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Mitigation of Magnetic Field Under Egyptian 500kV Overhead Transmission Line

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The 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2010), Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA.

23-24 June 2010

Mitigation of Magnetic Field under Egyptian 500kV

Overhead Transmission Line
Adel Z. El Dein
Department of Electrical Engineering
High Institute of Energy, South Valley University, Aswan, Egypt

Abstract—The paper presents an efficient way to mitigate the various temperatures are taken into consideration. The
magnetic field resulting from the three-phase 500kV single results from this method without mitigation loop are
circuit high voltage transmission line existing in Egypt, by using compared with those produced from the common practice
a passive loop conductor. The aim of this paper is to reduce the method [6], [7] for Magnetic field calculation where the
amount of land required as rights-of-way (ROW). The paper
power transmission lines are straight horizontal wires of
used an accurate method for the evaluation of 50Hz magnetic
field produced by overhead transmission lines. This method is infinite length, parallel to a flat ground and parallel with each
based on the matrix formalism of multiconductor transmission other. Then the optimal parameters of the mitigation loop
lines (MTL). This method obtained a correct evaluation of all design for Egyptian 500kV over head transmission line are
the currents flowing in the MTL structure, including the obtained.
currents in the subconductors of each phase bundle, the
currents in the ground wires, the currents in the mitigation II. COMPUTATION OF SYSTEM CURRENTS
loop, and also the earth return currents. Furthermore, the
analysis also incorporates the effect of the conductor’s sag The MTL technique is used in this paper for the simple
between towers, and the effect of sag variation with the purpose of deriving the relationship among the line currents
temperature on the calculated magnetic field. Good results have of an overhead power line. This method is explained in [8],
been obtained and passive loop conductor design parameters this paper reviews and extends this method for Egyptian
have been recommended for this system at ambient 500kV overhead transmission line, with an other formula for
temperature (35oC). the conductors’ sag, taken into account the effect of
temperature on the sag configuration [9]. The first step
Index Terms—Magnetic Field, Mitigation loop, Right-of-way, required to conduct a correct analysis consists in
Transmission lines
determination of all system currents based on prescribed
phase-conductor currents Ip:

T HE rabid increase in HV transmission lines and irregular

population areas near the manmade sources of electrical
and magnetic fields, in Egypt, needs a suggestion of methods
I p = [I1 ; I 2 ; I3 ] (1)

to minimize or eliminate the effect of magnetic and electrical Consider the frequency-domain transmission line matrix
fields on human begins in Egyptian environmental areas equations for non-uniform MTLs (allowing the inclusion of
especially in irregular areas. Public concern about magnetic the sag effect)
field effects on human safety has triggered a wealth of − dV / dz = Z ` (ω , z ) I (2a)
research efforts focused on the evaluation of magnetic fields (2b)
produced by power lines [1], [2]. Studies include the design − dI / dz = Y ` (ω , z )V
of new compact transmission line configurations; the
inclusion of auxiliary single or double lops for magnetic field Where Z` and Y`, denote the per-unit-length series-
mitigation in already existing power lines; the consideration impedance and shunt-admittance matrices, respectively ,V
of series-capacitor compensation schemes for enhancing and I are complex column matrices collecting the phasors
magnetic field mitigation; the reconfiguration of lines to high associated with all of the voltages and currents of the line
phase operation, etc [3]-[5]. However, many of the studies conductors, respectively.
presented that deal with power lines make use of certain
simplifying assumptions that, inevitably, give rise to ª [Va ]1×n p º ª [I a ]1×n p º
inaccurate results in the computed magnetic fields. Ordinary « [V ] » « [I ] »
simplifications include neglecting the earth currents, « b 1×n p » « b 1×n p »
V = « [Vc ]1×n p » I = « [I c ]1×n p »
neglecting the ground wires, replacing bundle phase (3)
conductors with equivalent single conductors, and replacing « » « »
actual sagged conductors with average height Horizontal «[VG ]1×nG » «[I G ]1×nG »
conductors. These assumptions result in a model where « [VL ]1×n » « [I L ]1×n »
magnetic fields are distorted from those produced in reality ¬ L ¼ ¬ L ¼

