is

On the economics of yardstick competition generally, see Andrei Shleifer, A Theory of
Yardstick Competition, 16 RAND J. Econ. 319 (1985).

For a discussion of the informational benefits of partial integration, see Steven C.
Michael, Investments to Create Bargaining Power: The Case of Franchising, working paper, University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2000).

See Janet E. L. Bercovitz, An Analysis of the Contract Provisions in Business-Format
Franchise Agreements, working paper, Duke University (2000).

Brickley, supra note 12.

earning a normal rate of return but which, on termination, imply a capital cost penalty.”18
The creation of quasi-rents in a franchise relationship is equivalent to having the
franchisee post a bond that he forfeits on termination. However, the bond posted by the
franchisee gives the franchisor an incentive to act opportunistically – to appropriate the
stream of quasi-rents.19

Short of termination, suing for breach of contract is the likely sanction imposed
on a shirking franchisee. Parties may choose to resolve their disputes in arbitration or
through litigation. One important difference between the two dispute-resolution
processes is their implications for the continuity of the relationship. According to
Williamson, “whereas continuity (at least completion of the contract) is presumed under
arbitration machinery, that presumption is much weaker when litigation is employed.”20

Ultimately, the credibility and force of sanctions depend on the likelihood of their
being upheld in a dispute resolution process. A termination decision can be challenged,
possibly leading to an expensive judgment against the franchisor. Moreover, the
sanctioning threat is an important component of the franchising relationship in settings in
which the cost of monitoring is high and the level of repeat business to individual units
low. The parties will have a strong incentive in this setting to opt for the dispute
resolution forum in which the deterrence benefit is greatest.

2. The Choice between Arbitration and Litigation

Arbitration may be preferable to the franchising parties when it enhances the

deterrence or governance benefit associated with contract enforcement. This may occur
because the expected damage award in court is above or below the optimal level. In
either case, a more accurate dispute resolution forum would be preferable to the parties
because it would provide damage awards closer to the optimal level; which, in turn,
reduces the costs from overdeterrence or underdeterrence. In other words, although there
is a common view that high damage awards are good for franchisees and bad for
franchisors, this is not necessarily true. Since the costs of overdeterrence are shared
between the contracting parties, they are both potentially better off in the dispute-
resolution forum in which damage awards are closest to the optimal level.

Benjamin Klein & Lester F. Saft, The Law and Economics of Franchise Tying Contracts,
28 J. Law & Econ. 345, 352 (1985).

On opportunism and franchise contracts, see Gillian K. Hadfield, Problematic Relations:
Franchising and the Law of Incomplete Contracts, 42 Stan. L. Rev. 927 (1990). Ordinarily, the franchisee
relies on the franchisor’s reputation as protection against such opportunism. A franchisor that acts
opportunistically toward its franchisees will be less able to attract new franchisees in the future. However,
as Klein explains, “this protective mechanism is limited by the relative importance of new franchise sales
compared to the continuing franchise operation, that is, by the maturity of the franchise chain.” Benjamin
Klein, Transaction Cost Determinants of “Unfair” Contractual Arrangements, 70 Am Econ. Rev. Papers &
Proc. 356, 360 (1980).

Williamson, supra note 1.

Arbitration offers the parties the opportunity to enter into a specialized dispute-
resolution forum in which industry experts rather than uninformed jurors evaluate the
litigants’ pre-dispute conduct. Such a forum can provide important benefits in cases
involving difficult-to-specify or noncontractible requirements and expectations.21 For
example, compliance with expectations that the franchisee devote optimal effort to local
promotion or customer service may be easier to evaluate accurately or to enforce in the
arbitration regime than in the litigation regime. To the extent the parties have greater
confidence in the accuracy of the dispute resolution forum, they can afford to leave
contractual provisions vague, saving contracting costs.

On the other hand, where contracts are clear and enforcement easy to obtain
through the courts, the parties are unlikely to find a greater deterrence benefit under
arbitration. Arbitration may reduce the deterrence benefit if the parties are uncertain as to
how the arbitral forum will interpret contractual terms. This is especially likely when the
courts have already developed a body of gap-filling common law rules that the parties
find acceptable. For example, a provision governing money due under the contract
usually is clear enough to not need the aid of industry experts in determining whether
breach has occurred. Reliance on easily enforceable, explicit contracts – backed up by a
stable set of common law rules – may explain why banks continue to enforce their debt
contracts in ordinary courts rather than in arbitration forums, even though arbitration
could cut their litigation expenses substantially.22

Consider an example: a dispute over the amount of effort a franchisee gives to his
business. Franchisors sometimes include provisions in the franchise contract specifying
the number of hours per week, or the specific times the franchisee must spend working at
his franchised unit.23 These provisions are designed to increase the franchisee’s effort
level by restricting his outside activities, thereby lowering the opportunity cost to the
franchisee of exerting effort at his unit.24 In the absence of such a provision, it would be
difficult to demonstrate to a jury that the franchisee violated implicit contractual terms
regarding his level of effort. Even with such a provision, there are innumerable ways in
which a franchisee could comply with the hours requirement, and yet fail to exert an
acceptable level of effort. For example, a franchisee required by contract to spend 40
hours per week at his unit could come in at off-peak hours or pursue other personal
projects while at the unit. Given the difficulties in specifying and evaluating effort levels,

On contractual incompleteness and expectations, see Hadfield, supra note 19, at 946-948.

William W. Park, Arbitration in Banking and Finance, 17 Annual Rev. of Banking Law
213, 215-16 (1998). We are aware of no solid empirical evidence proving that arbitration always reduces
litigation expenses. Our point is that it should be possible for banks to design an arbitration regime for debt
enforcement that is cheaper than the courts.

Brickley, supra note 12.

an arbitration forum could provide substantial deterrence benefits to the parties by
increasing the accuracy of contractual compliance assessments involving the franchisee’s
level of effort.

In addition to providing a specialized tribunal, there is another way in which

arbitration may enhance the accuracy in adjudication. Arbitrators have different
incentives than judges in resolving disputes. Arbitrators are selected by the parties and
are paid only when they hear a case. Judges, by contrast, are assigned randomly to cases
and paid fixed salaries by the government. As a result, arbitrators compete for business
and have an incentive to resolve disputes so as to enhance the governance benefits net of
dispute-resolution costs to the contracting parties.25

Finally, even if the arbitration forum provides no advantage in terms of accuracy,

the parties may still prefer it to litigation when it reduces dispute-resolution costs. Again,
consider a provision governing money due under the contract. Since it is relatively easy
to determine whether a breach has occurred, arbitration is unlikely to provide a greater
degree of accuracy than courts. Indeed, arbitration may be less accurate or predictable
given the lack of a long-established body of common law rules. In spite of this, the
parties may still prefer arbitration if the reduction in dispute-resolution costs is
sufficiently large.

