10 Phosphorus
10 Phosphorus
10 Phosphorus
Experiment 10 – Analysis of Phosphorus in Plant Food
we call a double salt as it contains two different understanding and respect for women who have
cations (NH4+ and Mg2+). The hexahydrate given birth.] Recent research has shown that
indicates that when this ionic compound struvite begins to decompose (dehydrate) at
crystallizes it incorporates 6 moles of water into temperatures as low as 40oC and it has been
the structure for each mole of NH4MgPO4. This suggested that prolonged warming of the kidney
is important since the mass of the water must be area may be able to shrink kidney stones in
included when determining its molar mass. patients who experience this type of stone.
Plant Food, solid.
All liquid wastes can go down the drain. Your
Epsom Salts (MgSO47H2O), solid.
final solid product should be put in the
Aqueous Ammonia (NH4OH), 1 M.
appropriate waste container. Used filter paper
can go in the trash cans.
Experiment 10 – Analysis of Phosphorus in Plant Food
Experiment 10 – Analysis of Phosphorus in Plant Food
the watch glass and weigh them together. In general, it is always a good idea to use to
Record the mass on your data sheet. the same balance for before and after readings.
This eliminates any systematic error in the
10. Place the (just-weighed) filter paper in results due to the calibration of a balance being
the funnel of a suction-filtration apparatus, slightly off.
wet it down with 70% isopropyl alcohol from
a spray bottle, and collect the solid 14. Store the watch glass containing your
precipitate by suction filtration. product in your section's designated drawer
To ensure complete transfer of the solid onto until the next lab period, to allow for
the filter paper, you should rinse the 250-mL complete drying.
beaker using a spray bottle containing 70% Your instructor will inform you of where to
isopropyl alcohol. Pour the rinse liquid into the store your product. You will weigh your product
filter funnel and repeat rinsing as necessary. at the beginning of the next lab period.
11. With the suction still on, spray the liquid 15. Wash and dry your glassware and your
in the filter funnel using several mL of the hands.
70% isopropyl alcohol solution.
This will help remove the excess water from ----------------------------------------------------------------
the solid so it will dry more quickly.
16. At the start of the next lab period you will
12. Leave the suction on for an additional 5 weigh the watch glass and product to
minutes (or more) to help dry the solid. Then determine the mass of dry product obtained.
turn off the suction and carefully remove the Record this mass on the page labeled Yield
filter paper and product from the funnel and Report.
place it on the watch glass. (A spatula or If the mass of product you obtain is negative
tweezers can be used to facilitate this (or more than 2 grams) there is a problem. If so,
transfer.) Be careful not to lose any of your you may want to determine the mass of product
precipitate! by taring a balance with a piece of weighing
paper (or an empty watch glass) and then
13. Weigh the watch glass containing the transferring your product (by scraping it off your
filter paper and wet product. Record this watch glass and filter paper) to the weighing
mass on your data sheet. paper to get the mass of the product by itself.
This step is being done so that (1) you have Consult your instructor if you are uncertain of
some data to practice your calculations; and (2) how to proceed.
you will see how much the weight changes by After weighing, the product will go into a
the next lab period after the product has had a designated waste container and the filter paper
chance to dry. can be discarded in the trash cans.
Experiment 10 – Analysis of Phosphorus in Plant Food
Partner Partner Station Checked & Approved
Be sure to record all data with the proper number of digits and correct units.
Briefly describe how you prepared the 10% solution of MgSO 47H2O (Epsom salts):
Copy the first three values onto the Yield Report page of the experiment before turning in your data sheet.
Experiment 10 – Analysis of Phosphorus in Plant Food
Determine the mass percent of P2O5 in the plant food sample that you analyzed.
You may attach additional sheets of paper, if necessary. Be sure to:
1. Clearly specify and label any molar masses you determine and use in the calculations.
2. Clearly indicate the relevant stoichiometric relationship between moles of P2O5 and moles of
Turn in your Data Sheet and Data Analysis at the end of lab. You will turn in the Yield Report next lab.
Experiment 10 – Analysis of Phosphorus in Plant Food
Name Instructor/Day/Time
This page will be turned in after the product has been reweighed, when it has had a chance to dry
Determine the mass percent of P2O5 in the plant food sample that you analyzed. (This is the same
calculation you did for the wet product during the last lab period, only the mass of product has changed.)
Show your calculation.