Music of Andean Altiplano
Music of Andean Altiplano
Music of Andean Altiplano
of the
Goals 2000 - Partnerships for
Educating Colorado Students
Grades 4–8
Implementation Time
for Unit of Study: 3 weeks
Unit Concepts
• Composing music, performing, and building siku pipes
• Investigating the music of Quechua and Aymara communities
• Learning about the professional lives of two Denver musicians who perform on these
Implementation Guidelines
This unit is based on 40-minute music classes that meet daily for three weeks. It can be expanded
or shortened to fit the needs of various music schedules. Learning to play the siku pipes starts
during the second week, while students continue to study the culture and instruments of the
region. Each day, some amount of time needs to be set aside for playing the pipes to prepare
students for a performance at the end of the unit. Although these lessons are geared toward
general music classes, the unit also addresses standards in math, history, and geography. Students
must be able to work in cooperative groups and must have skills in shared decision making. The
teacher should assess students’ skill level regarding pipe construction. Can they measure the PVC
pipe or would it facilitate the project to have the pipe pre-measured and marked? Assess their
musical skills. Are they advanced enough to read the music independently, or will you want to
teach the music by rote? Decide which rhythm patterns could be introduced or reviewed that
would enable the students to read the music for this unit and would increase their music literacy
skills. All of the music can be taught by rote. Nonetheless, students with a basic ability to read
simple rhythms with quarter notes and eighth notes will be able to learn more songs. Provide
Students describe how distinguishing elements of music are used in examples from various
Students describe the roles of musicians throughout history and in various cultures.
Students will use a map of South America to locate the countries and regions that include the
Students will utilize resources, such as the Internet and National Geographic magazines, to locate
pictures and articles of the Andean region that illustrate the economic, political, and cultural
aspects of the population.
Students will listen to cassette tapes and CDs of the music of the Andean highland people.
The Quechua and Aymara communities in the Andean mountains have a strong musical heri-
tage dating back to the time of the Inca Empire. Their distinctive music can be heard throughout
Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina. Traditionally, the music was more often linked
to pagan rituals which in time were also syncronized to rituals of the Catholic religion to favor
Using key search words (Inca, Huayños, Quechua, Aymara, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile,
Argentina, siku pipes, charango, etc.), investigate pertinent sites on the Internet to explore the
culture of the Andean highland people. Locate articles and pictures in National Geographic
magazines and encyclopedias that depict the geography and culture of the Andean regions.
Listen to and describe distinctive qualities of musical selections. Share this research with class-
mates to develop a more complete understanding of the area.
computer with Internet access
map of South America
National Geographic magazines (Feb. 1998, Jun. 1996, Mar. 1992, Jul. 1982, Mar. 1982, Dec. 1973)
cassettes or CDs of musical examples.
Students should be able to locate the pertinent countries and follow the Andean mountain range
through South America. Students should be able to use musical terms (melody, harmony,
rhythm, dynamics, style, texture, form) to describe the music. Students should be able to com-
municate the role of music in the Aymara and Quechua communities.
Students select appropriate units, including metric and U.S. customary, and tools (for example,
rulers, protractors, compasses, thermometers) to measure to the degree of accuracy required to
solve a given problem.
Students will measure, saw, and sand specific lengths of PVC pipe.
Siku pipes were originally made out of bamboo or condor feathers. The best bamboo, found in
Bolivia, has a thinner wall, making it more difficult to work with. The string is coated with
beeswax prior to the complicated and decorative job of tying the pipes together.
Use a ruler and pencil to mark the correct lengths of PVC pipe. Under supervision of the
teacher, carefully cut each section. Use the file to remove rough edges. Using rough sandpaper,
sand each pipe clean and slightly round the edges of the tubes. Using a finer grade of sandpa-
per, sand the side of the pipes until smooth.
8 feet of 1⁄2-inch PVC water pipe for each siku set (2 rows of pipes—arca and ira)
coarse sandpaper (100–200 grade)
fine sandpaper (400–600 grade)
miter saw
safety glasses
Students are able to use a ruler to mark correct lengths of pipe.
art materials such as watercolors, colored pencils
miter saw safety glasses
file rulers
Measure the lengths listed below and mark with pencil. (Lengths are approximately 3⁄4 of an
inch longer than needed for the pitch to allow for tuning.) Wearing safety glasses, cut each
length with the miter saw. (Fourth and fifth grade students should be able to use this saw to cut
pipes under direct supervision of the teacher.)