We will use the expression implicit terms to refer to expectations that are difficult
to specify ex ante and to evaluate ex post, such as the level of effort in service and
advertising. Arbitration should provide substantial deterrence benefits in evaluating
compliance with implicit terms. We will use the expression explicit terms to refer to
expectations that can be specified precisely in the contract, such as an agreement
regarding payment of money due, or an expectation based on the law, such as the
franchisor’s expectation that the franchisee will not infringe the trademark. Arbitration is
unlikely to provide a deterrence benefit, compared to the litigation regime, with respect to
the explicit terms. The parties are likely to rely on litigation to enforce explicit terms.

The discussion to this point suggests both external and internal factors as
determinants of the probability of arbitration. The external factors are institutional
features over which the parties have no control, and that can be avoided by committing to
arbitrate. For example, one external factor that should drive the parties toward arbitration
is residence in a forum in which punitive damage awards are unusually frequent. To the
extent such factors generate excessive deterrence costs, the parties have a joint incentive
to reduce their costs by committing to arbitration.

There are three internal factors that should be key determinants of the probability
of an arbitration agreement. One is the ratio of implicit to explicit terms in the franchise
contract. As this ratio increases, the likelihood of arbitration should also increase, since
the deterrence benefit from arbitration should be greater for implicit contractual terms.
Second, the probability of a dispute and the amount at stake should be associated with a

Gordon Tullock, Trials on Trial 127-33 (1980).

greater likelihood of arbitration, provided there are important implicit terms in the
contract. If arbitration provides a deterrence advantage, this benefit will increase with the
probability of a dispute as well as the amount at stake, which implies that the probability
of arbitration will increase. In the franchise setting the probability of a dispute is
determined by severity of the agency cost problem. Thus, in settings where the agency
cost or incentive-divergence problem is more severe, the probability of a dispute will be
larger, and so will the frequency of arbitration. The third general determinant of the
probability of arbitration is the dispute resolution cost. Arbitration is typically cheaper
than litigation, and thus the parties have an incentive to choose arbitration in order to
lower dispute resolution costs.

Since it is difficult to observe the ratio of implicit to explicit terms, the probability
of a dispute, and dispute resolution costs, we will have to work with observable factors
associated with these variables. Factors associated with each of the three general
determinants should be positively related to the probability of arbitration. This has some
specific implications.

First, factors associated with a reduced probability of dispute or greater reliance

on contractual terms should be negatively related to the probability of arbitration. Any
feature that increases the bargaining power of the franchisor relative to the franchisee
should have this effect, since the franchisor should find it easier to ensure compliance
with contractual terms as his bargaining power increases. The most important component
of the franchisor’s bargaining power is his threat to terminate. Since the likelihood of a
dispute is relatively low in cases where the termination threat is credible, the incremental
benefit from switching to arbitration should be correspondingly low. Thus, the
probability of arbitration should be negatively related to the factors that enhance the
credibility of the franchisor’s termination threat.

Second, other contract terms play important roles either as substitutes or

complements to an arbitration agreement. The franchisor will prefer to substitute toward
explicit contractual terms if his termination threat is credible only, or more credible, in
the presence of explicit contractual terms. Such substitution can occur by inserting more
explicit governance terms in the franchise agreement, or by choosing a jurisdiction that is
more likely to enforce existing contractual terms. On the other hand, other contract terms
may serve as complements in the sense that they are more likely to be enforced in an
arbitral forum.

This framework helps to explain why certain disputes are explicitly excluded
from arbitration provisions. For example, trademark disputes are often excluded from
arbitration. The likely reason is that these disputes do not involve implicit terms – i.e.,
difficult-to-assess aspects such as effort and quality. They involve matters of law, which
the courts have examined for many years and with respect to which have developed a
body of enforceable rules and effective remedies. For such issues, the parties are unlikely
to gain by removing them from the courts.

III. Empirical Analysis

A. Sample

The sample consists of seventy-five franchises that have franchise agreements

available for public review at the Minnesota Department of Commerce.26 Minnesota, like
a number of other states, requires franchisors to file disclosure statements before selling
franchises in the state.27 Generally, the filing consists of a Uniform Franchise Offering
Circular (“UFOC”) and other materials, including a copy of the franchise agreement.28
The seventy-five franchises comprise most of the top-ranked franchises in Entrepreneur
Magazine’s Franchise 500 for 1999.29 The Franchise 500 seeks to identify “the best
opportunities for entrepreneurs” based on a variety of objective factors.30 We do not use
the ranking in any quantitative analysis. The sample, however, effectively includes only
established franchisors that are seeking new franchisees, which limits our ability to test
for any relationship between franchisor opportunism and arbitration.

For each franchise in the sample, we collected a copy of the dispute resolution clause
from the publicly available copy of the franchise agreement. Minnesota regulations
require a separate filing whenever the franchisor offers a franchise with terms that “vary
substantially” from the terms on file,31 which presumably discourages individually
negotiated changes in the franchise terms. Thus, we have some confidence that the
provisions we reviewed constituted the terms of franchises actually sold in Minnesota.32

For a more detailed description of the sample, see Drahozal, supra note 9.

MINN. STAT. ANN. § 80C.02 (West 1999); see Federal Trade Commission, State
Agencies Administering Franchise Disclosure Laws (last updated June 16, 1999)
MINN. STAT. ANN. § 80C.04(h); MINN. R. §§ 2860.3800, 2860.3500(15) (1997).
Entrepreneur Magazine’s 20th Annual Franchise 500, Entrepreneur Magazine Online
(visited June 1, 1999) <wysiwyg://3/http://www.entrepreneurmag.com/franchise500/franchise_ranks.hts>;
see also Bruce H. Kobayashi & Larry E. Ribstein, Contract and Jurisdictional Freedom, in The Fall and
Rise of Freedom of Contract (F.H. Buckley ed. 1999), at 344 (using Franchise 500 data to test choice-of-
law hypothesis).
The Wonder Years, Entrepreneur Magazine Online (visited July 28, 1999)
<wysiwyg://8/http://www.entrepreneurmag.com/page.hts>; see Understanding the Franchise 500,
Entrepreneur Magazine Online (visited June 1, 1999)
<wysiwyg://18/http://www.entrepreneurmag.com/franchise500/about-f50099.html> (ranking based on
“objective quantifiable measures of a franchise operation,” including financial strength and stability, size of
system, years in business, length of time franchising, start-up costs, litigation history, franchisee
terminations, and whether financing is provided).
MINN. R. § 2860.1100.