[6], [7]. In this paper, a matrix-based MTL model [8], where

the effects of earth currents, ground wire currents and In (3), subscripts a, b, and c refer to the partition of phase
mitigation loop current are taken into account, is used; bundles into three sub-conductor sets. Subscript G refers to
moreover, actual bundle conductors and conductors’ sag at ground wires and L subscript refers to the mitigation loop. In
Manuscript received February 16, 2010. Paper no. ICEEE_21. The author is (3) np, nG, and nL denote, the number of phase bundles, the
with the Department of Electrical Engineering, High Institute of Energy, number of ground wires, and the number of conductors in the
South Valley University, Aswan 81258, Egypt mitigation loop, respectively, for the Egyptian 500kV
(e-mail:azeinm2001@hotmail.com). overhead transmission line it is seen that: np = 3, nG =2, and

978-1-4244-7128-7/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 215

nL = 2 as it is proposed in this paper. Since the separation of yk = hk + 2α k sinh 2 ( z /( 2α k )) (8)
the electric and magnetic effects is an adequate approach for
quasistationary regimes (50Hz), where wave-propagation
phenomena are negligible, all system currents are assumed to Where αk is the solution of the transcendental equation:
be Z independent. This means the transversal displacement
currents among conductors are negligible or, in other words,
2[(hmk − hk ) / d k ]u k = sinh 2 (u k ) , for conductor k; with
(2b) equates to zero and only Z` values are needed to uk = d k /(4α k ) . The parameter α k is also associated with
calculate. Since the standard procedure for computing Z` in
(2a) has been established elsewhere [10]-[12], details will the mechanical parameters of the line: α k = (Th ) k / wk
not be revealed here and thus only a brief summary is where (Th ) k is the conductor tension at mid-span and wk is
(4) weight per unit length of the conductor k.
Z ` = jωL + Z + Z E skin

The external-inductance matrix is a frequency- Y

independent real symmetric matrix whose entries are: s

Lkk = ( μ o / 2π ) ln(2 yk / rk ) (5a) hm Original span

(5b) h
μ o ( y i + y k ) 2 + ( xi + x k ) 2
Lkk = ln d1 d d2
4π ( yi − y k ) 2 + ( xi + xk ) 2
-d/2 d/2
K=-1 K=0 P1 P2 K=1
Where rk denotes conductor radius, and yk and xk
denote the vertical and horizontal coordinates of conductor k.
Matrix ZE , the earth impedance correction, is a frequency Fig. 1. Linear dimensions which determine parameters of the catenary.
dependent complex matrix whose entries can be determine
using Carson’s theory or, alternatively, the Dubanton Consider a mitigation loop of length l, is present, where l
complex ground plane approach [10]-[12]. The entries of ZE is a multiple of the span length d. The line section under
are defined as: analysis has its near end at -1/2 and its far end at l/2.
The integration of (2a) from z = -l/2 to z = l/2 gives:
( )
Z E kk = ( jωμ o / 2π ) ln 1 + Ρ / yk ( (6a) ) l/2

μ § ( y + y + 2Ρ ) 2 + ( x − x ) 2 · (6b)
V near − V far = I Z `( z )dz (9a)
(Z E )ik = jω ln¨
o i k i k
¸¸ −l / 2
4𠨩 ( y i − y k ) 2 + ( xi − x k ) 2
¹ Equation (9a) can be written explicitly, in partitioned form,
ªΔVa º ª Z aa Z ab Z ac Z aG Z aL º ª I a º
where Ρ , the complex depth, is given by «ΔV » « »« »
Ρ = ( jωμ o / ρ ) −1 / 2
with ȡ denoting the earth resistively. « b » « Z ba Z bb Z bc Z bG Z bL » « I b »
«ΔVc » = « Z ca Z cb Z cc Z cG Z cL » « I c » (9b)
Matrix Zskin is a frequency-dependent complex diagonal « » « »« »
matrix whose entries can be determined by using the skin- «ΔVG » «Z Ga Z Gb Z Gc Z GG Z GL » « I G »
effect theory results for cylindrical conductors [7]. «ΔV » «¬ Z La Z Lb Z Lc Z LG Z GL »¼ «¬ I L »¼
¬ L¼
For low-frequency situations, it will be:
The computation of the bus impedance Z in equation (9) is
(Z skin )kk = ( Rdc ) k + jω ( μ o / 8π ) (7)
performed using the following formula:

Where ( Rdc ) k denotes the per-unit-length dc resistance of Z= ³ Z `( z )dz

−l / 2
conductor k. Due to the line conductors' sag between towers;
yk will be a function on the distance z between the two
towers, also the entries for L and ZE, defined in (5) and (6), Where values for Z` are evaluated from equations (4-7)
vary along the longitudinal coordinate z. The exact shape of considering the conductors' heights given by (8). The two-
a conductor suspended between two towers of equal height conductor mitigation loop is closed and may include or not a
can be described by such parameters; as the distance between series capacitor of impedance Zc [5]. In any case, the
the points of suspension span, d, the sag of the conductor, S, submatrix IL in (3) has the form:
the height of the lowest point above the ground, h, and the
height of the highest point above the ground, hm. These I L = [I L1 ; I L 2 ] = I L S T (11)
parameters can be used in different combinations [13], [14].
S = [1 − 1]
Fig. (1) depicts the basic catenary geometry for a single-
conductor line, this geometry is described by: where;

By using the boundary conditions at both the near and far The relationship between Ia , Ib and Ic is obtained from (15)
end of the line section, the voltage drop in the mitigation by making ΔVa = ΔVb = ΔVc and by using
loop will be:
I a + I b + I c = I p . Then the following relations are
ª ΔV º ªV º ªV º ª ΔVL1 º obtained
ΔVL = « L1 » = « L1 » − « L1 » = « »
¬ΔVL 2 ¼ ¬VL 2 ¼ near ¬VL 2 ¼ far ¬ΔVL1 + Z c I L ¼ (16a)
I a = KK ac ( KK ac + K bc + 1) −1 I p
which can be written as: I b = KK bc ( KK ac + K bc + 1) −1 I p (16b)
SΔVL = ΔVL1 − ΔVL 2 = − Z c I L (12)
I c = ( KK ac + K bc + 1) −1 I p (16c)

Where I L is the loop current, and Z c = jX s = 1 /( jωC s ) is Where ; KK ac = KK ab KK bc + KK ac

the impedance of the series capacitor included in the loop. K ab = Ya ( Zˆ bb − Zˆ ab ) ; K ac = Ya ( Zˆ bc − Zˆ ac )
Using (12), the fifth equation contained in (9b) allows for
the evaluation of the currents flowing in the mitigation loop. Y = ( Zˆ − Zˆ ) −1 ; K = ( K ) −1 K
a aa ba bc bc1 cb1

I L = [I L ; − IL ] (13) K bc1 = Zˆ ca K ab + Zˆ cb − Zˆ ba K ab − Zˆ bb
= −YS T SZ La I a − YS T SZ Lb I b − YS T SZ Lc I c − YS T SZ LG I G K cb1 = Zˆ K + Zˆ − Zˆ K − Zˆ
ba ac bc ca ac cc

K La K Lb K Lc K LG

Where ; Y = 1 /( Z c + SZ LL S T ) Once IP is given, all of the overhead conductor currents Ia,

Ib, Ic, IG and IL can be evaluated, step after step using
(16),(14), and (13)
Taking into account that the conductors belonging to The net current returning through the earth IE is the
given phase bundle are bonded to each other, and that ground complement of the sum of all overhead conductor currents
wires are bonded to earth (tower resistances neglected), that
result in: ª np np np nG nL
º (17)
ΔVa = ΔVb = ΔVc and ΔVG = 0 I E = − «¦ ( I a ) k + ¦ ( I b ) k + ¦ ( I c ) k + ¦ ( I G ) k + ¦ ( I L ) k »
¬ k =1 k =1 k =1 k =1 k =1 ¼

By using ΔVG = 0 in the fourth equation contained in (9b) The sag of each conductor depends on individual
and using equation (13), the ground wire will be: characteristics of the line and environmental conditions. By
using the Overhead Cable Sag Calculation Program [15], the
I G = YG ( Z Ga − Z GL K La ) I a + YG ( Z Gb − Z GL K Lb ) I b + YG ( Z Gc − Z GL K Lc ) I c (14) sag variation with the temperatures can be calculated as in

K Ga K Gb K Gc table (I).
Where; YG = ( Z GL K LG − Z GG ) Temperature 15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C 35°C 40°C 45°C

Next, by using (13) and (14), IL and IG can be eliminated in Sag 7.3 7.8 8.3 8.8 9.3 9.8 10.3

(9b), yielding a reduced-order matrix problem:

Once all system currents are calculated, the magnetic field at
(15) any point, which produced from these currents, can be
ªΔVa º ª Zˆ aa Zˆ ab Zˆ ab º ª I a º calculated
« ΔV » = « Zˆ Zˆ bb
Zˆ bc » «« I b »»
« b » « ba
«¬ ΔVc »¼ « Zˆ ca Zˆ Zˆ cc »¼ «¬ I c »¼ III. MAGNETIC FIELD CALCULATIONS
¬ cb
By using the Integration Technique, which explained in
where ; Zˆ aa = Z aa + Z aG K Ga − Z aL ( K La + K LG K Ga ) details in [13] and reviewed here, the magnetic field
produced by a multiphase conductors (M), and their images,
Zˆ = Z + Z K − Z ( K + K K )
ab ab aG Gb aL Lb LG Gb in support structures at any point P(xo,yo,zo) can be obtained
by using the Biot-Savart law as [7], [13]:
Zˆ ac = Z ac + Z aG K Gc − Z aL ( K Lc + K LG K Gc )
Zˆ ba = Z ba + Z bG K Ga − Z bL ( K La + K LG K Ga ) d /2 (18)
¦ ¦ ³ [( H ]
1 & & &
Ho = ) a x + ( H y ) k a y + ( H z ) k a z dz
x k

Zˆ = Z + Z K − Z ( K + K K )
bb bb bG Gb bL Lb LG Gb
K =1 n = − N − d / 2

Zˆ bc = Z bc + Z bG K Gc − Z bL ( K Lc + K LG K Gc ) ª z º
( H x ) k = I k «( z − zo + nd ) sinh( ) − ( yk − yo )» / d k −
Zˆ ca = Z ca + Z cG K Ga − Z cL ( K La + K LG K Ga ) ¬ αk ¼
ª z º
Zˆ = Z + Z K − Z ( K + K K )
cb cb cG Gb cL Lb LG Gb I k «( z − zo + nd ) sinh( ) − ( yk + yo + 2Ρ)» / d `k (19)
¬ α k ¼
Zˆ cc = Z cc + Z cG K Gc − Z cL ( K Lc + K LG K Gc )

( H y ) k = I k ( xk − xo ) / d k − I k ( xk − xo ) / d `k (20) 3D integration technique with MTL technique. It is seen that
as the sag increased with the increase in the temperatures (as
z z (21) indicated in table (I)), the magnetic field intensity also
(H z ) k = I k [−(xk − xo ) sinh( ) / dk + (xk − xo ) sinh( ) / d`k ]
αk αk increased. Fig. (4) shows the comparison between the
magnetic filed calculated with both 2D straight line
d k = ( xk − xo ) 2 + ( y k − y o ) 2 + ( z − z o + nd ) 2 ] 3/ 2 (22) technique where the average conductors' heights are used,
and 3D integration technique with MTL technique. It is seen
that the observed maximum error of -23.2959% ( at point P1)
d k` = ( xk − xo ) 2 + ( yk + yo + 2Ρ) 2 + ( z − zo + nd ) 2 ] 3/ 2 (23) and 49.877% at (point P2) is mainly due to the negligence of
the sage effect on the conductors.
The parameter (N) in (18) represents the number of spans 30
at P1, single span: N=0
to the right and to the left from the generic one. at P1, N=1,2,3
25 at P2, single span: N=0


Magnetic Field Intensity (A/m)

The data used in the calculation of the magnetic field 20

intensity at points one meter above ground level (field

points), under Egyptian 500kV TL single circuit are as 15

presented in table II.

The phase-conductor currents are defined by a balanced 10

direct-sequence three-phase set of 50Hz sinusoidal currents,

with 2-kA rms, that is 5

I p = 2 1 ; e − j 2π / 3 ; e j 2π / 3 kA ] (24) 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Distance from the center phase (m)