Sand each pipe with first the coarse sandpaper and then the finer grade. Use the file to quickly
remove rough edges at the openings. The pipes should be clean and smooth,m with the edges
slightly rounded.
Decorate each pipe if desired. Glue pipes together by laying glued sections flat on the table and
aligning tops with the ruler. Note: Glue is toxic and should be used outdoors!
Insert corks and tune to the pitches indicated below by adjusting the corks.
Ira Pipes Arca Pipes
(6 pipes, masculine) (7 pipes, feminine)
(circled numbers) (numbers without circles)
A = 4.25 inches B = 4 inches
F# = 5 inches G = 4.75 inches
D = 6.25 inches E = 5.5 inches
B = 7.5 inches C = 7 inches
G = 9 inches A = 8.25 inches
E = 10.75 inches F# = 9.5 inches
D = 12 inches
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7
Students select and use materials, tools, techniques, and processes that enhance communication
of ideas through art.
Students will plan a design and use the appropriate art tools to realize the design.
Students will organize and glue each pipe into arca and ira sets.
Members of the Aymara community generally practice and perform in large groups. They strive
to develop a unified sound rather than to show off the talents of any one particular individual.
They do not criticize or correct other performers. This cooperative environment gives support to
all members—a concept that should be cultivated throughout this unit, whether the students are
performing, composing, researching, or holding discussions, and especially during decision-
making opportunities.
Continue to sand the pipes until clean and smooth. Brainstorm designs for the pipes: solid
colors, stripes, colors of the flags of the countries being studied, etc. Plan a color scheme that
will enhance the pipes’ appearance. Use the art medium that will achieve your plan. Before
gluing pipes, recheck measurements of each pipe to be sure they are in the correct order and
row (arca or ira). The glue is toxic; use outdoors or in a highly ventilated room! Work on news-
paper or cardboard to contain glue spills. Start with the smallest pipe and glue to the next pipe
in the row. Lay the pipes flat on the table and align the top edge with a ruler. Allow the glue to
dry for several hours or overnight.
markers, watercolors, colored pencils
All Purpose Cement designated for gluing PVC pipe
Students are able to complete the sanding process and art designs. Students are able to re-
measure each pipe and assemble the pipes into ira and arca rows.
Students identify and examine criteria for evaluating music performances and compositions.
Students will cork the ends of each tube and attempt to tune the sets.
The tonal center for traditional siku melodies frequently alternates between e minor and G
major. The individual notes for these scales alternate between the arca and ira rows. The tuning
for the pentatonic scale as well as non-Western scales are also used.
Put a cork in the bottom of each pipe. Make sure there are no air leaks around the cork. Begin
tuning each pipe by matching the pitch with another instrument (melody bells, pitch pipe,
piano). Move the cork further in or out of the tube until the two pitches match. Remember that
moving the cork into the pipe makes it shorter, resulting in a higher pitch; and that moving the
cork out of the pipe makes it longer, resulting in a lower pitch. After you have tuned your pipes,
find a partner and learn to play a scale by alternating notes. Start with the longest pipe.
13 corks (1⁄2 inch) for each siku
Students are able to analyze pitch differences to accurately tune pipes.
Students sing or play an expanding repertoire of music representing musically and culturally
diverse literature.
Students understand the history of social organization in various societies.
Students will learn to play a scale and “Mary Had A Little Lamb” using the hocketing method
of playing siku pipes.
Because the notes of the scale alternate between rows, two people are necessary to play siku
pipes. This mandates a certain amount of dependence, cooperation, patience, and camaraderie
or esprit de corps between the two players. Notes to be played on the ira pipes (6 tubes) are the
circled numbers. Notes to be played on the arca pipes (7 tubes) are numbers without circles. The
goal is to sound as if the melody was played by one person. This style of playing emphasizes
the group dynamics of the Aymara musicians.
