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Practical Applications

A Dental Esthetic Checklist for

Treatment Planning in Esthetic Dentistry
Joseph R. Greenberg, DMD;1 and Meredith C. Bogert, DMD2

Abstract: A dental esthetic checklist form has been introduced might include; another popular esthetic checklist includes 13
for use in the diagnostic work-up of a patient accepted for factors.2 However, sources in the dental literature consistent-
treatment in an Advanced Education in General Dentistry ly describe these seven basic criteria as essential to successful
program. The checklist, divided into seven basic criteria, is treatment results. The correct initial identification of these
not a complete list of all possible categories and nuances items does not limit the practitioner from pursuing more
that an esthetic restorative assessment might include. The detail; instead, this checklist is an introductory organizer
correct initial identification of these criteria does not limit the that invites further exploration. In the authors’ experience,
dentist from pursuing more detail; in fact, this checklist is an use of this form has prompted students to broaden their
introductory organizer that invites further exploration. In the visions from purely a dental/periodontal focus to ones that
authors’ experience, the use of this form prompts the student emcompass lip, cheek, and tongue configurations; smile; fa-
to broaden his or her vision from purely a dental/periodon- cial features; and related planes of symmetry. This approach
tal focus to one that encompasses lip, cheek, and tongue directs the dental treatment plan toward the additional goal
configurations; smile; facial features; and related planes of of dentofacial harmony.
sym­metry. This approach directs the dental treatment plan The “Dental Esthetic Checklist for Treatment Planning” is
toward the important additional goal of dentofacial harmony. displayed in Table 1. A previous article3 defined and explained
the facial and dental terminology used in the first three fac-

ne objective of the Advanced Education in General tors, but a discussion of supporting data is pertinent here.
Dentistry Program at the Kornberg School of
Dentistry is to elevate the conceptual and technical CHECK POINT 1: DM = FM
treatment standards of its students. Fundamental to the resi- The value of aligning the maxillary dental midline (DM) to
dents’ patient treatment experience is thorough examination, the patient’s facial midline (FM) is cited with frequency in the
diagnosis, and treatment planning. Recent publications assert removable prosthodontics literature.4-6 The first text on dental
that the face is the first view requiring assessment by a dental esthetics7 stated that “the midline should be perpendicular
practitioner,1 thus this is the initial assessment made by the to the incisal and occlusal plane and parallel to the midline
residents in performing a work-up in a patient for treatment. of the face.” Chiche and Pinault8 wrote, “Harmonious facial
A dental esthetic checklist form, divided into seven basic features are more symmetrical close to the facial midline and
criteria, has been introduced for use in the diagnostic work- more asymmetrical away from it.” Spear9 reported that, in
up of a patient accepted for treatment in the program. This smile design, the starting point of the esthetic treatment plan
checklist is not a complete list of all the possible categories is the facial midline. Morley and Eubank10 state that a practical
and nuances that a dental esthetic restorative assessment approach to locating the FM requires two reference points:

Clinical Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Course Director, Advanced Restorative Dentistry, The Kornberg School of Dentistry

at Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Clinical Professor of Periodontics, The University of Pennsylvania School of
Dental Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Associate Professor, Interim Chair of Restorative Dentistry, Director of the AEGD Program in the Department of Restorative

Dentistry, The Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

630 Compendium October 2010—Volume 31, Number 8

Greenberg and Bogert

Table 1: Dental Esthetic Checklist for Treatment Planning

Purpose: To emphasize certain key factors in the comprehensive dentofacial examination, leading to diagnosis and
treatment planning. Note: Facial symmetry should be a key driver of the dental esthetic treatment plan.