Fig. 2. The effect of the spans' numbers on the magnetic field intensity.
Fig. (2) shows the effect of the number of spans (N) on the
calculated magnetic field intensity. It is noticed that, when
the magnetic field intensity calculated at point P1 (Fig.1) and Fig. (5) shows the comparison between the magnetic field
a distance away from the center phase, the effect of the intensity calculated by using 3D integration technique with
spans' number is very small due to the symmetry of the spans MTL technique with and without ground wires and with and
without the short circuit mitigation loop. It is seen that, the
around the calculation points, as explained in Fig. (1), where
the contributions of the catenaries d1 and d2 are equal and observed maximum reduction of 1.9316% (at point P1) and
smaller than the contribution of the catenary d, as they far 2.469% (at point P2) is mainly due to the negligence of the
from the field points. But when the magnetic field intensity ground wires. It is seen that with the short circuit mitigation
calculated at point P2 (Fig.1) and a distance away from the loop placed 5m below beneath the outer phase conductors,
center phase, the effect of the spans' number is of great effect the magnetic field intensity reduced to a significant values,
(double), that due to the contribution of the catenary d2 maximum reduction of 25.7063% (at point P1) and
which produced the same magnetic field intensity as the 30.1525% (at point P2). The magnetic field intensity can be
original span d in this case as explained in Fig. (1), and of reduced further by inserting an appropriately chosen series
course the catenary d1 have a small contribution in the capacitor in the mitigation loop, in order to determine the
calculated values of the magnetic field intensities in this optimal capacitance Cs of the capacitor to be inserted in the
case. mitigation loop, the magnetic field intensity calculated at
TABLE (II) point one meter above ground surface under center phase,
CHARACTERISTICS OF 500KV LINE CONDUCTORS considering different values of Zc where Zc=jXs, with the
Conductor Radius X- Y- Rdc at reactance Xs varies from -2ȍ to 0.
number (mm) Coordinate Coordinate 20°C
(m) (m) (ȍ/km) 30
P1 at 45 deg.
1a 15.3 -13.425 22.13 0.0511 P1 at 15 deg.
1b 15.3 -12.975 22.13 0.0511 P2 at 45 deg.
1c 15.3 -13.2 21.74 0.0511 P2 at 15 deg.
2a 15.3 -0.225 24.48 0.0511
Magnetic Field Intensity (A/m)

2b 15.3 0.225 24.48 0.0511 20

2c 15.3 0 24.09 0.0511
3a 15.3 12.975 22.13 0.0511 15
3b 15.3 13.425 22.13 0.0511
3c 15.3 13.2 21.74 0.0511
G1 5.6 -8 30 0.564 10

G2 5.6 8 30 0.564
L1 11.2 -13.2 17 0.1168 5
L2 11.2 13.2 17 0.1168

Fig. (3) shows the effects of the temperatures on the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

configuration of overhead transmission line conductors (sag) Distance from the center phase (m)

and hence on the calculated magnetic field intensity by using Fig. 3. The effect of the temperatures on the magnetic field intensity.

field intensity decreased further more, maximum reduction
P1, at N=2 of 8.0552% (at point P1) and 19.5326% (at point P2).
2D, Average Hights
25 P2, at N=2 50
Magnetic Field Intensity (A/m)

45 P2

Magnetic Field Intensity (A/m)

15 35


5 20

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10
Distance from the center phase (m)

Fig. 4. Comparison between the 2D average heights and 3D integration 5

-2 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
technique results. Xs (Ohm)

Fig. 6. The effect of the reactance Xs, inserted in the mitigation loop, on the
Fig. (6) shows the graphical results of the effect of the magnetic field intensity.
reactance Xs, inserted in the mitigation loop, on the magnetic TABLE (III)
field intensity, from which it is seen that the optimal THE EFFECT OF THE MITIGATION LOOP HEIGHTS ON THE CALCULATED
situation (minimum value of magnetic field intensity) is SPACING.
characterized by Cs=4.897mF, and worst situation Height of Mitigation Magnetic Field (A/m) at P1 at distance from
(maximum value of magnetic field intensity) is characterizes loop center phase equals:
by Cs=2.358 mF. -15m -10m 0m 10m 15m
18m Short Circuit 15.03 17.77 20.83 19.74 16.83
P1: Cond
With Opt. C. 9.42 10.80 17.52 18.84 16.1
P1: Cond+Ground 19m Short Circuit 14.93 17.76 20.45 19.71 16.78

P2: Cond With Opt. C. 8.88 10.82 17.12 18.77 15.98
P2: Cond+Ground
P2:Cond+Ground+Mit.SC 20m Short Circuit 14.64 17.52 19.94 19.49 16.57
Magnetic Field Intensity (A/m)