Determine which pipes you are playing, which will then determine which notes you play. Ira
pipes have six tubes and play the circled numbers. Arca pipes have seven tubes and play the
uncircled numbers. When you are holding the siku, the largest pipe should be on your right and
the smallest pipe on your left. Start with the arcas playing their largest pipe and then the iras
playing their largest pipe. Alternating pipes, continue playing the rest of the scale. This style of
playing music is called hocketing. Work together to learn “Mary Had A Little Lamb” by experi-
menting. (Start with ira pipe number three.)
ira and arca pipes
Students are able to utilize the hocketing system of playing the siku to play melodies.
Students identify and read rhythmic patterns using rhythmic patterns using whole, half, dotted
half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes, as well as equivalent rests, in the context of a meter
Students will learn to play simple tunes using quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes.
Dale Olsen and Thomas Turino are two researchers who have written extensively on traditional
music of Central and South America. Dale Olsen, in particular, has been involved with the
Music Educators National Conference (MENC) in the development of music curriculum and
lesson activities that include the music of these regions. The procedure of notating the siku
music for this unit was devised by Dale Olsen and is one of the more easily-read methods.
Begin your lesson by playing the scale on siku pipes while reading the musical notation. Learn
to play “Mary Had A Little Lamb” by reading the musical notation for siku music. Transfer this
experience and knowledge to learn the “Melody for the Siku.”
quarter note
eighth note
sixteenth note
bar lines
repeat sign
music for the initial scale, “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” and “Melody for the Siku”
Students can accurately read the notation in order to clap the rhythm and play the sikus for two
simple melodies.
A. Scale
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4
3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
Students identify and read rhythmic patterns using whole, half, dotted half, quarter, eighth, and
sixteenth notes, as well as equivalent rests, in the context of a meter signature.
Students will learn to play simple tunes using quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes.
“Poco a Poco” is a huayño believed to be from Peru. The rhythmic syncopation and form
(AABB) are typical of this style. Translation: “Little by little you’ve come to care for me. Little by
little you’ve come to love me. And, at the end, how much you’ve changed. Ay, (little Indian)
love of mine. Never say no, cholita. Never say no. Those are matters of love, little Indian. Ay,
matters of the heart. Song and rhythm to sing. Song and rhythm to dance.” (Translation by
Miguel Camacho)
Practice the music from the previous lessons with the ira or arca pipes. Learn to sing Poco a Poco.
Practice clapping the rhythm while you sing. Next, begin learning short phrases of the song
with the pipes. Practice until the rhythms feel comfortable and easy to perform. Add more
phrases until you can play the entire song.
music for the initial scale, “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” “Melody for the Siku,” and “Poco a Poco”
Students are able to sing the words of “Poco a Poco” and clap the rhythm, and are learning the
melody. They are able to define syncopation and demonstrate their knowledge by identifying
measures with syncopation and by clapping and counting the rhythm.
4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 6
Po - co po - co po - co me has que-ri - do po - co a po - co me has a-
Am G C G Am
4 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 3
ma - do. Y al Fi - nal có-mo has cam-bia - do ¡Ay! cho - li - tay de mi a - mor.
C G Am
1 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 4 3 3 3 3
Nun - ca di - gas que no cho - li - tay nun - ca di - gas que no.
C G Am
1 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 4 3 3 3 3
Son co - sas del a - mor cho - li - tay co - sas del cor - a - zón, can - ción y
G Am C G Am
5 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 3
huayñ - o pa - ra can - tar, can - ción y huayñ - o pa - ra bai - lar.
Students describe the roles of musicians throughout history and in various cultures.
Students will compare the roles of musicians as soloists and as interlocking performers of a
Students will play melodies requiring two performers in the hocketing method.
The pervasive inclination in mainstream United States culture is to elevate the individual,
regardless of whether the subject is politics, education, sports, or the arts. Success is frequently
determined by individual accomplishments. In Aymara and Quechua communities this is not
the case. The collective success of the community outweighs individual interests. The attitude is
one of support and cooperation. Musicians of all levels of ability join together to make music,
primarily for spiritual purposes.
Discuss the various musical performances that are available in your community or that you see
through the media. What are the roles of the musicians? What are your expectations at concerts?