That we collected our data from franchise agreements used in Minnesota might result in
some bias in favor of arbitration in the sample, although we do not believe such bias to be a significant
problem. For example, Minnesota regulations provide that it is an “unfair and inequitable” practice to

For each franchise, we coded variables to reflect the presence or absence of an arbitration
clause, as well as whether the franchise agreement sought to restrict punitive damages,
imposed a time limit on filing claims, or provided for litigation or arbitration to take place
in the state where the franchisor’s home office was located.33

We classified each of the franchises in the sample as Ahigh externality@ or Alow

externality@ following Brickley.34 High externality franchises are those in industries with
a relatively low frequency of repeat business (to a specific franchise unit). Brickley
includes in this category auto and truck rentals and food service companies. Low
externality franchises are those in industries with a relatively high frequency of repeat
business. Brickley here includes auto product and service outlets, fitness centers, dry
cleaners, lawn care companies, maid services, travel agencies, and hair styling outlets.
To fill out this variable for the franchises in our sample, we added motels and hotels to
the high externality category35 and video rental and other retail outlets, real estate
brokerages, and providers of various business services to the low externality category.36

“require a franchisee to waive his or her rights to a jury trial or waive rights to any procedure, forum, or
remedies provided by the laws of the jurisdiction, or to consent to liquidated damages, termination
penalties, or judgment notes; provided that this part shall not bar an exclusive arbitration clause. Minn. R.
§ 2860.4400(j) (1997). A franchisor plausibly could prefer court litigation without a jury to arbitration, but
prefer arbitration to court litigation with a jury. Because of the Minnesota regulatory scheme, the
franchisor might include an arbitration clause in its franchise agreements with Minnesota franchisees and a
forum selection clause combined with jury trial waiver for non-Minnesota franchisees. However, there is
no suggestion in the legal literature that franchisors do or should discriminate among franchisees from
different states as to the form of dispute resolution. Moreover, franchisors most commonly deal with state-
specific changes to franchise agreements by use of a standard form with addenda applicable only to that
state. Only eight of the franchise agreements contained any indication that the form was specific to
Minnesota franchisees. We collected the dispute resolution clauses from the standard forms without regard
to the provisions of the state-specific addenda.
Clauses that gave the franchisor the option of requiring litigation in its home state were
treated the same as clauses that required the parties to litigate in the franchisor’s home state.
Brickley, supra note 12, at 754-57

Brickley notes that the hotel and motel industry is “commonly considered ‘nonrepeat.’”
Id. at 755 n.20. But he excludes such franchises from his sample because they are unlikely to have
restrictions on outside activities of franchisees, which was one of the types of contract provisions he was
studying. Id. We face no similar constraint.
Brickley suggests that “the relation between the incentives to free ride and repeat
customers is less clear in companies that provide business-related services” because of possible spillovers
involving national clients. Id. at 756. Nonetheless, the repeat nature of the business (for example,
management recruiting and commercial cleaning) should be such that the incentive of the franchisee to free
ride is less than in high externality franchises (i.e., food service, vehicle rental, hotel and motel franchises).
Accordingly we coded business service and commercial cleaning as low externality. But see id. at 756
(arguing that these industries were too ambiguous to classify).

Additional data about the franchises comes from the Entrepreneur Magazine Internet
site.37 For each of the franchises in the Franchise 500,38 the web site reports the number
of franchised and company-owned units for the years 1996 to 1998; the date the
franchisor began in business and began franchising; whether the franchisor permits part-
time or homebased operation of the franchise; and the initial investment required of the
franchisor.39 Although Entrepreneur Magazine considers the litigation history of
franchisors in preparing the Franchise 500, it does not publish or otherwise make
available that information. Instead, we use the urbanization rate of the state in which the
franchisor’s home office is located as a proxy for the litigation risk faced by the
franchisor.40 Finally, we rely on the list of states with franchisee-protection statutes
(those requiring cause for termination) compiled by Kobayashi and Ribstein.41

B. Regression Variables and Hypotheses

1. Variables

The variables used in our probit regression analysis are set out in Table 1. The
dependent variable, ARB, is a dummy variable that takes the value one when the
franchise agreement contains an arbitration clause. The independent variables can be
grouped into three categories: contract terms, external, and internal. The “contract terms”
variables include LOCATION, TIMELIMI, and PUNI, each of which reflects a term in
the dispute resolution clause of the franchise contract. The “external variables” category
consists of variables that measure external features over which the parties have no
control, such as the litigiousness of the home office jurisdiction (HOFLIT). In addition to
HOFLIT, the other external variables are FRREG and the interaction term HOFLL. The
“internal” category includes variables that describe descriptive features of the franchise
relationship, such as the percentage of company-owned units (CO98PERC). In addition
to CO98PERC, the other internal variables are FR98, FRSIN, INBS, STUPCOST,
HOMEBASE, PARTTIME, FRGR, HEXT, and the interaction term HEXF.

See supra note 29.

The source of the data is UFOCs that franchisors provide to Entrepreneur Magazine.

The initial investment of the franchisee comes from Item 7 of the UFOC, which requires
franchisors to disclose the amount of investment required in: (a) real property, whether purchased or leased;
(b) equipment, fixtures, other fixed assets; (c) inventory required to begin operation; (d) security deposits,
utility deposits, business licenses, other prepaid expenses; (d) additional funds required by the franchisee
before operations begin and during the initial phase of the franchise; (e) other payments that the franchisee
must make to begin operations. North American Securities Administrators Association, Requirements for
Preparation of a Uniform Franchise Offering Circular, Item 17: Initial Investment (visited June 19, 2000)
See Richard A. Posner, Explaining the Variance in the Number of Tort Suits across U.S.
States and between the United States and England, 26 J. Legal Stud. 477, 480 (1997).
Kobayashi & Ribstein, supra note 29, at 446 n. 106.

Perhaps the only one of the independent variables that needs explanation is FRREG,
the dummy variable coding for the existence of a franchisee protection statute in the state
of the franchisor’s home office. Purportedly to protect franchisees from opportunism, a
number of states have enacted statutes restricting the ability of franchisors to terminate
franchisees. The statutes variously forbid termination other than for “cause” or permit
the franchisee an opportunity to cure.42

The dummy variables describing the franchise contracts indicate that 34 firms had
arbitration clauses, 55 had location clauses, 25 had time-limit clauses, and 40 had
punitive-damages clauses. The numbers of home-based and part-time arrangements were
10 and 12 respectively.