With Opt. C. 8.13 10.43 16.63 18.64 15.84

20 21m Short Circuit 14.19 17.06 19.26 19.01 16.13
With Opt. C. 7.01 9.56 15.87 18.15 15.40
15 23m Short Circuit 14.10 17.01 19.00 19.31 16.43
With Opt. C. 7.07 9.86 16.35 19.16 16.41
24m Short Circuit 16.64 19.80 21.19 21.33 18.24
10 With Opt. C. 11.46 14.13 17.97 19.79 16.96
25m Short Circuit 18.03 21.33 22.46 22.53 19.31
5 With Opt. C. 13.95 16.87 19.55 20.85 17.91
26m Short Circuit 18.95 22.34 23.34 23.35 20.04
With Opt. C. 15.70 18.764 20.82 21.80 18.74
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 27m Short Circuit 19.61 23.08 24.00 23.96 20.58
Distance from the center phase (m) With Opt. C. 16.98 20.16 21.84 22.58 19.42
Fig. 5. Comparison between the calculated magnetic field intensity values
result from the conductors only, the conductors and ground wires, and the TABLE (IV)
conductors, ground wires and short circuit mitigation loop. THE EFFECT OF THE MITIGATION LOOP HEIGHTS ON THE CALCULATED
Tables (III) and (VI) depict the effect of the mitigation Height of Mitigation Magnetic Field (A/m) at P2 at distance from
loop height on the calculated magnetic field intensity at loop center phase equals:
points P1 and P2, respectively, when the mitigation loop -15m -10m 0m 10m 15m
spacing is 26.4m (exactly under the outer phases). It is seen 18m Short Circuit 7.97 8.89 9.88 9.43 8.61
that the optimal height is one meter below the outer phase With Opt. C. 5.49 6.28 7.77 7.99 7.44
conductors when the mitigation loop is short circuited and 19m Short Circuit 7.77 8.7 9.68 9.26 8.44
With Opt. C. 5.15 5.98 7.53 7.85 7.30
about one meter above the outer phase conductors when an 20m Short Circuit 7.48 8.4 9.37 9.00 8.20
optimal capacitance inserted in the mitigation loop. Tables With Opt. C. 4.67 5.54 7.21 7.64 7.12
(V) and (VI) depict the effect of the mitigation loop spacing 21m Short Circuit 7.09 7.99 8.93 8.61 7.84
on the calculated magnetic field intensity at points P1 and With Opt. C. 3.98 4.88 6.67 7.25 6.76
P2, respectively, when the mitigation loop height is 21m. It 23m Short Circuit 6.79 7.71 8.72 8.49 7.72
With Opt. C. 3.91 4.93 6.98 7.72 7.22
is seen that the optimal spacing is the outer phase conductors 24m Short Circuit 8.06 9.09 10.06 9.65 8.74
spacing. Figure (7) shows the comparison between the With Opt. C. 5.52 6.49 8.01 8.30 7.66
calculated magnetic field intensity values result from; the 25m Short Circuit 8.76 9.85 10.82 10.32 9.33
conductors, ground wires and short circuit mitigation loop; With Opt. C. 6.67 7.68 8.99 9.01 8.25
and the conductors, ground wires and mitigation loop with 26m Short Circuit 9.23 10.37 11.34 10.78 9.74
With Opt. C. 7.5 8.56 9.76 9.61 8.75
optimal capacitance and optimal parameters obtained from
27m Short Circuit 9.58 10.75 11.73 11.13 10.05
tables (III), (IV), (V) and (VI). It is seen that the magnetic With Opt. C. 8.13 9.22 10.37 10.09 9.17

In this paper, the effects of the currents in the
subconductors of each phase bundle, the currents in the
16 ground wires, the currents in the mitigation loop, and also
the earth return currents; in the calculation of the magnetic
field under the 500kV Egyptian overhead transmission line,
Magnetic Field Intensity (A/m)

are investigated by using the MTL technique. Furthermore,
10 the effect of the conductor’s sag between towers, and the
effect of sag variation with the temperature on the calculated
magnetic field is studied. The results from this method
6 without mitigation loop are compared with those produced
4 from the common practice 2-D method.
P1:Cond+Ground+Mit. Opt. C Finally the passive loop conductor design parameters, for
P2:Cond+Ground+Mit.SC Egyptian 500kV overhead transmission line, are obtained at
ambient temperature (35oC).
P2:Cond+Ground+Mit. Opt. C
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Distance from the center phase (m)

Fig. 7. Comparison between the calculated magnetic field intensity values REFERENCES
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