Read the short paragraphs about the Aymara and Quechua communities. Discuss how players
must work together to complete the entire song. Compare this method of musical cooperation to
the beliefs of the Aymara community.
Continue to practice your siku music until you can play it smoothly without interruptions.
information page about Aymara and Quechua communities
Students are able to name musicians that are solo artists and musicians that work together in
ensembles. They should be able to list advantages and disadvantages of both styles.
Quechua Communities
The Quechua people live in the lower elevations of the Andean highlands. The Quechua language
was adopted by the Incas as their official language (ca. 1200–1533). Quechua dialects vary widely
in Bolivia and Peru. In Ecuador, the dialect is Quichua. Whereas vocal music is relatively unim-
portant in Aymara music, it has a central focus to Quechua musicians. Their singing has a high-
pitched nasal and throat sound. They play phukunas (siku pipes) during the dry seasons from
June to September and the side-blown and vertical flutes during the rainy season from November
through February. Music is a part of the daily lives of the Quechan communities, from making
music in the evenings after work to performing in festivals and religious occasions.
Students describe how distinguishing elements of music are used in examples from various
Students will play a variety of instruments to form an ensemble similar to an Andean ensemble.
The most popular song form of Andean music is the huayño. The sad and rhythmic melodies
reflect the history of the highland people. With texts in both Spanish and Quechuan, the lyrics
can be humorous or political. Frequently the lyrics are about love, but the underlying message is
about the Indian experience—displacement, loneliness, oppression, and exploitation. Record-
ings of the most celebrated huayños singer of all time, El Jilguero de Huascarán, are still sold
Music and dance are a part of special occasions, whether religious celebrations or festivals.
Dancing is done simultaneously with the music in a kashna (circle dance). The underlying beat
is a drum ostinato of an eighth note followed by two sixteenth notes. Short repeated phrases
make up the typical form of AABBCC. The melodies in these phrases have syncopated rhythms,
generally in duple meter.
Huayño ensembles consist of twelve to fifty musicians playing various siku pipes, vertical and
side-blown flutes, quenas, the bombo, the charango, guitars, and simple percussion instru-
ments. Although the huayño instrumentation and form are consistent throughout the regions,
each community develops its own musical identity and style.
Decide which instrument you can play to help the class create a musical ensemble. Learn to play
the huayño song “Poco a Poco” in the tradition of the Andean highland communities.
chord symbols
rhythm ostinato
Siku pipes and available instruments to complete the ensemble (drum, guitar, autoharp,
Students are able to use musical terms to describe the elements of the huayño style, such as: the
form is AABB; the tonality switches between C major and a minor; the bombo utilizes the
typical huayño ostinato; hocketing is necessary to play the melody, etc.
Students create short compositions.
Students will work with a partner to improvise an eight-measure phrase on the siku pipes.
In Aymara and Quechua communities, songs are often composed by large groups of players.
This process can be rather loud and cacophonous but results in music that defines the identity
of each group. In Moving Away From the Silence, Thomas Turino writes of the trial and error
process of group composition where ten or more tarka players engage in a kind of continuous
musical brainstorming session until a final piece emerges.
Work with partners to improvise a simple eight-measure phrase that you can perform for the
class. Write down your melody if you need to, in order to remember it. It is important to listen
carefully to be a productive partner, just as people work together to build successful projects,
businesses, and communities. Combine your phrase with melodies composed by classmates to
create a song that has the form AABBCC typical of huayños.
siku pipes
Students are able to improvise short phrases, come to a consensus on a final composition, and
perform it for the class.
Students describe how distinguishing elements of music are used in examples from various
Students will read about the different instruments used to perform huayños and search the
Internet and literature for pictures of Andean instrument ensembles.
Students will support their research with musical examples of the instrument family.
Students will teach peers about their instrument family.
Instrumentation for altiplano ensembles generally consists of a variety of sikus and other trans-
verse and duct flutes, the charango and other guitars, and the bombo, with additional shakers
and rattles. These ensembles consist of twelve to fifty players.
Read about the instrument family assigned to your group. Use the library, geographic maga-
zines, and the Internet to find additional information. Finding pictures of musicians playing the
instruments and using actual musical examples will enhance your presentation. Rehearse how
you will present your information to the other students so that each person in your group feels
confident as a teacher. Be sure to listen carefully to the other students when they are describing
their instrument family.