James A. Brickley et al., The Economic Effects of Franchisee Termination Laws, 34 J. L.
& Econ. 101 (1991).



Variables Definition
Dependent Variable: Dummy variable equaling one if franchise agreement
ARB contains arbitration clause
Independent Variables: Dummy variable equaling one if franchise is in a “high
HEXT (High Externality) externality” industry
HEXF High externality * number of 1998 franchises
STUPCOST (Startup Cost) Initial investment in franchise required of franchisee
(median of range)
CO98PERC (Percent Company Number of company-owned outlets as percentage of total
Owned) company-owned and franchised outlets in 1998
HOMEBASE Dummy variable equaling one if franchisor permits
franchisee to operate franchise out of home
PARTTIME Dummy variable equaling one if franchisor permits
franchisee to operate franchise on part-time basis
FRSIN (Franchising Since Date) The year the franchisor began franchising
INBS The year the franchisor began doing business
Dummy variable equaling one if franchise agreement
PUNI (Punitive Damages)
restricts award of punitive damages
TIMELIMI (Time Limit) Dummy variable equaling one if franchise agreement
imposes time limit for filing claim
LOCATION Dummy variable equaling one if franchise agreement
provides for litigation/arbitration to take place in state
where franchisor=s home office is located
FRGR (Franchise Growth Rate) Percent change in number of franchises between 1996
and 1998
HOFLIT (Home Office Litigation) Urbanization rate in state where franchisor’s home office
is located

HOFLL Home Office Litigation*Location


FRREG Dummy variable equaling one if the state in which the
franchisor’s home office is located has enacted a
franchisee protection statute.

FR98 Number of 1998 franchisees

2. The Endogeneity Problem

We are using contract term variables in the regression equation for ARB in order
to search for evidence that particular terms are either substitutes or complements to
arbitration. However, one problem with using contract variables in a regression model in
which ARB, another contract term, is the dependent variable is that the contract terms
may be endogenous because they are jointly determined along with ARB. For example,
most observers would assume that the decision to include an arbitration agreement (ARB)
and the decision to include a clause limiting damages (PUNI) would be influenced by
some of the same factors, though in different ways. If one were to simply include PUNI
in a regression equation in which ARB is the dependent variable, the error term would be
correlated with PUNI.

One approach to this would be to treat the contract term variables as if they are all
endogenous, and set up a four equation “seemingly unrelated regressions” model using
ARB, PUNI, LOCATION, and TIMELIMI as dependent variables and the internal and
external variables as independent variables. However, this approach would not allow us
to examine evidence of substitution between the arbitration clause and explicit contract
terms. An alternative approach is to find instrumental variables for all of the contract
term variables in the regression model. This is unworkable because our sample could not
possibly yield a sufficient number of variables that could serve as instruments.

Our solution to this problem was to try to determine which contract variables
seemed to be endogenous and to instrument for this subset. To do this, we ran a series of
pair-wise bivariate probit regressions using the four contract term variables as dependent
variables and the other variables (internal and external variables) as independent
variables. We examined the results for significant correlations across error terms. The
only statistically significant correlation was that between the ARB and PUNI regression
equations.43 On the basis of this result, we decided to use a single equation model, with
The maximum likelihood method we used did not estimate the error correlation directly.
If ρ represents the error correlation, we estimated atanh(ρ) = (1/2)ln[(1+ρ)/(1-ρ)]. For the ARB and PUNI

ARB as the dependent variable and using instruments for PUNI. We treated the other
contract term variables (TIMELIMI and LOCATION) as exogenous, given the results of
the bivariate probit regressions.

The resulting regression model is of the form

ARBi = 1 if Xiβ + αPUNIi + εi > 0

ARBi = 0 otherwise

PUNIi = 1 if Wiδ + υi > 0

PUNIi = 0 otherwise
cov(εi , υi) ≠ 0,

where the vector Xi includes the exogenous variables of the ARB regression model, and
+Wi consists of the exogenous instruments for PUNI. We estimated the model by the
maximum likelihood method for the standard bivariate probit model.

3. Expected Signs of Regression Coefficients

To simplify our discussion of hypotheses, we will divide the independent

variables used for the ARB regression in the three categories identified earlier: contract
terms, internal, and external.

Contract Term Variables: We expect TIMELIMI, which codes for the existence
of a clause limiting the time in which a claim may be filed, to have a negative coefficient.
The reason is that if the parties have already agreed to a provision constraining litigation,
the litigation-cost or deterrence concerns that might lead them to prefer arbitration are
lessened to some extent. In addition, since time limit agreements are common and pose
no special enforcement problems in courts, the parties expect them to be enforced like
any other explicit contractual term. Thus, the parties should be less likely to choose
arbitration if they have agreed to time limits.

For the same reason we expect a negative coefficient on LOCATION, which

codes for the existence of a clause selecting the franchisor’s home state forum for
litigation. If the parties have shown a preference for the home forum, particularly one in
which juries are less likely to have a “deep pocket” view of franchisors, they should be
less likely to opt for arbitration.

Both TIMELIMI and LOCATION reflect the parties’ interests in enhancing

deterrence benefits and controlling dispute-resolution costs. Time limits and venue
specifications both reduce the likelihood of overdeterrence, and in this sense enhance the
deterrence benefit associated with contract enforcement. Both also reduce dispute

equations, atanh(ρ) = 12.17 (t-statistic .03), and the hypothesis ρ = 0 was rejected at the 1 percent
significance level. For the ARB and LOCATION pairing, atanh(ρ) = .17 (t-statistic .71), and the
hypothesis ρ = 0 was not rejected (at 1, 5, or 10 percent levels). For the ARB and TIMELIMI pairing,
atanh(ρ) = .23 (t-statistic 1.04), and the hypothesis ρ = 0 was not rejected (at 1, 5, or 10 percent levels).

resolution costs. Dispute costs are obviously reduced by the imposition of time limits,
since they cut off claims arising after the limit. Venue specification also reduces
litigation costs by saving the franchisor the cost of having to litigate in many different
jurisdictions, and of having to bring the same set of witnesses to various states for trial.
In addition, franchisees are less likely to sue in a forum that is less generous to plaintiffs.