Terminology:* FM = Facial Midline FV = Facial Vertical Axis FH = Facial Horizontal

DM = Dental Midline DV = Dental Vertical Axis DH = Dental Horizontal

1. DM = FM? hY h N (Measure and record/sketch discrepancy) ____________________

2. DV = FV? hY h N (Measure and record/sketch discrepancy) ____________________

3. DH = FH? hY h N (Measure and record/sketch discrepancy) ____________________

4. Are both maxillary central incisors equal in position, symmetry, color/shade; and are they located at: FM/FV/FH? h Y hN
Do the tooth proportions and composition follow the rules of biometrics?† h Y hN

5. Does the incisal edge line of the maxillary anterior teeth follow the superior contour edge of the lower lip?
If not, please describe or sketch.

6. Does the incisal edge line form an “attractive” (convex, “gull-wing,” or straight) edge pattern?
Describe the relationship of lip aperture to the dental composition in “wide smile;” have patient bite tightly and say “E.” (Check one.)
h High lip line smile (> 4 mm of gingival display apical to cervical gingival margins).
h Normal lip line smile (0 to 3 mm to 4 mm of gingival display).
h Low lip line smile (lip covers all gingiva and/or maxillary anterior).

7. Profile and Phonetic/Speech Evaluation:

a. Examine relationship of anterior teeth to the patient’s facial outline from a profile perspective. Record your observations.
b. Have the patient repeat the “F” and then “V” sounds to test proper positioning of the maxillary incisal edges. Note your findings.
c. Have the patient say the “S” sound (can use words such as “Mississippi”) while seated upright to evaluate occlusal vertical
dimension and freeway space. Note your findings.

*Greenberg and Ho3 †


Figure 1 and Figure 2  This patient’s smile view showed complete fixed upper porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) dental restorations
with DM approximately centered to Cupid’s Bow. The full-face smile view revealed a significant discrepancy between DM and FM.
In this case, Cupid’s Bow was not a reliable reference to FM. This aspect of the treatment result was approved in advance by the
patient during the provisional restoration phase.

the nasion (a point between the eyebrows) and the base of the of the population.11 The mandibular DM is either in motion
philtrum (also referred to as Cupid’s Bow). A line connecting during function or covered by the maxillary teeth at rest or in
these two landmarks should locate the FM and also determine smile. In 75% of the population, it does not coincide with the
the direction of the midline; this factor is referred to as facial maxillary midline,12 thus the mandibular dental midline is not
vertical axis (FV) on this dental esthetic checklist. usually visually important in esthetic dentistry.13
The maxillary DM is the important visual dental land- The importance of aligning DM and FM in dental esthetic
mark. It coincides with the labial frenum and the FM in 70% endeavors has been questioned by Kokich et al.14 Their findings

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Practical Applications

Figure 3  This patient had dental crowns on her maxillary Figure 4  New zirconia-based, all-ceramic, full-coverage
central and lateral incisors that were located at DM = FM crowns on the patient in Figure 3 with corrected
but displayed a vertical axis discrepancy such that DV was vertical axes.
not congruent with FV. Root caries was found around the
margins of these crowns, necessitating their replacement.

Figure 5  This patient’s dental restorations revealed a Figure 6  Smile view of the patient in Figure 5.
marked discrepancy between DH and FH.

Figure 7  New complete upper and lower fixed composite- Figure 8  Smile view of the completed restorations.
fused-to-gold dental restorations for this patient with DH in
harmony with FH.

suggested that neither dentists nor laypersons notice a difference reference point as previously described. By contrast, a more
in DM to FM deviations of up to 4 mm. This study of altered recent Web-based study15 with a larger sample size (2185 valid
photographic images of natural smiles used only one reference responses) used altered images of natural dentitions with full
point—Cupid’s Bow—and displayed no facial structures be- faces side by side. This study found strong preferences against
yond the upper and lower lips. The patient used for this section midline shifts at 3 mm. Without a full-face reference, one may
of the article did not seem to have a sharply defined Cupid’s not be truly be assessing the impact of dental composition varia-
Bow. This does not seem to satisfy the requirements for a facial tions from the patient’s point of view (Figure 1 and Figure 2).