Panpipes Flutes Strings Drums
antara mosheño charango bombo
zampoñas (Spanish) quena (also kena) cuatro wankara
siku (Aymaran) pinkillo (also pinkullo) tiple juancara
phukuna (Quechan) tarka khonkhota redoba
rondador ocarina harp caja (or tinya)
study sheets of Andean instruments (provided in unit)
geographic magazines
CDs and cassettes of Andean ensembles
access to the Internet
Students can name all four families and give examples of instruments for each.
zampoñas (Spanish)
siku (Aymaran)
phukuna (Quechan)
There are many sizes of pipes with various tunings and names in Spanish, Aymaran, and
Quechuan. They traditionally have two rows of pipes, and more recently, a third row has been
added. Because the scale is divided between the rows of pipes, they are played by two or more
musicians in a hocketing manner. The tuning fluctuates between G major and e minor. There are
also chromatic and pentatonic rows. Bolivian bamboo is considered to be the best quality for
making pipes. Harvesting the bamboo is done according to Indian traditions related to seasons
and phases of the lunar cycle. The manner of playing the pipes varies according to the location
of the performance. Indoor playing has a quieter sound while performance outside has a louder,
percussive sound resulting in overtones.
Music with panpipes is heard at festivals, special occasions, and religious celebrations. But it is
also a major part of daily life as seen in the following stories (as told by Miguel Camacho) of
two different pipes. In Colombian countrysides the antara pipes were played by capadores
(capar: to geld, castrate) to announce their arrival in the villages. The job of the capadores was to
geld particular farm animals. Their pipe melodies served to alert the villagers of their presence
and enable them to round up the necessary livestock. In the cities the job of the capadores was
slightly different. Their antara music summoned those interested in getting their knives, scis-
sors, and machetes sharpened. The rondador (rondar: to go around, patrol) was played by the
watchman as he wondered around the village lighting the street lamps. The sound of his pipes
assured the villagers that he was guarding the neighborhood and also warned any thieves that
he was coming. Early in the morning his pipes could again be heard as he made the rounds
extinguishing the street lamps.
The mosheño pictured in this unit is about four feet long and is one of the shortest in this family
(tropas) of transverse flutes, which can be as long as three yards! The mosheño has a rich mel-
low sound, but when played outdoors in street parades, it is overblown to reach the higher
more penetrating octaves. In Quechua communities vertical flutes (quenas, pinkillos, tarkas) are
played during the rainy season from November through February. The quena, made of reed,
wood, clay, or bone, has a notched end requiring a cross-blowing technique to produce the
sound. The fingering is usually done with two fingers and thumb of the left hand on top with
four fingers of the right hand on the bottom. The pinkillo and the tarka, which is square, are
duct flutes having a sound similar to the recorder. The tarka has a sound which imitates ducks
and is also called Anatas or Anátidos. Ocarinas can vary in size and are usually made from clay.
The charango is a popular guitar with five sets of doubled strings. It is similar in size to a uku-
lele and has a body made of an armadillo shell or wood. The charango player holds the instru-
ment very high on the chest and plays the typical rhythm pattern of an eighth note followed by
two sixteenths with a down, down, up strum. There are many other variations of the guitar. The
Venezuelan cuatro has four strings and is smaller than the guitar. The tiple from Colombia,
another small guitar, has four courses of three strings each tuned to the highest four strings of a
guitar, D-G-B-E. In Bolivia, the khonkhota has a thick body with the first, third and fifth strings
doubled, and the second and fourth strings single. It is traditionally played in the rainy season
(November through March).
The harp and violin were unknown in South America until the conquistadors arrived. The
Andean harp is diatonic, with a boat-shaped sound box. In Venezuela it is used as a solo instru-
ment with another player acting as the golpeador. This golpeador beats out a rhythmic ostinato
on the sound board of the harp as the harpist plays. Important traditions have developed
around the harp. During a burial and wake, playing can last throughout the day and night,
changing styles for each part of the ritual.
The bombo is a double-headed drum carved from a tree with a head of lamb, cow, or goat skin.