We expect the coefficient on PUNI to be positive. The existence of a clause

limiting damages shows a big concern on the franchisor’s part that a punitive damage
award is a likely event in court. If the expected level of such an award exceeds the
optimal damage level, the parties will have a joint incentive to agree to contractual limits
on damages. Given this incentive, the parties will also have a joint incentive to choose
the arbitration regime, since the deterrence benefit will be greater in the arbitration

One might argue that our assumptions regarding PUNI, on one hand, and
TIMILIMI and LOCATION, on the other, seem inconsistent. With the former set of
variables, we argue that arbitration is more likely. With the latter variable, we argue that
arbitration is less likely. What explains the difference? Both sets of variables reflect
overdeterrence concerns. However, we think the PUNI restrictions are more likely to
serve as complements rather than substitutes to arbitration. This is because of the greater
risk that contractual restrictions on punitive claims may not be enforced in court, and the
greater potential loss to the franchisor in the event a court chooses not to enforce such
restrictions.44 Given these risks, franchisors will seek arbitration in order to enhance the
likelihood that restrictions on punitive lawsuits will be enforced.45

Internal Variables: CO98PERC should have a negative coefficient, because as

the percentage of company owned units increases in the network, the incentive
divergence problem lessens. In part, this statement is tautological: the incentive
divergence problem associated franchising necessarily lessens as the degree of partial
integration increases. However, to the extent partial integration improves the monitoring
capability of the franchisor, the shirking and free-riding problem should lessen even
within the franchised units of a partially integrated network.46 Michael argues that partial

We would lose little in remaining uncommitted at this stage about the signs of the
coefficients on PUNI, TIMELIMI, and LOCATION; and merely saying that we expect them to have a big
impact. If we took this approach, we would allow the regression results to tell us whether the restriction
served as a complement or substitute to arbitration. In any event, there is evidence supporting our
argument that some state court judges might be reluctant to enforce punitive damage restrictions. A study
of judicial decisions in Alabama finds that judges’ votes on arbitration decisions are strongly correlated
with the source of campaign funding (plaintiffs’ lawyers or business), see Stephen J. Ware, Money Politics
and Judicial Decisions: A Case Study of Arbitration Law in Alabama, 15 J. Law & Politics 645 (1999).
See also, Ex Parte Thicklin, 2002 Ala. LEXIS 11 (Ala. Sup. Ct. Jan. 11, 2002)(“it violates public policy for
a party to contract away its liability for punitive damages, regardless of whether the provision doing so was
intended to operate in an arbitral or judicial forum”).
Kobayashi & Ribstein, supra note 29.
Michael, supra note15, at 2.

integration provides an additional bargaining-power advantage to the franchisor, since the
partially integrated franchisor has a more credible threat to terminate the franchisee and
replace it with an integrated unit.47

The coefficient on PARTTIME should be positive, since the problem of ensuring

adequate effort is exacerbated in the case in which the franchisee works part-time. Given
the greater likelihood of a dispute over effort levels, PARTTIME should be positively
related to the probability of a dispute. Moreover, since the level of effort is difficult to
specify and enforce contractually, the disputes associated with part-time status should be
drawn heavily from those in which arbitration offers superior governance benefits
relative to litigation. For the same reason, we expect HOMEBASE to have a positive

The coefficient on STUPCOST, measuring start up costs, should be negative. If

the start up cost variable is positively related with the franchisee’s unrecoverable entry
costs, a plausible assumption, then an increase in STUPCOST implies a more credible
termination threat on the part of the franchisor (Klein 1980, Klein and Saft 1985). Armed
with a more credible sanction against shirking on effort, the franchisor will have greater
confidence that the franchisee will comply with explicit and implicit contractual terms.

There is an alternative theory that also suggests the coefficient on STUPCOST

should be negative. As the cost of entry increases, one expects both parties to rely more
on explicit contractual terms. The franchisor would prefer to avoid the risk that he will
be seen as terminating unfairly. The franchisee will prefer the security of knowing
precisely what is required. Since both parties should prefer greater contractual
explicitness as the startup cost gets larger, their demand for arbitration should fall, since
they will write explicit contracts that can be entrusted to courts for enforcement.

FRGR, which measures growth of the franchise network between 1996 and 1998,
does not have a clear sign under our theory. On one hand, network growth suggests
increasing litigation expenses, which should push the parties toward the arbitration
regime. On the other hand, a franchise that is growing fast may prefer to rely on explicit
contracts, for several reasons. First, the fast-growing network may not have established
reputation, in which case contractual explicitness will substitute for reputation. Second,
the fast growing network, even if well established, may wish to use explicitness a form of
tying its hands, to assure the franchisee that the risk of arbitrary termination or
expropriation is small. These arguments suggest that FRGR may have either a positive or
negative coefficient, depending on whether the litigation cost factor outweighs the
governance factor.

Id. The Michael paper is largely concerned with “tapered integration”, which occurs
when the franchisor itself supplies some portion of the franchisee’s inputs, and some portion of the output
is sold to the franchisor. However, his paper includes a thorough discussion of the effects of partial

FRSIN, which measures the date at which the business began franchising, does
not have an obvious coefficient sign under the theory of this paper. The same goes for
INBS, which measures the date at which the business began. On one hand, one might
expect it to be negative, on the theory that a firm that enters the business late will have to
rely on explicit contractual terms to substitute for reputation, and contractual explicitness
implies a lower demand for arbitration. On the other hand, if the likelihood of a dispute
is high, a newcomer may have a strong demand for arbitration, both for its deterrence
benefits and to reduce dispute costs.

As one should expect, FRSIN and INBS are strongly correlated, with a coefficient
of .48. Because of this, we decided not to use both in the regression equation for ARB.
We settled on using INBS in the regression equation for ARB, and FRSIN as an
instrument for PUNI.

FR98, which measures the number of franchise units in 1998, appears by itself
and interacted with HEXT, where HEXF = FR98*HEXT. Since HEXT takes the value
one when repeat business is low (thus externalities are high), we can interpret HEXF as
measuring the probability of a dispute multiplied by a proxy for the cost of litigation. In
other words, since the expected total cost of litigation increases as the franchise network
expands, we expect HEXF to have a positive sign, suggesting arbitration is more likely,
largely as a means of reducing dispute resolution costs. In addition, since the agency cost
problem increases, other things being equal, with the size of the network, FR98 should
itself be positively related to the likelihood of a dispute for those franchises that get
relatively little repeat business.