632 Compendium October 2010—Volume 31, Number 8

Greenberg and Bogert

Flores-Mir et al16 suggested that laypersons naturally CHECK POINT 4:

see dental esthetics as part of overall facial esthetics unless Are both maxillary central incisors equal in position,
intentionally directed to a close-up view of the dentition. symmetry, color/shade; and are they located at
Pattoff and Ozar17 wrote that although the expertise of the FM/FV/FH? Do the relative tooth proportions
professional alone is considered sufficient to determine and specifications follow the rules of biometrics?
if an oral health need has been met, in esthetic dentistry Although naturally occurring maxillary central incisors do
it is the patient’s judgment alone that is sufficient to de- not always measure the same in width and length, it is still
termine if a result is appropriate. If the dental profession recommended to strive for a matched pair of central incisors
accepts these two articles as evidence based, it may wish at FM = DM, FV = DV, and FH = DH when fabricating
to consider inclusion of the dentofacial examination as a maxillary anterior dental restorations.8 These pairs anchor
component of diagnosis and treatment planning in the the central symmetry of the face to the dental composi-
dental school curriculum. Similarly, if patients naturally tion, which is a universally recognized feature of physical
see the full face and view their teeth and smile esthetics as attractiveness.21,22 Kokich et al concluded that asymmetric
part of this whole, then full-face images should become alterations make teeth more unattractive not only to dental
standard in professional presentations and publications on professionals but also to laypersons.23
esthetic dentistry.

DM should coincide with FM whenever possible. When
DM = FM cannot be achieved, it is still highly desirable
for the dental vertical axis (DV) to parallel the facial ver-
tical axis (FV).12,18 This is referred to as DV = FV. It is
possible but undesirable to have a correctly located DM
with an incorrect DV. Any canted DV in either a restored
or natural dentition is considered unattractive10 (Figure 3
and Figure 4).
Figure 9  This patient sought treatment for color correction
CHECK POINT 3: DH = FH of her maxillary lateral incisors. The right lateral incisor was
a porcelain veneer and the left one was the pontic of an
The interpupillary line, ophraic line (eyebrows), and com-
all-ceramic, resin-bonded bridge, which had debonded on
missural line impart an overall sense of harmony and hori-
numerous occasions and would be replaced with an etched
zontal perspective to the esthetically pleasing face.19 None PFM resin-bonded prosthesis.25
of these three anatomic landmarks absolutely defines the
facial horizontal 100% of the time, but it is recommended
to use them as general reference planes and then finalize
the facial horizontal (FH) determination as perpendicular
to the already determined FV. The incisal edge line (incisal
plane) of the maxillary anterior dental composition and
the buccal cusp tips of any posterior teeth on display in
wide smile should be symmetrical to the FH plane (Figure
5 through Figure 8).
There is considerable agreement for the esthetic impor-
tance of dental horizontal (DH = FH) among patients and
dentists,2,3,7,8,14-16,19,20 yet it is often difficult to record the
visually apparent FH using functionally oriented dental Figure 10  Closer evaluation using the dental esthetic check-
articulators.20 Supplementary devices now are available to list also revealed unequal gingival margins and unattractive
overall composition. The patient desired treatment of
dentists to transfer FH position to the dental laboratory
those conditions.
technician accurately.3

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Practical Applications

Figure 11  The Proportion Gauge was used to analyze tooth Figure 12  The Proportion Gauge showed a need to lengthen
proportion, revealing the need for crown lengthening of the crown of the left central incisor also. Lengthening this
the right central incisor to achieve a naturally attractive crown in an incisal direction fulfilled the 78% width-to-
proportion of 78% width to length. It was decided that length proportion and satisfied Check Points 3, 4, 5, and
treatment would be accomplished by apical repositioning 6, as well. The method chosen to lengthen this tooth was
of the gingival margin. direct composite resin bonding. There were other possible
treatment modalities but only one correct treatment plan.

