Create History Table For Existing Table

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-- create tables

create table blue (

id number not null constraint blue_id_pk primary
bname varchar2(255),
btag varchar2(4000),
created date not null,
created_by varchar2(255) not null,
updated date not null,
updated_by varchar2(255) not null

-- triggers
create or replace trigger blue_biu
before insert or update
on blue
for each row
if is null then := to_number(sys_guid(), 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX');
end if;
if inserting then
:new.created := sysdate;
:new.created_by := nvl(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
end if;
:new.updated := sysdate;
:new.updated_by := nvl(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
end blue_biu;

-- history tracking
create sequence history_seq_blue;
create table history_blue (
id number primary key,
table_name varchar2(128),
column_name varchar2(128),
action varchar2(1) check (action in ('I','U','D')),
action_date date,
action_by varchar2(255),
data_type varchar2(255),
pk1 number,
tab_row_version integer,
old_vc varchar2(4000),
new_vc varchar2(4000),
old_number number,
new_number number,
old_date date,
new_date date,
old_ts timestamp,
new_ts timestamp,
old_tswtz timestamp with time zone,
new_tswtz timestamp with time zone,
old_tswltz timestamp with local time zone,
new_tswltz timestamp with local time zone,
old_clob clob,
new_clob clob,
old_blob blob,
new_blob blob

create index history_idx11 on history_blue (pk1);

create index history_idx22 on history_blue (table_name, column_name);

create or replace view history_v_blue as

select id,
decode(action,'U','Update','D','Delete') action,
pk1 table_primary_key,
tab_row_version table_row_version,
'NUMBER',old_number||' > '||new_number,
'VARCHAR2',substr(old_vc,1,50)||' > '||substr(new_vc,1,50),
'DATE',to_char(old_date,'DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS')||' > '||
to_char(new_date,'DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS'),
'TIMESTAMP',to_char(old_ts,'DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS')||' > '||
to_char(new_ts,'DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS'),
'TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE',to_char(old_tswtz,'DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS')||' >
'||to_char(new_tswtz,'DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS'),
HH24:MI:SS')||' > '||to_char(new_tswltz,'DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS'),
'BLOB','length '||dbms_lob.getlength(old_blob)||' > '||' length '||
'CLOB',dbms_lob.substr(old_vc,50,1)||' > '||dbms_lob.substr(new_vc,50,1)
) change
from history

create or replace trigger blue_aud

after update or delete on blue
for each row
t varchar2(128) := 'BLUE';
u varchar2(128) := nvl(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
if updating then
if ( is null and is not null) or
( is not null and is null) or != then
insert into history (
id, table_name, column_name, pk1, tab_row_version, action, action_date,
action_by, data_type, old_number, new_number
) values (
history_seq.nextval, t, 'ID',, null, 'U', sysdate, u, 'NUMBER',,;

end if;
if (:old.bname is null and :new.bname is not null) or
(:old.bname is not null and :new.bname is null) or
:old.bname != :new.bname then
insert into history (
id, table_name, column_name, pk1, tab_row_version, action, action_date,
action_by, data_type, old_vc, new_vc
) values (
history_seq.nextval, t, 'BNAME',, null, 'U', sysdate, u,
'VARCHAR2', :old.bname, :new.bname);

end if;
if (:old.btag is null and :new.btag is not null) or
(:old.btag is not null and :new.btag is null) or
:old.btag != :new.btag then
insert into history (
id, table_name, column_name, pk1, tab_row_version, action, action_date,
action_by, data_type, old_vc, new_vc
) values (
history_seq.nextval, t, 'BTAG',, null, 'U', sysdate, u,
'VARCHAR2', :old.btag, :new.btag);

end if;
elsif deleting then
insert into history (
id, table_name, column_name, pk1, tab_row_version, action, action_date,
action_by, data_type, old_number, new_number
) values (
history_seq.nextval, t, 'ID',, null, 'D', sysdate, u, 'NUMBER',,;
insert into history (
id, table_name, column_name, pk1, tab_row_version, action, action_date,
action_by, data_type, old_vc, new_vc
) values (
history_seq.nextval, t, 'BNAME',, null, 'D', sysdate, u,
'VARCHAR2', :old.bname, :new.bname);
insert into history (
id, table_name, column_name, pk1, tab_row_version, action, action_date,
action_by, data_type, old_vc, new_vc
) values (
history_seq.nextval, t, 'BTAG',, null, 'D', sysdate, u, 'VARCHAR2',
:old.btag, :new.btag);

end if;
end blue_aud;

-- load data

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