What about the sign of FR98? Assuming HEXT = 0, FR98 should capture the
effect of expanding the number of networks in the low externality context. In this case
the effects are unclear. On one hand, arbitration remains useful as means of cutting
dispute costs. On the other hand, as the network expands, the parties should have a
greater demand for formality in contracts. Since monitoring is difficult, the franchisor
wants to avoid a reputation for punishing arbitrarily, hence the need for explicit contracts.
The franchisee should also prefer explicit contracts, given the lack of frequent contact
with the franchisor’s home office.48 Thus, in the case of low externalities, we
hypothesize that both litigation cost and deterrence motivations will be at work. The
litigation cost factors push toward arbitration. The deterrence factors push away from
arbitration, since explicitness will lead the parties to keep their disputes in the courts.

One can view this as consistent with the literature on information constraints and
organizational form – see, e.g., Jeremy C. Stein & Scott E. Masten, Informational Production and Capital
Allocation: Decentralized vs. Hierarchical Firms, NBER Working Paper No. W7705, May 2000, available
in the SSRN Electronic Paper Collection: http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf?abstract_id=232091. Explicit
contract terms “harden” information, allowing it to be transmitted with accuracy along a large hierarchical
network. This theory suggests that one byproduct of information hardening is a reduction in the demand
for arbitration.

External Variables: The sign on FRREG, the dummy variable coding for the
existence of a franchisee protection statute is unclear under the theory of this paper.
Recall that protection statutes restrict the franchisor’s power to terminate, often requiring
proof of a good reason (i.e., “cause”). Thus, a protection statute reduces the franchisor’s
bargaining power by weakening the credibility of his threat to terminate the franchise.
The effects, however, are complicated because the franchisor should be able to maintain a
credible threat to sanction (including termination) for the violation of an explicit
provision of the franchise agreement. Hence, if franchisors generally respond to
franchisee protection statutes by adopting more explicit terms in their contracts, or by
reducing the number of franchised units (Brickley et al, 1991), the protection statutes
may be associated with a lower demand for arbitration, which implies a negative
coefficient for FRREG. On the other hand, if franchisors expect favorable treatment
under arbitration, in the sense that arbitrators are more likely to disregard state franchisee
protection statutes or to enforce their contract provisions, protection statutes should
increase their demand for arbitration. This implies a positive coefficient on FRREG.

Put another way, the franchisor’s response to a protection statute will be to

substitute toward the dispute-resolution regime in which its threat to sanction is most
credible. If the franchisee protection statute is interpreted in the same manner by
arbitrators and judges, the franchisor should substitute toward structural and contractual
incentive-alignment devices – company owned-outlets, and explicit contract terms.
However, if arbitrators are more likely to enforce contract terms or to interpret protection
statutes in a manner favorable to franchisors, the franchisor will prefer the arbitration

HOFLIT proxies for the litigiousness of the franchisor’s home office state.
HOFLIT appears twice among the independent variables, once alone and the other time
interacted with LOCATION. Thus, if we let Ho represent HOFLIT, and L represent
LOCATION, the part of the regression including the variable HOFLIT can be written as

βH Ho + βHL HoL.

If LOCATION = 0 (L = 0), i.e., if the parties have not shown a preference for the
franchisor’s home office state as the venue for litigation, then the coefficient on HOFLIT
should be negative. The reason is that the parties are likely to choose an alternative
location when the home office state is a litigious forum, or one likely to award excessive
damages to plaintiffs. Given this, the parties who have chosen an out-of-state forum
should have a lower demand for arbitration. If LOCATION = 1, the parties have decided
to allow litigation to occur in the home office state. This implies that the coefficient on
the interaction variable HOFLL (= HOFLIT*LOCATION) will be positive, since they are
more likely to choose arbitration if they have decided to allow litigation to occur in a
litigious forum.

4. Choice of Instruments

The instrument panel for the PUNI regression equation consists of external and
internal variables that we thought would serve well as predictors of a punitive damages
clause. For the internal variables, we used a two-year lagged measure of the franchise
size, FR96, and FRSIN. FRSIN seems intuitively to be a better instrument for the PUNI
regression than INBS, because FRSIN measures the length of the franchising
relationship. One should expect the franchisor’s demand for a punitive damages clause to
fall as the contracting relationship continues, since trust should gradually replace reliance
on explicit terms, and this was confirmed.49

On the assumption that the litigiousness of the home office jurisdiction would
affect the likelihood of a punitive damages clause, we created two new external variables
as instruments for the PUNI regression. One, ELJC, is a dummy variable equaling one if
the judges in the home office state are elected. The other, EFH, is an interaction term
equal to the product of ELJC, FRREG, and HOFLIT. To be sure, ELJC is not a direct
measure of litigiousness. However, if elected judges tend to vote in favor of the groups
that fund their campaigns,50 franchisors should prefer explicit caps on damages in order
to protect themselves from pro-plaintiff judges.

C. Results

The probit regression results are shown in Table 2. For a sample with only 75
observations, the results are surprisingly strong, with ten of the coefficients in Table 2
coming in statistically significant at the five-percent level. Of the statistically significant
variables, all have the predicted signs, and most of the signs for the insignificant
coefficient estimates accord with our predictions.

1. Deterrence Hypothesis

The results suggest that the deterrence concerns are an important determinant of
the decision to commit disputes to arbitration, and that deterrence factors have a greater
impact than litigation cost factors. These claims are supported by several of the
coefficient estimates in Table 2. First, note that one of the largest of the sharply
estimated coefficients, PUNI, has the sign predicted by the deterrence theory. To the
extent the parties are concerned about the prospect of punitive awards in their
jurisdiction, and to the extent these awards are perceived as generating overdeterrence
costs, the parties are considerably more likely to opt for a pre-dispute arbitration

Second, compare the coefficients on LOCATION and TIMELIMI. Both variables

measure efforts by the parties to control the amount and type of litigation in order to
We do not report the results of the PUNI regression below. The coefficient on FRSIN in
that regression was positive, showing that the shorter the relationship, the more likely a punitive clause
(coefficient of .016 with a t-statistic of 1.79).

See Ware, supra note 44.

reduce overdeterrence costs. Both coefficients have the predicted signs, indicating that
an arbitration agreement is less likely when the parties have made efforts to control
litigation. Note also the positive coefficient estimate for HOFLL (interacting HOFLIT
and LOCATION), which indicates that the parties are more likely to choose arbitration if
they have already chosen to resolve their disputes in a litigious home office state.

LOCATION should be relatively more sensitive to deterrence concerns than

TIMELIMI, since the location choice will often be used to avoid litigious jurisdictions.
The fact that the LOCATION coefficient is larger than that for TIMELIMI can be
viewed, under this hypothesis, as further support for the claim that deterrence concerns
appear to dominate litigation-cost concerns in the decision to opt for a pre-dispute
arbitration agreement.