Figure 13  The same patient after apical repositioning of the Figure 14  A 6-month postoperative view of the gingival
gingival margins for the right lateral and central incisors surgery. It also shows the appearance of the right lateral
and incisal lengthening of the left central incisor. incisor porcelain veneer and the left lateral incisor pontic of
the etched PFM resin-bonded retainer. Note that the apical
third of the pontic was fabricated to harmonize with the
length of the right lateral incisor.

Figure 15  The completed smile for this patient. Figure 16  A full-face smile view of the patient.

634 Compendium October 2010—Volume 31, Number 8

Practical Applications

The Proportion Gauge (Hu-Friedy, www.hu-friedy.com)

can be used to establish the 78% width/length proportion
of maxillary central incisors as described by Chu.24 This
gauge reliably produces visually attractive teeth based on data
compiled from natural anatomic measurements. Biometrics24
is a recommended methodology to achieve pleasing upper
and lower anterior tooth compositions true to natural dental
anatomic specifications (Figure 9 through Figure 16).

Figure 17  This patient displayed lower lip asymmetry. The Does the incisal edge line of the maxillary
recommendation of Check Point 5 is to follow the FH in anterior teeth follow the superior contour
such a situation, as presented here. A dental composition
that follows a symmetrical lower lip contour can be seen
edge of the lower lip?
again in Figure 15. There is general agreement that the incisal edge line of the
maxillary anterior teeth (an imaginary line scribing through
the incisal edges) should have an equidistant consistency to
the superior contour edge of the lower lip.8 In cases in which
the lower lip exhibits asymmetry, the recommendation is to
follow the facial horizontal axis as previously determined and
disregard the lower lip (Figure 17).

Does the incisal edge line form an “attractive”
(convex, “gull-wing,” or straight) edge pattern?
Attractive incisal edge lines can be convex, “gull-wing,” straight,
or some combination of these—but never concave in a down-
Figure 18  The incisal edge line of this patient indicates an ward direction8 (Figure 18 and Figure 19). While examining
unattractive, concave pattern. There are also discrepancies of the incisal edge line and its relationship to the lips, it is a good
DM to FM, DV to FV, and DH to FH. Although the maxillary
time to note the relationship of the lip aperture to the dental
central incisors seem equal in size to each other, they were
not centered in the patient’s face. display in “wide smile” and repose. The patient usually will give
his or her widest smile when asked to bite tightly and say “E.”

Profile and Phonetic/Speech Evaluation
Spontaneous clear speech is extremely important to the patient.
The “F” and “V” sounds can be used to determine correct
maxillary incisal edge position. The “S” sound has been de-
scribed to test for adequate freeway space when an alteration
in occlusal vertical dimension is being considered.4,8
Current writings question the emphasis that orthodontists
traditionally have placed on profile view and lateral cephalomet-
Figure 19  The final tooth and dental implant-supported ric analyses, but it is still important for the dentist to examine,
maxillary fixed prosthesis achieved a more convex incisal relate, and document the profile view of the teeth, lips, and vis-
edge line. Corrections of DM to FM, DV to FV, and DH to
ible periodontium to the facial complex.26 Ackerman wrote that
FH also were achieved and the maxillary central incisors
were centered in the face as a result. The patient’s lower lip
the future of dentofacial esthetic treatment planning lies in the
was asymmetrical to FH so, as in Figure 17, the restoration clinician’s ability to envision the patient’s desired 3-dimensional
abided by Check Point 5. soft-tissue outcome and then engineer the dental and skeletal

636 Compendium October 2010—Volume 31, Number 8

Practical Applications

hard tissues to produce this desired result. This science quickly is 9. Spear F. The esthetic management of dental midline problems
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The dental literature now states that ideally, a dentist’s work
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14. Kokich VO Jr, Kiyak HA, Shapiro PA. Comparing the percep-
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19), R. Rafetto (Figure 8), and A. Canterbury (Figure 17). 20. Chiche GJ, Aoshima H. Functional versus aesthetic articulation
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638 Compendium October 2010—Volume 31, Number 8

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