Occasionally alpaca, or more rarely, llama skin is used. Llama use is limited due to its sacred
implications. The musician generally plays the bombo with one hand and the quena or pipes
with the other. The rhythmic pattern is frequently the eighth and two sixteenths ostinato. The
wankara, another double headed drum, is found in Bolivia and Peru. In Indian communities the
juancara is a huge drum whose sound signifies a heartbeat. The redoba uses a fish bone placed
against the head of the drum to achieve a sound similar to a snare drum. In Bolivia, Peru, and
Argentina, particular songs sung only by women are accompanied by cajas, which are round,
flat drums.
The bombo legüero was used in Argentina to contact another community to pass on informa-
tion. The legua (league) has different measurements for the ocean and for land. In this case one
legua is how far away the bombo can be heard, or the distance its sound travels. The legua,
suggests Miguel Camacho, would probably be a shorter distance today due to the noise pollu-
tion of cars, radios, etc.!
Students describe the roles of musicians throughout history and in various cultures.
Students will read and discuss the biography of Ransoli and Camacho.
Students will use the Internet, geographic magazines, and cassette liner notes to expand their
knowledge of performing groups using siku pipes.
Use the biography of Ransoli and Camacho included in this unit.
Read the life stories of Ransoli and Camacho. Discuss what is necessary for Ransoli and
Camacho as well as other groups to make a living as performers. Include in your discussion the
skills that are necessary, marketing their group, the people and occasions that need their music,
and hours that they rehearse and perform. Summarize the discussion by creating a concept map
of the lives of performing musicians.
biographies of Ransoli and Camacho
Students are able to formulate a concept map depicting the lives of performing musicians.
4. Displays strong performance
Creativity was demonstrated in artwork and huayño compositions. All projects were
completed. Student exhibited strong ability to read simplified notation system in order
to independently learn and practice siku songs and assist peers in group performance.
Student skillfully played the correct pitches and rhythms on sikus.
3. Demonstrates appropriate development
All projects were completed. Student was able to assimilate material and perform the
basic exercises and huayños.
2. Demonstrates effort
Most projects were completed. Student was able to perform some of the material but
achieved only rudimentary skill level.
1. Needs practice and support
Projects were not completed for presentation in final performance. Siku playing skills
were not yet sufficient for performance.
diatonic scale
pinkillo or pinkullo
clay flute
bombo legüero
Miguel Camacho
All of the photographs were taken by Deborah Hanley at El Noa Noa Restaurant in Denver, CO.
The instruments all belong to Ransoli and Camacho
Arkantiq, Umbral, and Laberintos. Ransoli-Camacho. P.O. Box 480523, Denver, CO 80248.
These three tapes have traditional and contemporary panpipe music, including titles
such as Condorcanqui, Cometa de Luz, Patajallphapi, Machu Picchu.
Cajamarca and the Colca Valley, Music of Peru 3. Smithsonian Folkways 40468.
Series compiled and edited by Raul R. Romero. These pieces were recorded in two
distinct regions of the Peruvian Andes demonstrating the impressive diversity and
beauty of local and regional Andean musical styles including festival dances, agricul-
tural ceremonies, marriage songs, and Carnival celebrations. Recording was done in the
Lambayeque, Music of Peru 4. Smithsonian Folkways 40469.
Series compiled and edited by Raul R. Romero. These pieces were recorded in 1990 and
1991 in the three cultural regions of Northern Peru. They feature music of festival
dances, songs accompanied by a variety of instruments, and Christmas carols sung by
children. Titles include Chimo, Triste con Fuga de Huayño, Marinera con Fuga de Huayño, Los
Reyes Magos.
Heritage of the Andes, Bolivian International Video Productions, P.O. Box 11285, Salt Lake City,
Utah 84147.
Authentic music of the Andes by the Aymaras Group and other Bolivian Musicians.
JVC Video Anthology of World Music and Dance: the Americas. Cambridge, MA: Rounder Records,
Contains folk dance music of Eskimos, Indians of North America, Mexico, Cuba, Bolivia,
and Argentina.
JVC/Smithsonian Folkways Video Anthology of Music and Dance of the Americas. Montpelier, VT:
Multicultural Media, 1995.
Six videocassettes with guides of folk music and dancing.