Third, and most striking, the coefficient estimates on CO98PERC and

STUPCOST are both negative and significant, as predicted. The CO98PERC estimate
indicates that as the percentage of company owned units increases the demand for
arbitration falls. This is consistent with the view that as CO98PERC increases, the
fundamental incentive divergence problem in franchising becomes less severe. As this
happens, the deterrence benefits from arbitration fall, and arbitration becomes less
attractive. The STUPCOST estimate indicates that as the franchisee’s setup cost
increases, the demand for arbitration falls. This is consistent with the view that the
incentive divergence problem lessens as the franchisor’s bargaining power increases.

The positive coefficient on PARTTIME is consistent with the prediction that

arbitration is more likely when it is hard to specify and enforce implicit contractual terms,
as is the case with franchisee effort. Since it is difficult to monitor the effort of
franchisees that work part-time or at home, the franchisor must rely on legal sanctions in
order to encourage a high level of effort. Since arbitration offers the advantage of review
by an expert panel (alternatively, a panel with superior incentives for accuracy),
enforcement is more predictable, enhancing deterrence. That the coefficient for
PARTTIME is significant, while that for HOMEBASE is not, suggests that the
monitoring issue is especially important for part-time franchisees.

The network size coefficient estimates suggest complicated effects. The negative
coefficient on FR98 indicates that the parties are less likely to choose arbitration as the
size of the network increases. However, the coefficient on HEXF, interacting HEXT and
FR98, is positive. The two results in combination suggest that for low externality
(equivalently, high repeat-customer) businesses, franchise scale is negatively associated
with the likelihood of arbitration. For high externality businesses, franchise scale is
positively associated with arbitration. The latter result is intuitive: disputes are more
likely in high externality businesses, thus arbitration should be preferred both as a means
of reducing litigation expenses and enhancing deterrence. The negative coefficient on
FR98 suggests that in low externality settings the parties are more likely to rely on
explicit contract terms, easily enforceable in court, to govern the relationship as the
network expands. This reduces their demand for arbitration.

The results on network size also lend support to the notion that deterrence
enhancement rather than the litigation cost-reduction is the dominant motivation behind
arbitration. If litigation cost reduction were the major motivation behind arbitration, one
should expect to see a positive relationship between network size and arbitration, even in
the case of low externality businesses. However, the negative coefficient suggests that
the litigation cost savings are not sufficient to entice the parties to forgo the deterrence
benefits secured by the option to litigate in ordinary courts. After all, ordinary courts
have an established set of legal precedents on which the parties can rely, and use to
predict the outcomes of potential disputes. These results suggest that the litigation cost
savings must be quite large for the parties to choose to forgo these advantages.

2. Contractual Substitutes and Complements to Arbitration

The negative coefficient for FRREG resolves an important ambiguity implied by

the model of this paper. The estimated “marginal” effect (recall that this is a dummy),
suggests that if you compare to similar franchisors, one based in a state with a franchisee
protection statute and the other not, the probability of an arbitration agreement is lower
by .45 for the franchisor based in the state with the protection statute.

The result suggests that franchisors have responded to franchisee protection

statutes by reducing franchised units and substituting toward explicit contractual terms,
both reducing the demand for arbitration. To the extent the negative coefficient reflects
structural responses (reductions in the number of units, home office location choices), it
is consistent with the results of Brickley’s study of franchise termination statutes.51
However, since we have controlled for the key structural response, the percentage of
company owned units (CO98PERC),52 we are inclined to view the negative coefficient on
FRREG as reflecting substitution toward explicit terms that are likely to be enforced in
court. The negative coefficient on FRREG suggests that franchisors have responded to
franchise protection statutes by adopting contractual substitutes to an arbitration
provision.53 This suggests that franchisors have not viewed arbitration as a forum in
which they would receive particularly favorable treatment regarding the application of a
franchisee protection statute.

51 Brickley et al (1991), supra note 42, finds evidence that franchisee protection statutes
cause a small reduction in the number of franchised units in settings where repeat business is low.

52 In light of the weak structural response found in Brickley et al (1991), supra note 42, one
might think that a superior approach to estimating the CO98PERC coefficient (and FRREG) would be to
separate its effect in states that have franchisee protection laws and those that do not. In order to this, we
ran a version of the regression in Table 2 interacting CO98PERC and FRREG. The interaction term came
in insignificant, and the new estimates for CO98PERC and FRREG, though slightly smaller in absolute
value, were close to the estimates reported in Table 2.

53 Alternatively, the negative coefficient may reflect substitution choices by contracting

parties based in states that do not have franchisee protection statutes. If those parties prefer arbitration in
order to minimize the likelihood of falling under the franchisee protection statute of another state, we could
observe the result in Table 2. However, we find this explanation less likely, since the parties could include
more cheaply a choice-of-law clause to the same effect.

3. Comparing Deterrence Effects

In order to make a better comparative assessment of the coefficient estimates, we

converted those for the continuous variables into elasticities. The results are presented in
Table 3. The largest elasticity, -5.9, is that for HOFLIT, the proxy for litigiousness in the
home office jurisdiction. Recall that we use the state urbanization rate as the proxy for
litigiousness. The estimate indicates that a one percent increase the urbanization rate of
the home office state reduces the demand for arbitration among those who have not opted
to litigate inside the home jurisdiction by almost 6 percent. This large elasticity makes
sense if we read this as indicating the extent to which parties are using venue
specification to opt out of high litigation jurisdictions. After opting out of such
jurisdictions, the parties apparently see little need to pre-commit to arbitration.

The large elasticity on HOFLIT provides yet another piece of support for the
claim that the deterrence theory provides the strongest account of the motivation for
arbitration. We have argued that contracting parties opt out of high litigation
jurisdictions in order to reduce overdeterrence costs. They have a joint incentive to do
so, since overdeterrence costs are shared between the parties to a contract. After opting
out of a high-litigation forum, the key remaining motivation for choosing arbitration over
litigation is the desire to reduce dispute-resolution costs. However, the large negative
elasticity on HOFLIT, which implies that the parties do not have a strong demand for
arbitration once they have escaped a high-litigation forum, suggests that the dispute-cost-
reduction motivation is not strong. Conversely, the large positive elasticity on HOFLL
suggests that among those parties that have not opted out of the home office forum, a
one-percent increase in litigiousness leads to a nearly 5 percent increase in their demand
for arbitration.

The other elasticity estimates are dwarfed by the location measures, but they still
reveal interesting information. A one-percent increase in network size reduces the
demand for arbitration by 1.2 percent in the low externality setting and increases the
demand for arbitration by roughly .8 percent in the high externality setting. Two
variables that the franchisor controls, the percentage of company owned units and the
franchisee’s startup cost, have different impacts on the probability of arbitration. A one
percent increase in the startup cost reduces the probability of arbitration by .33 percent,
while a one percent increase in the percentage of company owned units reduces the
probability by .3 percent. This suggests that as between the two instruments, the
franchisor should have an incentive to increase the startup cost in order to control
franchisee incentives.

D. Overview of Results

The central claim of this paper is that contracting parties will choose the dispute
resolution forum that maximizes the difference between the deterrence or governance
benefits associated with their contract and dispute-resolution costs. The deterrence
benefit from contract enforcement is the sum of harms avoided net of avoidance costs.
Since arbitration clearly has the potential to reduce dispute-resolution costs, the key

contribution of this study is its demonstration of the relative importance of deterrence
factors in the arbitration decision.

Holding dispute-resolution costs fixed, contracting parties will structure their

contract so that future disputes are resolved within the forum that provides the greatest
level of deterrence against undesirable conduct. Thus, if expected damages in court
exceed or fall below the optimal level, and expected damages under arbitration are closer
to the optimal level, they will have an incentive to commit to arbitration. For disputes
involving implicit contractual terms the parties will prefer arbitration, provided the
arbitration forum is the more accurate one for dispute resolution. As the probability of a
dispute increases, their preference for committing disputes over implicit terms to
arbitration should increase.

The results of this paper support these implications of the deterrence hypothesis.
Franchising parties who include provisions in their contracts limiting damages – those
most concerned about the risk of excessive damages in court – are highly likely to opt for
arbitration. Among the parties who have chosen to opt out of a litigious jurisdiction by
specifying an alternative venue, a one percent increase in the litigiousness (measured by
urbanization rate) of the home-office jurisdiction reduces the probability of arbitration by
6 percent. Factors suggesting a potentially greater reliance on explicit contractual terms,
such as the existence of a franchisee protection statute, substantially reduce the
probability of an arbitration agreement. Factors suggesting a lower probability of a
dispute, such as an increase in franchisee startup costs, reduce the probability of

Although the desire to reduce dispute-resolution costs is an obvious motivation to

commit to arbitration, the results here suggest that deterrence issues matter more than
dispute costs. For example, for those franchise networks in which individual units enjoy
a relatively high degree of repeat business, an increase in network size is associated with
a reduction in the probability of arbitration. This suggests that among these franchises,
the desire to reduce dispute costs is not strong enough to induce them to forgo the
governance benefits already provided by courts.

IV. Concluding Remarks

This paper demonstrates the importance of deterrence concerns in the decision of

contracting parties to choose to resolve their disputes in arbitration rather than through
litigation. The hypothesis examined is that contracting parties will choose the dispute-
resolution forum in which the difference between deterrence benefits, defined as avoided
harms net of avoidance costs, and dispute-resolution costs is the largest. The results
support this hypothesis and provide an illustration of the importance of deterrence
factors. Indeed, this has to be viewed as the central contribution of this paper, since
everyone knows that contracting parties have an incentive to minimize dispute-resolution
costs. This is the first empirical analysis to demonstrate the relative importance of
deterrence factors in the decision to choose a dispute resolution forum. The results
suggest that deterrence concerns play the dominant role in this decision.

The importance of deterrence concerns has several implications for public policy
issues, which we will only briefly mention here. First, there is a common view that
arbitration involves a weaker party selling his legal rights to a stronger party (repeat
player firm), sometimes in a coercive setting. The coercion claim is weak in the
franchising context, since the parties are both businesses that consult with lawyers.
Moreover, the parties have a mutual incentive to choose the dispute resolution forum that
delivers the greatest deterrence benefit per dollar invested in dispute resolution.
Arbitration may weaken some legal rights, if viewed as rights to sue in court, and
enhance others, as when the arbitration regime provides the more accurate forum for
dispute resolution. In any event, the overall result should enhance the welfare of both
contracting parties.

There is also a common view that firms use arbitration in order to avoid the
application of mandatory laws. The results here seem to undercut this view. Franchisee
protection statutes reduce the demand for arbitration, which is inconsistent with the
common claim that businesses seek arbitration in order to evade the effects of mandatory
laws. We hypothesize that franchisors have responded to the deterrence-diluting effect of
protection statutes by substituting toward explicit contractual terms.

Finally, the importance of deterrence concerns suggests that laws that make
arbitration less attractive, such as franchisee protection statutes, have substantial wealth
effects. Such statutes not only raise the costs of dispute resolution, but they also reduce
the governance benefits associated with a contract. Since the governance benefits affect
such day-to-day matters as the quality of output and the level of effort, the total costs of
protection statutes are likely to be far larger than their effects on dispute resolution costs.

Table 2

Variable Coeff dF/dx Coeff Std. T Stat Significance

Err level
Location* -6.268 -.978 2.933 -2.14 0.033
Timelimi** -.739 -.258 .412 -1.79 0.073
Puni* 3.511 .887 .658 5.33 0.000
Frreg* -1.354 -.453 .531 -2.55 0.011
Hoflit* -.076 -.028 .031 -2.41 0.016
Hofll* .082 .031 .039 2.11 0.035
Inbs -.002 -.001 .009 -.26 0.799
Fr98* -.0005 -.0002 .0003 -1.94 0.052
Co98perc* -.989 -.371 .280 -3.53 0.000
Stupcost* -.001 -.0004 .0004 -2.55 0.011
Homebase .143 .055 .642 .22 0.823
Parttime** 1.743 .603 .918 1.90 0.058
Frgr* -.308 -.115 .093 -3.29 0.001
Hext -.726 -.268 .485 -1.50 0.134
Hexf* .0006 .0002 .0002 2.23 0.026
Constant 10.358 18.565 .56 0.577

Bivariate Probit using Arb as dependent variable. Instrument panel for Puni: ELJC,
FR96, FRSIN, EFH. Marginal effects (dF/dx) for Puni, Frreg, Location, Timelimi,
Parttime, Hext, and Homebase are based on a discrete change of the dummy variable
from 0 to 1.

Number of obs = 75
Log Likelihood = -75.956
* statistically significant at the five percent level
** statistically significant at the ten percent level

Table 3

Variable Elasticity
Fr98 -1.22
Stupcost -.33
Co98perc -.31
Hoflit -5.90
Frgr -.16
Hofll 4.60
Hexf .77


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